‘Making Space With Hoda Kotb’: Kim Kardashian

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foreign [Music] if you think you know Kim Kardashian from that reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians I'm just here to say you don't know nothing yet about Kim Kim Kardashian she's a brand a multi-billion dollar brand with nearly 300 million followers on social media she is the co-founder of a perfume collection a makeup line and so much more but the biggest seller for Kim Kardashian is herself people cannot get enough of this woman of her family her lifestyle her choices well yes she is in the midst of a hectic work schedule and she's also in the middle of a divorce from Kanye West the father of her four kids calmer than she seemed in a decade she is in a new relationship with comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson she just launched another campaign for her shapewear line skims and her famous family well they're about to embark on a new chapter of the reality show the Kardashians this time it's on Hulu so what is Kim Kardashian making space for these days well law school aside she is making space for herself Kim it's so great to see you I'm so happy that you have time to sit with me today I've got a a podcast called making space and I weirdly feel like you're in a moment in your life where everything everything is slowing down everything seems more peaceful and simpler and I'm not sure if I'm reading into it but I'm getting this total Vibe about your life today that there's a more of a calm uh a more calm going on am I right there definitely is a lot of calm I'd say when you have four kids they'll never really fully be calm like ever and I think when people say oh you're so much calmer now or you seem like at peace now I was definitely at peace and and loving not being calm before I don't think that there is like the two are pit against each other or that one is better than the other I think at the phase in my life that I was at for the last decade I've loved and it made me who I am today and I've grown and evolved but it was super spontaneous and so much going on and so amazing um I think I just like prefer now to I work you know really hard and long hours and in school and um I think that what I choose to do with my off time now is just probably a little bit more simpler things and so I feel more of a sense of inner calmness but it doesn't but my life definitely isn't calm I think people around me would be like do you ever take a minute you know um so yes there there is a calmness for sure but I loved every face that I've been in in my life not too long ago I ended a eight-year relationship and it was not simple did you know for a long time that it wasn't the right fit were you just continuing or was it something that kind of came on well I think that you know in life it's especially you know I've been divorced before and it's extremely difficult I would say getting a divorce with children is a whole other level of pain and hard times that I just didn't even know existed um but I really wanted to make a decision and it wasn't a quick decision it wasn't you know it was something I think just over time spending a lot of time apart and realizing especially during the whole like quarantine time and having to spend a lot of time together after spending so much time apart you just realize what really makes you happy and um you know I think some people might try to think maybe it's a selfish selfish decision because I do have four kids and I do want to be mindful of everyone's feelings involved but I think like for once I was like I want to really choose my happiness over anything and my peace of mind and I think I like something just stuck out to me my mom used to always like cry to me when I was in these you know bad relationships and you know college and years ago and she used to say all I want from my kids and all I want for you is peace of mind and when I like woke up and realized that I didn't have that that's all I was looking for and so I think that no matter what it doesn't mean that you know everyone didn't try and it doesn't mean that I don't wish that it you know had turned out differently and and there's nothing more than you'd want for everyone to be happy but I think it also showed a lot of personal strength for me because I was really a people pleaser and I wanted everyone else to be happy that I finally was like why am I measuring and trying to make other people happy over myself and that takes a lot of strength to do even if you know that it'll make your kids upset as well for a time period I think you know one day they're going to grow up and be out of the house and it's just going to be me and I'm going to have to sit there with my happiness and um I saw you know my mom stay in a relationship too long when she wasn't as happy and and I just never wanted to once I knew for sure in my heart and soul I just wanted I realized everyone's gonna heal quicker if I just make the move instead of not being my authentic self and not finding my inner peace well there's a great Alicia Keys song I just heard with Brandy Carlisle and it's called I have a voice and it gives me chills when I hear it because when you're a pleaser a people pleaser your voice gets squished down Sometimes It's So Silent you can't even hear it you don't even whisper to yourself anymore you're just like you know what I'm just gonna plot along and go along my Merry way but um do you kind of believe that when you are peaceful your kids will be too like it's almost like they feel your total Vibe absolutely I think when you're happy your kids are happy and even if it's hard and they don't understand at the time I mean I went through it and I understood it eventually with my parents and I just think there's also that's as a part of life and these are also growing lessons and learning lessons for my kids too and so I think that they will ultimately be better people when they're faced with hard times and faced with real life situations how do you trust this is something for everybody who's been in a relationship that didn't work and then you see something that might work but then you think I'm not sure I don't know you get gun shy you get afraid I don't want to rot you know you just get afraid but it seems to me that you followed some Instinct in you your soul or your spirit or something that said yes this is something to try with Pete yeah that you know sometimes things happen when you just least expect it it was like the last thing that I was really planning on um and so when it did happen we were kind of like oh my God I wasn't like planning on this and this isn't even what I was thinking of and like it just makes it that much sweeter and so much more fun when you just sometimes you just can't plan everything out and you can't you have to be open to it and you have to like you know I definitely took my time I took like you know 10 months or something before I dated or talked to anyone and I just wanted that time to really figure out and go through the motions am I making the right decision how do I feel about this like you'll never know until you're put in situations um and so once I went through all of the Motions I finally was like okay guys I am so ready to meet someone and I randomly did and I think you just like Chloe asked me this question once she was like how do you know to trust a person like how do you know to trust and I was like I've never thought about that I've always been really trusting and I've never really had a guard up but sometimes you just know and sometimes you just like know when to trust and so I just I kind of go with it and I feel like everything has happened that could possibly happen that is heartbreaking you know in all of our Lives I've seen it with my sisters and my mom and just like we all know someone that's been through a really hard time in relationships and everyone's been okay and everyone comes out okay so you just have to like Let Yourself Go and open yourself up to receive something and just be a good person and you'll get that back and no matter what everyone's gonna be okay that's kind of like my Outlook on everything with life it is it is do you trust yourself again to get married again I want to live in the moment I definitely want to you know I do love a relationship that's the kind of like girl that I am I don't really want to be you know dating around and stuff like that but I do live in the moment and I do think that I am holding you know a little bit more close to my heart on certain aspects of my relationship with Pete and it feels good just to know that like we have this connection and we have our little bubble of a relationship world that we live in that like not a lot of people know about I think it's cool even the little things we do know you go you go out for pizza you're like oh everything's just cool and regular and not so not such we were driving in the car yesterday and I just like looked at him and I was like thank you and he's like what and I was like we're running errands with me like this is so much fun just to like go to a doctor's appointment or go to the dentist and just like run errands like I'm having so much fun it's so it's like back to the beginning back to before everything right I mean and again like it's not to say that any amazing big experience I had was not so much fun as well and so worth it it's just like where I'm at in life I've I feel like we've worked so hard and we just want to enjoy you know different things like and and I'm just so content that's a beautiful word by the way okay if you had a day that was just for you Kim you woke up your kids were all being taken care of Pete was busy where's this day you open your eyes it's a beautiful sunrise you have one day for Kim just for Kim how would you and no work how would you feel about that oh my gosh I would I would work out because I love to work out um I would hopefully be waking up on the beach somewhere really beautiful um and just lay in bed all day and watch TV and movies and eat in bed I'm like such a homebody I love to stay home I love that you eat in bed ah okay some people are totally against I have a Dust Buster by my bet in my in my side table drawer I hate crumbs in the bed so I definitely will put down a a towel I have trays I have the most comfortable trays and I just eat on the trays and my Dust Buster is always on Deck okay snack of choice oh my god well I'm eating extremely clean now I love to just eat my dinners and stuff but I mean my favorite snacks ever are like Cheetos and cookies and Triscuits and like so many random little things do you feel I feel like your life is full are there things that you feel like you are missing any puzzle pieces that aren't quite there yet if you say if I just I'm just working toward that I feel like you have so many irons in the fire that it's hard to quantify but is there is there something that you feel like needs to snap into place yeah I really gotta like get it together with law school it's really hard I gotta like I gotta finish I have like you know almost two years left and um I have I study three hours a day every day and it is really hard and I just can't wait I keep on saying like Okay I can't even entertain this business thing or this that I can't put another thing on my plate until school is done I need to finish school and once that happens I will be a different human being do you kind of feel that sometimes you're underestimated when you walk into a room Kim absolutely and I've always been the underdog always and that's okay with me like I'm if anything I like for someone to really be unique like unpleasantly surprised and maybe expect less and be blown away when maybe I give them more than they thought that I would ever give them you know but that's always just been what people have perceived and I don't know if that's why I've worked so hard to try to figure it out and to try to show people I mean you know your life changes and what you care about can all change and grow and evolve and so I really don't mind being the underdog and being thought differently and proving myself because I think that's what always has like kept that fire under me even if I didn't understand it at the time or couldn't understand certain people's decisions I um I like applaud people's growth and where they're at and um yeah I really just don't mind being that person and that Underdog I mean can you just line out just give me one snapshot of a day because I don't think I I know you and I know how hard you work there's not a harder a person who works harder line out your day for me you wake up and go I wake up at 5 40 I go to the gym from six to seven seven oh five get the kids up get them all ready for school all four of them help brush their teeth get their uniforms on eat breakfast get them out the door drive them to school come back start glam or study it's like I have that few hours study time or Glam and or it's vice versa then I film and then I either go to a skims campaign or a skims fabric meeting and then um I'm you know relaunching my Beauty Brands soon so it's like formulas and products and packaging and you know meetings all day and then pick the kids up from school or if I'm in the middle of a shoot or something and I can't I meet them after school always have dinner with the kids and then at night time either do my reading for studying for school or um just do all my like skims content and organize them big on organizing and making sure everything's in place and then I go to bed around I put all the kids to bed and then I'm finally to bed around 10 30 myself and then the day starts oh that's a day Kim started the shapewear brand skims in 2019 filling a gap in the market with underwear shapewear and loungewear for people of all shapes and sizes and skin tones today the company is worth billions did you ever imagine that skims would be a 3.2 billion dollar company I mean I I had hoped obviously I had such high hopes because I just felt like anytime there's something missing in the marketplace that you're always trying to find a solution for other people are trying to find that same solution so when I realized that you know in shapewear there just was not size inclusivity and color tone inclusivity I just knew that even just like where the seams were and everything that I was changing on shapewear myself and wanting to perfect I found that creating my own line was just going to be my best bet and I love every minute of it I mean I come up with every campaign every style every fabric I'm at every campaign like it's just even doing the one with the the my favorite icons you know I wasn't supposed to be in that campaign I just went to go see how they were doing and bring a beignet truck for them as a little treat and they were like oh no no you're getting in this camera you're getting in and I was like oh my God what I I wasn't prepared and I didn't get a spray tan and I didn't you know and they were like who cares get in it you're in and you did and I did and it was so much fun and I'll have that memory forever but I just have so many fun ideas that it's like my baby you know anytime I work on something now it has to be like I'm so obsessed it's my baby I can't you know wait to just show people what we have coming and it's so much fun well Keeping Up with the Kardashians we all saw we watched as you bid that farewell and sometimes when something's done it's done you just lock the box and say that was a good ride see you later alligator but something happened this thing got another life uh it's on Hulu so what was it that made you decide maybe we're not done yet um in all honesty a bidding more from streaming services came in and we just were like okay how can we we worked so hard for so many years and like it was you know the best lesson but then it was just a really good opportunity um and we thought you know what let's take a year off let's not film for a year and let's let life happen and we did and then we all knew that we were gonna miss it like we just were like it was a bitter sweet thing where we just felt like our time on the network was up and our time just together like that was up and then just coming together again was so much fun the first day of filming was so weird we were just we couldn't believe that we were filming again and just like the way that we film is a little bit different I think the viewer would love to just see her hopefully they'll love it just how documentary style it is and just how individual it is and you see each sister and family member really on their own and kind of separate and then we kind of all come together where the last show was like all together all the time so I think just knowing that it was going to be a little bit different and that's such a scary thing like to start over and to you know because keeping up was so iconic we're so close to the producers you know we loved everyone and it was like how do we start over is are we making such a big mistake should we have just left it there but I think after seeing the edits and and seeing how it's shot and we're so excited and I'm just so excited for the viewer to see it well I have to talk about just you and your sisters for one second because I remember it was years ago but Kathy Lee and I went because Kendall was in a fashion show uh she was walking the catwalk and when we got there all of you guys were there there were no cameras there was nothing you guys were screaming like it was the first time you'd seen Kendall on the catwalk and I said in that minute that's why the show's successful because they love each other camera lights on camera lights off they're supporting and they're screaming to her like like they had never seen her do it before and I was cracking up and Kathy was like that's how they are of course but that's the magic isn't it like that's the thing that makes people want to say that all the time she used to say like you guys when we were kids like like super young she would be like I was a teenager and she would she would say like you guys are insane like what where's the camera like reality TV was just starting out and she was like you guys just have to have your own show this is insane yeah she said it yeah but I think that we're the same you know cameras on like you said cameras off I mean there's not one of my friends from high school that can say I'm any different now than I was back in high school and I think we've just always maintained that and I feel so lucky that we've had each other as a family to come up together I mean to think about it we all got our first check together we all bought our first car together we all bought you know got our first play like we had each other we all ran into our first celebrity that we were freaking out over like we had every same experience together as a family so it's like just different than one of us moving out here from you know a different state and calling the other sister saying oh my God guess who I just met or oh my God guess what I just got like we just we kind of were able to share every experience together which I think is pretty cool and has kept us super grounded but yeah we support each other no matter what we fight just like every family I mean I think that when we started filming we couldn't have even imagined half the stuff that was going to happen and go on in our lives filming I mean we thought how are we going to get to a season two we have nothing to film about you know and so I just feel lucky that we're starting a new Journey um on Hulu and and I hope that the fans like it just as much as they liked keeping up I feel like we're rushing 100 miles an hour and I feel like you know they talk about how the the top layer of the ocean is very very tumultuous but if you go down deep it's calm and it's peaceful and up on the top layer they say it's like it's the things you got to do I gotta I gotta pick up the kids I gotta go to work I gotta get to the meeting I gotta check on the skims but if you go deeper it's calm and peaceful what what do you hope to make space for in this coming year in your life I just hope to make as much space for my kids to be honest I try to spend so much time with them I actually hope to make space for myself too just to have you know a little vacay without the kids maybe or you know just I think that's super important is to always make space for yourself but but to make space for your kids when they really need you and just make sure that you're there to do homework and all the little things add up to to the big things so I just um I do make space for that and I just want to continue to do that yeah my favorite parenting hack when I'm asking my kids something is the only thing I say to them is tell me more that's it my only line to them and then all of a sudden out comes the entire day yeah when I start asking them specifics they don't they don't they're like I don't know nothing tell me more and they go let me think of something oh guess what happened mom and they tell me some beautiful story yeah oh I love that I'm going to use that I'm gonna steal that from you it's a good one Kim I love you thank you so much for hanging out with us oh my gosh love you thank you for having me you got it we'll talk to you soon bye foreign hey thanks for watching our YouTube channel find your favorite recipes celebrity interviews uplifting stories shop our favorite deals and so much more with the Today app download it now
Channel: TODAY
Views: 94,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Today, Today Show, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker, Natalie Morales, domestic news, international news, weather, interviews, politics, money, media, entertainment, sports, breaking news, food, health, home, parents, style, concerts, pets, shopping, Hoda Kotb
Id: mSUW3nXm4wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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