**⚔️Let's Make The “Ultimate” Wizard Tower!⚔️**

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[Music] [Music] the wizard tower it was quite the lofty goal I set out to accomplish and tackle as a project I was even considering at one point as perhaps this to be the home to what many would consider to be the most legendary wizard of them all Gandalf the grape if Gandalf were to have a place he called home I knew at least before starting this that I wanted to do something that would be different anyway something that I hadn't really seen done before in the world model terrain at least in the YouTube world so I decided I'd place a tower upon a massive rock set on the shores of a raging sea and attempt a scene that might do justice to our wizard weather that began of or some other man of mystery seeking his place of refuge far and away from the world outside now we've created our monolith which your tower is to be placed upon and painted it created a raging sea with a massive wave there to swallow any adventurer who's misplaced step on the slippery rocks would send them to their certain watery grave now it's time to make a tower that'll hopefully do justice to all the work and energy we've put in this far there's a lot at stake here and there's a really good chance I could just mess this whole thing up after all that time all that energy I put in there's a chance I just could completely ruin it or like you just come up flat and things should just be your very unimpressive that is my biggest fear with this so what are my options walk away eliminating the risk of failure or are we gonna tackle the unknown and take the risk we took when starting off for this project I decided to take the risk I took when starting the project and venture deep into the unknown and at least give it my best effort will it be a success or is gonna be a disappointing end to a long arduous journey let's go and find out [Music] everyone welcome back again this is Neil with real terrain hobbies so we are continuing our wizard tower build we put a ton of energy and time into this now it's time to get at it and build this tower alright guys now before we get started with that I just want to give a quick thanks to this video was sponsored yes I've got a sponsor and that is amino apps now they have just launched a new stories feature on their app these are really short videos high-impact high-energy I'm on there I've already made my first video now to find me just click on the search bar at the top go to the users tab just below type in real terrain hobbies and click on my profile from there just make sure you have follow me hit the follow button and a little bell you'll be notified whenever I make a post it's time for me to get with the times here I'm not into Instagram stories or anything like that but they seem to have a thriving community here it looks intriguing to me and I can see myself posting here quite a bit so head over there if it sounds intriguing to you and if you want to follow me and what I'm gonna be doing there alright now getting on with the tower here so I was really unsure when planning to sell what materials it was exactly gonna be using for this I haven't done anything like this before didn't know if I was gonna be using the styrofoam stone again or something completely different I was really unsure about this what I ended up doing was trying something a bit different and that is with clay which you'll see in just a second but I'm no sculptor I don't know how to use clay I have some tools but I've never done much with them before so this is probably not the wisest material to be using considering all the work put in so far and now we're just gonna be trying out a new material not only that I have issues with what material I was going to be using but I really wanted a design that was gonna be different from your standard tower something to set it apart so for that I had seen somewhere else someone had done simply like this where there is a stone kind of column supporting this massive structure above it's offset from the main structure I really like that design it gives off that fantasy vibe that you don't see in the real world it's just something that looks dangerous and crazy something that should never have been built nothing that completely defies the laws of physics but just something that you wouldn't normally see just because of the sheer danger behind the thing so now getting on with the build you can see that I used cardboard tubing wrapped in clay now right away you can see the first the pitfalls that I had encountered this texture here this rock is not the nicest looking stone I couldn't see it at first this is the first attempt I had done and the problem was that I did not use nearly enough pressure I created a stone texture roller actually that you can see in one of my earlier videos I'll link it just above so the key with this is applying this thing properly using the correct amount of pressure and I did not use that and I greatly regretted this later on as you'll see so we're not off to a great start here on our epic wizard build but to save us some time I cheated a bit and went out and bought some Wizkid doors now I do have a tutorial on how to create realistic real wooden door frames with metal hinges and parts you can go check that out after this video but for now I ended up going with the wizkid doors just to save me on some time whether it ended up saving any time or not that remains to be said I still had to paint these things up so for paint normally you would have to prime your models if it was plastic like this but these just happened to come pre-primed already so I'm using Vallejo colors of Laiho paints you don't need to use Vallejo but they are a good color they're little higher quality than your standard craft paints which you don't want to be doing from modeling so I just started off with a base coat of ten light brown for the door and then a gunmetal block for the hinges with the little studs kind of topped off with silver and after that you can see here I am applying a wash this is the earth shade from Citadel and it really makes things just pop and really come to life it's amazing what a good wash can do once I've done the wash I do a light dry brush with white go back again to a really heavy wash this time and this is just really gonna bring out the detail as you can see already finally I'll just do a light dry brush again with the white and that's it for the doors it looks great amazing and that was super easy to do and I think we get to count this as a small victory towards our build I did however have a bit more of a difficult time painting up these stone pieces I started off the brown wash as you can see I was okay with that I put a really heavy white on to kind of give it that I guess the Rocco of whites kind of worn look I still isn't quite happy with it I put another wash on wasn't quite happy with that then I went with a dark kind of dry brush with a black messed around with it and this is what we ended up with here and you can see this is my first prototype of the caretakers house this actually took a lot of time and work and I ended up ditching a thing I didn't like it it just wasn't looking the way I wanted it to look even though I made all those little stones glued each and every one on individually I still was not happy with it ended up ditching that and we're gonna go with a different shape coming up here you as you'll see and this will be the caretakers house that will be a goblin hunchback somebody to greet you at the door before you get to see the fabled wizard of the realms so here I'm making the bridge I went with styrofoam I wasn't initially gonna go and try to do this with balsa wood it just turned out to be a lot easier with foam now for the cap of the stone column that's gonna be supporting the tower I just found this direct decorative wooden piece I got this from Michaels cut it in half with my chop saw drill it out with my drill press do not try to do that by hand and I was able to fit this piece of dowel in there that's a 3/8 inch thick or a diameter dowel or ten millimeters thick now for each of these shapes that I'm making it's a simple process for applying the stone onto here what I do is I roll out my stone and actually this once again I did not use nearly enough pressure make sure you add enough pressure I ended up having to put in more detail afterwards with my sculpting tools as you'll see here this thing is sort of like a little finger is how I heard it described before from a guy named Josh Foreman he's actually an amazing artist he does some amazing sculpture work go check his channel out subscribe he's the game developer by trade and not only that he's just released a book a fantasy novel and I am almost finished this thing is so well written it's crazy and the amount of art that he stuffed into this thing is awesome so I'd highly recommend you go check up check him out and grab his book he won't be disappointed [Music] so getting back to our builds so again what I was using is the dass air dry clay I don't know if I actually mention it at the start but I'm just using these little finger tools to blend it all together and for the pieces individually all I'm doing is cutting them out shaping them applying some PVA glue on the back and then gluing them into place and then using my little finger tools half the words that's the best way to describe them and you can just work it in and that's kind of the hardest kind of not the hardest but the part I was most worried about when using clay is how are you gonna bring it all together it's not it's intimidating but it's not as bad as you initially think it might be so that's again we have our column here roll out some clay for this one this is gonna be more of some what's the word Hume stone I suppose so this stone is not natural have been carved by your local dwarves and made into this crazy column pillar so again not too difficult it looks intimidating but it's not quite as bad as you might think hey guys at this point I just want to quickly mention that I've got a new discord server up I just got it going super excited about it I joined the community over there you can post your pictures of your bills ask any questions you might have talk to me avoid via voice chat talk to each other via voice chat text chat if you're not into the voice thing head over there it's just the community of people that are like-minded and share a passion for this hobby that we're all so crazy about so now it's time that we moved on to the actual tower portion of this build itself what I'm using for that is just your simple cardboard tube from your wrapping paper rolls doesn't get any easier than that so the same process is applied here I'm gluing all the clay the gas clay on to the to the cardboard as well as to the doors itself a Wizkid door so it's as simple as before simply rolling out your clay applying it and then blending it all together with your little finger tools now on its gonna be known as finger tools if you know the right name for those let me know down in the comments below you can help me at least sound like I know what I'm talking about so now that I've got them just part of the tower up on the actual structure itself over top of the column on the bridge things are really starting to come together now this is starting to look like an actual wizard tower at least the general shape of things so there's still a long ways to go there's still a lot that could go wrong but we're getting somewhere and things are starting to look up a bit so for this tower section I wanted a little bit of extra character I just didn't want this thing going straight up so that's what I ended up doing is making this a little bit dilapidated like it could fall over like it's breaking maybe it's just the Wizards magic that's barely holding this thing together and or it started breaking and what they kind of fixed it and started building on top of that after it started falling over continued on I don't know it's got a bit of a story behind it let me know if you think you like it or not or if it's just a little too crooked but I thought I'd added some character anyway and I was quite happy with it to glue these sections together I'm using again a construction adhesive called PL premium this stuff is incredible it does take 24 hours to set those so that does take a little bit of time but this is never going to be coming apart now just to quickly mention all the parts all the materials and everything that I'm using in this bill are going to be listed below onto my amazon affiliate links click to get anything that you need from this and by doing that if you like these videos and what I'm trying to do here that is going to go a long way and helping me grow this thing and get more and more content out to you guys another great way you can fund these videos and help support me and build up this channel is to support me over on patreon that support goes a long way and it really means a lot to me when people join and that they are showing that they actually believe in what I'm doing here they appreciate these videos and they want to see more of these in the future so if that is you and you like what I'm doing here consider going over to patreon signing up and becoming a member of the real terrain hobbies family ok so it's time to get back to the caretakers house before I had sort of a square boxy kind of look I decided what seemed to go better and fit with everything was to keep things nice and round the same way that the main structure of the tower itself is done so for that I'm using the same three inch cardboard tubing I actually got this from battle mat that I purchased online but you can find the exact same stuff in the links below in the Amazon link down there it'll take you right to this for the other side I'm using the cardboard tube from the PL premium glue if you don't happen to have that just go and use some more cardboard tubing from your wrapping paper you can cut it in half and spread it open a bit and that'll just give you a bit more diameter to work with now here is the proper technique to use when making this stone I get way more detail out of it it looks much better than it did at the start so I'm really happy with this all you have to do is make sure you apply that correct amount of pressure on there and just this looks much better much more realistic and I'm really happy with the results now a quick note you'll see that I use a different glue to glue this cardboard in place and this is actually a two-part epoxy it dries really fast a 5-minute drying time that's what I really loved about this stuff so if you need something with fast drying time I highly recommend using a two-part epoxy there are hot glue guns as well that you can use I've never been a big fan of the hot glue gun just because I've had as a as a kid using this stuff I remember making this Christmas wreath I was amazing I put so much effort there is all these different pine cones and nuts and acorns and things and bows and Christmas stuff all over it I was so proud of this thing and then the next year took it out of the bag took it out of storage and the whole thing had like completely fallen apart the hot glue gun did not do its job and ever since then I seem to have this bad taste in my mouth for hot glue so let me know in the comments if you feel this way or if you actually really like the hot glue gun I know there are a lot of channels that use it as their go-to and so if that's you let me know and long-term does it hold up or do things start to kind of fall apart after a while let me know what you think below and maybe I'll go back to the hot glue gun again and give it another try alright so far there's a few things that have not been going well with the build one was that the texture that I initially rolled on to the center structure was really weak I had to try to carve out some extra detail into the stone that was a bit of a disappointment the next thing here is that this whole setup that I'm doing now just to do a bit of foreshadowing the pieces here that I'm putting on did not work out very well this part here I wasn't paying attention at all and things ended up getting really warped and lopsided I don't even realize till later on I did all this work putting all these little pieces on carving in the detail here and things just did not turn out so this was a bit of a downer and yeah not good so now to redeem things or at least attempt to I'm gonna be trying out the interior of the structure so I did decided to have a cutaway as you saw right from the beginning to open this thing up to be able to see inside so for that I'm making some floors here that the and I guess floors / ceilings depending what level you're on these are the cross beams it's gonna be a wooden or they're gonna be wooden floors and so I really wanted to try to make this work to make it really look kind of neat and interesting inside so this is what I ended up using with I got balsa wood here this is 3/16 thickness for the planks and then these pieces here are I want to say quarter inch ball so let me double check on that yes that's right so what I ended up doing was just drawing out this template I traced the cardboard tubing you saw earlier now I am just trimming around all the boards just to make it an inner circle or in a circle so be able to fit inside of the tubing as our levels making an opening as you can see there for some steps for what I had planned but later you'll see once again that didn't really turn out on I ended up having to improvise a little bit so I'll show you exactly what happened with that so we made three of these they fit in there great and what I'm using to paint these is burnt umber paint really watered down I had actually recommend for wood and for weathering to use enamel paints they that's what the kind of the pro modelers do the scale-model guys is they use the enamel paints and I ended up using that later on for some other wood sections you'll see coming up in just a little bit so you can see the tower is starting to come together it's shaping up regardless of the stone texture that didn't turn out as well and as detailed as I had hoped things are getting better I did scratch some better detail into the dry clay which is another great thing with this TAS clay it is very comfortable after the fact you can go in there and get that extra detail in if you need it so what I'm doing now is just gluing this and fastening it into place there's no turning back from here this thing is not coming out so if I have any regrets later on well it's gonna be ugly I use PL premium to glue it in place and now it's just a matter of blending everything into the rocks I'm adding more plaster of Paris more plaster rocks if you haven't seen how I've done the rocks I've got a full video on how to make this stone structure and the forms and the molds and everything I used for that so I'm just using those exact same molds again exact same plaster of Paris it's starting to look good it's coming together it's taking shape I'm pretty happy with how things are going but there's still a lot to come I gotta paint this entire thing yet and man that can really make or break this entire model all the support that we put into this part we got to figure out a way to get that really realistic but for now we are far from out of the woods yet and there's still much to come that can make or break this thing [Music] so an important step when blending all this clay together is to rewetting sections that you want the nucleate a bond to that really makes things kind of soak together and bond really nice and friendly become one kind of solid piece once things have dried then after that I just go in with my little finger tool once again and I carve out and put in the detail of each of the rocks and it really is as simple as that not too difficult and it brings things together quite nicely so yes here we are as I had mentioned earlier I was not paying attention at all while I made this section here and it it just does not look good it's supposed to be level here the table is actually level and this thing was warped all the little blocks the squares on the top we're all lopsided squished it just it looked terrible I don't know what I was thinking so I'm going here I'm cutting everything off again starting from scratch using this hacksaw and my vacuum to get all this done sanding it down flat and it's starting over again it's it's a bit of a setback it was not not cool it looked it looked awful I don't know why I just didn't really notice it but luckily this stuff this clay you can carve into it afterwards you can dry carve this and put detail in there and it looks fantastic so not all is lost we can bring this thing back again it's just a setback having to do things twice but moving on so here we are on at the paint this is probably one of the most intimidating parts of this entire build if there's any potential to really mess this build up it's with the paint if you go too strong on this you are really gonna I mean you can paint over again but this clay is very porous so it soaks in the paint really well so that's really works to your advantage but if you put too much of this paint on and you have to start over again you lose that porosities I don't know if that's the actual word but you lose that ability for this really to absorb paint and then you're just painting on top of paint and it really hurts things for you down the road so I made sure to take things really slow with this and so I started off with a few really really diluted washes and then here I'm actually adding in some pigments some powdered pigment and this really I really like the looks of these pigments they take away a shine and they kind of they add a really nice dull matte finish to everything that makes it look really realistic kind of a really nice dirty look to it so after that I get a bit of a darker black wash make this a little heavier and these really work well for say water streaks where you get lots of water coming and staining the rock I use these in various places to show it dripping down and in the end what I ended up doing basically he was doing a nice light gray wash topped off on top of that here and there I'd splotch on some some yellowish brown as you can see the yellow tinges in there I'd add that on with a sponge after that I applied a darker wash or some sort of the black to fill in all the nooks and crannies and then here we top it all off with a drywall dry brush white again and that really really brings it all together and I was quite satisfied with the results of the paint so now this tower this is a very long piece on our model I did not want to fasten this on permanently because what's gonna happen you have to move this around and snap off it comes so I decided to use a magnet I got a really strong earth main it here I think this one is about 15 to 20 pounds very heavy are very strong me that's why I'm putting this piece of wood in here as a little buffer and then applying my glue on top of that so that's what I did for the tower side now I'm going to doing the same thing on the main structure here so what I'm doing is drilling out the side so I'll be able to slide in the main it from the side a very important thing you want to do is make sure that yeah your polarity is attracting and pulling towards each other if you accidentally put the player tee opposite it's just gonna push away and it'll never come and go on you are you're gonna have to tear things apart and get that magnet out somehow so I just made a little opening use the stick as a depth gauge to get right Center in the middle and it's simple as that threw some glue on there some PL premium and this is perfect going anywhere that thickness because these magnets are so strong that 1/8 thickness in there is a perfect buffer and this is so it for sure is about 15 pounds each maintenance so this is the perfect bonding as you'll see testing this out and it worked great so from there we're going on with some more clay I want to add in some little details some feature pieces in here and there so that's all I'm doing here you can see the clay you put it on cut some off if you need to use your little finger tools and it's as simple as that next I'm adding some balls on the top these things obviously if you don't have a little sticking between them to fasten it on they're just gonna be snapping off a second you accidentally bump into the thing so that's why I use a little toothpick in there on both ends and you created this nice little feature beside either side of the door and there you go all right so we are getting closer and closer to the end of this thing now we're moving on to the roof so what I needed to do the way I wanted to build these roots are soon realized I needed to build myself sort of a template something I guess this would be more I guess a jig you would call this something to set up this structure for these roofs you see they're gonna be octagonal so that's eight sided so right now we got four sides and I have to figure out how to cut the other four on this thing so I started off with this pyramid figured out exactly what my distances were going to be to get to either end and then we cut those down with a razor blade so you can see once I figured out exactly where I needed to make the cuts I mark it onto my mat and then just eyeballed from behind how my blade was going down I couldn't figure this out how to do it on the table saw is just too much figuring out too much time so I ended up just doing some eyeballing and then here I'm going to be resting each my sticks on each corner that's why I shave the point off and now I'll have each and resting perfectly still on there so once those are all together I'm gonna cut the top off because this is where I'm gonna be applying my glue all I did here I probably could have done something a little better than this but I put that little round dowel in the middle there just to act as a filler mixed up some epoxy some quick drying epoxy stuff dries again five minutes applied that and the thing was ready to go shortly afterwards from there I just cut the back end that's going to be tucked away into the other side of the tower and from there we cut out the panel's using once again the 3/16 bolts of sheets and all I do for those glue them in and it's easy as that just be sure to have a bit of your squared L pieces sticking out at the end just for some added character [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes so onto the shingles so for shingles I ended up using something a little different than I have in the past in the past I've used balsa 3/16 this time I am going with a veneer and this stuff is oak and it's got way more character in it it's a lot thinner so therefore it's much more realistic there is glue on the back it's the dry glue on the one side so what they would normally do is apply this to whatever MDF sand particle board and then heat it with a heat gun and that you just melts and puts the whole thing into place but first what I do is I cut each them into my perfect tiny little rectangles blew them all in in place and from there once once I start the painting actually I paint these next and then I use just a hot air blower hairdryer to to dry the paint but it ended up melting all that glue a way so you can see any of it from the other side and it makes the perfect bond and it worked Marae just perfectly blower roof and I forgot to mention earlier but these square pieces of square del are actually five millimeters thick or 3/8 thick [Music] once again we want things to really sort of pop out jump out at us so all I'm doing here now is adding in some extra decorative spots with the with the das clay and these little extra things really just sort of make everything come together pop out adding these features go crazy with these I would do even more if I could but yeah they just sort of finish off that bridge really nicely so now I want this the face piece that is coming off to show the interior I want that to be able to clip on and off so for that what I'm using is these clay are these maintenance this these as you saw on the packages are from K&J make maintenance I'll leave a link in the description as to where I got them from and I would actually go stronger than what these were labeled as I found that they were pretty weak and I ended up having to go with a bigger magnet on this section here the piece that actually snaps off so what I ended up doing I put my clay onto at the back here pushed it on to see exactly where my maintenance were gonna be needed to be applied to this outer piece and then once it was dry I drilled that out and put the magnet in place and you'll see that just in the future so now it's painting the roofs these are the enamel paints or the oil-based paints that I recommend doing for weathering of any wood I got this tip from some skill modelers from my local hobby shop they gave me these paints and the nice thing about them is that they don't just sort of when you paint it on it's not just one sort of flat color if you apply more into one area less than the other you get more of variation in the different tones you can get a darker and the lighter tones with these much easier than you can with the acrylic paints so the brown I'm using for these paints is called testers and I first applied the dark brown Matt on that's what the initial brown color was and then on top of that I applied black and you need to use an actual paint thinner for these to thin them out you cannot use water they're not water-soluble like I said they're oil-based and then from there after having applied that and I was happy with how what they looked then put the white and dry brush on to really finish things off next it's making the final roof at the very top of the tower for that I made this little thing here what I did was just use some cloth and then some fabric hardener and I kind of got it a little bit of a Miss shape out of this thing I was going to use some clay shingles at the beginning as you can see didn't like those cut them off and now I'm just using this as a jig for all these pieces so I applied my pieces you can see that I broke them to give them some extra shape and then right at the top here I glue them all together securing an elastic band around the top using some more pins and it really just held everything in place and then from there we can put our wood panels on again [Music] and once again these are the 3/16 thick balsa sheets that I'm using for these panels you can see I had one on the top and one underneath to get the to varying slopes and it just added a lot more character to the overall shape of the very top roof top [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're getting close to the end here these are the final stages and we're finally moving on to all the vegetation that Tufts the flocking and the static grass I think this has to be my most favorite part of any build this is when everything finally comes together and really starts to look really good so what I'm using for my various materials in this I'm using some flocking from woodland Scenic's again down in the links just below here in the description you can pick it up on Amazon and also a whole whack of various different grass Tufts now the guys that I got these from they were an online kind of eBay company I don't think they're around anymore but there are so many different places that you can get grass Tufts from just look it up online and woodland Scenic's and various other places I'll put some more links in the description for you but yep so what I did on these roofs I wanted a bit of moss on them not too much not to make it look like these are right right in the jungle but just sort of on the same side here this could be the north side of the building with all the moss on so that's what I ended up doing there just to blend things together adding some more Tufts putting a little bits here and there and it just like I said brings everything together and looks incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now it's back to water again I thought we were done with that well no I did say that there were more finishing touches to do I'm not quite I wasn't very happy with how things ended up I did get a comment that things like more like ice than they did water and I agreed with that so what I did was add snow to my liquid Tex gel last time I added to the snow to the resin itself this time add to the liquitex gel I got that in here and there then using a different tool to apply more of it I added in the liquid text without any snow in the area just to blend things in and it looks really well or look really good and on top of that I'm extending this way though it just did not look good it needed some more Mouse some more bulk on the one side so again I poured out some resin let it sit for a maximum of 3 to 4 hours that we still have nice flexibility with the resin and I was able to shape it into the wave now I'm just creating the dam that I'll be using to force more resonant and this sort of blew this wave section down that I'm adding in and from there we'll add even you add even more resonance [Music] so you can see this looks a lot better now it looks more proportional and there's a proper amount of mass of water coming in and crashing and creating that big giant splash it just didn't look right before without this section being there so now what I did to really bring everything together and to make it not look iced again and see the end results here I didn't get it filmed but I just added an extra layer on top of everything of resin that I had before and it just gives it so much more depth now the you see the turbulence underneath the surface and it properly looks like water before likely I said or like I said before it someone had commented that it looked a lot like ice and yeah it did just didn't look right so after adding that I then stippled on the liquitex gel again to create all the turbulent waves here I'm adding in the snow with liquitex to kind of extend the wave and blend this section into the big beefy area and you can see here much improvement things like way better in my opinion and I'm really really quite happy with how all this water turned out and I'm very satisfied with this alright so we're back to the maintenance again as you can see I got these from knj magnets out of the US they're not sponsored or anything this is just a good handy cheap place to get magnets so as I said earlier the magnets that I had put into the wood frame itself on the wizard tower we're not very strong so I needed something a lot stronger on this portion here so I put these two big guys in and they were enough to properly snap on and hold this section in place now it's time to redo those battlements that I had snapped off earlier those are just sort of little blobs and they looked really bad this time I figured I'd try something a little different so I cut out these long rectangular pieces and decided I try to let these dry and and cut the squares out and actually I found this to be a much better method than using the wet squares that I had done earlier [Music] all right so you can see things are much more uniform and squared they don't just look like little blobs of clay things like a lot better now so I decided to use toothpicks again to fasten these just like I did the other little balls but already things are way better than they were and for paint all I'm doing is a black wash and they turn out into a nice grey they're a little dark here but they dry much lighter than this and blend in perfectly with the rest of the stone okay we are coming to the end here there are four things to complete one is the dock or the bridge to the shore so for things to mess up and possibly maybe not bring this to a terrible crashing disastrous end but still stuff that could go wrong and sort of not really mesh well with everything that we've done to this point so what I did here is actually use that veneer again the oak veneer I glued two pieces together that's what you saw over the flame be very careful about that because this is wood a cast on fire so don't get it too close to that flame or you use some hot air some kind and then it just lude melted the two sides that had glue on them together to make this a double-sided veneer and then I just cut them into these pieces here that you can see to make the dock and I'm putting these into place I'm what hap has ibly this is the entrance to our wizard tower it's we're kind of set in the scene with this you want to be a little bit dilapidated sort of haphazardly put together just kind of like your typical wizard he's deep into his knowledge but then his surrounding just is kind of um fall apart and crumble a little bit that's the look I wanted and to top it off I just used a spray adhesive to get that gloss wet look all right so with our bridge complete and looking fairly good it's time to move on and finish off our tower at the very top so with this again I'm using balsa as well as sheets of veneer which I'm using to create these side panels there's nothing much to them make sure they're double-sided again using the same method that I use for the bridge and then just paint them up and for the windows I'm just using a resin tinted with orange to give it kind of a glowing look just like black magic Kraft does for his windows if you haven't seen any of his videos I suggest you go check him out and subscribe so I think these turned out pretty well this isn't the fanciest looking tower I was somewhat unsure whether I really like this look or not but it ended up looking pretty good and I was I was happy with it in the end so I left it as that now I'm adding this tree in just to sort of bring everything together these are from a little bush that we have out here called sagebrush and they make the perfect little tree really nice and easy I just spray with my spray adhesive and then put on your leafy branches these are a woodland Scenic's product they come in a little package and I'm gonna have that link to buy these down and for it to Amazon just below in the description with all other materials from this this project that you can gun again go down and click those links and it's gonna give me a little bit of a kick back to help me in a channel and get you what you need as well next up is making the IV which is gonna add a ton of character to this thing and really finish it off really nicely I'm not gonna go into too much detail here but I do have a full tutorial on exactly how to make these guys which I'll link just above all right so the very final step in this entire project is putting in our trapdoor soar wizard can get to the top a very simple process I just drilled out a hole and then cut some pieces of balls made a little latch and a trapdoor you can see how I made the metal handles for it in my how to make swinging doors tutorial just sup and link above and we'll check that out and that's it's paint this thing up I added a little bit of extra plaster onto the front door as you'll see here and that is it this is the final thing where you have completed project and this is our very final step and this ladies and gentlemen is our wizard tower it was a long journey it took a long time to get here this is what we've got was it worth it well you be the judge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've come a long ways to get to this point I don't know everything I'm still learning there's still a lot of room for mistakes but just keep persevering keep at it make those mistakes learn again hopefully improve a little bit and look what you can make look what you can build I never made anything like this before this was a brand new thing and you just such total shot in the dark to make this look good and I think we did all right [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Real Terrain Hobbies
Views: 881,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Tabletop Terrain, Terrain, Model Railroad, Making a wizard tower, Tabletop Gaming, Warhammer Terrain, Warhammer
Id: t0X-MhMAiTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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