โ€‹@Octonauts - ๐ŸŒ™โœจ Bed Time Stories | Reading Month ๐Ÿ“š | Underwater Sea Education

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Octonauts tonight we have a very special dinner guest Dashie everyone I'd like you to meet my little sister Kashi Kashi oh sorry I'm on the very last page of a donor doxy mystery the case of the Curious [Music] book it's really hard to stop who's Donna darksee the detective undaunted by danger she's the main character in a series of mystery books they were my favorite growing up Dashi gave her whole collection to me all 100 books I've read 54 of them 55 when I finish this one I love a good mystery to me hearty Donna doxies taught me all kinds of tricks for solving Mysteries oh like what Macy well I can tell a lot about a person by looking closely take you for instance we've only just met but your eye patch and tiny piece of your ear that's missing tell you've been in some dangerous situations I'd say you're reckless but Brave and from the way your tail keeps twitching I'd also say you're not very patient amazing you've described quasi perfectly and one more thing there's a trace of pudding on your poor you must have snuck in a little dessert before your dinner wow good job coach incredible she's good possibly too it's pretty hard to get anything past my little sister right Kashi up except when she's reading right you ready for the best sister sleepover readathon ever I'm ready which one do you want to read first Dashie oh um The Case of the disappearing camera it's one of my favorites [Music] [Music] [Music] Octonauts this sea snail needs our help her babies are missing it horrible something monstrous taught her a lovely cup Forest home and now my babies are gone we need to find those baby sea snails and fast Octonauts to the kelp forest Captain Barnacles can I help too um Kashi is very good at working out Clues I notice you're always wearing that uniform which means you're always ready for the next mission me too sir all right then Kashi everyone let's do this [Music] what is that just we swim around a lot here this time of year and come on now we have to keep up [Music] that's right where my babies were Pacer see if you can find any creatures who saw what happened Shellington Dashie and Kashi you look for Clues right here quasi we'll search the nearby kelp for baby snails let's kill this torn and crashed the whole area almost looks like a giant footprint let's measure it [Music] it's as big as a bus somebody must have seen what caused this mess it's too huge to miss so you say you saw a strange creature in the kennel sure is my shell I did big fella bump you all over no way that thing was smooth not bumpy thank you I think I didn't see the thing but I only make a Reiki noise now it was a bellowing sound creaking flippers everyone describes the creature differently this is going to be a hard mystery to solve Captain did you find my babies not yet but don't worry we'll find them did anyone see who took the baby sea snails we're looking for a creature of bumpy but also smooth and it makes a creaking bellowing or snorting sound those are all different things that doesn't help much matey well we know for sure that the creature is Big it left a huge print in the kelp much of the forest nearby was crushed down or torn away the baby snails could have been carried away on a piece of torn kelp oh my babies but where did the creature take them creature I'd say we're looking for a monster a kelp monster whatever it is we've got to find it but be careful everyone there's something big and possibly dangerous out there no sign of any creature or snails sure is quiet shadowy [Music] they normally live here and he's not big enough to be the creature right I knew that oh [Music] why are you sneaking up on me [Music] I'm not hiding I'm floating I'm very relaxing actually until you swam right into me as big as a bus what do you mean bus a Bahama seal a sorry to have both of you Mr Harvest seal ah it's all right you've told me strange but you're not the strangest thing I bumped into tonight what else have you bumped into well like I said it was strange it was big it nearly knocked me over when it scraped itself along the sea floor left behind a big hole a hole Yeah you can see it for yourself on the other side of this kelp thanks let's go now that is unusual and it might be a clue does she look shells but not snail shells Barnacle shells but these shells belong to Little Creatures called Barnacles that are usually attached to rocks or even other creatures look bleed in there it's definitely a clue it's done a doxy says we are hot on the trail the trail just ends oh I was so sure we were onto something snow s [Music] there's nothing to see here just a big clump of kelp is that a whale yes a gray whale you can tell because he has bumps on his back instead of a dorsal fin so he's bumpy but also smooth just like the crab and urchin said and he's making all the noises they mentioned too mystery solved The Kilt monster that took the baby snails was you a gray whale okay maybe not but please don't give away my disguise I'm hiding from a pod of orca whales they want to eat me [Music] away promise but we'd like to check you for baby snails they may have gotten caught up in your kelp disguise oh go ahead then [Music] [Applause] oh sorry about that I didn't know I had any creatures on my head oh let's get you back to your mum oh my precious little babies how did you find them by following the clues first we discovered despite that part of the sea floor then we tracked a trail of Barnacle shelves where we heard a spooky noise that's when we found the gray whale accidentally carrying the smiles now it all makes sense greenwheel snotes are covered with Barnacles he must have left the trail shells by sweeping his mouth on the sea floor to eat but where is the whale hiding really gray whales usually travel to warmer water this time of year it's a put of orcas after him and they'd like to eat him oh this kelp forest is a safe place for me to hide I think we can help you a whale tracker shows that the orcas are gone oh what a relief um before I go can I ask one last favor there's a piece of kelp stuck in my blowhole would you mind [Music] thank you for all your help bye-bye bye-bye now how about finishing up our Donna doxy readathon I've got a better idea instead of reading a mystery let's write one it's about two sisters who team up to solve cases the little sister is the brains of the team [Music] just look at these Anonymous people they're so colorful each one looks like a flower or a monster foreign that's an elephant seal a very large seal with a great big nose like an elephant [Music] is he snoring hmm elephant seals sometimes do sleep in the water [Music] I think something's wrong with his skin he's molting losing his whole skin so a new layer can grow in see does that hurt him no not a doll molting is perfectly normal for an elephant seal it's the same as when you grow too big for your clothes and need new ones that fit better but elephant seals are supposed to molt on the beach where it's warm malting in the cold water will make him ill oh no he's nowhere near a beach Shellington we have to help him Captain we have an elephant seal emergency we need to bring him to the Octopod and he's really huge and loud we have to move him but he'll never fit into the guppy hold tight we're on our way sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] tweak we need to tow an elephant seal to the Octopod right away the Guppies ready to go camp and I've added an extra strong toe one good thinking quasi you're with me yo tweak open the Octo hatch right away shiver whiskers he is huge let's get him to safety ah we've got him peso let's go [Music] through this door there you go oh phew he's okay but boy does he snore [Music] okay so how's your patient his temperature is perfect as soon as he regrows his skin and hair he'll be as good as new captain oh he's awake where am I you were molting in the water we didn't want you to get poorly so we brought you back to our ship the Octopod oh thanks for helping me the names Leon can't wait to get to the beach see my friends and family and I don't think you're ready to move yet Leon where is your Beach we'd be happy to take you there it's a beach with lots of malting elephant seals like me on it and boy whole thing makes me really really really tired he needs to rest while he finishes growing his new skin captain in the meantime we'll look for a beach with elephant seals on it activating octoscope [Applause] no elephant seals on this beach [Music] thank you [Music] we've been searching for Leon's Beach for days we'll just have to try again tomorrow now let's get some sleep [Music] [Music] are you all right Leon I feel great and not looking good check out my nice new skin and fur you've finished all your moating congratulations just Bob whoa sorry didn't mean to knock you over with that oh not to worry I'm fine I'm just excited to get to the beach and play with all the other elephant seals well I'm afraid we haven't found your Beach quite yet you haven't but this is a special time when all of us wake up and play games and I'm missing out on all the fun don't worry we'll find your beach and while we're looking we can have fun here on the Octopod 2. I can't can we play some elephant seal games you know like we do on the beach I'd love to I'll show you the games room in the morning okay let's start with one of my favorite games wrestling wrestling yeah elephant seals love to wrestle okay flipper to flipper whoa okay we'll make it two flippers Against One on the count of three one two two three phew sorry about that sometimes I forget how strong I am how not to worry I'm fine but maybe we should try a different game hmm hobo door race you're on to the hallway okay I'll I'll give you a head start thanks Ready Steady go not to worry oh foreign on the beach elephant seals and not a moment too soon eh captain are you okay I'm great this is even more fun than the beach let's do it again attention Octonauts we have found a beach full of elephant seals to the launch bay just pop to the launch bay [Music] Leon aren't you coming oh sure I suppose peso into the Gap open The octohatch Twig you gotta Camp wait a second I'm having so much fun here with you I don't want to leave now sorry Leon the octopod's just not big enough for an elephant seal and the other elephant seals must miss you how about if we race you to the beach all right you're wrong he's fast elephant seals are strong swimmers hey Leon you found it we were so worried about you come on let's play see they really missed you well I never would have made it here you had rescued me just bump uh how about a hug this time oh shots [Music] fascinating [Music] the Shellington find anything interesting in the lagoon I found something amazing Captain a whole school of hammerhead shark pups well be careful if their babies their parents might be nearby well actually Hammerhead parents don't take care of their pups at all they're on their own from the day they're born the pups stick together and protect each other until they're old enough to oh yeah yeah take this Stingray don't chase right it do turns right either and it's kind of hard to chew yeah this isn't a stingray it's a god Shellington what's going on these three Hammerhead pops are still learning how to hunt and the gup confused them I'm just glad they didn't hurt themselves back in the water you go oh no this should be a safe distance to study them from jumping jellyfish Captain the hammerheads have all left the Lagoon got to find out where they're going real hurry it's starting to get dark and you know what that means night time it's hunting time ready oh no which way it ah [Music] I've got to get out of here before the hammerheads oh get away jellington come in Shellington you won't believe this but a crush that got deep again yes and I can't follow the Hammerhead Park I need backup lost contact Captain dashy sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts Shellington has crashed the gup d again yes he was following three hammerhead shark pups we have to help him and toward the open ocean dangerous place for in that case we'd better hurry [Music] Shellington are you all right I'm fine Captain but the Hammerhead pups are gone we need to split up to find them and then follow them yeah follow a little baby hammerhead that'll be easy just don't follow too closely quasi they're still very young and the gups May confuse them got it Shellington you're with me Octonauts let's do this [Music] foreign still no sign of any Hammerheads wait Shellington I think I see one of them great now don't let him out of your sight that too will be hard he's just nosing along the seabed like he's looking for something I can't see you Stingray but I can smell you under there oh yeah smell this oh no the Hammerhead just got stung by a stingray don't worry peso oh Hammerheads don't mind a stingray sting or two that won't stop me no how's about them go get em boys [Music] hello don't be afraid I'm a medic and I'm here to take these Stinger Bobs out one down a lot more to go looks like she's after an octopus actually it looks like I've got you octopus I won't be able to follow that pup anymore if that octopus gets uh I know [Music] take a shot this week's new camouflage worked like a charm that old octopus thought I was wait I'm not really oh these little pups really do get confused by the cups quasi to Shellington I'm following one of the Hammerhead pups good work quasi don't lose her now well that's two of the Hammerhead pups just one more to find foreign [Music] look down there the third Hammerhead and he's stuck [Music] we're the Octonauts we're here to help he's really stuck we'd better call for backup they're the last one peso quasi come in we found the third pup but his head is stuck we need your help stuck with brother captain we're on our way [Music] Ahoy peso these little pups could have a good Chase don't they you're telling me peso was he over here oh oh ouch this does me feel too good slippery ointment should help slide his Hammerhead out good idea everyone else grab a fin don't worry we'll have you out and swimming in no time on my count everyone pull ready three two one hey guys look behind me oh fascinating hammerhead's eyes allow them to see what's behind them like that shock this should give him something to chew on hey those things don't taste too good do they I'm sure you taste a lot better hey you can't catch me hey so follow me and bring your friend quasi keep that shark busy what's up hey oh where'd they go here we've got something tasty for you now everyone get back yeah what's the big idea he was alone why what's happening [Music] well I think he got the point that was so cool well done everyone hey you just don't forget about me whoops sorry about that ready pull we did it oh thank you yeah thanks for all your help not like we needed it or nothing okay we've gotta get going see you around wait we still don't know where you're going follow us and we'll show you what are we waiting for let's go we're in the open ocean now there's nothing around for hundreds of miles where could they be going a vast mateys there's something up ahead something big a seamount it's not on any of our Maps we must be the first to discover it actually I think the hammerheads beat us to it look so that's where they all went they must rest here during the day when they're not hunting thanks again see you later bye-bye take care of yourself good luck bye-bye it's a god [Music] uh where does this piece go I think I know what's up what he sound the Octo alert aye aye captain Octonauts to the HQ [Applause] [Music] Octonauts we need to oh mine [Music] what was that shaking captain it felt like some sort of tremor peso an underwater Tremor to be exact it's caused when the bottom of the ocean starts to shake and now our ship is tilted quasi tweak let's get the Octopod standing straight again hi Captain cap [Music] damaged one of the Octopod legs no worries cap we'll have the ship fixed faster and you can see bunch of manchi karunchy carrots buncha muncha crunchy oh never mind won't be making that strange sound it's a it's a it's a slimy pink pudding I'm pretty sure it's a sea cucumber that rock must have fallen on it during the tremor we're gonna help you little fella we need peso down here right away [Music] thank you peso reporting for medical Duty sir [Music] don't worry I'm here to help you feel better [Music] thanks tweak [Music] hmm this is a type of animal called a sea cucumber you really are slippery so you think my patient is some sort of sea cucumber snort sea cucumber actually oh it's not a sea cucumber yes it is a sea cucumber it's not to be exact Dr Shellington either it is a sea cucumber or it's not it's not it's not no not it's not it's snort snort you see how it's covered in Slippery slimy snort being covered in slimy snot makes it easy to slip away from anything that tries to catch it and that's why it's called a Snot Sea Cucumber oh snopsy cucumber no I mean yes I think oh [Music] it's okay little slippy it doesn't look too bad I'll just bandage you up and you'll be as good as new no please hold still or I won't be able to come here [Music] whoa whoa [Music] [Music] sleepy sleepy are you under here hello sleepy where are you a trail of slimy snot ingot's not free cucumber on the loose injured Snot Sea Cucumber on the loose that's not good Captain a Snot Sea Cucumber needs water to breathe she can't be out of the water for too long all Octonauts hands on deck injured Snot Sea Cucumber on the loose and her name is slippy I've asked you slimy Critter um [Music] foreign crunchy carrots now our Snot Sea Cucumber was last seen sliding into an octo shoot I she's a slippery one all right according to make calculations we have less than five minutes to get her back into the water so she can breathe Octonauts we must find her now she probably looking for water so search in places where there's water [Music] captain we're running out of time oh no what are we going to do hmm there's only one thing we can do peso if we can't bring the Snot Sea Cucumber to the ocean let's bring the ocean to the snot sea cucumber huh we'll flood the Octopod you mean fill it with water hi there Captain it's all fixed attention all Octonauts put on your diving helmets opening all hatches were flooding the Octopod yep faster you can say Flynn the Octopod in 10 seconds the Octopod will be completely filled with water nine hang on slippy eight seven six five four three two one [Music] Captain we still can't find slippy whatever she is at least she can breathe but she's still hurt there has to be somewhere we haven't looked right over your head over my head that doesn't make any sense maybe not but there she be right over your head oh yes gently now we don't want a frighten her again it's all right slippy we're not going to hurt you gotcha [Music] this won't hurt a bit good as new you should heal nicely and here's a sticker for being my my my my slipperiest patient ever [Music] thank you great now let's get you back out into the ocean and the ocean back out of the Octopod well at least things are back to normal um sort of hip cap looks like we'll be picking seaweed out of the ship for a long time but it was worth it [Music] ah that was the last piece but there's still one missing where could it be slippy come on now that's not the way you play with puzzles it's not well it's not oh snot [Music] it's not thank you foreign [Music] there it is a whale shark looks like we're just in time whale sharks dive down to deep Waters only once a day I can't wait to find out what it does down there he's going down Captain then so are we yeah Shellington or to those things they're Krill peso that must be what the whale shark comes down here for the Krill yes that tiny little shrimp that the whale shark eats let's take a closer look I will have to they're Mighty small we'll use the octagoggles Quasi they'll make those tiny Krill look big activate octogles flippers fascinating wow amazing [Music] hey there's something glowing over there what is that Flappy flippers giant shark are you talking to me wait a minute my octave goggles hey you're not a gigantic shark you're tiny yeah I get that a lot but even though I am small and I glow I'm still a shark okay oh what's wrong this thing is stocked on my back and I can't get it off it makes it hard to swim don't worry you've just got a sticky shell stuck to your back I can help you I'm a medic I help any sea creature who's hurt or sick no matter what heads up peso whale shark coming through laughs little shark where are you I've got to help him but first I've got to find him Captain Barnacles I just met a tiny little shark and he had a shell on his backy what did you see peso shark a teeny tiny glowing shark he was hurt and he needed help but the waves from the big whale shark knocked him way down deep and I don't know where he is well then we'd better find him let's sound the Octo alert Octonauts to your stations [Applause] foreign [Music] there's a shark out there who needs our help peso what did the shark look like well he's tiny about as big as my flipper I've never heard of a shark that small well sharks do come in all different sizes indeed there are huge whale sharks like the one you'll follow today and also much smaller sharks yeah but none of my old books mention a shark as small as the one you saw peso see your eyes must have been playing tricks on you I know what I saw it was a teeny tiny little shark and if it was swept downwards we'll have to look for him in deeper darker Waters come on we've got a tiny shark to find Barnacles out how are we supposed to find anything down here in the dark peso said the little shark glows so let's shut off our lights so we can see if anything's glowing out there foreign [Music] whiskers he looks like outer space each of those lights is a different sea creature one of them must be the little shark if he was swept down this way he probably didn't get far we'll have to split up but be careful it's so dark down here that it's easy to get lost deep sea suits on everyone thank you uh excuse me are you oh you're not a tiny shark at all you're an angler fish you got that right pal ah these are no sharks that's for sure just a glowing jellyfish oh that one's really bright nope hatchet fish [Music] where are you little shark where am I peso to Captain Barnacles I seem to have got separated from a group where are you [Music] can anybody hear me oh no my radio isn't working I must be too far away from the others oh is that the lantern shark no it's much bigger and brighter and it's coming right at me yikes Ahoy was he why are you swimming upside down I'm not upside down you're upside down you got that wrong pal huh come on peso we need to go find the other Octonauts but we haven't found the tiny shark yet peso I've chased after lots of strange creatures and the truth is sometimes you find them and sometimes you don't but this one needs our help well if we don't find Captain Barnacles and the others we're gonna need help too righto let's stick together I'll look for the shark while you look for the Octonauts Shellington have you seen peso or quasi no just lots of glowing fish and no little shark either peso quasi come in their radios must not be working I hope they're not lost we'd better oh what is that [Music] wait for me Captain [Music] that tiny shark oh thank goodness you saw my flashing I'm glad it helped you find me will Lantern sharks use our lights to find each other fascinating well I've never seen a shark as small as you everybody says that oh this shell on my back is really bugging me we can help with that well not me but our medic he's called peso beso he's my band where is he well uh I'm afraid he's out there somewhere we've got to find him I can see pretty well in the dark so I can help look for him oh he's getting hard for me to swim with this shell don't worry I can carry you okay [Music] see anything look something's flashing hello over here this way matey ah they can't see us if only we had a flashing light that's it we do huh [Music] now that's what I call a bright idea [Music] oh I hope they see us [Music] hi it's working hey Sue quasi is that you you found us hola peso and you found a little shark well shiver Me Whiskers it is a tiny shark let's get you fixed up what kind of tiny creature are you anyway matey I am a dwarf lantern shark and I know I'm little but I am still a shark [Music] they're good as new thanks basil I sure am glad we found each other how about a picture take good care of yourself it's a big ocean out there we'll do bye nice to meet you it's called a dwarf lantern shark of course it wasn't in any of my old books because you're one of the first explorers to find one this is the smallest shark in the world a dwarf Island and shark well it just goes to show you sharks come in all different shapes and sizes just like Octonauts do foreign those baby Gators must have just hatched are you sure we're safe alligators can be dangerous but as long as we keep our distance they won't bother us I don't know they look like big green swamp monsters to me oh they're not monsters quasi look how tenderly that mother Gator cares for her babies she's eating one of them no that's how a mother Gator carries her baby she's returning it to the nest safe and sound well I still think they might be swamp monsters come on it's getting late let's head back to the Octopod and get some sleep [Music] [Music] look at this place yeah stay back you swamp monster thank you oh she doesn't mean whiskers a baby swamp monster I mean a baby that's me tail and I'm rather attached to it if you don't mind sorry Mister it looked like a big fuzzy worm what in the seven seas are you doing here little matey I took a nap in the mouth of that big metal Gator thingy the cup K I guess the next thing I knew I was here what is this place this is the Octopod and my name's quasi please don't meet you I'm Nipper you sure are oh what's in here wow slow down Nipper I'll get Captain Barnacles and we're going to take you back to your mum oh can I stay a little while please pretty please I like it here well the captain is still sleeping I guess I can tell him when he wakes up this looks tasty you must be hungry let's go and get you some breakfast we've got kelp cakes kelp kebabs and a big bag of Health marshmallows where'd you go [Music] a fast little lady what do you think you're doing story I didn't mean to scare him I just wanted a drink of water all right Nipper now I think we better go and wait Captain Barnacles oh where does this go wait come back another luck going swimming first thing in the morning he can't give this pirate that slip [Music] hey what's this dude [Music] the open Ocean's no place I'm an alligator you're a little alligator and there'll be plenty of big ocean creatures that I'd love a tasty Gator snack and someone says snap like that one yeah whoa what's going on we've been swept away by an ocean current lady yeah you're okay I think so but where are we I'm not sure but we better call for help what is the Captain Barnacles come in captain Oh quasi is that you all right captain and I've got a bit of a problem where are you quasi never mind just they put quasi we'll find you Octonauts to the Lord's Bay [Music] Octonauts quasi and uh a baby alligator are lost somewhere out in the ocean a baby what alligator his name's Nipper but how did you long story matey the important thing is that we find them and bring them back I don't see them on the map he must be pretty far away quasi do you have any idea where you are we're somewhere in a big Rocky Reef hungry creatures out here and they'd all like a piece of Nipper hungry Predators aren't the only danger the ocean is made of salt water and Nepal is used to freshwater swamps without salt I thought alligators could swim in the ocean crocodiles can but alligators can't a Nipper is an alligator they're two different species crocodiles can get rid of the salt water they drink but alligators can't if alligators stay in salt water too long they get very very sick he's right quasi paper to the surface you must hold him out of the water hi Captain stand by wow [Music] there you go snack seagull snacks wow the surfaces now could either Captain we need to get this little Gator to fresh water first how can we get Nipper back to fresh water if we don't even know where they are actually there might be a way to solve both problems at once according to the map there are several freshwater springs on the ocean floor nearby fresh water in the ocean yes at these Springs fresh water bubbles up from the seafloor and raises to the surface we don't know where quasi is but we do know where the Springs are if we Mark each Spring by putting colored Tracer dye in the water then quasi could see them from a distance and then all he has to do is take Nipper to the nearest spring and keep him in the fresh water until we can rescue them exactly and the dye won't hurt any creatures living nearby no these Tracer die tablets are 100 creature safe great idea Professor Octonauts to the guts foreign [Music] that's a fresh water spring head towards it and we'll pick you up from there oh it's so far [Music] [Music] Nothing's Gonna Stop Me [Music] whiskers we've got a real mob on our tail yeah [Music] but why because they're saltwater fish and the freshwater Spring Leaves are bad taste in their mouths here's something a little tastier for your mouth [Music] oh [Music] I'm feeling better already I think it's time we took you back to your mother thank you so much for bringing my D little Nipper back I was worried sick man should have seen it there were scary sharks and Eels and seagulls but quasi and I we bought them off together we sure showed them so still think they're swamp monsters they're all right in my book now [Music] oh hmm [Music] [Music] phew spiffy uniform peso our special visitor will be impressed thank you Captain tweak progress report the Derpy is almost here cap it should be arriving in one minute Octonauts let's give our guest of honor a ship shape welcome form a line permission to open the octahatch cap the mission granted foreign [Music] Barnacles are my fellow Octonauts this is my little brother Pinto welcome aboard Pinto oh sorry this is Professor Inkling tune up and tweak hi was your trip okay it was the best ride ever quasi taught me how to talk like a pirate I maybe this is for you me hearty welcome aboard the Octopod do I look like a real pirate you yeah yeah I'm ready for action and this is Dashie and Shellington it was great to meet you Pinto we'll see you when we get back are they taking the gut e on a real mission right now yes they're going out to study baby sea snails baby sea snails can be hard to find because they're so tiny that's why I have my magnifying glass twig open the octahatch [Music] let me show you around the Octopod first Rosie told me that the life of an Octonaut is really exciting oh it is as a Medicare do you search for sea monsters like quasi uh well here let me show you what I do and quasi says that an Octonaut has to be prepared for anything to happen that's true you want to try doing something that I do I'm ready for anything all right then here's a real challenge bandaging we'll practice a combination bandage a flipper sling and a rip wrap now you try it I want to learn how to be an Octonaut not a medic but I'm an Octonaut and a medic I mean a real Octonaut like crazy ready for action oh I have to be ready for action two you know in case someone gets hurt wait [Music] [Applause] no but it is time for lunch here you go matey last one there be a rotten fish egg [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] the Octo alert to the HQ [Applause] [Music] Captain what's going on we've just received a call for help from The Guppy Captain Barnacles here go ahead Dashie Captain we seem to be stuck do you locate us oh cap we've lost radio content Dashie and Shellington are stuck and we've got to get them unstuck what they're stuck in find out when we went and we need to get to them fast [Music] no it might not be safe your big brother's right Pinto you better stay here with the vegetables I'll tell you all about it when we get back [Music] [Music] happens ready for action captain and if anybody gets hurt you can count on me the Guppies toe line could be handy for pulling dashing challenging out a trouble cap thank you tweak open the Oscar hand [Music] do you see anything yet quasi that's got to be them Captain we may be dealing with a dablock what's a a dab a lock it looks like a plant but once you get close it reaches out with its joy and green arms and grabs the ship and when does it let go [Music] never ever ever [Music] where's the double lock where is it where'd it go Pinto how did you sneak aboard aha a stowaway wait Dead Ahead there they are whoa is that the double look Octonauts here's the plan quasi you go around the back and I'll quasi hello you can't hold me here you scurvy Beast so much for the plan activate helmets a quasi we may not be dealing with a dab a lock after all of course not I know double locks Captain this is no davaloc hmm it looks like a plant to me it is a plant a type of seaweed called kelp where at the edge of a kelp forest Dashi and Shellington are trapped in the kelp we've got to get them out we'll have to use the toe line to pull them out peso check on Shellington quasi let's get the toe line uh-huh this kelp is strong we have to pull really hard no wait The Guppy isn't the only thing stuck in there [Music] look we have to be careful if we pull too hard it could hurt those baby snails you're right but we have to free the Gap right now it's it's like a bandage they're just wrapped up in a giant bandage hmm do you think you could unwrap it yes sir that's a lot of unwrapping to do Captain and we do have a spare helmet Pinto ah yeah captain remember this is a real Mission I'll follow your orders just like a real up to note Octonauts take your positions if you don't mind Captain peel from the top aye aye peso quasi take it under aye aye peso [Music] into open that leaf foreign [Music] [Music] thank you for saving the baby snails and us oh your brother kept everybody safe today thanks to you peso our mission was a success oh can I try on your hat actually I made this for you if you want it I know I'm a pirate and a medic you can swashbuckle and swash bandage just like a real Octonauts [Laughter] wow I've never seen a moon like this it is known as a pirate's Moon and happens but once every 100 years [Music] whiskers the Flying Swords Flying Swords I according to Legend it is only on the night of the rare pirate moon when cold ocean waters turn warm the he may be lucky enough to see the Flying Swords they're assign me hearties but you are near a sunken pirate ship where x marks the spot of the greatest treasure you could ever hope to find the sword of the pirate king but any pirate who hopes to take it as his own must be brave indeed because sure that the pirate king is guarded by three magical flying swords his granddad always wanted to find that treasure unless he never had a chance but now I do are are we going to look for the pirate king sword matey not we ASO it is a mission I need to go on alone for the honor of me Grandad Calico Jack [Music] good luck quasi will follow your progress from the Octopod [Music] sunken ship this could be it Well Done quasi keep us posted on going after that sword me hearties shivering Me Whiskers what a glorious ship the pirate king the sword is as good as mine water just got warmer this is definitely it [Music] quasi come in quasi you've lost contact Captain this radio has been damaged daddy sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts we've lost radio contact with quasi he may be hurt or in trouble Dashi keep trying to radio him peso into the guppy with me tweak open the Octo hatch [Music] cause you to octopod come here I mean radio's broken but I've still got a pirate king sword to find yeah okay now where's that X that marks that spot [Music] I'm telling where more of these magical Flying Swords [Music] no down here matey ah two down one to go there he is Captain hang on peso this could get a bit Rocky [Music] something tells me that the x that marks the spot is right behind this now oh the last one stand aside yes scurvy sword magic ye may be but quick enough to catch this pirate never Captain I've lost sight of him looks like he's inside the kelp forest [Music] look quasi it's not quasi we've been we've been chasing a figurehead one that could only have come off a pirate ship but then where's quasi how ran it so it's a jewel you're wanting is it that is ye shall have [Music] yeah hey you're a swordfish what did you think I was a magic throwing swordfish the light of the pirate Moon made it look like do I care what it looked like no what I do care about you sir this is our feeding hand and we want you God I don't want your food matey I want the sword of the pirate king and if you think I'm leaving without it you don't know much about pilots and you my friend don't know much about the swordfish what are you working twice about fighting us we'll leave the bus as hard we use it for all swimming fast flashing a tower under defending ourselves [Music] three against one eh just the way I like it [Music] guess I'm just too quick for you fishies we'll see about that [Music] come and get me [Music] oh yeah [Music] I'm stuck three I'll get you free paws are so cold I can barely feel them to get a good grip oh put them near her head towards you causing that warm water I felt before you are magical oh no we're just a regular swordfish but we can heat up our eyes it helps us to see better than the dark Waters it's working we pause are getting warmer now let's get you out of there [Music] yeah quasi captain grab hold of the tow line [Laughter] phew ah there we go your sword is bruised you need a bandage good as new oh thank you my friend and thank you for saving our fellow fishes life it was nothing you're as Brave as a saltfish and not bad with a sword either anything we can do in return you just let us know ah all I want is what I came here for the sword of the pirate king huh you must have seen it it's here somewhere x marks the spot what is an X what is a mark what is a spirit you swordfish aren't the magical Guardians the legend told of so maybe there's no sword of the pirate king either come on quasi don't give up now oh Dawn [Music] eggs marks the spot mateys I'm gonna need your help [Music] [Music] wow if only my granddad could be here to see him yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] inkling we've just received a call from Captain Barnacles I'll be right there could you stay here and take the fish biscuits out of the oven [Music] Professor we found some underwater caves to explore oh excellent wow Captain are you okay [Music] stand by what under attack Barnacles out [Music] I can't see what's got us Captain whoa hold on quasi we're getting out of here [Music] foreign whiskers whatever it was it's gone Octonauts we're okay you prepare to open the Octo hatch Barnacles out [Music] foreign [Music] 's covered in slimy ink and what are these marks must be where the monster grabbed us Monster we don't know that it was a monster hmm Captain I've seen mugs like this before unless I'm very much mistaken they were made by my cousin your cousin yes my cousin Irving the giant squid Dashie let's show them my family photos I've been helping Professor Inkling put his family photos on the computer foreign [Music] that's me and one of my relatives the blue ringed octopus my little cousins the Firefly Squid and that is my distant cousin the giant squid that's your cousin it's the only photo of him I've got and it's not even a good one I haven't seen him in a long time enormous the octopus and the squid are in the same family I'm small and he's big but with a like in many ways we both have arms with suckers excellent for holding on to things I that explains how your cousin grabbed the gup hey but why would he do it well cousin Irving may have been trying to ask for help that's a funny way to ask but I don't think he meant to hurt you it will in fact I think you scared him really both my cousin and I squirt ink when something scares as you see the ink allows us to run away and hide without being seen Captain we need to fight him and make sure he's all right Professor sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts our mission is to find England's cousin the giant squid quasi peso into the Gump Captain I don't usually go out on missions but Irving is family if he needs help then I should be there let's do this [Music] oh the fish biscuits how nice to have them for the trip thank you vegetables [Music] whoa vegetables I think that's all the biscuits we have room for oh prepare for launch now open the octahatch tweet [Music] [Music] hold on everyone this could get bumpy [Music] foreign professor your cousin may be inside one of these caves hi this is the place where he reached out and grabbed us it looks dark in there won't your cousin Irving be scared don't worry peso a giant squid has the biggest eyes of any creature in the ocean it's easy for him to see in the dark so we'll go slowly and try to see him before he sees us remember quasi we don't want to scare him away quasi hey so you searched that cave and I'll take the other bye captain I'll keep a look out here we'll call you on the radio if we find your customers [Music] just a little dog down here nothing to be afraid of [Music] something huge up ahead [Music] oh sorry it's just some big rocks [Music] I think I found him oh come on show yourself it was just a manta ray [Music] Octonauts I may have found the giant squid activating creature detector [Music] oops sorry it was just an eel Octonauts continue the search [Music] these fish biscuits smell wonderful perhaps a little snack will cheer me up while I wait [Music] oh [Music] it's cousin Irving [Music] Inkling hmm something smells good would you like some fish biscuits coming right up [Music] oh wow huh cousin inkling cousin Irving are you all right I've been so worried about you oh I'm just hungry I've been looking for food all day ah so that's why you grabbed the gup a you thought it might be food um do you have any more of those delicious fish biscuits Captain another basket of those excellent biscuits please cousin Irving is very hungry foreign I smelled those fish biscuits a giant squid has an excellent sense of smell and here have another basketball rather and this is the Octopod my home away from home my cousin the Octonaut let's get a new picture for your family album Professor moving closer please perfect we're ready when you are kept in activating tentacle reach [Music] give me a smile say seaweed seaweed [Music] I'm Captain Barnacles come on everyone join in right let's go
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,649,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, @octonauts, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, squeak, octopod, underwater sea education for kids, sea education for kids, explore the ocean, bed time stories, underwater stories, reading month
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 50sec (5390 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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