The Royal Family's Feud With Harry & Meghan, Explained | The Great Divide | Real Royalty

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[Music] the truth was I wasn't sure that I belonged I doubted myself and I wondered wondered if I was good enough to even be there if what I was doing in the world allbe it important and meaningful as far as I saw it was it deserving to have a seat at this table Harry and Megan fled the royal family for a second chance at the private life they always wanted but despite their escape the world kept on telling and retelling their story in order to set the record straight they decided to create a tell all documentary series with TV giant Netflix they feel very wronged but they can't ask for privacy when they've made the Netflix series it's opening up a can of worms you'll watch that series and think the royal family need looking after they've come out of it B better or you'll be on the side of Harry and Megan and think wow they had to put up with the loss and I'm on their side whether they wanted it or not they stepped into a war with the Tabloid press the this the resentment towards his brother uh for the the protection that he's had is palpable throughout of course those who would be supporters of Prince William would say look Prince William is just doing his duty and now what was once a healing wound between the couple and the royal family has become a Great [Music] Divide on December 8th the all access documentary series series released titled Harry and Megan I think there's a sort of sense of both disappointment and exasperation at the palace uh that the couple feel the need to keep going on about how miserable they were in their old existence at the same time uh you the couple feel that they they they need to keep telling the world why they left you'll watch that series and think the royal family need looking after they've come out of it better or you'll be on the side of Harry and Megan and think wow they had to put up with the loss and I'm on their side she's becoming a royal rockar and then everything changed there's a hierarchy of the family you know there's leaking but there's also planting of stories there was a war against Megan to suit other people's agendas it's about hatred it's about race it's a dirty game the pain and suffering of women marrying into this institution this being [Applause] frenzy I realized they're never going to protect you I was terrified I didn't want a history to repeat itself the Sussex brand both in the UK and America uh is being helped in one way uh by this Netflix documentary series by by bringing uh the sussexes back onto our radar screens if not our TV screens so uh there is perhaps a fear that out of sight means out of mind uh and by uh cooperating with Netflix on a documentary like this it gets us all talking about them again uh and it keeps them uh in the Limelight and it keeps their their brand uh of Harry and Megan uh alive this was the couple's attempt to get across their own side of the story from their meeting and attempts to integrate into the royal family through to their departure the series is unlike anything seen before only close in comparison to the Panorama interview with Princess Diana in 1995 years of stories half told and whispered through the media were expanded and clarified the couple's first introduction was via an Instagram post Harry revealed Megan spoke about the Whirlwind of pressure meeting Prince William and Princess Kate for the first time Megan even demonstrated her curtsy from the first nail-biting visit to the late Queen Elizabeth II Megan claims that her wardrobe was strictly controlled during her tenure as a royal barred from bright colors to avoid clashing with the queen Megan chose to wear camel and beige in order to blend in and not stand out Harry the Duke of Sussex is seen in the show proclaiming cling that Royals don't marry for love instead they feel incredible pressure to marry someone that fits the mold The Fallout from the series has seemingly caught the entire world in a fierce debate and it seems everybody has something to say about what the couple had to [Music] say when they were growing up William and Harry's relationship was incredibly close the two of them really needed one another they had you know an unhappy home environment they were luckily they did have nannies and they were therefore kept away from quite a lot of the acrimony that was going on between their parents but nonetheless you know children pick up on on things they're very sensitive and it was also fortunate that they went away to boarding school because again that removed them from most of what of the nastiness that was going on but they did rely on one another they were very close the the two are very different characters but they they complement one another very well and they've always had a great banter they tease each other mercilessly or used to and then when their mother died I think that brought them even closer together because they couldn't share with anyone else what they had experienced it wasn't you know like the death of of any other any normal parent because in with the death of a normal parent you don't have the world grieving as well it was almost as though their grief was being devalued by the grief of strangers so I think it was a very difficult time for them and and during during that sort of the years after Diana's death there was a bond which was closer arguably than than most siblings I think the time when that Bond started to fracture a bit was when Harry probably came out of the out of the army and started going into Royal work and I think there was a little bit of the space was was quite small Within their charitable world for the two brothers together and I think Harry slightly railed at the hierarchy here was his brother you know his mate but who was slightly pulling rank at times because where you know because he was the senior senior member of the family so I think there were one or two little niggles going on there I suspect that when William married Kate I mean Harry adored Kate andate hate Ador Harry but I suspect that as with every family when one sibling marries their focus turn slightly onto their their new wife or husband um and then their children and where previously their full Focus had been on the sibling so I think maybe you know there were Rumblings but Harry you know got on very well with them right up until I would say the time that he met Mega [Music] and on January 13th 2020 Royal Watchers were on the edge of their seats as Harry and Megan entered what was infamously called a crisis meeting with her majesty the queen Prince Charles and Prince William this was the Deal or No Deal moment the future of the royal family was hanging on the outcome of this critical talk after several tense hours Buckingham Palace announced with a heavy heart that arrangements had been reached for Harry and Megan to leave Royal duties behind and pursue an independent future when this is the real problem for the queen and Prince Charles they are dealing with this as a grandmother and as a father on the one hand and they're also dealing with it as the protector of a ancient Dynasty and we have seen that how as Protectors of the ancient Dynasty when they need to they act brutally as they did with prince Andrew when they removed him from public office there may be a point that at some stage that the queen Charles and William believe that what Megan and Harry are proposing is a threat to the institution the British Monarchy then they will act well I think these decisions have all got to be made in the future anybody who's high-profile needs a protection former Prime Ministers and Ministers of Defense get security for a long period after they've left office so I think that's something that everybody would suggest they require to get security but these are add decisions will surely all be made in in the next few days all the way through the this relationship we've seen examples of Harry trying to protect Megan from the scrutiny you have to remember Megan comes in the legacy of Princess Diana and Harry saw the way his mother was treated by the press and I think he's very keenly aware of how that happened and and ensuring that that doesn't happen to Megan the decision to move away from Central London to go to Frogmore Cottage and move to Windsor is very much about protecting Megan you know they had just redecorated the place in Kensington they had just done it up the way they wanted to when they announced they were actually decamping and moving to Windsor by moving to Windsor Harry and Megan are hoping to preserve some semblance of normaly for themselves and for their child even if you look at the birth of the new baby whereas Kate Middleton was trotted out in hosery and full makeup just hours after delivering her babies Megan said from the beginning I won't be doing that they didn't even announce she was in labor until after the baby was safely born all the way through the birth even in the last weeks of her pregnancy Megan was not seen and all the way through her birth Megan has maintained a determination along with Harry to keep certain things private to keep protected their family and they are not following the Royal script they are consistently deviating from from what's been done before and some people think it's admirable and some people think it's not but ultimately Megan and Harry are doing things their own way public reaction was divided to say the least while some wished the couple nothing but happiness and success others felt resentment in abandoning crown and Country the media press of it really speaks to the culture War that's happening in this country between older the older generation is outraged by Harry and Megan's decision and the younger generation um which is mostly supportive I think the whole plan that Harry and Megan have is a really problematic one because they're talking about stepping back they're talking their critics would argue about having their cake and eat it they're talking about one day representing the queen on a Foreign Tour to a another country on another day say in North America earning serious money with some sort of endorsement of some sort of product the the risk is that those two things aren't compatible the risk is that their pursuit of money will will uh tarnish The Windsor brand and tarnish the house of Windsor there's no doubt that the reaction inside the palace was just as divided it's definitely sad for the team at buck and Palace they have a superb team there who've been fiercely loyal to them I think the assumption would have been that there would have been possibly a core number of Staff who would have been retained to run some kind of operation here for them they've decided against that they're severing all ties it's a really strong signal that they are off on they right now in America and Canada the now free couple announced a new future of financial Independence stepping back from the royal family but insisted they would continue to support their causes and of course Her Majesty the queen they shared their plans to split their time between North America and the UK discover the past with exclusive history documentaries and adree podcasts presented by world-renowned historians all from history hit watch them on your Smart TV or on the- go with your mobile device download the app now to explore everything from the wonders of ancient Pompei and the Mystery of the princes in the tower to the life of Anne berin and D-Day sign up via the link in the description it's felt like their farewell UK tour five engagements in 5 days covering off the official the causes that matter to them and taking time to say thanks to their friends but it is the event they'll attend here at Westminster Abbey that is the most significant since they've returned from Canada because when they arrive at the Commonwealth day service it will be the first time that we've seen them alongside other members of the family since they announced they want to step back as senior Royals and everyone will be watching the body language every year since they got married they've been to the service reaching out to the Commonwealth has been a big passion for both of them their attendance this year will be a reminder that whatever has gone on behind the scenes they are still family as this is one event that is hugely important to the queen when they got engaged there was a sense this was a couple excited about what they could achieve together a few days later They carried out their first walkabouts but the scrutiny has proved too much and Palace life too stifling leaving the queen with no option but to agree they can step away at the end of this month in just over 2 years they have fulfilled every aspect of Royal life today is expected to be the last of those official duties in the end their life together had to come first and just like that as quickly as the Whirlwind romance had started back in July 2016 Less Than 3 years on they were gone you know the monarchy finds itself in a moment of of turmoil flux and a genuine crisis because of course this has opened up a Pandora's Box there are so many wider issues at stake the future of the monarchy this streamline monarchy that you keep hearing people talking about what does that actually look like if Megan and Harry do step down uh a lot of you tonight have told me you have my back well I'm also here to tell you I've always got yours on their new website the Duke and Duchess published what was effectively a Manifesto of how they're going to deal with the media in future and part of it was an attack on this and specifically British media and Royal correspondents for their Monopoly on Royal coverage and essentially accusing the media of making private profit from their very public lives they talk specifically about the Royal rotor where British media cover Royal events to be distributed around the world obviously claims they feel they've been been hounded by the media Etc but in reality they've had there's been nothing like that um the you would say that no the royal ro system works I think it's given them an awful lot of works very it's been going since the 1950s and one must remember that this is an unelected institution that relies upon media publicity the public support for its life's blood they are in control they release the images they choose who comes and talks to them I mean that's a relationship that works in Hollywood that's a relationship that works with celebrities it's a great open question whether it's a relationship that can work with a senior active member of the British royal family as a first step into Independence the couple founded archwell Incorporated a nonprofit foundation for change the couple went on to found archwell Productions and signed multiple huge media deals with Netflix and Spotify for a series of inspirational documentary and podcast Productions reportedly worth around £18 million Megan fell pregnant very quickly they hadn't been married that long when she got pregnant and according to all reports and rumors they just had just started trying and she got pregnant now Megan was not uh extremely young you know in in pregnancy terms 36 is geriatric I mean that's literally the term so I think they didn't want to wait around they knew they wanted a family and they didn't know how long it would take but it happened very quickly and I think both Megan and Harry were surprised at how quickly it happened but it's all the more of a blessing Megan is very much a belly cupper every single picture we saw when she was pregnant she was cupping that belly sometimes we had a Double Cup above and underneath the belly you know this is something a lot of celebrities do on red carpets Megan Markle is a celebrity she's an actress she knows about angles she knows about what makes a good picture she knows about what's a good story visually she's smart and she has used some very smart strategy in her role there's nothing wrong with that by the way to to use the knowledge you gleaned in one field and career in another one Megan Markle has been one of the most stylish pregnant women that we've ever seen she didn't favor maternity clothes she tended to wear designer clothes which would accommodate her bump Megan has a very slim long lean beautiful figure and she was able to wear designer clothes all the way through she looked gorgeous the entire pregnancy the only visible difference apart from the bump was her face was perhaps a bit Fuller and and actually it just made her look even younger to have the kind of Rosy Cheeks that she had through the pregnancy pregnancy very much suited her and I would be shocked if this is the only baby that these two are going to have Megan's pregnancy was actually announced during her first Royal tour and there was a backlash actually because it was announced so soon after princess Eugene's wedding a lot of people felt that it had stolen the Thunder for poor Eugene who had gotten married literally like the day or two days before it was ridiculous because Megan has the right first of all to announce her pregnancy anytime she wants to and probably they waited until after Eugene's wedding to announce because they didn't want to steal her Thunder but Megan was in the middle of a royal tour in which she was probably going to miss engagements due to morning sickness or fears for her getting pushed to jostle too much in the crowd she had to explain herself and she had the right to stay home if she was tired one morning when she was in the early throws of pregnancy so I think Megan and Harry felt they had to announce in a way because she was in the middle of a royal tour she probably was going to get a little more tired and there might be obvious bump pictures which would just set off a fury of speculation Megan showed very early in her pregnancy she was only a little bit pregnant and she already had a bump so I think it was a necessity really for Harry and Megan to announce the pregnancy as early as they did har um want to share with with usone uh yes um I'm very excited to announce that uh Megan and myself had a baby boy um early this morning a very healthy boy um mother and baby are doing incredibly well um it's been the most amazing experience I can ever um possibly imagine um how any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension but we're both absolutely thrilled um and so grateful to all the love and support for everybody out there um from everybody out there it's been um it's been amazing so we just wanted to share this with everybody I'm so incredibly proud of my wife um and as every father and parent would ever say you know your your baby is absolutely amazing but this little thing is is is absolutely die for so I'm just over the moon Megan's baby shower is very much a baby shower for celebrity not a baby shower for a royal I don't even know if Kate Middleton had a baby shower but if she did it was probably like in someone's house with a cup of tea and like a few finger sandwiches this was not going to be this like amazing over-the-top celebrity fueled filled event Megan did her baby shower as a celebrity it was thrown by a celebrity Serena Williams and it was attended by celebrities and it looked like something celebrities would go to Megan in unfairly really got a lot of backlash because the truth is how many women are involved in the planning of their own baby shower the answer is zero Megan had probably nothing to do with it had knew nothing about it except that she was supposed to show up in New York on this date and inal cloy said look I'll give you a ride in my jet the over-the-top extravagance of the shower has more to do with Megan's friends than it does with Megan herself one thing that was very sweet about the baby shower was Megan actually didn't open any of the presents she wanted to wait and open them together with Harry she took them all home with her and they opened them together as a a couple this is really unprecedented I mean normally one of the highlights of a baby shower is watching the mother to be open everything so this broke with tradition but she didn't want Harry to miss out in the leadup to the birth Harry and Megan both said they didn't want to know the sex they wanted it to be a surprise so they had to obviously then choose girl and boy names had it been a girl Diana was very much a favorite name and I believe it was very likely that Diana would have been the first name or at least in the middle of that um long name and the reason is you know from the beginning Harry and William both have included their mother whenever possible in their relationship and I think it grieved them both that she wasn't there when they married uh she wasn't there to see her grandchildren and so I believe with all my heart Diana is probably in future going to be a girl's name for this pair in terms of boys names there were a lot of names initially floated around they were all connected with royal tradition but not typically traditional so for example Alexander which is a perfectly acceptable English Royal name but but not as commonly used and and other sort of middle names that the Royals have had like Arthur were two of the names that were favored at the beginning on March 7th at 8:00 p.m. CBS aired The Landmark interview led by TV Legend Oprah Winfrey the 2-hour interview has caused an incredible Fallout the magnitude of which still cannot be fully understood it was the interview that some within Buckingham Palace must have feared but the Prince Harry and Megan Mar discussion with Oprah was more revealing explosive and potentially damaging to the royal family than many could have imagined Harry and Megan left as working members of the family left the country went to Canada first then America and then gave that devastating interview to Oprah Winfrey in which Megan said that Kate had made her cry just before her wedding over a bridesmaid's fitting where there had been a rumor long before that Megan had made Kate cry so in this interview she wanted to correct that story and make it clear that Kate had made her cry allegations of racism within the Family itself and Megan's admission that she felt suicidal during her pregnancy have been splashed across newspapers in the United Kingdom throughout their 2-hour TV special both Harry and Megan spoke with eye-opening cander delivering accusations and rebukes that outweighed even Princess Diana's Landmark interview more than two decades earlier Prince Harry's relationship with the media went bad and has got progressively worse ever since uh his mother died he believes uh deeply and profoundly that the media contributed to his mother's untimely death so ever since her death he has tried to find an accommodation and that accommodation has been his acceptance that the intense interest in him could be used by him to throw uh focus on issues that he is passionate [Music] about Megan can you tell me what like becoming a new mom and tell us a little bit about baby Sussex has been calling in um It's Magic it's pretty amazing and I mean I have the two best guys in the world so I'm really happy tell us a little bit about um your son what's what's he like is he is he sleeping well good baby yes he has the sweetest temperament he's really calm and um he gets that from yeah and he's been he's just been the dream so it's been a special couple days who does he take after do he look like anyone we're still trying to figure that out everyone says that baby's changed so much over two weeks we're basically sort of monitoring how the uh how the changing process happen happens over this next month really but he's CH his looks are changing every single day so who knows and how you find parenting generally what's it is it still a special moment yeah that's great I mean parenting is amazing it's it's only been what 2 and a half days three days yeah um but we're just we're just so thrilled to have have our own little bundle of joy um and be able to spend some precious times with him as he slowly slowly starts to grow up and I hate we off to see two special people in the minutes um the queen and and the dukee yes and we just bumped into the dukee as we were walking by which was so nice so um it'll be a nice moment to introduce the baby to more family and my mom's with us as well so it's uh it's been a really here we go guys thank you thank you so much thanks your time thank youell and thank you everybody for all the well wishes and the kindness It's just means so much than thank you behind the tall walls of Windsor Castle is where fewer than 25 guests were invited to witness the newest Royal baptism those invited taken discreetly to the tiny private Chapel outside though the streets were thronging with people those hoping to catch a glimpse of the royal christening though were left disappointed we do pay for the royal family including uh Megan and Harry and I think that they could have given us a little you know um a little something I think it should be public you know it always has been why why change it it's their decision it's their family um it's not as if they're Direct in line and this Royal Watcher says the public may have to get used to this Royal couple's desire for privacy well it seems to be the case that Harry has decided he wants his little boy to have more of a private life he feels he's a long way from the throne and wants to enjoy some type of privacy but it could be a problem because no matter what you do he is growing up in a raw goldfish Bowl he has got two of the most famous parents in the world today's christening is a very different Royal event part of the continuing Desire by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to raise their son Archie out of the spotlight and there a couple determined to do things their own way according to Harry the royal family completely cut him off financially around the first quarter of 2020 when they decided to become independent from the royal family this left him concerned for his safety and the safety of his family he said that he now is living off his inheritance from his mother the most complicated of all the issues raised by the couple's decision to step down is their protection specifically what form it will take who will provide it and who will pay for it Prince Charles has agreed to keep funding the couple and their son from his own private income but by stepping back Harry and Megan will now be able to work there are still lots of details to work out but Harry and Megan will soon be embarking on a new life and a different kind of royalty it was a terrible interview which really did huge damage to the monarchy to Britain as a whole because Megan talked about the country really being racist and did huge damage to Harry's relationship with his father and with with William Harry also accused his father of cutting him off financially which we now know actually wasn't true we now know several things that were said in that interview were not true Megan claimed that she experienced racism from certain undisclosed members of the royal family who questioned her about Archie's skin color they both suggested that someone in the family had made a racist remark about the color of the baby skin and Harry talked about William being trapped in a lifestyle and from which he had been trapped himself and hadn't realized he was trapped until Megan had had made it clear to him you know Megan herself has talked about the challenges of being biracial she has said you know I wasn't black enough for the black RS I wasn't white enough for the white RS and I was in the middle as a mixed race woman and her journey has been in part to find the strength and digity and passion for that role and and embodying a beautiful strong mixed race woman and all of that means you know Megan is re-educating people there's never been a mixed race royal baby as we have now and this is an incredible thing I remember I was at the Royal Wedding when Megan and Harry got married I was in Windsor and I remember there were a lot of women there who were black with little girls with daughters who were celebrating this special day and people can't have any idea what a big big deal this is for there to be a black princess for there to be a mixed race princess because we haven't had that before and I think that just by virtue of the fact that Megan is who she is inspires people inspires young girls inspires women and that's a beautiful thing the royal family cannot survive if it doesn't evolve and it reflect the World At Large and to be entirely white certainly does not do that so Megan is representing just by virtue of the fact that she's accomplished beautiful and smart and talented and mixed race and it's a wonderful thing it's great for the royal family it's great for everyone else Oprah went on to clarify that the couple made it clear that it wasn't the queen or Prince Phillip that made these remarks either way the palace released a statement addressing the alleged racism the palace said Recollections may vary but the matters would be addressed privately the big royal wedding that cost 40 million and was watched by the world turns out it was all a performance the couple claimed that they actually tied the knot in a secret ceremony 3 days before the big event in their backyard perhaps most troubling of all were Megan's claims that she experienced real and frightening Suicidal Thoughts as a result of such intense tabloid scrutiny and isolation at the palace becoming a royal meant giving up a lot of personal luxuries and Independence Megan also claimed that it was disparaging at the palace refused to correct false statements about her there were rumors that Megan was bullying some of the staff her method of working was not what they had been used to whether it was because she was American whether it was because she was um a movie star who treated people in a different way it was not what had happened in the past within that Royal household and I think William when he heard that some some members of staff were being reduced to tears or not enjoying their working life I think he got very angry and he confronted Harry and told him what was going on and Harry I think was protective of Megan so that is where I think the seeds of it all of of a fracture in in this bond that had been so close came from then of course Harry and Megan left as working members of the family left the country went to Canada first then America and then gave that devastating interview to Oprah Winfrey in which Megan said that Kate had made her cry just before her wedding over a bridesmaid's fitting where there had been a rumor long before that Megan had made Kate cry so in this interview she wanted to correct that story and make it clear that Kate had made her cry they both suggested that someone in the family had made a racist remark about the color of the baby's skin and Harry talked about William being trapped in a lifestyle and from which he had been trapped himself and hadn't realized he was trapped until Megan had made it clear to him it was a terrible interview which really did huge damage to the monarchy to Britain as a whole because Megan talked about the country really being racist and did huge huge damage to Harry's relationship with with his father and with William the main event in the sussex's lives has of course been the birth of their second child lilbet in June 2021 my husband and I are thrilled to soon be welcoming a daughter it's a feeling of joy we share with millions of other families around the world when we think of her we think of all the young women and girls around the globe who must be given the ability and support to lead us forward their future leadership depends on the decisions we make and the actions we take now to set them up and to set all of us up for a successful Equitable and compassionate tomorrow just days after their daughter's birth Megan released her children's book The Bench inspired by a Father's Day poem she wrote for Harry it became a New York Times bestseller within a week of release the couple have also taken part in their fair share of activism on her 40th birthday Megan filmed a video with us actress Melissa McCarthy to launch her 40x40 mentorship campaign raising awareness about the women globally who have lost their jobs as a result of covid as campaign shares of vax live my husband and I believe it's critical that our recovery prioritizes the health safety and success of everyone and particularly women who've been disproportionately affected by this pandemic with the surge in gender-based violence The increased responsibility of unpaid care work and new obstacles that have reversed so much progress for women in the workplace we're at an inflection point for gender Equity women and especially women of color have seen a generation of economic gain wiped out since the pandemic began nearly 5 and a half million women have lost work in the US and 47 million more women around the world are expected to slip into extreme poverty but if we work together to bring vaccines to every country and continent insist that vaccines are equitably distributed and fairly priced and ensure that governments around the world are donating their additional vaccines to countries in need then we can begin to fully rebuild not only to restore us to where we were before but to go further and rapidly Advance the conditions opportunity and Mobility for women everywhere for all the scrutiny that Harry and Megan have to endure it's easy to forget the couple is using their platform as a way to to reach out to others through their work in public service from building their archwell foundation in 2020 to the small ways the couple gives back Harry and Megan continue to work and find Ways to Leave a positive impact on the world and create a better future for their children Megan Markle is not someone who just wants a pretty designer dress and and a glass of champagne she is actually engaged in interested in the politics and the storylines of where they're going in fact she got in trouble when she met someone in Ireland who was in Parliament I believe and congratulated them on the defeat of a bill that would have uh nullified abortion in Ireland and said you know that's great and ended up getting in trouble because the the Irish politician tweeted oh I had this great conversation with Megan and she congratulated us on the defeat of this um initiative and everybody was like you can't take aide Megan you can't defend any position I think one of the most difficult challenging things for this whole in this whole experience for Megan is the Royal tradition of not taking aide of not showing your political leanings of not having opinions that is something that I think Megan Marco has already and will very much continue to struggle [Music] with two years after Prince Harry and Megan Markle stepped back as senior members of the royal family the couple returned to the UK for an exceptional reason Harry and Megan saw the queen on a low visit before attending the 2022 Invictus games in the Netherlands the secret visit came almost a year after Prince Philip's funeral which had been the last time Prince Harry was believed to have reunited with the queen and the extended royal family on September 8th 2022 while Megan and Harry were in London preparing to attend a charity event Queen Elizabeth II died at belmoral castle in [Music] Scotland [Music] buckham Palace has announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II the longest reigning monarch in British history the queen died peacefully at balm moral this afternoon the king and the queen consort will remain at balm moral this evening and will return to London [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Music] on September 10th 2022 the new Prince and Princess of Wales William and Catherine were joined by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at Windsor to view the tributes to the queen and spent time talking to the crowds there was mixed reactions from the people there this was the first time since March 2020 that the two couples had been seen together when it was finally announced that the queen had died there was an extraordinary outpouring of grief amongst uh the nation because you know the majority of of the queen subjects had never known um another Monarch and it was kind of the end of an era it wasn't just her death it was the end of an era it was end of the Elizabethan age as we know it and of course it was all so dramatic and so beautifully staged that that made it even more poignant the you know the soldiers the the wonderful music the people that used to work for the queen walking behind her coffin was very very moving and uh the crowd we know was was crying or they were crying or they were cheering um or they were just silent completely silent you could hear a pin drop I remember when Diana died and the day of her funeral you you could you could actually you could just hear the birds you couldn't hear anything else no sound from the crowd and that is sort real high emotion the couple then went on to attend the late Queen's funeral with Harry marching behind the coffin along with his family in her life of service we saw that Abiding Love of tradition together with that Fearless Embrace of progress which makes us great as Nations the affection admiration and respect she inspired became the Hallmark of her Reign that was more than a promise it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life she made sacrifices for Duty her dedication and devotion as Sovereign never wavered through times of change and progress through times of joy and celebration and through times of sadness and loss [Music] it seems that despite Harry and Megan's attempt to outrun the media and start a new life in Los Angeles that storm has caught up with them once again they're on every front page and in everyone's mouths their attempt at privacy backfired but their attempt to tell their side of Their Own Story seems to have only emboldened both sides of opinion the reconciliation that seemed to be on the horizon between Harry and his family now seems impossible the cracks that split the royal family and these former Royals has now become a Great [Music] Divide [Music] I
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 112,835
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Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: 09_cZmbmfd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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