Octonauts - The Mysterious Map | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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[Music] octonauts my great-grandfather once visited the waters where the octopod sits tonight was he an ocean explorer too professor yes indeed captain barnacles he wrote this book about the amazing things he saw in his travels but there's a mystery in here that i've never solved yeah i love a mystery then listen to this quasi it was a beautiful starry night the water was calm and smooth when all of a sudden i saw something deep out of the water something remarkable and that something was a hmm a what that's the mystery the next page in the book is missing you see oh professor we're in the same part of the ocean where your great-grandfather saw something amazing leap out of the water maybe we can discover what it was that would be wonderful captain there's a map in the book that might help you find it yeah why don't you take it with you oh are you sure uh it's never left my library but we'll take good care of it me hearty we promise don't worry professor i'll put it in my special waterproof satchel just to be extra safe all right shellington octonaut to the launch bay open the octo hatch tweaks [Music] ah i don't see a thing i better check the map in the professor's book to make sure we're in the right place okay but be careful with it of course i'll be careful with it and why don't i hold it for you while you look hold it myself quasi shellington look at this [Music] [Applause] flying fish [Music] stand back i've got it wow those flying fish took the professor's book we're going after them [Music] [Music] there it is captain all tight you almost have a matey they can't get away from us now [Music] we may have a problem catching up to them when flying fish want to make a getaway they leap out of the water [Music] and look they're gliding away we'll never catch them now oh out there's one that didn't get away must get away it's no use i can't make it are you okay no i'm doomed i'm a flying fish who can't fly oh please don't eat me don't worry we don't want to eat you ow ooh me tail finn i smacked it on some rocks and now it really hurts we know someone who can help you with your fin why don't you come back to the octopod with us uh but captain what about the professor's book hi we've got to find those flying fish again agreed but first our new friend needs help we'll let them know back at the octopod quasi sound the octo alert [Music] octonauts to the launch bay [Music] peso we've brought back a flying fish who needs your help aye captain [Music] i help any creature who is sick or hurt now what seems to be the trouble it's me tailfin you need a bandage good as new oh it feels better already you should stay here and rest a bit before you take off again okay thank you captain the flying fish will be able to fly again in no time oh flying fish that must be the remarkable thing that my great-grandfather saw i'll add that to his book right away you time no you tell him ah well professor we sort of lost the book you lost it but but how a school of lionfish came leaping out of the water and before you could say davy jones's locker they took off with your book oh dear i see it's gone but we'll get it back for you on my honor as an octonaut we will but how those flying fish got away from us before but now we know how to catch up to them we just have to leap out of the water and fly like they do but captain how in the seven seas are we gonna do that twig i'm on it cap i'll get a little advice for my new friend on how to make the guppy fly [Music] the first thing you have to do is leap out of the water that means you have to go up very very fast well i already know how to do that [Music] wait that's just the first step what goes up um oh must come down [Music] ah i almost had it after you leap out of the water how do you stay in the air oh i spread me petrol fins like this so i can glide hmm and i'll use my tail fin to push myself out of the water fascinating pectoral fins and a tail fin that can move got it okay i've added pectoral fins and a tail fan fully adjustable now cap all we have to do is test her out and see if she'll fly i'm afraid there's no time for a test tweak all right we've got to get the professor's book back there's not a second to lose peso is our flying fish friend good to go time for a checkup try moving your tail fin how does it feel oh it doesn't hurt at all [Music] he's ready to fly captain with your help we'll find your friends and get the professor's book back into the gups octonauts let's do this [Music] open the octo hatch tweak [Music] [Music] there they are mateys and there's the professor's book [Music] let's see if we can fly to me hearty that's incredible look at them [Music] i see it [Music] thank you flying fishy happy [Music] thanks to you we can now add the ending to my great grandfather's adventure we're ready it was a beautiful starry night the water was calm and smooth when all of a sudden i saw something leap out of the water something remarkable and that something was a magnificent school of flying fish [Music] these night missions are tough captain we've been working so late it's just about morning at least all's well in the ocean oh it'll be great to get back to the octopod and get some sleep eye what's wrong nothing if nothing's wrong why do you keep growling like that huh oh that's not me it's my belly i guess i'm hungry come to think of it my belly's feeling a bit empty too how about you peso are you hungry sir there's a monkey where no monkey peso we're all just tired and hungry i see a nice sea grass meadow coming up what do you say we stop there and have some breakfast ah yes please i'm so glad tunip packed all this food for us me too i'm starving now oh kelp cakes me favorite yeah licorice flavored me least favorite i can never get these thingies to work oops sorry [Music] strawberry jam flavored kelp now that's more like it i'll be having some of that too please peso look over there seahorses [Music] what in the seven seas look at those two they're dancing like some crazy underwater merry-go-round i've never seen anything like it let's investigate um excuse me seahorses we couldn't help but notice your amazing dance thanks man it's a seahorse thing we do a special dance of love and change colors to show how much we like each other yeah i'm sunny and this is janice where are the octonauts i'm captain barnacles and this is quasi and peso good to meet you sonny and janice isn't she wonderful one look and i knew she was the one for me oh sonny you're so sweet they certainly look happy together captain they um seem kind of busy with their dance and everything hmm let's uh head back to the octopod bye janice and sunny so [Music] how much further captain not too far the water is getting a bit rough though we read you dashie is everything okay there's a big storm heading this way captain suggest your return to the octopod as soon as possible thanks dashie we're on our way back right now barnacles out vast look at the fishies mates they're all heading for cover whenever a storm approaches fish know to head for deeper water it's much safer down below we'll do the same [Music] sweet octopod this storm could last a while it's a big one captain [Music] look it's janice she's in trouble peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts our seahorse friend janice is lost in the storm we're going out to save her guppy's all powered up and ready to go cap peso quasi into the guppy [Music] tweak open the octa hatch ladies yeah flappity flippers you're enjoying this aren't you quasi aye there'd be nothing like an ocean storm to make a pirate feel alive keep your eyes peeled for jenny's don't see her anywhere there she be holding on by her tail i'll get as close to her as i can and then quasi you was he you i'm [Music] i'll get the water tank ready for janus captain good thinking peso thanks for saving me how'd you get dragged out into this storm matey the water just swept me away seahorses aren't very good swimmers we pretty much go where the water takes us you can come back to the octopod and rest until the storm is over but we need to find sunny the water pulled him away too and i'm really worried he's about to have our babies in that case we best find him before he what did you sunny is about to give birth to our babies i only hope he's okay but daddies don't have babies moms do i mean not when you're a seahorse daddy seahorses carry babies in a special pouch until they're ready to be born well i'll be a sea monkey's uncle janice on my honor as an octonaut we'll find sonny and make sure he's safe and sound barnacles to shellington and dashie here captain go ahead captain we need to find out which way the storm is headed and fast because a seahorse has been swept along with it ah sir leave it to us got it captain the storm is moving over the reef and then past some big rock for missions we'll send you a map of it right now we'll search the reef do you first him not yet we'll check the rocks next what if we can't find him don't worry we won't give up we still need to search that kelp forest up ahead we don't want to get the guppy stuck in this camp so we'll get out and search for sonny sonny are you here at least the storm is finally calming down but where's sunny i guess we'll never find him ah look a seahorse excuse me are you janice who me no i'm quasi and i'm not a seahorse i'm janice janice thank goodness you found us sonny is about to give birth you're just in time oh where is he please take us to him now i'm a medic i can help over there near that seaweed [Music] come on sonny congratulations janice it's a boy [Music] hey janice sonny i'm so glad i found you janice you're safe meet the children our children are so beautiful how can we ever ever thank you oh it was nothing all in the line of duty [Music] they're so adorable [Music] what are their names again well that little guy is barney short for barnacles and that really handsome dipper is quasi and that one's pesos [Music] [Music] is the guppy ready to go tweak yep i've put in an eject button just like you wanted quasi it'll help you escape from the gup in an emergency yeah press this and you'll be bounced out of guppy faster than you can say a bunch of munchie crunchy carrots thanks tweak time to take a ride and test out the new button yeah now hold on you need to know how to work this thing i press the button i'll get bounced out of the gup easy first you turn off the engine then you press the button hi now open the octo hatch if you don't turn off the engine first we will drive away without you got it now let's go [Applause] let's see if this eject button really works [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] i uh had a bit of a problem you forgot didn't you forgot no um forgot what all right all right i forgot to turn off the engine before i push the eject button and now i've lost my favorite gup captain there's no time to lose we've got to find it tweak sound the octa alert [Music] octonauts to the hq [Applause] [Music] octonauts the gut b is lost i know i'm the one who lost to me hearties the first thing to do is to work out where to look for her dashie check the gup finder it should show us where the gut bee is i'm already on it captain there she is but it looks like it's stuck in the middle of something very large shellington we may need you to help us figure out what this thing is tweak we'll need the gupsy right away to the launch bay [Music] almost ready cam [Music] i can hardly wait to see the gut be again me hearties look i found some pictures i took of you in the gut bee i painted those sharp teeth on her myself we've won races together and made thrilling escapes together [Music] there's just no other gut like the guppy mateys don't worry we'll get her back this shouldn't take long is the gupsy ready twig ready cam [Music] yeah tweak open the octo hatch [Music] captain it looks like we're getting close to the gut beam towing her back home should be an easy job hi no trouble at all [Music] look at that jumping jellyfish [Music] it's a giant kelp forest hmm the gup finder shows that the gup b must be somewhere inside the kelp forest we'll have to go in and look for him kwazii you go oh quasi let's go shellington [Music] amazing giant kelp is the tallest plant under the sea it stretches up and up so the kelp leaves can reach the sun [Music] just like a forest on land a kelp forest is a home for lots of different creatures it won't be easy to find the gut bee in a kelp forest this big but according to the gup finder we're close this way [Music] whoa watch out there's a big orange shark in the forest orange shark hold on that must be the guppy come back here [Music] hey what did you say about seeing a big orange shark oh sure it shoot me to the forest that's all and this is my hiding place so go away is this what you saw matey yes oh i can't look those big teeth make me nervous hi matey but they aren't real teeth i painted look stand back or else uh quasi you better stand back because because what [Music] he's called a swell shark when he feels threatened he swallows enough water to swell up like a balloon and then yes i know what happens then shellington look now we're even closer to the guppy i'm coming for you [Music] hey what's happening guys a shovel-nosed guitar fish oh no does this one spit as well no he mostly hides under the sand aren't you that we're looking for our lost gup it's called the gut b and it's bright orange have you seen it our gup finder shows that it should be right around here but we can't find it hmm i don't know about any gup but when you feel down it helps to look up [Music] now the scurvy creatures in this place are no help at all we'll never find it it helps to look up wait we do need to look up captain a kelp forest is like a tall building with many floors ah and so far we've only looked for the guppy down here but it could be somewhere up there octonauts let's go [Music] the gup finder shows that the gup b should be right here then why can't we see it where could it be you yeah you yeah over here [Music] where [Music] captain the kelp leaves are talking to me kelp leaves talking they say that the guppy's right here but where look there's nothing here but kelp [Music] it's it's [Music] the guppy yes did you miss me i missed you too we told you it was right in front of you you're not a kelp leaf on the kelp fish we're all catfish [Music] they do look just like leaves of kelp that makes it easy for us to hide whenever we want in the kelp forest come along now playtime is over hi mom we really fooled them they thought we would help please that's nice children octonauts let's get the guppy out of this forest [Music] it's good to be back backing my favorite gun you just put your feet up quasi but not on the eject button yeah very funny [Music] how's the photo assignment going well i've taken some good shots but if i want one of my photos on the cover of national geographic i need a really great shot captain i have to call you back manta rays [Music] hey wake up chaps ouch oh i'm so sorry for crashing into you like that i just ouch are you all right no i i think i scratched my fin sorry about muriel here for a manta ray she's not very good at leaping for a manta ray she's not very good at anything very funny don't mind them they're just my remora fish most of us manta rays have them they ride around me everywhere oh you better come with me muriel i know just the person who can make your fin feel better please do make her better doctor mural may be clumsy but she is our friend don't worry muriel your fin just needs a little slime slime what you need slime for manta ray's skin is protected by a layer of slime some of murals got scratched off when she crashed into dashi there good as new thanks now uh got to go i need to catch up with the other manta rays they know the way the way the way to what every so often we manta rays have a big feast in a special place the secret manta ray feeding ground i reckon nobody's ever photographed that before how do we get there muriel um if you find out be sure to tell muriel it's so secret even she doesn't know where it is uh i guess you could say i've never actually been there myself personally but i have to get there soon or i'll miss the big feast in that case we'd better help you find it dashie sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] our mission is to help muriel find the secret manta ray feeding ground muriel do you have any idea where it may be well there is an old manta ray rhyme about it uh follow the giant swirling thing then ride the river to the secret ring hmm actually let's see the map ah i don't see any rivers or swirling things on the map maybe we're looking at the wrong map let's check the storm tracker yeah that storm looks like a giant swirling thing and we're going to follow it quasi peso dashi into the guppy we'd better hurry the big feast doesn't last long one swirling storm straight ahead oh there it is the swirling thing come along everyone let's go muriel we've got the tower out somehow quasi can you i'm coming for you muriel wait don't touch her you'll scratch off her slime you need to make your paw soft and slimy first i slide gloves you take one win i'll take the oven [Applause] let's go captain everyone hang on the engines have shut down [Music] then we'd better sail this ship to safety grab a rope dashie who left captain [Music] who knew you would make such a good sale muriel i think we finally found something you're good at oh is everyone okay we're fine captain but where are we that storm pulled us pretty far out to sea there's nothing around for miles oh no we're lost now we'll never find the secret feeding ground at muriel what's that you're eating oh just some krill it's what we mantas eat there'll be tons of krill the big feast [Music] something's pulling the krill away it could be a clue everyone follow those crew we'll have to come back for the cup a later [Music] look they're being sucked into that current of course a current is like a river of fast-moving water in the ocean follow the great big swirling thing then ride the river to the secret ring this must be it what are we waiting for let's go [Applause] [Music] we must be getting close hi we are getting close to that the currents too strong to swim out of we're going to crash two crashes in one day that's a new record muriel there's something on the other side everyone sideways formation [Music] shiver me whiskers a hidden lagoon the reef makes a ring all around it follow the river to the secret ring that means this must be it the secret manta ray feeding ground but i don't see any manta rays the big face must be over [Music] or maybe it's just beginning [Applause] whirlpool that's how we manta rays eat when we all get together now these are some good shots my camera yeah it's going too fast here hop on champs now let's get that camera [Music] almost [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay watch it look out careful where you're going oh dear leave it to muriel this is starting to get a little rough we need to hurry up dashie are you okay i'm fine but we have to help the others what about your camera i'll leave it my friends come [Music] thanks first now for quasi and peso hey so quasi grab on grab on to what look you should have seen that coming now let's get out of here the only way out is up muriel you'll have to leap over the reef uh i'm not very good at leaping we'll help you first you've got to dive down to build up speed okay here it goes now up to the surface fast muriel what's the matter i just thought we might like a picture or two oh thanks i've got an idea for a great one here we go [Music] [Applause] well done muriel i guess i'm not so bad at leaping after all thanks for all your help chaps now that's a photo fit for the cover of national geographic oh thanks muriel did you get muriel's good side that's the side i'm on no that's the side i'm on you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,149,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: _prIP9ieJ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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