"Bullsh*t LIES!" - Reaction To Ryan Garcia Failing PED Test Before Devin Haney Beatdown

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boxer Ryan Garcia test positive for ban substance okay this came out last night out of nowhere star boxer Ryan Garcia tested positive for the performance enhancing substance aering uh the day before and the day of his upset win over Devon Haney last month per voluntary anti-doping Association letter sent to All parties Wednesday and obtained by ESPN the urine samples were collected prior to Def F but the results weren't known until later Garcia has 10 days to request that his b sample be tested Garcia's a sample has screen positive for 19 uh norin Dron uh but uh uh its presence it's unconfirmed until further lab analysis ostarine is a selective Androgen receptor modu modulator that attaches to proteins in a body and effectively tells muscles to grow it is used to Aid performance by helping athletes build muscle mass and enhance their rate of fat loss and also increase stamina and recovery and this is what Ryan to say right afterwards go for it what's up everybody um I came on here to address this bull [ __ ] [ __ ] claim that I cheated lies everybody knows that I don't cheat um what can I say you know um why didn't they come out with this before you know the fight if they found it before why would they let me step into the ring as a cheater and then come out with the Victory and then they post this you know again um these are people that um are trying to attack me for whatever reason but um no weapon against me shall prosper I never taken a steroid in my I don't even know where to get steroids at the end of the day um I barely you know take uh supplements um they're saying it's coming from the Asanda that's [ __ ] [ __ ] so I lies big lies I beat his ass [ __ ] out of here everybody go to Warwick tonight it's lit and I this guy I love [ __ ] the can you can you go to Twitter's well for follow-up tweets I love him yeah Ryan the most unpredict takes him a while to warm up but then he says what's on his way and I mean and it's kind of weird before like as you're as he's about to show up PD it's it's weird like you know they have the Pelosi tracker every time Nancy Pelosi touches a stock or she thought it it automatically goes up it's weird yeah well what I'm saying is like think about this with um with with him anybody that goes and says publicly they love Trump notice all of a sudden something bad happens to you your career your name it's it's so weird cuz like by the way you know a piss test comes back like that that's why why they wait till right now to to come come after him that's go little lower where he says that on the uh let's see what he says right after the video he posts let you see what he tweeted keep going down keep going down keep going down right above the video right above the video so there's a video go to the top so I need more steroids I'm addicted that next I find out who paid who create this lie now I'm going to release everyone's okay time to expose okay next the glove does not fit next H I've uh I'm seen with Trump and now I'm positive keep going next okay uh if I took the steroids then I'm for sure Gay go next uh they're trying to take like greatest Victory away kind of sad when you think about it I don't care I love God he'll make it right next is n I'm going to rematch him I beat him easy Fair go to javante Davis cuz even javante Davis responded to this saying Dante is the guy that beat him last time tank like six months ago or a year ago so zoom in a little bit on what he says keep going little lower lower cuz he says something about this he commented about this go lore see if you find it um April 30th no then he doesn't have I want to know what Deon Haney had to say about this course he say something negative javante said the fact that you know this is suspicious what they're doing to him it's kind of weird that they're saying he's doing steroids now uh but go to Devon Haney's comments go to Devon Haney's comments Devon Haney specifically said uh jante Davis on Ryan Garcia um there's a part where now Devon Haney made a comment like literally they made a statement a comment so jante Davis said the following I just found it he said um uh uh uh he said jant called that Eddie Hearn yeah so javante Davis is saying Eddie Hearn is behind this and remember Eddie Hearn is the guy that uh Ryan Garcia's father went up to after the fight ah guy from England yeah so in respon Ryan Garcia jonto Davis Came Out Swinging expressing his support for Garcia and calling out uh repercussions against promoter Eddie Hearn Davis took to social media to voice his outrage at the attempt to discredit Garcia's victory over Devon Henny bluntly stating they doing anything to take away the win from Ryan in a show of solidarity with his fellow boxer Davis condemned what is perceived as a concert concerted effort to undermine his achievements this is javante so however Davis didn't stop there in a scathing rebuke directed at promoter Devon Haney Davis minc no words calling for drastic action and response for the controversy if that's the case banned Eddie Hearn silver uh uh spoon ass Davis claim suggesting that Hearn should face consequences if the allegations against Garcia are indeed proven false I mean that's pretty he Davis has not tank has nothing to gain from saying something like this absolutely not nothing to gain from saying something like this and then Devin Haney responds back on Ryan Garcia Rob if you got that it's a whole statement on what they said they said we learn about this situation not too long ago and it's unfortunate Ryan cheated and disrespected both the fans and the sports of boxing by fighting dirty and breaking positive not once but twice this puts the fight in a complete different light he says our lives are on the line when we're fighting you know etc etc so that's the angle Devon Han is taken is that the one I've always been an advocate of clean fighting and this is an example of such Ryan owes the fans an apology and by his recent tweet he still thinks this is a joke we put our lives on the line to entertain people you don't play uh uh boxing uh this puts the fight in a completely different light despite this disadvantage I still fought on my shield and got back up people die in this sport this isn't a joking matter okay that's somebody that got their ass whooped that sounds like a lawyer that well I was just going to say he did not write that but that sounds like a guy that got his ass whooped and wants to take any of that sting away from it bro he got manhandled in that ring and Brian Ryan's not going to fight that guy again Ryan's moving on Ryan's moving on to the next here's what I've learned about Ryan Garcia number one he's taking the Trump Playbook uh rigged election rigged fight what's the quote that he just put out there basically uh they're trying to take this away from me just like they're taking this to Donald Trump he's tying his name to the biggest brand in the world potentially he was hanging out with exactly he's a rigged election obviously you know the video of him boxing in front of respect to you on that Ryan um Ryan is arguably the number one troll in the world right now there he is right now we've talked about trolls we've talked about Elon we've talked about Jake Paul look at this in front of trump Look Bar to knock Baron out real quick dude look at this guy he's fast dude but you know there's a famous saying in media and it came from the one and only PT barnham barnham and Bailey say whatever you want about me just spell my name right and what's baram and Bailey The Greatest Show on Earth Ryan Garcia his name how much was his name mentioned a year ago minimal we knew he was we talk about Canelo more than we talk about Ryan Garcia Ryan Garcia has taken a page from The Playbook of Donald Trump brilliant marketer and PT bar and barn and Bailey the circus The Greatest Show on Earth he says say whatever you want about me just spell my mother flipping Name by the way look by the way look how close his fist is to Donald Trump's chin we're Secret Service probably like yo yo yo might away from your look look at Donald Trump's fist is getting a little bit tightened up I heard his fist was a little orange after by the way did you guys forget about this right here right I mean obviously they're going to go through the process and we'll find out what's going on yeah did you see what happened with De La Hoya and Canelo yesterday no tell me you guys didn't oh this is great cuz we're going to see it together for the first time honestly you didn't see it nope De La Hoya there's a big fight coming up it's a real fight this other guy can actually beat him okay can can actually beat Canelo during the fight Rob if you can I just texted it to you uh uh during the press conference De La Hoya is going up to call the fight and you know say what he says about his fighter that he's representing he decides to say that every success Canelo has had is because of Golden Boy if it wasn't for him and it got so ugly that Canelo was ready to throw that who's Canelo with Canelo Canelo is not Canelo left Golden Boy Oscar and told Ryan Garcia to never trust Oscar wow and then later on you have to hear what Canelo says in Spanish oh I can't wait he says it in front of the boxer that De La Hoya is representing he's telling the other box saying look Miho whatever you're doing just make sure your lawyers watch everything because that Guy steals from everybody play this clip go ahead the company you fought under for for for decades has always had one name and it's mine so put some [ __ ] respect on it Golden Boy remember when hman was 21 years old look what he's saying volunteered to step in against Triple G and Canelo failed two drug tests though him wasn't allowed to fulfill his dream 2018 on Saturday night he will do just that fulfill his dream and be world [Music] champion oh you have to hear the translation of what said Tom what is he saying can no no no not even this part Canelo uh uh what he you know you know that's not good no of course of course so the first part was I disagree with you my fine man uh can you please I found it your previous statement Rob let me send this to you rob play this clip oh man and by the way wait this guy Canelo says the nicest things about the fighter he says just watch out he's going to steal from you that's it okay he tells him to watch out Oscar could steal from you so play this clip R and it's the English is there the bottom one watch this one here okay I think he said something along the lines like I've seen you in a watch go back a little bit go back a little bit and see if you have the audio go back from the beginning [Music] rap go back for Spotify podcast people and for this imbecile of a person to my left don't forget that I was already Canelo in the US he only profited from my name we never lost a penny we only made money did you already pay gokin what you wanted to steal from him yes very good but if my lawyers didn't get involved you would have stolen it the only thing this man does is scam boxing wow he steals from boxers those who are with Him should lawyer up because he's stealing from him wow and he's only here to steal attention from haeya he's not here to promote him I mean this is by the way those them fighting words yeah so he represented Canelo for many years golden golden boy he was Golden Boy Ryan's Golden Boy everybody was Golden Boy that is not trash talking that is testimony how credible is this you've you've uh you've seen some of these rumors about um you you you talk to Hispanics that's who you got to talk text Ricky after this text Ricky and just ask Ricky still owes me $500 that guy he has no credibility here Ricky Ricky he try to pay me in pennies p man Tom what do you think when you hear this Tom I think that Adam shouldn't say things like that about Ricky oh cuz one of us two of us is scared of somebody no I'm not scared of Ricky I just respect his work as a dentist and he could do some work on you I'm more scared of Pretty Ricky than I am of Ricky yeah no what what do I think honestly I think this was not trash talking this was this was not trash talking I said a minute ago that wasn't trash talking that was like you come over here and tell me you it wasn't something like that that he was laying out testimony and he was he wasn't saying hey you're a jerk and that he was telling them lawyer up go find the money I found money my lawyers made sure this other guy got paid lawyer up go find the money whenever someone lays it out like that pbd I tend to think I think there's whether there's smoke there's fire and I think there's something there and he's he's very very clearly not laying out a criticism he's laying out a challenge so what if all those boxers get lawyers and say hey I checked everything everything was clean everything was clean with Golden Boy Golden Boy Productions this all worked out that's all De La Hoya has to do isn't it but if those boxers go get lawyers and then find out guess what I I would was missing something from my last fight I got it back guess what the guy to lose something here is De La Hoya I want to bring it back to Garcia to Ryan what was his experience with this did he get paid did he get ripped off by De La Hoya what was what what did he have to say about that well the first time Ryan was on the podcast the first time Ryan was on the podcast he didn't have you know too many good things to say about Oscar can I say one thing though not to cut you off yeah but I'll do any need to be careful because I don't know if you guys have seen photos of Oscar Rob show like this this look like a guy that will whoop your ass and then stand over you in a fishnet and be like yo I did this why you going to try my by the way I'm going to tell you this okay for this was a picture that Paul Pelosi had in his phone by the way for what it's worth for what it's worth have you actually gone back and watched his fight with Mayweather him with Mayweather have you watched a fight with him in Mayweather not recently I with obviously I don't care about you know the cocaine all the he openly talks about whatever right I'm going to tell you go watch the maywe the fight with De La Hoya is was it only one fight yeah they only had one fight go watch it yeah this guy he's a beast was no joke ridiculous oh he's a nasty he was but in an interview he asked okay in an interview he was asked about well listen for for what it's worth He is uh uh if Oscar asked if he fought Canelo who would win okay have you seen this interiew it's a short clip where he's being asked and the way he answers it okay um Oscar ask he says uh uh is this the one yeah no he says if I were to fight Canelo he says I would beat Canelo and it wouldn't even be close like now no no no he said at his Prime versus his prime he says and it wouldn't even be closed so look I mean these are the types of comments you make that you're going to piss off a guy like Canelo who is like the face right now and you know they're going to go back and forth but anytime you want to know within the hispanic Mexican Community specifically Mexican Community because this is what Canelo said is what I love about this is that two Mexicans are going to be fighting on the day right which is always you want that fight it's the CCO de Mayo going be an awesome fight is what it is right so there's a part of it that people are looking forward to then Canelo is really the the face of true Mexican Fighters today it's Canelo Canelo speaks to that Community anyways is when all there also there's always been three Oscar de la HOAs one of the most gifted technical boxers of all time figh and just watching him fight was insane and trinad I saw the man after the fighting an athlete trying to find his way and getting himself in sideways a couple things and then finally the promoter those are the three Oscars and Oscar the promoter gets a lot of criticism Oscar the boxer gets gets zero criticism one of the most gifted amazing technical boxers you ever seen yeah it was fun to watch and by the way guess what he's doing right now he's making his talk right there's a part of it that he's making his talk as well and this is going to sell tickets cuz guess what this is going to do to me now I want to watch the fight on because of what you just did I want to watch on Satur that's bro we probably just sold 10,000 pay-per-views right now but he probably just sold a ton of pay-per-view the the point there's an element of this madness that is not necessary like Ryan was doing stuff you're like what the hell is he doing there's a there's a little bit of Madness to promoting that you got to also kind of it's like it's like when some people are very good at talking dir like let's just say you know like it's someone's like hey I want to do this to you I'm going to do that to you there's like a gift to it right you kind of go one of the Frameworks of leadership is madness if true froms if if Canelo continues down this path and continues down this path Legacy wise who will be known as of those three guys that we just discussed the greatest Hispanic boxer of the generation Ryan Garcia Canelo Alvarez or Jose De La Hoya because I think um Jose De La Hoya Jose is likeed Right Ryan's still young Ryan Garcia who's going to be two3 Legacy I think honestly if you ask me today I hate you people are not going to like my answers today I'll give you I'll write mine down everybody write yours down Rob why don't you put it down on a poll as well I'm going to give you what is it Adam what's the question one more time of the three boxers we just discussed Oscar De La Hoya not Jose yeah uh Canelo Alvarez and Ryan Garcia are friend yeah who will go down Legacy wise of the greatest of those three no no no Legacy Legacy say 10 years from now I don't know I don't know I don't know what the way you do it is today if you rank the three today oh if you rank him today yeah okay I I have mine it'd be Oscar Oscar's Legacy it'd be Canelo second Ryan's too young Ryan hasn't that's exactly what I have yeah Ryan Oscar Canelo Ryan I'm saying when all is said and done it's like saying who will be known is the greatest of all time LeBron Giannis or Luca right okay I got to go to a flight you got to get props to Oscar of what he built and what boxing was and what his personality and performance did to that Sport and for the Mexican-American Community it was incredible there's like five angles on there that was the one beauty of odh Oscar De La Hoya Canelo none of them get eyeballs like Ryan Garcia has learned to do number one troll in the world greatest show in boxing at this point he just I'm just getting intention economy and he's doing it but by the way what is the biggest the top 10 look watch this top Ro pull up top 10 biggest pay-per view boxing fights of all time I'm I'm assuming Tyson's going to be 10 of them I was going to say what about this Mayweather that's that's exactly what I'm trying to find so number 10 is Tyson Roy Jones what that fight the fake fight Mayweather Cotto nine Tyson mcney Holyfield Tyson Two gervon Davis Ryan Garcia six okay five is Lennox Lewis Tyson ready for all top four top four biggest pay-per-view buys ever in history of boxing number four Mayweather De La Hoya number three Mayweather Canelo number two Mayweather Connor and number one Mayweather Pacquiao wow so guess what Ryan is on there with Davis but they came to watch Ryan on that one yeah I would say it's 50 p and when they fought Mayweather De La Hoya they probably came to watch Mayweather so Ryan's on that list and there's none of the top 10 is Canelo not one correct so Hey listen Ryan's on track to be there Ryan just got to make sure the next few fights he's able to promote him but he's up there Mayweather it's a sweep Mayweather's top 4 for four Floyd Money Mayweather for a re you ready for the dollar amount check this out check this out I'll give you the dollar amount so read it right there Tyson Roy Jones 80 million Floyd May with the Cotto 94 Tyson mcne 96 Holyfield Tyson to 100 tank Davis Ryan Garcia 102 Lennox Lewis Tyson 112 Mayweather De La Hoya 136 Mayweather Canelo 150 maywe witha a counter 396 May witha a backyard and don't forget one last thing of every single boxer we just named including all the greats who's the only one who's undefeated Floyd Money maywe there you go man put some respect on his you guys were asking for the shirts it's officially here the other day I take Dylan to a practice I've never been to to a facility I've never been to and I'm walking in three fathers are wearing the value Tim and future looks bright at how about you got to be kidding me it was the sickest thing to Yo pbd future looks bright they had the hats on we all took pictures it was fantastic we had great conversation so the word folks to save you from getting in trouble it's called allegedly so now we have shirts for you to wear called allegedly Rob if you can show these pictures and you can we're going to announce this next week but they're now here for you to order allegedly you can buy it in blackw white and on the back of it if you can show the back of the shirt Rob the back of the shirt zoom in a little bit says future looks bright so in the front you can buy that with red uh you can buy it in Black go to the red one so they can see the difference and you can also buy it in white with black and listen go to work go to the gym wear a shirt allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly you can use the word allegedly on everything to protect yourself it's the number one uh Insurance word in communication today being used by everybody so here's what we're doing today um for the allegedly shirts for anybody that goes and orders the first 100 that ordered the allegedly shirt with a future looks bright hat we'll get a future looks bright shirt and a Valu tatement pin sent over to you so you order an allegedly shirt with a future looks bright hat you get a future looks bright shirt and a value tainment pin being sent over your way go to VT merch.com to place the order again VT merch.com to place the order is there a code for drop or no no I just put the link in the chat to the allegedly sh put everything in your car and then we'll take care so people that are listening to this on Spotify or apple what do they do how do they do it uh it'll be in the description for Spotify as well so you put in the description Spotify as well fantastic okay go support the gear guys we want a million people in America wearing future looks bright gear walking around telling everybody that the future looks bright because we believe it does so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 240,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics, Ostarine, ryan garcia, doping, fight, devin haney, boxing, ryan garcia fight, donald trump, allegations, ryan garcia allegations
Id: AmogKjkRYrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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