“They Outright LIED!!!” Joe Rogan EXPOSES CNN & Don Lemon's Rebuttal

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Remember what they said on Spongebob. Evil stands for every villain is lemons. Don Lemon anybody? Seriously though, Don Lemon is a joke.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ChadDorcas 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m literally so proud of this guy. I used to see him as a leftist only ideology kind of guy and knowing he is way more educated than that makes me so happy.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/KitKats-or-Death 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Once boomers die off, CNN and Fox news will have like 10 viewers....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bothpartieslovePACs 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Around 11 min he talks about the news networks accepting sponsors and lobby money and pushing their agenda...hate to remind him but he gets sponsor money and at some point they are going to expect something from him, if they haven’t already.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wdp1984 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
our mistrust in media is at an all-time high could it be because of incidents like the joe rogan vs dr sanjay gupta conversation where rogan confronted him on cnn's misrepresentation of his own experiences with coronavirus and its treatment let's have a look at that whole story let's track it because remember joe rogan thinks that this is one of the best news sources in the world and joe rogan is never wrong so mainly we want to talk to you about joe rogan's conversation with sanjay gupta and media reporting on various subjects media bias and prejudice but it's worth noting at this point that a recent survey has said that america's trust in the media to report the news fully accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage points since last year to 36 percent making this year's reading the second lowest in gallup's trend between 72 and 76 68 to 72 percent of americans express trust in the mass media this is a time of mistrust i mean it's astonishing to think that between 68 and 72 like vietnam war all of the social unrest and social unease around that time that trust was that high maybe things are improving maybe we're becoming more aware of media manipulation but make no mistake the media government and big business necessarily operate in a triumvirate of exchange and complicity to maintain the status quo from which they all benefit a great example of this comes in the phenomenal shape of joe rogan who because of his unique media position having his own direct relationship with the people that watch his content he has a unique opportunity and a unique voice and he's able to confront misinformation as he sees it when he sees it as a result of this his conversation with sanjay gupta from cnn had many fascinating points let's have a look at some of those more breaking news this evening joe rogan an extremely popular podcaster announced on social media today that he has covet turns out i got kovid so we immediately threw the kitchen sink out all kinds of meds monoclonal antibodies uh ivermectin zpack i would say broadly speaking that joe rogan is a fascinating media figure because he's an auto died act self-educating himself obviously through the course of his podcast you can see joe rogan's evolution perhaps in a way that some people think you can see my opinions alter and change because he's continually talking to experts in a variety of subjects it doesn't fit easily into pre-existing categories around liberalism conservatism because like he hunts but he's pretty progressive about men's health and mental health he's pretty progressive very progressive on civil rights issues so he's a difficult figure to confine but a certain define and confined but aside from that he has his own access to the public so he's not constrained by ordinary celebrity regulation and i think that that's part of the problem so i feel that you know coronavirus and its complexities and i'm certainly no expert on coronavirus with any axe to grind or any opinion to push i feel that joe rogan is in a unique position and even though this particular map was around coronavirus and we all know how hotly this space is contested it says a lot about his role in the media space and the antipathy that the established media feels for figures like that because it's breaking through the established patterns of communication joe rogan can within reason say whatever he wants believe whatever he wants and he's not subject to the sanctions that the media likes to impose on people that disagree with them one of those drugs he mentioned ivermectin is something more often used to deworm horses when you have a horse deworming medication that's discouraged by the government that actually causes some people in this crazed environment we're in to actually want to try it now this guy in particular is very enthusiastic about labeling either mechtin a horse deworming drug which of course it is but it's also a nobel prize winning drug that's an anti-parasite drug and obviously i know that you lot all know that now we're not talking about ivamectin the qualities of ivomectin the efficacy of ivormectin what interests me is the hyperbole and editorializing of the news why would cnn just want to present only one side of that argument they're carrying a particular agenda why is that and if you're able to carry a particular agenda without significant criticism except for in unregulated or less regulated spaces what does that suggest to you it suggests that there is an intention and objective and the obstacles to that intention and objective are being shut down you're probably the only one at cnn that's glad no no no no no no no the rest of them are all lying about me taking horse medication we should talk about that that bothered you like it's interesting here because like because joe rogan's had the opportunity to confront sanjay gupta from that network i've been on joe rogan's podcast and his general demeanor is not of someone that you would likely confront because obviously he's a combat expert and i don't mean he's going to fly across the desk and choke you i mean that people like that often have a good grounding when it comes to confrontation and an ability to think strategically so he's not willing to let sanjay gupta just go oh that seemed to bother you that bothered you even in his first utterance sanjay gupta is putting the blame on joe rogan as if joe rogans are kind of snow flaky about having been judged about it it should bother you too they're lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs calling it a horse to worm is not a flattering thing i guess it's a lie it's a lie on a news network and it's a lie that's a willingness that's that's a lie that they're conscious of this is not a mistake yeah they're unfavorably framing it as veterinary medicine elsewhere on our channel we've talked about misinformation in the mainstream media and if you can track in this story the nature of the misinformation ie a news network that knows that either mctin has numerous uses highlighting promoting and amplifying a derogatory and pejorative aspect of that drug's function is an editorial stance you can then take what you know here and see how it applies elsewhere what else are they saying what else are they not saying you can use it you can see now oh there's an agenda to present certain pieces of information one way and certain pieces of information another way first of all it was prescribed to me by a doctor yeah yeah they shouldn't have said it was a bunch of other medications if you got a human pill because there were people that were taking it the veterinary medication and i you're not obviously you got it from a doctor so that it shouldn't be called that of course there even sanjay gupta's angle is or some people were taking it straight out of the vets and stuff like that but again that's highlighting a particular aspect of us there are hillbillies in dungarees with backwoods baseball caps on guzzling down horsty wermer why would you present these particular strains and these particular slants on a story but my point is you're working for a news organization if they're lying about a comedian taking horse medication what are they telling us about russia what are they telling us about syria do you understand that that's why people get concerned about the veracity of the news so there you go joe rogan spells out the nature of the problem once you can see the existence of bias plainly and i know because i read your comments that you guys wherever you are on the political spectrum are well schooled in media bias media prejudice you've taught me how to look at stories differently the reason i think it's a significant point one is because joe rogan has a a voice that's big enough to reach people and because it points out something that's really plain and really obvious the media is not telling you news the media is pushing you in a particular direction the the whole function of media is to maintain a particular state a particular stasis and order so that we primarily operate within certain bounds as consumers that we have prejudices in one direction against certain classes and castes of people that we don't operate within certain thought spaces that we don't use particular language now i'm as you know i because there's a variety of people that watch this channel i'll disagree with all of you on something but what i think is very very important is that we are able to what i want to say detach ourselves from these kind of lobes of idiocy that we've had attached to us pumping us full of information to keep us docile distracted angry and agitated as suits the agenda of a small percentage of institutions and individuals that benefit from an ecologically unsustainable unequal unfair and incendiary social situation that's actually horror of horrors mostly not real but he he did say something about ivermectin that i think wasn't actually correct about cnn and lying okay subsequent to that sanjay gupta went on to don lemon's show to break down and analyze his conversation with rogan ivermectin is a drug that is commonly used as a horse dewormer so it is not a lie to say that the drug is used as a horse dewormer the only thing that would be acceptable at this point would go do you know what we did right because we are fully behind particular causes of action and not behind other courses of action we really highlighted anything negative about either mectin and dismissed anything that would be positive about it if at that point you double down on the lie what you are i think categorically doing is demonstrating that you can't use this as a news source you can't use it you can watch it for entertainment but yeah you might as well be watching like the walters or sesame street or anything really because sesame street they help your spelling don't they cnn ain't even a proper word you're right i mean the fda even put out a statement saying you know basically reminding people it was a strange sort of message from the fda but they said you're not a horse you're not a cow stop taking this stuff is essentially what they said referring to ivor mechtin i mean let me just get deeper into the nature of their approval and all sorts of stuff that we're not really here to discuss but what we are discussing is the transparency of the media the reliability of the media a recent poll that says it's almost at an all-time low i won't tell you that it's at an all-time low because that would be biased it's actually the second lowest it's ever been i don't know where the lowest was i don't know what crazy lies they were telling us then but for my own honesty i'll tell you that currently it's at the second lowest so we know there's a bit lower it can go what i'll tell you in the area of conclusions is you should use new sources like this one like rogan's light breaking points to hit whatever you should look at news sources that are outside of this matrix of treachery because it's there in order to accept advertising and lobbying money from established corporate sources which means it has to operate compliantly and in alliance with the government so you're not going to get honest information from those sources now i think what what joe's point is for humans and but not necessarily for kovit don lemons really pushing it hard on it he's really like he don't even want dear old sanjay gupta to try and restore a bit of balance and faith now i think what what joe's point has been about for humans you know i'm aware i don't live in your country but i'm aware that like my country there is a lot of fragmentation and fracture much of it emerging from this space that's why i think it's always important to say i don't trust no media i don't trust no political parties my interest is in us forming new ways of communicating that lead to the maximum amount of freedom for us as individuals and as communities open your eyes and look at where your life is being manipulated moulded shackled by the powers and interests of other people and it doesn't benefit you at all and look at the systems that hold this fragile yet voracious beast in place because they are right before you now right yeah that's correct so in conclusion i suppose i would say i mean i don't know if we've got the clip of what joe rogan says about our channel russell brown has become my favorite new independent journalist he's this really open-minded well-informed journalist he's got papers out he's reading these facts and he's cracking jokes and he's funny very very complimentary and we're very very flattered to receive those compliments what i would say is i would return that compliment to joe rogan because he's a person that when he makes mistakes admits it is willing to learn continually he's in a conversation with people from all different backgrounds and aspects of the political spectrum and outside of the political spectrum elsewhere in our work on my podcast under the skin i continually talk to experts from across the political field people from the right people from the left anarchists communists spiritualists because i don't know anything all of you have valuable things to offer we're continually told that our role is to consume information to consume products but we have much more to offer than that all of us are individuals with agency ideas dreams potential and possibility and we should be exploring them together because it's going to take every single one of us to change the world and create something more in line with who we truly are and that's something we have to undertake together intrepidly cautiously and right now if you enjoyed this podcast please let me know or this conversation this video let me know in the comments below give it a like subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed this video have a look at this one and then if you need to meditate have a look at this cheeky saucy old sauce pot down there look at it go on get in there and also why don't you subscribe to my mailing list in the meantime for heaven's sake stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 4,112,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Joe Rogan, Don Lemon, CNN, Sanjay Gupta, Dr Sanjay Gupta, covid, media, lie, lied, network, trust, America, podcast, Joe Rogan Experience, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: zTtzGhYd0Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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