衰人受尊敬 善良惹人討厭,原來有科學根據!?不想做韭菜必睇的一集!4個不能犯下的禁忌,隨便一樣摧毀你職場生涯?!|#125 好書推介《人善被犬欺》丨Lorey讀好書 _20230825
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Channel: Sun Channel
Views: 195,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lorey Chan, 十分鐘讀好書, Lorey, Sun Channel, 好書推介, 閱讀節目, 傳媒, Facebook, Twitter, Social media, 人物傳記, 歷史, 個人成長, 心靈成長, Reading, 暢銷書, 哲學, 當代思潮, 人文社科, 暢銷著作, 生活習慣, 咖啡, life, 名人, 生活健康, 養生, Health, healthy diet, healthy diet menu, Why we sleep, 延長壽命, 呼吸, Breathe, Breathing, breathing exercise, breathing system, Yoga, 人善被犬欺, Den Netten beißen die Hunde, 馬丁.維爾勒, Martin Wehrle, 職場, Kind, 善良, 人善被人欺, 討厭, 職場生涯
Id: dGFyDcceKBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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