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is it already time for davos again klaus schwab and albert baller which was a bit taller ceo of pfizer have been meeting talking about all the wonderful money they created during the last couple of years i mean vaccines vaccines hello there you 5.6 million awakening wonders thanks for joining me on this voyage towards truth with all of its complexity with all of its apparent contradiction that's why we need as i've always said a one world government headed up by klaus schwab and heads of big business like albert baller what do you mean you'd prefer to run your own life shut up what are you conspiracy theorists as you know davos are meeting at the moment you'll know that already if you're a subscriber and you watch our videos we do if you're not a subscriber yet subscribe right now remember to comment below and tell us what you think about this content and by the way i was being sarcastic we're not saying that we should have a one world government that's the opposite of what we should have a unified vision local democracy autonomy in our own individual lives because we're all different and we all need freedom and one man's freedom might not be another woman's freedom so we've got to come up with new ideas should we get into this story where baller bishop was a bit taller ceo of pfizer wish i didn't tell somebody eliza not saying the fighter tells him any lies that he's talking to klaus schwarm who's just one white cat away from being in the movie with daniel craig i wouldn't like to pray just so you know pfizer made nearly 26 billion dollars in revenues in the first three months of the year the bulk of it from its covid19 vaccine and a new pill to treat the virus so whatever coronavirus was and wasn't wherever it came from or didn't however effective the treatments are or unaffected one thing about which we can all be certain is it was bloody good for pfizer how important is cooperation cooperation in an ordinary everyday context means that if you and i are trying to change a tire on a vehicle or bring up a child or rescue a cat from a tree it will be easier if we cooperate in this context cooperation means what if the government and non-elected non-democratic bodies that are funded by things like the gates foundation were able to operate along with the fda the regulatory agency that's meant to control or at least regulate the pharmaceutical industry all collaborated together do you notice the difference between these two words cooperation conspiracy i mean um not only uh you have to have cooperations with other businesses but also with governments cooperation from government now of course a government is obviously supposed to have been elected to represent the people that elected it and whose tax contributions pay for it isn't there a problem if governments start cooperating with big business and non-elected bodies like the wa or the who or the imf or all of these little free letter bloody organizations none of whom i remember vote for and some of whom i don't even know what it means i'm sure at least one of them is run by hulk hogan i feel you you have sometimes to do also with very little knowledge of the government for such matters like uh complicated medicines what complicated medicines what is the importance of uh cooperation how do you approach it we saw it in all aspects for example astrazeneca partnered with academia oxford to make it happen good astrazeneca partner with oxford which then cooperated with bill gates who then patented them vaccines and then he co-operated in a really lovely way by making sure that those patents weren't available for free so if you do believe that the vaccine should be freely available on the continent of africa we're gonna cooperate with you by telling you to [ __ ] off we partner with a small biotech yeah to make it happen they partnered with bioentec a smaller company that obviously developed vaccine technology who else they cooperating with we partnered with fda oh that's nice but the regulatory body who received 45 of their funding from the pharmaceutical companies that they are meant to regulate cooperate with them don't use the word conspiracy now how much you see mrna technology protected by patents or i think it's the holy grail without the protection biontech would never have the money that they got from their investors to develop it obviously talking points around patents i suppose are to cover the controversial and seemingly hypocritical issue which was you'll be aware of that if these vaccines are really good for you and that's the reason that you want people to have them because they're healing diseases and save lives save lives not about profit okay then can people on the continent of africa have them oh no why oh there's a clumsy they're clumsy over there they'll muck about in those factories we can't just give away our patterns it's not as simple as that okay what about the troubled plant in baltimore which is not of course pfizer but did make a significant number of vaccines in some cases it seems possibly quite badly batches than necessarily destroyed oh that's okay they're all right right so just let me be straight are these vaccines about making money or are they about keeping people healthy and i know that you know things could be two things simultaneously i'm aware of that but just help me to understand how this really works without intellectual property we would never have the money that we have because we everything we do we do it with other people's money they're calling shareholders they can tell us put the money in new research or give it back to us for dividends cool so you know just follow the science good old science science that won't be undertaken if it's not profitable because they're beholden to shareholders so do you see how the objectivity and empiricism of science is used to veil the reality of commerce and capitalism you just heard that dude say it at the wef well we can't do more research if our shareholders don't want us to and what do you think the shareholders are interested in when they buy those shares quick we've got to get some effective vaccines i don't care about the money just take the damn stuff should we do some research into diseases that are less profitable give me back my money honey i think the bloodline probably don't talk about bloodlines too much at davos of the innovative industry it is this concept that a property cannot be only be bricks and mortar can also be intellectual property that leads me exactly to the next question what types you actually what could it be what drives ceo advisor albert baller we've just told you about shareholders you've just heard 26 billion dollars of profits what drives albert baller uh is it scientific uh curiosity is it scientific curiosity i like what i do this is pr for globalist technocracy there's no investigative questioning is there there's no like do you think it's right you've made this much money couldn't we do this more fairly how do you feel about ordinary people what do you think about all the controversy about it why do you think that people have felt pressured why do you think there's such a lack of trust these are the kind of questions that you'd have at a legitimate conference rather than a puff piece that's designed to lubricate the corridors of power so mighty [ __ ] of future interests can be eased into your reality how would you foresee the future should we be afraid of another virus and what does it mean how we create the necessary resilience personally nationally globally personally nationally globally probably is klaus is if you make the decisions globally the choices you make nationally and personally are irrelevant on the first question i don't think that the virus will disappear i [ __ ] hope not we are not certain about it but most scientists agree that the virus will be around forever please god but the real question that everybody is asking is not this it is can we get our lives back can we live normal can normal economic activity normal social activity with a virus presence and the answer is yes i think we can when we tell you absent a variant that we are not have not foreseen right now that can happen but it's not the most likely scenario i think we have the means right now very effective vaccines we make them by the way available in shops now as the virus mutates we have the ability to follow up and let's say update the vaccines so there'll still be vaccines we make them available for ebola now on the second question shall we are afraid of a new uh very different vibes that would come and to have now all these examples with the monkey parks oh the monkey pucks it's new it's new it's sensational it gives you them bumps it's monkey pox we got a [ __ ] vaccine for that you better believe it i don't think we should be afraid but i think we should be prepared i'm a little bit excited because i make a fortune out of these things and that should even the little fear that we have we should that should ease it and if we are prepared i think science will win well science is winning particularly science married to corporate commerce not correctly regulated in a sense this is how materialism and rationalism has won the day how we live now in a technocracy where all of our ideas now personal autonomy and authority has been gradually handed over to the centralized bodies and their data capturing data analyzing ethos where everything is reduced to measurable components and to a degree that is of course careful knowing how much flour or how many eggs you might need in a cake i'm a vegan don't panic i'm a vegan is of course helpful but when everything becomes about data and management you know that there is one piece of data that matters above all else we've already told you what that number is it's 26 billion dollars but when you look at let's say it's a process to get a pool if you don't want to seem like monty burns or some kind of super villain probably best not to arrange your fingers into an illuminati triangle at davos excellent and um usually it's a very fda as european authority it's a very cumbersome process oh regulation is so cumbersome making sure that the laboratory is clean and that we have to make things properly get it out of my way so cumbersome all this price so cabbage do you feel governments understood very fast your needs and reacted positively to your needs i don't [ __ ] care about albert baller's needs yeah that's not how you should run a country first and foremost how's albert baller he's [ __ ] minted that's how he is right good does anyone need any medicine because we're getting it off albert baller would you recommend for the future any any change in public private cooperation uh if we are confronted again with such a situation should there be another pandemic called rudras tell us now exactly what we should do all this cumbersome bloody regulations strapping our boobies too tight couldn't we just move it aside and sell things to people whenever we would there are a lot of good examples great examples and there are examples that maybe we can improve for future situations so you go you're able to watch an agenda being established at a wf conference in real time cloud schwab and ceo of pfizer albert baller discussing what should happen in the event of future pandemics that's simply being discussed right now there might not be so many garish attendees this year your bill gates is or heads of state but this is a demonstration of how power operates or at least non-official power it's not concealed like edward snowden told us when he came on the podcast under the skin he says the worst conspiracies are not all the ones that do with crazy crazy barack out there great stuff it's things that you can see in places like you're being spied on everything's run economically regulation is set from centralized organizations you can watch it happen they're having conferences they're on the bloody telly there's nothing to worry about and they don't call it conspiracy they call it cooperation pfizer announced that it's kovalin 19 vaccine bought in 37 billion last year making it easily the most lucrative medicine in any given year in history that's not an insignificant fact when you're running a business is it when you've got the degree of lobbying power that degree of commercial power the degree of advertising power within media i'm not suggesting anything about the vaccines i'm tired of talking about that kind of stuff everyone should make their own decisions in my humble opinion and it's not a territory that i'm interested in straying on certainly not on this platform but 37 billion dollars in profit is not an insignificant number for a company that was until recently the least trusted company in the least trusted industrial sector in the u.s covert 19 has been a pr coup right from the start pfizer was clear that it just wanted to make a lot of money from kovid the company claims that this vaccine costs under five pounds per dose to produce others have suggested it could be much cheaper it's been claimed that the company initially tried to pitch their medicine to the u.s government for a hundred dollars a dose you know and i know what capitalism is you and i know what the profit incentive is i guess at this point we're not even discussing radical revolutionary politics and the breakup of monopolies and how to change the world we're simply talking about is that too much profit to make during a period of international crisis and if an international crisis is really good for the most powerful interest in the world do you worry about international crisis starting to be regarded as a positive thing this is nick dearden director of global justice now corporations like pfizer should never have been put in charge of a global vaccination rollout because it was inevitable they would make life and death decisions based on what's in the short-term interests of their shareholders we need to dismantle the monopolies that have handed these financialized beasts such power and instead invest in a new network of research institutes and medical factories around the world that can actually serve the public here's one contradiction that has to be addressed i know a lot of you because i read the comments have um varying opinions shall we say about lockdowns and vaccines and i believe that you're entitled to your opinions here's an interesting fact though if you believe that vaccines are the best thing in the world and the necessary solution to the problem of the pandemic and i know there are people that believe that as well significant number of people believe that then shouldn't they have been made readily available in poorer countries or does it only matter that richer countries have access to that medicine there's a problem there particularly when these ideas are couched in neo-liberalist politics they're all about fairness and sharing and kindness and whenever there's any cynicism and doubt you're a conspiracy theorist you're a nutter you're against progress follow the science we've just heard the problem with following the science is that the science follows the money that's the issue science is a subset of commerce truly objective science as is being suggested here independent networks focused on scientific endeavor of course we want that you'd have to be an idiot to sort of deny the effectiveness of bloody geniuses in laboratories looking at cells and examining the behavior of viruses and medicines although i would suggest there is some evidence that implies that that should be conducted with extreme caution especially if you're near a wet market there's all sorts of stuff coming out of those things but science within extreme commercial and financial imperatives we just accept as normal because none of us appreciate the water that we swim in this is our reality which is oh it's just normal yeah big business shareholders we don't do the research if it's not cost effective we've grown up on that but it's a problem when you present it as medically effective socially responsible personally necessary there are many many questions that are left unanswered and not questions that are going to be asked by klaus schwab at the bloody davos wf puff peace factory that's primary intention it seems to me is to create a globalist technocracy limit your individual power your community collective and even national power but that's just what i think let me know what you think in the comments below give this video a thumbs up if you like it share it around let's get these opinions out there we need to know what you believe in what you feel matters you're the ones that directed us i didn't even know davos existed i didn't know what went on in these places till you told us about it so keep us informed keep giving us a thumbs up keep subscribing if you enjoyed this video have a look at either one of these two 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Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,266,750
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Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Pfizer, CEO, albert bourla, WEF, world economic forum, world economic forum 2022, klaus schwab, Vaccines, Pandemic, mRNA, Covid, covid19, coronavirus
Id: kXO0t-NvQA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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