Octonauts - The Vegimals Save the Day! | Full Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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the Octonauts and the baby sea turtles alright settle in everyone the vegimals have prepared hot chocolate oh and Kel cakes thanks JUnit thanks for the snacks Maisie but what are we here to say quite an amazing sight actually and that is dashi set up the remote cameras on the beach so we wouldn't miss a thing shiver me whiskers what will we be missing why the baby sea turtles of course Oh carry on matey right now the turtles are still in there eggs in nests buried under the sand I'll show you how they got there to nip this is a video we took eight weeks ago the mother sea turtles swim up onto the beach at night to lay their eggs it's the only time they ever leave the water and this is the same beach right now the eggs have been under the sand all this time and should be ready to hatch at any moment and we get to watch it happen I can't wait ah nothing's happening matey well one can never be exactly sure when the eggs will hatch it could be a few more minutes or a few more days [Music] have patience everyone I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait [Music] are they are touching no it's the wave tracker a really big wave is in the area it's moving fast and it's heading for the beach that petite flippers what about the eggs they'll be washed away will they be safe buried under the sand sea turtle eggs are very sensitive if they get too wet they'll never hatch then we'd better do something dashi sound the octo alert Octonauts to the launch Bay [Music] often Lord we have to rescue those eggs before the wave hits the beach once we've gathered up the eggs we'll need to move them to a new beach fast don't you worry about that Shellington we'll be ready come on everybody else into the gup-x right we need to remove the turtle eggs from their nests and place them in these special transport containers please be careful the eggs are very delicate and extremely sensitive to hot or cold yeah fussy little things aren't they they are Kwazii if they get too hot or too cold they won't hatch we'll be very careful the wave is moving in fast we'd better hurry Octonauts load those eggs [Music] that's the last one captain good the wave is almost here tweak were ready for the GUP eh [Music] all right now cannot tweak old-line Nasik you thanks cap we'll get those eggs to safety faster and you can say bunch of munchy crunchy but hold on tweak oh good catch Gruber this one nearly got away from us here comes the way everyone into the GUP now brace yourself is everywhere art just a little dizzy captain yeah ready to go again captain the turtle eggs aren't out of danger yet we have to get them to a new Beach right away this one is too wet I think we may have found more Shellington presenting you some pictures now ah it seems to have everything the turtles need the right sound the right slope and the right distance from the water perfect tweak send us the location and we'll meet there to make new nests for the eggs Octonauts let's do this [Music] [Music] ah I think that does it the eggs are all safely under the sand good work Octonauts ah I suppose there's nothing left to do now but wait for the eggs to hatch yeah more waiting I don't think we'll be waiting long Kwazii look they're hatching oh that's wonderful maybe not sea turtle eggs usually hatch at night when there are fewer predators around to eat them this Beach must be colder than their old beach which is making them think it's nighttime [Music] sorry matey just trying to help thanks but I don't need help we see turtles gotta do this on our own hungry he's right those seagulls would love to have a baby sea turtle for a snack then it's up to us to make sure the turtles make it to the water safely vegetables are there any fish biscuits in the gut eggs we'll need all the fish biscuits you've got to keep these girls distracted [Music] [Music] yeah it looks like the first turtles have reached the water keep it up everyone we just to keep these girls busy until all the baby turtles are in the ocean one of the baby turtles is [Music] it's your octo compass earth baby turtles use light to find their way to the water the light bouncing off your compass must be confusing him he's the girls away from him I'm sorry little turtle I didn't mean to confuse you this sure are a lot of not turtles on this Beach oh so it's you again don't worry I've got you little matey be careful Kwazii his shells not fully hardened yet then I'll call you soft shell good name but could you please put me down I want to get to the water all by myself that's what we turtles do there you go soft shell just a little further thanks now no more helping me Oh [Music] captain that sickos get it away with soft shell tweak follow that bird we're hot on his tail feathers yeah he said no beast was going to happen I did my egg [Music] softshell yer okay take me to the water's edge please exactly where I left off [Music] nice work today Octonauts those baby sea turtles off to a good start so what happens to him now Shellington well they'll swim far out to sea and get bigger and bigger until it's time for them to return to this very Beach and lay eggs of their own how long does that take about 15 to 20 years man I'm sorry Gruber I don't think we have enough fish biscuits to last that long the Octonauts and the octopod mystery [Music] Octonauts our mission here is complete dashi prepare to launch the octopod I'm on it captain [Music] captain there's something wrong with the ship tweek any idea what just happened I've already found the problem Kat it's the bubble converter it's broken and the octopod can't take off without it don't you just make a new one matey I could but that would take days months it looks like we don't have days all months we've got to do something now there is one other bubble converter ah you mean uh-huh of course the old octopod young doctor pod what old doctor pod did we not mention this is actually the second octopod no matey or think I'd remember another wrong support oh well then this here's the new octopod but way back when before we were even the Octonauts there was an old octopod you never did work quite right well we crashed it but when we came back to fix it it had become an artificial reef home to hundreds of creatures so we had to leave it where it was the old octopod should still have a working bubble converter then there's no time to lose to the gup-a [Music] Dashie keep an eye on the ship everybody's this way there it is the old octave woman whiskers I much prefer the new one activate helmets we're going in the quickest way in is through the manual steering pod but how are we going to get in captain I know a little trick it's just like home only not only very not very very much this is not how I left these shoes tweek we don't have much time the bubble converter should be in here no just a minute yet what was that I didn't see anything or something this place gives me the creeps well that was easy oh that's better no it's not so then grab the bubble converter right out of my paw I told you there was something in here whatever it is it has our bubble converter tweak sound the octo alert yep this one doesn't work oh yes calls optionals to your stations [Applause] [Music] Octonauts are you there right after Lourdes I'm afraid this mission is taking longer than expected there's something about this ship and it's just stolen the bubble converter everything's under control cousin oh we're getting quite a workout hang in there we're moving as fast as we can Octonauts let's split up and find that thief I'm entering the sick bay now no sign of the converter just volleyball eight balls you can throw eight balls at once I've reached the large base looks like someone's been down here moving stuff around [Music] huh the barrels are bed like hell now this is scary a library with no books we must have left home behind [Music] what on earth Captain Awesome captain what are you doing on the floor oh right something just grabbed me we better get to the bottom of this come in Shellington we need help identifying a mysterious creature certainly hapten what can you tell me about it well it's got tentacles things at once and it squirts eek and it's orange hmm sounds like a Giant Pacific octopus I agree is if it cousins are the largest species of octopus and they often make their homes in old abandoned ships well how about a modeled octopod after the Giant Pacific octopus and now there's one living in it yeah but why did it steal our converter it was probably just curious Giant Pacific octopus are very clever and they always investigate new things hmm then maybe we can give it something new to be curious about attention again when it comes to investigate we'll get our comforter everybody into position lights out it's huge Shh closer stealers everyone it might make us work for it it escaped and it got the flashlight out of the jar where did it go [Music] easy we're not going to hurt you [Music] [Music] [Music] wasn't weak silly h-cubed ow Octonauts search everywhere don't sign of the Eitan scallywag she has to be in here somewhere ink oh hello there stay back don't make me ink you again the invaders in fighters us yes this is my home I'd arranged everything just the way I like it and I don't appreciate you barging in without permission and moving everything around we're sorry we only came for our bubble converter this thing it was in my home so it's mine you are absolutely right we didn't realize you were living here perhaps you'd be willing to trade it for something new you have yourself a deal young fellow [Music] looks like the new bubble converted to the trick how's the field camp the octopods running perfect eight-week I'm just glad we're not running anymore look we're passing the old doctor part now hmm looks like you left the light on ha ha everybody wave [Music] the Octonauts and the tree lobsters still mr. lobster ah thanks mate dashi - peso come in peso there's a storm heading your way and it looks like a big one thanks dashi I'll head back to the octopod right away what's the problem the storms moving fast you won't make it back here in time hey so your best option is to get in the gup-e and find a safe place to wait it out aye aye captain check back in when the storm passes stay safe peso it'll be safe there yeah dad one good idea just get the guppy I'm done captain for being captain [Music] like don't believe it just this shrub is the perfect place to wait out the storm well it's kept us safe for many many years who said that good I'm a there's no need to be frightened it's only us tree lobsters tree lobsters no no give him space fellows without get guests up here very often I'm all hairy at your service I'm peso I am you actually live up here yeah of course but it's a giant rocky spike in the middle of the ocean ah oh you must be wondering how we got here well actually I can't seem to remember it all happened so long ago you see but we Manor happy little home or ourselves up here how many of you are there only 24 the last count Oh but once these eggs hatch there'll be a few more oh goodness me where are my manners you must be exhausted rest up boyfriend we'll look after yes tonight thanks I just think I need to rest my eyes for a bit [Music] hold Howie tree lobsters where did they go tree lobsters or no tree lobsters I'd better get back to the octopod looks like there's only one way down what happened to me last night you can tell us all about it back at the octopod [Music] there were only 24 of them and they all lived under this one tiny shrub but then when I woke up yeah based on our location it sounds like you washed up here on ball's pyramid strange balls pyramid has been explored many many times and nobody's ever found any tree lobsters I've never even heard of a tree lobster before hi sir are you sure that maybe it wasn't all just a dream it's not unusual to have strange dreams when you're in a dangerous situation I don't know maybe it was all the dream I believe you matey you do I've heard enough strange tales to know there's usually a scrapper truth behind it there's got to be something in the library about these three lobsters are yours come on mysterious island Castaway creatures exotic beasts of land c+ he it's been hours and we still haven't found anything about tree lobsters just a few the tree lobster I knew we'd find him listen to this Lord House Island stick insects or tree lobsters once lived on islands off the coast of Australia whiskas it's amazing isn't it unfortunately no one has seen a living tree lobster in many years I must have somehow one of the eggs with me we'd better get you back home what's going on Octonauts to the a channel to the Lord follow that tree Lobster [Applause] [Music] credible I've never seen anything like it three lobsters were real didn't we pay so he's heading for the kitchen watch our vegetables [Music] lift it up slowly Tunip we don't want to startle him looks like he's heading for the garden let's go keep looking he's gotta be around here somewhere under a plant just like home [Music] all that running must have tired him out he's sound asleep we need to get him back to his home on bulls pyramid peso kwazii to the gup-a [Music] wake up little fella you're home I did have a little help from a huge ways well we'll be getting a little help from these climbing pods hold on little fella [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on a scratchy little thing isn't it this is where the tree lobsters live pacer yes but where are the eyes on your back and your poor little Howie junior with you oh we were so worried but where were you well sleeping of course we tree lobsters are nocturnal we only come out at night well that's why no one's ever seen you before hey so this is an incredible discovery you'll notice that out Shrivers grown number 25 and 26 hatch today and Howie junior here makes 27 keep an eye on Howie junior he's a lively one thanks for bringing it back to us don't you all stay the night as our guests we'd be honored but we should head back home before it gets dark goodbye old Howie goodbye tree lobsters how do we get down from here anyway I think you're going to like this part Kwazii [Music] the Octonauts and the convict fish captain barnacles to Shellington how's your exploration of the coral reef going wonderfully captain we discovered something amazing a huge stone archway you there can you help us help you um how oh we've got cracks in the archway and if the cracks keep cracking the whole thing to come crashing down he's right the crêpes are weakening the arch it could collapse any moment hmm is that any way to repair it I don't think there's time for that continue the cracks are already too big right you'd better move the creatures attached to the arch to a safe area nearby and be sure to warn other creatures who live around the arch - aye our captain we're on it [Music] what was that what was what I don't see anything I don't either now I thought I saw something sticking up out of that burrow maybe just a shadow or a pop of sand well that's everyone maybe I just want to make sure hello anyone home you're wasting your time I've never seen anybody come or go out of that burrow I know I saw something howdy I'm Gilbert hello Gilbert what you looking at we were looking to see if there's anyone down in this borough course there is that's Mama's burro who's mama if your mom and is down there you have to warn her that fish certainly do come and go quickly in these barrels I think I know how to get to the bottom of this the rover can it's a camera that could squeeze into tight places anything in there will see it on this great Gilbert is that you didn't we just see him swim into that bar Oh over there I think it might be one big borough with different entrances look Joey amazing you wanna meet Mona hey out of here you don't have maybe I can tempt her out [Music] hey aren't you the fella I saw earlier yes and I saw you too can you come out we need to talk to you you can talk to me right here I'm a convict fishing I never come out but we met your children out here we go out bring on the food just about together some lunch now what do you want to talk to me about and make it quick I'm afraid you and your burro are in danger the arch above you is about to collapse you need to move somewhere else maybe you didn't hear me a grown up convict fish like me never leaves her burro now good night to you art she's getting weaker wait a minute Joshi how's everything going out there father friend is a problem captain he's a convict fish right under the archway and she won't leave her burrow I think she might want to sound the octo alert Octonauts to the launch Bay [Applause] [Music] octa Lord we have a convict fish who needs to be moved out of the danger zone of a collapsing stone arch she's deep inside her burrow and she really doesn't want to leave sounds like she's gonna need some convincing captain quasi vegimals into the cup a-and bring plenty of fish biscuits and Cal cakes [Music] Gilbert can you get your momma to talk to Captain Barnacles what now excuse us mama but the stone archway above is going to fall on top of you if you don't move out quickly and through that I'm not moving something smells good fish biscuits mama come out nope not leaving no way no how she's more stubborn than the lid of a rusty treasure chest no amount of convincing agreed but perhaps we can move her burrow to a safer place how like digging another burrow if we connected to Mama's burrow she can swim underground to a safer area on it captain to tunnel down vertically several feet then a long horizontally to join up with Mama's burro well dig it one problem if we make the hole to be good collects so we need someone a little bit smaller than we are to dig it perfect now start digging to the right they've stopped something's in their way I think it's a large rock [Music] sounds like they're trying to move it it must be too heavy to move vegetables you need to go around it [Music] yes they're fake on course time's running out greatly vegetables thing as fast as you can [Music] all those might not be good enough I'll try and slow it down that don't sound good maybe we should get out children we're right behind you come on kids - II did they get out safely I can't see anything they even cut off the signal I like our new digs reminds me of my old home well done and Mama and her young fish all safe and accounted for cut my burrow got my kids oh hey where's Gilbert it's Gilbert he must be trapped in the old burrows we have to rescue him it's too dangerous down there for the vegimals I know the rover can delicate operation like this steady flippers off medic [Applause] optionals totem pole we have to hold the arch up as long as we have [Music] hurry peso all right yeah but my tail isn't Gilbert's tail is pity he's stuck the rover cap anyways of manubrium to three Gilbert's tail [Music] Gilbert [Music] that was a close one well done peso but where's Gilbert no right way should be is everyone okay in here more than okay now that all my babies are safe and sound in our new home thanks Octonauts y'all come back and visit any time know where to find mama [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 6,598,165
Rating: 4.0701289 out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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