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all right welcome back to another Zangle swag jungle video today we're playing some brand in the jungle running a harvest Jeep shot eyeball Relentless boots and Cosmic Insight it's my first time I think playing an AP jungler on this climb also trying something new starting the intro when the game starts because half the time I do my intro I get invaded and then uh it kind of ruins it so we try to start a little bit early you know we get a little bit more time to chill and talk and figure out what's going on but yeah my first time playing uh brand jungle in a while since he got buffed but he is one of the strongest junglers I'm pretty sure I just hate playing against him cuz even if the brand is not fed if you get hit by a few of his abilities you just lose like half your health we're against a pretty scary team though I'm scared of V yon they can run on me or run me over I think we'll be okay we have scaling team well Top Lane Renekton is strong early kind of falls off I like having malahar cuz they just press R but him starting with a tier is going to make him pretty weak early uh vain will scale though so we have a solid team comp not too much front line but we have enough peel you Grand jungle we start with q and we just queue it I still don't know if it's better to just Smite the right away or I Sav my Smite for Grom but I don't want this to get stolen on accident or something so I'm just going to Smite it I think my clear speeds up at level three when I can uh get my passive Circle I nice I think it's better to q and then W just because your W does extra it's like extra 20% or something damage I don't stun the camp then but it is more damage so it should clear a little bit faster okay he's not at his blue so does that mean I lose my red no it's here all right I'm going to walk really close to this chicken it then eat it and then W all of them and these should clear really fast let use my potion just in case okay we see Vi at her blue so I'm not getting invaded oh gromp does less damage the lower HP it is okay that's good to know wait where'd she go I stunned the wrong one okay she's ganking top for some reason she might come to invade me now but that's fine I can maybe invade her all right oh I'm just going to pop my ghost and run at this guy I'm going to Auto him first for the slow oh and we're going to get V2 cuz she flash combo our stun with his huge I might even be able to steal her blue it's kind of risky though but I'm going to try actually I'm just going to do the crab she's going to run straight to the blue after respawning and yon could come get me but what I could do is maybe Ward it try and steal it over the wall this is just one of many well I chunked him a little bit I mean I might die trying to steal this but YOLO oh a yoink run run run run run run run hey that was easy she didn't have Smite or she didn't use it blades this guy might go out too far I got a splash that's huge we just go do bottom crab now this a really good start for us I'm Waring right there to see if Vai Comes The Crab well well let's go hit pot maybe I can get a kill or a harvest [Music] stack Dar if I could hit my E I could actually kill him we're going to push the wave in with our team and make sure that they don't get any of these minions and we can collect this plaing too maybe even another one well I'm just just going to die to this cuz somebody's coming behind us if I would have ran out of the turret I would have died to VI which is worse so we're going leandre's first most broken item in the game Big Burn you can't contain me Summoner I don't know if she flash or not did she okay I don't think she did ow I am the fire the world I'm just going to clear my bot side and then maybe try and gank botling again yeah this clear feels really good and gr is just super strong early BR is super strong throughout all points of the game that's why I think he's the most broken right now I didn't have my three spells up from my passive I need to wait a little bit between when using them an En nice tops winning there's an ash over here uh I'm here he's kind of running the wrong way though but he almost out fit in some Auto attacks I'm not alting though cuz Braum could potentially block it um she's either going to take grubs or my hopside jungle this body is just one of many I'll do crab and maybe Dragon here oh my God the river height be scamming me i a wow my J really stole the crab well at least he's helping me okay her bot side's gone she might be taking my red she probably went to her top to side though unless she knew I'm on Dragon then she could take my top side I am free yeah I think I Q here hit the big one nice I get passive clear this up we go H is somewhat gankable I just want to keep farming though VI might be ganking at the same time too and we can counter gank wild yeah he's baiting a VI gank I think just want the Harvest if I hit him with one spell I get Harvest that the world um bu bot actually yon's bot too we could dive this guy that works and then if VI's bot that means her blue might be up yeah it is we just yink that I'm not going to stay for more this crab spawning soon kind of want it Y is going to dash in here we won't kill him M didn't really need the all oh how'd that reach wow all right well that's VI flash Q if I had leandre's we would do more damage there we almost have Sor shoes I think I'm going to get a dark seal maybe not let's get a will AA I'll just clear uh bot to top I'll keep snowballing Renekton cuz he falls off but I if he's really far ahead he won't and it seems like bot's doing fine yeah bot's winning hard oh she took my ground just one of many oh she took my whole bot side all right h i purify this just keep clearing yeah I want the grubs so I'm going to stay up here I'll go go this way he goes that way I'm going to stand in front of her so she can't QA oh it got canceled Revenge you can't contain me S I think yon is coming oh that's op the grubs all proed passive off each other I'm leaving cuz I guarantee you V is probably coming back for some Revenge Revenge or she's going for my blue let's do sort shoes and we're going to do a riiz next then I get a slow on my my [Music] Burns and then third I think I'm going to go hourglass that blocks yon and VI yeah VI's definitely bot I think she's taking my blue yep she is your team has destroyed a turret going run away I think I beat her though oh especially if wasted my Smite especially if I dodge her Q I don't even think she would have won if she hit the que but I don't know how she killed me mid maybe it's cuz I didn't have my items yet or it's cuz yon helped too I think Le Leon's headed bot I have pretty much oh mid's not winning but I have two side winning Lanes oh he this champ he just massively outplayed me there is a ward in my jungle so he knew I thought he was going bot though it's he could have got a double though I mean he lost his turret but yon will be Yoni I think I'd rather have Harold than Dragon but maybe not H let's just go do the drag cuz if this game goes really long I'd rather actually have all the dragons on the herald cuz then we'll get Soul y ignited and aled they're all here oh y is top though he's going to try and steal as 900 they better run I'm going long oh they don't even have anywhere to go an enemy and I can even go up and get Herald too I think y wants Renekton shut down he needs to be careful cuz y will beat him in a one V one Nar is just pushing though he's doing really good he may be losing Lane but he's at least applying a lot of pressure team destroyed a tret I think she went over the wall oh no she's mid oh I guess Renekton beat him this body is I have a feeling Y is going to come back for me wait m is winning 1 V2 okay interesting Oho let me hit the eye I'm not going to Smite it it's going to die from passive um uh this is kind of kind of risky but I want to steal it I clear so fast you that clear super duper fast see if I can help him he's fine we got a riiz and we're definitely going hourglass cuz I need it to survive against yon and vi just diving me he's going wits what's cool is with the red jungle pet you're even stronger on brand jungle than like brand met support CU you get the red jungle burn an extra burn on top of your burn gra my bounce I think it went to bra but he died so it didn't bounce oh I hit him midair don't e him away oh she's got him huge that might be GG I will BL a TR I got Herald maybe I'll use a bot since there's two turrets and they're going to go top to try and kill Renekton so I should put some pressure on the map the other side they didn't go top you can't contain yeah Vin's got a base how much time do I have on this I have two minutes still I'll just base after Millennia I am free think they're going to get caught if they stay it' just be stupid to use a Herald if I did bot because it would only crash into one turret and they'd all be down there uh everybody on my team kind of needs to reset they could do dragon and I can just send this heral top they're either enemy team's either going to come top for Renekton or go to Dragon look how much damage my burn does to him man oh this could be bad I might get a h I'm going to run her over if PES Leon really it plays LeAndre that's broken see look I hit her with a heral and a w and it did like too much of her HP bar got my w up before I died I just do so much damage they might even be able on the game here only had my Seekers and did we get the dragon we did and there it is GG we got a brand win our first AP jungle first Grand game and it was a pretty solid game got good early ganks scaled well I just think he's one of the most broken junglers he's really not that hard to play to but you do have to land some skill shots but really you just Chuck your alt in a team fight and you're going to do half of Everybody's Health have three really solid Lanes that's good and we're gold three already on the Zangle climb N9 and one neon did more damage than me use Perma fighting top though there's our Rune stats all right game two this time probably going to be a lot harder into a blue cane blue cane kind of counters us because he hits one spell on us ults us and then we can't really hit him back I can't burn him second doesn't mean I can't run them over I get to start on this side now you contain Mo thanks for the prime see what's my team comp AR with barrier and nction that's fine probably try to get Top Lane winning bot Lanes somewhat hard to gank they might be pushed in both these bot lanes are really passive this is probably going to be a long game I hope I have better Lanes like last game I would have been fine with losing Lanes but this game if I get losing Lanes I pretty much just lose the game cuz I'm countered uhoh damn they got wrecked right there a my Q it hit the baby kug Camp's tearing me apart hey I don't think I even got it did I I did well that's not good an ally has oh that's not good and I'm dying it's fine all is good surely Ari won't die too an ally supports Trading I just need Kane or their Top Lane not to invade me here and kill me and axon's gone so that's great I don't have flash so it actually might kill me I don't like that he's missing he might have Bas but it's kind of scary yeah ghost on brand jungle is meta okay he's not on crab I'm coming I'm coming okay at least he ignited but he had to overstay works an enemy has been slain I don't know where Kane is oh I saw him bot it's 28 so he cleared I think he oh yeah he cleared top the bot cuz he starts chickens yeah ghost is really good on brand because you can just once you have virialized to you just run at people I mean I'm try and G this guy before I base fuse G really yes I'll just clear their pink oh walk by oh kany base derine is like blind is a bat darn I wanted that kill I didn't think that Ezreal Auto would do so much they want oh they need to push for your own good what do you mean [Music] push what you pinging me for all right let's clear bot to top maybe try and gank that Pantheon again like Wukong outscales him but the fact that wukong's died twice now is not good AR's doing good I don't know why axan didn't roam bot he actually could have killed us all wait what the hell wait what is that a bug why was there still a baby crug there I thought they disappear it's got to be a bug right you can essentially have like two drugs up them at [Music] once well I just revealed where I am for those but it's okay I don't like that it starts resetting when it's still in the circle oh [Music] whatever couldn't really kill him cuz there's too many grubbies in the way hey ezreal's fed we'll take it Rampage I am the fire cleans is the world oh that's not good he didn't get a shutdown though for some reason not on a good timer to do dragon though with Ezreal dead here Kane and a might be on it right now now we're good get a harvest I stunned him I'm going to Al just to get him really low wait he might die oh my God that polymorph was huge and then he went into the minions we just want to either fight bot or do dragon I guess I'll do dragon unless they push up here in a second aon's too low I need some of these lul Aron's really low oh yeah he can't contest Kane's dead nice that's fine I got one of the grubs oh an knan died I'm might clear my bot side and then probably leave reset I have LeAndre I think Wukong is getting smoked but it's okay iive this one armor boots might help him a lot I'm coming I'll counter gank this oh my God you got sine I want the crab that's really l I will BL a TR is that mean his Blues up no Israel has it I mean I think they would have won that fight without me even being there so ezreal's good player we're fine we're going to win I'm coming bot again oh no Oh shot he lives that was satisfying I'm dead damn oh there's LeAndre that's not the worst there's a smolder over here get him get him get him yeah all right she's probably dead to Kane though which is really bad is going to give him a big sh shut down uh I am the fire that oh my God all right that's fine that's fine that means Kane's on grubs pretty sure he's on grubs going yep I missed my w but it's okay I just need to get one of these I should have smited the one there it doesn't matter if he gets the other one now that's that not good he should live holy he's fat as it's fine AR's cleaning up that's fine that is so worth there's one more I don't know where he is there he is that's good I didn't do my blue before uh dying so Pantheon doesn't get that wild fire yep that's good I have winning bot and midlane player on them Wukong I could give a rat's ass about I will Pantheon is going to Al and killer an ally it's fine Pantheon can't one V5 your team destroyed eny my God uh I guess I'll do dragon dragon is more important than Herold that cleanses the world's over here his blue is not even up oh I just found an oan that was a really bad CU behind me oh my god did you guys see that the the all bounce back from a minion to me I walk by seraphine it bounced to her so I could stun her which just a que and Pantheon doesn't have Al so he can't come stop us smolder might Al me I'm going to need some help for you all right as much as I want to take his blue he's on it oh we're going to go we are chilling I wonder I really need boots but I I'm down to get the Ry here just to survive vers Pantheon I have good laners again perfect andon could be in here it's my CS have like even farm with a cane but he has look he has zero kill participation he hasn't even ganked well he's ganked but he hasn't gotten anything out of a gank none of his ganks were successful this guy is greedy I don't think I'll get this Camp I will I don't know which way to go I'll go this way we can burn his e so he doesn't block my whole combo a that I'm going to just cuz he's not going to die oh my God oh my God he might die oh no if he didn't get shielded he's dead can't believe uh that works so well he's going to R Top so maybe we can uh counter gank this your team destroyed AET he might all bot actually there he isuse he can bait this he can bait [Music] this huge huge my 13 KP to zero it don't even matter if Wukong dies oh he did get a kill so his gold did reset there so it kind of matters we're going hourglass for sure we need it need it for kanal and Pantheon but Kane didn't even get form yet in 18 minutes so he's kind of screwed yeah Lulu is good too roaming around there's a way to do both these camps at the same time doesn't matter I killed the blue so fast I don't have smite need to wait in between my abilities my E's not up for a while just to keep the fire going so I get the third hit huge going on over here what the hell I think s's tilted 2 and 11 all right look I'm behind the herrow I am okay why was the arrow point okay it's a bug the arrow pointing backwards even though my mouse was pointed in front of her okay that time it bugged you listen here you little silver timmies that can drive the herald correctly once I don't give a I had I did everything perfectly there it bugged it's it's so buggy unreliable over maybe I'll go clear his top before I go I don't want to clear my jungle if we're still just going to keep fighting R is so good because I press e on this guy and he swings away but wait he's still slow so even though if he swings again he's still dead ause it's infernal so I mean this game's not even going to make it that far there's no way your team has destroyed a turret wonder if he knows I'm here I am the fire that cleanses the world I just I want to hover Ezreal cuz Pantheon might Al him Pantheon oh he got his form finally Pantheon can Al him Pantheon can't really Al R cuz she got dishy dashes a bounced the wrong way I think s be running it now I am left clicking the direction maybe I'm not left clicking no I am left clicking shit's just whack bro has Riot ever made something that works properly besides purchasing RP I think she's still dead sine is pretty checked out this game this thing uh I guess this I don't know what I'm building into but it doesn't matter cuz the game's not going to make it there your team has destroyed a turret triple okay even though Wukong is terrible lost lost Lane hard he kept playing he didn't cry in chat once he didn't give up so we could carry him he didn't make the game harder for us any harder than it needed to be your team has destroyed where seraphine probably broke everything on her desk and is saying jungle D ADC D top D mid d team has destroyed I want the yeah brand is probably going to be a jungler I could play all the way up into Challenger if I even make it there probably not but pretty much this wle climb this I mean the split ends in like a month or two or something so maybe I'll do this wle climb more as soon as the split starts I don't know we'll see jungle's okay but if I'm going to climb at the beginning of the split maybe I'll play something I can climb a bit faster on so I could actually have Challenger quickly GG I mean that's two really good brand games two solid games I had to have the most damage this game there's no possible way somebody has more than me uh oh I lied as real doubled my damage I'm terrible all right well if you guys enjoyed make sure to like comment subscribe before you go also check out my website zwag Dogg I just finally listed all the keyboards I built custom keyboards I designed and everything they're really nice high quality and we're having a sale on the keyboards and the mouse pads so go check it out at swag. also have some shorts up of the keyboards typing if you want to see and hear them so yeah check out the shorts on the channel bye-bye
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 124,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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