✅長命7大必知秘笈!65歲以上長者跌倒,高達50%於6個月內死亡?點解捱凍捱餓反而可以延年益壽?人老係病而唔係自然現像?|#111 好書推介《可不可以不變老?》丨Lorey讀好書 20230519
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Channel: Sun Channel
Views: 289,597
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Keywords: Lorey Chan, 十分鐘讀好書, Lorey, Sun Channel, 好書推介, 閱讀節目, 傳媒, Facebook, Twitter, Social media, 人物傳記, 歷史, 個人成長, 心靈成長, Reading, 暢銷書, 哲學, 當代思潮, 人文社科, 暢銷著作, 生活習慣, 咖啡, life, 名人, 生活健康, 養生, Health, healthy diet, healthy diet menu, Healthy diet recipe, 減肥, 抗衰老, 防老化, 逆齡, Aging, NAD, NMN, NAD+, NR, 屈臣氏, watsons, 樂加欣, 毛舜筠, TRU NIAGEN, 營養, Nutrients, supplements, Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To, Why we sleep
Id: qve3PiXEcHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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