★ Caillou Got Stung by a Bee ★ Funny Animated Caillou | Cartoons for kids | Caillou

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[Music] today [Music] caillou was visiting the petting zoo with mommy daddy and rosie [Music] it's okay rosie they're just sheep sheep are soft and friendly you see [Music] yuck go kisses thank you hey get out of here you [Music] what's the matter caillou oh you dropped your ice cream it's okay we can get you another one it's not my ice cream it's my nose a greedy bee stung me oh dear poor caillou here this will make you feel better why why did it sting me mommy well it probably thought you were trying to hurt it caillou i did try and hit it but it was trying to eat my ice cream caillou you shouldn't try and hit bees they're very special little creatures [Music] come on let's follow him and see where he goes is that his house that's right caillou a bee's house is called a hive that's a big house for just one little bee actually thousands of bees live in there listen carefully and you can hear them [Music] it sounds like an airplane what are those ones doing [Music] they're collecting nectar which they use to make honey bees love sweet things like ice cream exactly that bee didn't want to hurt you it just wanted to share some of your ice cream these should learn to say please come on i know something fun we can do to cheer you up look horsey almost caillou that's a donkey [Music] excuse me can me and my sister ride the donkey sure you can whoa this is high up here these will keep you safe [Music] hold on to your sister caillou we don't want either of you falling off [Music] wow he must be very strong to carry both of us that's right donkeys may be small but they are very strong like me [Music] today mommy and daddy had taken caillou and rosie on a very special trip to the zoo here we are [Music] caillou looked at the map of the zoo he could see lots of pictures of all the different animals which animals do you want to go and see first caillou let's go and see the elephant great choice caillou where is it mommy caillou looked for the elephant but he couldn't see it anywhere there it is [Music] caillou likes the elephant he especially liked the noise that it made [Music] [Laughter] can we get a pet elephant i don't think we have room for an elephant at home caillou they're much too big look the mommy and the daddy lion are sleeping would you like me to take your picture caillou yes please [Music] say cheese [Music] don't worry caillou it's just a baby lion i think he wants to play with you [Music] more i did it [Music] ah [Music] hi i'm linda what's your name i'm caillou and this is my sister rosie hello caillou hello rosie would you like to come and feed the monkeys with me yes please [Music] caillou was very excited he'd never fed a monkey before these monkeys love to eat fruit and vegetables why don't you and rosie put some on that rock for them [Music] look they're eating it [Music] hey my hat monkey they also love to play caillou come down from that tree we have to go home soon i'm down here daddy that's just a monkey oh there you are caillou [Music] look what i found caillou it's an elephant this one is just the right size to come and live at home with us caillou had loved his day at the zoo and he was very happy to have his very own elephant to take home [Music] explorer caillou and his friends who are on a rescue mission to save teddy she's getting away faster guys caillou no catch rosie crazy too fast leo was struggling to keep his dinosaur under control how do you steer these things [Music] you guys look like you've got yourself in quite a tangle there what have you been up to cave girl rosie has stolen teddy we are trying to catch her on our pet dinosaurs and save teddy well that does sound like quite the adventure kids you better get back to it sarah and clementine wanted to catch up with cave girl rosie to save teddy but they knew they had to think of a plan i can see her going over the mountain past the clearing to the north that's where her cave is nice spot clem let's draw out the island and we can figure out the best way to get to the cave we're here and the cave girl has escaped back to her cave on the other side of the mountain to get there we need to pass the quicksand lake and the river we don't have to ride the dinosaurs again do we i think we should go on foot so we can sneak up and catch ro i mean the cave girl let's go [Music] the team of explorers came across some quicksand caillou thought this was going to be tricky but clementine had an idea [Music] [Music] then they crossed a river which was very wide and very deep sarah spotted some stepping stones they could use to safely cross [Applause] [Music] hahaha [Music] look guys it's the cave we found it caillou and his explorer friends had finally arrived they were so close to finishing their rescue mission cave girl rosie was fast asleep snuggled up to teddy by the campfire of her cave there she is and there is teddy we need to move in slowly and quietly we don't want to wake her leo leah wait [Music] i got him guys i saved teddy [Laughter] that's not good look [Music] teddy [Music] caillou and his explorer friends rode through the jungle trying to get back home safe over the mountain through the river [Music] and across the quick sand but the gilbertosaurus rex wouldn't stop chasing them then leo had an idea [Music] the team of explorers had saved the day and rescued teddy it was time for them to rest up before their next adventure caillou and his family were on their way to uncle felix's farm caillou was very excited i can't wait to see all the farm animals [Music] uncle felix caillou gave uncle felix a big hug he was very happy to see him howdy caillou great to finally have you all down on the farm you ready to see some animals i can't wait there were lots of cute fluffy sheep in the barn do you know what sound a sheep makes caillou [Music] that's right uncle felix and caillou gave the sheep some grain to eat [Music] that one's so small can i touch it of course caillou but be careful it's only a baby wow it's so soft [Music] next caillou saw some cows in the field outside the barn the cow's nose is wet are all the horses uncle felix i want to be a cowboy uncle felix walked into the field and whistled right away a horse galloped up to them this is harry harry the horse can i ride him please caillou had never ridden a horse before he jumped around pretending to be a horse sure you can buddy perched safely on the horse caillou felt like a cowboy as uncle felix led him and harry around the field caillou galloped up to the barn he was still having fun pretending to be a horse that was such a fun ride i really like harry the horse caillou heard a funny noise he wasn't sure what it was what was that a mommy pig look at all the babies the pigs were bathing in the mud caillou went in to have a closer look baby pigs are called piglets this is so much fun as caillou watched uncle felix drove his red tractor he was sad that he wasn't allowed to try why can't i drive the tractor mommy only grown-up farmers like uncle felix can drive tractors caillou mommy had an idea to cheer caillou up she pulled his favorite red tractor out of her handbag and handed it to him here you go caillou it looks just like uncle felix's wow your tractor looks just like mine you'll be a farmer in no time in the barnyard caillou saw some chickens he tried to catch them hi you liked watching the chickens they pecked at the ground with their pointy beaks one of them swallowed a worm yuck want to check the hen house caillou maybe the hand laid some eggs [Music] wow cai you excellent job you're a great farmer caillou had lots of fun at the farm with uncle felix he couldn't wait to come back and see all his animal friends again caillou's family was on their way to buy groceries but daddy drove right past the grocery store caillou was confused daddy you missed the store we're not going to the store today caillou we're going to go somewhere called a farmer's market what's a farmer's market daddy it's a place where farmers bring all the things that they grow can we buy food there yes lots and lots of food caillou when they arrived caillou saw the farmer's market was very different from the grocery store all of the food was placed on tables with a farmer behind each stall where did all this food come from daddy the farmers grow the food at their farms and bring them straight here it's very fresh caillou looked for bananas but he couldn't see them anywhere mommy where are the bananas well caillou all of this food is grown nearby but bananas only come from very far away bananas don't grow here no the bananas come from so far away that they need a plane to get all the way to the grocery store car you liked thinking about bananas flying in a plane then caillou remembered something strawberries can grow close to here i've seen grandma grow them in her garden that's right caillou but i don't see any strawberries that's because it's spring you can't eat strawberries until they're ripe and they won't be ready until the summertime there were more than just fruits and vegetables at the farmer's market they walked past a cheese stand with lots of smelly cheeses caillou tried some that was made from goat's milk instead of cow's milk he thought it tasted funny if there's goats milk that must mean there's goats nearby too i think there's one right over there caillou caillou had never been this close to a goat before the farmer even let him feed the goat straight from his hand is that lady a farmer too her hat looks silly she's a different kind of farmer she raises bees and sells their honey that hat stops her from getting stung by the bees caillou tried some of the honey on a stick it was delicious the farmer was so nice she let caillou try on her hat how do i look rosie funny at another table caillou saw some long skinny vegetables mommy what are those those are asparagus it's a vegetable a spare gus that's a funny name caillou liked the word so much he said it over and over aspergers why don't we buy some i have a wonderful recipe for asparagus soup but i need one more vegetable caillou can you help me what about those carrots ew they're all covered in mud that's because they have been pulled straight from the ground this morning caillou fresh from the farm at home caillou washed the vegetables while mommy cut them up then they put all the ingredients they had bought in the blender would you like to push the button caillou yes please [Music] at supper time everyone had a bowl of the soup caillou had a taste but he wasn't sure if he liked it what do you think caillou it's not as good as spaghetti but it really was fun choosing all the vegetables well you're going to have to finish your dinner if you want some dessert mommy brought out bowls of ice cream drizzled with the honey from the market caillou thought it was the best thing he'd ever tasted can we go back to the farmers market again soon yes caillou the next one is in the summer so we can see what's in season then maybe they will have some strawberries [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caillou's New Adventures - WildBrain
Views: 1,245,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou english full episodes, caillou english, cailou, caillou in english, calliou, 까이유, caliou, full episodes, cailloux, caio, new episode, caillou new, caillou video, vaillou compilation, caillou new episodes, caillou hour, caillou rap, caillou episode, caillou full, caillou new episode, childrens cartoon, cartoon, cartoon movie, kids, cartoon for kids, pbs kids caillou, caillou show, caillou youtube, caillou cartoon, caillou videos, caillou episodes, black caillou
Id: b759iqRCU9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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