​@Octonauts - Marine Mammal Rescues πŸ‹β›‘οΈ | 60 Mins+ Compilation | Underwater Sea Education

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foreign [Music] mateys we are listening to the most popular song of the summer ah it doesn't sound like any sea shanty I've ever heard that's because it's a whale song made by humpback whales look [Music] these whales are on their way to their summer feeding grounds they use their songs to talk to each other and they can hear the songs even when they're miles and miles apart and the song they're singing now has been really popular this year all the humpbacks are singing it it's the only song on the radio listen here here and here humpbacks all over the world are singing the exact same song incredible hang on that's new maybe they got tired of the old song no I mean it sounds different I've never heard a voice like it before maybe these whales have Dashie good idea captain excuse me humpback whales yes sorry to interrupt your journey but we just wondered if you'd ever heard a song like this before foreign sound collection whatever's making that noise there's nothing like it in the ocean this could be an entirely new species of whale or an entirely new species of sea monster well there's only one way to find out Octonauts it's time to investigate I'm picking up something big on the track very big it should be on the other side of this Reef there's nothing here no but I thought I saw something me too something big the trick is still saying it's up ahead then let's go mateys it's gone again I get the feeling it doesn't want to be disturbed let's go forward gently this time so we don't scare It Whatever It Is so sad like the world's loneliest sea monster or the world's loneliest whale that's a humpback wheel but his voice is like no humpback I've ever heard I think he's looking for food he's a young one and he looks very skinny Captain then he might need our help activate helmets hello there that's a very interesting song you're singing oh thanks it's my I'm hungry song My name's Jewel by the way are you on your own Joe yep I'm pretty much always on my own I got some other humpbacks kinda don't understand my singing Captain Joe is far from the summer feeding grounds without the other whales to show him the way he won't have enough to eat Joe why don't you come with us to our octopod and we'll see if we can help you I don't suppose there's any food this year octopod I'm kind of hungry absolutely follow us right behind you [Music] these here fish biscuits are pretty good Captain I think I found the cause of Joe's unusual voice what is it peso these are the tubes inside Joe's nose and these are the tubes inside a typical humpback's nose see how much smaller Joes are oh of course whales sing by pushing air through their nose but because Joe's tubes are so narrow his socks sound different uh-huh so that's why the early whales can't understand me just my family I don't suppose you have any more of those yes biscuits Captain Joe can't just eat fish biscuits he needs a proper whale diet yes and the vegetables need a break hmm Joe needs food and fast so we need to get him to join a group of whales who show him to the summer feeding grounds the last group is on its way to the feeding grounds after they've gone there are no more humpbacks in this part of the ocean then time is running out dashy sound off toilet Octonauts Burg [Music] foreign Joe here is hungry and all alone if we're going to help him we need to find a way to make the other whales understand Joe's song I might have an idea cap with a little help I think I could build a special machine the joke aware that would make his voice sound like the other humpbacks oh really oh but won't that take a long time monkey crunchy fish biscuits it's our best shot Octonauts let's do this foreign [Music] [Music] all right everybody take a look this here's the Joe coder here you are Joe you can wear the Joe coat or on your neck just tap it with your fan when you want to sing and your songs will go from this go ahead Joe foreign [Music] [Music] problems fixed but now Joe's gone loud noise frightened him we better find him fast or the other humpbacks will be gone for good there's no time to lose let's go no sign of him Captain we found Joe before so we can do it again peace out check the tracker and look for a big shape I'm looking at the tracker and it's covered in big shapes of course we're surrounded by whales we have to find Joe before they pass by on their way to the feeding ground maybe we could sing I'm not sure Now's the Time for singing Mickey no I mean what if we could use the Joe Coda to make me sound like Joe good idea then Joe will want to see who else sings Like Him tweak I'll just change that and reverse this that ought to do the trick right peso go for it [Music] there goes nothing I hope you're listening Joe [Music] what was that it might be my tummy I think I ate something for me for lunch keep trying peso you can do it that's it he's done it captain now we just have to hope Joe can hear it and wants to see who's singing his song there aren't many whales left to pass captain come on Joe where are you what that sounds like my voice hey so where'd you learn to sing like that I'll show you Joe oh it ain't gonna make that terrible noise it's fixed I promise [Music] I can't believe it it works now that's more like it let's just hope someone's listening hey who's not singing well it's a great song I love your style we're on our way to the feeding grounds you should come with us oh geez thanks and thank you Octonauts for help of me sing my song listen your song now go good work everyone Joe should have no trouble finding the feeding grounds now that he's teamed up with the other humpbacks and they really seem to like his song it's not just Joe's friends humpbacks are singing it everywhere [Applause] looks like it's catching on here too [Music] Captain Barnacles to Shellington and Dashie how's it going up there a bit slowly Captain this Arctic Ice is so thick it's taking our Sonic slicer forever to cut through it just a little more there we made it through we're heading up now to gather the ice samples captain [Music] just try to be quick the hole you made in the ice will freeze over very fast and you won't be able to get back into the um back into the water all right Captain we'll be quick over and out who's making that music Captain I'm not sure quasi but it certainly is making it hard to work let's investigate [Music] [Music] hey so me hearty I didn't know you were so good at playing music thank you this xylophone was a present from my aunt Pepita well you're certainly getting good but uh peso do you think you could take a break so we could this is Shellington calling the Octopod come in occupied Barnacles here everything okay up there captain another hole in the ice yes but that's not all I'm sending a video through to you now captain their beluga whales Captain yes I see but uh what are they doing they appear to be trapped under the package they should be in Open Water can you ask them if they need help but belugas are very shy creatures [Music] wait please I'm Shellington and this is Dashi we are the Octonauts we might be able to help you have to breathe what are you doing all the way out here under the pack ice the water froze over us we have to stay near this pole but why do you need the hole I have to breathe have to breathe but why can't you just swim back out to the Open Water where there isn't any ice too far away can't swim that far without breathing have to stay near the hole Shellington what do you make of this the belugas are trapped there's ice all around them and only a small hole where they can come up to breathe and this hole is starting to freeze over too it's getting smaller and smaller we have to rescue those belugas right away quasi sound the Octo alert yeah Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts our mission is to lead the belugas back to Open Water where there's no ice but we need something that can cut a path through the ice so that they can breathe along the way yeah what about a Sonic slicers they're too slow we need to act fast before the beluga's breathing hole freezes over foreign [Music] let's see if your Icebreaker attachment works [Music] the ice isn't breaking pack ice is really thick it takes a lot to break it yes way to go yeah you did it Open Water all right now if I can just get those belugas to follow me belugas this park will lead you to open Waters I'll stay near the hole where it safe and quiet belugas please follow me before the ice freezes over oh dear this is not good at all hmm the belugas don't seem to want to leave their breathing hole [Music] only they would follow Captain Barnacles I've got it fish biscuits [Music] what's your plan quasi well I reckon these belugas must be getting pretty hungry by now so I brought him a little fish biscuit snack courtesy of Tunis followers yes it's working those little fishes think this is food for them too many scary noises have to stay by the hall where it's safe why aren't they following me belugas like all whales are scared of loud strange noises so the sound of the gupcy cracking the ice and the sound of well quasi probably scared them how can we show them that this path to open water is safe Professor Inkling any ideas I know I know exactly what sick the belugas follow you an old whale song recording they'll hear their own sounds and follow right along [Music] it's working [Music] oh wow oh my [Music] we're losing it again we've got to do something Captain the path is already starting to freeze over that noise they make that sounded a little bit like pesos music peso we need you and your xylophone out here right away Captain are you sure this is the best time for music this is exactly the time for music your music Captain I'm ready to play all right peso it's showtime it's working hey so xylophone playing sounds just like the beluga song but those sounds are so nice Breeze [Music] breathe along this path all of the nice sounds down the path we won't be stuck here anymore [Music] here we are open water great work peso thank you Octonauts sorry we didn't follow you at first we belugas are always a bit shy around creatures we don't know and all those loud noises scared us well now we know each other we love your music like a two three four ah I don't know how to sing like a beluga oh come on quasi it's easy goodbye Octonauts thanks again goodbye belugas safe journey now goodbye [Music] Captain are you there come in Dashie there's a dangerous storm approaching and there's going to be a lot of lightning and when lightning strikes the ocean the electricity spreads out through the water near the surface so even if it doesn't hit you directly you can still get set thanks for the warning I'm heading to deeper waters right now Barnacles out well I've been hit well a manatee more manatees hey man what's the hurry time for an emergency landing oh make that a crash landing you huh yeah um giant clam I think you have something that belongs to me and I'm gonna need it back [Music] in that case we'll do it the old-fashioned way [Music] this could take a while uh-oh sounds like more lightning and it's heading straight for those manatees time to sound the octal ah can't not quite reach aha a sticky Limpet and a little seaweed Bullseye upwards to the HQ [Music] Octonaut the lightning storm is heading straight for a herd of manatees we need to get them to safety are you with the manatees now Captain um not exactly peso I'm sort of um stuck at doing something else at the moment but I'll guide the mission from here the lightning storms picking up speed Captain keep tracking it Dashie everyone let's move those manatees to deeper water Captain wait go ahead jellyfish I mean um jellington I mean Shellington the manatees breathe air Captain they can only be underwater for a few minutes before they need to take a breath so amenities will need to be moved somewhere they can breathe then we'd better lead them back to the ultrapod the outro pod I meant to say get all those manatees inside the Octopod now aye aye captain Octonauts to the cups [Music] I'm digging this air today you said it man nothing beats a little fresh air Captain we've arrived on the scene good then get those manatees moving bye Captain junip come in junip the manatees will need something to eat gather as much seagrass as you can and bring it to the launch [Music] um nothing to worry about tunip just get the seagrass my barracudas I better make myself invisible Ahoy vanity there's a dangerous lightning storm approaching we're here to lead you to safety sure thing no problemo we're happy to go with that flow everybody climb onto a cup and we'll drive you down to the Octopod here we go slowly oh how do they ever catch any fish to eat no way man we're vegetarians we only eat plants we never have to chase after our food so we like to do things nice and easy huh come in Captain go ahead quasi it is going to be trickier than we thought the manatees already it's organized well you've got to get them organized line the manatees up and get them onto the gumps one by one gotta go I'm sure I saw something shiny around here [Music] the Lightning's getting closer we need to get these manatees to safety fast hello sir you'll go to the gumpty with Dashie cool man hi there you'll go to the gum ear with peso sir quasi here will be your driver on the gobex I climb aboard matey oh smooth ride man I think that's all we can fit that's okay I'll wait here you can get me on the next trip don't worry we'll be right back come on mateys to the Octopod [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh shiny thing it looks like there's only one way out of this Captain almost all the manatees are safe inside the Octopod only one left good at work ah peso the lightning is now right over the last Manatee oh dear Captain I don't know if we can get her back to the Octopod in time whoa I know it's serious it's not too late to save her is it no I mean we'll rescue the last manatee bring the cup D and the cup sea to the surface and call me when you get there [Music] oh my air tank is almost empty I won't be able to breathe down here much longer [Music] coming for you we manatees don't usually say this but hurry Man Captain we've arrived at the surface good now flip the cup D over and open the windscreen air pocket so the manatee can breathe then tow it deep under away from the lightning all right captain I've got to get my paw out of this clam before I run out of air [Music] ah oh [Music] can you breathe all right in there oh yeah man good now let's go almost empty Captain it worked the last Manatee is safe [Music] captain [Applause] [Music] Captain are you all right [Music] I'm fine how are you cool man Captain The Storm Is Passing thanks Dashie now all amenities can be released tweak open the octohatch so long manatees bye-bye come on guys let's go breathe some fresh air [Music] [Music] now that's some nice air good work today everyone but what about you Captain yeah what happened down there oh let's see I was uh struck by lightning eaten by a giant clam stung by a jellyfish attacked by barracudas escaped on the back of a blue whale smashed into a shipwreck freed myself ran out of air and uh oh yeah found you oh man yeah pulling me [Music] thank you [Music] I'm so glad you could visit us here on the Octopod Orson and Ursa Uncle Barnacles can we show peso our new polar Scout badges of course Cubs okay so my niece and nephew have been working hard take a look that's our store finder badge we learned how to find our way using the North Star and we got this badge for learning how to make a shelter out of snow but you're really going to like the next one peso the seaweed bandage badge we learned how to make an emergency bandage out of seaweed and we got to practice on a real life narwhal great work cops there are lots more badges that we don't have yet and we're going to earn every single one just like you Uncle Barnacles um well actually I don't have every single polar Scout badge you don't really are you sure there is one that slipped through my Paws over and over again I remember the first time I saw a walrus in trouble oh my flipperheads I offered to help don't worry I'll move along little polar bear we walruses can handle this whoa but I didn't give up my task is stuck I'd be happy to get back walrus emergency and that's how it went every time just trying to [Music] and so I never managed to earn my walrus rescue badge but now it's time for you Cubs to earn your next badge this one is for swimming through an obstacle course of ice floes let's go good luck Cubs [Music] here's your challenge swim through this Maze of ice flows in under five minutes I bet I can do it in four minutes that I can do it in three here we go on your marks get set I think somebody's calling for help it sounds like it's coming from the other side of these ice floats come on Cubs follow me this could be a real Polar Scout emergency and these balls are ready for action [Music] hey they're afraid we are polar Scouts and we are here to answer your calls for help we don't want help we want our moms well perhaps we can help you find your mums help us find them no no we want them to find us that's why we're making all this noise what are you anyway where course you're too small to be real walruses walruses are big with big pointy tusks these are walrus pops oh so they're babies but we're still 100 walrus understood where did your mums go they went to find I've been going for a really very long time and now we're hungry really very hungry hmm let's see if we can spot your mums out there why don't you just go looking for them very fast I'm not moved so we're not moving an iceberg and it's moving fast our mum said not to move from this ice flow well they didn't say what to do if the Ice Flow moved I know what to do [Music] alert Octonauts to the HQ [Music] Octonauts the Cubs and I are on a runaway Iceberg with three walrus pups the pups are too weak from Hunger to swim very far we need to get these walrus pups to safety we've located your Iceberg we'll be there as soon [Applause] you're on a crash course with two other icebergs oh no when the icebergs crash into each other you can all get hurt quasi peso take the gut ass and catch up to us as fast as you can and please bring something for the worst pups to eat they're really very hungry tuna you and the vegetables can help me prepare some bottles of walrus pop formula we're on our way Captain to the Guppies mateys [Music] we'll catch up to that Iceberg and fast ready to mix up some walrus pop formula oh yeah [Music] [Music] that iceberg's getting really close too close move to this side everyone very close hold on everyone this could get bumpy [Music] well done cops got it oh everyone move back thank you Barnacles to quasi under the icebergs now Captain yeah it looks like you're trapped right in the middle and running out of room use the ice drill to break through the ice this scurvy ice is too thick turn on the heat quasi so the drill melts the ice as it goes heating drill now [Music] fast speeds things up hold on captain don't worry health is on the way daddy squished my mum always told me flipper when I'm scared and I wish someone would hold me flipper now here take my paw thanks that's better Ozzy need a list my teeth I just in time quasi come on everyone into the gup ass [Music] and now we need to find their mums they may return to the ice floes by now so let's start there captain [Music] who's this now excuse me I think I can help I don't think so no no me either you see now ladies I don't like the looks of this one ah here we go again mom [Music] this model we waited a really very long time but we were carried off by a really very big Iceberg and then Captain Barnacles and his friends huh he does have that hero look about him doesn't he ladies how can we ever thank him for saving our pups hook wow [Music] there it is the walrus rescue badge well done Uncle barnacles [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] Captain this outside I saw it oh what's all the commotion about there's something out there something big really big I saw it it's huge it's white and it made a noise like oh dude look at this I managed to snap a picture of whatever's out there that's it that's what I saw what on Earth could it be it's as big as a whale but whales are usually dark grayish hi me hearties that's no ordinary whale that there'll be a ghost whale ghost whale I it's a crafty beast that's pale and cold as the Moonlight it rises from the depths at night and place drinks oh whatever it is it sounds sad it may be heard or need our help we're gonna find this so-called ghost whale quasi sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts we're gonna find this so-called ghost whale tweak if there's something out there these will help you find it in the dark whoa wormp through these ghost goggles and you'll be able to see the heat coming from its body ghost goggles shiver Me Whiskers ready peso [Music] let's go tweak open the OCTA hat [Applause] that scallywag must be around me somewhere [Music] this way a fast strange heat packs are coming from that pink colored wreath whatever we're looking for it should be right here and then we better take a look Octonauts let's investigate [Music] come on ah oh [Music] there's something very strange about this Reef Captain look at this it's white underneath hmm let me try that this is No reef ah I knew it was some kind of trick come here steady on quasi we still don't know what we're dealing with here it's coming back oh what haven't you ever seen a whale with a sunburn before Ghost Trick or this may not be a ghost at all ghost who are you calling a ghost I'm a humpback whale I just happen to be completely white nice try but you're pink I've got sunburn on my back and it doesn't feel very good to have you on climbing all over it ouch that must really hurt well it's my own fault yesterday I spent too much time near the surface and got this nasty burn from the Sun with a burn like that you should stay down here at the bottom out of the Sun no I'd like to but uh I can't hold my breath forever I have to go up forever every 15 minutes the sun will be coming up again soon unless we do something your sunburn will get even worse I know just the captain a hundred cc's of super soothing Beluga strength underwater suncream [Music] uh peso phew yes Captain I think we're gonna need more sun cream a lot more but that was my last bottle let's see it's made from water sea slime mushroom coral mucus mushroom coral that's it what's he going on about what Emmy pirate days I found myself washed up on a desert island the only thing that protected me from the scorching sun was a mushroom coral it grows in the shallows and makes its own oily Oozy Sun cream that sounds disgusting it sounds perfect let's go hold on quasi there's not enough time to find the mushroom coral and bring it back here before the sun comes up he'll have to come with us oh I'm sorry mate but I'm not fit for swimming that far this sunburn really hurts if we can't bring the coral to the whale will bring the whale to the coral how are we going to move a whale come in tweak we're going to need some gup backup here which cup do you need all of them Octonauts let's pick up the pace we've got to get this whale to the coral Before Sunrise hang on big guy we're almost there we should find some mushroom corals in a shallow water up ahead truly amazing and Albino Humpback wheel albino every now and then a whale will be born that's completely white and albino it's a very rare sight indeed listen mate I can't stay under forever how about taking me up with some air Captain the whale needs to take a breath got it quasi you copy I copy Captain watch that Finn tweak are you there right here we've got to bring our friend here up for air get ready to surface Octonauts let's do this we have to hurry the sun will be coming up any minute now Carl uh-oh looks like we've got company we'll go around them at this speed we can't turn fast enough to go around them what should we do Captain an emergency drop I don't think I like the sound of this those Coral are our Target on the count of three one two three nice driving back there excellent work Octonauts but we've still got a lot more work to do foreign [Music] corals are tough and aren't attached to anything they don't mind being moved around a bit just a bit more and finished huh a coral would make sun cream I never knew there was such a thing oh I never knew there was such a thing as a white and pink whale thanks I think I feel it working already good on you mate just be careful not to spend too much time in the sun let's take a photo wait watch the sunburn mate oops perfect [Music] I can't wait to see how my biggest patient is doing ah I can't wait to see if your patient's really as big as you say peso here we are the coral reef where's your patient Captain I don't see anything big it's right here quasi my patient is the coral reef what of course coral reefs are made of coral which is alive the coral reef needs a checkup just like any other creature that's true the coral reef is home to lots of different animals so if anything happened to the coral they'd have nowhere to live ah that is a big patient [Music] it's not good what's wrong peso this Coral is turning white Shillington which means it's getting sick there's another White Spot over here oh peso you'd better take a look at this no the entire coral reef is getting sick if anything happens to it all these creatures will have to find a new home there's only one thing to do quasi Shellington I need you to find me a small piece of healthy coral on the seafloor at school Captain only to borrow your hydro drill what are you planning peso an emergency Coral transplant I drill a tiny hole into the sick of coral here you go piece of coral perfect now I'll put this piece of healthy coral into the hole and there that's a coral transplant the piece of healthy Coral will help make the sick Coral better look great we've saved a coral reef at just in time for lunch I don't think so quasi look at all those white spots I'm going to have to do a lot more Coral transplants to make this Reef healthy again and we're going to help you let's sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the HQ [Applause] [Music] Octonauts the coral reef is sick our mission is to help peso do as many Coral transplants as it takes to make it healthy again Pearl reef is huge what's the plan Dashie you quasi and tunip will search for healthy pieces of coral on the sea floor Shellington and Professor Inkling will sort through them to find the healthiest ones then tweak and I will drill tiny holes in the wreath and peso will put the coral pieces into the holes now everybody got it got it Octonauts let's do this if we all work together The Reef will be healthy again in no time aha another piece of coral just a sea sponge spiky sea urchin sorry little urchin these coral pieces are harder to find than I thought what was that [Music] huh someone's playing a trick on me you should have seen the look on your face what's the big idea playing tricks on me while I'm just playing around what you doing here anyway wanna play with us we're blowing bubble rings yeah I'm too busy to play right now suit yourself [Music] there's a pirate here trying to work thank you dashing have a look at this one Shellington huh this one looks very healthy I'll put it with the other red ones jumping jellyfish attack oh my God there you go beso thanks tweak steady steady flippers cool you want to play that's one of our favorite games here catch whoa careful with that sorry Dolphins but we've got work to do maybe some other time someone who wants to play with us come on we've been working for hours and we still have so much more to do at the speed we're going it could take days to finish and these Dolphins aren't making things any easier thank you [Music] thank you Barnacles to Shellington these Dolphins won't leave us alone why are they acting like this it's normal dolphin Behavior Captain dolphins are curious creatures oh what's this [Music] they love to play with each other and make up new games [Music] hey everybody check this out I've got a sponge on my nose SpongeBob [Music] [Music] this is starting to get out of hand attention Dolphins we have very important work to do if you could please just play you can't cut me oh enough is enough [Music] that's easy now I just want to um [Music] look out whale sharks straight ahead [Music] nice catch thanks are you okay yep thanks for the warning back there so what should we play now sorry but play time is over we often Auto trying to save the coral reef I need to get back there what were the reef it's very sick and we're drunk to help it we find pieces of healthy coral and put them into tiny holes in the reef oh so that's what you guys were doing find the coral put it in the hole hey that sounds like a game can I play a help too well we do need all the help we can get but um what could you do hey I found a piece ah that sea sponge on your nose is a pretty good tool for finding Coral in the sand found another one do you think you could show the other Dolphins how to do that of course tap on I'll give you a ride back to the reef let's go [Music] ready ready with all of us helping out we'll be finished in no time [Music] time [Music] to come find the car I reckon I can find five pieces of coral before you find one ah you're on lazy [Music] another healthy one thank you [Music] that's the last one here you go thanks there we're finished [Music] The Reef is starting to look healthier already great work everybody Dolphins we never could have done it without your help there's just one more thing what is it tag you're it [Music] I can't believe we're back in these chilly Waters again it's all in the name of science quasi indeed the creatures of the Arctic Zone make some fascinating sounds and with the octopods underwater microphone we can record them for our collection [Music] what's making that sound just my tummy I ate some of tunic's kelp cakes for lunch with a wee bit too much hot sauce wait I'm picking up something else listen sounds like walruses to me the computer will match the sound with the animal and we'll see if you're right captain ah walruses now let me guess the next one it is a strange sound from a strange creature and this strange creature could only be that Harry yes hearing they took by blowing gas bubbles out of their behinds out of there behind oh what's that coming from sounds like some kind of whale song it is head whales they only live here in the Arctic so their sounds can't be recorded anywhere else look [Music] Howdy Folks hello were the Octonauts please to meet you that's an enormous head even for a whale the head of each forehead whale is as big as a bus we're not aim of the bread now but we both heads do have the strongest toughest head in the Arctic how tough tough enough to smash through just about anything yeah wow and we make some pretty big sounds too ready boys [Music] perfect recording of them Bullhead whales sing all the time while they're traveling playing even eating it's how they talk to each other it's always nice to make new friends out here on the Arctic range but now we've got to hit the trail it's feeding time come on Giddy Up partners goodbye [Music] yeah what's that more whales it sounds familiar sounds like a call for help it is then we haven't got a moment to lose quasi peso to the launch bay [Music] it's coming from inside that ice tunnel [Music] Chevrolet Avalanche they must be somewhere behind all that ice are you all right we are trapped in here we can't get out I know that voice [Music] is this you yes old friend what happened me and my two friends we Dove down very very deep everything was good yes until the fat eyes moved and corrupt us in here guys it is too thick for a narwhal to punch through and we are almost out of air then we need to get you out of there now Octonauts to the HQ [Music] Octonauts three narwhals are trapped under the ice and they're running out of air jumping jellyfish narwhals are whales and whales breathe air they can only stay underwater for a little while and then they need to come up to breathe again we've got to get them out of the ice but first let's get them some air we'll run a breathing tube down there right away camp afternoon let's do this foreign [Music] for the breathing tube we're pushing in a breathing tube Boris it won't be long now duh please hurry old friend we are feeling very weak [Music] yes that did it oh there it is [Music] ah thank you much better now that you've got air to breathe it's time to break through that ice Dashie let's try the gupsies Icebreaker horse breaker activated not even a crack let's bring in the drill twig we'll need the gupti [Music] all right cap I'll have him out of there faster than you can say bunch of munchy crunch carrots bubbles back away as far as you can it's real stuck bad eyes is just too thick [Music] I'd better pull out as soon as everything stops spinning Easy Does It um oh no the breathing tube oh it is no use we're back where we started and we will soon be there again we're not giving up on you Boris Octonauts we've tried the guts but we need something even stronger to break through this ice and we need it now Captain we could milk the ice with a blowtorch good idea but it would take too long how about blasting it with a Sonic slicer the ice you think for that there are I've got an old pirate Canon under my bed but I'm all out of cannonballs bowhead whales tough enough to smash through just about anything good thinking junip now all we have to do is find our new bullhead whale friends again let's curl them back to the Octopod by playing their songs [Music] oh [Music] wow howdy yo we need your help three novels are trapped in the ice and we can't break them free well we both heads are the greatest icebreakers in the 70s ain't that right boys ready to take a ride partner Captain help is on the way thanks Dashie how much longer look [Music] Boris novels everyone get back [Music] [Music] [Music] my dear old friend thanks to you and your Octonaut crew for saving us and you two are Mighty forehead whale friends oh shucks Forest we're not always glad to help the fellow wailing me yes thank you bowheads it's amazing what you can do when you put your heads together especially when you've got heads this big ain't that right boys Happy Trails partners I'm I'm Captain Barnacles come on everyone join in right let's go
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 1,022,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, @octonauts, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, octopod, underwater sea education for kids, sea education for kids, explore the ocean, marine mammals, marine mammal rescues, sea lions, seals, whales
Id: ciG3kEFMr2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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