MASSIVE $2500 Gaming Board! Painting realistic buildings | Tabletop World and Goobertown Hobbies!

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it's time to make something big and I mean really big everyone my name is Neil and this is real terrain hobbies and here is the start of something huge now we're gonna attempt to create a massive gaming board with an entire medieval city perched high upon a massive hill overlooking the lush valley below now the problem is that's gonna take a ton of buildings to make this into something truly epic and amazing now I think I might just know who to call problem is they live on the other side of the world okay so to start off I live smack dab in the middle of a country called Canada home to the majestic beaver killer moose maple syrup wheat fields and another guy you might know named Jeremy from black magic craft we need buildings for this project and what better place to find the most amazing highly detailed realistic buildings out there then Croatia home to beautiful shorelines of amazing beaches incredible medieval architecture and of course tabletop world the best medieval terrain buildings on the market and we've partnered together to create something truly incredible [Music] so today is something a little bit different as you can tell I've just got some massive boxes that have come in it's hard to see exactly how big here I am kind of beside these things huge so what is this this is crazy these what's it what's in these things are huge well this is actually full of tabletop world buildings finally they're here this is just gonna be an absolute as you know an absolute crazy build look at this look at this box it takes up the size of my whole entire six-foot table basically yes huge huge so anyway let's open these things up and see what we've got here so this is gonna be a big job as you can see oh this guy by the way I've got my two boys here sitting in their chairs they're pretty excited they didn't want to miss this so we have a small audience here is this how we got to do it still confused oh I know what they did let's try that I don't think this is one giant box okay yes I was right so box number one okay I think it's the one first box should we save it let's save this one to the end this is the big one okay let's move on to this one oh yeah this is a masterpiece this is huge this guy is the merchant shop and it's beautiful oh yeah merchants house oh so exciting okay so what I'm gonna do put this here we're gonna I'm gonna call my boys over to help me open the rest of this and then we'll go over everything and see see what we've got here all set and done you guys want to come here once open this one [Music] alright guys this is a big kahuna the big their masterpiece of all the tabletop world stuff this is it so we're gonna open this up now and it's going to be epic let's do this [Music] there you have it a table full of tabletop world's buildings absolutely insane the detail on each of those little stones is just phenomenal absolutely gorgeous all of these yeah so there is our table full a tabletop world and a little bit nervous I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit nervous about this to you so yeah it's a lot of buildings too painful so here they are the tabletop world buildings in all their majesty the detail on these is incredible and the amount of work and paint to go into these is going to be intense to say the very least if you haven't seen the video we'll review and unboxing an idea of these buildings check out the link just above and I go on to detail us what my initial thoughts are on these incredible buildings so here we are ready to get things painted as you've seen we've embossed ton of buildings there's tabletop world has sent almost everything they've got at me here which is absolutely insane so looking at all this it is truly insane it's crazy and you know what I honestly don't think I can do it in time exists this is gonna take me well over a year I need to get these painted up and I just don't think I can do that so maybe if I had another youtuber on hand you know one of those guys that do paint miniatures you know there's one of them that would be able to make this work metal oh hey hey it's Brent from goober town hobby's Brent from goober town javis here how did you get here I am not really sure but wow I'm glad that I'm here look at this what is this tabletop worlds-- and all these buildings they want me to make an amazing project for them but I gotta get these things painted up if you run a painting chance doncha I do yeah I would love to paint these this looks awesome well I've got about five days before i teleport back out of here so wait wait wait five days five days five days this would take me a year you think me get these done in five days we have to all right I don't think it's gonna happen even if you think it can happen well I think we need to stop chit chat in here I think we need to get down to it okay we're gonna get to work here you guys these got to get painted up can we do it we'll find out all right okay let's get at her [Music] yes that's right we've got Brent himself the man the legend the one they call the Bob Ross of miniature painting so first things first we need to get set up and pretty much our entire first day was us waking up in the morning ever getting a cup of coffee looking at the terrain getting the table set up doing your takes at the camera and finally later on in the evening we get to doing some priming so first off with these buildings these are cast and resin and from the casting process you get mold residue on the models that's why you need to wash them first it's critically do that otherwise there can be rubber pieces oils things of that nature that will stop the paint from adhering [Music] what'd he write on camera like that curve it alright so the first big job was to get these buildings primed up and ready for paint it was a big job just getting them brought up from downstairs so we got set up here I got the paint can Brent's got the camera you've been plugging away at this for a couple hours already he's going quite well and then alright you wouldn't know this from Brent laughing but that was actually his life not mine luckily it was okay but it just goes to show you the incredibly good nature Nisour Brent and how much fun he is to be around yeah [Music] so this is the great thing about YouTube this is actually Brent and mines first time ever actually meeting each other in person so this was a whole new experience for both of us and I gotta say this was a lot of fun and I absolutely couldn't have picked a better person to do with but as you know this isn't all fun and games we've got a serious project ahead of us a ton of painting to do and we are just about to get started we've got a big thermos of coffee here for our first night and we are ready to get painting all right so we're back day two and here we are Brent out what what are your thoughts did we do good well there's a lot of paint on these guys now so the paint flutter primer yes so we've got all of these primed and we have two very small buildings painted mostly so I don't know if we're on track or not I think today is gonna be a good day where you're gonna be just painting and oh yeah yeah we got our we got our scheme pretty much down yesterday and that's also a time-consuming bit so I think we can make it work it'll be close though yeah yeah perfectly close all right you ready to get at her ready all right let's do this all right so on today - so I'm starting off with the tabletop world mansion and brent is tackling town house 2 which is what you see in front of you here so as you saw there are optimism levels for getting all these buildings completely finished our bit at odds with each other Brent came in just completely strong thinking that we are gonna finish all these buildings no problem me on the other hand I'm a lot more cautious I will admit though I was incredibly relieved to see his enthusiasm and his positivity for getting these things completely wrapped up because I know if I'm left to these things all by myself it's just not gonna happen or if it does happen it is gonna take an extremely long time and I don't have a long time to work on this one project so whether or not we're gonna finish this well that remains to be seen and if we don't will I have the capacity to continue and finish hopefully we don't have to try and find out hey guys so we're back again this is day 3 we have one full solid day yesterday of actually painting these things up our optimism was very high Brent huh mine was down here Brent pulled me up to here and I think it was a bit of a wake-up call though yeah reality pulled us both right back down oh yeah like damn back years so we were hoping to get the one billing done or two buildings then each yep two buildings a day that's that's good pace two buildings today each but that is not realistic as it turns out so now these buildings have a lot of detail they have a lot of different texture Hill yeah we we just really got selected and kind of making everything the way we want it so one building a day seems like an acceptable pace and you need to get sucked in to make these things the way you want them like they're totally worth it to put the effort into them so that's what we're doing we're open the walls go faster but we will see either way it was a lot of fun yeah it's a new day day three we still got three full days ahead of us including today so we're gonna get to it you ready let's get to it let's do it [Music] [Music] okay so as Brent tackles the in I'm gonna attempt to get really far ahead with this wall the main city wall is basically almost entirely made out of stone there are some sections that have wood in them and penciling the finer details of the wood is what really takes a long time so before starting the project I did some experimenting I was really liking the look of a lighter colored mortar it's just kind of gave it a more of a realistic look to it rather than having kind of dark crevices in between the rocks and making it really contrasty I found the lighter mortar gave off a much more realistic look so I decided to try out pigments and that's what we are using for the mortar here is pigment powder pigment and we brush it into all the nooks and crannies and then you wet it to activate it and once it's in the cracks it's not coming out okay so a huge part important part of these walls is the weathering and this is what's really going to kind of separate it from each other all the different pieces from each other and make things not look completely uniform and symmetrical adding in these dark patches across and different parts in the corners and things like that really adds a lot of variety to the overall look of the wall and the town gate as you see here so we use a really heavy black wash to simulate those stains and then use a water spray bottle on afterwards to give it kind of that really realistic streaking effect that you get from years and years of water and mould things like that and then afterwards we add on the dry brush and this is what really brings out all the stone and really makes things pop quite nicely and yeah does a huge jar all of this bringing everything together so see if you spot any differences between Brent and mines work area Brent's is nice and clean and mine is kind of the opposite I like to use the paper to clean my brushes off on bottles tipped over things gonna scattered all over the place but brent is a very meticulous painter and actually if you go over to his channel and watch his whole video he's doing an entire video on this as well you'll see the difference he's got many time lapses that he's gonna be putting into his and he is basically solved like a rock in one position I am all over the place and it's pretty funny to watch so when you're done at this video go over to goober talent hobbies and make sure to watch his video okay Neil we are on day four yes before here we are yep and it's actually pretty late in the day it's about 9 o'clock at night right now and essentially we were just working hard all day we were in the middle of this wall we got through it though the wall is pretty much done and yeah that's a big chunk of it out of the way so we're feeling good about that happily that went relatively fast because it's mostly stoned and then all the weathering and all that stuff so we have one day left one more to go Neil what does the next day look like for you ah yes for me you got your your assignment there I'm going to be finishing off the town gate which is a behemoth of a building but it's got a lot of stone the stone actually went on relatively easy I think that's the the the detail is large enough that you can do do it fairly quickly so that wasn't so bad but then we got this section here and then I want to tackle this big massive merchants shop right here get that guy going hopefully done you think we can get these two wrapped up so we're on the last day so we do not need to conserve sleep we don't need to pace ourselves I myself as my last full building this one right here so two of the largest buildings in this collection and we're gonna we're gonna push it see if we can crank through this last day and really get a nice finished most of village out of this I think so yeah I think so too yeah all righty let's get to it let's get to it see you tomorrow guys see you tomorrow okay I don't know if you notice so much or at least as much as I did but I had way less energy than Brandt had at that moment Brent is like built for this kind of thing these type of painting marathons he has done a few on his channel and that guy can just go and go and go and it's pretty admirable pretty incredible what he can do me at this stage these 14-hour days are starting to really where a little bit I'm just getting tired but that just goes to show you how much of an impact having Brent here made on this entire project both for the work and effort that he put in but for what he was essentially forcing me to do and you know just persevere like this and really push my boundaries which never hurt anybody so we're off to another start on our early morning painting routine today is just like any other day we get up with our hot cup of coffee at about 7:30 8 o'clock ish so we didn't get up too early our nights usually ended at around 12:00 1:00 o'clock somewhere in there Brent however decided to stay up till 3:00 a.m. last night and I was in bed by 12:30 again goes to show you how much of a painting machine he truly is he wanted to get this townhouse or this noble townhouse finished up and he was dedicated to doing that [Music] so as Brandt works on finishing up his noble townhouse in the background there I pull out the airbrush which is actually the first time we pulled this out and if I were to kind of do this again this is would be a really great method for covering kind of the larger surface areas like the roofs and things like that or really quickly but here I am just finishing up the flag for the town gate which had snapped off earlier this is one of the final things to do this and the big gate itself so that's what we're doing here just weathering this up putting our washes on and getting things finalized or just feeling really really good at this point [Music] here we are add a five hand man it's been a long five days it's been an awesome five days we've been working our butts off like crazy 14-hour days easily very little sleep and what do you think what do you think Brent I'm happy like you're alluding to I am exhausted but joyous and so we just leave we just laid these buildings out all together like this for the first time in the last few days and also we just finished a few of them today anyway so this is the first time we are looking at the collection very sad we're laying eyes on all of it together and it's all stunning yeah hopefully this looks cool at home but this looks absolutely amazing in person the detail I'm happy with the paint job we did absolutely from will you'll see we'll be doing some close-ups here as you can get right in and see everything but I'm very impressed what we've done I'm gonna continue on I've got this guy here that is I think I'll have it done by tomorrow I'm gonna keep going oh I'm leaving very early in the morning in just a few hours actually but Neil has promised to finish this project we're so close we've got a few on the side over there that I've got to get to but I think I can I can ride this momentum I can keep going I need to keep going I think if I take a break in there it's not gonna be good I just got to keep keep at and I think I can I can I'll text you the day how's it going yeah exactly yeah doing that's what you gonna do so yeah it's been incredible I just want to give you Brant a huge thank you for flying yourself out Brent yeah rinsed all in his own decided that he would come out honors our own fly out here and help me paint these things all the way from Maine I'm Way in the middle of nowhere middle of Canada he flew himself out here to help me out with this and it has been incredible and it's been an honor to have you here thank you so much for letting me into your house and putting me up and feeding me and all that but yet know the real story is showed me the pile of awesome terrain in his basement and I immediately invited myself over but it all worked out and yeah anyway we've had fun here's the terrain it's looking cool we're about to cut to some glamor shots and close-ups and rearrange some things and yeah we're looking forward to that so enjoy enjoy so here it is we did it well mostly did it but look at what we've got here it's incredible what we were able to get done in just five days looking at these shots right now and realizing that that's what it took just five days five days of clearly hard work and immense perseverance man we came a long long way so as promised to Brent I need to keep painting and get the rest of these buildings finished so there's still a handful of buildings left there is a bridge there's a windmill a water mill a blacksmith and the merchant shop the really big one that I didn't quite get done so so there is still a lot of work to do and I got to do this all on my own now I wish Brent could have stayed just one or two more days but he had to go home he's got a life to live and so I gotta get these buildings painted up in order to make this board for tabletop world in the meantime though we have all of these completed take a look at what we have set up here this is Brent's goblin army that he brought along with him he painted each and every one of those and he did an incredible job and this here is an actual mini of Brent fighting off that dragon so yes go ahead check out Brent's channel he is an incredible painter and does absolutely amazing work and the biggest thing that you'll notice right off the bat is he is such a great guy to listen to just sitting there and his laid-back relaxed style just makes you I don't know what it is but it really does he pulls you in while teaching you the fundamentals of painting or running marathons for charities he's just an all-around great teacher and great guy as I know many many others in the community can attest to so go check out Brent and his channel over at Coopertown Audis alright guys be sure to have it over to Brent's channel over at goober town hobbies I got his channel just in the link below subscribe to him we've got a massive amount of footage and his video and his take on all of this is completely different and is gonna be an absolute joy to watch be sure to head over there and subscribe and I just want to give a big massive thanks to tabletop world obviously for sending all of these buildings man it's been incredible and this is not the end we have a massive project ahead of us this is going to be made into an epic huge piece of terrain can you imagine the size of the board that this fit all this on if you haven't subscribed subscribe and I'm gonna see you guys on the next one hey guys so we are back Ryan my neighbor is named Brian okay Brent hey at least I just didn't keep going I realize right away that would've been good okay how one's going in the blooper reel maybe not we'll see okay
Channel: Real Terrain Hobbies
Views: 600,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tabletop World, Goobertown Hobbies, Painting Collaboration, Tabletop Terrain, D&D Terrain, D&D, Warhammer, Warhammer Terrian, Miniature Painting
Id: KGt0NEngAis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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