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Just now you mentioned that some restaurants like it Give you some fruit to eat after the meal What fruit does he give you? There are usually watermelons and papayas Dead is determined This is the worst I think this is murder Why is it so serious? Very serious, but why don't we know? These fruits digest quickly and are high in sugar It is plugged in the intestines and fermented Fermentation becomes inflamed Inflammation becomes ulcers, and ulcers become cancer Are you healthy, hello audience Welcome to the Health Talk We are honored to have Dr. Zhou Zhaoxiang today Talk to us about the consequences of the meal Because many Hong Kong people like to eat fruit after meals Some restaurants even offer fruit plates as an after-dinner dessert I wonder about the consequences of eating Is it actually a good habit? Definitely not Just now you mentioned that some restaurants like it Fruit is given to you after meals I ask you, what fruit did he give you? There is usually watermelon There will be papaya Dead is determined This is the worst The worst, the most miserable I think this is murder Murder you Why is it so serious? Very serious, but why don't we know? Simply put It's our gut Do you know how long our intestines are? How long is your bowel straightening? 7 meters? That's about six times our body You and I are about 5 feet tall The intestine is more than 30 feet More than 30 feet is about 10 meters Pull far from here One of the sections is very narrow Narrow to this narrow Why is it so narrow? There is a traffic jam We eat it Some things are easy to digest Some are difficult to digest The steak takes 4 to 5 hours Eat beef offal It takes 3 hours to eat chicken Meals take 1 to 2 hours But eat fruit For example, eating bananas That's half an hour Eat honeydew melon, papaya, watermelon It's 15 to 20 minutes Herein lies the problem You imagine You just had a lot to eat That food will slowly jam traffic You imagine There was a container truck blocking the road The motorcycle in the back can't pass That is, you can't climb your head You finish foods that are difficult to digest Eat some more, especially meat Eating eggs, etc Frying fried stuffed in the intestines Then you eat some food that digests quickly It can't climb its head It's just inside it These fruits digest quickly Also high in sugar It is stuffed in the intestine and fermented Fermentation becomes inflamed Inflammation turns into ulcers Ulcers become cancer Now Hong Kong is very serious bowel cancer Most of it is that we eat the wrong thing Eating the wrong thing is not just about picking food There is also the order of how to eat Eat that first That's where something went wrong Does eating fruit really help us digest? I think there are two aspects of yes One is that it has strong digestive enzymes It can help us digest The second is because it is very fibrous Or maybe it's somewhat acidic Help our bowel movements An hour or two before we eat Ate fruit The walls of your entire intestine There are digestive enzymes in the intestines here That helped It's not stuffed in the tail of the dragon to ferment The dragon's tail can't be digested The faucet will do It's not that someone said to push in the back No The container in front can't move You don't push it that way How we can test ourselves Are there any intestinal congestion problems? A person's health depends on one thing I want to ask you Do you want to be pretty Think about it Good skin, good figure Do you want to get less sick and boost your immunity Of course I want to Do you want to be energetic and not so tired These are determined by the intestines Most of what we eat Digestion and absorption It took ninety percent of our energy That is, if the intestine often works overtime And deal with some difficult things We're tired We are crippled We age We don't have that much life So there is a principle of natural remedies They have a belief that is Death Begins in the Colon Death begins in the large intestine For example, Hong Kongers How many times a day do the average Hong Kong person go to poop You may go once or only once in three days Going once a day is already constipation Brother Xiang said again Going once a day is constipation People should be like a fish Like a monkey Our mechanics are originally orangutans Eat once and go once to poop You eat four meals and go to poop four times Brother Xiang is now at home It's not so convenient to go out But at home I'm used to it As soon as you eat, go to poop That proves that the intestines are patency Actually, there is a way We can test it Brother Xiang invented one You've heard of the Hang Seng Index Oh, yes Have you ever heard of the Xiangge Index? No Haven't heard I can get the Nobel Prize soon Oh, yes I'm ready Let's hear what it is It's easy You don't have to break the bank Buy a lot of complex instruments Buying a dragon fruit is enough Did you eat dragon fruit yesterday? No That'll do I say white those Red ones are fine But it is not clear to see You didn't eat dragon fruit yesterday the day before yesterday That's how it works Then you eat one You cut the dragon fruit You can eat it however you want Eat first Then start observing your stool You guess what Ate dragon fruit White dragon fruit How poop is different The stool may be white or seeded That's it Its seeds resemble black sesame seeds be One by one You calculate From eating into the stomach to excreting out Right How long will it take? Understand If you are It took four days to see black spots That is, four days in the intestine Is it feasible? Oh, yes So if you are in a day or two, it will be discharged immediately That proves that your intestines are healthy This test is not complicated There was no intervention Just like that, you try it yourself and it's fun Give it a try Just observe your own poop But is there anything wrong with eating red flesh dragon fruit? No problem It's all the same It's harder to see the seeds, though Because your stool will be red Red is easy to cover and not visible Yes, covered Everyone knows about it There's a thing called fiber Then you need to eat some fibrous foods The simplest is bananas There's a fruit that you might I don't know if you've eaten it The price is more expensive But for me I found it to be very powerful I've seen a lot of people like this Go to poop immediately after eating What is it? You guess it's so big yellow Yellow Friends of dragon fruit? It's unicorn fruit Very sweet and delicious After eating, the intestines are immediately smooth There is also a food Have you ever heard of it burdock Burdock does not Burdock is a root plant Fresh burdock is now available in the market It is to eat Korean food with some brown color Yes, that's those I used to go to Taipei every time Buy some dried burdock and come back as souvenirs Very good for making tea Burdock is fibrous There are also some chemical components It makes it easy for us to laxate And massage Actually constipation A lot of it is psychological You are tired It's annoying that you think about a lot of things all day It will be stuffed inside There are a lot of knots that will clog up here You try to eat as much fruit as possible Fibrous foods A la carte more Many people don't even eat dishes Oh, yes Not fibrous enough You eat cake You eat ice cream You eat bread You eat white rice There is not much fiber You are not fibrous enough I would like to ask You just said that eating fruit after eating is not good When do we eat fruit to help digestion? Mainly eaten in the morning Morning is the time for our bodies to detoxify Therefore, breakfast is not suitable for eating things that are difficult to digest That is, fat In particular, many people eat steak in the morning Eat five meals of meat Smoked ham is very unsuitable Because it's hard to digest The body is at the stage when it needs to be digested That is, midnight until 9 to 10 am Try to keep it as possible during this time Try to wash those things Eating fruit at that time Especially eat sour fruits Drink more salty and wet things For example, what is it? White porridge We don't advocate eating porridge It's best that I do it every morning Drink miso soup Japanese noodle soup Miso That category is good You often say constipation With miso Drink miso soup every morning There is no introductory wrong Choose the fruit to make What does that mean? It's a very important thing that a lot of people don't understand Not eating from time to time Have you ever tried On Christmas days Still eating watermelon Yes Because I want to eat I want to eat yes I also feel sorry Many times in Hong Kong hotels Get up in the morning A buffet breakfast is available There must be watermelon to eat There must be watermelon and honeydew melon Or frozen The weather was already cold to death These two fruits Watermelon and honeydew melon What is it used for? It is used to relieve the heat It was only 9 degrees outside How to relieve the heat Don't you just feel cold all day Shake there Shake out of the body Why such a simple thing We don't understand? Why doctors in Hong Kong The dietitian doesn't tell us Chinese medicine rarely says Very simple You go to the downmarket Don't go to the supermarket Go to the downtown market See what's cheapest and biggest That's when it was made You'll get some very little pesticide There are relatively few pesticides You can buy some a lot cheaper And it must taste good Try not to buy those that are shipped far away Especially the Southern Hemisphere You know why don't buy things from the Southern Hemisphere I'm not against Australia There is a feud with New Zealand No Why Because the weather is completely different Just reversed Our spring is their autumn For example, Sydney Sydney is autumn Let's rehydrate Autumn is dry To moisten it If you eat Sydney in May, you will die Because the weather is already very humid So nature is following the seasons to us Winter fruits keep us warm Lots of sugar So you think about it Sugar orange I eat sugar oranges all winter It's cheap and good-looking Very sweet Spring begins Spring March, April The most important thing is mango April is pineapple We are truly gracious to the earth May and June are lychees 678 months is longan Fruits are produced according to the season Guava began to be made By autumn I mentioned eating pears just now Eat forest persimmons after autumn In autumn and winter, I began to eat forest persimmons Very sweet I just said sugar oranges tangerine tangerine These are our districts From Guangdong Province to Taiwan Go to Hainan The Philippines is near This area can generally grow fruit There are many other styles You can eat along Peaches are eaten in the summer It was made then Honeydew melon watermelon is eaten in summer That's it Thank you Brother Xiang for sharing with us today There were so many problems with this meal consequence And how should we choose fruit If you like our piece Welcome to leave a message to us below Can be shared with friends Remember to subscribe healthily See you next time Bye
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
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Keywords: 健康, 養生, 中醫藥, 保健, 食療, 食譜, 中醫 診斷學, 疾病, 疾病分類, 運動, 針灸, 醫藥, 西醫, 中醫 西醫, 中醫師 健身, health, healthcode, healthcare, health tips, good health, mental health, men's health, women's health, 男士健康, 女士健康, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine, fruit, food, lunch, dinner, meal, aftermath, mealprep, meals, healthyfood, healthyfoods, healthfood, medicine, seasonal, seasonalfruit, pitaya, constipation, cancer, 飯後果, 生果, 便秘, 癌症, 發炎, 炎症, 腸癌, 消化, 腸道健康, 周兆祥, 飲食次序, 食物, 飲食, 水果, 季節限定, 期間限定, 限定水果, 季節水果, 季節, 腸臟, 腸臟健康, 癌, 大腸
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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