Ryan Garcia On Upcoming Fight With Haney, Bernard Hopkins 'Beef,' Tank Rematch, Canelo Alvarez +More

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wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club morning everybody it's DJ Envy Jess hararis Shine the guy we are The Breakfast Club we got a right with us again of course he's our boxing analyst and expert and we got a special guest in the building Ryan Garcia what's up how are you sir how's it going how you doing I'm blessed you guys for having me like this is special for me thanks for Jo always watch your guys' stuff and it's just cool he not capping I seen Ryan this was some years ago at the was it the garden I think it was the garden and you told me that yeah yeah yeah cuz that was a long time ago I think that might have been canelo's first fight on the Zone it might have been yeah yeah maybe yep but how are you man how you feeling I'm good right you about to fight uh Devin Haney Devon Haney you ready for that smoke real question is he ready for the smoke because at the end of the day you know he can't do [ __ ] to me he don't you know he can't crack an egg so it's really going to be a hard night for him 12 rounds of just being in there with me is going to be you know I'm scared for him you know I just been praying he's going to be okay that's it like I know what I'm about to do I know what I'm about to do don't worry about me I got this you got it I got this y'all fought like six times already right yeah three and three three and three it was the amateurs though okay okay so he beat you three times you beat him three like were they like close fights was it Knockouts TK never beat me like convincingly you know um every time I beat him I had him rocked like this you know tell him oh my eard drum is broke like I did him dirty every time I won every time he won his points like barely you know they're only three rounds so if you you know the fight doesn't really play out the way it should you know when when I I watch you walk in the room now you uh she was doing this now you like what the [ __ ] you got know you sit down with Ryan youit you hit one you can hit him one good time wow that's the wrong toing got stop I just wanted it that ain't right what you say no I was saying that I can't even drink my water now you good you good are you sure yeah you good you good take a sh you look at you you didn't have to to take a Sit that was no no look right you you so you're so much different than you were from I remember when you signed a golden boy right that the type of fighter you are you were not naive in a sense but you was just happy right you walk in like such more a businessman now right what what would you tell 19 20 year old Ryan now like do you have any regrets in the decisions that you that you've made I don't have no regrets I I think I did everything correct um everything evolves you know first you come in you're happy you're ready to get your career started and then you understand like oh [ __ ] this is a business like let me lock in because these dudes trying to play me and then after a while you know you become your own boss and that's what happened with me simple well you shocked at accepted the fight n not really like I don't know when there's a big bag I mean I'm not shocked about anything you know you get paid you know $1 million plus I mean it's going to be hard to say no so if you already fought so many times why do people think that it's still a chance that you'll drop out of the fight because they like they like to run with any narrative about me like oh he's weak he's soft I mean I heard it all so anytime they have a chance to like make it seem like I'm like that they get they get to why do they think that why do they always say that that you so often why why do they always push that narrative when it comes to you that's literally he has the same problem he did not problem yeah he is no not pretty nowhere don't put that in his mind talking you're not handsome I'm hands the he I'm handsome no no no all right all right no but how did that fight come about your lloy lupy said that it was just him Bill and come on bro I'm just kidding no I'm saying like how the fight came about like how was it made was it was it really just Lupe Bill and Devon and he called you say hey the fight is made no no no I like I made a poll on Instagram no no it was mic I'm sorry I had a poll on um Twitter that said uh who do you want me to fight Haney or or Ry it was like 54 47 or something like that like the percentages so I said okay I'm gonna fight Haney and then I I told my team go make that fight happen and then obviously a lot of other [ __ ] happened after that but that's basically what Happ the rumors were that Floyd gave you advice and said you know what the Devin fight isn't a big business fight the roly fight is better business fight that was the narrative on the Internet is there any truth to that no it's not a narrative that's the truth you know we went on the Run we started hanging out and then he was like this ain't it that's not the move and I was like I don't listen to nobody but I mean obviously I'm going to listen to Floyd so I was like he's influential to me cuz I looked up to him so I was like all right dude I'm going to just trust you like I'll just fight that dude rolies and knock him out like that's not hard and then I'll fight Devon someday somehow later M but I felt bad because I already gave the people my word and then I'm like damn bro I gave the people my word he saids something things changed I'm like all right whatever anyways that was in the right move because I feel like once you say something and you give the people your word you should stick to it and I didn't do that so I learned a lesson like I'm never going to do that I'm not going to listen to floor nobody if I gave my word to the people I'm just going to do it see what happens later why would Floyd y'all know better than me but why would Floyd think a roelly fight is a more lucrative fight I would think Devin easily he's saying cuz Devon only sold x amount of pay-per-view buys and you know he he you know he he makes people lose money in their fights you know in his fights so he's like that's not the right move but but Roy hasn't sold any pay-per-views yeah you're the draw yeah I mean I'm going to bring the draw anyways you know um I just think me and Devon have a lot of history to me it makes sense I'm ready to beat his ass like I don't like any of them you know him or his daddy especially his daddy but um you really don't like them like personally why is it get so personal with you because they're the fakest people in the world they'll smile like Ryan you know we're so happy but meanwhile they're ready to stab you in the back I don't like people like that I see right through it that's fake you're phony like that's why I came right at him like no cuz they try to lower my guard down by being really nice I was on the phone with Haney and he was being laughing and telling me I need this and then I told my security I said something don't feel right I said I'm going to work on it don't worry I hang up I'm like oh I know he trying to do he's trying to soften me up you know he's trying to play me I I sent him a text I have it right here [ __ ] you get off my phone [ __ ] started off just like that Jesus Christ oh my God Jesus if you make this man stand up one more time lord lord no you don't got to I believe I got see I got see he's such an instigator you know this is Deon Uncle that's not true that is not true come on man CL oh my God I do I do want to see it though but when you when when you take a fight personal like that doesn't that kind of leave you open to getting hurt because you might go in with too much emotion no no I know how to handle that okay let me see you got to get through all them ladies yeah uhhuh pretty so that is I just let see I want to find the first one so you got more screenshot it of course he got is that motivation for you I just it's funny to me you know oh there he goes you don't like when people I go it was a great chat bill I basically was telling him like he's I'm talking to Bill I ain't talking to him I said uh tell Deon I said what's up I just want you know straight up I'm coming for your neck I'm leaving no CRS remember that don't lose sight of that no mercy remember that remember the DMS then I hit him with oh yeah right here we aren't friends you aren't [ __ ] remember that I'm ready to make this this fight don't kill it acting like the as I try to be cool but you keep playing around I'm [ __ ] going on phone calls but the truth is I don't need you at all I'm pissed because it it's a waste of time you are over evaluating yourself and wasting my time oh yeah that ain't what you said ear earier you said [ __ ] that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] youit damn damn no but yeah H how did you handle recovering from the loss from from dvon Davis like mentally I just what's next like that was whatever for me you know I wasn't at my best uh and it's no excuse it's just the truth when somebody handicaps you that much why would you be mad okay you basically handicapped me I lost I still win in there fought my ass off I knew I was going to lose cuz I was weak in the back room for the first time I'm like I got no power this is crazy but I put it up with God and and I had a spiritual Victory not a physical Victory you know I felt like I did something for you know God and um and I walked out to a worship song first time ever in front of you know all those people so I felt like you know I did what I had to do if he ever come sees me at 140 you know how I'm going to do it you know I'm GNA beat him he can't beat me when I'm at my my full strength guarantee so that's why you said you felt powerless cuz of the this yeah all the you know nobody would take those Clauses nobody I don't care who you are so does that fight play out differently at 140 with you in tank oh 100% yeah yeah I mean now I got strength and my brain is there like when you're super dehydr you can't even think just like [ __ ] what's going on um and I still almost got his ass you know the round he dropped me is the round I had his ass you know so you would entertain that fight if he came up to 140 100% you know he has to come see me because he's not going to make money without me so it's like it's going to happen you think the boxing game is changing as far as records are concerned because at one time nobody ever wanted to lose because of Floyd of course right but now it seems like it's starting to change back where boxers are taking chances they're not afraid to lose and it's it's more of a sportting fun now yeah I think it's um it's slowly changing you know I think it started off with my fight with tank I ripped it off like a bandaid like this [ __ ] is boring I was getting bored in the sport like this [ __ ] is boring like I'm winning and it's like all good but it's just boring there's no energy here it's dead but then I was like all right [ __ ] it I'm gonna just fight tank m is learning boxing that was a good question yeah so um basically it was it was dead and then I I lit it right up and then everybody started fighting you seen Crawford fight Arrow MH um then everybody's just making moves next got to be canalo he has to fight benovitz that that'll keep the boxing going but we was just talking about that this weekend does he have to though I think he does how I mean he hasn't hasn't he accomplished enough where he doesn't have anything else to prove but what what is that who who wants to live in the P all this is now this is going to be the this is the biggest fight to make people expect you you're you're Canelo the face of boxing why aren't you doing it who wins that fight if it happens Canelo but so you see him beating Benitas unless he waits too long you know and then he gets past his um his time so I mean it's not going to be easy I'm not GNA say that and you know Canelo will get touched up but I think he can outbox Benz I think he I think his experience will get to to better do you do you think you will ever work things out with Canelo are y'all better on terms now or I try to message him all the time like let's Golf let's do something like we're good he doesn't respond yeah little things here and there nothing crazy what caused that riff cuz you know y'all was like big brother little brother at one point I don't even know to be honest it was just I don't know he just he would say stuff about me for no reason and know like bro you're like that's crazy just call me up and tell me like oh I need you to be doing this I went through a real Mental Health crisis I mean I don't care what nobody says M that was real so you know they could say I faked it all they want you weren't in my shoes you know you didn't you didn't you feel the the things I felt and you know I just I took it on the chin though but he made me look like a clown what what did he criticize he said that um I'm wasting time my talent and it was during my Mental Health crisis I'm like bro the [ __ ] whatever but it made me look like the weakest dude on the internet you felt like he should have called you that's big bro he should have called checked on bro he made everybody look at me like an undisciplined kid and I'm like bro I'm the hardest worker in the [ __ ] gym what are we talking about and he picked tank to beat you you think that offended you I don't care about that dude I mean it is what it is I think that uh what you did when you took a mental health break was one of the strongest things a person could do you know especially a person in a in a field like like like boxing cuz y'all just supposed to be tough and and and Thug it out but for you to be like nah I got to focus on what's important which is my mental emotional wellbeing I had no choice it was like so intense that I'm like d like usually I could get past things cuz I'm mentally strong but this one was it was like nope you're not getting up today I'm like damn so was depression it was everything I thought it was losing my mind I was like I can't remember [ __ ] I'm like the [ __ ] I was like there's no way I got hit that hard wow it ain't no way this is after the F Campbell it was after Campbell this 2021 no a tank fight I was good next day I was chilling but um yeah that fight it wasn't it was nothing thing he did to me it was just it was deep man I mean if I if I was going to go in like I'll tell you the real story story of it like I had a supernatural spiritual experience I couldn't I can't even I don't even it don't make no sense would you want something no I don't do drugs nothing it was just prayer and Night Time Boom it happened and I was like it was good for a long time but then I started logically trying to think about it like what just happened to me and then that tripped me out and then I just started going like then then I just got depressed cuz I didn't know what happened to me I always believe in God though I'm very spiritual I feel energy like quick I could sometime I could just know what you're gonna say before you say it's crazy but this time it was just something different it was like yo okay this is real is happening to me um and then it just took me time to like process it and then come back to God and say what was that did you get a therapist a spiritual leader like no just one day like I was playing poker and I was just like depressed drinking and this dude comes up to me and goes hey can I talk to you I'm like and I was just like yeah bro I guess and at this time I'm already checked out I don't really care and then he goes do you know who you are I said yeah I know who I am and then he goes you know God has something for you like what are you doing like wake up and then boom I just snapped out of it and after that I was like all right getting right back to it wow yeah wow that's amazing Canelo was here he he talked about uh you the relationship with you and Oscar he said that he saw issues coming between you remember that Charlotte and absolutely has have things gotten better with you and Golden Boy and Oscar I don't like I don't like non- peaceful situation so I got I got Oscar in the thread with my advisor and I said work it out out people don't like you Oscar why is that I don't know fix it because I'm not going to work with none of you guys if you guys keep doing this this is [ __ ] you making me look stupid and then after that they all started talking and then me and Oscar talk regularly now so it's all good now you know do you think the him seeing you hang around Floyd put pressure on him to act right I don't think so I mean I don't know how much he care maybe they don't they probably don't like each other at all but you know that's not my problem you know that's your guys' thing I like Floyd I like Oscar and that's what I'm about you know I don't I'm not trying to pick a side like right it is what it is you know Floyd's cool as [ __ ] he's dope he gives me a lot of advice I see how he runs his little you know his Little Empire I'm like okay I peep that okay I'mma do that bo bo boom so I like being around Floyd after after the Floyd's fly yeah he's fun used to be fun back in the day you know shut up Caine fun Ty of all say I was not going to say yes you was I was going to ask you know after after the loss and he didn't come to your locker room what was your mind frame [Music] then I mean it was really the people like influencing me like damn that hurt I didn't really care at if I'm going deep down in my heart like I don't really care bro don't show up I don't care like I'm chilling I don't believe that Ryan no I cared you did you know I mean just as a honestly casual watching after like that process I'm like that is pretty [ __ ] up like why wouldn't he show up after I just lost a big ass fight but you said that was people in your a no it was like the internet the inter they made some sad ass edits that you be like damn like you like the like Will Smith sitting in the house by himself remember when will was crying about his dading yeah it was like I was like oh [ __ ] I'm sad what the hell you do shots at Bernard too have you guys talked Bernard's a weirdo bro straight up so you haven't piece this no Bernard's just weird bro like dude why you talking [ __ ] about me that was crazy off the rip he would just looked at me like boxing would call your bluff I'm like bro you're weird and then I I like I don't like I don't want to Flame these guys but I end up doing it and I feel bad because they're older than me and they can't keep up with my and then they just end up looking dumb I'm like bro all right you feel like they started with you first though yes they've been starting with me first all the time they take shots I'm their biggest fighter and they're talking [ __ ] about me I'm the only one bringing them money but it makes you feel bad after because you don't want to be that person that's not my character I'm cool like I'm chill like let's let's work it out but he doesn't seem he wants to work it out I I me and osar are perfectly fine so Bernard hit me up let's talk about it boxing will call your bluff makes it feel like he never thought you was an elite fighter exactly he wanted me to retire damn the [ __ ] I was like that's not your decision first of all um and then second of all you know you only lost one fight what do you mean retire I don't know what he was talking about and then um and then I came back and I beat dorte and I L great I finally I was strong I felt like I was coming into my Prime like now I feel like I'mma run through everybody like I feel like I got played once great never again and now I'm ready to come destroy I'm coming back for blood like literally everybody's going to get it move out the way what did they say after the your last one which one Oscar and Bernard did they say anything oh I turn on everybody after I won I was like yeah you thought I was going to [ __ ] lose right that's what I [ __ ] thought but I just got turned up after the emotions do you really feel that that that as Bernard thought you would lose to DW of course man they they think that you know dudes that are strong G to put the pressure he thought that you know he he did hit hard I give him that but there's no way this guy's goingon to beat me I'm too experienced I've been doing this since I was seven like you think I haven't met a guy that puts pressure and could hit hard you don't think I've ever dealt with that like come on I'm not going to lie I did think that too not not just just I was I was looking at Dew I'm like the size you look like a young Canelo almost that's why I told her like uh like first you thought duno was gonna beat me he was the next Manny Pacquiao I knocked him out in one round and then I was like now they got this guy every time we're in beef they send somebody in to try to get me and then they never do you thought he was going to lose that fight I I did for just a split second cuz I didn't know how how mentally you had recovered from the tank for that's smart that's a good assumption but at the end like I already knew I was going to win I mean who's going to go into a fight think they're going to lose though but I could have lost off if I wasn't on point cuz he could have knocked my ass out he would hit hard like I got hit I'm like [ __ ] hit me back of my head I'm like oh [ __ ] and you was doing that wiir shoulder roll [ __ ] I'm like what the [ __ ] you been around too long but did I get hit though no but it just looked crazy God I care what it look like it looked out a character but you you were you weren't getting hit but I'm working on it too but Derek wasn't happy with that no no no what did he say in the corner I like stop doing that [ __ ] why were you doing that cuz I if y'all didn't even you didn't train like that I did a couple things like that in sping but I just I was tired of him putting pressure so I just stood right there and let him well off and I was just trying to cat shots so I could break his momentum because in the fight I could keep him off as long as I can but sooner or later his pressure so I just met the pressure and I just said okay come on but that [ __ ] she was damn near turning around though getting hit in the back of the head like what are you do that no no no but I was just trying to get out the way but if you watch Floyd he does the same [ __ ] no roll is good Floyd was good your should was not good D did you have a good shower Roll come on be honest now I don't think any of them good really really even Floyd I mean I'm not talking about him oh okay everybody who does them after him okay got you got you got you got you all I know is Floyd told me it wasn't bad so and he's the one that's the best at but if you would have lost the fight that's what they would have blamed him for for sure yeah no that shoulder R did get me cut for the first time though M cuz the uppercut slipped in I didn't know cuz the gloves were smaller than the 14 oce when you're sparring it's different I was able to see everything this one went right in there boom [ __ ] I started bleeding but I don't know if you can play with hany like that Han's not he don't hit that hard what are you talking about this is actually a more like relax fight for me I'm just like I'm gonna go in there I know I'm fighting a boxer it's not a like to him it's a boxing match to me it's a fight I'm gonna go I'm gonna go run him over he can't do nothing it's like a kid like okay Swing Swing Swing boom my turn my turn M he look good he could look good against prog were you impressed with that performance good bro what are you talking about bro so tell me tell me what wasn't good about he's mid bro that fight that's a new talk mid M what he M bro is this fight happened in New York or Vegas yeah I thought they moved to De barle already did they move to De I know they were trying I don't even want to get into this but I just pay-per-view back get into it no no CU there's a lot going on a lot of moving pieces I don't want to say too much about well we saw your Tweet I'm trying to bring this fight back to Vegas right okay I'll speak on that yes I am that's what I'm going to do because you know I just look it New York is a great place to fight obviously they had great fights you know Muhammad Ali and a lot of amazing but that's at the Garden I mean if I'm being real bar glaze is not the garden I like the Barclays but I feel like this fight should be at the Mecha boxing the current Mecha boxing which is Vegas back in the day it was New York but times change it's in Vegas is it because of the tickets that what you can get in Vegas opposed to what you get in New York ticket sales no I'm just looking for the right Vibe I just don't feel like the Barclays is the vibe I think Vegas you know it's going to be fun everybody's gonna have a great time like it's just going to go crazy yeah but if it ends up being in New York we're in New York like New York is going to be like is a great atmosphere for fight yeah I've seen some really good I saw Wilder Ortiz number one at bar Cay that was good I've seen a few fights at bar tank Roy was that py yeah you were I know I lost that and you paid him the next day of course yeah it sucked is it better to train for you is better training for you in Vegas no I train in Dallas regardless okay you know but um I just look at if we're looking at a business aspect taxes I'm not going to pay the New York taxes you know I know people they say that Ain lying it makes sense I'm with you brother okay now see now if you say that it makes sense if you tell me I don't want to pay the taxes I totally get that's why the fight shouldn't be in New York that is the reason no but like Shout Out New York though maybe I'll bring another fight there but I want to fight somebody that has like a connection to New York there ain't no we're both west coast Fighters like what now I don't understand stuff like this so like maybe the boxing expert can tell me why can't he fight where he wants to fight I me why is it looked at as a stall tactic like why is it I mean he can speak to that too but it's a lot of variables like if if the venue is U available in Vegas on the date that they want if there's other fights that are close to that date it's not a good look to have like two big back-to-back fights I know Canelo is going to be fighting in Vegas like a few weeks after that right and maybe that's that's an influence I mean I didn't see him he hasn't have well he hasn't he hasn't announced a fight but and he's fought in May every year for how many years this might be my time though might to take over Vegas to take over that sink de Mayo weekend it might be my time we'll see you know let guys will be done not mine but I feel like it's my time you know if he's not fighting Benitas it's not going to be a bigger fight than mine I guarant I I'll I'll be on the record to say that so 1.3 1.3 yeah and we haven't they haven't done a million pay-per-views in so long since Floyd era MH this fight's going to be another million pay-per-view buys and you know I just feel like I'm the next one that's it I just think I'm looking at numbers I'm looking at how I could promote I'm looking at everything the numbers like I got it give me that give me that spot I got it trust me so you think you you you're a bigger fight or or bigger star than Canelo right now if he doesn't fight benov yes yes I'll be on record to say that I feel though but look at everybody's going to you know judge make their opinions but you know I'm looking at it I'm looking at how much upside I have too you know he he's on the end of his I'm on the beginning really and I'm only going to get bigger you know it's not going to stop so who's the next one it has to be me you know I should take that May 4th date you know Vegas knows you know I got all the high rollers will come in everything like I got I got it all figured out so what what did uh deatte fight do I don't even know um they said that it was all right you know but you need a dance partner that's why I didn't put on pay-per-view yeah okay I got the zone so I didn't know if it but you got to be smart like people have a lot of ego all my fights got to be on paper no they don't like the ones that don't need like don't [ __ ] the people this fight ain't a [ __ ] Pay-Per-View fight stop capping Nobody Knows dorte Why would the hell would I do that that fight was more for me like I wanted I wanted a good fight and and I did that so you know I did what I had to do how do you think another loss could affect your legacy I don't think it will affect me you know Manny Pacquiao had eight losses uh he been knocked out cold I haven't that hasn't happened to me I don't I mean it's just if you let it bother you it's going to affect you it don't B bother me if I go out there and I do my [ __ ] and I look good oh you lost okay did I lose though but you got to win though because you said that I want to win I don't bro I'm the most competitive one in the room I play video games like it's my life depends on it like [ __ ] this locked in like everything I do I'm gonna I'm going to go and win but you're saying would it affect me no cuz when you even when you say you're the biggest star in boxing right now I I can't disagree with that but I still got to put Canelo number one but if you would have beaten tank I'd be like yeah he's you biggest star I have to say I think the same thing's on the line here with Deon hany if I win the fight well when I win the fight when I win the fight um I'm the top I'm the top I I don't see anybody that could be bigger than me Jake Paul oh yeah I mean but that's a whole different category but I I told Jake Paul let's run it like let's fight he don't want to fight he not going to fight too nah he don't want to fight I just messaged I was like bro we could really do this he don't fight a real fighter he know that be that'd be stupid yeah but he's bigger he's way bigger I'll come to his weight I'll gain up to 180 I could do it and let's just run it hey you go to that you go to 180 I can I haven't been there yeah ain't going to look cut up at all though it don't matter I ain't trying to look pretty I'm trying to hurt somebody you know at one point you said you wanted to retire at 26 you wanted to accomplish whatever you could in boxing and be out so though that ship sale like that's I overestimate how fast I could get everything done did have I done a lot at 25 yes so what's the age now when you 30 30 you out 30 I'm out cuz I'm here to fight everybody and run it and win and then dip you know I feel like tank Davis rematch would be my final fight like after I run through like these people you know you got Devin you got T Fimo Shakur I mean I might give him an opportunity but I think y'all scared of Shakur nobody scared of Shakur bro scared of his shadow Bro think y'all be ducking you see his last fight he did say his hand was injured though we sat down with him I I don't know do you think that could affect your performance if you my hand was injured I couldn't even use a whole training camp with fona and I knocked that dude out in one round don't give me my hand hurts bro everybody's hand hurts that's one the fans want to see though no they don't stop up I want to see Ryan at all yes I've never you would want to see that never nobody on the street has ever been like yo Shakur you would be crazy we talk about that all the time you do no we doing Bo you do you and yourself yourself don't you think shako is is a really good boxer he's a good boxer but it's nothing it's nothing that stands out to me it's just okay you know how to move B but it's nothing like tank or me or like somebody got to stand out like like you're not just fighting I see boxes all the time we I've been watching boxers my whole life I know the ones that are different he's not different just why is Devon different Devin is doing everything he can to be non you know not normal you know he want to stand out he's picking up steam I think that you know you think he's better than Shakur yeah I think he's more entertaining than Shakur I won't say he's better but I think that his fights are more entertaining people you know rather watch a Devon Haney fight than a Shakur know Shakur will do everything you know not even to get like an ounce of hitting like he's scared to really lock in and get in there um Devon's not Deon will go and bang a little bit when he has to so I think our fight is going to be way huger than a sh girl fight that's what you banging on you banking on the fight yeah yeah yeah yeah I am I like knock I mean I mean people are saying that you can't outbox Devon that you would have to knock I out boxing before though right right no I'm saying that's what people talk about they say that but I he knows what he knows I'm not an easy dude like when he's in front of me it's different he's been he's felt the energy it's not going to be this fight's not going to be pretty for him though cuz I'm on a whole different VI and level so you got a different strategy yeah my focus is crazy right now um like I said just make sure like pray that he's okay I mean that I'm not even trying to joke no more like just pray like he's gonna be okay like Devin like go home enjoy the money B Bo boom cuz this is gonna get ugly for him what message would you leave for Deon [ __ ] bro um [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass no bro I got a lot of dark thoughts that came in my brain I'm just going to leave it at just bro you really don't like them personally you said him and his daddy like especially his dad what would be the message for Deon I don't even know like I don't have a message I'm just ready to do something I'mma take that put that with that hand sign Jesus we are ding crazy this boy Al really you really want to fight Shan oal Shan O yes Shan I'm Sor I would fight him in MMA yes 100% I'm a natural wrestler people don't know I'm strong you used to wrestle in school no I'm just natural you never wrestled boy no I never wrestled but I wrestled like big dudes that know how to wrestle it's form and I it it's just Instinct body language knowing where his body is going letting him go and then throwing him over it's say you got to know what you know I just got a good sense if I if I was in the MMA I would beat him did Dana White hit you back on thatst I've been bugging everybody what the proba why you dming all these people you have people for that I want I need to hear it from them Yo Ryan I gotta ask you you saw a tank just recently leaked out a DM between him and Eddie Hearn right like he's done that several times I don't know you saw that what do you think about that would you ever leak out personal conversations I don't know I mean I won't say I'll would never do it but I've never done it I don't like it yeah I mean tank is confusing me I don't know he's just I don't know what he's up to what do you mean what you want oh for the rematch no not for the rematch I mean what is oh he's fighting Frank Martin never mind I know what he's doing you think he's not you think he's ducking big fights I think so especially tank like they're they're all about the business and you know I know what they're trying to do but that hurts boxing though you know so who who who should he be fighting there's a lot of people out there I I would want him to fight shur why not fight shur mhm I mean yeah that's a good one yeah I think it's about time that tank fights a big he's way older than all of us he supposed to be like the the senior how old is tank like 28 29 yeah yeah cuz the talk was always like y'all broke I'm the aide I'm calling shots and that's all good but at some point you know almost sturdy you got to fight the big fight and I'm not saying tank is scared to fight these guys but there's too much business getting involved in in the big fights being made I often wonder if there's more people dealing with mental and emotional uh health issues than they want to admit like when you see Fighters like take a step back like you were open about it I wonder what what might be going on in in Tank's life you know you know trauma hurt you know things that you know are packed inside the way he acts he got a lot of trauma that's just he got a lot of anger something he grew up you know made him you know hit that switch but they need to happen I mean he's a phenomenal fighter obviously but we want to see those fight what about you Ryan when you was younger what was it that got you into fighting was it people people picking on you was you like bul what was it did you have to prove yourself cuz you was the the pretty guy like what was it no I was um playing baseball like at like five six and I remember this vividly I was you know out there diving for the balls and and what not you know trying my best and then you know we lost we got fourth place but I felt my team just didn't put that effort in the way I was doing it I was like bro I can't do this so I asked my uncle I like is there any sports that are oneon-one just show me whatever he showed me boxing I said I'm GNA do that and then I was I started going into the garage and I was really good I was like all right let's go but through that like I had so much confirmations that I'm G to be a fighter like I had dreams of me fighting in heaven like as a little boy and then like I fighting in heaven yeah yeah I had like a lot of vivid dreams like that who was you fighting in heaven Jesus no no I was protecting oh protecting Heaven okay okay I wasn't fighting I get my you want me to Die For Real what is wrong with you like fighting in heaven okay protecting Heaven that's dope yeah so um and then I just had a sense always around me like okay like there's guidance and it just pushed me towards boxing and you know like and then I just being really good and it's all that I wanted to do yeah that one story says a lot about you you don't [ __ ] with teams the fact that you DM everybody you know what I mean the fact that you went rogue with the shoulder roll you don't like being a part of a team no I do but sometimes I hit the veto button like we're going this way mm you know like let's just move this way I I feel like this is the better move so he don't mess with his own team no I love my team what do you talking I treat my team great no no doubt but if you feel like you can make it happen then you will do that you know you'll try to sometimes you know the only way to do it is do yourself do it yourself you stress your team out I can see it yeah it's been a been a journey how important is the bag versus the legacy of of winning I think they go hand in hand okay you know if it's Legacy you better make me a bag you know if it's a bag it should have an ounce of Legacy there so I think they go hand in hand like y Yang you know it's I don't think it's Legacy if I ain't getting paid what kind of Legacy Legacy doesn't help you after boxing right when it's done I just want to make sure that I get paid well and and I fight you know I feel like boxers should get paid well they put their life on the line every time I feel like they're the most respected athletes I don't care you said you want to end with tank if you could pick your next three opponents in your order who would they be you know um obviously Devin and then T Fimo and then I want to go sha Ali and then I want to go tank n p your C with Shan you run through them you run through Devin and ta ta and then rematch with tank rematch with tank that be big be one of the biggest runs ever in what so move Sean for Shakur yes yes that might be a move too you've been promoting a lot lately I'm just saying that's the you talking about Legacy how long you been a part of shur fan club me what membership got he give you two tickets bro good bro I'm just saying that's the Legacy you do that you like oh okay it's different yeah yeah I might do that Ryan Garcia good luck we appreciate you for joining us thank you so much good having you good luck brother appreciate you my brother thank you for coming man it's Ryan Garcia don't be a stranger it's The Breakfast Club good morning wake ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 179,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: XWUJy0swUns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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