Octonauts - The Biggest Crab Ever | Triple Special | Cartoons for Kids

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the octonauts and the dwarf lantern shark [Music] how fast there it is a whale shark looks like we're just in time whale sharks dive down to deep waters only once a day i can't wait to find out what it does down there he's going down captain then so are we shellington what are those things their krill peso that must be what the whale shark comes down here for the krill yes that tiny little shrimp that the whale shark eats let's take a closer look i will have to they're mighty small we'll use the octagonals quasi they'll make those tiny krill look big activate octogoggles flippers mmm fascinating wow amazing [Music] hey there's something glowing over there what is that flappity flippers a giant shark are you talking to me wait a minute my octo goggles hey you're not a gigantic shark you're tiny yeah i get that a lot but even though i am small and i glow i'm still a shark okay what's wrong this thing is stuck to my back and i can't get it off it makes it hard to swim don't worry you've just got a sticky shell stuck to your back i can help you i'm a medic i help any sea creature who's hurt or sick no matter what heads up peso whale shark coming through little shark where are you i've got to help him but first i've got to find him captain barnacles i just met a tiny little shark and he had a shell on his back what did you see peso a shark a teeny tiny glowing shark he was hurt and he needed help but the waves from the big whale shark knocked him way down deep and i don't know where he is well then we'd better find him let's sound the octo alert octonauts to your stations [Applause] [Music] octonauts there's a shark out there who needs our help peso what did the shark look like well he's tiny about as big as my flipper i've never heard of a shark that small well sharks do come in all different sizes indeed there are huge whale sharks like the one you follow today and also much smaller sharks but none of my old books mention a shark as small as the one you saw peso see your eyes must have been playing tricks on you i know what i saw it was a teeny tiny little shark and if he was swept downwards we'll have to look for him in deeper darker waters come on we've got a tiny shark to find barnacles out how are we supposed to find anything down here in the dark peso said the little shark glows so let's shut off our lights so we can see if anything's glowing out there shiver me whiskers it looks like outer space each of those lights is a different sea creature one of them must be the little shark if he was swept down this way he probably didn't get far we'll have to split up but be careful it's so dark down here that it's easy to get lost deep sea suits on everyone [Music] excuse me are you oh you're not a tiny shark at all you're an angler fish you got that right pal ah these are no sharks that's for sure just a glowing jellyfish oh that one's really bright nope hatched fish [Music] where are you little shark where am i peso to captain barnacles i seem to have got separated from the group where are you can anybody hear me oh no my radio isn't working i must be too far away from the others oh is that the lantern shark no it's much bigger and brighter and it's coming right at me yikes ahoy peso quasi why are you swimming upside down i'm not upside down you're upside down you got that wrong pal huh [Music] come on peso we need to go find the other octonauts but we haven't found the tiny shark yet peso i've chased after lots of strange creatures and the truth is sometimes you find them and sometimes you don't but this one needs our help well if we don't find captain barnacles and the others we're gonna need help too righto let's stick together i'll look for the shark while you look for the octonauts [Music] shellington have you seen peso or quasi no just lots of glowing fish and no little shark either peso quasi come in their radios must not be working i hope they're not lost we'd better oh what is that [Music] wait for me captain [Music] a tiny shark oh thank goodness you saw my flashing i'm glad it helped you find me we lanton sharks use our lights to find each other fascinating well i've never seen a shark as small as you everybody says that oh this shell on my back is really bugging me we can help with that well not me but our medic he's called peso hey so he's my band where is he well uh i'm afraid he's out there somewhere we've got to find him i can see pretty well in the dark so i can help look for him oh he's getting hard for me to swim with this shell don't worry i can carry you okay [Music] see anything look something's flashing [Music] hello over here this way matey ah they can't see us if only we had a flashing light that's it we do [Music] now that's what i call a bright idea [Music] oh i hope they see us [Music] hi it's working peso quasi is that you you found us hola peso and you found the little shark well shiver me whiskers it is a tiny shark let's get you fixed up what kind of tiny creature are you anyway matey i am a dwarf lantern shark and i know i'm little but i am still a shark [Music] there good as new thanks peso i sure am glad we found each other how about a picture take good care of yourself it's a big ocean out there will do bye nice to meet you bye bye it's called a dwarf lantern shark of course it wasn't in any of my old books because you're one of the first explorers to find one this is the smallest shark in the world a dwarf lantern shark well it just goes to show you sharks come in all different shapes and sizes just like octonauts do the octonauts and the pirate parrotfish [Music] now this is a picture of me grandfather calico jack it's because of him that i chose the pirate line wow he looks very cool and very piratey with that parrot on his shoulder that was his parrot sidekick pete calico jack and pete were devoted to each other as parrot and pirate are meant to be what else do you know about him well matey there is a song about him a song can you sing it hi i can sing it most of it anyway he hunted for treasure he scratched the fleas the bravest cat on the seven seas once he got going he never turned back and that's the truth about calico jack he always had courage he couldn't be beat ah ah that's as much as i know i've never been able to find out what the last line of the song is you'll find out someday i know it i hope you're right peso uh-oh the frame's broken but at least the picture's all right what's that on the other side shiver me whiskers there be a map hidden on the back of this picture i reckon it be a treasure map pirates always hide their treasure maps hi matey i'm certain this map will lead us to the treasure of parrot island me grandfather calico jack must have wanted me to find this map captain look x marks the treasure of parrot island and i'm gonna find it but how do we find it um we're looking for a parrot-shaped island with a volcano on one side and a little island with a palm tree on the other dashie i'm already on it captain i'm matching it to the maps on our computer that's not it no not quite nope that's definitely not it no that's uh ah she blows [Music] yeah tis not far from here then let's explore the island and find the treasure quasi sound the octoalert aye aye [Music] octonauts our mission is to find the treasure of parrot island and explore the let's go captain all right peso into the guppy with quasi yes captain [Music] according to the map we should be coming up on some kind of green blobs i wonder what it could be algae and lots of it hmm it's impossible to see where we're going now captain look ahoy there mateys i can clean this windscreen in no time [Music] thank you thank you hearty no problem algae is my favorite snack well matey it's lucky for us that you like this scurvy muck ah you sound like a pirate yar i am a pirate oh i've always wanted to meet a real knife pirate my name's parrotfish pete a parrotfish named pete my grandfather calico jack had a parrot named pete calico jack the famous pirate was your grandfather so you've heard of him i i'm a big fan of pirates what be your name i'd be quasi i could be your sidekick quasi and his trusty sidekick pete the parrotfish doesn't that sound great well pirates usually have parrots as sidekicks not parrot fish well i've got a beat like a parrot but i'm even better than a parrot look i can change me colors [Music] yeah parrots can't do that that's true and pirates won't clean the algae off your windscreen either that certainly was a big help all right then but we're in a hurry to find some treasure matey so you'll have to keep up whoa my first day is a trusty pirate sidekick and i get to search for treasure let's go part fish pete [Music] what do you think these pointy things are i wish i knew i'll swim ahead and find out for you mateys [Music] ahoy mateys this reef be full of sharks jagged edges and narrow passageways i think your ship is too big to fit through it but according to the map we have to go through it to find the treasure then we'll leave the gup here and swim the rest of the way i wonder what these squiggly lines are [Music] are we going in there what's that and that and that now we know what those squiggly lines on the map are eels aye moray eels these waters are full of a matey and look at their sharp teeth ah but we have to get past them to find the treasure how are we going to do that they can get us past them me hearties help more eels like to eat carrot fish but we have a way of protecting ourselves from them first i cover myself in a bubble the eels can't see very well and this bubble makes it so they can't smell me either which means they leave you alone very clever that might be fine for you but we can't make bubbles me hearty oh i'll make them for you octonauts let's do this [Music] oh no the eels can smell peso peso this way [Music] quick in there quasi bubble block [Music] it worked they can't smell peso anymore we're safe now phew pete we never would have made it without your protective bubbles ah it was nothing parrotfish pete any pirate will be proud to call you his sidekick ah thanks quasi according to the map parrot island should be right around here let's swim to the surface and look for it [Music] look there's the volcano and there's the little island with the palm tree yeah but there's no parrot island anywhere maybe my grandfather's map was wrong i've asked down here mateys yeah look at that wow it's an underwater island [Music] high and parrot island is actually parrot fish island there's my grandfather's treasure what's this key for [Music] oh look a keyhole i'll try it matey [Music] he hunted for treasure he scratched for fleas the bravest cat on the seven seas once he got going he never turned back and that's the truth about calico jack he always had courage he couldn't be beat when he said with his parents [Music] quasi you found it the last line of the song [Music] i me hearty now that's a treasure for sure how can i ever thank you pete ah don't mention it so what do you say you want to keep being me parrotfish sidekick oh well it's been exciting being a sidekick but now that we've found parrotfish island i think i'd like to stay here with the other parrotfish all right me hearty i understand but how about your very own song to remember your pirate days by a song about me you don't have to worry when you get in trouble cause people protect you with a special bubble as brave friends go he can't be [Music] the octonauts and the giant spider crab just look at that octonauts beautiful isn't it hi looks like our kind of place captain and best of all this whole area is still unexplored it's just out there waiting for us well quasi's gonna be the first to explore the unexplored tonight it's a bit late to start exploring now quasi we can wait till morning morning a pirate never waits till morning not when there's an adventure to be had at night you're not just a little bit scared of what might be out there scared this pirate isn't afraid of anything not even sharks i laugh at them how about poisonous jellyfish not scary to me what about vampire squids vampire squids ah let me add them snakes nope bats no scorpions no match for quasi uh how about spiders [Music] spiders luckily there are no spiders in the ocean matey um there aren't are they captain don't worry spiders only live on land good well then as i was saying this pirate is afraid of nothing all right but be careful out there yo ho yoho it's out to sea i go hmm [Music] vampire squids and sharks i'm not scared of oh that's strange what who's there and what's this if it's a sea plant it's a funny-looking one [Music] here's another one huh wait a minute these aren't plants they're more like legs one two three four five six seven eight eight legs just like a spider [Music] he he not couldn't believe what i saw back there it was creepy it was crawly it was it was this big no it was bigger than that it was huge what was it how fast it was a giant spider and it made a strange noise like this but captain i thought you said there were no spiders under the sea captain you've got to see this there's something big out there and it looks like it has eight legs let's sound the octa alert octonauts to the launch bay [Applause] [Music] octonauts quasi has discovered a mysterious creature in these unexplored waters now it's up to us to find out what it is i'll give a good bait ready kip and i'll stay here at the octopod to fix something with my tools quasi those were my tools quasi we need you to come along you're the only one who knows what this creature looks like what does it look like the biggest spider i've ever laid my eyes on a spider in the ocean i know it doesn't seem likely but whatever quasi saw out there we're going to find it peso shellington into the guppy was he are you with us [Music] hi captain i'm with you good tweak open the octopatch [Music] see anything crew nope not yet it is pretty dark out there you know you're right captain why don't we just head back to the octagon whoa some things upset them activate microphone peso let's listen and see if we can figure out where that sound is coming from [Music] it's coming from over there we're getting closer closer whatever it is captain it should be right here hello out there we mean you no harm we are the octonauts and one of us doesn't like spiders who are you and why are you grabbing our gum oh i'm sorry i wanted to say hello i am a spider i knew it on you was a spider abandoned ship and swim for your lives crab huh excuse me you're a what a spider crab a giant spider crab to be exact of course a giant spider crab i should have known so you not a scary spider hey oh no i just look like one i'm really a crab the largest crab in the entire ocean with many many legs fascinating yes i have eight legs and two pincer arms pincer arms they help me to move around and grab things to eat ouch what's wrong mr giant spider crab oh there's something stuck to one of my legs oh no it's a giant clam it's very heavy and noisy so that's what that scary thunk thug thunk noise wars it looks painful we're coming out right now to help you right quasi right captain [Music] this clam is shut tight i've seen this before when clams gets stepped on they close up to protect themselves it's nearly impossible to pry them open huh this could take a while um why do these things always happen when i'm in a hurry what's the rush i'm trying to get to a birthday party whose birthday is it mine my children and grandchildren are having a great big party for me i'm 100 years old today a hundred years old shiver me whiskers oh yes we spider crabs can live for years and years long enough to meet many of our grandchildren i just hope i get to see mine today on our honor as octonauts we'll get you unstuck [Music] oh [Music] captain according to my medical manual giant clams open and close using this muscle i tried tickling it good idea good that's it peso you'll tickle the clam quasi and shellington you try to pull the clam open i'll lift the crab's leg out tickle pull and lift octonauts let's do this excellent tickle and lift [Music] yes it's working let's really get him laughing now tickle pull lip [Music] say would you like to come to my birthday party the octonauts never say no to a birthday party shiver me whiskers i've never seen so many kiddies and grand kiddies grandpa you made it ah yes thanks to my new octonaut friends i got here just in time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] spider crabs you mean [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 4,540,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: NNc-QqixA44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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