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right welcome to the kaisa movie be specific the sniper kaisa movie we're doing this new build where we can pretty much get some super strong Snipes as kaisa and essentially 1v5 and the runes we are running for all these games are hail blades Taste of blood eyeball ingenious triple tonic and biscuits and what we're going to do is use the triple tonic to get extra points in our W faster so we come online because I still believe in the snip is super strong just takes a while to scale we want to minimize that as much as possible so yeah I'll play a few games of this let's see how good the build actually is see how much fun it is it's really good for Champions that don't have a lot of dashes which their team actually doesn't we're into a brand mid he's going to have heavy poke and the build path we're going is manamune first and ingenious Hunter helps charge up the tier faster and give us more luden frogs ouch push never wer nobody hits me and gets away with it come on come on we traded him back but we don't really want to be trading him just prioritizing farming the darkness was beaten once it can be again so manamune ludin into crit Bloom those three items are the big Power Spike and then we go like Shadow flame death cap but once we have those three core items we should be able to one V5 I think off manamune we still get the Q upgrade we're just not getting the E upgrade with this build but we're not building a nashers or attack speed boots cuz we want Snipes hit him wonder what boots would be better I think we'll try coold down boots and Sor shoes in some of these games we DOD all it's a good day to save the world I'm going to experiment different um Summoner spells too I think ignite's really good because we can pick up early kills like that but I do like barrier but our Al is going to give us a barrier and then TP might be viable too in this match up where if brand pushed me out of Lane I'd be able to right back into action face our fears all that's nice we start with a kill we got to get a tier get that stacking I mean they nerfed kaisa a while ago so if you don't have enough haste you can't proc your plasma just off your W alone I will make a difference here let's see I have to I think I could wait for 10 gold to get the Warhammer being a star Guardian I get to have my wish the others who don't I don't have flash ignite I'm just going to chill back I mean I already got early kill very good for me if he just procs his passive on me he hits three spells I pretty much have to base I'm going to lose so much HP I missed a bunch of minions I never liked you an ally has I've never used this kaisa skin before it actually feels weird it almost feels like a whole different champ Auto attack wise but the nice thing about kaisa is her Q just last hits for you oh he's panicking nice activate the plasma and we'll just chill H hey we got a lot of potions in our inventory let's make sure kindred's not here she not here growing up means making your own hope the hail blades is nice on this build because it helps us activate the uh plasma too kaisa passive has a lot of damage built into it I'm not alone I'm surprised I haven't needed to use my biscuits yet brand isn't doing a good job at poking me he's not using his empowered e on the wave that can't miss me I guess I'll start burning my Mana just cuz I got to use these uh biscuits there's still time to make this right if I keep him pushed into turret he'll lose lose more minions if I freeze also we're not going to be putting more points in our alt we're just going to put one in if I can remember I have a really bad habit of just always putting an all point in all when us up uhoh all right we got a little move speed with e family they're all the reason I need good reason to use our biscuits I still have this Elixir Force what does it do give me 20 adaptive Force for a minute it's kind of hard to time but you'd want to use it in a fight could alt in Q auto ignite him Ru number one but he's not quite low enough I have a chance of dying for sure I suppose we'll base after this together St light the universe have manun I do first item complete and we'll go luden's next luden's just got buffed too it has more haste right did it always have 25 I think it got more get the moat okay we need 20 more ad they want to fight I'll give them a fight you know what maybe starting with a Doran over a long sword is better then because then I have 10 more ad towards that Q upgrade I would get it earlier but I think I'm still going to get it when I finish ludin because the Mana from the ludin converts into ad from the man so we'll have to test at a different game I'll go dorance and see how much faster we get the Q upgrade cuz getting the Q upgrade is pretty important it's the majority of our damage for the first half of the game it's all of our damage for the first half of our game oh I got the free skill point push forward never waver might be getting ganked but I have a moo Mo behind me the darkness was beaten once go in for a we bit of poke getting ganked what I can do is auto her then just Al behind her oh nice I burned her all that's an easy way to escape from ganks the mission comes first doing pretty solid damage we almost killed Kindred oh that hit him through the minion now we need to base he also does to I mean we can maybe get this if he doesn't it's a little risky if he presses e and stuns me orse day to save the world yo worth I might die now he's going to like flash ignite need just sit back was it was not worth he's rushing leandre's this build actually does a lot of damage first people who build Health magic resist does kind of counter it I'm not going to be able to hit anything here don't the grubs are going to get in the way I'm just going to reset really quick grab this can't really buy anything else oh we need only two more ad you know I think it'd be the same if I had a Doran or not I mean I would get the upgrade here but just a few more stacks on this and I'll have my Q upgrade I need one more ad and to stack up the man we either Auto attack or we just the only for use abilities but we have three of the grubs so I do pretty solid damage to turrets I missed fin an enemy has slain double kill I need to get a hit on this turret and I can kill it but I got to back up cuz he's going to use the wave to poke me nice the thing is we're going to hit the Q upgrade and the W upgrade around the same time I just need 100 AP for the W UPG I will make a difference here I all right we're not putting a point oh I got the Q upgrade from leveling up we're not going to put a point in the alt because what is it give us extra extra range which is decent cool down decent but not much Shield amount whereas having more points than W is going to help once we get this upgrade wa W's already maxed out I think putting points in Al though over e might be better though since I'm not upgrading e okay I can buy 50 more we need enough to get this alternator plus one more book or a dark seal I guess I'll get you my inventory might get too cluttered if I get dark seal your own but I'm down to try it some game uh really need to get my face off a fight here but nice take him out I need to get at least an assist on this guy I that works s that nice I bursted her either she didn't have alt or I was able to burst her I'll just put points in our an oath is more than just words I'm doing a lot of damage and I have ludin here so we get our W upgrade and we're online you really just need two items to come online but the third item is uh when the damage hits this upgrade you know I don't think they're going to build that much mrr this game I'm going to try cool down boots cuz the more CR the better actually for sniping it's it's a trade-off you can either do Sor shoes and hit a bit harder Sor shoes i' would say build against if they're going to build Mr I have a feeling they're not cuz we had a Fed MF and it look like I'm going ad so cool down boots give me a higher chance of bursting people with plasma an ally has as a leader everyone SE everything I do now oh that went right through them as long as the Herold doesn't get in the way but since I have CDR boots this is almost back up and like this is the spot where this build excels oh he angry because there's nothing besides this heral to block the Snipes uhoh right I don't know what kill her redbow Dar I missed a few Snipes there actually could have gotten way more kills oh I was lying oh no I'm dead he me I'll take her with me okay I'm so strong and we go crit Bloom because this over void because it gives about the same um magic uh pen and AP but it gives haste and we need haste for Snipes if you could swap any to any chance what combo would you choose uh I don't know there's too many combinations I'm not going to lie there still time to make this right do we go after [ __ ] Bloom it's either uh yeah it's probably rabid on than Shadow Flame or theonas or banshees those all give a lot of AP for the first an oh that's enough forunate all he did fling him into turret though think he wins that an ally has been slain well I'm here to clean up you have SL an enemy my mid turret eyes on the horizon I like playing kaisa Sniper kaisa but I like the three upgrade sniper build too where you go Eclipse first but I think this is actually stronger cuz with the eclipse build I end up just playing Sniper kaisa anyway like the eclipse helps you get through the early gamean rule number one it doesn't go that far would have hit there's a kindred around here I think luden's done 850 this is upgraded just a teenage girl with a MAG bunny shooting staright nothing new where are they I want to snipe them together Stars light the universe well I dodged all his spells oh he's got two Mr items already well that's well he's dead all right if I would have had this I would have beat him but I didn't base we just go death cap next death cap Shadow flame I think I can go hourglass banshees if I really need oh no the throws we've been a what is happening botle your turret has been destroyed they want to fight I'll give him a fight alen's only one and two brand has a shutdown Kindred wow how did the Kindred get so fed our Mark is lift if there's minions in the way I can't snipe I need to let my front line my Mumu go in wow they keep just randomly moving as soon as I snipe okay that one shouldn't have hit wow oh my Q didn't go off or it did it just was it on cool down before I jumped are that weird my Q didn't hit anything there it's weird poke oh there we go there we go I have a feeling Mor Kiser is going to just try to run behind me again hopefully they're not on Baron Kindred and mor could maybe Doo it here I don't know why I have a feeling they're on Baron oh hexte dragons good yep they got Baron I called it they weren't showing on the map anywhere a death nice picked another one we don't lose an inhib on this barar and we're looking pretty good oh my God I'm stopping them from even able to lock out she's a goner oh really good nice I had to flash away cuz n was about to hit me all right that's good we kited back perfectly for the mumu reengage first I'm surprised where was brand oh brand based because I got him low and then I can just Al in and kind of uh pick off the survivors oh we get in him they're dead for a while I need blue b your team has destroyed your teamy oh I have death cap as long as M doesn't just TP behind me and kill me here there he is be together oh it's over Shadow Flame or I mean I go a different item or actually I wish I could afford the rods but I guess I got to go Shadow I get to have my wish the others who don't I fight for them I just need vision of them fights in the river are so good for me I mean we don't really need to go mid since we already have a we need to kill this guy after he kills her we Guardians face our fears oh he didn't get her oh my God okay through his magic resist item I am popping him now I mean what does this do 47% missing Health damage so yeah if I activate the plasma it's pretty much kills them because in order to activate the plasma I have to do that much damage I have to do like half of their health I will make a difference here oh there's a good sent off that actually stops their PS they're trying to push mid to stop us from pushing BP but we have an in so they can't really they're not going to out push us especially with Nar there and kindri died oh my God through the minions Caitlyn the long range champ doesn't even get to play verse me come on come on almost uping your own time to go I could get a horizon 2o but I think Shadow flame is better I just need Magic Pen since I don't have Magic Pen boots your has been destroyed yeah I think kindred's going for this we need to stop her it's a promise an enemy has been SL this will reveal her by killing this crab I'll get you there's still time to make this right oh so close I don't think we flip it she's going to outs Smite if I just hit some poke oh oh yeah and it makes the [ __ ] Blom activate more enemy triple kill well BR got a triple kill I mean I haven't seen him participate in the last few fights probably because he's been poked out but he did just kill my whole team now we don't get Baron I'm going to go get Shadow que oh wait hold on who is this he flashed on me thought he was going to Al me they might come through here what are those Minions doing I need to run if we can kite back out of these minions fight not over I can stop them from going in oh my God he died in two fkes dude oh I would have got all of them the Snipes 17 kills see we came online 3300 on this 2300 on that healed a lot with cripp too that he I don't even have the uh oh he's looking for me oh no he found someone else um I think Kindred still has alt so K back oh I needed to hit that back up oh she got way too close I don't know why s walked in melee range you got to check faon want to fight wow that is uh tragic could have autoed her again but I thought she was going to die I mean at this point I can sell my boots and buy Horizon wonder what's better horizon or storm surge probably Horizon God don't dad got a going on they're screwed they they have to get to me like Leona or M has to like flash on me and Al me or whatever cuz at range they just they can't beat me I am pretty slow now though but I have flash up but I do massive amounts of damage what I hit I mean I'm just winning the fight by not even going near them who's still alive Kate where's Kate enemy to be go passive damage it's at 60% missing health I kind of want them all to spawn again just so I can open fire my Q's actually not doing as much oh my teest I got to get to safy they coming an ally has been slain Baron's a good spot to fight forward never waver uh S I think she got creep blocked what happened the hunt Begins the darkness was beaten once it can be again damn that shouldn't have revealed me I'll get you the mission comes first oh I hit the wrong one well Kate's got a base in's kind of low but she has alt injur is really low they're in a choke point oh my God good day the world oh my God I might have just intoed I trolled I was this close to throwing the game right there I'm not going to lie has DN how's Kindred attacking what are you doing oh we don't have a turret here are you kidding me run all right Bran's busy dealing with the minions ah there's too many minions for me to snipe I will make a difference I have again I hit a minion oh how do that not hit oh my God they're so close all right we get hex tech Soul here I think growing up means making your own I need a blue potion he that was so close at least I can One V one Mor cuz he hasn't really gotten stronger he didn't buy any more Mr that was scary though not alone I'm not afraid all right I can poke them all in Baron kard is really the main threat brand is too but brand like just eats my spells take I will oh my God it did 1,700 damage an ally has he's so fast I hit a we did it oh that's actually a fantastic first game 23 kills two deaths so many Snipes almost 6K on that 3,600 on that vict I hurt I think the shadow flame is nice cuz it makes my plasma passive crit so they're like for sure dead see the damage oh let's play this again 85k damage it's so fun I love playing Sniper builds All We Got Game two we're going to try the doran's blade start and we may try the Sor shoes if they build some Mr they got a lot of Frontline a lot of Champions that are going to eat the W's but they have some really strong early Champs so we might not get as fed as fast get it I came back reia mid is one of my least favorite things to play into just cuz she dashed through the wave and kills you if she didn't just heal the full off every time she dashed I'd be okay with it but she just goes blade of the Run King first I'm going sit back she doesn't have healing yet on first base but I think she still has some built-in healing with the Q I just don't want her to stack it up all the way but she can prep a bunch of minions for it try stun MH I don't think I can get her if I flash Auto I still need two Autos uh she doesn't have TP and is this pushing into me it's not is it I think I still just leave it cuz it's too early for me to base I can still deny her a lot of minions off this wave oh it is pushing into me no it's not it's close to even but yeah it'll push into her exploit their [Music] mistakes if I have a huge wave it's harder for to fight me too stay alert stay aggressive oh we can use this tonic to push also since it gives me what five extra damage a moving Target lives longer we might get ganked by kha'zix here though she might miss some of these but Aurelia has really good last hitting under turret but I can use this time to reset there were 11 minions and [Music] minions I was about to say nobody's died yet their team has oh we have a Zach support interesting azix top so now she's going to slow push this wave into me and try and just look for a stun oops I [ __ ] up oh relia doing a relia things that's actually fine I like equally traded her there this place is beautiful I'm going to save it should be able to get most of these I think the minions are going to screw them up I miss one uh I'm going to push this just cuz I feel like she based here it's a good day for a hunt all right we'll play base ruette do I get boots or sword I think I just take all the damage I can to try and beat her early oh she's getting armor first okay she doesn't like my Autos that's good I mean if she just came back to Lane with vampiric I would never be able to kill her cuz every time she dashes she heals like 100 HP for some reason I don't have to imagine nice jungler got three grubbies it again okay she's starting to hurt just for can't get hit by those stuns just the beginning she can kill me at this HP I'm going to have to flash away if she hits another stun and even then I might still die okay good survival hey I do have my ALT to jump away but she's just too good at the game you know she just an En has keeps dashing an enemy has been slain this world is changing we I was going to push if she roam you're the hunted okay she's not pushing now cuz she wants to kill me she wants me to walk out and then she's going to dash in and stun for Get Up Stand Firm Can't Go For That minion back there dropped her stonis hold our ground attack them and theirs but I I just can't walk up she's just going to one shot me an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain oh trees how I missed them you leave this place and she got a gank oh the wave is still in a really bad spot survival I get in a Mumu gank ever we could kill her that's just aelia though she's kind of like an auto wind champ this I'll outscale her I think as long as she doesn't just pick up a bunch of free kills from my teammates G based here that's bad she could have held me in lane and made me base first I think I man oh so close really B yep she's got vampiric armor boots so she out damages me and out heals me so I need to be careful let's ask for a gank I mean if he does the dragon that's fine kha'zix's top just so lame Al I can make a difference he just charges that doesn't take any damage the skin ande all right I'm trading her well o skill point learn from me let's see what you made of not the plasma the thing is like she's going to heal back to full off this wave I really need somebody to help me Aurelia is like only beatable by ganks she's just stat checks and wins every fight fight flight only now I I'll take it that's fine unfortunately I got stunned under turret but I'll take it we got a kill I think she ignited me too now all right on [Music] to the ludin oh yeah I was worth a shutdown that actually wasn't worth it I get punished for playing better than her for farming better much a place I mean it's only 150 extra gold but that's kind of lame thanks Riot I get punished because my support's 4 and0 I get punished because my jungler remember the name does not know my Lane exists an enemy has been SL see well I get a free kill off roaming we need to be careful she's over here amumu's pretty strong into her though Unstoppable shut down monsters are everywhere well there's support got to shut down that's good I got Q upgrade already okay we do get the Q upgrade I think a bit faster I mean I think we're later in this game than the other game I'm not sure but we don't have many kills I mean I'm winning Lane vers one of the most broken Champs in the game so but she finally missed that as you can see she just Autos me oh maybe my support will gank me since my jungler I will make a difference here really doesn't want to gank an Aurelia who's sitting under my turret all game I'm beating her on my own oh she's panicking I had to flash unfortunately my plasma ran out and I ran out of vision that's good though Feed the Beast anything to shut her down cuz she's probably tilted that she doesn't have 10 kills CU she's a sweaty Aurelia player all right we got maxed out W I actually canceled that like we're going to win this game so easy but like the lane phase is just so hard we need 40 more AP so we could get I survived the void alternator and I guess I don't know if I'm going cool down boots or as my fate I think cool down boots see what happens this is what I was waiting for all game just a gank because Aurelia can go in but she can't get out what amumu's like yeah he'll she'll figure it out on her own I think I'm liking the cool down Boots the haste just to get more Snipes is just so much better I think why do you need ganks oh yeah you finally start getting ganked when you should be getting camped all game come on let's go I'll be I don't see the point of putting more points into man I could buy the dark seal and get the upgrade but more points in the E like but I was never alone it's 5% move speed 10% attack speed though but I like I what do you mean didn't I solo kill her I solo killed her under turret I didn't get a gank did I oh civer came I return stronger than well she's got blade of the ruin King so even if she's behind a level she's still stronger than me your turret has destroyed relia players OS that's enough the hunt will [Music] resum actually better not to buy the item here and buy the book so I can get my upgrade Get Up Stand fir this is not really is going some shut Downs here dou kill close my eyes and listen to shutdown shutdown I came for the hunt an ally has been slain Zach killed her amumu saved the blobbies team has destroyed a tret kill yeah the thing is zelia can miss everything and still like just beat me so it's like of course I have to play safe you pick the champion that forces me to destroyed [Music] know yes oh my God I didn't know what that was it oh no survival means never the we got a lot of smack talking in this game um where is it this this we got the haste it needs to feed if it doesn't could I be next it's like I'm playing an ADC building AP I can't One V one the champion that's specifically building to One V one but I am outplaying her by not One V oneing her and that's why she's upset we go for the solo kill WS oh I don't think kha'zix can fight me I should be able to One V one him oh my God a little all right well explo I mean we hit our two item power Spike this game's definitely not going as long as the other one though this Zach is popping off Zach is like one of the most broken Champions right now though you could play him anywhere I mean I want to Al in there and steal that kill but it's like just do it for she go I'm dead as [ __ ] wait what did she just attach to she like grabbed on to right here from over here it looked like she was grabbing on to the ward yeah I hit the three item power Spike Zach does too much damage for healing so much and having so much CC she grappled the dead turret but it latched on here instead of here when she shot it like this your team has destroyed maybe I'm blind fear is ahead Hunters must be nimble and walk lightly I just hate playing against aelas because like team destroyed you can't tell if they're good or not cuz they're all the same they all just Dash through the minions and one shot you like there's really not much skill expression she looks like a skillful champ but she's not she's so so easy to play I guess we just win they cannot kill the Zach support who is probably stronger than me ooh snip the thing is their death timers are really short that minion C stay alert stay alest strike I'm missing everything I mean didn't didn't aelia get a gank from cosic I got him I mean she really she really did deserve this win though she really did Dash through those minions really good this place is beautiful I'm going to save it I'll give her that death C cover to me if I had a dark seal and a Doran I just wouldn't have room for even a large Rod here I have to sell one of the two sa them from themselves uh she's not even doing I'll flashed the thing is I don't even think Zach was close to losing that dude what is that dam look at that I'm zoning them all just by pressing w all right that's I kind of thought I'd be able to kill him but no G I think selling the Doran for another large Rod is worth as long as you don't lose Q upgrade but I'm at 145 I'm not even close your team destroyed oh everybody had to stop what they're doing to go kill Aurelia I like that want some tips aelia I'll help you out for free not bad we probably would have won the game a little bit faster if amumu ever decided to gank I did the most damage even though I was just kind of farming all that game explo game three we got against the Mage so we had to deal with the annoying Aurelia was bearable I've been Banning a colie every game in case you're wondering we could probably do better into her than the Aurelia but I just don't like playing against aali cuz she can like do terrible in lane and then just press R and just kill the whole team yeah vagar I wanted to take cleanse but sometimes I run over my Lanes so hard where the cleanse is just not really needed cu the only things I can cleanse are the vagar cage maybe a Kate trap but I'll still take the auto and a lux snare but if I end up dodging all of that we're fine and then ignite gives me way higher chance of snowballing if I can get an early kill because of it because a lot of the combos I do are just alt in Auto Q ignite and then chunks some this kind of baiting me into this what the hell is he doing all right well whoever warded that red buff thanks I would have never uh saw that one why was he so low I thought Leon has a pretty healthy clear oh you're going to die too you an enemy kind of hoping I could detonate the plasma okay I don't know why this game is so easy in the last game was like nightmare mode in Lane well yeah they're uh they're not going to do too well cuz I'm going to scale so much faster now two kills I got a base uh if I didn't miss a few minions at the end there I could have oh no war hammer cost uh this much I'll do this this this second skin gave me a second life Mo I will not I probably should have just went the second sword but the boots I need the boots I don't have flash I am an ally has been slain I was SP an ally has been slain oh yeah I have a jungler me like ganks the Hun is on don't take my Cannon I'll leave the game and I'm only level four it feels like I should be level 10 already do like farming on Kaiser though it's actually not too bad Feed the Beast we'll be its meal Leon has the same Farm as my jungler and he died I return stronger than I left maybe Vio gank somewhere I don't know I wasted my e walking forward here yes that's probably not the right thing to do cuz if lon's here then I got nothing to get away oh hey look he's at the grubs I like it here and now he's not at the grubs some seeds it's fight or flight only now I do not run I had a feeling that was going to hit a minion I mean if I shove him in turret he's going to lose a lot of Cs this place is beautiful going to he's out of Mana he's got a base and TP oh this skin has a helmet too I put on like a mask I'm going to go for this might not be worth I got it good thing we have the grubs always wins what is this oh no likeit that's not a jungler that's a top laner exing me I came back for the I'm hit well I overstayed I need to find a way to get out of this Lane an ally has been SL this place is beautiful all right we got an out wait how much do I need guys 200 gold might as well stay it's fight flight now I do not want now he could potentially kill me cuz I might not have enough Mana to Al oh I might have needed to not miss that o I needed that minion and hunts with me I mean I could have just based and sold the potion but let me use my e my e actually pushes faster than my Q I think just cuz I gets attack speed the vagar screwed up just like Aurelia did why did he need to base I'm clearly like overstaying you stay till I base and then you shove wave into my turret so I lose one wave now he ends up losing a wave when he was ahead well he wasn't he's not ahead but like he was ahead for that wave I don't know I need to use some of this junk should have sold the potion anyway I remember these reminds me of home did he use TP oh did he I haven't been really paying attention it's a Friday night and I'm ready to go to bed at 10 p.m. I tried oh how is this guy here again a weird looking Le I wield the abyss what the Yeah I wasn't in range to ignite we go there's no way he's on GRS right he's like one HP ah he's on grubs died to the grubs don't see that every day I will well we could get a lost chapter I'm this I know I've said a lot of Champions are broken right now we nothing tops that guy we didn't even mention him because everybody just knows he's broken we could do this everybody just knows Cante is broken okay tell yourself you will live believe it Kaiser and you will have a chance oh my God where does Health go wait we need one of these grubs we need the last grub I was spared for where is it I have a feeling my prediction L's going to jump over the wall and attempt to steal itk well I made vagar base for the 10th time now [Music] I need the attack speed don't die I suppose I'll base I get upgrade I didn't need to sell those biscuits I'm just never using them if I sell them I still get the extra Mana so I probably could have kept them for a bit all right we're almost at our power Spike we just need to hit next base I don't care wow wasn't really expecting to kill him there I thought he was going to flash and I was going to have to flash after him to get the all Autos but I got Q upgrades so it kind of does double damage now kind of a machine gun I mean I'm I'm up double his farm so he's just so far behind enemy kill gante though yeah I'm not fighting him I came for the hunt stay L also can't fight me I will one shot him well oh he killed him oh vgo is even well he's not more broken but vgo is broken too any Champion that's been released or updated in the last [Music] few years is broken all right we got our power Spike we got the two items with the two upgrades angess to will only sniping time I hate these skins where it's a either Omega or like the video game where it just put some weird ass sound effect over what their voices sounds terrible this world is changing we decide a one a two a three snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe oh I'm going really deep here exploit you know I play her I don't know how what even how or what happened there but snipe snipe snipe damn she went the wrong way he's got a lot of traps in that bush I can make a difference here where's Le in I think he quit oh no well I almost died I was not expecting Caitlyn to go all in for me your team destroy I mean to be fair I kind of knew this game was over the second I killed Le in level three in his jungle to I think I was level two it's my amumu I mean we had a different amumu last game but he really didn't do anything he just kind of uh watch only a child and no to I mean where Le's been level six for a long yeah he's AFK he he left the game when he died into the grubs poor guy I mean at least we're hitting the power Spike before 20 minutes so like this doesn't take super long to come online when did I hit the power Spike last game last game was like the most real of a game where it's like I actually had to like think in Lane this I just autopilot this win I think last game I came online at like 20 minutes also Feed the Beast be it I forgot to change my kaisa skin for this game I got a third skin mid is open as it has been all games jungle a open o an enemy has been slain down there I will surrounded by nothingness has companion yeah I don't think Le's to Happy Trees how'd she know to dodge that way I mean she probably knew another one was coming oh my God I'll help no he going to kill me I'm too young I have fallen your team destroy oh wait he's been playing he's level 10 he's just AFK farming cuz he was level six last time we saw him light he's been playing we just haven't been able to see where he's at your turret has been destroyed the void will not be and I must act others will not be as lucky how did those Z that hit all right I thought I was count we're getting uh back doored by croissante that's my wife by the way I just let it down s this is my purpose learn from me you have SL an enemy down is this Kate scripting why does she just like net I mean have I hit Caitlyn with a W she like she Nets right when it's coming at her although a script no no she's not a script wouldn't even need the net to Dodges I think she's just got really good reaction time and she just spams e as soon as she sees the projectile flying at her I'm going to get an enemy has been SL closely will show kill just for you I love sniping oh oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God holy yeah I could play this build all day every day I just might stay it's just watch kind of Bas and they just get Chun uhoh how did Lux of all people survive that your team destroyed an inhibitor they will all right Lux I'm not basing to you base where you at oh your team desty an inhibitor we have a ribbon an ally don't you go behind those minions we have a Riven will res please no oh have a heal I have a dead I have another dead damn it this Alex is dodging we're dodging [ __ ] how they not as there's winions in the way I'm out of Mana I got to go an enemy has been slain the vo consumes everything leaving my skin is cooling the needles time to hunt Okay well now I do a lot of damage now if I hit two plaz or two W's they just die oh and I got hex Ty fin I'm right here an enemy has been slain you know I don't really like them sitting in the base cuz I can't snipe get I do not can I clash when I used the wet all right GG that fun I mean it was a nice snipe sesh vict I'm sure the enemy team was having fun too I see my damage 46k second highest was 16,000 on Zyra on my team well GG all right game four this might be our final game I might play one more after we'll see got the bullet Angel skin this one uh I might go back to the bear Blossom or Star Guardian whatever it was I used for the first one believe it Kiser we got another Mage we got AI hopefully she gives me a good match amumu is going to be annoying his ganks are strong I came back I mean her W just got hit by all the Minions I'm going to keep chasing her all right I didn't get a one last Auto I don't think it would have killed her but maybe it's a good thing I would have baited myself into death I was spared for a reason I'm going use my potion and biscuit cuz usually when I'm pushed up this early and winning Lane we're going to get ganked by The Mummy soon she's actually healing but she use both of her potions I will make a difference I just don't want him to gank from the top side like that's where I don't have Vision Get Up Stand Firm strike hard all right this kind of pushes into me now so we can oh we see a move we can Zone her off it's fine I'm a tank I'm a tank that was terrible got a n though I got a turret feel this I'm just going to push in base oh my God she has six Farm she missed I might stay actually she's missing everything oh she ain't missing that kill um yeah let's just base she's got blue buff no I'm not Bas primary direct well now she's even with me maybe she's ahead I don't know if she flashed it's a good day for a hunt now she has unlimited Mana so now she can heal basically it don't flip this please gotcha got a reset I think I just leave I'm not going to out sustain her she's blue buff unless nah I'm just leaving second I don't want to risk dying NY can uh kind of freeze my Lane stop her from pushing only lost two minions oh I'm here oh steal there oh my god oh boy Al well you have a maiden but do you have any of this socalled Mana okay Jace you not going to win this all right I just need Ari not to charm me here a moving Target lives longer probably should have got boots should have could have W forgiveness is hard so more [Music] fighting I came for the hunt I like this yeah n is kind of Perma fighting but she's taking fights that she doesn't really win oh she's 03 that'll leave a mark this place is beautiful I'm going to save it all right power farming I probably should have done that a while ago oh I got a red buff though oh it's about to run out I'll heal to like half HP Ari is a little difficult cuz I can't Auto attack her without getting Charmed feed the beast but also she didn't get two free kills from my jumbler too slow okay she is an ally has been slain an ally has been slain I mean does she even need flash she got dishy Dash fight or flight only now I do not run there's no Mana I don't know where a Mumu is I cannot hit a w on her though I mean I just stay as long as I can she's got to reset this skin lives on me and hunts me I just use my adaptive potion or whatever it is much do I need a lot I don't think it's worth it to get CDR boots before the man immune and honed by Instinct low Mana she's out of Mana we'll get her eventually she has a bounty even though she's down 30 CS hold out ground attack them in their but I don't really have an opportunity to kill her solo yet for an ally I don't have as much sustain as her cuz she's just healing every time she levels up forgiveness is hard but so very worth it I have a feeling amumu's un grubby we hit her GG come on come on I was correct I got one Auto they have to like move and Dodge the charm what is my n it kill I saw she was one HP Hunt is kill AR also sees that she's one HP I need to push ity just don't fight her please but she wants Caitlyn oh no it's more worth it for me just to push mid I'm not running all the way down there oh she didn't see K oh citl my God she's going to get another Dash though from killing Kate oh Caitlin lived okay I really thought Kate was dead well Pantheon gets to shut down K oh no oh no why do the Yorks always have to win so hard I he's not even like winning hard it's just a mo fed cuz our n is dooo I'm not going to be able to snipe yoro because of those minions so this might be a loss we'll see though I mean if I kill his whole team then surely we can deal with him later okay we got first item we just need one more item now stay alert stay aggressive I think this is a lot better than a moe it gave me 68 oh it gave me my upgrade well she's got an alternator I was hoping her all wasn't back up [Music] yet I'm kind of trolling that was risky now this guy just Skin's weird doesn't it look like her butt's hanging out I don't know come on you can get away Bud wa what am I buying H void rule number one don't die need oh my God aumu still chasing Thunder I got to get midwave though ah this is perfect oh M's going to die Get Up Stand Firm darn he got away yeah it's not good that yorck has six grubs I like it here I just want to stay an ally has been slain I would have fought him but got creep blocked into losing 20% of my health I would die I need W upgrade to kill aumu survival means never I think he's going to dragon that too this is going to be a hard game oh no the issue is we don't like maybe Pantheon no I don't even think Pantheon will build this by y I hate yor when I play yorck I get five people running from me all the time when I'm I got yorck on the enemy team not one person on my team can fight yorck enemy I return stronger than I left damn they're kind of low oh I need to put a point in w not all it's fine sniper Squad he missed our oh my God he's so low oh Chase what did you get yourself into bud I don't have enough do I I have to get the seal if I want the upgrade I can wait actually oh wait come on yeah let's go okay your team has destroyed a turret I mean Jace I think is only losing because the has SL save the turret save the turret myi will continue to learn with I still could use a little extra laund life all right somehow n is like doing stuff but the second she just jumps into a mooo she's going to die how sweet I was spared for reason I have W upgrade but it really doesn't do any damage yet oh no an ally has been slain I will make what is happening down there I really don't want to lose mid turret but I'm probably going to lose mid turret anyway Get Up Stand antheon had to leave the turret some recoil at the side of me underneath the shell they see I'm just has destroyed finally um maybe we leave the turret up till we get objective bounties I don't know ter directive Peaches I mean surely ezrael and Sona will come mid soon and I can Farm them the only issue is I have no front line and that's really necessary for kaisa I'm coming I almost have manam upgrade D kill see like I can't snipe him though cuz he's always going to have a big minion wave you just got to kill the ma it's a good if the maiden's dead then we're fine for it lose mid turret revealed your turret has been destroyed your turret has been destroyed shut Downy oh I can't fight there's nothing to do Dom actually Caitlyn killed those now they have Heralds so they get more turrets it's a good day for hunt there he is I think our best chance is grouping but we're really not as strong but I can get okay he do damage I mean the AR is really weak she's just hard to kill for me oh snipers roll out team that really hits me still we got to go to careful angess to me we're going to lose all the dragons I feel oh no course she is a damn Sarah bro get him yes amumu down oh that's good that's good who this get the maiden get the maiden get the maiden get her moving he's pretty weak with no maen ow over bro see that little minion just walked in front of me fight this though damn y counters me so hard for the need to get the dragon but that's going to be impossible nice this place is beautiful I'm going what hello Riot riot how am I alive how does that hit what that glitched I flashed why would it still hit me no I had my hands off my keyboard why is that warded dude a I had my hands off of my mouse I had no chance in what world does that hit oh my God we got a dragon worth damn dude oh I'm tilted off that I mean it would have been worse to die to a Mumu hello we need blue yeah I can't snipe with those things running only technology doesn't it upgrad bro if only Sona took damage man her serif Shield saved her well maybe we can get a Siege going cuz they're kind of low fight is flight only now I do not run got one oh my God come on let's go my or they don't die is the issue oh no on me things they don't die Sona just keeps healing them get the maiden kill the maiden you guys just hit the maiden why is it so hard I ping it I refuse yeah there you go I refuse to accept it as my fate down there I was surrounded by nothingness but I was never alone memories Comfort like the comp um I mean they don't do Baron that fast if York's not there but problem is now yoro just splits and I can't deal with him is because those stupid little things just block an ally has SL and my team is going to lose every fight without this is why I hate playing against split pushers now we lose Baron oh we're just going to lose I knew this was a lost in champ select too like every single one of them gets away with one HP it's crazy they don't die cuz of Sona there's nothing we could do it literally takes four people to kill yoro and he's two and four hold out ground it just really really sucks when you have no front line and the enemy team is all Front Line the only way we win is like 50 minute Ace or something but like azreal and Sona are just not dying even though I'm melting themess is hard and they have a Frontline tank on who gets healed The Hunt is binary kill by the like imagine if we had front line that Ezreal eing into me every fight would not be able to do that I actually got her the thing is we're just we're still losing this fight ezreal's got the wave behind us and York's just ending the game The Hunt isin just so cringe doesn't matter what I do I just lose inor has destroyed Su H in the man like we can beat them in fights but we're never getting anything in return just cuz they have split pushers and Baron and they have counters to me this is my purpose learn from me too slow void rule number one don't die but I've been trying to play yor all week and every game I'm able to get matched by five people and my team does nothing fight hard but of course when he's on the enemy team he gets to just re we if they get next Baron we just lose though we can't give them another Baron cuz we we can't even defend their split without it so stay alert stay aggressive okay I don't see anything B oh what do you know his stupid ghouls blocked the my snipe while he one shot the turret and I can't even kill the ghouls are you joking we we can't even ref face first their comp so I'm literally losing all my the games I do lose playing this it's due to draft Gap like literally just need a tank you just need one tank on your team how did he live I ignited him oh yeah yeah we just definitely lose we have no wave clear we have no tank the naly really screwed over by running it down early unlucky I can never play against yoro and nasis when I'm recording a video because it's just impossible to one V5 against those Champs my suit h we have to go defend while they go get Baron but they end the game if they get Baron so it's like we we're just screwed L to team comp love fear you can counter yor split pushing if you actually have people that can kill him unfortunately we don't Chas is not a chance I tried guys I tried it's a 1v5 angle look at our base we just we needed to not give up that first Baron I don't know what happened we just we have no pressure on the map anywhere we also have a full team of single Target spellsy but yeah I called it was over as soon as aumu got fed oh well we had some fun games I mean I still played really well this game it's just this is an impossible game the best player in the world could not have won this one because we we lost to minions we didn't even lose to Champions I tried yeah the N running it down early just made it really impossible to play the Sona even though she was like zero and four was just healing them so much and Sona wouldn't even die she went serifs yeah look at that I wasn't even able to hit them and I did 50k damage oh well GG that's what this build loses to remember that you need a tank on your team and you need your team not to be full AP and you need front line we didn't have any of that that game
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 91,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: ksOMHEjUl6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 50sec (7490 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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