€6.5 Million Superyacht Tour : 2015 Mengi Yay

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i've come to palmer specifically to hunt for super yachts and i found one this is a 32 meter mengeye it's built in 2015 as a sale with ocean independence who have very kindly organized a tour of it for me so we'll have a look over this one and see what we think and we board as ever in the mediterranean vardis passarelle so head on this way you can see there's a jet ski on the back here and that's access in through to a lazarette for storage and the engine space is down there as well we're going to come on here first of all slip my shoes off this is a very well cared for boat you'll see that as we go around it it really is in lovely condition so there is seating as you can see at the back here a nice low table to drop your drinks onto and this big overhang to provide plenty of shade but what is interesting is these drop down balconies on the side so you can increase the size of this quite a bit they drop down through 90 degrees to give you a flat deck out and then those sockets there you put poles into those and a rail obviously to make it safe and then there's a walkway up the side of the boat you'll see that door at the end we will see that when we're inside of the boat so i'll point that one out to you and exactly why that's there this i like this is a bar area and what's great is that you've got this terrific view out across the back of the boat to sit there with your friends of an evening or your loved ones and have a drink and admire the view that would be very nice indeed anyway let's head on inside and i'll show you what this fine ship is all about now this is super yacht from the minute you step on board the way all this is laid out the amount of space in here the lighting the finishes the quality it looks fantastic i love details like this where they've got these little alcoves with things on you've got things like the drawers these little stainless steel rails on them to open them very nice and more storage down this side there's a seating area up ahead that's a nice comfortable little lounge area and in fact there is a tv built into here it's mirrored but the tv actually shines through it you can drop that panel down but you don't need to it will shine right through the mirror we'll head forward a bit further we've got stairway here down to the lower deck we'll do that of course in a little while but we're going to head forward first of all past the date heads which is in here and then up ahead in typical superhot style we have the master cabin and it's a really nice one because you've got this office area that you walk into first of all and then separate from that is the master cabin itself full beam as you'd expect but what is a standout feature is look at this i think ensuite is saying it a bit short that is your bathroom quite literally there's a bath in it very nice there is of course a shower as well that's in behind this door here that's a huge rainfall shower and then out here you've got a sink with the taps built into the mirrors very nice storage underneath and the same thing on the other side beautifully back lit as well that looks really good and in here is the loo of course that's a frosted door for privacy so you can't see through that at all excellent anyway let's take a look at the cabinet in a bit more detail how nice is that love the headboard that's a really standout feature isn't it and again you've got that exquisite quality everywhere now this is actually an owner's boat and in use i'm very kind to grant's permission to have a look at this one so we are being a little bit discreet in terms of opening cupboards and doors if you're wondering why i'm not doing any of that that's the reason there's a tv in here that rises up so you can watch television in bed if you want to but it is palatial isn't it awesome let's go look at the guest quarters they're on the lower deck so we have back through here that's the saloon and the doorway where we came in but we're going to turn this way and head down this stairway love these pillars they put here it's a nice feature and here are the guest cabins so in here these of course all ensuite it's got a huge double bed and again storage down the sides and then the cupboards either side and that is the ensuite big rainfall shower again a nice little dressing table tucked away in here but of course there are four of these cabins on this deck so we've got another one over here what's interesting or notice is they've put different finishes in to differentiate different cabins which i think is a nice touch so this has got the very dark polished wood the one that we were just in that's a much lighter finish altogether and it's a bit like at home you wouldn't decorate every room exactly the same and that's not what they've done here they've added a bit of individuality to each one it's got big windows in here blinds down across at the moment of course some neat lighting in the ceiling and along behind the headboard and again you've got your wardrobes and a very nice ensuite now we head aft these i think are actually a little larger believe it or not when that would be a master cabin on most boats wouldn't it but on here as a guest cabin incredible i love the illuminated art that looks great ensuite as you'd expect and the shower and wardrobe is across the back wall there nice and then next to this one another really big cabin and this again isn't that light finish again with a beautiful artwork little desk in the corner there's windows behind the blinds well that is a nice room very nice i think on this size of boat corner cabins is certainly a bit short it's proper bedroom stuff isn't it ensuite is here and shower again in behind big shower a really big shower excellent that is your guest accommodation let's look at some other areas on this boat so i'm going to head round here back up this stairway and what we find straight ahead of us is the galley if we go into here it's the kind of guy you'd expect on a boat at this level which is big and obviously you've got the cooking arrangements and the dishwasher and so forth and that door is the door i pointed out when we first came on that goes down the side of the boat so the crew can come from here out through and down the side of the boat they don't need to go through the accommodation if they don't want to that's the door we came in massive fridge freezers of course and a nice mess area and the crew area that is down there now we have been asked not to go down there because there's a little bit of work going on at the moment but there's four cabins down there two of them are ensuite and two of them share our heads so we'll accommodate eight crew in there it's quite an area isn't it okay we'll go back through the door that we came in on this time we're gonna take a loop around and we're going to go up so we're back past the main deck saloon very nice and this then takes us up to the wheelhouse now people often ask why is there no seat for the helmsman well the reason for that is because when these boats are on long passage you're not actually driving the boat it's not like a car you stand here and steer you put it on autopilot you set your speed and away you go the only time you actually tend to use the wheel is when you're maneuvering and you're in port like this and what you need then is much room as much height as you can get to really see what you're doing with the boat there are wing stations as well i'll show you those in a moment but that's the reason for that once you're out at sea and cruising you're sat over there and dealing with navigation equipment keeping a watch that kind of thing good little desk at the back here as a captain now we can go from here straight up to the sundeck it's not normally a guest route but i don't know if they can if they want to but just for speed we're going to come out this way onto the sundeck so what we have here is seating across the front so that people can sit under the shelter of this screen and watch the coast slipping by very nice view and of course there's dining up here as well and then this area is catered for by a discreet wet bar and behind here so you've got your sink fridges here that one is an ice maker as i say that caters directly for this area big hard top on here plenty of shade if you want sunshine you want to be back here and that's the route up from the aft deck where we came onto the boat but look at this beautiful hot tub on the back that'd be a great place to wallow a few hours wouldn't it then right at the back here we've got sun beds now these are not fixed they're freestanding and the reason for that is because you might have noticed there's a huge crane here and that means that you can lift the rib when you're on passage up and onto this area that's when the boat's doing some serious distances that's what you would do with it and the rest of the time if you had this set up for guests then you'd probably tell it let's go right to the back and these fellas here these are life rafts excellent what we do now is hook back down through that helm position i'll take a look at the four deck areas because those are rather lovely as well so we can come back through here drop down these steps and we'll head out of the door on this side and head forward i mentioned wing stations this is a wing station so this when you're maneuvering the boat you can actually handle everything from here so you've got controls for the steering the bow thruster you can see the engine instrumentation and of course the throttles and gears and the idea of this is that you can stand here as you reverse the boat in you've got a perfect view down the side and there's another one on the other side and there's a rather lovely reaver going out there it's a pretty boat isn't it up ahead then another great lounging area with a terrific view out across the front of the boat and you've got these sunscreens up above as well for a bit of shade that's lovely let's head right forward so we can come down here drop down these steps and onto the front of the boat you can see the massive anchor handling kit up here gives you some idea the seriousness of the boat doesn't when you see these sorts of things they're huge and then some more low level sheeting and beds up on the front of the boat again you get a good impression of the size it's a really big boat it's a proper super yacht excellent let's head on back this is the other wing station and again you can see how close these boats get more to each other and why that would be a good thing to be able to watch as you come in and then we can come back here and down these steps and back down the side to the after we came on now the other area we're going to miss out on i'm afraid is the engine room because there's a bit of work going on at the minute and again and this is absolutely perfect they don't want it being seen so i'm missing out on that but i can give you some specification and tell you that it's got a pair of caterpillar c12 engines they're 490 horsepower each and they're in the boat a top speed of around 13 knots you can cruise at 12. but if you drop the speed back to eight knots that's its optimum cruising speed and that's giving you a range of over three and a half thousand miles so you've got some serious distance potential for this boat to back up the superyacht credentials and that my friends is that thank you to ocean independence for organizing that tour i really appreciate it and thank you to you guys as ever for watching we'll catch you on the next one take care bye
Views: 270,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mengi Yay, Superyacht, super yacht, boats, Boat Show, Aquaholic, yacht tours, superyacht tours, super yacht tours, Yacht, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, superyacht, boatlifeluxury lifestyle, millionaire lifestyle, luxury travel, luxury homes
Id: HYuOsMErCbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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