​@Octonauts - Team Rescue Co-operation | 60 Mins+ Compilation | Underwater Sea Education

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foreign [Music] do you really think I can learn to drive a cup as well as you do in just one easy lesson tonight I'm gonna teach you everything I know and then I'll surprise everyone with my Advanced top driving skills ah just one thing let's not wake up tweak no need to worry her about us taking out the cups for a little driving lesson right let's go sorry after you now I'll take that [Music] oh sorry oh I'll take copy and remember just do everything that I do [Music] oh sorry Shellington yes remember watch closely and do as I do matey jumping jellyfish that's impressive your turn just put your paws on that steering wheel and go super fast right oh that's not what I did now watch me again and do exactly what I did just do exactly what quasi does I did it all right well we've crashed the gaps but it doesn't look like we did much damage oh oh oops should we sound the October alert what no ah tweak's not the only one who can fix gups especially when all they're missing is a few things here's what we need the emergency toolkit uh do you really think we can make the repairs ourselves of course we love these cups fixed up first and you can say um scratchy catchy cat paws oh well I guess the first thing to do is to find the missing parts first we find the look I've already found my steering wheel this is gonna be easy [Music] my name's Murray and you guys are Shellington now let's put this back where it belongs yeah anyway we had a bit of an accident and we lost some parts of our gaps we won't be able to go home until we find them and put them back on not a lot of business it goes but how many parts are we talking about here oh good question let's make a list two orange rivets two yellow rivets one headline cover one green console button five carats and one spring coil oh there's a lot of little parts and this roof has a lot of nooks and crannies and a lot of ways to get lost I see and Nook listen I don't want to be pushy but it's a little advice you need to work with a right fish at the right time you've got a cooperate the only fish we know on the reef is you matey then you're in luck come on what do you say will you and the guys help my new friends find what they're looking for [Music] groupers not little gut parts do you have any fish biscuits on you what oh yes I do [Music] [Music] but sometimes the thingy is inside a little crevice between the Rocks we groupers could see it but we can't get to it so we signal the eels like this and we going after it more ideas are expensive imagine what is how it's done lovely jubbly fascinating new groupers and that is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the only part missing is the coil for tweaks carrot shooter we can't go back without that and we need to hurry so we can get to the Octopod before morning oh I saw your coil but it's nowhere groupers or eels will ever go are you talking about uh-huh sting a rock that's exactly what I'm talking about what's Stinger rock is a nice thing big time I bet tweak would come up with a perfect thing to pry that spring loose without getting stung hi Kitty then we'll just have to think like tweet I can't so it's not as cool as something tweak would make but this is tricky good luck quasi excuse me [Music] you've almost got it [Music] we got it that's how you do it that's real cooperation before everybody wakes up [Music] it's fixed the cups are looking good we better head back it's almost morning thanks Murray and Trooper we couldn't have done it without help from you groupers and Eels yeah looks like operation cooperation was a success [Music] tweak you're up early Yep looks like youtubing out on a little old Adventure but we're back and as you can see these gobs are in perfect condition ah perfect condition I'm gonna scratch looks like your steering wheels a little loose there [Music] uh what did I miss don't worry cap we'll fix up those cups festering you can see a bunch of munchy crunchy carrots [Music] we're coming up to the trench Captain excellent Dashie Steady As She Goes that must be it it looks really deep let's find a safe place to set the ship down near the trench prepare to land whiskers also pink and Wiggly looking Dashie pull up now I'm on it captain [Music] we'll have to find another place to land that looks like Captain I noticed we changed course is everything all right I don't know Shellington what do you make of that fascinating Captain those are sea pigs see pigs yes sea pigs are creatures that live in the deep ocean but they don't swim they walk around on the sea floor with little legs and it looks like they're walking straight towards the trench that's not good if they fall in they won't be able to swim out that's a long way to fall that's not the only problem sea pigs eat bits of food that drift down from the surface of the ocean and hardly any of it gets down that far I so they'd be stuck and hungry was he sound the off to alert Octonauts to the launch band [Music] Octonauts a large herd of sea pigs is heading towards the trench we have to stop them before they fall in we'll need gups a b c d and e Octonauts let's do this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I think the sea pigs may have picked up the scent of food on the other side of the trench they can smell food from very far away then we better find whatever it is the sea pigs are smelling and bring it over to this side of the trench for them to eat quasi tweak Dashie and Shellington you come with me peso stay here and keep an eye on the sea pigs there's no food down there this must be what the sea pigs are smelling those fellas actually eat this slimy stuff it's rotten sea kelp that's fallen down from the surface for sea pigs it's very healthy healthy on the or not I reckon it smells awful I'm glad I've got this helmet on it'll take forever to gather all this up Captain the sea pigs are getting closer to the edge you have to hurry well there's no way we can get this slop over to the sea pigs in time unless Octonauts stay here and load this into the gups as quickly as you can in meantime I think there might be a way to distract them yes I know it smells but we need to make something even smellier can you use this to cook an extra smelly Feast for a huge herd of hungry sea pigs and fast [Music] hey what's up [Music] [Music] that smells all great work I'm sure the sea pigs will love it [Applause] [Music] Captain I can't hold them back any longer and you won't have to come flippers they're turning around steady as we go Juniper oh they're here while I unload the sea pigs feast [Music] the GUP X is sinking into the mud we need your help now on my way captain foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no hey so let's go Aussie junip has fallen into the trench I need you to go after him fast aye aye Captain everyone else some of the sea pigs have followed the GUP X into the trench we need to rescue them too [Music] I'm coming for your tunic foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by one cap it'll take too long then we'll have to round them up Octonauts follow me as fast as you can we're going to make a sea pig whirlpool all right it's working peso open the Guppies holding tank there you go [Music] quasi any sign of junip and the glider so Captain they disappeared request backup we need more than backup quasi we need a plan and I think I might just have one could be anywhere that's why we're going to sniff him out all right little C piggy food fine food smells food there Captain what there was still some of the sea kelp cake left on top of the glider our friend there is sniffing it out [Music] look there it looks like junip [Music] yum yum yes [Music] thanks for your help I don't know what we'd have done without you food more food there's plenty more where that came from they sure do like that smelly stuff which is more that can be said for poor chew nip [Music] hahaha [Music] okay Leo thing up here looks good now let's check your tentacles checking checking still checking just one teeny tiny tentacle to untangle this won't hurt a bit there all better oh you are the best doctor in the whole ocean Castle let us know your Stingers seem to be working just fine I'm so sorry I love to just argue but it never seems to end well it's all right Leo I'm wearing a sting proof suit besides you're a lion's mane jellyfish it's what you do ah you're right is how I protect myself and my friends [Music] he found the big fishes like that one there try to eat my friends ah I keep them all right guys that's right Leo and you're always giving us food we couldn't be happier which one of you fish would like a checkup and a sticker okay tuna we are officially done fixing up the bubble engine let's fill her back up with water yeah remember when the water reaches the lawn space Jack blows the front door easy is fine but first let's make sure the area outside the OCTA body is all clear no creatures in the area we are all clear [Music] [Music] now let's test your tail fins [Music] swim to that big rock as fast as you can uh-huh [Music] okay we're gonna close the door right about [Music] let's come in what is it trick we got a situation down here what kind of situation I'll just grab it as a tentacle top situation [Music] ouch oh what just happened sorry big fella we sort of kind of such into the Octopod but we're going to get you and your tentacles back into the ocean but what about my friends those little fishes are in the big danger I must live here at once oh oh Leo stop you hurt yourself aso's right please let us help you and your friends okay but please be quick don't seem to bother will you stay here and keep Leo company Leo On My Honor as an Octonaut we will get you out of here hey so sound the Octo alert afterwards swim to the HQ and wear your stink proof suits [Music] Octonauts these tentacles belong to a lion's mane jellyfish named Leo he's stuck in the bubble engine and everywhere else of course tentacles this long could only belong to a lion's main jellyfish Lions Mains are the largest jellyfish in the world as long as a blue whale their tentacles often provide protection to smaller fish [Music] oh no Dogfish those fish are in serious danger without Leo Leo we need to act fast our mission is to untangle these tentacles and protect those fish Captain it's been my experience the tentacles untangling tentacles is never a good idea I'd have to agree but I could protect these fish and I don't have stinging tentacles but I do shoot ink okay Professor but please be careful of course captain peso you're an expert at wrapping and unwrapping bandages any tips it's all in The Flipper but what if you don't have any flippers then it's all in the wrist oh sorry Leo try it again quasi time take a deep breath and make the following sounds well obvious sea Monkey's Uncle this is kind of fun does she would you like to give it a try tweak hmm where might those fish that's our lunch oh and it's getting cold I'm a Dumbo octopus to be precise and I must insist that you seek lunch elsewhere or what I'd be forced to use my tentacles on you ah your Lions made jellyfish bills don't sting now out of our way I did warn you and now we make a getaway here they are after them okay Captain your turn Octonauts the HQ is now all clear let's spread out and untangle the rest of the Octopod [Music] s England how's it going out there well captain we're surrounded on all sides by Dogfish I'm not sure how much ink I have left we need Leo out here and first understood tweak technical report please the sleeping quarters are all clear as are all the shoots and working areas all that's left is the bubble engine that's the tangliest tangle of all Octonauts this will take all of us working together no Captain it's too complicated it's not even in the book I need to do this one on my own what is going on when can I live We've Just Got One Last Tangle to take care of and it's a big one junip I'll need you to step outside [Music] you can do this pesos oh Leo this will be over in a second and you may feel an uncontrollable need to laugh Captain we are fully untangled Octonauts prepare for super flush tweak hold on everybody thank you oh no I've got this one person you just in time oh it feels really good to be untangled and all of your tentacles seem to be just fine then I think I'm ready for my sticker yes please [Music] I can't wait to see how my biggest patient is doing ah I can't wait to see if your patience really as big as you say peso here we are the coral reef where's your patient Captain I don't see anything big it's right here quasi my patient is the coral reef what of course coral reefs are made of coral which is alive the coral reef needs a checkup just like any other creature that's true the coral reef is home to lots of different animals so if anything happened to the coral they'd have nowhere to live ah that is a big patient [Music] it's not good what's wrong peso this Coral is turning white Shillington which means it's getting sick there's another White Spot over here peso you'd better take a look at this no the entire coral reef is getting sick if anything happens to it all these creatures will have to find a new home there's only one thing to do quasi Shellington I need you to find me a small piece of healthy coral on the seafloor at school Captain I need to borrow your hydro drill what are you planning peso an emergency Coral transplant I drill a tiny hole into the sick Coral here you go piece of coral perfect now I'll put this piece of healthy coral into the hole and there that's a coral transplant the piece of healthy Coral will help make the sick Coral better look great we've saved a coral reef at just in time for lunch I don't think so quasi look at all those white spots I'm going to have to do a lot more Coral transplants to make this Reef healthy again and we're going to help you let's sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the HQ [Applause] [Music] Octonauts the coral reef is sick our mission is to help peso do as many Coral transplants as it takes to make it healthy again but the coral reef is huge what's the plan Dashie you quasi and tunip will search for healthy pieces of coral on the sea floor Shellington and Professor Inkling will sort through them to find the healthiest ones then tweak and I will drill tiny holes in the wreath and peso will put the coral pieces into the holes now everybody got it got it Octonauts let's do this foreign if we all work together The Reef will be healthy again in no time [Music] another piece of coral yeah just a sea sponge spiky sea urchin sorry little urchin these coral pieces are harder to find than I thought what was that foreign [Music] someone's playing a trick on me at me you should have seen the look on your face Dolphins what's the big idea playing tricks on me while I'm just playing around what you doing here anyway wanna play with us we're blowing bubble rings yeah I'm too busy to play right now suit yourself [Music] there's a pirate here trying to work thank you Dashie have a look at this one Shellington huh this one looks very healthy I'll put it with the other red ones jumping jellyfish oh come on there you go beso thanks tweak steady yeah cool you want to play cats that's one of our favorite games here catch whoa careful with that sorry Dolphins but we've got work to do maybe some other time someone who wants to play with us come on we've been working for hours and we still have so much more to do I have the speed we're going it could take days to finish and these Dolphins aren't making things any easier foreign [Music] [Music] ton these Dolphins won't leave us alone why are they acting like this it's normal dolphin Behavior Captain dolphins are curious creatures oh what's this [Music] they love to play with each other and make up new games [Music] hey everybody check this out I've got a sponge on my nose SpongeBob [Music] [Music] oh this is starting to get out of hand attention Dolphins we have very important work to do if you could please just play you can't catch me oh enough is enough [Music] that's easy now I just want to um [Music] look out whale sharks Straight Ahead [Music] nice catch thanks are you okay yep thanks for the warning back there so what should we play now sorry but play time is over we often Auto trying to save the coral reef I need to get back there what's wrong with The Reef it's very sick and we're drunk to help it we find pieces of healthy coral and put them into tiny holes in the reef oh so that's what you guys were doing find the coral put it in the hole hey that kind of sounds like a game can I play a help too well we do need all the help we can get but um what could you do find the coral put it in the hose find the car hey I found it ah that sea sponge on your nose is a pretty good tool for finding Coral in the sand found another one do you think you could show the other Dolphins how to do that to The Reef let's go [Music] everybody ready with all of us helping out we'll be finished in thank you [Music] [Music] I reckon I can find five pieces of coral before you find one ah you're on lazy [Music] another healthy one thank you [Music] that's the last one here you go thanks there we're finished [Music] The Reef is starting to look healthier already great work everybody Dolphins we never could have done it without your help there's just one more thing what is it tag you're it this little reef is only a few years old but it's already full of life I this wreath is busy even if it's not very big hey it's big enough who said that I'm right here show yourself oh yeah I am I'm a frog fish my name's Anton wow you look so much like the reef I didn't see you there matey that is the idea I'm camouflaged which means I blend in with what's around me it keeps me safe from bigger fish who want to eat me like those sharks sharks everybody hide all right I thought I smelled food let's head to a bigger Reef see what I mean you fooled the matey fascinating these other fish can't blend in like the frogfish but the reef has lots of places for them to hide this Reef keeps us and all our friends safe it is our home sweet home oh sorry about that we'll fix the pedals steering isn't working right all right and as soon as you fix the steering something else will break oh no this is the first goodbye ever built so I can't give up on her but maybe if I pedal a little faster [Music] are you all right yep and now I gotta fix the steering the pedal the rudder the top the bottom ah is there anything on the Gap F that doesn't need fixing the seats are still comfy Captain the storm tracker shows that there's a hurricane on the way octopod de quasi Shellington and tweak there's a hurricane heading your way and it's moving fast [Music] look up here [Music] quasi tweak Chillington are you all alright I'm captain the cup seat took a pound in but she's still in one piece wish I could say the same about the good pass the reef foreign [Music] jellyfish there's nothing left where's Anton hi matey glad I found you oh I'm not I mean if I'm that easy to see then I'm not camouflaged how will I hide from the sharks You Can't Hide either see what you mean Captain the coral Reef's been destroyed and these fishies need a new place to live we have to do something agreed Dashie sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay [Music] Octonauts The Reef dwellers need our help their home was destroyed by the hurricane and now they have no shelter or protection Maybe all the fish to another Reef there may not be enough time to move them before the second part of the hurricane hits second part a hurricane starts with strong winds and waves that stir up the ocean then there's calm like it is now but that's because we're in the quiet center of the storm known as the eye after the eye passes it's followed by winds and waves even stronger than the first ones never survive that without a reef hmm what if we build them a new reef ah you're talking about making an artificial Reef captain an artificial Reef can be made out of anything a sunken ship or even an old train carriage as sponges call home but what could we use to make an artificial Reef [Music] but I reckon it'll make a great artificial wreath great idea tweak but we'll have to work fast the first step we should cover the gup f with algae and coral Captain using lots of sticky limp glue Octonauts let's do this [Music] thank you hey hey you missed the spot much better well what do you think oh it has plenty of places for me to blend in and plenty of hiding places for the rest of us I say let's move in oh hold on everybody and don't touch anything yet the sticky Olympic glue still needs time to dry Captain the second half of the storm is coming in quicker than we thought and it's going to be big everything was put on will get washed away oh no if you get washed away oh no it's tragedy this is a disaster don't worry me hotties we Octonauts always have a backup plan anybody got a backup plan it's a shame the artificial Reef doesn't have a helmet like we do hmm maybe we can give it one okay [Music] hatch seal okay tweak lower the toe line [Music] now take it away tweak you got it [Music] easy now and down the Dome will protect the reef cap but if it takes a direct hit I can't guarantee it'll hold Dashie can you give me the exact Direction the hurricane will head from sending it to you right now captain Octonauts will line up the gups a b d and e and form a wall to stop the hurricane from hitting the reef too hard you know steady stay close together everyone hurricane Force current will hit in five one brace yourselves foreign [Music] [Music] you're not looking close enough how's that for camouflage well done Macy glad you're safe you know cause this Leaf is perfect for frogfish like me and for us we love it we are Quasi I admit that the good bath was never the fanciest cup but I'm proud to say that it sure is the homeiest guy wonderful in here I am no longer fergal of the Sharky foreign [Music] this is creepy it's like a ghost town down here you mean a gross Town Shellington what is this green mess it's algae algae is a common plant in the ocean but there's a lot more here than usual [Music] yep all this slimy algae keeps clogging up octopod faster than I can clean it out [Music] sorry about that Dashie didn't see you there behind me over here what is it quasi [Music] Professor Inkling those lobsters and crabs are moving I do Shellington very strange you think it has anything to do with all this algae not sure though this does seem familiar these creatures are poorly we have to help them Captain agreed but first we have to work out what's wrong oh poor little fellas what do you make of this quasi never seen anything quite like it come on this way all this algae seems to be making them ill [Music] Professor have you ever heard of such a thing I've observed this problem before but where hold on Shellington I can check my books to the library [Music] yep look at this there's a leak in this pot um I wonder if that could be part of the oh wow oh no the Octopod is taking off without us we've got to catch the Octopod Octonauts to the Gups [Music] Octonauts we've got to get back on board the Octopod more algae was he activate windscreen wipers all right captain [Music] hook up a to octopod cup a to octopod come in octopod Professor Inkling this is Captain Barnacles can you hear me please come in to octopod is anyone there come in now where are my books about algae know their hair somewhere no one's answering that's odd I was just talking to the professor a few minutes ago I hope he's okay maybe he's taking a nap if he's not the professor then who's steering the Octopod [Music] ah here we are algae lots of algae lots and lots of algae Captain Barnacles if I can just get close enough I think I could grab the Octopod go for it twig [Music] well done we've got to get back on board the Octopod are you with me quasi hey so you drive me I I sir Octonauts let's do this ah yeah [Music] [Music] that was a close one thanks Captain come on we've got to get to the octohatch Professor Inkling could be in trouble all about algae ah [Music] [Music] she won't open let me try sometimes it takes some polar bear strike combined with some cats like Witness to get that job done hey follow me [Music] quasi [Music] are you seeing what I'm seeing shiverly whiskers the Octopod was taken by these crusty little fellas run for it [Music] all right all right we give up you've got us why did you crabs and lobsters take the Octopod and uh why are you all coughing and wheezing I ain't gonna lie to you me and my friends here we were feeling ill so we um bothered your octopod because to get better we had to leave our home and go someplace where there isn't so much algae jumping jellyfish [Music] so all that algae was making you ill but where did all that algae come from in the first place hmm I wonder if the water's polluted polluted yes that's when things get into the water that shouldn't be there which could make the algae grow until there's too much of it but what's polluting the water yep the Leaky part that's right the leaky pipe we saw must be putting something bad into the water what about the other creatures that are still there they may need our help that's right peso and that's why we're going back to fix that leaky pipe and clean up that extra algae I got it it's right in this book the water's polluted which is causing too much algae to grow which is making creatures ill what did I miss something [Music] Octonauts let's clean up this water right away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you do it [Music] welcome home we've cleaned up the extra algae and fixed the leaky pipe that caused the algae to grow too much [Applause] [Music] just right yeah much better thanks Octonauts sorry for taking your ship now you won't have to leave your home ever again or run away with your octopod foreign [Music] [Music] trouble a completely stuck kind of trouble in fact I don't think we're gonna make it home in time for dinner Captain quasi where are you stuck in a rock pool [Music] we were so busy exploring that when the tide went out it left us in we'll just have to make the best of it yeah did anyone bring a beach ball all kinds of creatures get stranded in rock pools until the tide comes back in to free them beautiful shell we'll have to wait here for an hour until the tide brings the water back in again peso you're in charge until we get back me right oh Captain I need you to keep a watch on things until we get back to the Octopod oh I'll do my best to keep everything under control here you can do it peso Barnacles out [Music] sorry we'll play again later right now I have to get to HQ all right looks nice and calm out there that's good let's check the radar tweak I don't see anything unusual on the radar that's good let's listen for any unusual sounds coming from outside the Octopod no unusual sounds out there that's good [Music] that's not good it sounds like a creature who needs help we we've got to do something tweak we've got to to sound the Octo alert [Music] Octonauts to the launch page [Applause] [Music] Octonauts I've got to find whatever's making that noise don't forget to use the camera on the gup yes so we can see what you see out there remember now right here ready to help you [Music] um peso oh right okay open the Octo hatch please [Music] well Professor basil may be a little shaky but he's doing fine yes peso's never too frightened to help once he's learned that something might be in danger Nothing Stops him [Music] it has to be nearby I hear it but I don't see anything righto [Music] whoa oh Flappy flippers what's that I believe it's a hermit crab not dangerous but very unhappy at the moment right time for a checkup [Music] hello my name is peso I'm an Octonaut and a medic can you tell me your name please get me out okay Mr get me out now this won't hurt a bit oh my name's not get me out I want you to get me out of this shell I'm on ow oh it's no use here maybe I can pull you out no ow that hurts sorry oh I told you it was no use don't worry we'll get you out of that shell somehow I know someone who can help us friends think tweak I'll cut open a shell with my octo slicer and he'll be free easy as pie yeah now what are you doing we're going to remove the shell for you we'll just cut it open and stop please hello stop why listen I'm almost too big for the Shelley men I need a new one and that shell is just right just right it may be too small for him but it's a perfect size for me he's not the only hermit crab around here you know next oh well let's get on with it if you cut that shell enough it'll be ruined ruined I'll never find another one like it and believe me I've looked if you don't mind my asking why do you keep changing shells anyway oh because hermit crabs can't grow their own shells so we borrow the shells of other animals for protection we move into one shell grow up get bigger and then move to a bigger shell so what can we do tweak maybe I could just cut off the shell and then try to glue it back together that's too risky I think we need a new plan captain we have one hermit crab who needs to get out of his shell and another who wants to get in we have to safely remove the crab from its shell there's only one thing to do peso we have to perform a cradact to me Captain I've never performed a crab ectomy before it just watch out for those Pinchy claws I'll talk you through the whole operation I had to perform an emergency crab ectomy once in my polar bear cub days and I promise we won't damage that shell aye aye captain step one steady the shell step two fasten the hose [Music] step three prepare Landing Pad ready tweak [Music] this works me too captain we're ready for the crab out to me all right peso this should take five big pumps of air to push him out you'll have to really put some muscle into it flippers in place Captain alright on my count five four four three two three one [Music] haha [Music] yay we did it Well Done Octonauts and especially you peso your first crab back to me thanks captain how are things in the Rock pool it looks like the Tide's coming in Octonauts we're going home he go it's perfect thanks for the new shell see ya oh so now he's got mile shell what about me no shell no protection no nothing I'm naked what am I gonna do [Music] what's the cafe they're back peso tada oh how's this oh oh lovely home sweet home I think that should last you a while if you need someone to decorate your new home we do know a decorator crab [Music] I'm left in Barnacles come on everyone join in right let's go
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 444,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, @octonauts, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, octopod, underwater sea education for kids, sea education for kids, explore the ocean, marine mammals, whales, team rescues, octonauts team rescues
Id: iIUTjDJzwaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 56sec (4196 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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