What surprised Matt Walsh the most when filming 'What is a Woman' | Will Cain Podcast

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all right matt walsh i'm happy to have you here on the will kane podcast you have traveled the world asked this question of everyone you've come in contact with including on social media have you found yet the answer matt to the question what is a woman you know it feels a little bit like a spoiler but i i guess i can reveal exclusively that uh i i did i did find an answer turns out that a woman is a is an adult human female as it as it turns out anyway i uh i don't want to give any spoilers either but it turns out as you point out you didn't have to travel very far to find that answer but the point of the documentary which i thoroughly enjoyed matt i thought it was very good and enlightening and entertaining is your confrontation i think with those who would not or could not answer that question for you i've watched you talk to psychotherapists i guess i don't know what type of doctor works in planned parenthood and prescribes puberty blockers i've seen you now interview sex change doctors in los angeles why is it they have such trouble answering that question well i think that question by the way they have trouble answering the question of what is a woman what i discovered is that they also have trouble answering any other question at all i mean any question that you ask if you're actually being sort of skeptical and you're asking a question because you want an answer which is how questions are supposed to work uh any question like that they they really have trouble answering what is a woman in particular i think it's because they know that um their ideology has sort of backed them into a corner where there's no answer to the question that won't destroy the whole um the whole edifice that they've constructed here because obviously you know you could just look at the fact that a man said a man says i identify as a woman and we're supposed to affirm him right as a woman but then you ask well what exactly is that what is a woman and um there there's no definition that can be given that is coherent and objective but also preserves gender ideology and if you can't get the definition then what does the statement even mean that i identify as a woman and you end up in this kind of circular self you know contradictory uh cycle you know there's a moment matt when you're talking to the subjects and it's not really exclusively in your documentary i saw the same moment when you were on dr phil there's a moment when you asked that question you and you sort of you now being the proverbial you search the person search the eyes of the person that you've asked that question of and i don't know and i'm not trying to project or i'm not trying to dunk on someone but it does seem there is a moment of fear and maybe that fear is what you just described maybe it's the realization i've just been undone but i'm curious you know do you think what you're encountering in that fleeting second and by the way it may be more in the documentary because it is edited they maybe sit there sitting there for minutes pondering the answer to that question but i'm if it is fear that i'm seeing i'm curious do you think they have never considered that question before i think actually yeah a lot of them and and one interesting thing that you have to keep in mind when you're watching the documentary is that we were filming that over the court you know a lot of the filming happened we started filming about a year ago and we filmed for i don't know six seven eight months but um all of the filming was done most of it was done before my doctor phil appearance and all of it was done before uh the you know infamous moment kataji brown jackson when that question was asked on like the biggest stage imaginable which means that for most of the these interviews um this question was not really out there kind of in the mainstream and so yeah the people i'm talking to hadn't hadn't really been confronted with it yet and a lot of them i think there was a moment where they stopped and at first they're like what are you asking me that for and then there's this moment of oh yeah i can't answer that can i that and and then that's when the the evasion begins this kind of like dance of trying to avoid the question uh which is which is pretty interesting can i ask you i want to ask you about some of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes i want to talk more about the philosophy of gender ideology um which is the important part of this conversation but it's someone who also creates content for a living and does so both live and on tape i'm really fascinated by both how you booked these interviews and what happens during the interview i heard during your interview with the gender theory professor and i can't remember what school or university where he taught but i i remember during that interview he said to you oh i saw that on the list of questions that you submitted and i was excited to answer that question what what was i did these people know who you were matt were they did they come in expecting some level i don't even want to call it hostility but of accountability what were the expectations going into the interviews uh well they you know we they knew the kind of broad subject matter we we'd be talking about and and as you heard there in the interview they there was several of our interview subjects who asked to see just kind of the basic outline of the questions obviously there will be follow-up questions and stuff like that but just kind of basic outline and we were happy to send them and we did um i think that uh maybe one advantage that we had was that yeah i don't think that any of the um i don't think any interview subject we sat down with recognized me or had any idea really who i was um and that again goes back to we're filming this you know starting a year ago and this was before you know be appearing on dr phil i kind of raised my profile a little bit in this film um and says before all of that so yeah there was no as far as i could tell there was no real recognition or anything like that um and the interesting thing you mentioned like sending the questions ahead of time is that there were there were instances where people are getting kind of tripped up on questions that they that they knew were going to be asked and yet we're still kind of tripped up on which i i can't explain that exactly i find it very fascinating what happened during the interviews um for what it's worth matt when i spent after you and i spent some time together at the blaze some eight to ten years ago i spent five years at espn and let me tell you one of the great things that espn did they they required every on-air talent to take an interviewing course and it was really good it was it was something that i would recommend any any um media organization to to put their talent through this course you and you learn things like ask for example open benign questions don't lead the witness don't put them in a position where they can evade an answer by asking them a double-barreled question then they can pick and choose what answer they want to go with don't give them yes or no type questions and you asked especially with this particular question what is a woman an open benign question and it's amazing what that does to an interviewee it really often and not just with this question spins people out of control um and i'm curious what happened during the interview because most of the questions i saw during the documentary were in that spirit open and benign not a harsh cross-examination not argumentative not a debate at least what was in the um documentary at least what made the cut so i'm curious what happened during the interview i know during one of them the congressman cut the interview short but how did most of the interviewees react uh i think that they you know things got actually pretty tense early on in the interviews uh just on just on the strength of exactly you're talking about these kind of open what would seem like rather benign questions and that's another thing that i wasn't quite expecting i knew that i knew that the the question what is a woman is a real stumper for people that are proponents of gender ideology and so i was expecting you know that that they'd be stumped on that but um what i found is that really much earlier than that if if you just ask basic questions i i think it's more in fact one of the universes i think was the uh the professor he said something about well it's your your tone you know he was disturbed by the by tone in the interview even though my tone was i think very you know baseline kind of uh just neutral but it was clear that i was at like it's a real question i actually want an answer out of you and i don't want just like a talking point and i think that's what threw them for a loop but i also found um the questions are important but also you know silence is very powerful just like let them give an answer ask your question they give an answer and don't say anything at first let because then they'll kind of keep talking and uh that's what i really want i don't want i don't want the first sentence that you give me because that's the talking point right i want like give me some more let's flush this out a little bit and um and that's when i found things kind of spin off the rails a little bit or a follow-up question i mean you know the the the answer to what is a woman that we got from pretty much everybody some version of the of it was always um a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman and they kind of want to leave it at that but then the follow-up is well identifies as what what is that thing that they're identifying as what does that mean and uh once you start bearing down a little bit more and trying to get you know actually get to the substance of this that's when uh that's when i think it all kind of falls apart well you're absolutely right about silence by the way i think they teach that negotiation forget political debate if you're negotiating over the price of a car silence is incredibly powerful people are so uncomfortable with it that they begin to fill silence and you get more you get more from your interview and i know i can hear you i can almost hear you asking yourself how much to give for the sake of spoilers um i'll just say everyone listening should absolutely go watch what is a woman it is entertained entertaining it is enlightening so i'll let you still kind of balance and weigh that that that debate when i ask you this but the congressman tanaka walked out did anyone else in the interview early i i saw the professor threatened to did anyone else end the conversation prematurely um the the professor did end up at a certain point he got up and just had enough of it um although but we we had we got to the final question of what is a woman so at that point you know we got the final question um the the cards was the only one that kind of that skipped out of there before we could even get to the final question which is why i had to ask it as he was walking out and we got that great answer from his aide who was standing over my shoulder the whole time by the way who said uh who said you're never going to find out which is just always a fantastic answer um and then we had uh we talked to a gender so-called gender affirming pediatrician who also threatened to walk out but didn't that's the other thing i discovered it's kind of like this psychological thing too where people are really uncomfortable get leaving situations like they don't want to get up and leave and uh you gotta use that to your advantage also i mean i'm not stopping anyone for leaving you're perfectly fine to leave but you don't want to so i'm going to keep asking questions and um that's the way it went i appreciate you entertaining that because look i think we're all sort of attracted to the train wreck of an uncomfortable moment and there are plenty of uncomfortable moments that sit and weigh heavily for the audience and for you would presume you two in the room so i wanted to see how that played out in real life listen you have made this really i think this is probably i would assume matt walsh's number one issue at least for the moment you've written as you point out a best-selling children's book about gender ideology you've now made this documentary it's certainly i think probably the majority of the things now on your social media feed why do you find gender ideology such an important topic because uh there's a few things you know one is that it's it's almost like i didn't really choose it i think the the the left and the cultural powers that be the institutions have chosen this as their top priority culturally anyway you know their number one project um so in some sense it's uh i don't even look at it like i chose it sort of they did and but why is it so important and the answer is to me it's so important because it cuts down to the basic question of truth you know it's like are we going to have a society that's grounded in truth that are we going to be people that have any concept of truth or not i don't think you can have a human civilization devoid of truth and that's another thing that happened in these interviews is that almost every single one of them at some point including the just average people on the street we talked to at some point it just it devolves into this whole well what is truth whose truth are we talking about those kinds of questions because you find that underneath the gender ideology what they're actually interested in preserving and promoting is this kind of relativistic notion of uh we all have our own truth relativism in general that's that's actually that's that's the real motivation i think uh and that's and that's why i think it's so important to them to the other side is because hey if we can if we can establish that even my biological identity is sort of up to me like i'm this self-created being and i get to decide everything about my own identity well then i really do have my own universe my own truth and i'm sort of the god of my own um galaxy in a way and and it's it seems to me that that's what they're ultimately shooting for you know for what it's worth i mean i i share your sentiment that this this issue is one of the most important that we face if not the most important one of the most important issues we face as a culture and the reason why is exactly what you just laid out it is a question of whether or not we are going to recognize reality an objective reality or we're going to live in a world of subjectivism and everybody as you point out gets to define their truth that's one of the interactions you have in the documentary what is your truth there is no my truth there is only a truth that's a conversation you have in there you just said something fascinating you think that end ups that in the end is at the top of the agenda gender ideology is just a pathway into denying truth in reality but you know i you know you said it and look i say it too sometimes you said the left right we use the pronoun they in this case the generic pronoun they and we talk about whoever it is driving this agenda the left elite politicians elite cultural taste makers i'm curious though how much of this you think is driven from a top-down agenda versus how much is sort of embraced from an atomistic chaotic ground-up level because when you describe the value of subjectivism in my personal reality i can see how as a culture we we start we start adopting that from the ground up because everybody wants to believe they're right and nobody can ever tell them they're wrong and i'm it's my truth and my reality but how does that aid the left how does it aid the left for every single person out there to live in a subjective reality uh well let's start with the first part of the question i think that it's really at least in its origins top top down that's that's where this starts and it still is i mean the as i mentioned the people we talked to on the street yeah there was there was a lot of apparent confusion like asking these basic questions of average people um they would also evade and kind of dance around it but it was pretty clear to me and oftentimes there are a lot of people who aren't in the film because they told me that i just can't talk about this issue on camera because i'll you know it'll it'll mean that i'll lose my job and i'll lose my friends and all this kind of stuff um it was really clear to me that most of people that we're encountering they know the basic reality but they're just afraid to talk about there's so much fear and why are they afraid because that comes from the institutions that comes from up top i mean we talk about in the film um the the the origins of some of these ideas there are some kind of landmark moments you can you can look to and also some pioneers of these things we talk about john money and alfred kinsey being two of the big ones um and that was back in the mid 20th century right and it seems to a lot of people though that the gender ideology thing really came along like five years ago and that's why people talk about it like it like it just sprang out of the blue and i think what really happened is that it was it kind of was bubbling under the surface it was making its way into society through the institutions especially like academia and then kind of filtering down from from there uh until kind of the groundwork was laid and then it could kind of explode into the mainstream but i do think this is a a top-down move for the most part and by the way i want to follow up on that question just one moment but since you introduced it i found the historical origins of much of this the the focus on kinsey and is it money john money um i found that fascinating uh lay that out to the extent that you can without you know doing the documentary on a podcast lay that out if you wouldn't mind most people have heard of kinsey they probably haven't heard of money they've heard of kinsey because i think hollywood turned it into a movie and and um he's just sort of seeped into popular culture how did those two individuals advance this to where we are today yeah that's that's i think i mean people have heard of kinsey through hollywood but the thing is if you've heard of kinsey through hollywood then you haven't really heard of kinsey because that's not that's not like the reality of kinsey who was really just a monstrous person and a fraud and just a quack um and his his real thing his goal was to sexualize children i mean he believed that children were sexual literally from birth and that's why we talk about um an infamous study that he did if we call it that where he um documented the orgasms of young children down to like five months old and he used sex offenders child molesters child rapists for this kind of quote-unquote research um and and uh and but but this was his his effort to you know kind of make make it clear that we are inherently sexual beings from birth and then you have you have kinsey okay you have him there and then we have john money who now we're going over into the gender side of it and he was one of the first people to come up with this idea that gender is something that people have and people don't realize that before guys like money nobody talked about gender among people you had people had a sex male or female man or woman and gender was linguistic like words had gender masculine and feminine words um money was among the first to say no people have a gender and a sex and he coined terms like gender identity i think sexual orientation is a term he coined as well um and he came up with this idea that gender is fluid it's socially constructed and we talk about in the film there's a whole story about how he kind of tried this theory out on two young boys one of whom was uh was quote transitioned at the age of two after a botched circumcision convinced the parents to raise the child as a girl because hey it's socially constructed as long as you affirm him as a girl then he'll be a girl that's not how it turned out both the kids end up going on as adults to kill themselves or they were totally ruined by this being john money's lab rats um but that's where these ideas came from and you know from from alfred kinsey you have kind of the comprehensive sexual education uh that goes into into the schools and you know you got to start teaching kids like kindergarten or pre-k about this stuff that was that comes from alfred kinsey and then from john money we have gender is fluid and everything that we hear about gender and so when you hear people on the left say really anything about gender or in defense of sex ed in schools they are parroting ideas from those two guys even if they don't know it and i think a lot of them actually don't know it and that and that of course gives evidence to the idea of what you said a moment ago that it's it's driven um from the top down i'm curious matt you've done this documentary um and and you you see i mean you know i would say your documentary lands out of fortuitous time because the news cycle is focused on pride month but i'm sure some of that was calculated and the other thing is the new cycle continuously gives you fodder for it to be meaningful in that week this week we've got the drag your kids to pride event here in my town of dallas um we got drag queens bumping and grinding and kids feeding one dollar bills into their thongs in front of a neon sign that says it's not going to lick itself um and i'm just curious when you see all of this stuff matt like where is it going what's next you have the historical context you know where it started in the 60s and the 50s with kenzie where are we 10 years from now i think for the advocates of this stuff what their goal is just it's really the total destruction of we talked about the destruction of of objective reality also any concept of kind of traditional morality um the parental the parent-child relationship the nuclear family i mean all these things they want to blow apart blow the smithereens and what we find on the left is that when you challenge them on these things they just double down and become more radical i mean now you have now you have democrats and liberals actually coming out explicitly in defense of child drag shows there's a i just saw on twitter there's a state senator in california who came out just openly advocating for child drag shows that's the kind of thing that 10 years ago would be unthinkable even among democrats right um so i don't think that i don't think there's any kind of stopping the dissent for them the question is on the other side people that oppose this are we going to get to a point where a line is finally drawn i think there's some evidence that maybe we're reaching that point i hope we are well maybe but the inertia of progressivism within culture is really in fifth gear right now i mean as you pointed out like ten years ago everybody on the left almost every on the left would have condemned a child drag show so i just have to wonder five years from now maybe ten years from now where are we you know you asked the question in the documentary of one subject you said what if i said i'm black so are we going to be in a place where there's such thing as and i know there's still is on the margins but in in popular acceptance is there going to be transracialism is there going to be and again i know there still are people out there um and you bring it up again in the documentary where we're going to say well you know he believes he's disabled so there's going to be a sizable contingent of people more importantly there's going to be a sizable contingent of apologists who say yeah you should cut off that person's arm because he believes he's disabled you know we can keep going transracialism you know furries or whatever people believing their pets and again you've brought this up i'm just curious do you think that's going we're in fifth gear and look the inevitable one that everyone talks about is pedophilia are we moving to a place and look we're already sexualizing kids because i don't consider this in the smallest bit conspiratorial we're clearly sexualizing kids so what will which of these go through them one by one which of these do you think we will as a culture be apologizing for within five years it would be a lot easier to talk about the one that we won't be because i think all the rest of it we will the one that we're kind of skipping i think is the transracialism thing i think that that will even though that of all these various ideas being transracial is actually the least crazy because actually you can be mixed race and those sorts of things so race is fluid in a sense in that way so that's the least crazy version that's the one we're not gonna do and that's just because it totally ruins it just doesn't work with the with the intersectionality politics on the left and so they're gonna skip that one but all the rest of it uh yeah i think we're gonna see here's what i would say the next five to ten years um i i think a big thing and we're seeing this now already but increasingly being quote genderless is is going to be a big thing in five to ten years there are people there are surgeons now who will do so-called gender nullification surgeries where they just obliterate any semblance of sex they'll they'll just get rid of your sex organs and try to turn you into this kind of genderless alien sort of creature um and i i think that's going to become increasingly popular um i think this proliferation of like made-up pronouns z and zur and zem that is more and more uh popular especially among the you know younger kids kids on tick-tock and everything i think we see a lot more of that trans species you talk about furries um this is already starting to bubble up and be and become more of a trend among young kids so i think i think all of that is absolutely on the table uh and the the final kind of acceptance and defense of pedophilia of uh sexual abuse of children i think is also we're we're basically already there with the child drag show stuff it's just a matter of how explicit and open are they going to be about it and i think eventually and not too long from now we're going to get there i asked that question on twitter this week like what is our line as individuals as parents and as a culture once you have your child stuffing dollar bills into a strippers and i honestly don't care if it's a female stripper or a drag stripper once you have your eight-year-old stuffing dollar bills into a stripper's thong you really have to ask yourself and look in the mirror what is my line like when will i stop and um i i look at the parents at that kind of thing and i think i don't think there is one matt at this point it's clear like if they can arrive at the place that this is a way to show your own virtue and achieve popular acceptance then there's just too many of us who will go along and not but encourage i i think uh with the drag thing in particular i mean the interesting thing is to think of it this way i mean drag is it's a form of burlesque performance that's what it is uh it's burlesque for men who are cross-dressing well okay let's let's just imagine for a second keep everything the same and let's just imagine that the men who are dressed as women actually are women so these are female burlesque performers like what you find in las vegas or something and and there were kids involved giving dollar bills out everybody would agree that's wildly inappropriate of course you don't involve kids in that and uh and yet if you if you make the performers male all of a sudden it's okay just doesn't make any sense at all but uh that's i guess that's kind of the theme that we will come back to it's just what they're saying doesn't make any sense well what's the handrail of sanity like what do you grab to what is what is the what insulates the american culture um i i don't know if there's anything that insulates those i i think that we can talk about insulating uh one thing that we can do to try to rescue our kids and eventually society is to try to insulate our kids more than we are from a lot of this stuff and some of that means like hey don't maybe don't give your 10 year old daughter or son a phone with unlimited unregulated internet access where they could be exposed to all this stuff and there's no way for you to control it um but i do think broadly for like society i i even though as you say we're in fifth gear and and where the momentum isn't is isn't uh on our side right now i do think that long term this is a winnable battle gender ideology in particular because as we discovered while we were doing the film um it it just wilts away and falls apart under the slightest scrutiny and the only way that it continues to have this kind of dominance is that the people who know better refuse to say anything and refuse to ask the question so we just have to get the normal sane rational people i don't care if you call yourself conservative or not normal saying rational you understand the difference between man and woman we need to get everyone in that crowd to just stand up and and draw that line and say this this is too far reality matters truth matters and that's it you know i have a couple more places matt i want to go with you really quickly but look um i remember this from knowing you again i think almost a decade ago but also i keep up with your work and um i also saw jason whitlock offer this friendly constructive criticism of the documentary where he said you didn't you didn't bring faith into the documentary i know by the way that that's a huge part of your life and your worldview and and your analysis of most things um but i actually agree with your choice to not tell this story through the lens of theology or faith because of what you just described because you want to appeal to as many people as possible and make a rational logical argument and look matt in the past i have over indexed in that direction i if i'm being self-critical and self-aware i think i would have said my analysis of most of the world has over-indexed on a logical basis i have to think that ultimately our only insulator is faith because i don't know and this isn't a criticism of the documentary because i think you did it the right way because if you had done it theologically you could have been too easily dismissed but ultimately as a culture i don't know if we can appeal to sanity and reality we should don't be wrong we should but just see too many would-be intelligent people willing to divorce themselves from those things and i just don't know if there's any other salvation and look my audience knows this i'm a work in progress when it comes to faith i mean as we all are but i don't know matt if there is any any salvation to this type of i've seen jesse kelly say this you may have said this this is sodom and gomorrah level stuff to sexualize kids i don't know if there's any salvation outside of reaching for faith i think i think it's it's not a either or i think it's kind of a and also situation because i agree with everything that you're saying of course as a person of faith myself but i don't think we have to choose between truth and faith truth and god you know i i think that these all lead in the same direction which is one of the reasons why as you pointed out in this film you know we didn't we didn't end on a theological argument we just wanted to appeal to the basic reality the truth and um i think that truth ultimately all points in that direction to the ultimate truth you know the divine truth and so if you can get just get people kind of on on the road then at least that's a little bit of progress and then you kind of you kind of take the next step but first there's just no hope of that if people are lost in total mental obliteration and confusion you got to rescue them from that first and one way to do that is you cannot give them any easy outs and that's a big reason why we didn't you know we didn't end on a bible quote or something like that because if we had done that then it just becomes the left can say oh you see this is it's nothing but it's just christian it's uh it's uh it's just religious you have to be religious to disagree with us and and that that's the escape patch that i think they would have loved to have we don't want to give them that um and but once you can get people out of the confusion and now it's now it's time to take the next steps i mean that's why this documentary is like 90 minutes you know you can only do so much in 90 minutes this is one part of the battle but there's a lot more to be to be done obviously okay just a few more places do you think you um look i know the daily wire um is is is targeting young people and young conservatives righteously um do you think in making this argument in all the arguments you made i'm curious how you see your project are you look take a guy like me right i come across a matt walsh tweet and i go yeah i freaking love that that's that's logic and it's harsh logic usually and that's fair to say about a lot of your logic right i mean it's it's plainly hard it's harsh in the way that the truth is harsh when it's laid out plainly um and by the way you have a your style is very interesting matt if you'll just grant me this little bit of opinion i mean you're you're really fairly neutral like in your tone for that professor to say you know i don't like your tone you're really fairly neutral you're very logic based which to some people reads condescending but i'm i'm really curious how do you think the project's going because your goal can't be to make will kane or those that agree with will kane or those that already agree with matt walsh to pump their fist right ultimately your goal has got to be to win over the winnable people to the side of sanity does do you think what is a woman does that does the entire i don't want to limit to the documentary the book your analysis everything and you can throw i'll throw myself in that as well i mean am i doing it are we winning over those who can be won to the side of sanity or are we simply preaching to the choir i think uh i think slowly but surely we are but it's uh this is a long term it's not something that's going to happen overnight you're also not going to produce one piece of content whether it's a film or a podcast or a book or anything and just so the battle's won right i mean this is um this is a we got to this point right now in our culture through the course of generations and so logically to get out of it probably going to take generations as well and we also know that um the momentum as we talked about is not on our side that's generational that's true generationally as well i mean there's been a you know you look at the the increase in trans identification in the youngest generation as opposed to the old it's like a 10 or 20 fold increase um and there's every reason i think that momentum will kind of continue for a while but we could slow it down and even with this film you know just taking the film by itself i i really didn't i didn't know exactly what to expect i thought that would resonate i knew we had something that that that mattered and i was proud of um but it has already from my vantage point had more of an impact than i honestly thought that it would and the the i've gotten a lot of emails and everything reactions from people obviously i can't even begin to read all of it but just from what i have read and from talking to people i've heard from a lot of people who tell me that the first thing they tell me is i'm not a conservative or i don't agree with you on most things or even like i really don't like you on almost everything else but i really appreciated this film and then going on from there so right i i think that we've we've been able to connect with with people on a broader kind of level i should say by the way you're harsh but somehow you're also fairly comedic i mean in the in the documentary you have pulled off somehow those two qualities in a way that i i really i don't know that i can name another person um and i in fact i'm sitting here wondering like were you purposefully comedic or is it just part of your personality but i'm not going to have you self-analyze there unless you want to i'm going to end with this question because we begin with philosophy i want to end with sort of the philosophy behind this and the question i left sort of dangling i agree with you that it's that it's top down driven agenda so what serves the left for lack of a better term what serves those pushing this agenda down to have everyone at the ground level living in their own individual reality what does that chaos allow greater control greater manipulation if everybody's out there living in their own truth what does that do for those pushing it from the top i do think it gives you greater it gives greater control and manipulation to the institutions because one of the things that it does is uh it it it fractures and separates people from their families from their communities like you know saying before kind of on the left it seems like there's this project of just destruction of everything just destroy the family the parental child bond uh religions the churches all of that and if you're if we're all in our own universes then naturally it's like everything it's like two stars are not existing in the same solar system they they are perpetually being flown apart from one another and so i think that's kind of part of the advantage of getting everybody in their own little universes and the other thing is is when when people live their lives that way uh they are more uh easily manipulated because then it's all about their they often tend to be driven by kind of base instincts and they're pursuing pleasure above everything else what makes it's like everything is very me folks what makes me happy right now in the moment nobody else matters and when you live your life that way then once again you're very easy to manipulate um you know it's it's like a brave new world i mean you go back to this dystopian novels of the 20th century and you see a lot of insight into that how people when they get away from morality when they don't have connections with their families anymore when they're very me focused self-centered looking back within themselves it becomes easy to kind of control them like like sheep and i think that's what we're seeing well i should say also that the documentary is not solely um full of interviews that are antagonistic there are people in this that i know you've described as a hero there is a woman who's transitioned to a man who's very passionate about what we're doing to children and i think in the end that's the story of the documentary we've devolved into a culture who who takes out on children our most perverse modern day senses of cheap virtue and you also talk to a psychiatrist who's i would have to think alone or a not alone but a minority vote voice of sanity within that profession so it's great what is a woman um where can folks find it matt you can go to what is a woman.com uh or go to dailywire.com they take you to the same place and uh sign up for a membership and watch the film all right matt i've enjoyed talking to you again it's been a long time but thanks for um breaking down the documentary and catching up today yeah i enjoyed it thanks a lot i appreciate it all right take care hey it's will kane click here to subscribe to the fox news channel on youtube it's the best way to get our latest interviews and highlights and click to subscribe to the will kane podcast for full episodes right now
Channel: Fox News
Views: 6,442,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news podcast, fox news will cain, fox news will cain podcast, news, the will cain podcast, will cain, will cain fox news, will cain podcast, will cain podcast fox news
Id: 9Gy8073sssI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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