Caillou vs Bee | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] today Caillou was visiting the petting zoo with mommy daddy and Rosie it's okay Rosie sheep sheep are soft and friendly you see [Music] kitty dog go kisses [Music] thank you hey get out of here you go and get your own ice cream [Music] what's the matter Caillou oh you dropped your ice cream it's okay we can get you another one it's not my ice cream it's my nose a greedy bee stung me oh dear poor Caillou here this will make you feel better why why did it sting me mommy well it probably thought you were trying to hurt it Caillou I did try and hit it but it was trying to eat my ice cream how you you shouldn't try and hit bees they're very special little creatures [Music] see where he goes is that his house that's right Caillou a bee's house is called a hive that's a big house for just one little bee actually thousands of bees live in there listen carefully and you can hear them it sounds like an airplane what are those ones doing they're collecting nectar which they use to make honey bees love sweet things like ice cream exactly that bee didn't want to hurt you it just wanted to share some of your ice cream these should learn to say please come on I know something fun we can do to cheer you up foreign that's a donkey excuse me can me and my sister ride the donkey sure you can whoa this is high up here these will keep you safe hold on to your sister Caillou we don't want either of you falling off [Music] us that's right donkeys may be small but they are very strong like me [Music] it was another busy day in the classroom when Mrs Martin called for the kids to quiet down she had an announcement to make all right kids settle down settle down okay now we have an exciting thing happening at school this week it's the school talent show a class couldn't wait to get started on practicing their talents but what was Caillou going to do when Caillou got home later that day he searched the house for things to do in the talent show foreign [Music] to singing [Music] he even tried dancing [Music] Caillou was beginning to wonder if he'd ever find a talent for the school talent show hmm what's the matter Caillou I don't know what my talent is I've tried everything well hey Caillou what about this what do I do with this well Caillou it's a magic wand you can be a magician in your talent show here [Music] so what magic should I do you just wait here Caillou I'll be right back moments later Daddy was back carrying another box it was a hard black case and stamped across it where the words magic kit [Music] now Caillou this used to be my magic hit when I was your age now it's yours use it at the talent show and show everyone what you can do foreign I look like a real magician you sure do Caillou now get practicing [Music] Caillou practiced and practiced and the next day at the talent show he was ready but starting to feel nervous he was up next hey Caillou it's okay don't be nervous you'll be there and have fun [Music] my name is Caillou and and I'm a magician behold Caillou whispered the magic words tap the hat with his magic wand and [Music] meet Teddy everybody and now for my next trick look what happens to Teddy when I do this [Music] the crowd went wild for Caillou's tricks he was so proud of himself [Music] oh Caillou that makes you look really scary I know why don't we each tell some scary stories We're Not Afraid once upon a time there were two girls who were riding their bike through a spooky wood it began to get dark and they could hear owls hooting in the trees above them they began to feel really really scared suddenly the chain came off their bikes and they got stuck the horse so scared and shaking that they couldn't pull the chains back on we're never going to get out of here then they heard a strange noise somewhere in the woods behind them they slowly turned around and there in front of them was a ghost the two girls were frozen to the spot the ghost began to come closer and closer go go ghost floated right through them and over to the bicycles [Music] all of a sudden the ghost vanished and the girl saw that the chains on their bicycles had been magically fixed [Music] oh Clementine that wasn't scary it sounds like a Friendly Ghost [Music] yo I'm not scared I was pretending I'll tell you a really scary story once upon a time there was a boy who lived on a farm with his daddy thank you they built a scarecrow to frighten the birds away from eating their vegetables that night there was a storm that woke the boy up looked out his bedroom window and saw the Scarecrow standing in the vegetable hatch [Music] daddy daddy the scarecrow's moving don't be silly scarecrows can't move but Daddy Let the boy sleep in his room because he was scared and soon he fell fast asleep in the morning they looked out the window but the Scarecrow had vanished foreign really come to life maybe his hat just blew there it's a scarecrow he's gone for us [Music] let me in I know you're not asleep yet I can hear you talking oh I've brought you all some hot chocolate and cookies it's very cozy in here what have you all been talking about all this time we were telling each other a really scary stories but we're not scared no we're not scared at all daddy would you sleep in the den too tonight I don't think I'd fit Caillou but why don't I sleep on the couch and keep watch in case any scarecrows come be great Daddy then you don't have to miss out on all the fun foreign it was Christmas Eve and Caillou was dreaming of all the wonderful toys he'd be getting on Christmas Day [Music] hey what's that noise [Music] what is it Gilbert [Music] Hey look it's Santa come on Gilbert [Music] Caillou put on his winter clothes and rushed outside into the snow [Music] Merry Christmas Santa hello Caillou wow you know my name that's my cat Gilbert have you come to bring me my presents that's exactly why I'm here but I've run into a little bit of a problem poor old Rudolph here forgot to bring his scarf that has caught a cold oh without Rudolph's nose I can't see where I'm going uh at this rate no one will get their Christmas presents that's awful here Rudolph you can have my scarf Grandma knitted it for me so it's nice and warm [Music] balls [Music] I think I've had an idea maybe you and Gilbert could help me deliver the presents really that would be amazing great give me a moment I've got just the thing hahaha [Music] here you go Gilbert now you can light the way for us okay Caillou hop on board we've got some prisons to deliver thank you [Music] it's going to be great Merry Christmas [Music] you make a great reindeer Gilbert with you showing us the way we'll have the presents delivered in no time we're so high up okay Caillou time to deliver the first present [Music] foreign [Music] what do I do I'll show you take my hand Caillou ready ready [Music] wow that was magic Christmas magic this is fun let's do another one [Music] thanks for helping me deliver all the presents call you I couldn't have done it without you and Gilbert that was the best Christmas Eve ever Rudolph says he's feeling much better after wearing your nice warm scarf [Music] Merry Christmas Caillou Merry Christmas Gilbert see you next year Merry Christmas Santa [Music] Merry Christmas Caillou mommy daddy you'll never guess what Gilbert and I did last night we went on a sleigh ride with Santa that sounds like an exciting Christmas dream Caillou it wasn't a dream it was real I'm sure it was Caillou let's go downstairs and see all the presents Santa brought you [Music] Caillou Leo and Clementine were having lots of fun playing in the garden they were having a competition to see who could throw the ball the highest okay here it goes [Music] that was really high it almost touched the roof of the house you try Caillou mine is gonna Touch the Clouds oh that was close Caillou but I don't think it made it all the way to the clouds watch this I bet I can reach the Moon [Music] hey where did it go it must have gone into space it's not in space it's in the tree look whoa oh no how are we going to get it down if only we could fly or jump really high then we'd be able to reach it looks like a job for some superheroes to the Caillou cave um night vision [Music] Captain Leo super speed [Music] [Applause] okay guys let's go get our ball back [Music] come on [Music] look there's a note what does it say I don't know it looks like some kind of code don't worry Professor mommy is great at solving codes we can take the note to her [Music] well hello my little superheroes are you on a super adventure to solve the mystery of our missing ball s well I can try the thieves left us this note but it's in some sort of code [Music] you're right Captain Clementine it is a code luckily for you I can read it what does it say it says your precious ball is mine now if you want it back meet me in my evil lair signed daddy the master Thief oh no where can we find the master Thief well rumor has it that his lair is in the living room I mean the shadow lands that sounds scary don't worry Captain Clem You've Got The Power of night vision oh yeah come on let's go defeat Daddy and get our ball back [Music] there's our ball oh [Music] wait it could be a trap don't worry Clem with your night vision we can see in the dark there that's better what so you worked out my code did you quick [Music] oh no you've captured me Caillou use your super strength to knock him down [Music] you got me the ball is yours you really are some superheroes [Music] Find Another Hero Adventure okay class it's almost time for the weekend so that means it's time to choose who gets to take home the class pet Gerald [Music] now who wants to take him home Caillou why don't you take Gerald today so I get to feed him and play with him and then tomorrow he gets to run around in his ball [Music] rise and shine sleepy head it's breakfast time [Music] Come on Mommy says you can play in your ball today [Music] Caillou Leo's here coming mommy wait here Gerald foreign hey Caillou hey Leo you want to come and see Gerald I was just about to take him outside sure so he needs to get some exercise so I put him in his ball oh what's wrong Caillou where's Gerald I left him here and now he's come on [Music] qualities disappeared don't worry Caillou we'll find him [Music] here Gerald here Gerald foreign [Music] Gilbert whoa [Music] there you are [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] well Deputy Teddy I think the town is going to be safe now we caught the Rexy Bandit Sheriff Caillou come quick howdy Clementine what's wrong Sheriff Caillou and Outlaw is trying to rob the bank oh oh no what are we waiting for [Music] Let's Ride [Music] faster Gilbert yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was fun now I just need to get out of here before the sheriff arrives not so fast cowboy well well well looky here that money isn't yours it is now I'm the sheriff in these parts and I say you have to give it back [Music] if you don't take the money back I'll take you to jail well this town ain't big enough for the both of us [Music] draw look [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Splish Splash [Music] faster Gilbert they're gaining on us whoa Sheriff you did it the town is safe again thank you don't think me partner think Deputy Teddy the toughest bear in the West [Music] I'll get you for this Sheriff call you Sheriff oh sheriff I thought you all might be hungry after saving the day so I brought you some Cowboy Cookies wow thanks mommy these are to keep you full of energy for your next adventure yeah [Music] and Sheriff call you is always ready to save the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on over folks get your lemonade here now you like a lemonade please [Music] that'll be one dollar please Mister [Applause] [Music] how's it going Caillou it's going great mommy look how much I've made already that's wonderful Caillou it looks busy do you need any help no thank you Mommy I've got this all under control okay well you call us if you need anything we'll be right over here one dollar two dollars three dollars four dollars five dollars [Music] oh wow a puppy oh he is a scallywag pepper off come this way I am sorry young man I hope he didn't bother you oh no I love dogs [Music] Please can I play with him a bit longer what do you think pepper [Music] and what is your name young man I'm Caillou well Caillou you go off and play and I'll have a glass of that delicious looking lemonade let's go pepper [Music] hey Mommy look what I found oh wow Caillou what's his name pepper because he's black see [Music] looks like someone is a little excited he's really friendly [Music] you want to pet him Rosie here Peppa Peppa [Music] that was a big kiss huh Rosie Caillou don't forget this they've had a wonderful time together haven't you Caillou yeah thank you well thank you for taking him off my hands Caillou I haven't had such a restful day out in a long time and I think pepper enjoyed himself too I think pepper needs to cool down [Music] I know pepper let's go play in the fountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] wow what should we do first Clem [Music] Skee-Ball it's my favorite yeah can we daddy sure Caillou let's go [Music] all right Caillou it's your final throw deep breath [Music] all right Caillou Well Done by you [Music] awesome I can't wait to spend my tokens well don't spend them all at once raise you to the bumper cars Caillou [Music] I'm gonna get you for that Caillou [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was fun wow kids that was great you must be getting hungry well what would you like hmm let's see what we can get with this hello [Music] air hockey yes [Music] oh brain freeze that is one cold milkshake how Caillou mini golf let's go [Music] a nice and straight Glam don't hit too hard but not too soft either [Music] thank you [Music] almost there Clem one more tap should do it laughs [Music] what's wrong Caillou down scary wanna play something else no it's okay that's it Caillou you can do this [Music] oh Caillou a hole in one we didn't Clem yeah come on let's go get our prizes oh yeah I almost forgot wow Caillou did you have a good day the best [Music] everyone this is Alex now it can be very scary to start at a new school so let's all try and make him feel welcome okay why don't you take a seat Alex [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Alex I'm Caillou why are you all the way over here what a recess isn't fun on your own Silly no come and play with me and my friends no I don't want to play with you oh sorry maybe we can just know just leave me alone thank you you're very quiet today Caillou how was school it was okay hmm not hungry Caillou I thought spaghetti was your favorite [Music] Caillou Daddy is talking to you hello Earth to Caillou are you in there I don't want [Music] you really scared Rosie Caillou I know I'm sorry Daddy really mad God well why don't you tell me what made you so mad [Music] I just want it to be his friend but he pushed me and it hurt and I don't know why he was so mean I'm sorry Caillou I understand why that would make you angry I didn't mean to be angry at Rosie I'm just scared that's okay Rosie will understand if you apologize that's what's most important Caillou hmm [Music] I'm sorry I scared you Rosie it isn't nice to be scared [Music] great idea Rosie let's go down and finish our dinner what if Alex is mean again Daddy I'm going to come in and we'll speak to Mrs Martin about it together okay remember if anyone is ever mean to you you can always tell your teacher okay good morning Caillou hi Mrs Martin I I need to tell you that hey Caillou hi Alex I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for pushing you yesterday it's just really scary being at a new school and I didn't mean to be mean but I'd really like to be your friend if you'll still let me that's okay sometimes when I get scared I mean by accident too really yeah but my daddy says the important thing is to say sorry come on Caillou you don't want Alex to be late on his second day do you coming come on you can meet Leo and Clementine before class oh
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 75,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: lYWq_x55U_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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