Tim Pool: This Is Psychological Warfare

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fake accounts misinformation fake news troll Farms is social media being used to generate a disorienting reality that leaves us all baffled is it hello there you 5.6 million Awakening wonders thanks for joining me on this Voyage into the light together we shall awaken if we learn to discern the truth from the fiction if we learn to become authentic within ourselves if we learn to treat one another with respect and dignity regardless of whether or not we agree with each other I'm sometimes quite fundamental issues if you're not subscribed yet subscribe right now and remember to comment on this video and give us a thumbs up because it really really helps us particularly if you're a real person and not a bot because today we're talking about troll Farms fake accounts did you know that 11 of the accounts commenting on the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial were fake did you know that 19 of the 20 top Christian sites that were commentating on Trump and American cultural issues with Trace to bot farms in Eastern Europe how can we trust reality how can we trust the opinions we're forming around our culture if we're being bombarded and drugged and intoxicated with fake information and misinformation is the real source of misinformation not individual human beings like you and me but our concerted effort to disorientate us I spoke to YouTuber Tim Paul about this issue and many others on my podcast Under the Skin available from luminary in this conversation we talk about different forms of warfare how Warfare isn't now just military or chemical but is actually psychological but we're in a war right now unless we start to decentralize political power we're doomed to live in a state of spellbound hypnosis and disorientation have a look at this conversation please stay to the very end because Tim Paul is Illuminating as always Tim Paul another one of the brilliant people on YouTube that I don't always agree with and I'm sure obviously by default he doesn't always agree with me but in conversation perhaps we can find Mutual truths together stay to the end and comment and let me know what you think of this conversation do you accept then that in terms of any kind of political fulfillment and by that I mean the ability to live in a community that's representative of your values and to express yourself as an individual as you want to that you would have to to some degree separate yourself and your community from these centralized structures and if as you seem to be suggesting because you talked about sort of a co-op you saw at least use that phrase and and and does that indicate that perhaps the future for politics is beyond these centralization models and I'm all are you sympathetic towards people that say that what difference does it make this theater of the you know of um this bipartisan theater shouldn't we evolve Beyond these models that were kind of created hundreds of years ago and representative democracy was more relevant I I I'm worried that we're drifting into hyper partisanship you know I I think decentralization is always the way to go there's got to be some Central kind of agreement maybe overarching um uh Constitution perhaps it's a way to put it where we're like okay so these are these are the rules we're going to use to engage with each other but we disagree so I think that's why the US is actually uh great the states the cities the localities they each have their own implementation their own version but it's it's it's hyper centralizing and the problem is uh you can look at it with media the more we we lose local media in the United States because they can't sustain themselves in this new attention economy we see the rise of the New York Times building a massive subscription platform we see the Washington Post The Wall Street Journal and then what happens is for the average American they're hearing about National issues and less local issues now for one this can breed corruption at a local level which the local level is where it's at the federal level is is often in my opinion a distraction for for a lot of reasons but then you end up with corruption at the local level you end up with people disassociated from their own communities and then you end up with Hyper polarization and centralization so the fear I have with this is you know you you take a look at when Joe Joe Biden came out a few months ago and said that we may need to have more more lockdowns more restrictions this was at a time when Texas and Florida had been releasing their lockdowns they've been easing the restrictions and mass mandates and all that stuff and so when Joe Biden comes out and he speaks saying those things he's clearly not talking to Red States and so now you you already have a situation where over the past year many I think it's like half of Republicans don't view Joe Biden as legitimate like a third think that he didn't even win the election and so these people are already feeling like they're not a part of the system when the president comes out and speaks in a way that very much so speaks to only one side of the country the centralization is giving way to a splitting down the middle of some sort I don't know ultimately what it would look like but that's what happens when you go from decentralized communities with a weak central structure where they can communicate to centralizing everything and then factionalizing I think the whole system is going to implode on itself and I think it's a lot to do with the internet I think it has a lot to do with social media and the attention economy I don't know what the solutions are to be honest you know people have a right to free speech you used to like say more um thank you Laura you used to say more um frequently at least as far as I'm aware that you felt that I think I guess in the final days of trump that America was on the brink of some kind of Civil War um I still do do ya yeah yeah there's a uh but there's been polling data that I think May uh uh you know evolve that opinion notably there was a Hugo of data that show I think it was Hugo that uh there's five regions in the United States there's the northeastern there's the southern there's the Heartland there's the the west and the mountain regions and in each region there was a large plurality of people who wanted to secede from the union and form their own Regional governments essentially if you if you uh normalize for population in each by each state I did the math you end up with 37.2 percent of the US population wanting the country to break apart yeah that's that's that's massive uh because opposition to a a balkanization of the United States is comparable it's in the it's in the third range so you have about a third of people who are like I don't care you have about a little bit over a third saying shut her down and you have about a third saying no no keep it as it is and so when it comes to the yes or no vote the people who abstain abstain and then you'll get what 50 50. so I don't exactly know what it would look like though I think people have this uh um misconception about what Civil War really means uh and they also don't take into account that we're in what's referred to as fourth and fifth generational era of warfare uh we don't necessarily use kinetic Force to win Wars we use psychological operations propaganda manipulation and so depending on how you want to Define it look we had a guy get shot in the chest by an anti-fascist after a trump rally in Portland we just had a shootout in Portland just a couple days ago it may the kinetic aspect of any kind of civil conflict may keep itself constrained to these left and right skirmishes in various cities that it's simmered down a little bit we're in kind of a low year because politics you know we just got off a presidential election but I mean you look now with the uh cyber Symposium and I see a cat and uh yeah and we we have the audits in Arizona you know I just talked with Steve Bannon the other day and he's talking about audits in in Georgia and Wisconsin and Michigan and all these states this is persistent these people aren't backing down they don't view Biden as the real president and so if you have that Rising sentiment I'm not saying that we're going to see uh you know what one thing Bill Maher said was that there couldn't be a civil war because the Mason-Dixon Line would go through Grandma's Kitchen a reference to the line that defied the north north and south but I think that's uh Americans have this this issue where we View we view conflict or uh circumstances or uh Concepts through an American lens they don't seem to understand that the world exists and the Spanish Civil War for instance the Russian Revolution you take a look at what happened in the U.S with State versus state north versus South and it's very unique to United States based on its structure this massive Union of different jurisdictions but you take a look at the Spanish Civil War and you can see Pockets erupting of different factions declaring different regions so again when uh when I say Civil War it's I don't know you know I I've tried to to Veer away a little bit from saying Civil War assembly because I think people don't understand it they they assume I'm saying that California is going to declare war on Texas or something which I don't mean that but you could see different factions popping up ultimately you could see factions forming allegiances or alliances with each other and you know ultimately I think when people are already ready to kill each other are already wishing for the death of each other on social media I I think we're we're going to go into a psychological conflict that's that's what a fifth generational Warfare is a reference to manipulating someone online through using fake accounts to convince them that a certain idea is popular uh fourth generational Warfare is more is similar but doesn't involve physical conflict and things like that propaganda Black Ops false Flags Etc I'm looking at Twitter man and I'm seeing people celebrate Death Wish for death overtly these are verified blue check mark high profile accounts gloating and wishing for death and that that's you know been escalating so I'll put it this way I'll put it in simple terms in 2018 we saw proud boys antifa right-wing left-wing groups clashing and it was some of the most violent conflict I'd ever seen you know in the US I'm not I'm not that old I'm 35 but I had been at Occupy Wall Street I had seen you know Anarchist and Tifa and stuff like that I saw people throwing m80s at old women I I saw improvised explosive devices I wouldn't rate as too dangerous but dangerous uh mortar shells being thrown this was 2018. and so I was I was that that's when I started saying if this continues to escalate because we've already seen the culture War bubbling up since gamergate in 2013. if this continues we're at the level of kinetic uh skirmishes you know physical violence then I I don't see why people will back down when they're being threatened this way and the police aren't intervening they're going to get angrier they're going to spread more media they're going to challenge each other more so and the violence will continue to escalate so I've had a few people challenge me on the notion saying that I was completely wrong to imply that there could ever be a Civil War in the United States and this is back you know 2018 2019 2020. first I'll say that um I first bring this up because there was an article I believe it was in the Atlantic where they said that they polled a dozen or so or a large number of National Security Experts who said that they felt the second Civil War in the United States was probable ranging from some estimates of 30 percent some saying 90 you know I see an article like that and then I I take that uh expert opinion apply it to my own experiences and come to an agreement I think that conversation with Tim Poole shows just how advanced psychological warfare is and just how terrifying a spectacle it could become let me know what you thought of the conversation in the comments below remember to subscribe to my channel only 60 of you do I'd love it if you all subscribe remember to give us a thumbs up if you feel so inclined if you enjoyed this video watch either one of these two or both of them they're both fantastic videos please subscribe to my mailing list I give you a weekly bulletin or two all the live stuff that I'm up to I'm always doing a lot of things online and in physical reality too it's really important that you sign up for that in case I'm ever not on this platform more important than any of that those that you please stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 681,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, tim pool, under the skin, hyper partisanship, war, warfare, governments, psychological operations, propaganda manipulation
Id: 2G5WdtLQT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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