“I Barely Tried” - Ryan Garcia Reflects on his Fight Against Devin Haney

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how different was it fighting like you getting hit by Devin undefeated you got hit by you know tank you know what's the difference on the way you felt Haney's hit against tank well Haney um actually caught me I mean javante I didn't really it wasn't a hard fight I was just weak that's not a hard fight for me I will beat javante Davis worse than I beat Devin Haney Devon Haney is a harder fight than dvon and I know's oh like they're going to go crazy right here but at the end of the day you know I've proved them wrong before you know at the end of the day I was you guys could pull up the picture of me how I look for tank fight and how I look for um Devin Haney fight they knew what they were doing and um he will never fight me at 145 so it doesn't really matter and that's why he was trying to text me all ni and uh tweet me oh Ryan I'll give you my real number now go let's go to the club you know I I hung out with Pete didy and I want to hang out with you like bro we like tank is say this I saw that yeah you seen that did you guys speak after the fight like did he call you to congratulate you or no uh he tried to go out with me pause he did though fact yeah that night that would been weird so he tried to go so did he call like did you guys actually have a phone call he trying to reach out he he was trying to reach out through Twitter got it so what do you what do you think his outcome is of wanting to talk to you do you think he wants a fight or no he's trying to set me up he's just he's he's he just Cloud chasing at that moment he wanted some clout you think tank wants clout no I think he wanted clout at that moment because it was just such a big moment and I think he doesn't like Devon Haney either I think it was both so who who who the hell does Devon fight next cuz I understand who you want to fight we don't know if he's ever going to be the same no but I mean like the REM cuz the belt cuz the belt was on the line cuz so SOB I'm happy you went back to that so so so Ryan you three pounds over you drink the beer you lose 1.5 million is that you lost that was that still the tactic cuz you knew you were going to bet and you you know you know what I mean the 12 million was the win yeah I mean it just it was a it an investment wow it investment one I'm going to be healthy and two you know that's going to make it look worse I'm drinking a beer on the scales dude that's [ __ ] crazy after you lost but no but I let's be honest we put apple juice and sparkling water in it okay yeah he by the way everybody a lot of people that's not beer just so you know that again these Antics what's happening with the marketing side very uh very interesting to see that happen but I want to go back to I told you I was going to make 100 million this year I told you yeah and we we had a whole Vision as well of what could happen in the next 5 years and I saw you talk about your vision as well next four four fights and what's going to happen but let me ask you now that everybody told you Ryan sleeping early Li Ryan don't fool around Ryan wake up early 7:00 Ryan GO train I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing and you end up winning so who the hell do you listen to now uh just God keep on listening to God you know at the end of the day you know I just did what I felt like I needed to do they were all trying to hold me back oh no now he was this [ __ ] crazy dude and then I would Escape at 3: in the morning and just be at dinner and just chilling it was like two days before the fight day before the fight I'm just like they're looking for me and I'm in dinner my phone's off and I'm just vibing but here's here's the question who does he now listen to like after the fight is Ryan saying I told you guys I told you guys trust me I know what I'm doing is it that kind of a moment would you say yes no because like he at one point he seen so too many amazing things that he's like all right do whatever you want I don't care I could be out all night then I go run at 4 in the morning I train I I train harder than anybody in this room combined because I don't care that's not saying much we're not we're not competitors you know what I'm saying if you it doesn't matter all right then bring 10 athletes they I will outrun all of them I I do guarantee guarantee they know my energy is unmatched you cannot stop I could do 100 push-ups right now and not even care I do I could do 300 and my hand swollen I can still do it this my hand still swollen you see it yeah for sure fresh off the fight and I don't have a scratch on my face and I fought a pound-for-pound champion undefeated uh Undisputed champion at 135 went the distance he barely went the distance cuz that ref you know he would knocked out I saying you went you weren't winded yeah I wasn't winded had a broken jaw I mean what more do you want you oh you almost have to have the rematch again you said let's run it back cuz you said it I did but it ain't no rematch this dude got clowned up I barely tried bro I was drinking every day on Monday I was at to nightclub Tuesdays I was at little sister Wednesdays I went out Thursday I went out Friday I was drinking I was doing whatever I want the day of the fight I drank a blue moon I was chilling bro so it's a so right is a go so it's the goal now so he's cuz OB there was no belt on the line and I I'm untouched look it untouched it's tank so his tank was this the stepping stone how you do it to get the tank what was this this like this was what you wanted to do to get the tank yeah F tank I want to fight tank but Tank's not going to fight me you don't think he's going to fight you 100% why not uh he won't go to 145 where's he at right now he's in the one is he 135 still oh okay what was the first fight was it 135 136 136 so it was death because if you put the picture side by side of you fighting tank versus fighting hany there's a there's there's on yeah there I saw that can can you put the picture together Rob Ryan Garcia a body against tank versus Haney it is night and day by the way during the fight with tank what did you weigh fight dat fight night I was bar like 140 I couldn't Gain No much2 look at that that's one year apart look what he looks like on the right look at the jaw look at the yeah look the same and then so what do you okay so Fight Night on the left versus the right what's your weight 140 on the right what are you on the left uh 55 160 so 155 well Tank's not going to get to weight like that to fight you he's not going to go to 145 no he's not and you're are you would you go to 136 again or fudge no why not it's just not healthy it's not healthy and tank tank has fought at 140 before we can meet at 144 I mean simple if he wants to make a lot of money we could do it if not I don't need him I'm making a lot of money regardless I can retire tomorrow what what was the terms you guys had when you fought T cuz you know the whole uh dehydr all these claws that was basically when I make weight and cut all that weight and basically kill myself I can't gain more than 10 pounds which is very hard in itself not to gain more than 10 pounds after cutting so much weight so he pretty much handicapped me to basically be dehydrated in the ring so so meaning 136 you hit the weight you cannot go to 146 who else that fought in pass puts that in the put puts that closet there only [ __ ] that's it I would never do that to nobody I don't know there's a lot of [ __ ] out there not me excuse my language to me that's the worst rule you could put on somebody because you could kill you could kill somebody like that your brain needs to have hydration the F you know your brain is the last thing to rehydrate so I heard but who knows but 136 to 146 so if you guys go to 14 would you would you fight him at 144 with the 10lb clock yeah yeah I do that so you're okay with going to 154 yes but you don't want to go 136 to 146 M okay so this time when you weighed in you were three lbs over what did you gain when you went to the fight oh I was like about 160 so 160 fight what was the weight when you was it 145 with you and Haney or what was the oh it was I was 143 and he was 14 he was won 40 so so you went 17 lbs yeah and that Clause wasn't Ed with Haney no yeah because when you get stand up stood to Toe to Toe it just didn't make sense no it was very obvious you were the bigger guy and did you feel usually usually he's the bigger guy usually he's the weight bully but the weight bully got bullied so and you're saying Haney is a tougher fighter fight 100 okay so put him uh if if Haney fights tank who wins Haney beats tank Haney beats tank if they fight yeah I know boxing is a wild sport why why do you say that in what area does Haney beats him out of just pure uh volume and just knows how to use his reach good tank will try to hurt him but I don't think tank could uh tank won't get to Haney uh definitely Haney will beat tank I know it's a I know everybody's be like oh Ryan's crazy again blah blah blah but if it happens I I have Haney okay so so you're not you're not up for a rematch with Haney not until he recovers like we got to know if he's okay cuz I heard I broke his jaw he says I didn't but that jaw did look break broken can somebody bring up his jaw I have broken a man's jaw anyways in sparring that's why I'm like that looked pretty broken to me I split a man's jaw in half straight they say usually break sideways it went straight down look at his face no the other side it had to be at least his cheek something oh damn I didn't didn't notice that the right side that's not right don't and by the way he gave you credit when he said uh uh what did he say what was a line he used he says uh I I um I uh Haney said something at the uh press conference at the interview where he said I didn't take him seriously there was something that he said that he caught me he slept on he slept I slept on him yeah I slept on him and he and and you got and by the way it didn't take long when a fight start okay so how about the part where you're turning you're doing a little bit of a Mayweather right or so when you're doing that and the commentators were hearing them saying you know Haney should be hitting that and he are you feeling any no zero it's numb I do that all the time in sparring I I hit myself with bamboo sticks right here I punch myself right here so when they hit me I don't feel nothing that's I'm like oh yeah you no I mean pause no didy like I shouldn't have said yeah little too natural yeah yeah yeah facts so uh okay so okay so let's stay on this with Haney and tank you're saying Haney prediction if they fight but at a position like this now tank has leverage over all of you no I don't think he has leverage over me person you don't think tank has leverage over you if I'm representing bigger fighter than him he nobody knows him outside of the US everybody knows me everywhere I go you know so at the end of the day he needs me I'm International he's National that's it you know he's big in America but not bigger anywhere else so I have way more followers than him I have way more engagement I'm cooler than him I know how to speak better than him I'm just I know how to promote better him better fighter everything no way he has leverage he could go kiss a good one he could go kiss a good one a good one hey I'm Ryan Garcia and I have joinan Manet you can connect with me there uh I'll be talking to you personally through messages FaceTime and a lot of other things so uh we can talk business boxing whatever you would like to ask me so go connect with me at my so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here a [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 464,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics
Id: 6C7kpo5uQB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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