"Hush & Gag" - Stormy Daniels REVEALS Details Of Sex with Trump During Hush Money Trial

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so Stormy Daniels tells jury about sexual trist with Trump at hush money trial let's kind of go through this here uh Trum Stormy Daniels provided explicit testimony about her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump during the celebrity go golf tournament vividly describing finding him in silk pajamas and feeling disoriented upon seeing him Mr Trump had come into the bedroom and was on the bed basically between myself and the exit Daniels recounted discomfort and concerns about the protection during the encounter stating I was trying to think about anything other than what was happening there despite feeling blackout stop it go she emphasized that Trump did not threaten to force her throughout her testimony Daniels detailed her motivation for coming forward and subsequent hush money payment she received to remain silent maintaining that her primary concern was fear and not financial gain my motivation wasn't money it was to get the story out okay so here here's the question when when there are stories of men that take advantage of girls okay but here's the thing did were you forced into the hotel room no no did you choose to go into the hotel room yes let me ask you a question if you're a woman going into a hotel room with a married man or a man period and the door closes what do you think you're going into the hotel room for to do play soduko what do you want to hey I just want to play back gamon with you can we do that no no let's play chess you be the queen I be the king go your first move how traditional right what do you what do you think you're doing if you're going in there you're not going to say I went in there and when you took out the soda box I passed that I blacked out come on bro I mean this is just some of the stuff so what what what's your thoughts with the story here v i just listen I I could I I read Tom's making me laugh just by looking at his face cuz I read I read into this whole story and apparently at one point she said my clothes and shoes are off uh I think I still had my bra on and we were in the missionary position what and the the the lady asked or the the lawyer asked was he wearing a condom no was it brief yes and guess what good for you Donald Trump time is money you don't become a billionaire by laying in bed with a porn star you got to get in you got to get out you got to close the deal and go make that money you think he's going to sit there and lay around in a hotel room no he has a building to build he has a business to freaking an Empire get out of there and to all the people that do are that are brief I salute you the same boat according according to your argument yes the best people in beted are those who get paid minimum wage because they don't that to do after they're just laying in bed like that story hey who's the who was was the best guy you ever with this freaking Uber driver I met this McDonald's drive-thru guy was so Tom your thoughts on the story what what do you think about the story I you know I I just didn't you it's just salacious testimony that's going back and forth and I didn't care to read it I mean this this whole you know prosecution and judicial activism you know and I feel like I feel like Maga should stand for you know make attorney generals admirable you know maybe we need legal reform in this qu that Rob yeah Adam what are your thoughts on this you see that's all you want to go here well the big question is whatever Happened Here is it a jailable offense nope so let's go down the rabbit hole because you guys seem Tob totally be cool with him banging a porn store let's don't worry about that don't worry about that Vinnie um what's this this was 10 years before his presidency I don't give a who he bangs who cares I don't care what he does now yeah well good for him I'm talking about where were you when I was President Bill wait a minute I actually I mean I could say real weird right now I actually think that the Oval Office let anybody in there under the desk do what they got to do let's keep the president happy and on the track okay all good but let's let's or let's let's let's get some facts here yeah is she a porn star/ prostitute seex worker yes or no yes okay by her own admission by her own she's a porn actress I wouldn't say star it's not like you know she's an all all of Fame I think even used career like Vinnie follows all the Hall of Famers she's not J Jam she was a career Defensive Player of the Year a picture of stormmy and and did they actually meet well yes of course look how happy he was did she go back to their his hotel room yeah exactly not the place to do like he said no he knew he knew what he was doing when she walked in the room okay did they actually have sex I well according to to testimony okay according to her okay yes okay did he say yes or no because guess what this is just all his word over I would never I don't know go ahead she looks all right there according to testimony she described it as brief and Trump told her quote unquote it was great let's get together again honey bunch that's the quote had meting go dude I don't care get in get out that's why you're paying for the porn yeah get out I get it of all the things I'm mad about with Donald Trump you actually like this one I don't yeah go for it buddy don't care zero that is not the reason I'm voting or not voting for Donald Trump he said she said he didn't use a condom and express no concern about Melania finding out should we talk about Melania finding out in a second yes we will so did she actually have sex with Donald Trump likely yes because if they didn't this would be the biggest sham of all time okay then the question is did he actually pay the $130,000 hush money via Michael Cohen that's a whole falsifying record he's a liar that remains to be seen yeah now what I Will Stand Fast by is is all this nonsense a jailable offense hell no and we can talk about what Eric and Adams said about New York being ready but here's my question for you because obviously like I'm I'm directing this towards Vinnie you're voting for Trump I'm more than likely voting for Trump too if I could do it TBE because of this situation I would do I would become trans and go vote as a woman well there are people that vote twice they're called I me they're called Democrats exactly my dad voted twice but here's my he' been dead for 10 years this is also from 2006 does anybody even give a about this and this is why it's so petty and so ridiculous but what year did he marry Melania I don't know you're you're going to tell us now 2005 okay what year was Baron born I don't know 2006 so he married Melania Baron was born she was pregnant had Baron 2 months later he's in a hotel room with stormy yeah well allegedly he's do I care is that the reason I'm not voting for him not at all but I'm letting you know there's women out there namely Melania probably ain't happy about this that are going to hear this and they're emotional how could you cheat oh my God women's rights abortion oh my God and that's the reason they can't vote for Trump amongst other things so do do does a dude like me care about this not in the least but it's not about us there's a lot of women out there emotional women Democrats Independents even or conservative Republicans that can't see past things like this and that's the promise well I just well cuz you did the you just said the math what was it 130 I'm trying to do the math like you guys3 Grand $130,000 it was brief so what do you want to say minute she made minute could you imagine 30,000 I mean if it's brief that's $130,000 in you got to give her credit for that like how much is that an hour million if 7 million if he stay there the whole time if it's by the minute she's doing well that's slightly above market for the horizontal B and Rob didn't she didn't she get in trouble by the way this is hush money the hush money obviously didn't hush this is this is supposed to be hushed Rob can you find out what happened he had she had pay him this always these are always feel-good stories she had to pay him $120,000 in legal fees so that one minute of Let's Get Down only cost them 10 grand at the end of the day I will say you did bring up a good point that the two words associated with this case are hush and gag order hush and gag by the way if she had the opportunity to do this again do you think she would do it again a million times over the only reason I'm mentioning her name Donald Trump obviously probably feels bad about this that's something salacious like this like all rich ridiculous businessmen traveling like this might have opportunities to do but under the circumstance I wish that she did shut her mouth Republicans really want to win I think every single Republican out there that's going to vote for Trump God will vote for Trump and then literally we just all self-identify as somebody else and we vote again that can that work Tom I'm being dead serious it I'm somebody different princess you know here's what I think of who I'm Sorry I Stole Your word easy does it I'm an angry Patriot go come out of my cave here get upset um I think that the whole hypocrisy around this is that people don't understand that if you take a look at everybody in that courtroom the lawyers the judge everybody in there I'd like to know how many people in that courtroom have ever had an employee sign an NDA and leave because of a harassment or implied harassment or even an affair it happens every day in Corporate America vpm marketing messes around somebody over here they sign an NDA they get some money and they leave and this happens all the time is it right no are marriages impacted yes is it embarrassing to companies sure but this happens a lot and the hypocrisy of Washington and New York and the Attorney General's office and the mayor's office is that we're ready for you at Riker's Island really really really you want to go to the mayor's office and all the people that have been in there and the ndas you know I'm sorry to say it but there was a few ndas and some payments that came out of Andrew Cuomo's office I'm sorry that's public record this happens and to make one guy an example and you're trying to do this is an election year stunt so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 166,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics, Donald Trump, defense attorney, Stormy Daniels, alleged sexual encounter, hush money trial, prosecution witness, trial
Id: TNswvmnVMDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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