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all right everybody welcome back to our new series Zangle we are going to be playing unranked to either diamond or master or even higher if I feel like it in the jungle only I'm going to learn this role this is a role I play pretty much the least out of all of them and I feel like this role is the most impactful a lot of my games are decided by the junglers so I'd like to be the person who decides who wins or loses the game plus I want to learn a bunch of jungle our jungle Champs in their clear so be a fun learning experience nice series for us to do so I'm starting off with Graves I don't know why I just had an itch to play him we're going to go full eality Graves most likely unfortunately we did get counterpicked apparently n is existed as a counter to Graves I'm sure we're going to learn why soon hopefully she just doesn't invade me here and kill me I'm hoping I can make an impact on the early game here because we have a pretty bad comp I mean at least we have a tank we have a Gallo but I have a feeling my bot Lan's not going to win all I ask for is just not to have three losing Lanes my first jumbo game it make my life a lot easier but win or lose it is what it is this game I'm fine with actually starting out with some losses cuz then I get more time to learn before I get to a high rank First Blood I think I already didn't do the correct clear though I probably should have just done oh there's NY okay cool I should have just done red into a gank actually because that's pretty much what n is doing but I want to secure my red before she invades me I think she's stronger than me early but if I wait in a bush feel like I could kill her where' she go all right let's try and gank well we burn some of his HP I'm go do bottom crab nly was top side y's probably going to get reg ganked here I actually wanted to pick up Nan player to but she's just getting nerfed this patch or next patch which I didn't think she was that strong I mean she's strong early but I don't feel like she's that broken cuz once she falls off a bit she she's pretty useless oh hey this guy's literally taking no damage en I think we die potion oh I used it too late I mean it is what it is that guy was 1 HP and I literally autoed him about 10 times so I guess Graves maybe isn't the strongest champ I'm not going to lie that was oh this is only 300 I I couldn't have autoed him more there I don't understand how he didn't take damage an ally has been slain at least we got a kill until he is doing good so I'm probably going to gank her she seems like she know knows what she's doing is she on the no I don't think I'm stronger than her I don't know after fighting that yaso I actually feel like the weakest chance in the game now so I'm going to try and get some items but maybe with this lethality Dirk I might actually have enough damage you can bait him I'm here you're kidding me I dead to Turret again okay it worked I'll give her a ward I got to go my bot side's about to spawn so apparently graves are going ghost blade into collector so we'll try it we need to zoom around the map I mean I'm just going to buy a bunch of Swords the thing is like I could get a m and then n can't beat me but then I have to get a m versus a bunch of AD chance he he's out I kind of need to gank him before he dies but I also got to clear we haven't seen NY in a while so I don't know not going to lie that blue buff just scared me cuz like at any moment a need spear can come out of a bush and then I'm dead he coming to w all right burn some of his HP I don't really have any cc to gank with so it's tough okay they're on Dragon just as I predicted my bot Lane's going to be losing to smolder but at least I have a TOA top that's winning yon is going to die I think I'd like level six if I could do a bit more damage all right I'll try to gank it but I mean Gall is the only oh n's here that's wed yeah I'd rather just leave them alone I guess Al has been SL and not really much I could have done there botling kind of ran it down I don't know why but smolder on my team is the most useless champ in the world smolder on the enemy team always wins Lane at least I get their minions I need to go clear my top side feeling lucky yeah the Tia should swap to Mid cuz then she could we could kill Yasuo cuz it's so hard for me to do stuff top like I want to do objectives but unfortunately very limited because I have a losing bot Lane so I couldn't do dra Dragon I'm counterpicked too so she catches me I can maybe go take one grub here but I don't know maybe I'll just get the crab an Al gank mid found NY I knew she'd be up here what are you play want to get vision from my top laner not bad that was actually pretty good can we do the grubbies now I'm sure Tia can get back to Lane quick plus she has all I'm scared to use my Dash in case Pantheon and naly appear then I need to dash over the wall and get out yep he's all oh my God he fail flashed all right that ended up working out Pantheon didn't die but NY did oh no your team has destroyed a turret oh God I'm not even typing dude I'm the jungle experience already the ego the the top laner ego all right I need a clear than base like that was a good fight I I don't get it why is she upset well I'm doing more than Nal I just have to pretty much ignore my losers which are bot Lan and play around mid and uh jungle leave her alone your team I got stunned by Nautilus y's here though he's not low enough to die to my ALT unfortunately I have Smite for 20 but we could do it he's going to steal it or she's going to steal it most likely nice I'm sure this TOA is going to get far on her YouTube career if she's going to treat people like [ __ ] for no reason give her free free plug you know nobody needs to know all right we got ghost blade we're going to go collector should I get boots Legend well at least I have two winning Lanes I'd say mid Lane's pretty even but he also did dive four times we just have to deal with the smold late game hopefully he doesn't want V5 easy partner although after playing Graves though I really like him he doesn't feel that strong I don't know why feel like if I mean he's not the greatest for this comp we need front line but I might play something something else trying to think I think belth will be really good my God she's kind of running them over let's settle the score I'll go do the objective nice all right we're essentially going to win unless she starts throwing so just need to be careful about that yeah let me know um let me know in the comments who you want me to play for the next game what jungler do you think I should play may we do like knockturn be a good one I need to play an AG jungler and an AP jungler I need to have at least one of each of those but I'm probably going to end up Ming around three Champions I don't want to play too many Unstoppable I just get the full clear and win I mean I I ganked Early N didn't get any ganks early so I definitely did more than her but there's not much else I can do when my lanes are winning that hard I just clear collector come to me I need more money uh-oh I mean she's not going to die she's literally one shotting dragon's up soon here's to see what ELO get put in I haven't used this account I barely even use this account this account's like 10 years old or something I don't remember this kind of feels like a silver game though the lower I get put the better though because like I said I need time to learn nice I need time to learn and play new stuff if I get put right into like emerald diamond I feel like it won't be as fun storm of blades at least they killed smolder en has has destroyed of my collector I've gotten almost every objective besides the first dragon which would would have been impossible oh you know what I want to play cane Kane red Kane's getting buffed I actually used to play Kane a lot so P will be a good one we'll see there's a lot of jungle Champs but if I can play a little variety of jungle camps that are good for different team comps I'd probably have the easiest time [Music] climbing and jungle so like chill sometimes I mean sometimes as mid lane I just submit in FAL game but this is like just clearing endlessly I mean I have the most Farm in the game an enemy has been here's where we'll start throwing though if people keep fighting mid we don't go for objectives or try to Siege his five she's probably raging oh no I took her 16th kill feel like I'm attacking faster oh hey a NY all right let me go buy collector Graves apparently go ldr Cleaver next they don't really have that much armor I feel like the cleaver for me would be better but I have enough I'm just going to buy this it's like I'm not even going to be able to Frontline that much cuz they're going to die I'm just going to be able to launch q and R in a fight so I may as well just go as much damage as I can get that armor shred your team has destroyed um did I ever pick up the herald oh no I picked up the herald and either didn't use it or I didn't pick it up but yeah I mean I was a little distracted I'm not going to lie I'm trying to figure out what to talk about I mean that's good we let Ash get engaged on we let Ash get engaged on and then we just fight them cuz they burn everything on the people that are easy to kill a my auto cancelled I think I was still dead even if the auto didn't cancel nice thing about Ash though is if the player sucks they just become an R button and they can eventually help I need a sweeper I'm not going to lie I don't even remember what happened to the heral ey did somebody else pick it up cuz we got this turret but maybe maybe I I don't remember picking it up it would have flash my screen I must have either not picked it up or somebody else did I just use the ghost blade to get to the Jungle faster I got no time it's not that long of a cool down it's was warded help her clear this oh now I'm starting to do some damage yeah I'm down to do Baron we get forced to fight that'll probably end the game the thing is they got Pantheon and smolder ALS it do doesn't look like they're ready yet we can just finish it well now I'm doing so much damage oh almost a quadri kill oh that's fun what are you I didn't really feel like I did damage though until I started critting them I don't know I definitely will need some Graves coaching if I want to keep playing him cuz I actually don't feel like I could have the biggest impact on him with how I play Team all right well our first game's a win not my proudest game but I'll take it all right everybody welcome back to Zangle my swag jungle climb today for our second day of jungling we're playing Kane and I'm running Harvest Sudden Impact eyeball treasure boots and Cosmic insight I think I'm going to go Blue cane they've got three squishies I think I'll still be able to kill a Brier Brier may not even go Bruiser so blue cane means I need to try and kill the Squishies early I just doal a lot of damage to them so I can get my form but I'll just be clearing until I can find them pushing up going try starting chickens clear top to bot Bing has two people I can gank this is the Kane I haven't played him in a while but he's relatively straightforward easy just clear don't want to get invaded by Brier though why would it want me to get e second gs do apparently get e second do they go straight to krugen or something and skip the red and then do red after will show I'll have to look at a clear by somebody who's a procane and see why they get e second whoops I have I did lose a bit of Health from that but can heal it back up with my e okay they're push pushed in Cork's pushed out Briar's probably clearing from bottom to top what I should start doing early is get a ward in their jungle so I can figure out where their jungler is going but that's hard to do with my intro but I can throw it down earlier oh of course my Blue's gone it's not a swag jungle video without one of my Buffs being stolen is it your I hate people play like that that's all she took and she cheese oh well I got some Stacks dude what is that clear here she stole my blue and then waited in the bot Bush all right interesting sword that's all I can get well go try and take her blue we got Nico how many Camp stage should do she did one less than I mean we came out on top on that I think yeah that's her flash that is so weird I might as well do these while I'm here I don't think I'm going to be able to take her blue Brier destroys me in one V one but hopefully I can get the crab before she gets there I off freed I just want to hit him for some stacks nice Target that I am a weapon not I got to push this or else Soul loses all these nice Brier's probably looking for me he my support doesn't have a support item interesting it did help us win that level one level two fight whatever it was the br's most likely going to be top side I see your nightmares do they trouble you not nightm I want to do grubs if she shows bot I do grubs but he's probably looking for me try and kill me when I go for something oh there she is underestimate me at your peril she's 28 Ally we can maybe do dragon if I can get my team oh come cuz now she gets grubs although set has t oh no I'm coming I will be your new master here we go I need one Auto there we go I'll take it their screams Thrill Me R's probably on grubs not really anything I can do oh she's not okay that's good I got a kill my Blue's going to be up in a second fear this want to keep clearing chickens though every time they I am no toy an ally has slki doesn't have enough Mana to dash I think I got him course spr's always around nope I'm dead it's all right we're going to go The lethality Hydra enemy has wonder if it's better to get the out I don't know it might be better but I want the damage yeah Bri just is getting a bit better setup but the thing is look I have 15 Farm on her still she just has the easier ganks here cuz she's just cleaning up their screams I will definitely outscale her she hasn't done grubs though she's not really doing objectives so it's fine she's just trying to counter my ganks is a let's see if I can get my form down here in a fight Al I'm going to die but I'll get my form oh that's nice should get my form nice I got blue form already that's really good at 8 minutes not bad okay now I can actually play the game they're probably going to get dragons so I might go straight to grubbies here everywhere bathing my enemies in Shadow I leave the light to the appr I'll leave red for now yep all it they on Dragon yeah we got a team out I'll save my Smite she might come up here to try and uh K me as I'm doing them nah she's probably basing he's mid my enemies in really low I leave the light to the oppressed I was going to flash W him but I just had a feeling he'd live with one HP I only one point in the ability okay thanks Riot I didn't want to go over the wall anyway is gone our enemies are next well I need to go top I just want to be able to clear one Camp without something happening Z Now walks in I'm [Music] coming Brier might be up here that's not bad his wave's in a good spot R's bot missed our I'm going to go check and see I think her blues up I can go yo that I get a buff back finally she still B's noctuary I'm leaving an ally has been slain Shen will collapse on me if I try and steal that the reaping begins with purpose she's up here need to get a sweeper I also need to base uh they're pretty low forged by the uncaring Providence of War en there we go what is that oh she's wait she can do that can recall as a ward all right see I'm getting all the kills now how te I am everywhere I desperately need to reset got my eye on I was actually diving wait where did that come from did that come from my top side or over here been oh Shen died okay she was taking my chickens you need to leave Soul you are going to die all right I'll clear this and then I'll leave dragons up soon and grubbies he got very lucky there let's see if I can kill corki here no Escape at least I hit him okay briers I think bot side I really need a base I got 3K oh yes this is the going huis stacking up I mean I'm down to give this Dragon for the grubs grubs against Shen's really good cuz he's going to TP into a fight and then set's going to be able to push every corpse a lesson every threat a Target oh it's a Herald never mind guess I was too late on the grubs I guess we just do this oh wait there's Shen the blade of Millennia excises that means she's on Dragon if he's running down I think I am everywhere an ally has been slain kill them them my clear is super good now with this thing why is there a minion there the hell nice I don't know why my Smite didn't hit the dragon but whatever somehow Brier got on top of bit no Escape dou K oh my God Shadow is not your friend yeah it feels nice to actually do some damage I think we just use this here the blade of Millennia exercises my will better than waiting too long oh no keep going this one go into this one good job oh my [Applause] God R's got to be around now we should probably leave leave just leave please I am not dying to help them enough for now I careful all right let's go Grudge next simple Zed now walks in my shadow [Music] I am everywhere this it was me fire is coming from where No Escape my great hased he above me and take my blue I remembered your team has destroyed um they're going to get ganked careful oh nice oh she took my red of course well then it's fair hey Brier how about you try ganking instead of just stealing my [ __ ] oh wait it's a jungle Gap my enemies will have no place to hide it's fine I knew I couldn't queue into the camp cuz then I would just die I am everywhere hey I actually picked up the heral eye today guys you know how I was always getting spammed used the WT Teo W to Lane well now I'll actually pick up the herald every time how did I get hit by that what the heck oh that's a big [Music] old wow wait she's like 1 HP what the hell what is she doing gu Soul melt nice wow only 19 minutes be uning open I am every got say oh my God I don't care people who steal my first buff are just as bad as yon and a coli players oh Kane does way too much damage Graves feels like am I really dead your team has destroyed a turret bething my my enemies in Shadow I leave the light to the oppressed wle strikes again oh they all right a quick short game today though it is what it is all right everybody welcome back to our third installment of the swag jungle climb today we're going to be playing some VI jungle with hail blade Sudden Impact eyeball Relentless Triumph and we're going to go lethality VI I want to just one shot some people or like pretty much three hit them I'm doing my intro a little early just so I can get some Vision Intel on where the enemy jungler is going to be I believe they are invading us yeah we could potentially Camp an enemy maybe Kennon he's pretty easy to kill I guess I'm just going to start my blue since we don't know if they're at my red oh there he is he's not there but I will do my blue first I guess since he might do his red into my blue so I you just start W and punch pretty straightforward um I think we're going to go ghost blade first could get a lot of move speed I mean I could go ego mode and go the hubris first who's Canon there he is saving my Smite for this guy Canon is not there there he is I'm down to just full clear and then end up ganking bot or something if I go for a gank level three and fail I could get pretty far behind he might level three top if he does that I'm going to go to his blue and take that so that Ward right here got me a lot of info the mid laner is missing oh I think he just warded my chickens just watching to see if Top's going to get ganked I could maybe gank this Echo I'm my I'll try I think he knows I'm here though is the issue why do I feel like the echo warded he just one shot Soul going say he warded my red but I'm going to go get red and then maybe gank h a wall it well full clear it is Zin didn't gank top so he's probably down here too I mean I'm most likely on a ward but if Malai engages we're good oh he actually flashed the Aro well I'm not going to get anything here an En has SL they'll never know what hit okay we chunk him he might be too low to assist or do the crab I also am a level on him oh I guess my teammates don't feel like helping get him get him guys all right we'll take it uh echo's coming down I'm not going for that crab last thing I want is a Fed Echo okay he's not here let's get to the fun all right that was almost doomed oh hello uh I'm dead of course I get flash ignited by a support it's fine interesting all right what do we go first ghost blade yellow down let's go clear top side zin's probably taking that bottom crab that's fine I can reg gank bot level six now and that seraphine's goingon to die echo's tough think she's dead oh wait he actually got it he's so low I don't want to hit this and reveal where I'm at but I don't think I can kill yeah Canon left plan I don't need a plan Mr mid lane has a lot of pressure on the map zin's definitely bot cuz he's not up here but he's not on the dragon so I don't want to do the grubs yet because Eko can almost one shot me let's geten hey he is on the dragon let me try and take one or two grubbies if I can you can only get one cuz zin's coming straight here it's probably warded by Eko and of course ekko's going to be here just watching to see if he jumps over the wall to do him I don't think so it's really hard to gank EO because he's just going to Al if I do actually kill him I need level six do I hit six off this blue my I'm also two levels behind their mid laner the one thing I don't like about playing jungle in ADC you get behind your enemy without even doing anything doing all right I need one XP oh I don't know if he has enough Mana Al he doesn't wow Soul could have just like you know hit him once that's terrible actually yank another one of these oh I could do all of them yeah it's just pretty hard to gank not going to lie like there not gankable Lanes maybe bot Lane is come here if you hit a wall hit it hard but my Bing's winning so I don't got a gank I swear the all three of my game so far is just me jungling being followed around by the enemy jungler the whole game so I can't gank or do anything like I'm beating him but it's like what can I do he's always at every every spot I go to and he has a winning Lane there too so it's like I have to concede but I didn't concede I got the grubs in front of him I think he's doing crab I can try not doing this it's like I could just keep farming which is boring but it's better than risking a gank that could uh get me behind oh kind of weird I went right through he's still dead though nice that's weird that queue literally went through him usually that only happens in the river thanks for your pink um I can just go get the ghost blade I mean guy doesn't have Al and I flash I could flash Q him yeah I'm coming I think he knows but I guess not oh he's going in I fine uh This Guy's in my jungle doing what he doesn't have red Echo flash that was weird my Q didn't fall down I'll just keep clearing I mean I have almost twice as much Farm as him while also having more kill participation fre I don't can gank if maai goes in hey there we go all right I'm quite fed I think we can now just do whatever we want this will help me get around the map faster what boots do I want cool down boots uh I think I will go cool down boots even though armor boots are really good we go hu stack up or axim Mark axim Mark's really good too um unfortunately I mean I could go to the dragon I don't have Smite though but I can go to put some pressure I guess since they're not actually doing it or I could go to the grubbies you got make a that goes really strong he hit his Lich pan power Spike so he could still one shot me I'll just clear tops side do grubs they are on Dragon I just would rather not die to Echo since my bot Lane's not there I'll die to Eko maybe have a chance no I would have no chance of getting Dragon I don't have Smite it's just not worth it I'm almost strong enough myself to one shot somebody I probably am oh this guy's done okay anybody anybody got a map all right that works I thought there was an aurelian soul up here what happened okay now I got to watch out for Echo an enemy has I don't have much time to do these grubbies though but I really don't want to just get Echo stunned as soon as I jump in I'll hold my queue to run away okay he's here he's M he's missing again okay man nice I got all the grubs why am I afraid of Eko well lichbane Ekko could literally kill me in like two hits he's one of the most snowbally Champs in the game so I'd rather not snowball him more than the three kills he already has all right doing really good I'm so much stronger than Z I got Al so I can just go gank top oh he uses he he's done I don't even need to flash if you hit a wall hit it hard or Al I mean I can now go Al mid if he Wast his Al the thing is if he presses R after I alt he completely cancels my alt Zin top Echo might be going top team destroyed uh this might not end well but we could try I'm on a ward here I come nice I thought he was going to get away I almost couldn't burst him before his Dash was up needs a be down not bad okay creep blocked my Cannon I'll just hit this I have flash to get away from Zim oh he did okay that's fine I'll take first turret before they get it bot actually your has destroyed I want to go fight him an ally has been SL that going to be back oh did we make him quit eeko already quit from what did I gank him twice in a row or something giving y'all info on her oh he's tilted let's gank him again o collector is really good too but I'm just going to get this I wasn't I don't really look at chat that much I mean it doesn't matter if he was on Herold or not SL you think this jungler needs an unfair Advantage I am the UNF Fair Advantage you got to make a door oh he's mad I bursted him before he could even Al that actually could have been scary because if he hit his Al there I would have lost half my health and he doesn't have ignite so it's difficult for him to one shot me I guess can't be up is it did the nice little flash VQ combo I could beat him I'm doing this what's cool is if you flash at the end of a VQ you can put it in anywhere The Flash would land so you could even go back backwards which I might try this game when my flash is back up since I'm pretty confident we're going to win now early game jungle though is kind of awkward sometimes if your lanes are losing like all you can do is AFK Farm you know I think I played it right majority of this game ah yes dragon's their only wind con now so let me get over there that doesn't dude I just like killed Z in one punch combo I probably should have just aled her it's over away my it's over you h a wall hit it hard who made it out Canon you see the thing is jungle is one of the most impactful roles so even though these games seem so boring in the first five minutes I've already essentially won the game before 20 minutes so we're going to get a lot of 20 minute games this jungle uh here I come Tove day Eko is apparently very toxic V feels really nice once I have some haste and some damage cuz I'm just killing these camps instantly who needs a now I land Q she's dead has destroyed AET I'll save an e charge for him I don't think that revealed me I'm just kind of running over him at this point didn't need to alter but uh you know it's personal after she flash ignited me now now I'm just running over everything I feel like I'm just gliding Through the Jungle aums 23 I don't know where Kenan is oh he's B uh I mean we could do Baron H they're all B an ally has SL if maai tanks sure I don't know where soul went I thought he was if how can I just stand closer there we go if you didn't know who ever tanking Baron does half damage I think but also who ever tanking Baron takes the damage for his I don't want to take the damage all right I have the axi mark so now I just get to alt after every kill let's geten I will Style on somebody with my next flash it's just awkward sometimes cuz some people just they want to tank but they're not standing close enough so they end up um forcing you to tank even though they're trying to tank and they just don't know that they can walk a little bit closer like just right clicking on the baron won't get them them close enough they have to like click next to it and stand and then right click also if you stand behind the bear and you take more damage my way cuz it shoots out spikes behind it don't know why they haven't fed yet they pretty [Music] screwed I don't really want to initiate first because they could turn and burst me if they wanted fine I didn't want to steal it but I wanted kill participation but I would end up stealing it if I got any kill participation on that I want to just smer well this Echo ended up not getting out of control which is good trying to style on him can't do it with his either boom he did not think that was going to hit him and then he got one shot your team has destroyed tret your team has destroyed good thing he hourglass early man I am deleting them come here they're actually dying so fast hey I ended up being the highest level person in the game nice GG well that actually ended up being a really good game all right welcome back to another Zangle zag jungle climb today is a special day we have a crossover series I'm combining the Zago and the swag jungle climb and we're getting coaching from the rank one Teemo jungle Manco he's going to help me he's going to help me out this game and pilot me teach me how to play Teemo in the jungle I know how to play on top I don't know how to play him jungle efficiently so welcome Manco let's get it time to get a little degenerate action top Lane's too easy for us let's get some jungle so I don't need a leash if I'm starting red I yeah you never Teo jungle is broken you never need a leash yeah you're going to see the clear is so healthy you you know you got the attack speed and then kite it right kite it around and always Smite the first Camp okay should I okay yeah yeah I got it and then where am I going after red yeah so red kugs and then rates or as the young kids call it razor beaks okay and then we're going to look cuz like I said our lanes are very gankable so after those your camps we're going to look top or mid right we're going to take a peek see if it's gankable cuz again playing farming Teo jungle that's fine you always scale but it's not the best right we want to ideally get a little more action going okay okay should I be like King this or yeah yeah you're doing fine kite it around it's it's hard to mess up you're going to see how healthy this clear is go ahead and take a stealth before this Camp a what a stealth oh keep I thought you were saying like stealth word I'm like wait what am I doing no no you're good you're good so it is worth it to go invisible before doing the camp if you're if you're under 50% HP yeah but it's only it's a first clear only thing cuz this clear is insanely healthy okay I mean look your health you're already you're already the rats clear you too so I should Auto each wraith once then or yeah yeah one Auto each on the RS and then the big boy and this is because te got no no it's fine it's fine yeah one Auto each on all the small ones will kill him this is the biggest puff okay so like let's take a let's take a rist Top Lane let's go Top Lane looks pretty gankable let's check out the wave maybe right check out the wave before we head up there oh yeah it's gankable wait yeah we okay get that W and we're going in hot see this might not work out but this is good just for a learning thing right because we can always Farm farming is cool but you pul for Gank P's pretty scary early but get my attack speed here really quick yeah it's fine I'm going yeah send this puppy we take the flash yeah you got this oh no no it's okay he's dead we'll take the one for one hey that's still fine if he gets his kill and now we're going right to Blue I I would grab grab dark seal grab dark Seal Dark seal yeah we're pretty oh I'm not going to get an assist I got it okay see that we'll take that because your atrox is getting your atro is getting crapped on right and to be honest when you're playing jungle always blame your laner so that's that's a top yeah that was his fault he should have walked in the bush faster I agree a hard agree i' probably skip your camps go Scuttle and maybe look bottom oh oh yeah just running it run run him down yeah run that run that guy down going run to Y okay Scuttle up we'll take a Scuttle maybe take a pey bot but this is our this is already good okay so that's not gainful just get your camps right but this all this already good right we want to be active want to be gaming jungle is actually kind of strong so I don't think oh yeah may maybe go through try take a or or Farm you know either one's good the good thing about team with jungle is you're always in a scale so it's like there's there's no downside of playing crazy early that's not bad we got a kill top we're on the board right I could try and gank bot again what do you think uh yeah you could take a peak how's the wave looking they're pushing in yeah take a little peky down there just Spam spam ping spam ping as soon as you hit this yeah and if raon sets you up it's a freeb we're going to get Su you hit thean you hit these recan oh wor okay all right back it up back it up that's good we'll take two flashes reset or go to Wolves yeah take the reset take the reset take a peak to top it's okay yeah I would take reset again maybe if he doesn't die also grubs are kind of useless like I'm totally fine giving first grubs for rers what am I getting boots get the bootas and a dagger yeah what about a book dagger I would go dagger attack speed's pretty good in the early game okay yeah so now perfect passing you're looking good oh that was actually okay maybe we clean up has SL hey but see you enabled that right we we helped them early oh we're definitely getting that wave we're getting that wave yeah I go straight for the wave right there's no reason to go around yeah for sure okay that's fine go around probably just do grubs I I don't think he's going to do anything I mean yeah grubs sorry yeah so now we now we're just passing towards bottom right cuz grubs like we can fight grubs as Talon's down but Talon's really going to have to carry the weight at the moment you know but this is this is pretty good again notice like you're playing team of jungle you're even with the rumble that's I mean you can't can't ask for much more you're playing scaling champ so this is already in your favor yeah we get the rates and then if Talon's basing we'll we definitely won't give won't get grubs this is good though yeah we definitely just keep farming so probably wolves and then Drake wolves and then maybe look for a gank you can hit the gring orb just to see if we could scare Rumble we can also look for a counter top actually H we just we leave and see again you're playing jungle so guess what support Gap that's why I couldn't get the grubs yeah playing jungle is op cuz you're never you're never held liable for anything oh yeah you definitely just you can do I I would look at the enemy raids I I would go enemy raides first cuz like the way jungling is built is like you want to you want to dip in as far as possible and then work your way back out yeah yeah go for it I like it he he is old this looks green all right Talon just is not Talon's a little shy it's okay he's nervous he has on team we'll take it yeah definitely get those rates wish I could have hit him and gotten assist but stupid way want to be a little worried here cuz Rumble is a little scary but you have Recon he has no Flash come on recon okay that's F that's fine that's fine we can we can back we can I mean we can keep looking it just depends mhm okay I would go do gromp see playing team of jungle it's really scary cuz it's like you it's like that dance if I want to play aggro but I need my team we got to dance we got to buy them time but overall that worked out great instead of getting rates we got mid XP that's nice I I would even I would look for maybe at least get a warden in the tribush for bot you know your botan's going to die to this game yeah we saw him but you know they're going to die so at least toss of Ward maybe we could gank maybe we can go to their red it just depends on what we want to do with the team I like this I like this fight Rumble will only be level five I like this fight a lot careful Rumble careful Rumble I would back it out yeah okay okay I would and and we got to go we got to go go we got to get out of here rumble's coming that's not bad though again already map impact right you can't ask for more from your Teo jungle MH might be on Dragon what am I getting spe oh yeah boots good SW boots good Yeahs in yeah it really just depends so it always depends is is something you have to keep a note of like hey am I playing like a freak right then SW boots is good cuz that's going to be more active or is it just like a farm game then nashers first will be better you know um but this is good like they can have Drake again I I usually give first objective so I would start at kugs here I would start at kugs and work your way down I'll just go to it then should I smite the kugs um I I only Smite when I have two up rumble's taking your blue but that's fine nobody really cares I could go to his P it might be a little too late if we did off off the the jump that would have been fine but it's really like this is a good spot so now we want to do red and rat and then we want to take a Peak at top cuz Top's gankable right we can we can look now we can look after rates we can hul ass to bottom okay you know what we're going to do here get get your rates go take his jungle yeah or you can you can Smite the red and go to his jungle now okay yeah go go to his jungle cuz your team's got this so it's like we can now just double dip should I get the crab nah screw the crab screw the crab get get the wolf cuz again this going to be very scary cuz Pantheon is threatening take a look at pan oh yeah we can just we can head up there oh yeah we can definitely get up there get ready to use your flash if you yeah I would I would just flash in uh he's going to die regardless good luck handful is carrying okay we're cooking The Hil blades burst is nice oh it's run time okay okay we're out we got the Happy Feet oh he's cooking Ron's coming it's demo time yes sir oh my God the moment approaches why did he run oh well okay my butthole is clinched let's take a base let's get out of here that was fun it was a game your teammates are a little shy this of scared to just front line everybody's a little scared that's okay though the job probably blasting one most most gold efficient I would go I would probably go to grubs cuz youran up here they're cooking up something spicy okay cuz with jungle you know with Top Lane we just chill and scale but with jungle we really want to be pushing the fold right that's your job that's where the hardest part of playing team of jungle is cuz you're kind of weaker but you got to push the push the action an enemy has that's good okay so now we got we got to I would say get Scuttle but just be careful of Rumble cuz he's kind of strong right now but you're also strong so if you get the jump on him if he face checks you you can definitely dink him I at least grab one I would grab one grub grab one grub and then go from there you can toss a shroom at AOE is pretty op just it's not worth to die for these so we get him as long as we don't die it's looking good though you're scaling there okay should I go for the last one yeah we can get the last one we have Smite just be ready to run be ready to get the hell out of there an ally been I think panon off the top oh no he's here okay run run run run get out of there ready to flash get out of there okay we're good we're safe okay we're definitely not getting that top form let's get krugs cuz that pants can one tap us if we heal off kugs then we can get the farm he's yeah we're out of here that's okay though yeah we get these and we we go bottom no don't go top that's a bait we're out of there we're out of there maybe if they die atro is WR I I I would go bottom I don't think oh okay I guess we can go I you I mean you had a read on that run oh no oh okay nice Dodge all right now we're getting out of here now we got to roll Al close nice try oh here too and help us tal coming oh I got two assists three assists coming oh just yeah push that wave this is It's jungle time we we shove we shove the whole wave out here oh yeah this is see this is your god-given right playing jungle we bad boy want to know how we got a Quadra you set that up jungle the Teo ta I mean this is going this is I don't think PL too no no no no have a have mercy on him John dog 9999 will have a freaking brain anism if you do that all this is looking good all right go to my side yep yep so rumble's at his R we saw him on that little pink W so we have we have all the options here we can go should I get a sweeper yeah sweeper W it doesn't really matter now we have options right we can go right to Drake if we feel like we can just rush it we can take our farm first we can take our farm not get Drake go to top side the world is your oyster right now but this game is good again this is good because we're we're practically the third time playing team of jungle but we're having impact right impact's the name of the game we're not playing scared it's massive maybe I coming he's faster than me hell blades damage we're cooking report raan freearm freearm see that damage the hell blades you probably get Drake here yeah I would think because yeah you because with recurve bow you melt it with nashers you melt even harder CU you're shroom it's like playing wow right got all those dos the shroom the attack speed oh they know oh wait maybe not oh they know I would get really greedy here and just take your Bot Farm I would just take your farm and just moves on over to Herold take your time left your team is holding their own yeah oh Talon's 9 and0 well 9 and one could anything way to go uhoh that's fine we outscale him you can even hold mid too get a little extra for him like a bonus we're looking pretty we're looking pretty juicy rumble's tilted at his top laner right proing his wave that's good for us we're not tilted I would I would skip this bot fight yeah I would just get your oh wait he's like one HP an ally I'm going for it yeah you can you can Li these okay I didn't tell you what about PS what about P Talent here we could get a little action on pan I don't think I'm going to be on you can just get Herald got I mean at this point when your team is playing well we have to you know we have to count our lucky lucky stars here right this doesn't happen often mhm teemo's really good at objectives right you could cycle the shrooms I would definitely bur your like a shroom every 4 seconds cuz that do damage is nice his camps are down he cleared him a little earlier so we can probably just get this we can either base or go grab our top camps it's kind of up to you again with with team of jungle it's always fine to farm right but it's like when do we Greed for farm when do we not took my eye his his camps are down you could just you could toss a base I'm pretty sure he clear him earlier yeah so now it's like okay so how we feeling do like the most aggressive play and I I I like to Second malignance all right I'm down yeah LeAndre is fine too there's really no wrong answer with with season 14 Teo now it's kind of like how crazy do we want to get do we want to like get our camps right now or want to just send it with our team do want to you know it's kind of up to you I'll do gromp and to run it fem it's always the happy balance but I mean like I said this game's going fantastic I probably go I I I don't like one one yasu yeah I can't fight him but I might be able to wait till he's under turret yeah yeah you got Talon coming armed and ready the stealth tiger technique just a love tap rumble's near his top side we're kind of chilling pants a little scary y scary but might come collapse on me so I'm just going to back up I think we I think we go towards bottom I think we go wolves and we go hang out with bot Lane sounds like cuz now you can you can take it a couple ways you can go over that pink you can go in the bush and get a shroom down you can go with Talon you got angles here te kind of unlocks at level six with the Shan stealth technique I mean you're up 30 you're up 20 CS that's nice yeah I like this angle here yeah we're definitely going to be lineing at the bottom rumbles top we can also push mid with with Talon o oh yeah you can cook him you got damage an ally has SL that's a free flash I'm down to look for a di let's look for a DI bottom let's get freaky this might go terribly wrong but it's definitely worth the try's got everything oh yeah spam ping that puppy spam pings are op oh yeah I got a kill wless that's free that's jungle diff and we get the tower oops where oops Miss desty uh crab that's big I would go I would get his kugs get his Kies cuz he's Top Lane what about his R double dipping oh we can double dip for the kugs and red jungle is all about how greedy can we get what's the max amount of greed greed is good as long as you don't die if you die then oh yeah we we got to go it's run time that's already value you got the panful that's huge in and Rumble dies still looking he's he's he's oh that's fine we're out damn he's mad we call that fanboying from Pantheon okay let's take a flash or did he take a plant over let's just assume he flashed why not I think he maybe take a base here take a Base ASAP cuz we want to get ready for that Drake okay we have enough gold oh I got M oh look at that that's a nice buy so we're freaking [ __ ] cornfed right here so you know if we're pressing if we press tab here right we can One-Shot them they can onot us it's definitely a crazy game with the team comps I mean practically it's only Pantheon actually here we we can definitely play this slow we can buy time just put shrooms I don't think I can stop them yeah Corner shroom in that bush then we kind of just wait for Jin you can one just be careful it's not worth dying you probably leave it is what it is yeah you just get your cams okay okay we're cooking help me bro oh I'm dead as hell so close close bro this Ron is so good at standing behind me it's insane I mean you almost got all them you got two how did he die gave smolder shut down not terrible I mean the damage is kind the damage was kind of nice did he hit a shroom uh I think you're poison got him they have two items so what am I going next leand uh leand yeah yeah shadowflame is pretty decent sometimes if you're feeling spicy but LeAndre is like the safe Choice mhm yeah I think I could use the health first them so at this point in the game now it's all about like reading your team it goes like how how do we win right like how do we win this game I think it's just playing around Talon yeah so now I would just do everything around Talon to support him so like you can grab you can grab maybe red or just blue and then we go hang out with Talon you could also just farm right that's fine but I think just farming is like worst case scen need to make stuff happen I wouldn't go with Jin though that Jin he's an ADC at 30 20 minutes in the game like I would not be going near CH I think it's play around Talon angle also at this point in the game yeah yeah Teo jungle clears nasty when you get shrooms at this point in the game I like to call it like the Tarzan way of gaming it's really good to push waves especially with team cuz he shes him fast so always look for that in the mid game here it gets you it puts pressure on the map Baron's kind of scary cuz you're not tanky so be careful no Baron throws so here it's like I I would either go mid or I would go top cuz you're not going to make it a Talon probably push mid I think pushing mid's the best play here and you can push mid and then go to Top Lane maybe get that turret going bot is the is a little risky you could also go bottom you got options yeah I think top is fine atrox is tanky enough always spam ping when you're going to do something so your team knows okay Rumble just hanging out waiting for you yeah oh you hit it as long as Pantheon's not right here little sh in the bush that's okay got his Smite this okay so now it's like right we're we're the jungler we're just playing around our team here I mean I'm I'm down to start like getting ready to Baron I would even prep like I would I would yeah start get that Baron go to Baron and like Ping it cuz if they all go to bottom like cuz you don't you don't have to do Baron right you can get off it easily but it looks like they're all going to go bottom yeah doing bar oh I don't even have Smite but y they're not that's fine if they're not paying attention they not paying attention I you got to spam ping yeah spam ping but you can stay on it you can stay on it you and Ronka tank H spam pinging that bad boy I mean you're melting it right look look at the health I would stick I would stick now you tank a little bit you tank yeah I mean this looks pretty free it's always good right Baron it's like you're flirting with it you don't just give it a smooch on the lips off the rip right teas a little bit FL with it this was good like you know we got we got the second base there that's not bad fli first attempt look at that bad I like that that's a freebie that's a jungle diff right 23 minut Baron on TMO the jungle Gap all right now it just goes back to playing around the team I mean that that's that's even better than playing around the team so now it's like okay do we rock with Talon do we rock withan H rocks jyn's actually playing surprisingly well he's not pering mhm right now you can one shot everybody except pan so at this point in the game save your shrooms for the malignant stuff like clearing them is cool but we already have the deeps I guess I set up for Dragon yeah yeah and yeah shroom their jungle I would get ready to go bottom like you gra grab the gromp and get ready to help your team bottom or M cuz they're they're actually doing good with Baron here they're not just basing Drake's okay but I think inhibs are a little bit cooler okay especially with this Talon like not every day you have a 14 kill mid lane that's like a freaking 15 kills yeah we're just going to rock with Talon here oh this is good you can melt they hit the I think they clean we see should be close you got your damage in once he gets here if he does he said he said I'm out are you Ser it's okay you got some damage now it could be worse oh they're getting pretty oh I should have bought this it could be worse T got mid turret not bad take it we might not lose this Drake doesn't so with Drakes it really just either you get four Drakes or you get no Dres it's all that matters right so losing his Drake isn't that bad I mean if he gets this turret it's definitely worth it yeah yeah that's really chill all right now just go back to playing around the team right we need 200 gold for leandre's um and then we're just you know yeah play play around Talon play around atrox he's cooking I would go I would go um I mean even getting waves here is good like botom top wave if your team doesn't want him I mean we'll take it good Flash oh so close every time yeah it was really close dude you freaking you play with you have the biggest balls I've seen of a team of main like I'm even scared with these fights you're almost cooking them oh the S has baited me like 10 times now he just like doesn't peel it's that's the hardest part of jungle right Top Lane we're in our little Island right we're protected should I sell seal for leandre's yeah yeah you even wait in base yeah I might just wait nothing's happening got a little spicy on the fight there we're still looking good mhm you turbo scale so it's like the longer your game goes the better you are the hard part's over Pantheon's just permanently going for my ass yeah yeah I got it okay I probably just go I would probably start bottom so when Baron spawn take mid and B in 2 minutes yeah I would I would just start from bottom and just clear up and just get ready for Baron okay cuz like all your camps are up we're chilling right I I would skip these just go right to Blue and gromp and you you clear up on the way back okay we can even look for smolder here maybe one time little lookie on smolder you one tap him yeah yeah that looks good go yeah go the long way go the long way oh you got this this is free oh yeah he's dead he's dead he's dead yeah that's a free B look at that look at deeps massive all right so now we actually have options we can just go hard on the bot tier 2 at Talon if we want or we can clear I mean clear your gromp and then yeah so now we have options right do we send it for the bot TI to or do we just clear up I'd probably just clear up now since your team's dead okay and then shroom up Baron yep yep and just get ready for everything around Baron you can take a peek at his jungle some camps might be up you can even push top right Jin's pushing mid you know okay so yeah we see Rumble so the mid the mid push is going to be a little crazy it's a little Ry he can like one shot me I mean may maybe go yeah Jin's near you I think you guys can work this rumble's not that fad just don't want to First this part the game is is pretty tough cuz it's it's all about reading your team like what do they want to do cuz remember you're the jungler now right you don't have to split so it's like it's a little bit harder we'll take that we'll take that all day I mean I'm down just to do a baron I'm down to do Old Baron flip here 50 seconds still I yeah I would just sit here maybe get red and just sit pretty and look for some picks and get ready for Baron okay Teo does Baron insanely fast it's it's wild yeah I look for picks with your team and just put the baron the shies this looks not bad Talon's bottom keep that in mind okay we're definitely hey let's spam ping this Baron let's spam ping assistance CU they're going to go for Talon they always go for the splitter you can even type to team Rush Baron yeah get on Baron get on Baron do do it ASAP yeah yeah look they're all bottom this is a freeb yeah spam ping type to them hey peasants freaking Baron just you know this is just all that matters and again jungle dip right having the having the nut sack do Baron's pretty big it's free it's a free P it's a free cuz you have you know it's your call though you're the jungler it's massive clear top do we need void or death cap with angle or even Shadow flame is good here yeah I think Shadow flame might be move I'm down for that you're pushing mid I mean we have Baron I'm just going to push top and shro off keep it going get that attack speed passive melt the turret that's sting jungle's flexible right you can split if you want you can Team fight you the options Pon aled but no you got this you melt this bad boy who is this he's one and eight but if he does land all die yeah is scary we have Shadow flaming B so we're chilling Drake's gone we're not even going to bother Drake so you can push top or you can base up to you okay I keep pushing top honestly cuz like we're not getting Drake that's probably gone right our Jin's dead I would just let yo go to Drake and we just get top tur if anything he also has to come back yeah yeah if he stays we can base if he doesn't stay we get turrets win-win Pantheon did dragon Pantheon Ed I'm pretty sure too so okay oh he went mid free should I try and go for inhib probably not oh yeah they're probably B that's still that's still good that's good macro I like it good stuff good impact okay is looking good is death cap better here since I can afford it yeah I like it all right I could do like there really no wrong answer Shadow flame maybe yeah and if they go more you can go void all right so now I think we're really I think we're skipping jungle camps here we're we're as f as now it's scary time cuz you know we can't throw this bar if we throw this Baron it's going to get a little dicey yeah mid mid bot I mean you can even go top if you want we got all the options I like this I like this play let your team I I would keep going yet keep going cuz you're not going to make it fight yeah pan TP so yeah you yeah you get mid end top we might I mean I would go for that maybe end the game you can end the game here freaking jungle diff oh you send it all the way home GG easy macro look at that see and now imagine if you weren't jungler okay what if you play Top Lane guaranteed your jungler would be inting never getting Baron and flaming true so instead we place that with this gam play it's a free win good impact early good scaling right didn't just farm for 40 minutes when I gank it's really hard to do anything I got to just get this whatever it is he's running straight here I want you to be I think I'm dead it's fine we got two we're just outnumbered but it's fine give me my cracken Slayer it's really hard when the FED Camille is just focusing me and teaming up with the bear an ally has been slain I got one of the grubs but I needed two yeah there's there's only so much I can do when this guy just has Camille following him around on every objective but I have a Fed midliner so I literally just have to arm and we're fine it's just I want to get kills I'm just not able to defend yourself I don't come online till I finish this cracken Slayer then I do damage I can maybe fight brand he's only one level on me I have to que his stun though wow that works and I do no damage I will show you the path an ally has been slain I tickle let us begin your turret has been destroyed well I can take his red if EF doesn't come kill me lives on I'd go take kugs too but I think they're a little bit too risky I didn't hit that plant cuz I don't want them to know where I'm at LLY bear might be taking my top side but I think he reset at least my clear is getting a bit faster how much do I need for Kraken 300 more nice nice yeah we have winning bot winning mid uhoh he's walking into him he's going to get Vol bear oh B's getting holy weird we have blue master is an eternal student what do you know there's a Camille I'm coming dude he takes flash that's big shut down I play that perfectly though I queued her Dash but she flashed back over the wall but she had nowhere to go all right let me just go get the Kraken really quick and then go bot he probably cleared a camp or two I'm beating him in CS now I do damage now the thing is if I get seed I can get bursted he might be on the dragon oh I wish I had Al no he's not consume you I don't need alter oh I love I love the jungle [ __ ] talk he started it guys I literally wouldn't say anything if he didn't [ __ ] talk to me after invading but look at who's on top now look at me not saying anything TF ported into death the focus mind can Pierce through well you know what I might need to start putting on a delay if I stream these games cuz somebody already recognized me in the last game and if the enemy recognizes me they can just see wherever I'm at lives on I still have R we could actually fight this I of need Lux here though they're [Music] leaving they're going to run away why I didn't pop all but now I will okay that wasad I think I'm dead to Brand burn no oh that was scary I got perac CC oh no I'm coming I'm coming back there's a runner TF splitting oh I need a little bit more for rage blade I could go try and kill this guy at his red but I don't have alt he might have Alt and he has sraa following him around man just go down for this guy but he's dead I think oh there's my rage blade I am pretty big either we go with send next or I think I might go Titanic Hydra the health will help me better just to survive don't really need the tenacity because with wits I'll probably die anyway before Oh my God my damage I got to go help Lu in a second has been SL you are such a coward bear that's rather unlucky could SW he just aled wow that TF card lasted two whole seconds of stun yeah we definitely need well I'll get the wits actually that was annoying I just died because of stun I don't think it'll help too much but YOLO I could do oh yeah I could do wits and then ster and then that'll give me the double tenacity and the HP I want a Titanic but the ster actually does seem pretty good bu be literally runs away every time I try to fight him now that's how you know I'm strong if everybody on their team runs away as soon as I go on Al an ally been there's somebody oh there's a Saka in the pit c as all shinging with Kraken oh my God goodbye sir you have been outscaled cil's kind of an issue I can One V one her though it's just going to avoid me ow your turret has been destroyed Oho he's two and seven why is he so strong anger gives motivation without purpose we need vision of Baron they could rush it here they're not did you miss I mean what is Saka doing down here maybe didn't he don't but I think I did I can't fight him cuz tf's going to Port it in and save him but I don't have alt either so I might not even win got wits oh damn I'm almost doing the best on the team from having zero kills when they all had a bunch that's just ye though if you get aead on ye early it's like so good but it most of the time it's not going to happen cuz he's pretty weak early but like I said once we have Al in a few items everything dies if I don't get cced I'm killing them all and to avoid getting cced I could wait to go in until like uh sarapen and them hit them but I smed too late sarine hit one of these e for once man somebody's coming through here oh my God I don't like this [Music] play I'm oh this is dying really quick actually never mind we [ __ ] shred this I going to say if we lose if we lose that fight and lose Baron we just lose the game with this guy splitting oh I don't where am I oh why didn't I go with him what scammer is this I don't think you can go with TF on EQ gives motivation without Farm like nice I need my ALT you know what I could do though I could split bot and then their team splits up and I'm fine One V one like nobody on their team can One V one me and if they send multiple then we're going to win the fight elsewhere bro really a three they send and I almost got out it's fine I mean I killed Camille in a one V2 I probably shouldn't have flashed that stupid rapid fire thought it was out H Titanic or no I'm going to get the ster I mean how big of The Shield I am the where is not that big of The Shield but tenacity and HP kind of what I need I will show oh I could go Terminus last then and then I just win my alts up at least us all right not terrible I got CCD forever but I knew once that seraphine hit all they were done doubt is the great hey Lux has my back it is a jungle gap an En to be fair I also only told volly bear good [Music] job killing Titanic would be nice for clearing the uh I might have to save this guy but I might die but there's no objective to lose Al I got to kill him before I get stunned yeah that witz is actually helping me a ton I wouldn't have been able to move that whole time oh it's over it is over lives on anger gives motivation without ye is really good if you have Ardent supports or front line I kind of have both this game well I actually don't really have front Lin set's not really a one in 10 set I would not consider front line I'm the front line that's why I had to build STX oh hey wait I get extra heal healing from Neil by doing that the hell yeah we can go Nash I mean I'm just going to push bot to bring him bot really quick Camille's dead for 20 I could actually get this turret if the main turret would stop shooting me no I'll back up cuz now Vol bear is coming bot and TF are coming bot I could buy the tenacity potion too an ally kind of need her in a team fight I don't know if we can do the baron now unless we get a pick wow how lucky is he insta gold card pulled I will show you the he had a one in three chance 30% chance of doing that all right I'm tanking bro I'm so slow they don't do any damage anymore wow that TF though oh my god I didn't even have all the second I start smacking them though with three attack speed oh nice he's tanking that's good GG oh that was fun all right welcome back to another episode of the Zangle swag jungle climb of course we have been invaded during our intro he we're going to do kha'zix game we've got first strike boots Futures Market Cosmic Insight treasure and Sudden Impact I don't think I can do my red let's go take theirs different view good kill her go get her Flash that's pretty big question is is Zach here but Zach probably what do you start with oh wait Zach's the support okay never mind use my potion just in case but yeah little awkward early games always a fiesta when I'm jungling I think I'm just going to yeah I got to take this and get out I just walked over a ward he's probably taking my bot side but I don't think I can fight a talent till I'm level three I shall just secure my bumps I think that Quinn Flash in invade that's why she didn't use it Town's going to gank bot I think if he did clear mine he did clear my bot side he's going to gank bot wait we're currently gold we just hit gold already in the jungle climb oh there it is I called it he's only level two what camp I'll go back in his jungle how does he have 10 CS I'm so confused he did two camps oh this guy is low but he's getting pushed in creatures ooh my are somewhat gankable but not cuz they're just push too far up yeah I'm realizing jungle's hard to do commentary while playing cuz there's so much going on but then there's also nothing going on at the same time it's are really weird strike from above sharing my claws it's just like how do I gank this baiting an ally has been SL fortunately he baited it a little bit too hard will I can zoner off these minions what do you see up there course oh the minions be shooting me I saved Teemo a huge wave though which is good but he got ignited are we're going to go opportunity first this item is really good on kha'zix thanks wasted a lot of time up there though but it's it's kind of hard to get these early ganks off his kha'zix fear the void ready train like Lan gank bot Zach might jump in he's dead oh wow okay that's fine though that's a one for one that's actually just died oh that's from him okay I think I take a gamble here and do the uh dragon cuz I think he's on grubs I might not be able to do this though I think Zach's going to come jump on me he can't run through mid without being seen by a zir and my bot Lane's pushing which is good so that means their ADC can't come I think we're good in the shadow I'm coming bot but it's probably going to be too late okay that's huge that's what I needed early kills just make it so it's playable in a snowball huge and I have an opportunity I'm my red might be gone or my blue I don't know where Talon is but I don't care because I got a double kill and now I just need level six I can't really kill Quinn to level six heo countered he is fine farming better this is really scary if Talon's just like waiting in a bush I don't think he's going to be level six before me though there's no way rubs do give a lot of XP though I just like gank bot again I have a feeling my top is gone he's just got to bait his jump I sense worthy prey I think I'm just going to keep playing around them get to jump in I'm on my way oh there's Talon no way so close my Q got cancelled from his Dash losing vision it's fine I got something out of it that's just really unlucky qu Ro it's okay oh he's actually out farming me I think the grubs gave him a lot of farm though also have been ganking more a different View he didn't take my top side did Talon flash I don't think he did right he just Al away oh nice Teo an ally has been SL you serious going to get t going to Smite that in case he just appears well he's probably clearing bot to top since he wasn't there to kill Teemo so he's going to be up here soon um I really want the grubs but I don't know if it's possible maybe I can jump on him if I can chunk him you know what bro I just can't even get to them how fast is he holy he literally just flew by everything and cleared that camp that's disgusting yeah it's really hard to do anything with Quinn perar roaming their support no cuz there they're all here I can't I willar over them not going to lie grubs kind of piss me off as a jungler cuz there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can do if they have four people here and you only have two I can't believe I still got hit by that velca they're doing it without the jungler I think unless you jumped over the wall got my boots position for Ambush yeah I think I have to play around bot it's just so hard to do anything with this mid Gap I'll kill him later oh mid an ally has been slain it's just a perar roaming think Quinn is the issue they have two junglers to my one think he's going to try and take now he's going for crab I think yeah BR Quinn is just everywhere shut down I like how I'm slowed that's fine oh no all right Teemo just push top his shrooms will be really strong later we're just outnumbered pretty hard a lot of these FS that a Feeling they on it yep I am the better jungler you just have more teammates right now but I think we'll scale teemo's getting super strong sitting up there farming and uh his shrooms late game are going to be so good he going to hit the maybe they fall off we just have to keep it positive cuz like we outscale their team so hard they have Vela Zach and Quinn at every objective though which is so annoying now Escape where is she she roamed again that has oh he doesn't have a bount we're winning that was not a fight I thought we'd win I don't think Zach was there my wings are restless well I opted to steal his uh we can wait here and kill him team has destroyed oh Quinn's coming there we go yeah I haveed to steal his jungle we might lose Herold over that cuz his bot Lan's here but good I don't know where Talon went I guess he's clearing his bot side Vaz is in here I still have my smites yeah oh my God look at Quin CS 61 Farm because she perar if you just don't tilt from those perar rooms wind falls off so hard I sense worthy praying got a b h CS are coming up consume and adop nothing's going to happen for the next minute so let me just clear this world is delicious my balling is 10 deaths but I believe they're way stronger than their Bing which is crazy where is Zach I have feel like I haven't seen him in a while yeah the go-to is W for the slow I kind of want to get the jump though I really like his e upgrade a different view yeah I'm actually going to do e because just being able to reach like velca or Ash just means I killed them and then I like the reset cuz then I can get out they'll never see me W's probably more damage and nice slow but he's situational endless hunger let me just Harold this okay somebody tell me why it was backwards there I aimed the arrow forward I was facing behind it why was it backwards it's definitely a bug okay now the arrow is the arrow was backwards for some reason okay I'm going to go take the heral top it's too low to crash M they'll kill it it's so bugged hey why'd she lose like 300 HP sharpening my claws um we can afford to give this Dragon just to push top Works cuz Quinn's probably down there in theam fight SL my dragon's gone your team has destroyed we can probably get like half of this top turret though maybe not for Ambush I'm probably on a w I don't think I was couldn't jump on her though with Zach there she just EAS me and disengages fear the void yeah see teo's winning pretty hard now although she's catching up in farm but I think she's she took vela's Farm cuz Quinn's just been roaming ready to a I missed the red oh he didn't hit the shroom I'm going go take his bside actually might be able to find Ash right here guess from afar oh why did I get 100 gold oh First Strike that's really unlucky she live with one HP and Talon comes out of nowhere uh if I had my item bought it was a good try literally one HP I still got 100 gold for First Strike though those plants do so much D this should be fine H she needs to get away what are you doing Ty you not have a map careful an ally has been slain in the shadows It's a Jungle Gap I just notice both teams are really squishy they do have a tank though oh stream of shuffle oh that like glitched out see that's why I like the upgrade dude are you yes I was going to say no way another one HP there we go that's good not bad this edge of Knight's going to save me now I can jump into Quinn and not get cced for an hour where we go next Grudge or CYO sword now this and skew I'm really strong now why is this guy guy copying my build I just I really like the E evolve jump for squishy teams because getting at level 16 could be too long the game might just be over by then and like in team fights against squishies I can literally just hop over everything there here I guess so my wings are restless I think he beats me in one V ones just cuz of his althy PR yeah we could do Baron if they do dragon they're revealing it though consume and AD they don't know any teot tank now I can't good job you got Dragon guys oh they didn't H it yet this world is delicious I think Talon still has R he's going to jump over this bottom wall an enemy has been slain okay that's kind of weird that the turret shoots me for no reason why did it aggro me there was minions under it wasn't there weird a Talon I just don't have a way to hit him they'll never see me on got my boy Teo oh nice CU solo them bro I love how the support Zach is stronger than me why is she so fast damn it I want to play Lea frog I still can't boom jungle Gap team they will know your team has destroyed uh I can kill her that works can we end I don't think we can vow still has all tals up your team has destroyed a turet pretty much GG though we just got to end it up out now through bot or anywhere Grudge more Leal why not can I go in De for this that's wor P94 I just can't One V one Talon cuz one is spell shield like I do but he we can just Smite each others but still like he alss it goes invisible but I can too the difference is his spells hit me while he's in I'm invisible I can't qu him an ally has been slain I'm sorry oh my God am I dead wait okay I don't know why they ran away maybe they saw his ear and got scared I thought I was 100% dead there I over jumped Fela uh where's tal I'm too low I just die in like two hits oh there he is he's taking my blue it might be good for me to get the uh R upgrade so I can go invis and run longer from oh I found him I knew he was in there he hit a shroom an eny has from a end the game pig oink oink your turret has been destroyed I love jungle I hate jungle at the same time too it's like how almost every jungler on the server hates each other too cuz like jungle's the role where you could truly lose to a worse player like super hard if they just have all better Lanes whereas mid like even if you could camp by the jungler you could still like beat a terrible mid player yeah this I can't just jump in is the issue I mean I'm down to take this slow my wings are restless I sense worthy prey I mean to be fair this game was pretty dead even Lane Wise like he had he had a what's it called consume and the D he had winning mid he had winning um bot and top but we ended up having the winning Lanes later on we scaled he didn't capitalize on the early winning Lanes this world is delicious might Ste this ow all right well I can't really do anything we kind of need them to come out of Base to kill him there we go where are the hell did my jump go oh and there we have it GG that was fun F little kha'zix game got another game I'll add on it went decent too I mean if my Lanes win early and we get all the objectives I it is going to just be like a 10minute 15minute video because then we'll just win um I actually think zyen Jinx did really well more than Teemo Teemo did do a lot oh never mind it's a plus 38 actually it's hang on let me correct it sorry oink oink 31.5k damage what did he do oh my God he only did 12K yeah that was fun though one by one I think bot Lan's my best bet to try and get a kill this world is deler ious ready to bre an enemy probably going to die to a snipe No Escape okay I didn't even get a chance to Smite the dragon cuz he smited it early but then cassan got it I'm in the game finally I'll be right under and I have an opportunity to carry they'll never see me did I get that I didn't get it even though I smited it that's weird I guess his Smite went off a millisecond for it's fine bro you got the grubs congratulations you lost the game for grubs I thought he was going to me why was he just sitting there an ally I couldn't kill him alone cuz he just feared me and run but and twitch just one V2 bot so weird it's a weird one cons I think he's baiting into e but I'm here sharing my claws yes and well I can go by fear the void I think I can One V one ye good job bro you got the buff good job you will s them Kaa really wants me for some reason and I feel like if she just went for twitch there she would have actually maybe won that fight your team has destroyed a turret we will know what is Rampage I'm staying okay shut down oh just kill her might be able to kill Vela here think he knows this world is delicious the dragon please ready to reap all right don't check the dragon bro I think it's a jungle Gap ating that crab up No Escape they'll never see me all right let's see if Camille is going to do anything here oh I guess I don't need her nice my wings are restless nice well we know Master you is going to be here he really likes the objectives I'm probably going to lose this cuz he's going to have three people here yep whatever I got it get the eye where did I evolve oh I evolved W I wanted to do e but I actually press W but it's fine W is really good too I think w you might even be the one you're supposed to anyway yeah but I I like e sometimes cuz it it really helps you jump and get a bunch of resets can't believe I got that Herald I tried to Smite it at the same time he went to uh hit the eyey he didn't really take that much damage he kind of trolled by going Titanic Hydra first ow destroyed a tret damn that hurt position for ambush well Kasin just kind of opens this game at this point hey I did my job I got him fed by burning qu Flash and getting him snowballed consume and adapt I need to reset game just over though it's just a matter of time till the FF sharpening my claw killing pi and [Applause] skewer desty here the void teesty your PR Worth 100 gold I think he is AFK your team has destroy your team destroyed te has destroyed a tret has destroyed an enemy has beeny oh my God they're kind of dead well that was an easy one I'm gold already he welcome back to the next Zango episode today we're playing jarvin I want to play some lethality jarvin just one ch some people after I Dash in we're running Harvest Sudden Impact eyeball ultimate boots and Cosmic Insight the nice thing about jarvin is you have a really strong level two gank I could have started red and instantly gank top but I might do might do get level three like do red one camp or blue one Camp red and just gank Jin has super strong early gank with his EQ we'll see I could clear my whole bot side and then gang bot cuz string down a twitch early could help a ton oh that was quick all they're pretty far back the only unfortunate thing is going lethality jarvin into a Zach and a nautilus is not really the greatest but I can make it work but I want to go the uh lethality Hydra back in the day jarvin used to be so good with the tmat I don't think I need my shield I'm just going to clear I don't think a Zach's going to end inade me but maybe the Top's looking gankable I think is Zach's going to be up there around the same time as me since we're both full clearing unless he path thought which I doubt I could skip my that's a big wave I'm going to die if I gank that actually going to say I could skip these go gank but if Zach's around and Jay turns on me when I gank I'm dead actually oh we'll just Farm all the way up this clear actually seems pretty good apparently jarvin has one of the I think he actually has the lowest jungle win rate of all which is crazy I thought he'd be good with the new items kind of died before I could do anything I don't know if I can even beat this guy today is a good day to die does he not have flash could have sworn he didn't flash when he killed her cool where's that my will it means he oh there he is I'm here if smolder wants to bait this see jarvan's early is really strong I can maybe get this guy too where am I oh my God okay we shall rest when we are dead I'm going take his chickens pretty sure he's got a base uh Nautilus is coming that's good that this Bard is defending me retribution yeah jarvin is one of my favorite junglers I used to play him so much back in the day he has such good early impact he kind of falls off good early impact good Mobility is clear is not bad going him lethality is really snowbally but also kind of troll cuz we do kind of need front line but ours is but to and die since I have two early kills going lethality could make me win this game before the tanks get online and once I go back and grab a TM at my clear is even better oh jarvin I think just got some Buffs this patch so maybe he won't be the worst yeah his win rate went up a bit from the Buffs but I mean people aren't building them lethality so let's see I guess I'll just get that I'm going to go The lethality Hydra and then what I could go hubris cuz I know I can get a bunch of kills cyclos sword doesn't seem bad either opportunties good all The lethality items are good but I might need some HP or else I'll die for all right he can get that back up I don't think Zach's going to do it but AIA die again she has a kill though really need to hit level six ooh if we can get barred here I don't think I can do anything I don't want to go in and die if aelia goes in there we go that's her all yep had a feeling that would happen unfortunately she lived with one HP I really thought Aurelia would do something but she just wanted to stay and watch the day is a good day yeah it's kind of a support Gap there Nautilus is there and Bard isn't there the thing I don't like about jungling with grubs is if there supports there you just you have to give it like what am I supposed to do I even landed a really good combo on Ari oh that's so bad Zach that's a shut down for being worse than me I love jungle roll topple their forces if only I was level six man I was like literally One XP off and now I think they get dragon too just cuz they're Bing protect the faithful we get some Wards bar anything I'll just clear up if I do dragon I die to Twitch and nais they've already proven that they're the better bot Lane let me go try and help smolder oh of course she still has flash I love that they could flash my Al stand with me brothers and sisters oh Jace died at least pretty sure he's on dragon or he's waiting right here he's probably on Dragon though do I think the wuk will be any yeah Wukong was already broken before the Buffs I don't understand how do we have a Bard that's not roaming is actually support Gap the whole point of picking bir is to roam around in snowball I just have to give everything they have a nautilus that runs around with his team find me greater foes pink now and forever D want to kill him oh that means Zach might be up here oh yeah today is a good day to die probably dead nope already didn't rot oh well she probably has all hey we actually got her my wall stopped the dash nice Zach's up top probably going to kill her really oh hey what do you know both their Bing rotated before Bard could how am I ever supposed to do do grubs if we're outnumbered support is like the most broken rle this season way stronger than ADC it's the whole Lane the fact that this guy is literally afking kind of hard it's such a bad game to goity I'm going to get blow up I mean at least smolder is getting Stacks but unfortunately he keeps getting ganked I wish I could gank bot Lane but the bar just does not do anything RB I'm getting a lot of kills though at least he never did the dragon like I don't want to play around bot they've already proven that they're terrible so like even if they get a kill on Twitch like they're just going to feed it back so I'd rather try to win mid and top cuz they actually know what they're doing it looks like like AI is coming back from dying in a j SL that means she'll out scale [Music] him if he doesn't have Flash I could just ultimate he dead thanks for the wag which is going to pop out and kill them they just need to leave M now and forever they could have all lived if they just backed out after this a oh B finally is going to come to an objective their um I don't think Ari has Al so if they fight this they might not win please get over here guys I want to jump on him but a little too risky oh he's he's thirsty what the hell an enemy has I don't know what already is doing there see that's all B had to do from the Geto abandoned bot don't play play around Ash just flash for style points I guess he's trying to dodge an arrow stand with me brothers and sisters I might need to like go edge of night next yeah I think I definitely need to go edge of night next no quar for I mean I can assassinate back line but I also get assassinated myself like I don't beat Zach in a one V one with this build the hell is this guy doing we're getting tped on behind us but like what are they doing there's no way we're losing in this fight oh we don't have smolder nice see I'm saving my EQ for when he tries to jump just dead see I knew I knew I'm the better jungler I swear every single video that I've jungled so far every single game we lose early because they send more people to the grubs but I end up just making the right calls camping the right lanes farming oh my God I have twice as much Farm as him it's like sure bro you got the grow you got four people there with you but you're not winning the game congrats on the grubs though bud got pull it cuz he's going to jump I might not be able to get it I don't have Smite not worth I can maybe one shot twitch a little too far for me good thing I didn't go in I would just die day to die and smold scales Aurelia is massive even if Ash is behind she just presses R and can help us win a fight he beat ja almost died we're going to try and pick smolder I think yeah I really like jarvin he feels solid protect the faithful he almost stole it jump in idaria oh shall rest when we are dead oh oh it actually went the right way even though the arrow wasn't there need back up Witch is up no quarter for the wicked lot of wards teamat on jarvin just feels right shut down how many stacks does he have 170 okay he's stacking good they're winning the fight without me now I just clean up that's better go for this guy I don't know why AR didn't Dash she still had a dash and they got the grubs though guys they got the grubs for once in my life I would like the grubs though but then maybe I'll lose find me greater f I would like to do the grubs without 10 people killing me uh I just got to go at KN like if I die it's going to make this game so much harder to win now and forever clear top bot I have twice as much Farm as him while also having like three times just KP is a good day to I think I can like one shot already Who Dares defy my will oh God I might have got scared jumping on small I'm coming oh they're not this I'm saving my combo for twitch twitch is see if I can find him if he flashes he can beat me in a one V one actually I have a feeling twitch's CP onut down Z there's twitch all right I was like man I might be caught here nah might here Mia now and forever I wanted to go in but like it's not it's not worth giving them double shut down I probably would have died we would have got Jace but today is a good day I think I would have died oh I think smolder has his Stacks or it's about to oh yeah he's got like five more to go yeah I think I would choose the jarvin over the uh I think I'd choose the jarvin over the Zach guys you know how crazy that was though as soon as Bard actually left bot Lane for the first time we started hard winning all all right welcome back to another Zangle swag chungle video today we're playing some brand in the jungle running a harvest Jeep shot iBall Relentless boots and Cosmic Insight it's my first time I think playing an AP jungler on this climb also trying something new starting the intro when the game starts because half the time I do my intro I get invaded and then uh it kind of ruins it so we try to start a little bit early you know we get a little bit more time to chill and talk and figure out what's going on but but yeah my first time playing uh brand jungle in a while since he got buffed but he is one of the strongest junglers I'm pretty sure I just hate playing against him cuz even if the brand is not fed if you get hit by a few of his abilities you just lose like half your health we're against a pretty scary team though I'm scared of V yon they can run on me or run me over I think we'll be okay we have scaling team well Top Lane Renekton is strong early kind of falls off I like having malar cuz they just press R but him starting with a tier is going to make him pretty weak early uh vain will scale though so we have a solid team comp not too much front line but we have enough peel you Grand jungle we start with q and we just queue it I still don't know if it's better to just Smite the blue right away or I Sav my Smite for Grom but I don't want this to get stolen on accident or something so I'm just going to Smite it I think my clear speeds up at level three when I can uh get my passive Circle the I think it's better to q and then W just because your W does extra it's like extra 20% or something damage I don't stun the camp then but it is more damage so it should clear a little bit faster okay he's not at his blue so does that mean I lose my red no it's here here all right I'm going to walk really close to this chicken PE it then eat it and then W all of them and these should clear really fast I use my potion just in case okay we see Vi at her blue so I'm not getting invaded gromp does less damage the lower HP it is okay that's good to know wait where'd she go I stunned the wrong one okay she's ganking top for some reason she might come to invade me now that's fine I can maybe invade her all right oh I'm just going to pop my ghost and run at this guy I'm going to Auto him first for the slow oh and we're going to get V2 cuz she flash combo our stun with his huge I might even be able to steal her blue it's kind of risky though but I'm going to try actually I'm just going to do the crab she's going to run straight to the blue after respawning and yon could come get me but what I could do is maybe Ward it try and steal it over the wall this just one of many well I chunked him a little bit I mean I might die trying to steal this but YOLO oh a yoink run run run run run run run hey that was easy she didn't have Smite or she didn't use it blades this guy might go out too far I got a splash that's huge we just go do bottom crab now this a really good start for us I'm Waring right there to see if Vai comes a crab well well let's go hit pot maybe I can get a kill or a harvest St I'm a Dar if I could hit my E I could actually kill him we're going to push the wave in with our team and make sure that they don't get any of these minions and we can collect this plaing too maybe even another one well I'm just just going to die to this cuz somebody's coming behind us if I would have ran out of the turret I would have died to VI which is worse so we're going leandre's first most broken item in the game Big Burn you can't contain meon I don't know if she flashed or not did she okay I don't think she did ow I am the fire the of the world I'm just going to clear my bot side and then maybe try and gank botling again yeah this clear feels really good and BR is just super strong early BR is super strong throughout all points of the game that's why I think he's the most broken right now I didn't have my three spells up from my passive I need to wait a little bit between using them an En nice tops winning there's an ash over here uh I'm here he's kind of running the wrong way though but he's almost out fit in some Auto attacks I'm not alting though cuz Braum could potentially block it um she's either going to take grubs or my Ops side jungle this body is just one of many I'll do crab and maybe Dragon here oh my God the river height be scamming me i a wow my J really stole the crab well at least she's helping me okay her bot side's gone she might be taking my red she probably went to her top side though unless she knew I'm on Dragon then she could take my top side Mia I am free yeah I think I Q here hit the big one nice I get passive clear this up we go H is somewhat gankable I just want to keep farming though VI might be ganking at the same time too and we can counter gank yeah he's baiting a VI gank I think just want the Harvest if I hit him with one spell I get har that the world by's bot actually yon's bot too we could dive this guy that works and then if VI is bot that means her blue might be up yeah it is we'll just yoink that I'm not going to stay for more this crab's spawning soon kind of want it Y is going to dash in here we won't kill him M didn't really need the all oh how'd that reach wow all right well that's VI flash Q if I had leandre's we would do more damage there we almost have Sor shoes I think I'm going to get a dark seal maybe not let's get a Booker tra I'll just clear uh bot to top I'll keep snowballing Renekton cuz he falls off but I if he's really far ahead he won't and it seems like bot's doing fine yeah bot's winning hard oh she took my ground just one of many oh she took my whole bot side all right I purify this just keep clearing yeah I want the grubs so I'm going to stay up here I'll go this way he go that way I'm going to stand in front of her so she can't QA oh it got canceled Revenge you can't contain me suer I think yon is coming oh that's op the grubs all proed passive off of each other I'm leaving cuz I guarantee you V is probably coming back for some Revenge Revenge or she's going for my blue let's do sort shoes and we're going to do a riiz next then I get a slow on my burn and then third I think I'm going to go hourglass that blocks yon and V VI's definitely bot I think she's taking my blue yep she is your team has destroyed a turret I'm going to run away I think I beat her though oh especially if wasting my Smite especially if I dodge her Q I don't even think she would have W if she hit the que but I don't know how she killed me mid maybe it's cuz I didn't have my items yet or it's cuz yon helped too I think Leon's headed bot all right pretty much oh mid's not winning but I have two side winning Lanes oh he love this champ he just massively outplayed me yeah there is a ward in my jungle so he knew I thought he was going bot though it's he could have got a double though I mean he lost his turret but you y will be Yi I think I'd rather have Harold than Dragon but maybe not H let's just go do the drag cuz if this game goes really long I'd rather actually have all the dragons on the herald cuz then we'll get Soul y ignited and alted they're all here oh y's top though he's going to try and steal is 900 they better run I'm going long oh they don't even have anywhere to go SL an enemy and I can even go up and get Herald too I think yon wants Renekton shut down he needs to be careful cuz yon will beat him in a one V one that was is just pushing though he's doing really good he may be losing Lane but he's at least applying a lot of pressure team destroyed a tret I think she went over the wall oh no she's mid oh I guess Renekton beat him this body I have a feeling Y is going to come back for me wait m is winning 1 V2 okay interesting bro let me hit the eye I'm not going to Smite it it's going to die from passes um uh this is kind of risky but I want to steal it I clear so fast a VI that clear super duper fast see help him he's fine we got a riiz and we're definitely going hourglass cuz I need it to survive against yon and vi just diving me he's going wits what's cool is with the red jungle pet you're even stronger on brand jungle than like brand met support cuz you get the red jungle burn an extra burn on top of your burn gra my bounce I think it went to Braum but he died so it didn't bounce oh I hit him midair don't e him away oh she's got him huge that might be GG I will BL the TR I got Herald maybe I'll use a bot since there's two turrets and they're going to go top to try and kill Renekton so I should put some pressure on the map the other side they didn't go top you can't contain yeah Vin's got a base how much time do I have on this I have 2 minutes still oh just Spas after Millennia I am free think they're going to get caught if they stay it'd just be stupid to use a Herald if I did bot because it would only crash into one turret and they'd all be down there uh everybody on my team kind of needs to reset they could do dragon and I can just send this this Herald top they're either enemy team's either going to come top for Renekton or go to Dragon like wild look how much damage my burn does hit him man oh this could be bad I might get a hot I'm going to run her over if PES leandre's really it plays LeAndre that's broken all right see look I hit her with a heral in a w and it did like too much of her HP bar got my w up before I died I just do so much damage and might even be able on the game here only had my Seekers gu and did we get the dragon we did and there it is GG we got a brand win our first AP jungle first brand game and it was a pretty solid game all right welcome back back to another Zangle zag jungle climb video today we're playing some Gwen jungle and we're running conquer Triumph alacrity Last Stand boots and Cosmic Insight she actually has the highest win rate right now in the jungle out of any other champ and we can either go blue or green I'm going to go Blue for the speed because they got quite a few range champs yeah she has one of the highest win rates and I remember almost picking her up as my main for a while as jungle so I should be somewhat decent at her but haven't played her in a hot minute but I did like her clear and I don't like playing against her recently she seems really strong so this should be a good one we're going to go a nashers into riff maker and then death cap but Gwen hits a huge power spank at Rift maker they can keep on trying is up here we have like a solid team I just have a feeling we're going to get M of are aled but there's four other people he can Al we start with Q stack it up you don't want to Q till you have four autos and then you que and what we're going to do is level up e next and then go back to Q we don't need our W for the Jungle Red buff clear is pretty easy and your e is an auto reset so you want to use it right after you Auto attack I got two quick Snips in there oh those cleared quick um the thing about though is not an early ganker I mean my level two gank is garbage pretty much till level six my ganks are garbage clear's not too bad though level four will'll get a point in W prior Chung we don't want to get invaded by her feel like she destroys me early oh she's up top what I've noticed in my jungle clim so far though is uh I have not noticed a difference in Jungle skill from Silver to Plat so far like these plat junglers play the same as silver junglers like there's not much difference got to make each footprint mean something I also don't have flash so if she invades me here I'm probably good oh I actually I could Dash over the wall I'll save my Dash just in case it's not even the end of the world if I get invaded and die I just hate the set experience everything like I never could before okay she's up here I might be a level on her if I W she can't Q me unless she gets really close to once again he doesn't need me he's got him he dead all right let's just go for bottom crab going to run through mid I'm going to Dash and auto a minion so I get my cool down back on it oh Brier is down here she's a Level under me and I have mid prry so I can actually go for this well I guess I don't have mid pry oh she Charmed yeah nice we can maybe fight this okay it's going won't let you hurt anyone now we can reset nothing really more to get over here I'll just go clear again nice really good mid laner actually rotated that's all I ask for all right I don't know what's better I think I'm going to go the AP the attack speed might be nice for clear but I think AP is just going to do more damage when I'm level six and with the snippy snip B's not quite gankable yeah get 25% of the cool down back if I auto attack something after dashing an enemy has been slain nice winning top mid lane rotates bot Lane's winning so I can just keep power farming and ganking when needed I don't think melar flashed did he I think he got charm before he flashed nice I yink some XP from mid so good I can't use this Brier's not going to be able to walk out of my ALT oh yeah I forgot about grubs she could be on them I don't have Smite for 10 seconds let's check though I mean I could just take like one or two usually never able to do the grubs in these videos cuz my Lanes aren't winning this is just a really awkward spot cuz I don't have Vision if she comes behind me nice I really just want two but I can go for all U I mean I'll walk up here n there's nothing to get Brier's bot I'm going to go look in her jungle really quick and then I'll probably reset onward get some Vision ooh let see look that means she started top side I think because her Red's up yeah her Red's up before her blue this up no she went red chickens drugs are probably about to spawn but I got to go get to my red that and that okay she took my red okay oh get that guy Dam she do damage though so close C out AR you might be able to clean up an En I don't even think I need to do anything here Wen we could take her blue blue or crab if I can get karma with me then I can take this easily we don't know where m is on my own I don't know she didn't like that I must hurry she can root that I mean we could do this I guess naar is not leaving Lane now it's rewarded the jungle Dragon I'll just go do top to bot or bot to top clearing this feels pretty solid an enemy has been slain what's mys 81 to 54 while I also have two kills and I got my boots now she could have run straight from my my blue after the dragon I don't think she did though we'll see oh yeah she's here and I won't ever forget it oh she tried executed nice a good thing I held my Al I was going to Al cuz I wasn't sure how strong she was but she tried to execute that didn't work out for her yeah she did run and take my blue she's not happy that I'm stealing her camps an enemy has did she just respawn and ALT I just need one of these she might be able to stop me though what to do shut down okay this is greedy maybe she didn't have Vision be C I can go help him I don't think he needs help all right we got nashers we got a mask I wonder if I should get my boots I'll get the Mas allies I got ghost 90 we can either go coold down boots Merc Treads armor boots don't really need maybe Merk Treads if anything but I'll probably just go cool down Boots the only one of their Lanes that's like not not doing terrible is Ms and Gwen's scale is like when's really good mid to late game so the fun is just starting I'm going go for the crab I think I can always fight Brier now what happens next I get to decide an ally has been slain en I don't think I need to do anything never that's pretty good an ally has been slain my solo lanes are now starting to lose oh there Blues up kind of risky with a BAU here to they didn't know I was there though I just can't really gank a malahar that well I'd have to go in first and and slow him with my ALT I don't really want to do that no Brier's probably on Herold she definitely is is no time like the I don't think I'll get there in time and mes is there I believe uh Darius in trouble Bing's in a lot of trouble though well here for emotional support oh we're fine we have 11 kill Misfortune and Darius just killed R an ally has been slain mountains Beyond te has destroyed a turret wish to see one up close he's just like always under his turret there ain't much to do oh it's gone never oh oh she died really quick I think Karma does a lot of damage D all right I'll go clear my hop side after this and then just go reset buy some nice stuff they're trying to stop me well they can keep on trying away we go darus needs to be careful mouses can probably kill him rer might go for my bot side rer has no jungle to take I took her bot side and I took her top side my clear is getting really quick too blue you are I know be all right I'm might as well just clear all the way down Ain nothing else on the map to [Music] do where is that all right let me go by go to top crab we'll try and fight next fight probably ends the game an enemy Rift maker we'll go cool down boots and then I'll just get has destroyed a turret safe like nothing can hurt me seems like a pretty straightforward win I mean I have winning Lanes destroy shut down legendary so I don't have to do too much game I got all the objectives that's what matters as jungler and my ganks were successful I think she's right here isn't she kind of missed my Smite I want to Smite the camp with me I don't know if I can beat him definitely not with Bard here I want to take her red never F I've got to make each footprint mean something dragon's up in 10 rank is this we're playing in plat currently it's a jungle climb series this video is going on the swago channel there's a jungle climb series on that channel we got Teo clim series I'm probably chilling on the Teo series till the next season starts which is next month I know the game gets really unfun and there's no content in like grandm it's the same thing every game whereas like on this jungle clim I can play whatever jungler I want right now flat and learn and have funoc U I mean I'll back them up they might get engaged on there's no reason for me to go clear right now it's not like it's going to change too much die [Music] oh my God I hit the turret no I didn't even click the turret didn't I maybe I did oh well that's not good I just gave malar a big shutdown I thought he would die a little bit faster think we go oh yeah the book can't go into death cap I could go Shadow flame though Shadow Flame's actually really good un one I go Shadow flame death cap I can't I think Brier's landed an all I'm coming don't waste a minute a an enemies I don't know if I'll make it to her in time maybe oh I got the blue blue jungle pet the wind at my back feels so good I can't hell did she go I won't her recall went off that fast and she's zero and five anyway onward works we should uh reset go Baron we should just do Baron damn I need 100 Gold light on my I must hurry if I am to win we kind of need Darius don't oh my God he got sniped think he's dead he's a little too fast just kidding nice that might be GG your team has destroyed an inhibitor Focus nice all right GG got a nice Gwen jungle Victory had really solid Lanes but say the same if I didn't get solid Lanes got really bad Lanes it's just the jungle roll let's see the damage definitely didn't out damage MF maybe I did against jungle camps 38 we're going to be platin like few more games I don't know like five or 10 that did pretty solid I mean definitely I think everybody would choose the Gwen over the Brier if they wanted a jungle so yeah if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below also check out my website swag. I'm having a huge sale on there with uh custom keyboards and mouse pads you can get a nice medium mouse pad for like $10 they're on sale and I sign everything so yeah go check it out
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 175,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: qek6u_ihUgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 29sec (14369 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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