Is Prince Harry 'struggling'? Royal experts react to Meghan Markle podcast and The Cut interview

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foreign your weekly look at all things Royal brought to you from the males Kensington HQ I'm Joe Elven and joining me today is the daily mail's diary editor Richard Eden I returned to the program for historian and orthod Dr Tessa Dunlop and in between these old sparring partners we have the mail on Sunday's editor-at-large Charlotte Griffiths welcome what a what a trio I'm excited I am so a little bit nervous but excited where else to start this week but with the Duchess of Sussex not only have we had the second installment of her podcast archetypes and an interview with Mariah Carey more on that in a moment but first we are going to look at the interview with Megan that's made the news across the world I presume you know she invited the U.S publication the cut into her Montecito home even taking them on the school run I'm going to start with you Richard lucky you now one of the big talking points from this extraordinary interview was the line where she talks about forgiveness and in her words knowing that I could say anything quote unquote the interview is suggesting that Megan's comment was full of meaning do you agree with that I think it really was I mean what was notable about the interview it wasn't so much what Megan did say it was what she didn't say and she made a series of very unsubtle hints that she could say a lot more in the future and it seemed to be clear that they were threats she was coming across as saying I can say these things I've chosen not to she made clear I haven't signed any contracts stopping me from talking about what went on when I was active member of the royal family and and it was all spelled out in that way and she even dropped a Hint by saying I was keeping a daily diary as well it's fascinating is it what do you think the palace is made of it um nervous probably sort of very weary um you know that I'm sure they'll have read the interview and just think oh what next I mean the timing as well on the eve of their visit to Britain it's really shocking in in so many ways um Prince Harry Charlotte made another broadside statement about the family a strange comment about how many of my family aren't able to live and work together now do you imagine that the cambridges might have a view on that yeah I mean if he means the cambridges I think William and Kate work beautifully together the one person that the cambridges couldn't work with is Prince Harry so he had to move out of Kensington Palace um I don't know if he's alluding to something to do with Clarence House or maybe Prince Charles being difficult to work with it's ambiguous as usual but uh you know I think the cambridge's work beautifully together and very much they all sort of stick together the remaining Royals don't they I can tell that you're dying to say something what is it yeah Festival what's interesting about that article in the car I thought they'd taken a slice out of your pie Richard I thought the journalist in question was pretty ungenerous to Megan a lot of what wasn't said was her kind of you know judgment over this extremely rich house this Mega opulence and also is that unfair though what I think that the palace would have been almost relieved somebody in America batting on their side I mean the journalist in question basically says what a lot of us I think now realize is that Megan went into the royal family scooped up the tinsel and the title and went back to America and has started working with those credits and bigging up her own image and making her own products and and I would say to an extent Fair please no well that's the way of the world you say that but speaking of picking up her own image the thing that really raised my eyebrows is this story about the South African actor who she said had told her that back home in South Africa people danced in the streets when she married into the royal family the way that they did when Nelson Mandela was freed that's a bit much isn't it that was unfortunate I think occasionally Megan needs a little bit of a reality check and I went to bed with her and Mariah Carey last night well I was very relieved that Daryl Mariah who's more My Generation than Megan is there any is there room for three Divas in that yeah I was having a pillow fight with that but I felt I got in there somewhere but um and she did rain check Megan she goes come on girl you're a diva and Megan at the end has the Epiphany that maybe being a diva isn't such a bad thing after all you know but but I've got to admit that Megan has a lovely voice it's well produced she likes having a platform which begs the question why did she marry into the royal family because that was all always going to be taken away from her I mean what I would say to Tessa is if Megan's so happy successful and everything's going great why do they keep having to make these Digs at the Royal Family why do they have to bring everything back I don't think the journalist John naturally going to do that I don't know I feel like there was a lot of unsolicited comments about it she's a family she's spontaneously five minutes it's not Harry's interview Harry walks in and drops that thing about how his family can't work together Harry's a different question right I think Harry is struggling with it poor old Harry I mean whose front of the cup is Megan who's hosting the podcast it's Megan where's Harry Harry who H I feel sorry fairy I'm he's like the in-between guy but Megan's off there in the in in the fast lane as far as I'm concerned there were some other claims she made in the interview Richard that um some Royal correspondents here have been questioning um yes I mean she said things about the media which was it was hard not to get angry about frankly because they were just simply untrue what makes them well what Megan was doing was that thing which she and Harry seemed to have specialized in a sort of throwing mud out there making being quite Coy not being specific but making these claims which just don't stand up at all the most offensive of which was she said that she accused the media of um insulting her children using the n-word well that that has never happened but that was also I was unclear on whether that was a dig at the media year or the consumers of the media I couldn't I couldn't figure that out yeah yeah yeah me the British and these racist old funny daddies that she had to escape from it's kind of insulted all of us I think that's deliberate that she wants the the readers of this article to think oh yeah that's the British media they're Dreadful when and she can't be accused of being too specific very damaging she wanted the interviewer wood and the interviewer was very very clever and didn't particularly and actually as you said the interviewer was pretty Auntie Megan and wrote it so beautifully and carefully and cleverly she also made another untrue claim which is important for us to address which is she talked about if they'd stayed in Britain their children would face every day on the school run sort of 40 photographers pestering them well this is just not the case at all so I wonder you know I feel Duty bound to play Devil's Advocate a a little bit I wondered if that was Harry's experience when the Press regulation wasn't quite as strange but no even in the case of Harry and William they'd have a photo call on their first day at school with you know a couple of photographers but after that they're left alone completely and that's the case with the cambridge's children and as Charlotte would tell you you know from days as a diarist you know we've been offered countless stories about the children but we don't touch them because of an agreement that we let the children live their lives while they're still at school so it's just wrong for Megan to say that and she seems to be saying these untrue things to gain sympathy from an American audience the bigger picture is surely is in America where success is much more judged on money and status and the brand she's blown it out of the water she's top of the Spotify rankings everyone's talking about our weather negative or positive and I think that's a nightmare for the cambridges going forward their children you know everybody or anybody who's going to want to marry those children is it going to be for the tinsel the mantle you know to run off into the sunset and create some other idea of royalty I think this is is actually a longer term nightmare for the institution of monarchy in our country because it can be filched you know take take a bit of it and run off it it's kind of krill almost I wonder if Charles will be sort of like taking that under advisement actually it makes Charles look like he's come from the another decade and not essential it's so interesting speaking of what you said about Harry and sort of like feeling sorry for him I wanted Charlie's the flip side of that so Harry sort of like keeps coming in and making these appearances in in the podcast and such that maybe there's a sense that she or her pay masters need him to be involved are they sort of need him and they don't because he was supposed to be in the original Spotify series do you remember and the first one did have a lot of him in and clearly it was very scripted and Megan can pull off scripted quite well I personally see through it Harry wasn't pulling it off so well so actually I think it's the other way around I think she's sort of said listen you can have a walk on Cameo do you remember that time when he juggled in the window in the background unfortunately I do yes like I think she's like oh you're exposing us for being a bit fake because you haven't had your acting lessons so you can just remind everyone why I'm famous she's probably pre-programmed him to drop one truth bomb and then that's it and then off that works with the feminist narrative the lean in look here is the house husband with Beth eat can they not afford shoes he's always in bare feet it's really curious their flaws are so clean because of their mountains you know what really got me in the end it's always a small detail because I have got to say have enjoyed her podcast I'm just putting it out there girlfriends I didn't know that Mariah Carey's mother was not pressing her you know she does bring big Fame to to my opinion did you learn one single thing from about Serena Williams though first not a single thing Megan interrupts her every five okay she was nervous the first one was a bit shaky but I like the Mariah Carey one but back to their lifestyle you know they are meant to be Eco Warriors I always believed in them and they have a watered lawn in California a validant green and the person who did the interview made that very clean clear that was a real dig yeah it was a dig I like that I've got to say I'm I'm kind he's a genius I do I I'm the villain I'm like one of those voyers I feel like I felt with Diana I can't stop consuming it well it's interesting that you bring up Diana because one commentator this week suggested that the royal family are making the same mistake with Megan and Harry as they did with Diana sort of like sticking their fingers in their ears and just pretending it's not happening do you agree with that I think they've got to own it they've got a love bomb if I was through our family I would love bomb the sussexes there has been attempts though right do it more publicly sources close to Charles came out and said I really love both my sons equally and I'm very sad and um to hear that he feels he might have lost me so he actually is reacting which is unusual disagree with Tessa more I mean the idea the idea in the sussexes it's ridiculous all they do is throw mud back in the faces of the royal family well that's why I think maybe the high road is the is the good option and that that would be the high road wouldn't it I think that they should but no the high road should be just to kick them off the road they shouldn't have any Royal titles anymore it's time to well I mean this is the thing that keeps coming back though isn't it is that you know where the royal family is this Dreadful institution that I had to escape and yet I am actually The Duchess of Sussex I want to know what you think of her sort of like clinging on to that title I think she's a Savvy businesswoman and she understands that the Americans love a bit of Royal you know scaffolding and she's taken a bit of that scaffolding and can you from from the institution that she can't stand from the institution that she's working through her pain with she's still got pain you know the cup posted on Twitter saying Megan of Montecito has done an interview and then about 20 minutes later deleted it and reposted it as Megan The Duchess of Sussex so I think somebody picked up the phone and said you missed out the most important bit of my name thank you very much exactly that's fascinating but we could argue that that is a win for monarchy that is a win in the end she's saying she needs that title so so we should own that and I think we should walk out a bit more proudly that actually you're right there's nothing there if it wasn't for the British Monarchy Richard there was an interesting story as well this week wasn't there linking it to the investigation into the alleged bullying at the palace yeah this seemed to be a bit of a reaction already to the interview from courteous at the palace who were making clear that if um the alleged victims of Megan's bullying in the past wanted to speak out they would be backed by the palace that generally you think are people have signed tight contracts which mean they can't speak out publicly well they were making clear in this article appeared in the Daily Telegraph that actually you can you have a legal right to be a whistleblower um if if you're reporting on something of public interest and they felt this would fall into that category so it did come across as look you know Megan's hinting about more she can disclose well if you do you know there may be a response it's getting really nasty do you think those people at the palace thinking maybe we should start making people sign some things actually yeah this is just like it's extraordinary as well because obviously again there's there's new worries over the Queen's Health yeah it's Dreadful timing yeah but families are complicated yahari is he's a vulnerable lad like this this we we've had the anniversary 25th anniversary of Diana's death it's like we need to remember the horror that that underlay that I've been doing a lot of research recently on the queen a big biography about the queen published just a couple of years before Diana died and the tone the anti-dianatone we forget how horrible we were well I I was making that point off camera earlier yeah yeah and actually he he's scarred and he looks to Megan for strength for resourcefulness for a way out of something that he felt trapped in well it almost sounds cynical but do we really think the sussexes care about the Queen's health I hope they do a little bit I mean my goodness they gave that Oprah interview when Prince Philip was dying in hospital they went ahead there was talk about oh we might postpone it if he dies or whatever but they went ahead with it and as if it didn't matter at all so the idea they might change their plans because of the Queen's health I really think because yeah I think they've got themselves into a position where it's going to be too difficult to visit her it's too embarrassing for them that they'll be a hostile reception everyone will be on their guarded um Duty I just I think they've got themselves into a position where this could be their last chance I hope it's not to visit the queen in Balmoral and they might have lost it because of their own publicity let's move quickly on to this new episode of Megan's podcast Richard have you been to bed with Mariah and Megan did you listen to a bit of it I mean how many weeks how many weeks do I have to listen to this podcast I'm not sure yeah yeah me you're trying to kill me in this job not me um but no it's the same thing I was interested in hearing about the Mariah Carey you know she's a great figure just like Serena Williams and I was hoping for some interesting details about her past but again it was Megan it was Megan in the headlines the story that came out this time was about how Megan had only started to see herself as black after going out with Prince Harry and and it should seems to turn it round so again it was all about her and that's not really what I would hope for from an interview with superstars like Mariah Carey and Serena Williams did make me wish that I'd kept from my glamor magazine days the rider we had when we did a shoot with Mariah Carey she's well in that Diva title that's all I can say Diva's not bad yeah yeah yeah yeah you're saying Megan's a diva too well that's the thing that was the one thing that stuck out wasn't it Charlotte Megan's shock when Mariah called her a diva Megan has misunderstood her own podcast like I said the whole time going actually deep is not a bad word and we should turn this around then Mariah calls her a diva and she has a complete meltdown how dare you call me a diva it's literally the entire Point what do you think it says about her feelings about her own image she cannot take any criticism whatsoever and not only that but she she reacted at the time and then she went into post-production sat down and recorded a whole new segment saying how offended she was maybe a day later it would have been recorded maybe a week later goes to show she doesn't let things just go by I felt that she she worked through stuff in that podcast she had an epiphany at the end it worked both ways but she's not talking to me she's talking to a girl 20 years younger than me who's hearing her they are wanting to live like Megan with a verdant lawn and a Barefoot husband and palm trees that unite under the ground like Harry and Megan's love you've lost me at the intertwining palm trees that's enough I'm done I can't handle it anymore but with all the excitement around Megan's many media moments it was perhaps easy to forget that there have been more headlines around the financial affairs of some of the Charities linked to the Prince of Wales the mail on Sunday's Cape manzi broke the cash for Honor story and she brings us the latest and a Roundup of what's been going on how do they fund this very very expensive project well millions and millions of pounds were required to make Charles's ambition a reality the foundation so lots of donors were called upon and last year we broke the story that a man called Dimitri loose who's a turkmenistan-born former Banker had decided to donate generously to the princes Foundation he decided he was going to give 500 000 pounds he went through a couple of fixers who were known to work with the Prince of Wales and the charity gave them the money he was given the bank details thought he was donating directly to the princess foundation and got a letter of thanks from The Prince of Wales in return it transpired in fact that only a hundred thousand pounds of his 500 000 pound donation ever made it to the foundation and subsequently the foundation said oh there's a red flag here because we don't know this donor um he had served four years in prison for money laundering causes in Russia now he was wrongfully arrested it's important to say and those convictions were overturned and but nevertheless the foundation saw fit to return the money which means that four hundred thousand pounds are still missing for for a long time the latest twist and a very long very shady Saga is that he's finally got 200 000 pounds back through various other funds um which means that he's got 300 000 pounds back two hundred thousand pounds is still missing in another bizarre twist it transpires at the 200 000 pounds he's got back actually had been diverted through another donors bank account it transpires or it seems and this is the subject of a charity commission commission investigation meanwhile we've got the Metropolitan Police investigating um the very serious case of cash for honors now this relates to Michael Fawcett who had to step down he was Charles's right-hand man for many many years and he had written a letter as we revealed in the mail on Sunday offering help to a Saudi Shake to improve his honor to a Knighthood and also to get British citizenship now if that doesn't make your head spin I don't know what does on the other hand we've got the prince's fund very distinct according to the people who work for the fund and the foundation in fact the fund does give some money to the foundation so you're not entirely distinct but but fund with the people who also managed to benefit from a massive suitcase of cash which was handed over from another foreign donor directly to the Prince of Wales and then went straight into the bank there's no suggestion anybody was taking any of those used notes and putting them in their pockets nevertheless doesn't look very good at all and then on top of that we've got a separate so a third investigation going on in Scotland and that's the Scottish charity regulator which is where Dumfries house is obviously based they are investigating as well to find out what was going on at the charity where the money was coming from whether it was going to the right place and it's such a murky story and as someone said to me last week in relation to the Dimitri loose found a donation somebody said to me you would expect this in Russia you wouldn't expect this in Britain and certainly not a charity that's linked to the heir to the throne so it's such an extraordinary story there's so many twists and turns to it but it's not going away I think now they're really going to have to look seriously at the Prince of Wales as Charities he could be king any moment um and it's not really appropriate that this is going on in the background it probably is time for him to parcel off some of those charitable causes however well-meaning and to focus on supporting existing Charities I would say rather than planning lots of money and effort into into ones that he's set up that was Kate manzi we'll bring you more on that story as it develops Richard Charles could be king very soon doesn't he need to you know take some definitive action over this I think he really does I mean you know as Kate Mansi has previously said in this program I think he needs to do what he's done with the princess trust when it extends and try and separate himself from these Charities certainly before he becomes king um I mean personally I'd like him to go further and and close them down but I think if I close the princess trust down well not if it's already operating at arm's length that's fine but that's the key thing that I mean when he becomes king he shouldn't have any Charities that he's still directly involved in they need to be completely separated or at least at arm's length from him Charlotte with organizations like the princess trust it's done so much undeniable good work over the years but does all of this murkiness tend to have the risk of tarnishing that yeah I think it totally taints it and it's also confusing and murky and they're a fortnum and Basin bags flying around 200 Grand sort of went well it could be worse they could be Asda oh yeah that would be worth I think he needs a somehow streamline or consolidate his charitable efforts there just needs to be so much more clarity than there is now otherwise you're right it will totally tarnish the reputation of the Good Charity it's very strict rules that govern the way in which donations can be received by Charities so I don't understand why there's so much difficulty around following those rules just because he's a poor judge of character employees questionable people then get him away he's the figure ahead it's like the queen of politics she's not guddling around in the day-to-day she's the symbol get him away from the money anyway speaking of the queen Tessa um she'll be receiving the new prime minister at Balmoral soon which is unprecedented it is it's a big deal isn't it yeah it is and maybe that's why there's no room for Harry and Megan up there um she this isn't it is unprecedented in so far as our new prime minister has never been asked to form a government from Balmoral um but it was done for Osborne house for instance under Victoria Disraeli had to get on a boat and he decided that meant he'd climbed the greasy pole so there are historical examples of a monarch saying come to me um this is the biggest constitutional rule she has really one is receiving the resignation of a prime minister and the other is asking a prime minister form a government and I everyone said oh this is another sign of slippage it's another sign that you know the the monarchy light is fading um the Twilight of her Reign I would say I'm someone who works a huge amount with women in their very late 90s and hundreds this is a sign she's still actively in the game that she wants to ask the new prime minister I think she she's worried about the state of Britain you know we are in a crisis at the moment what's wrong everything's fine right yeah Megan is our escapism that says it all um so I think she probably wants to have a quiet word with the new prime minister and I take that as a good sign of course she doesn't want to schlep down to Buckingham Palace from our holidays do you think Richard you know another tradition obviously she always likes to stand up to greet the prime minister is that something that is possibly out of risk well certainly you know they just talk about these episodic mobility issues um but I'm sure you'll have a picture of her meeting the new prime minister and probably standing up but it seems to be very much doctors who advised that there was no need to take the risks of this long journey um remember she was only going to be coming to London for that doing a few juices and coming straight back um so I'm sure she'll come back to Windsor as normal once her holiday is finished but it just seemed a bit excessive and I think everyone's very very careful with the Queen's house and that's right just have one uninterrupted summer well I guess it wasn't it wasn't that long ago was it that we didn't even realize we'd be looking for a new prime minister yeah elections are October and May and the other thing is the queen has staked her identity on the United Kingdom is it so bad to ask a Prime Minister of Great Britain to form a government from Scotland I think this is a win for our United Queen it'll be a fantastic trip for the future programs good practice they have to go up every summer yeah Lucky them that is all we have time for on Palace confidential today my thanks to Richard Eden Dr Tessa Dunlop Charlotte Griffiths and to you the viewers who watch from as far afield as the U.S Canada Australia hi my old mates South Africa Singapore Germany and many many more we love having you along for the rides and we do hope you can join us again next week goodbye
Channel: Daily Mail
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Keywords: meghan markle, meghan markle palace confidential, meghan markle the cut, meghan markle daily mail, meghan daily mail, daily mail royals, daily mail royals channel, daily mail meghan markle, prince harry, meghan markle podcast, meghan markle the cut interview, meghan markle interview, royals, royal family, prince charles, kate middleton, meghan markle podcast review, meghan markle news, prince harry meghan markle, mandela, palace confidential
Id: dPXuSDF0f0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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