‘This will hurt!’ New Royal blow for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry | Palace Confidential

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what is the story behind Prince Harry's new documentary trailer does the timing hint at more frustrations over his family and why have the King's holiday plans changed we've got a very special show for you today you won't want to miss it [Music] favorite Mr Richard Eden here for a chat that will be Unleashed undiluted and frankly unrivaled and a reminder that if you'd like even more Royal videos and more Royal Richard make sure you subscribe to our Channel and never miss another episode of Palace confidential got you all to myself at last night's out there of dreaming of it's good to be here as always indeed now let's kick things off with a story you've written this week about Balmoral where the Royals are off on holiday too and it seems that plans there have developed there's always been lots of intrigue about what will happen um this year with Balmoral because obviously it was Queen Elizabeth's beloved home she liked nothing more than spending her long summer holiday at Balmoral but we've known that um King Charles Queen Camilla are not nearly so keen on the castle they've got their lovely sort of home from home at birkel which is on the estate but it was thought they'd want to spend as much time there as possible but what my story was this week is that in fact from next week the king and queen will spend three weeks at the castle itself and um and you know it's a sign that they want to make Balmoral their home too and they're very keen to show that it remains their Scottish resident do they want to or do you somebody's had a quiet word that it's not the best look to not be using your 52-room Castle um I mean it is true that it sort of highlights um you know how many homes they've got but Balmoral is a private estate there's no cost to the taxpayer or anything it's whether they stay at Burke hall or at the castle is you know immaterial really um I think interestingly though what it it shows is is the King's desire actually to highlight Balmoral as a tourist attraction um there's one thing I can reveal on this program now is that King Charles is going to extend the opening of Balmoral to the public which is going to be this Autumn and the winter right so previously it's just been open for a few weeks um before Queen Elizabeth arrived to try and bring a bit of money in to help pay for the costs well something which was previewed was that King Charles essentially is Keen to turn it into a museum so to speak so it will be open to the public in the autumn and winter and what better way to highlight that it remains a beloved Royal residence than to have the king and queen staying there and it will start with them inspecting a guard or the Fanfare next Monday so that's something to look forward to now if you had the um really challenging task of deciding where will I stay Balmoral or Burke Hall where would you go well I've never had the privilege of staying at either so when cool the thing the thing about um being an agonizing decision the thing about Balmoral is is the history of this I mean actually one good thing in Prince Harry's book spare is his account of balmoralin they absolutely loved it I think all the Royal children have always loved their time there it's that sense of Freedom as we know the royal family love you know shooting Country Sports and that type of thing and that's perfect for that so generally the role family love is I mean what will be really interesting is to see who goes to stay with um king and queen during those three weeks I expect we'll see um Prince and Princess of Wales and their children yeah I would have thought we'll see perhaps Princess Anne Prince Edward and his children maybe what would be really interesting though is prince Andrew and Fergie Oh They'll be there um well they I'm not sure it remains to be seen um because if they're going to be preparing again for it to be open to the public in the Autumn it's possible that once the king leaves after those three weeks they might sort of you know get the cleaners in again and start preparing and sorry it won't be open to Andrew so we'll see we will see now speaking of men whispering in the king's ear you've also reported that one senior courtier used to be given a new job and it's a move that might ruffle a few feathers in Montecito yeah this is um sir Edward young who was Queen Elizabeth's private secretary for years very loyal servant but he became very much a hate figure for or Prince Harry and Megan so unfortunately he was one of those what they call them sort of men in Gray suits those officials that were blamed for essentially not welcoming Mega and not sort of incorporating their Ambitions and desires for what they wanted to achieve and they were sort of blamed with mexit so he was described as the bee in um in Harry's book there was the B the wasp and another one who uh better to be a b yeah what's the worst than bees B is not too bad but it was it was The three principal courtiers that um Prince Harry is very rude about in his book but anyway what's happened this week is that King Charles has appointed um Lord young as he now is to be his permanent Lord in waiting now it's it's a great title but what it means is that um Lord young as he now is Lord young of Windsor brilliant title shows what a an Insider he is and he um can represents the king at you know it's likely to be things like funerals or engagements where the king can't attend in person so I think it's really significant because it's I mean imagine what it shows it shows King Charles saying I value my you know I've got respect for the courtiers and more and siding with basically taking aside yeah and more than he's bothered about antagonizing um you know Harry and Megan I mean I joked in my diary today you know about there might be some sort of Crockery throne in um a certain um biller in Montecito um but but imagine what that's like you know when you see someone who you blame for sort of giving you a hard time to be them rewarded in this really public way so it really does highlight the the gulf I think between um father and son that there still is and you know for any kind of in the future it shows what a long way they'd have to go well we'll be returning to the Sussex in just a moment but we're going to turn to the wales's for now and it seems that any Australian fans who might have been hoping for a glimpse of William at the women's football or soccer as we call it down under uh the World Cup this weekend they're likely to be disappointed so this is the um World Cup final of the women's game in um Sydney on Sunday and yeah the lionesses as we call the um England team have got to the final they're playing Spain um but I have been told quite authoritatively that Prince William will not be traveling um and it's it's an awkward one because Prince William's been really encouraging of the women's game he's president of the Football Association which covers the men's and women's games so what's he doing instead um well I mean he's on holiday frankly um but to be fair it's one of those kind of really tricky dilemmas because as we know Prince William cares about the environment a lot and he gets criticized for making unnecessary Journeys so the prospect of traveling all the way to Australia and back to watch a 90-minute football match he would be criticized probably yeah but there are I think they could be just about to make history um yeah they um they will make history because England haven't been in any World Cup final men or women since 1966 when um you know Queen Elizabeth presented the Jules Renee trophy to Captain Bobby Moore well indeed um so no it would be great if he was there um but but he's not going um and I think he is getting a bit of criticism already over it I personally wouldn't criticize him because how do you show on the one hand that you care about the environment um and on the other hand um you care about football well let me ask you this do you know if any of the Spanish royal family are going that is very intriguing um because I know that um King Felipe and queen latithio are great supporters of of their team they're very sporty couple um and I I have heard that they may be going on Sunday so that does kind of um put a bit more pressure on Williams Come on William don't let our lionesses down they've already broken my heart by beating the matildas so now I'm team England so anyway we'll see but now let's talk about Catherine for a second and you broke another great story this week which revealed that the princess has let her hair done in secret recently this is wonderful because we don't get many insights really into how William mccatherine spend their private time do we you know they're on holiday and we don't really hear much um but what this was was that Catherine was having dinner at her neighbors in Norfolk um Marcus and martians of Chumley David and Rose and at their um very big estate [Laughter] it's a lovely house loveliest day they have a um quite trendy quite Posh Music Festival dance music and it's um the only one in Britain that has DJs playing 24 hours a day I was going to say trendy and Posh don't normally go together are you absolutely sure about that well it depends who you are with it but anyway they thought come on it'd be a great idea why don't we go and um you know have a dance go and join the festival so I think Catherine um was a bit nervous she was a bit apprehensive because generally everything she does is planned quite far in advance it has to be kind of approved by security so she spoke to some people and it was approved and there she went and joined the um the throng I mean to be fair I don't know exactly what she attended whether she was in the middle of the crowd you know raving away two in the morning or um I think it's more likely she may have been them apparently she was sipping um spicy margaritas you like a spicy Margarita I won't say no um well yeah spicy margaritas and her the party she was with were very generous they'd eaten at this um sort of pop-up restaurant there and they left a 700 pound tip so um that will have gone down very well with the staff very nice I mean I it is so there's something hilarious and mad about our royal family that a 40-something woman has to ask permission to go out it would be the same um you know it'd be the same for Joe Biden or any other figure who has security I mean what was particularly fun about this was that um there'd been some rather naughty sort of pictures of um Prince William at a nightclub in um Camden Town London at CoCo with his old mate um guy Pelly and he was dancing away in a in a box at coca that was a few weeks ago so I I think um you know Catherine may have thought well come on if he's going for a night out with his mates why can't you know what I think it is I think they've they're very tired parents who've got through that stage where their kids have to be there where they have to be with the kids all the time and they're making the most of them exactly I can sometimes look we know that they used to love going out you know there's quite a few pictures of them you know what they were like at mahiki and these nightclubs back in the day so they probably reached that point where they're getting a bit nostalgic exactly so stand by to see um William and Catherine at more um raves in the future amazing well uh to the last the former Princess of Wales now in the sad anniversary of her death is is fast approaching I can't believe how long ago it was now and it it does remain an uncomfortable one for the royal family but for different reasons than before right yeah 31st of August um it's um you know always a date that people remember um I think you know anyone of our age tend to remember where they were when they they heard about that and um you know it's one of those big events in our lives um and what's what's notable and I think your question is referring to is the fact that since um Prince Harry quit Royal duties there's always been that sort of tension about how are they going to remember um and we've seen repeatedly that Harry's always Keen to you know emphasize um that the connection with his mother and there's been sort of slightly unseemly kind of attempts to sort of almost like claim her Legacy for his own and um and so they tend to have kind of separate ways remembering maybe separate statements separate tributes so we'll see what comes on on that date but they will definitely be remembering it in their own ways well lots more from Richard still to come on the show including his take on Harry's new documentary and stick around for our Diana Montage later too but for now let's turn to some of your comments we'll start with a Canadian viewer Julia Worcester hi Julia who has a suggestion for the Commonwealth of powers she says she'd love to see an official holiday created on The Late Queen's birthday or coronation day for all commonwealth countries given that she was the longest reigning monarch it would be fitting it's a lovely idea Julia also adds that she's self-employed in case any cynics think that she's just in it for the paid day off and I you know what why I feel guilty about wanting a paid day off after we discussed Prince Harry's trip to Japan last week Miss Dale Westwood who I assume is one of our American viewers had this Theory guess who our current ambassador is to Japan Ram Emmanuel guess who his brother is Ari Emmanuel who does Arie represent none other than Meghan Markle it's good to know people in high places sure is I wouldn't know but sounds nice uh lots of you wrote in agreeing with what Richard had to say last week about removing Prince Harry as both a counselor of state and from the line of succession this is from C roach it is ridiculous to keep a person who has stepped down voluntarily for Royal duties and who has then made unconfirmed delegations against the royal family should have any place in the line of succession he has demonstrated that he neither once nor is he suitable to perform Royal duties let alone be king well I think that was a bit of a stretch going from that to King but I see your point let's kick this section off with some Royal military moves that might have put a couple of prominent noses out of joint the King has indeed appointed Prince William as currently chief of the Army Air corps that's Harry's Old regimen is it reasonable to say that had things been different Harry might have been given the knot it's it's certainly possible yeah I mean it's a move that's had Harry stayed carrying out Royal duties it would have made sense you know he when he flew Apache helicopters in Afghanistan that that was um as part of his role in the Army Air corps so it would have been quite possible in a sort of natural progression so I think that really will have you know stuck in Harry's crawl to see that role go to his brother oh it's not a good week is it with that in the appointment of the courtier and no it's true I mean it's you know if you just sort of think back to when um you know we had the sort of negotiations about what was going to happen with Harry and Megan and when they announced the settlement afterwards Prince Harry made a speech um because he was giving a talk to a charity and he he expressed his sadness about particularly losing the military titles and he he said explicitly you know I had hoped that I'd be able to keep them he saw no reason why he had to lose those um and so and so you know it's something which he cherishes those military links and obviously having served it's particularly hard for him to then accept losing them do you think that this particular appointment for Prince William seems pointed given it was Harry's Old regiment um well I mean someone has to have that role and Prince William you know is a natural Prince William trained as a search and rescue pilot with the RAF so he's well qualified for that role too so I think it's great that he he's got it it makes sense um but yeah it's just what happens when you've quit Royal duties isn't it frankly well also possibly unhappy about the whole thing might be the Duke of York who saw his former roles go elsewhere as well well prince Andrew you know let's remember is is another one who you know has that military history he served very distinguished he was very brave his action in the Falklands conflicts where he he flew decoy missions it really was dangerous and he lost the ability to sweat trivia that's yeah yeah but anyway no so he was extremely proud of his military links and his titles um and he's he's lost those now one of them um has gone to the Princess of Wales I think it's I think it's a Commodore in Chief of the Fleet air arm another one has gone to Sophie The Duchess of Edinburgh um so you know it's great that other roles have got these um titles but but it's hard obviously Catherine doesn't have um you know military experience neither does Sophie so again that will be hard for prince Andrew to see that happen well just a few days after all this is announced we get the first trailer for Harry's new documentary heart of Invictus yeah I mean it's um you know it's a coincidence but it's well I know you've got thoughts on the timing yes well well it's interesting timing I mean come on this is a you know week we've had the announcement about the military titles and then and we've got the trailer but the reason they've released the trailer now um is because it's going to be broadcast next week and it's going to be broadcast the day before the anniversary of Princess Diana's death and well that's no coincidence is it no and we know that Netflix in the past has been Keen to capitalize on the Princess Diana links she's certainly focused and been the focus of um in the Netflix series they did before you might remember sort of baby Archie you know touching the portrait of his his late grandmother that sort of thing so the timing's very useful for Netflix so any statements which Harry puts out about his mother's death will also kind of heighten the interest in him ahead of this release yeah and what did you think of the trailer itself um really interesting yeah I mean it's so that this is um his documentary it's been long awaited it's his series about the Invictus games which he set up it was after there'd been an equivalent it's the Warrior games in America so he and his advisors thought it'd be great to do a British equivalent and it's been fantastic it's um given um injured service men and women you know a chance to aim for something it's been encouraging for them and what this um this trailer did was highlight the individual stories and it focused on some people have been injured in Ukraine as well so very dramatic trailer and certainly made me want to watch it I mean remember that each competitor in the Invictus games you know has got a fascinating story to tell so forget whether it's Prince Harry involved on or not you know even if you couldn't care less about Prince Harry well that's my question how involved is your disease indeed need to be in the trailer will there be a huge presence of him through this documentary um well certainly he featured in in the trailer but he's introducing you know the story Stories Behind These individuals um so you know I hope the the series will be more about the competitors rather than Harry and then there's also a mechanism there I mean Megan came to the games in in Holland um you know and she made a speech and that sort of thing so I imagine she will feature but I mean personally speaking I'd rather hear about the competitors and their stories rather than aren't we so great I mean I think I think it sounds incredibly inspiring we have talked recently about the pressures that the sussexes are under to deliver now that some of their commercial deals have fallen through but this is presumably no exception um yeah I mean I think this is one of those series that I suspect Netflix is much less keen on than it was on the much more sensationalist series much more gospel it's no coincidence that that was broadcast um you know almost a year before before this one so that's clearly their priority this is more the kind of project to keep Harry happy the money's going to charity Harris already said that he's giving that to Invictus um so I think it's a sort of prestige project and and something to to please Prince Harry with a deal and then they're probably hoping for something more Sensational yeah to come well that brings me on nicely to this question because there was a piece in the Sunday Telegraph at the weekend which referred to Harry and Megan's plan and adaptation of the book meet me at the lake we discussed that in last week's show and interestingly the piece quoted a courtier saying that they hoped Megan and Harry could make a success of their media Empire because and I quote if the film flops then they'll no doubt revert to mudslinging what do you make of that I thought that was really interesting I mean this is a project that we discussed on last week's program um you know and it's been a popular novel that they've been given the chance to produce you know I mean I voice some skepticism skepticism about whether it will ever which is um but but the point is you know if they can make her a career as producers of TV film the royal family will probably be pleased because then you know at least they're not having to fall back on the more personal stuff as I say I suspect that you know it's the personal stuff is really what Netflix wants um whether Netflix will be happy just to have them as producers I personally doubt it well producer is very much behind the camera isn't it and it's you know you don't really have to even nobody interviews producers when a film comes out yeah yeah and why it doesn't quite make sense is it like why would you need Harry maintenance producer remember they're people with no experience whatsoever of production Netflix is you know the biggest streaming Giant in the world so that they want to hand work to production companies that are brilliant that can be relied on so by definition the fact they're giving this to them um you know suggest they might be wanting to keep them happy so we'll see but I think yeah it's interesting I'm sure the royal family will be much more pleased if they Forge that new career doing things of their own than having to rely on talking about the past essentially so very good luck with the adaptation of meet me at the lake Harry and Megan uh well with that on that note it's Montage time and looking ahead to the anniversary of the death of Diana Princess of Wales we've assembled some of our favorite pictures of her and there's plenty to choose from but enjoy thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] the late Diana Princess of Wales there my thanks to Richard Mr Eden star of the show today and to you of course for watching that's all we have time for this week we'll be back with a special highlight show next week bye for now
Channel: Daily Mail Royals
Views: 1,576,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prince Harry, daily mail royals, daily mail royal family, royal family, meghan markle prince harry, meghan markle daily mail, royals news, royal family news, prince harry news, harry and meghan, royal expert reaction, king charles coronation, king charles, prince harry, frogmore cottage, king charles iii, palace confidential, meghan markle, meghan, kate middleton, netflix, prince harry netflix, prince harry movie, meghan markle netflix, meghan netflix
Id: c-MAZ9PeDkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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