Caillou Falls down | Funny Animated Caillou Videos For Kids | Videos For Kids

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[Music] today caillou and rosie were in the park practicing riding their bicycles they were having lots of fun cycling up and down the path together look mommy no feet that's very impressive caillou hi caillou caillou noticed that all his friends were riding their bicycles without training wheels on hey where are your training wheels we don't need them anymore watch come on caillou we're going to go ride down the hill caillou felt a little silly he didn't want to be the only one using training wheels what's the matter caillou i don't want my training wheels anymore daddy i want to ride my bicycle like a grown-up well if you think you're ready i could teach you to ride without them i'm ready there you go caillou caillou was eager to catch up with his friends he hopped straight on his bicycle and tried to ride it wait for me careful caillou you haven't ridden without training wheels before ouch mommy i fell off oh poor caillou never mind let me kiss it better mommy kissed caillou's knee it made it feel much better it feels better now mommy you're very brave caillou let's try again but let me hold you up this time you have to learn to balance first okay ready let's go hold on tight caillou it's okay you're doing great don't let go daddy i already have caillou caillou was riding the bike all by himself i'm doing it great job caillou look i don't need my training wheels anymore wow caillou you're really good at riding your bike thanks daddy taught me how let's go down the hill again as caillou rode down the hill he could feel the wind rushing against his face it was lots of fun wow that was amazing i think i went the fastest no way i was the fastest how about we have a race to see who's the fastest great idea clam okay guys the first one to go around that tree and back is the winner of the race are you going to race too rosie zoom zoom okay is everyone ready ready ready three two one go [Music] caillou and his friends raced off towards the tree pedaling as fast as they could [Music] but rosie struggled to keep up on her little tricycle [Music] i'm going to win [Music] rosie you won the race well done rosie wow you must have gone really fast rosie i didn't even see you go past me you knew that rosie hadn't really won the race properly but he also knew that she was only little when you are ready i'll teach you to ride a grown-up bike just like me [Applause] caillou is going swimming with mommy and daddy [Music] here we are caillou are you ready to practice your swimming caillou checked that he was wearing both his armbands they would help him stay afloat yup caillou looked around and was very excited to see a slide leading right into the pool look mommy a slide wait caillou caillou you mustn't run at the pool it can be very wet and you could slip and fall down look here see rule number one no running car you wanted to be safe at the pool sorry i just wanted to see the slide it's okay caillou now let's take a look caillou climbed up the ladder and sat at the top of the slide come on caillou i'll be right here to catch you when you land in the pool caillou looked down at mommy in the pool but now he was up here it looked an awfully long way to the bottom i got too scared it was a lot higher than i thought it would be never mind caillou let's go into the pool from the shallow wind caillou climbed down the ladder into the pool to join daddy that water was just the right height for him to stand on the bottom better much better look mommy i'm swimming very good caillou how about you try to swim to daddy caillou swam towards daddy that's it caillou just a little further i made it all by myself you certainly did [Music] caillou watched as mommy swam under the water he was very impressed caillou wanted to try and swim underwater too but his armbands wouldn't let him sink caillou you can't go underwater with your armbands on shall i hold on to them for you caillou wasn't ready to take off his armbands just yet it's okay i'll go under the water another day hey no running hi there what's your name caillou hi caillou i'm the lifeguard my job is to make sure everyone is safe at the pool if i see anyone being unsafe i blow this whistle i saw those children running over there that's against the rules that's right and thank you for calling out to them caillou remembered what daddy told him about running at the pool if you run at the pool you could slip and fall over exactly here now you can be a lifeguard too but only blow it if you see someone breaking the rules okay caillou felt very proud to be a lifeguard say have you tried the water slide yet it's lots of fun i tried but i got scared it's okay to be scared but a brave lifeguard like you has nothing to worry about well i guess i could have another try great and don't worry i'll be watching to make sure nothing unexpected happens caillou climbed up the ladder once more it still looked a long way down i'm here caillou caillou was ready he counted to three and then pushed himself down the slide one two three oh caillou you did it what a brave lifeguard you are that was amazing did you see the big splash i made can i do it again [Music] daddy the pool said no grown-ups on the slide caillou was very happy he would never be scared to go down the slide at the pool again caillou was going to a food fair in the park with grandma and grandpa wow look at all the food grandpa that's right caillou this is called a world food fair the people here are making food from all different countries caillou it's a great chance for you to try some food you might not have tasted before caillou could smell all kinds of unusual things but he didn't know what they all were what can you smell caillou i'm not sure but it smells yummy well come on then you lead the way my tummy is starting to rumble well hello there how can i help you today hello this is my grandson caillou he's going to try some food from around the world well caillou you've come to the right place have you tried a taco before caillou thought about all the nice food mommy and daddy made for him at home but he couldn't remember having tried a taco before i don't think so what is it a taco has a hard crunchy shell on the outside and a tasty filling on the inside well that settles it one taco please [Music] [Applause] here you go caillou now be careful caillou make sure you don't squeeze it too hard oh dear caillou's taco had broken it had looked so yummy and he didn't even get to try one bite that can happen with tacos here have another one on the house thank you remember to be careful this time try not to squeeze it so hard caillou held the taco very carefully in his hands and took a bite hmm it's really good caillou thought that tacos were very tasty and he likes the way the outside crunch it's crunchy here try some okay caillou where to next a woman at the next stall was stirring something in a large metal pot caillou wondered what it could be hello this is caillou he is trying different food today very nice to meet you caillou what are you stirring it's a curry curry is a very popular food in a country called india and it's full of all kinds of interesting spices this one is spicy and this one is mild caillou hadn't heard of india or curry before india where's that grandpa india is a country on the other side of the world caillou can we have one spicy and one mild please thank you i'll try this spicy one hmm just right caillou noticed that grandpa's face had started to turn red what's the matter grandpa that spicy curry is too hot for your grandpa caillou here try this it's a drink made with yogurt called a lassie it'll help you cool your mouth down thank you that's much better that spicy curry sounds scary caillou wanted to try all of the food but he didn't want to eat anything too spicy don't worry caillou this one is only a tiny little bit spicy i promise caillou felt a little tingling in his mouth from the spices but it didn't make his face turn red like grandpa it's not too spicy at all i think i should have the mild one next time as well thank you for the curry hello here to try some sushi hmm my favorite sushi that's right sushi is from a country called japan it's usually made with rice and raw fish caillou didn't like the sound of raw fish one bit raw fish yuck can we have three pieces please one for me one for grandma and one for caillou give it a try you never know it might be your new favorite it's too weird i can't eat it grandpa that doesn't matter caillou different people like different foods i know how about you and grandma go find a picnic bench and i'll bring you something i know you'll love grandpa had brought caillou something but he was keeping it a secret what have you got grandpa you'll have to guess caillou liked guessing okay what if i told you that it's made by mixing flour eggs and water [Music] okay well what if i told you that this food comes from a country called italy oh i know pizza almost how about if i told you that this was your most favorite food in the world caillou knew what grandpa was hiding it's spaghetti that's right that is my favorite yummy caillou had lots of fun trying the different kinds of food at the fair but he really loved his spaghetti caillou was at the beach with mommy daddy and rosie daddy was going to take him exploring ready to explore the rock pools caillou where did the rock pools come from they weren't here last time they were caillou you just couldn't see them because they were hidden under the sea when the tide goes out little bits of the sea are left among the rocks including any sea creatures that were hiding there caillou wasn't sure he liked the sound of hidden sea creatures but what if we find something scary like a big shark don't worry caillou there won't be any sharks follow me you promise i promise caillou but be careful some of these rocks might be a little slippery have fun caillou and be careful rosie and i are going to write a message in the sand to show you when you get back okay mommy see anything in this one caillou caillou looked very carefully but he couldn't see any creatures no it's empty it's okay let's keep exploring what about this one i saw something it was a shark i don't think it was a shark caillou come and take another look caillou looked again it wasn't a shark after all oh it's just a little fish and look there's another one and another there's too many to count the fish will be able to get back to the sea once the tide comes back won't they that's right caillou you're a very good explorer shall we see what else we can find caillou waved goodbye to the fish and went off in search of more creatures caillou was taking extra careful steps he didn't want to slip over and get his shorts wet wow caillou come and see this at the bottom of the pool caillou saw something very strange daddy that's not a creature it's just a flower but flowers don't grow underwater do they it may look a bit like a flower caillou but it's actually a little animal called a sea anemone and and men you got it caillou thought the sea anemone was the strangest thing he'd ever seen daddy help it's got me [Music] hold still caillou it's not trying to hurt you see it's just a friendly sea snail it felt really slimy [Music] daddy look over there well spotted caillou it's a little crab caillou liked how the crab moved from side to side it was dancing look daddy i'm a crab [Music] crabs can live on the land and in the sea want to take a closer look yes please careful daddy it's okay caillou i just gotta try and avoid his claws does it hurt daddy no not really he's only very small [Music] of all the sea creatures caillou had seen that day the crab was his absolute favorite well we better get going caillou the tide will be coming back soon and we don't want to get wet feet goodbye mr crab mommy oh hey caillou so how were the rock pools i saw all kinds of sea creatures my favorite was the crab look that's great caillou well rosie and i were busy too wow that's your name rosie and that one's my name i've been teaching rosie her letters that's great rosie [Music] don't worry rosie now all the sea creatures i met will be able to read our names too [Music] oh no a crab caillou loved meeting all of the sea creatures in the rock pools learning at the beach was lots of fun caillou and his friends were at the park caillou was very excited because today they were going to play soccer okay everyone are we ready to play some soccer we're ready grandpa are you going to be on our team no i'm going to be the referee it's my job to make sure everyone plays by the rules and has fun i'm going to score 100 goals you just might leo but the most important thing is that we all play as a team the first thing we need to do though is to warm up a little caillou was a little confused warm up but it's not even cold this is a different kind of warm-up caillou we do it to warm up our muscles look copy what i do first we touch our toes after that we reach up to the sky [Music] then we do a twist to the right and then a twist to the left and then finally we rotate our hips around like this that's it rosie we're warming up caillou thought warming up was lots of fun there finished now you're warmed up and ready to play let's go [Music] good luck caillou okay everybody ready three two one caillou dribbled the ball down the field he wanted to score a goal over here caillou pass to me i'm open caillou caillou could hear sarah and leo calling but he wanted to score a goal himself [Music] caillou was very unhappy he was the one who was supposed to score come on caillou your teammates need you it's not fair grandpa i wanted to score a goal soccer is a team game caillou you sarah leo and clementine have to work as a team and score a goal together watch let me show you [Music] okay caillou let's see if i can get the ball oh no now leo has the ball [Music] you see if you work together as a team it makes it much easier caillou saw that they all had to work as a team okay grandpa i think we're ready to play again now great [Music] caillou dribbled the ball towards the goal again pass caillou over here caillou stop dribbling and pass the ball to leo hooray great job guys that was a great goal sarah thanks caillou we all did it together [Music] caillou chased after the ball but it was hard to catch the other team was passing it around all over the [Music] oh place great save clementine thanks clementine kicked the ball high into the air and caillou and leo chased after it as fast as they could run get ready caillou this was caillou's chance he took aim and kicked the soccer ball right into the goal we did it we scored another goal great job team that was a very good goal you scored caillou it wasn't just me grandpa we all had to work as a team okay team ready to go again yeah grandpa looked around for the ball but he couldn't see it hey has anyone seen the soccer ball [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rosie come back caillou was very happy to have scored a goal but was even happier to be in a team with all his friends [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 14,515,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: JyrxRpIcGZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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