‘SUSPICIOUS!’ Prince Harry & Meghan Markle podcast news a ‘diversion tactic’? | Palace Confidential

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why Megan may be bracing for a new wave of negative headlines how Rebel Wilson caused a right Royal headache for the family over ory claims and we have a special anniversary look back at William and Katherine's wedding we've got so much Royal news to discuss this week you won't want to miss it hello and welcome to Palace confidential I'm Joe Elvin and joining me to discuss all the big talking points is the mail on Sunday's Royal correspondent Natasha Livingston the daily mails editor at large Richard Kay and the papers diary editor Richard Eden welcome to you all now a reminder to all our viewers that in this time of constant Relentless Royal news the best way to stay in touch is to subscribe to the Daily Mail Royals channel so press that subscribe button and never miss another episode of Palace confidential now let's get straight to it Natasha this week Royal Watchers were treated to a special Royal portrait from the Princess of Wales that many might not have expected yeah so it was to celebrate Prince Lou 6th birthday and it was a really sweet picture of him lying on a picnic blanket um he was giving a beaming smile and he just looked really happy and relaxed and yeah the picture was taken by the Princess of Wales which is something that uh Royal Watchers thought maybe wouldn't happen after the debark of the Mother's Day picture in which she kind of had to admit to editing the picture and there was a discussion around maybe with future family pictures it would be a professional um Royal photographer that would kind of come in from the outside and take it but um the Kensington of Kensington Palace have always said um you know the children are much more comfortable when it's kind of a family photo it's better for them privacy wise and so they obviously took the decision that they were going to stick with that going forward and everything was in the right place no blurry jumper scenes yeah I actually noticed because they they made it clear that there had been no alterations to this picture and there was kind of um a little twig that was on the picnic blanket I think they'd maybe I don't know made an effort so it didn't look too perfect this time yeah indeed Now Rich Eden there was a lot of discussion on social media wasn't there suggesting that the way the picture was released was some sort of fight back from William um against the media what what's your view of that yeah I mean I should explain so the normal way that they would release um photographs like this would be the night before it would be given to um television companies and to newspapers websites um with an embargo until a certain time so they could prepare and that sort of thing and it would be distribut through those International picture agencies well we all remember what happened last time um so what happened this time was very different there was nothing the night before and it was actually on the day that um Kenston Palace posted this on their official social media accounts Instagram and um eggs so it was a different way so what lots of people have been sort of um you know there's been conspiracy theories about oh this is Williams Revenge he was you know sick of the the way it was handled last time he doesn't want to give pictures through agencies again that sort of thing yeah but I should say that palis saur was very keen to emphasize that that's not the case well what is the case is that you know they have largely um certainly Katherine has withdrawn they've you know she made that video appeal for privacy so they they didn't feel they were uncomfortable about sort of putting out a an organized photograph a press release the night before but I think they'd obviously prepared something just in case and on the day they thought you know what it would be lovely to share a photo and and I can say that that is apparently what's also going to happen with Princess Charlotte's birthday next week right oh yes than God they come thick and fast those birthdays it was a very sweet picture now Richard K how the Wales interact with the media it probably will change won't it but they do you think they will want a different approach long term well I think that we're seeing the beginnings of this different approach um as Richard says releasing a photograph through social media challenge channels completely ignoring mainstream media I think it'll become a pattern um and you can't blame them they may well say it's got nothing to do with Revenge but I bet it has an awful lot to do with it as well um you know William would have been dismayed by some of the coverage that came about following the Mother's Day Deb barle photograph so yeah I think we'll see more of this interesting now Natasha there was some nice news in other quarters for the Wales wasn't there as Katherine was given a new title yeah it was a new special position which I was trying to memorize before this I think she's been made a Royal Companion of the order of Companions of Honor I think I've got that right quite well done um and it's normally assigned to uh kind of people that have um excelled in areas of media or perhaps science um and it's the first time a royal has been kind of given this honor and it's a real sign of clearly how um highly the king regards the Princess of Wales and yeah it's a real special um position for her to have gosh how many titles can one grand individual have Richard Kay how does this honor System work within the royal family have you had a look at who's who I mean they Pages titles no I mean they can have as many titles and honors as they like and I mean I think it is significant that as Katherine and and William are getting closer to the throne they're going to have even more showered on them um what does it mean I don't think it means a huge amount um it's a nice little bble for them to have um she'll be in good company although whether she'll want to mix with all the politicians I'm not so sure but there are lots of Arty people Judy Dench um magazine editors like Anna winter so there's hope for you yet I'm not a magazine editor anymore you know and it it reflects her interests in the Arts uh I think and public uh Public Service rather than anything else but it it it is interesting because as Natasha says no Royal has ever held this Ty tile before and it it seems to be as well that they start to do these honors out to members of the royal family as they gain in seniority is that fair I think that's fair it's it's the Royal version of leveling up if you like um they bestow these honors on them as they become more senior um Prince philli had a Shelf full of them um and the queen was happy to to to sprinkle them like confetti on her children as well so you know Charles is following in the footsteps of his mother it's a good thing that they don't need to worry about a LinkedIn page isn't it can you imagine it would go on forever but Richard Eden I know that your colleague Rebecca English actually did predict something like this for Katherine back in January what do you think it says about the king's view of Katherine as usual Rebecca you know has her finger on the pulse and she I think she knew moves were a foot this year for some honor to be bestowed on on Catherine I think she thought it could be order of the G but in fact I remember yes yeah and in fact what we've seen was no it's better than that because it you know it's a newly created title and that to me it shows that King Charles was trying to go that extra mile to show the importance of Katherine for the future of the monarchy I would say and also during this difficult time he's showing the esteem in in which she's held wow well nearly 5,000 of you have commented on last week's show and here are a couple that we wanted to share with you now a lot of you were very fond of our Prince Louie Montage last week and a reminder that if you did miss that you can check out last week's show Katherine Lester says Prince Louie is such a cheeky little imp I love that word imp I love him and I love that his parents only try to keep him contained in a slightly bigger box but most of you wanted your say on the latest Harry and Megan news let's start with someone we've actually heard from before hi Susan Avery who goes by the name strong opinions are us and here's her strong opinion the irony of Megan posturing with her benal strawberry jam while William promotes a charity combating food waste is not lost on me okay then meanwhile SF Tink try saying that fast SF Tink says every time Harry opens his mouth you realize how ignorant he really is by using the word ignorant I am being very nice well I dreed to think what you might say if you weren't being nice on second thoughts don't tell me meanwhile lots of you following on from Richard Eden's comments about Prince Harry's plans to make a documentary about Africa here's what tame Fox had to say I believe that due to the African Park Scandal that Netflix wouldn't touch a documentary on Africa with Harry it's disgusting that he won't even address the situation well we'll be following any developments on that story on this program of course thanks as always for your comments we do love reading them please do keep them coming now let's bring my guest back in now and we'll kick off this section with the repercussion from an interview given by a former Royal Aid Samantha Cohen to an Australian newspaper now Cohen worked for both the late Queen and Megan marle and it said comments about marle that have caused a stir Natasha what on Earth was said yeah so um as you mentioned SM Cohen worked for the queen um I think for around 17 years so she was incredibly well experienced and then work went on to work for the sussexes um and then left um after I think it was about 2 years um so she didn't stay with them for that long and did the job I think on the request really of the queen um she's not spoken publicly um about um this time you know obviously loyal Royal AIDS and normally very tight lipped about these sort of things um but she is Australian and was interviewed by um The Herald son um in Australia and they were asking her about um the allegations of bullying against Megan marle which I'm sure viewers will be aware of um it created a lot of headlines here even though Megan marle and her lawyers have always steadfastly denied it um and she red that she was interviewed by Palace officials about these allegations and she didn't go further than that to comment um on the allegations or give any more detail but it's quite significant because we know a number of staff were interviewed but not who so now it's the question will this perhaps embolden other members of staff to step forward and talk about it um but yeah it's quite an interesting thing that she's revealed it is interesting now as Natasha says we we should stress that lawyers for Megan have denied all of these bullying claims but Richard Kay that the point about that Tom Bower made that echoing again Natasha that he feels that it will embolden more people to come forward do you think that's true it might but I suspect a lot of the people who were interviewed for the course of that inquiry uh had already signed NDA non-disclosure uh agreements um which would put them in deep trouble if they were to open their mouths also as Natasha pointed out Samantha was a very senior courtier um worked at the highest level Bucky and Palace whereas we know for a fact that many of the people interviewed for the inquiry are much more junior staff and may not feel as emboldened to come forward but look anything is possible and if there is a sort of a crack in this and the fact that this report has been buried and not been made public has annoyed and upset a lot of people who feel it should be so maybe that's that may well happen yes indeed Richard Ed it it does to many people feel like it it raises more questions than answers them doesn't it this whole episode it's a very unsatisfactory situation all around I mean remember why this investigation was launched it was after um you know the former a Jason Canal went public and those well they were leaked his um complaints and it was reported in the Times newspaper then this investigation was launched and you know saying you're going to launch an investigation but they're not giving any of the results it's you know not only is it unsatisfactory for people who claim they being mistreated or bullied but also for for for Megan because you know these accusations are left hanging there but I mean what surprises me is you know why is Megan not calling for the results to be made public you know as you say she's always insisted that she's got um you know nothing she did nothing wrong well she should put pressure herself on Bucky and Palace to release the results of this investigation interesting take that'll be let watch this space now sticking with the Sussex is to story you've written about Megan's new podcast plans what what's the scoop there you might remember that after they quit Royal duties they um rushed into these various lucrative deals and one of them was with the audio giant Spotify for many millions of dollars they didn't produce much content I think it was about 12 episodes of Megan's podcast when when we first heard about this deal it was with Harry he appeared on one we thought oh it could be quite fun but then poor old Harry he got banished it was all it was all Megan and it was a whole series and as you know I had to listen to each one as part of my work for this program you mean had to it was a treat you got to listen to them it was a weekly honor you got paid to listen yes so anyway but then that deal um came to an end um rather acrimoniously you'd have to say because one of the Spotify Executives Bill Simmons made some very unflattering comments about um using the word grifters um yeah I still fantasized about getting drunk with that guy hearing a little bit yeah he did he did tease that he would say so much more if he had a night out with a few drams so that's still to come but anyway after that clearly Megan was Keem for some positive publicity a few months later early this year she announced that she'd signed a new deal to re-release those old podcasts and also make a new series for a very small company that none of us had heard of lemonada media anyway so my story this week is apparently there will be no podcast this year so we're in a situation where well it's nearly me why bother exactly so you know up to a year after announcing the deal um we'll have to wait before we hear anything and now come on this is a very strange way of operating I mean take Netflix you know they will announce you know a new film or something when it's about to um you know it's gone into production or it's about to be broadcast a few weeks ahead it's very strange to announce deals and then have nothing announcing a deal like this and then not producing any content any podcasts for a year it does make me a bit suspicious about Megan's motives you know you do wonder you know is she just doing it for the publicity hopefully eventually she will produce something and and I'll be shown to be wrong but until then it does make me suspicious with all of these projects Rich Kate they've got so many on the juggle books Netflix Spotify lemonad media they don't seem to be able to keep everybody happy strawberry jam foret that oh that's it she needed to make the the jam I'd forgotten about the jam a growing season you see for strawberries and you know yeah they've got so many things I think her Focus clearly is on the uh is on the the lifestyle uh Riviera uh California Riviera stuff that she's she's very proud of and curating um but I think there's something in what Richard was saying there there always in a hurry to make announcements to show that she's busy active and all these plans are in the pipeline and then nothing happens and I think it's a diversion tactic because probably nothing much is going on and it's sort of a way of sort of taking breath and pausing trying to decide what to do next I thought one of the most significant announcements out of their camp this week was the appointment of a a UK and European PR man um who who does a lot with who has done a lot with dog food and Pet Food and things like that it might be a good fit who knows who is this person do we know it's called Charlie Gibson we don't know much about him but he's got a background in television and in uh commercials TV commercials deal a lot with uh Pet Foods dog foods apparently I mean a curious choice but hey uh if he can do something to uh improve that image in the united in the United Kingdom I'm sure Megan and Harry will be thrilled I would like to wish Charlie Gibson very very good luck um in his Endeavors with Megan yes I look forward to him taking me out for a drink oh yeah indeed or at least you know maybe giving you some dog food or a jar a jar of jam of course that's surely the next step and making a dog's dinner out of the whole PR thing sorry I write them I'll be here all week now Natasha to another really quite extraordinary story this week now Rebel Wilson is from the same area of Sydney as me so the idea that she would have a royal Revelation in her autobiography is stunning let alone what this Revelation was what has she said yeah um it's quite extraordinary something that IID never expected to be talking about on Palace confidential but um the yeah very celebrated actress re Wilson um describes in her book how she was invited to a party by a mystery Royal who um was apparently 15th or 20th in line to the throne um and this happened back in 2014 so the line of succession was slightly different then but crucially this Royal is not named so we don't know who it is um but this Royal invited Rebel to this party that was hosted by Tech billionaire apparently there were people dressed up in medieval out outfits jousting um I mean I've never been to a party like this sounds really cool doesn't it yeah um and yeah this party then descended um into an orgy and apparently um the part the reason why Rebel was invited by this mystery Royal was to kind of get the number of girls up at this party so the whole thing is obviously very seedy uh not something that the Royals would like to be associated with um so yeah but it's created a bit of a kind of mystery who who is this this Ro well Richard Kay was there so today we can reveal I sadly it's a bit short on detail and we've got to take Rebel's word for it that she knows her debrett's backwards and knows exactly where this person was in the line of succession so we have with laser-like Focus been looking at those in the 15th to the 20th bracket we can't name names but it is an interesting parlor game but I mean we're not likely to find out definitively who it is are we we are highly unlikely and because she apart from the else made her excuses and left so we don't actually know whether the ory took place um or what happened I have to say that come on I mean obviously she's got a book to sell but she's just saying that um she was told that it would descend into an orgy so yeah she was offered drugs and she was informed that's why the drugs the other point to make here is you know everybody who knows anything can tast stay as tight lipped as they like but we've seen time and again that modern media social media surely there are sleuths sort of uncovering this as we speak well it is um yeah I mean remember that Rebel Wilson the actual book that's for sale in Britain has already got many lines redacted out I've never seen anything like that covered up um because there were claims stalinist there were claims about Sasha Baron Cohen in it they've had to be removed um but these no it's interesting I mean the problem is would any minor Royal want to you know launch legal action um it's very expensive it would be very embarrassing and then you would also be suggesting oh that's me so I I think they'll definitely um Let It lie okay well either way though it's kind of a bit of another annoying stain isn't it um well I mean she hasn't named anyone in in particular what do you think Richie k i I don't think it is I think because no one's named and anyone who goes there is going to have a huge difficulty in um standing up as we say in the profession simply because there's no nothing to fall back on Rebel Wilson isn't going to help and her Publishers certainly won't um so but I suspect it will become an intriguing game on social media indeed well someone Richard Eden who is never a stain on the royal family is our Princess Royal it's the princess ant section of the show get excited now tell us briefly what she's been up to you wouldn't even dare suggest that sort of party to princess an would you my goodness she'd she'd be off I'm amazed you've even said here today no so from Louch parties in Los Angeles we will um you know switch to um lovely green fields of Shropshire where um none of that sort of behavior ever goes on exactly princess an has been doing what she does best which is quietly carrying out engagements and um you know doing what royal family should be known for she's been in shopshire she's been um visiting the the homes of the founders of save the children which is is a a charity of which she's been Patron for for more than 50 years I think um and she's also been carrying out engagements on behalf of her brother as he um receives cancer treatment she was um took a couple of investitures she handed out a nigh Hood to the founder of the glastenbury festival Michaelis and a um CBE to um the great cricketer Stuart broad so yeah but what else has she done I mean that's a pack schedule isn't it she's been busy yeah she really has God save Princess an thank goodness for her well next week the prince and princess of Wales celebrate their 13th wedding anniversary and I feel very old now that's gone very quickly so we thought we'd look back at some of our favorite pictures of that beautiful day [Music] well as I say time flies wishing the Wales is a very happy anniversary and just time now to thank Nat the two Richards and you of course for watching we will see you next week bye for now
Channel: Daily Mail Royals
Views: 439,199
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Keywords: Prince Harry, daily mail royals, daily mail royal family, royal family, meghan markle prince harry, meghan markle daily mail, royals news, royal family news, prince harry news, harry and meghan, royal expert reaction, king charles coronation, king charles, prince harry, frogmore cottage, king charles iii, palace confidential, meghan markle, meghan, kate middleton, netflix, prince harry netflix, prince harry movie, meghan markle netflix, meghan netflix
Id: Ycf2HtD2PS0
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Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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