I made THE SHIRE into an Ultra Realistic wargaming board! ~Lord of the Rings~

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey friends today is the day finally we finish what has been by far the most challenging difficult and time-consuming project i've done to date today is the day we finish the shire [Music] and to put into words just how much of an emotional rollercoaster this journey has been bilbo says it perfectly in this little snippet from our beloved book and films the lord of the rings remember what bildo used to say it's a dangerous business frodo going out your door you step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to all right so as if making the shire wasn't stressful and ridiculously difficult enough on its own i decided to take it on while working on a set of realistically detailed 3d printable models to provide all of you a chance to affordably own some genuine authentic real terrain hobbies terrain that's right for the past four months give or take this has been in development and i'm excited to see we're extremely close to releasing a full kickstarter for this terrain which is just absolutely wild for this project i repurpose that terrain and you'll be getting a detailed look at all of it throughout this video anything i 3d printed and painted for this shower build has been either taken from or adapted from those files in this upcoming kickstarter and i've put all my skills into making this terrain as detailed and absolutely realistic as i could make it all right guys this is the final installment of our massive lord of the rings shire war gaming board we start off by designing these generic halfling homes which are repurposing as hobbit holes we built the base we put the lighting in the lighting from woodland scenics that system is absolutely incredible so yeah this is still in an incredibly basic state i gotta paint all the hobbit holes i gotta finish modeling some they're not completely done being modeled yet we gotta build them into the board a ton of things to do yet oh and this is a war gaming board we need armies i need an army i need two armies ah i think i need to make a phone call hey lucky how's it going man hey dude what's up funny you should ask just in the middle of my shower build over here it's uh it's coming wicked dude yeah so uh you interested in painting a couple armies for me yes for sure dude how many do you need two armies maybe 15 minis not enough nothing too big yeah sure awesome i gotta get started so uh i gotta run here but i'll talk soon good luck all right providing a bit of contacts here lockheed from zorpazorp is an incredible channel centered on anything and everything wargaming from building massive and beautiful terrain to some of the craziest high production battle reports on the web not to mention he's a massive lord of the rings wargaming buff which is exactly why i knew he'd be the perfect guy for this job and we've got a bottle of whiskey on the line for whoever gives the most crossover so be sure to go over there give him some love hit that subscribe button and be sure to go watch his video of his crazy experience painting me an army of hobbits [Applause] [Music] all right so it is actually the next day i got a bit done uh in the evening yesterday but not as much as i would have liked but uh i'm just outside of my deck and man it's smoky i don't know if you can see how smoky that is out there smokey that's the nice thing with painting can just kind of set up wherever this morning i got this guy this guy painted there's that guy all right so this is where i'm at for now i've got six holes done and i'm gonna take a little bit of a break i'm actually not even fully done modeling all of these hobbit holes i'm gonna do two more for this board and i'll be doing that tonight and tomorrow night in the evenings here uh but for now we got these done and i want a break from painting okay so we are gonna be adding in the hobbit holes now and the biggest challenge i think is going to be the lighting that we've got here so i've got two types of lights and these are the woodland scenics just plug system that we're using and we've got a wall mount light and then just a general interior light with a sticky back fingers crossed i'm still nervous i know i could easily like wreck everything it happens i've wrecked stuff before and it's still possible but uh at least i think it's looking pretty promising seeing these guys painted up i'm pretty excited so yeah let's do it all right so it's time to take a quick second here to thank this video sponsor and for that matter this entire projects sponsor and that is woodland scenics now woodland scenics have supplied all the scenic materials for this project everything from the static grass to the flocking the wide variety of grass and flower tufts lose water effects trees rocks the base material for the structure as well as the entire amazing lighting system now a lot of these materials aren't going to be covered in this video if you haven't checked the other videos go check those out and see exactly how great and amazing the products have been to work with and yeah as you'll see the products absolutely speak for themselves so make sure you guys go see what woodland scenics has to offer by checking out the link in the description box below all right so we got this guy printed up he's all cleaned and ready to go that's this guy here let's put some light on him so i modeled this guy uh in about a day and a half almost two days thinking about a data model and then another solid day of just making it kind of printer friendly this is gonna be broken up into three parts this guy fits on my big printer i just printed it off in one but all these i'm gonna make them so that they can be printed off on just the small consumer sized resin printers obviously you can do these on fdm printers as well so yeah i got to get these last three painted up here these last three hobbit holes it's friday morning i want everything done by sunday and there's a lot to do so i'm really going to be working steady here to get stuff done it's going to be crunch time so we'll see see what happens uh because this needs to get done [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so painting i think is finally done i got pretty much everything on here i might still have yet to model some uh fences or i'll just make them i haven't decided decided if i'm going to do a model them out and we can include them in the kickstarter or just make them out of sticks like i normally do but anyway here's where we are i got the rest of the hobbit holes done for this board and then a bunch of windows actually these windows are going to be sitting on like the sides of the holes and so they'll really expand kind of the hobbit hole itself and then pumpkins chimneys and this little beauty right here which is my water well and i don't know what it is but for like fantasy terrain fantasy settings it's like the well you got to have the well and it just really kind of takes you there and i put a lot of work into this little guy it's a tiny little piece of terrain but i really like it and i'm really proud of how it turned out the details are really good on there and yeah it's just so cool having all these things in front of me in my hands that i'm made digitally and then printed out so anyway if you're not following me on instagram make sure you go do that because i'm taking pictures of all these really nice detailed pictures as i go i've been doing it as i go and it's a great way for you to keep on top of the projects in between videos so if you could follow me on instagram i'd really appreciate it my numbers i need to build up my numbers there if you want to help me to do that do that but anyway i'm going to clean this up we're going to get this on onto the final board so yeah let's do it [Music] all right so we are moving on to bilbo's house finally what i want to do with his he's got this big i don't know if this is called a bay window but a big window in the front so for me personally it's going to be worthwhile to put an interior in there so we got to do this for bilbo this is bilbo's house this is the pista resistance this is the big ah i can't do french this is this is the big focal point focal point and bilbo's house has to be looking amazing so that's what i'm gonna do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right yes so we're gonna start with the main uh garden right here i've got this bit of vine here for these pumpkins i was planning on maybe making my own uh but i salvaged this from an old project and it just works such so well as a vines for pumpkins so that's what i'm going to use there and i'm going to be using some peat moss and some more grout and stuff we're going to need some rose in there i'm going to use some uh woodland scenics tufts as well and really dress this garden up also make it pretty playable too we'll have some pathways and things for units to get across and yeah so that's where we're going to start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so find or what is this coarse turf and the extra coarse i think this is like bushes so good man this is really finishing off the board nicely this coarse turf we're fine yeah coarse turf is feels like little weeds kind of everywhere that you would naturally see out in the prairies loving these now i get to use these which i'm super excited for when i saw these painted rocks fully painted don't have to do the molds or anything like that myself these are already painted so if you want to save yourself some steps you can just get the painted rocks or you could do the um the rubber mold here are some rubber molds with plaster and you can make the rocks and paint them yourselves if you want to but these are going to save me a lot of time so i'm excited yeah excited for that so [Music] [Music] all right so as is usual my favorite part of the build is doing the water effects and we've got a lot of woodland scenic water effects we'll get into those uh in a second here but uh we got we need a water mill here obviously uh for the shire for hobbiton there's a water mill and um i don't have my own so on the kickstarter i plan on doing a water mill as a stretch goal a full building a full water mill so really excited for that i hope that stretch goal gets met uh but in the meantime i'm just gonna be using a tabletop world building it's just one of these cottages uh from tabletop world super nice and crazy detailed and i'm going to be modeling the water wheel itself but i'm going to build a little dock this is going to sit kind of on the wooden dock here and i think it's going to look pretty pretty awesome we're almost there all right let's do it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] all right honestly so excited for these trees it's just so nice to have something that is already done already made for you uh just speeds up the whole process and make a world of difference with very little little effort which is kind of nice sometimes [Music] [Applause] all right almost done we've got one thing left to do i think you know what it is but first i just cannot believe i am looking at this board completely finished that's crazy crazy this has been as i said at the start an emotional roller coaster it's uh been a very tough year for me and my family we've had some heavy heavy health issues in the home specifically with my wife and i've been holding down the fort looking after her looking after kids looking after meals laundry everything and it's been tough it's been a very tough year and uh i just want to give woodland scenics a very heavy hearty thank you for being such amazing people to work with they've been very very good through all this very understanding there's been many delays and they've been so good with all of that they know the situation and it's a big huge thank you to woodland phoenix for that not only do they make amazing products go go support them uh their products speak for themselves absolutely incredible but they are also very very good people and i just wanted to say that big thank you to woodland cmx for everything um now back to a happier note i did say there's one more thing to do and that is to open up this box from australia i think you guys know what is in here and uh man i i i gotta say i've already taken a peek and these are absolutely gorgeous lockheed has said this has been this this is the best painted army he's ever done the best painted minis he's ever done and he's not exaggerating these are so beautiful so amazing is a sad moment for him to let go of them i did pay for the minis i bought all the minis but he painted these up completely for free and man that was just amazing thank you so much lockheed be sure to go watch his battle it was a battle and a struggle to get these guys painted hey guys lockheed here from zappos how good is neil's epic shire build cannot wait to see that in the flesh if you want to check out my hobbits and ruffians go on over to my video link down in the description and you know it was it was all smooth sailing really not not a complete speed painting train wreck or anything man these are just so good lucky so good and again we got that wager whoever get has the bigger crossover the more people i send to lockheed he's gonna buy me the whiskey the more people i get he gets the whiskey i gotta pay for that so let's let's win this go over to lockheed's channel subscribe watch this video and uh then he can send me a whiskey which is perfect anyway that's that and yes the other thing kickstarter so close to being done it's going to be within the month here we're going to be launching the kickstarter if you're interested and getting some email updates on that we're going to start sending out updates but yeah this is a set of terrain you do not want to miss out on i put absolutely all i could into making these as detailed and realistic as possible for your 3d printer for the resin 3d printers to get the absolute crispiest details out of these no layer lines super fine wood grain and stone texture and everything we have stretch goals to make full buildings so sign up for that email let me know you're interested and you'll be getting those updates but once a week here for the next two three four weeks somewhere in there and then we're to launch this sucker and it's going to be good you don't want to miss out on that a big thank you to all my patrons you guys are absolutely incredible you've been with me through my struggles at home here really appreciate you sticking around standing by despite the delays and things like this it's been meant so much to me and i'm so appreciative of you guys and if you want to support the channel and help this grow go sign up on patreon and become a member there and it would just mean so much to me so thanks guys wow big journey another one down now it's on to the next one i'll see you later
Channel: Real Terrain Hobbies
Views: 754,021
Rating: 4.935029 out of 5
Keywords: Wargaming, Middle Earth, The Shire, The Lord of the Rings, wargaming board, ultra realistic terrain, D&D terrain, Tabletop terrain, miniature, The hobbit, Ultra realistic diorama, diorama
Id: ygb7wNOQnIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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