Zooming With The Homies (ZWTH) Episode 138

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[Music] seven and nine west coast 10 to 12 on the east girl you better tune into it boy i try to tell you this a new big movement sitting down and catch a vibe cuz he for foolish foolish that's what you can bank on to the bank don't touch the more mob in the re-watch gang strong you were not tuned in the human with the zombies i [Music] daytime yo what's good it's popping off with y'all welcome back to another episode of zuma with the homies man we got a fantastic show lined up for y'all first off thank y'all for pulling up you know what i'm saying we got one more show before the weekend and then we're gonna we're gonna take a couple days off relax [ __ ] kick back and whatnot and what it is but tonight we got a fantastic show it's ladies first god damn it later tonight we're gonna have a fantastic time got a couple people waiting in the in the waiting rooms we're gonna go ahead and bring them in now you know and boom okay i'm back i didn't know i was gonna come on so quickly hello what's up mid swing i'm not ready to hear your light is good or denim that it's the camera actually it looks good the camera is is it's crisp as hell but keisha got that good lightning too hey keisha that good old lighting too uh man we got some stuff to talk about today ain't that right keisha first of all keisha's hair is fly you hear me right girl that's cool so today comments that we see on stream yard is the same that we see on um youtube so i don't have to have two screens up no you don't have to have some strings yeah it's the same ones that on youtube and if it's blue then that's from facebook so you can see oh you're on facebook too fancy you know on the youtubes i've never actually met we stood next to each other with our mask on but it was still real weird and so i was like i'm not even about and you were having a conversation so i was like that's not the time [Laughter] it'll happen again well listen man we about to go here and kick off the show um y'all y'all in for a damn treat that's all i say uh it's going to be great it's ladies like this okay ladies and gentlemen first and foremost you know what it's all about i i'm going into person she gets a little biased you know i'm saying behavior i love favorite tips you know i'm saying i put a ring on it yeah known as since 2005 you know saying before she was walling through the hallways of harry stone before she had put on the baby weight you know what i'm saying i was like hey she looked nasty i want to see what's up with that that's that's what i did but but since then she's become a fantastic mother fantastic wife a fantastic life partner this is best friend and she's the host and creator of more to the story podcast ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the show parent patrice brown more i don't know thanks for having me babe thank you welcome what's up you got some good news you told me the good news right before the show started oh yes um i reached 5 000 followers congratulations okay well thanks you guys everybody just following me thank you and that's just don't let you yeah ain't no nothing else so but thank you that's exciting she obviously ain't on facebook because that's how we found these pictures that y'all gonna see in the upcoming episode of explaining yeah i gotta delete my facebook account before nothing extra we found some gold and that [ __ ] man let me tell you it's so bad i forgot it existed let me tell you uh next up uh hold on let me get one more person in here boom okay there she go uh next up ladies i will say this this young lady is from detroit and i've given her a lot of a lot of flack about being from detroit because this is detroit um but and then also she hasn't seen a lot of black cinema but as of late as our friendship has progressed i've learned a lot about her and i will be refraining from as many jokes because i see that the life she live is exactly what she talks about on stage in real life so uh i'm gonna let i'm gonna let her do her talking and uh we're gonna pull up some stuff a little later on ladies and gentlemen please welcome back and show amazing writer actor and comedian and uh slight knower of black cinnamon y'all put your hands together welcome back miss keisha oh that hair is so pretty it's so pretty thank you four hours four and a half hours you got that pixie set is that a pixie set you use the piper because i don't have i guess it's not surprising i don't have a curl pattern like black people have so i had to like rod set it up ryan said it twist it do all of that that is the it was you would have a curl set if you walk around black movies you don't watch enough movies around yesterday and i'm watching the wins and waiting for excel tonight we are gonna do this today okay all right all right well praise god when we happy that you're here uh you know saying continue to let the lord use you uh next up ladies and gentlemen um did she she's been on the show once before and when i tell you it is just ridiculously hard to get her to agree to anything that she don't want to do y'all see over there with the hat on looking incognito she just finished looking at her plate of food she did not eat it but she looked at it the creator of the love hour put your hands together for uh entrepreneur spokeswoman model mother and wife and actor and content creator y'all put your hair together for melissa aka miss kev on stage don't minimize your accomplishment i don't know i accepted it what's your shirt say what's your what's your shirt say right now no actually it's a cross out model gold digger entrepreneur no no girl ceo yeah girl you just went through all of those stages in your life yours just happened in six months god bless you uh ladies and gentlemen one of my favorite people in the world one of the most hilarious people i'm so glad that through the corn team we've got to know each other so much better she's fantastically funny an amazing joy to be around and when i tell you she would twerk anywhere anywhere even in her trailer she probably going over lines um podcast host mother philanthropist actor uh goddammy wife you know what i'm saying from kentucky she got out of the sticks people put your hands down the actor the comedian the phenomenal miss angel that chick tanks lit more fam thank you for having me back to here i appreciate that did you just get the working out no but i'm dressed like i did that that counts it does it does i literally started doing jumping jacks and marcus was like what you doing i was like i don't know i feel like i was supposed to be working out he was like get out of my face but maybe maybe after zooming in with maybe during zooming with the homies i might get some squats in y'all know what's gonna happen the first step is getting dressed ain't that that's really not the first step that's that's that's the first step should just be like making up your mind if that's what you want to do but it used to be more than that for the first step i'm just but good good luck don't freak i believe in you thank you thank you i appreciate it i don't know if it's gonna happen but you know i believe in you um we don't we gonna keep it moving ladies and gentlemen uh listen this next person uh super super excited to have her on the show it's our first time on the show uh not not your first time seeing her though because she has done so many product uh projects i'm gonna attempt to name fun you got house broken uh you got run the world you got you don't need to go out wow i'm giving them a little heads up uh you got the sherman showcase you got the last og got black af uh merry little christmas six tuplets um night school marlin unsolved the murders of tupac and biggie uh tyler perry's acrimony of listen if i named everything we'd be here all night and she also did uh a sketch with me king bass we were uh doing the beginning and when i tell you her snot scene was the funniest thing i had ever bear witness to in my life i am not kidding ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome so amazing actress amazing fantastic woman meets breisha talking about me i'm glad i did that it is an absolute joy to have you here and we're about to kick off the show right now uh ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of zooming with the homies man we about to have a fantastic time uh this is what we gonna do i want um all my guests if you want to change your name to your cash app you can do that now so the people can bless you with a little something man and they'll hit you catch up just to thank you for being here and hanging out with us and you know because they don't let you can't uh get impressed with people you can't get in touch with people you gotta write an email if i gotta write an email i don't want nothing to do with it i got a contact and i and i got a chance to talk to somebody literally like 10 minutes later so okay i'll give you i'll give you the special phone number i'll give a special phone number find it on the website okay i got you well listen uh we are well into the the year of 2021 um valentine's day is coming up valentines um i learned that you and kev don't really exchange gifts like for christmas and stuff like that do y'all do it for valentine's day no but i've changed that this year i i absolutely 100 change that i want to start exchanging gifts for christmas and we did it for valentine's day this year i was like no more yeah let's make this a thing um and let me tell you let me tell you let me tell you kevin's very competitive everybody knows that he's always like competing with literally everybody even if you're not in competition with him he's in competition with you so we have like this kind of unspoken competition with um gifts and so he bought me a pair of earrings that i opened right the earrings that you opened because you didn't know how to not open nothing that come to excel with your name on no because no that's not that's not what happened what happened was kevin had boxes in front of the door for two weeks and then what happened you'd be like enough is enough i'm opening all of these boxes i don't care so this is my thing if it was a gift if it was a surprise if i wasn't supposed to happen till february 14th can i say [ __ ] yes yes i uh even though he comes over here we say all types of [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah we do yeah we do but listen i just want to say last time i was over you all's house there was still a lot of boxes though a lot of them had your name on a lot of furniture a lot of this what how come you always come for me i don't understand every time we have a conversation your gun is blazing i'm doing the lord's work i am an agent of no this is the bible i'm not quite sure what jesus you sir okay that's first that's facts okay you know what i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna do it right now i'm just put your name on the prayer list because i'm not gonna go back to you not gonna do it let me tell you something this is what i will say fan will open all my mail except if she knows the deal i'm gonna open it i pay the bills anyway so if i it don't matter i know what it's saying i don't need to open it sooner she sees sag on the envelope she be like oh bang look how much money we got first of all you want no faith all of these little residual checks is 16 checks and they amount to 28 dollars this one this one expired because i held it too long so you know have you not gotten the ones that that are zero because i've gotten like i'm telling you no lie like 30 that amounted to 13 because 17 of them had zero dollars and they wanted to claim it and then they want you to do the [ __ ] and claiming and putting on your taxes you know how disrespectful that is and you holding up your whole taxes situation because you're waiting for a one cent pay stub yes my defense i started opening them because he almost threw away like 10 of them thinking that they were built and i was like well let's just open one they all look like let's open it and it was all checks and i'm like [ __ ] you don't know the difference like the last big thing i booked i think was my chase commercial and he was like my agent was like hey this could be a really big really big uh uh project you know saying we got you for print commercial network and i was like i don't know what that means he sent me this whole list with the breakdown of how much you get your grand for this long versus this one if they recently i was like bro you got to call me i'm i'm honestly when it comes to money i will admit fast i'm ignorant i don't know what's happening please help me you got to call me don't send me nothing via email i think i'ma figure it out [ __ ] cause i'm not i'll be on my stuff i'll be on i spot tv like i know exactly how many times i ran this week i'll be checking like if it ain't checking my agent i'm not even going to the mailbox today i know what the envelope looks like you should already know i i know from the back of the envelope i know what is the chat versus it's due i'll be like and you know usps will scan you photos of your mail now so you ain't gonna until you check your email and look at those photos i don't know none of this i ain't going to that mailbox i didn't know i didn't know that this is away from me in my own home she didn't tell me nothing about because all you gonna do is delete the emails but some stuff i didn't know because i more so like come from do more commercials so i get more commercial residuals like i ain't been in any long enough to get one cent residuals but bring you out were you the person that came in and told me that so-and-so was episodes introduced yourself he was like i do come i was like i got these lines [ __ ] then let me throw something she like who is it i'm like girl i don't know that ain't even a lion residual from that i'm like do y'all know how many lives i said in this movie yes because because you deserve yes yes yes brisha had to learn that entire movie because they shot it in two hours and they called me and i it was thanksgiving and i was i came over angel's house because angel's my best friend she's my sister i tell her everything that i wipe my ass everything i literally came over our house and i was quiet because i didn't know how to say these words like i was like so tyler perry called me today and she was like he called you [ __ ] i was like he called me and he told me i read it it was good i thought i was going to be like a little secondary character like wanting little people to come in like oh hey friend he told me you want me to play the league and i got to learn all these lines and and she like got the baby she got all this stuff going on she said what am i gonna do what i'm going to do one line she said when where how what's your first reaction when tyler perry calls you i sure isn't tyler on your phone he is on my phone okay i need like full story details the color the weather the sunshine story i need all the details i'm about to tell you i gotta make sure my mayonnaise in here okay okay i had another [ __ ] marcus oh god hey that's multi okay i'm doing devilish things and i get a text like hey can we talk i'm like last time you know i met him a couple of times but he's like why are you texting me this is on a god bless happy holidays type of tech no like like happy sunday we like merry christmas type of textures you know all right we're not all like hey can we talk kind of tech right right well i'm like [Music] that's how it happened on real tv stop what you doing oh the screen read the script get them back in like an hour and a half after i read it like an hour and it was dope and i was like wow this is a great script [Music] he was like yeah that's awesome he was like so i was thinking about you who you have me you who you want me to play you know i'm keisha i'm thinking he want me to play your role you know i'm like okay you let me to play the the receptionist no bruce i wouldn't you play jasmine i was like i was like she on every page [Music] your agents and everybody don't know i'll put out an offer i'll take care of everything just say you can do it i was like can you give me until tomorrow what was that i was about to ask were you playing hardball at that time i don't know what i was doing because i was like what does this mean then i had to talk to angel and it was too early to call angel because it was like 6 a.m and i'm up she's up and i was like i'll wait until a decent hour like 12. brisha let me let me also remind you angel has 16 kids angel oh angel wakes the sun up angel go outside [Music] tyler perry called me and i was like what do you say [ __ ] she was like you got a movie for me and i was like so what's going on she was like it's the league i was like that's right [ __ ] cause that's where we ain't right now in life yeah that's working like as she's like getting pumped up i'm dying like i was like complete i was that was like the most quietest i've ever been like i was numb i was just like by the way when you called angel did you call her on the phone or did you facetime her cause that's some face time it's a facetime what facetime news listen we facetime each other wherever we are we won't disrespect this audience we will facetime each other my bathroom because i have a bathroom just dedicated to my poops all right she will sit outside in the hallway and have the door crack so we can have a whole conversation and that's how she gets me to have those conversations i don't want to have because i can't run away from i can't act like i got to take a phone call no kidding big game fairy yes he spends so much time in the bathroom he must give me some of this time i just passed by the door like that's not a chair and like that's how she ruined a good thing though fail ruin a good thing by saying that there's something like that i'm sick oh my gosh that's hysterical she got to do that [ __ ] off the two because we be we be going fan and i go at it like like like high school students sometimes hold on i'm gonna go get something i'm gonna let y'all talk uh oh what you doing wait i'm nervous melissa what did you mean uh i added this uh five minutes before we went live you sound like me i'm like eyelash fall off i just popped these off listen to rebecca and my hair i was late that's why i was late okay why didn't you lay mine again this is sitting atop my head and i added the hat so y'all wouldn't talk about me i thought i literally never should facetime before this and i thought she was still going to have her uh cornrows in here like i look i look homeless you know what you can't look homeless this whole pandemic and he still loves me i looked very homeless today and i got a facial today and you know your face be puffy my hair is just my hair is short so i don't even have cornrows i just have a poop so let me check out these maul walker three thousand right i hate these ugly ass old lady three thousands right mm-hmm and we were in the car talking about how ugly because my boy sent me some asics he sent me like five pair of asics uh and she calls them old man shoes and i said these you want to talk and you got your own knees [ __ ] listen these shoes have a removable sole that you can put in the microwave to heat up for 30 seconds so i can send this to my mother they they stay warm all day they got a jail that stays warm all day and it helps with arthritis and osteoporosis and you just rub that on your ankles throughout the day you so disrespectful your mama disrespectful and that's another thing she always talk about how fat my mama ass is that's what you do every day mm-hmm um yes i knew and it probably won't be that bad if she wasn't like three feet tall oh some shots fired so she always looked like sitting where she's standing here parents grandmama got some torpedo titties right and every time i see you i tell her i was like your mama got your grandma got them b-52 titties like that titties today with every comment your mama's ass gets bigger so here it is thick in these streets though are you married who which one you should no not at all absolutely not we should be married but all the [ __ ] you [ __ ] with in jail [Laughter] oh my god one little jail story over here not everybody what that one story so that story was like five stories in one and it took up three-fourths of this show wow listen let me tell you guys i'm not gonna put it on on the screen because i don't know what the [ __ ] in jail for right keisha sitting in the screenshot today oh wow from a message that she received so some [ __ ] in jail has been peeping keisha he reached out his to his brother to contact keisha via ig or facebook and said this long message he was like hey i want to put you on my jpeg you know i'm saying i want to let you know what i got going no i haven't seen both sides stand up the first one i was like yo shorty bad the second i was like oh i got a hat at it he's like i hope you i hope i don't come off like some creeper and you know what i said cause if i saw you in the streets i'd really come at you you know i'm saying respectfully this is literally right now it'll be six in may and i just wanna let you know i'm a real [ __ ] and i was reading this and i called teach i was like hey you ain't gotta watch no more black cinema because you're living in it you're living you're living it angel i was white i was reading this in all life this is literally a dm i got first of all it was the i want to build with you for me like that's what it is can you read the dm verbatim unless first of all it reads like a 10 year old premium how do y'all have premium channels in jail because how did you watch my stand-up sir y'all got too many privileges number one you watched season one and two he said he just knows the show he's not in there for something serious and then he said um darren is on his side no you've been after six years that ain't no gun six years old you're right if you're right that's a long time that's a long time sir listen please but there's a good chance you'll be faithful angry you missed the last show that keisha you are supporting this the last show keisha was on she said she called a [ __ ] up going to visit him in jail she went on a day that wasn't her scheduled day and saw another chick there the guards were the guards were like come on in girl come on in this thing here today please wait okay somebody i kicked it with like back in the day but we remain really good friends so it wasn't technically like i caught him up because he was just cool but the girl that came up there was i guess somebody was messing with and she like really wanted to scrap and i'm like sweetheart we are already in prison right now we're going to get arrested for sure i don't have time for this today and i don't know maybe he was watching someone with the homies and he hurt and he saw that and he just i don't know but he definitely i don't know homeboy i don't know his brother but i get this dm today as soon as i open the screenshot i know what jpeg look like right so i'm like you know what jay i don't know that that says uh that says a lot about it please bless us i am going to try to read this as best as possible but he he writes phonetically everything he spells you raised here we go i'm so excited i'm gonna i'm gonna read it in the voice i imagine he said yeah yes yes insane hey i'm writing you off jpeg in my it's a n not a and d and my people's sending it to you for me the things i do get what i want what's up pretty lady hope all is well on your end af he put that in parentheses he did that right um believe you have two stand-ups on there i just recently seen your second one the first one i was like your body like damn she's something nice my body is like damn yeah but like didn't listen and can you say it now the second time i'm like yeah she popping ellipses i got a slide in her box lol you got a sense of humor a person need in my situation ellipses yeah unfortunately i'm currently locked up yeah another jail friend lml please don't think i'm on some super creep [ __ ] nah it's just just know if i would have came across you in them streets i would have definitely approached you ellipsis that's probably why you in jail right now i have five in going on six come this may ellipses so i figured i reach out to you ain't nothing wrong with having a pen pal right you know about that jpeg life ellipses that's what it did too once i heard heard hurd once i heard you say that you in tune with the jail app i said yeah she real right lml you know another female in the audience that had j pain l o is the o by m that he has like a oval 2005 nokia yeah i don't think he's supposed to have a phone in there first of all so he needs one that fits in the butt that it's two more paragraphs and i'm just i'm um next next paragraph anytime ellipsis is in there in a in a paragraph from a [ __ ] it's a live follower yeah yeah uh more ellipses i would like to build with you and learn you if that's not a problem can i call you one of these days and hear that detroit talk three question marks i do a phone list this month for march well just to fool you i mean i think me and feel you just to fill you in a little bit about myself i just turned 30 on january 31st i have a 10 year old daughter and uh real soon i'm focused and motivated more than ever you know this might be something new uh i know this might be something new to you but not really i'm sure random [ __ ] be in your inbox on the regular fb uh but i wouldn't mind a friend though dead ass nothing more nothing less we will get you know what it's a lot this is so if y'all got any nice single church going home boys you know let me know because this is this is what i'm dealing with right now did he send a picture cuz you didn't send me the picture did he send the picture no but you know what it says one of two so it was a second page to that but the brother because even the bottom of the message was kind of cut off so i guess the brother just screenshot it like the first part no he didn't even say his name he said he was in there for he said where he was at like you focusing on the stuff that don't matter he trying to build with you queen girl that's exactly what i'm thinking the underground railroad get him up out of there girl let me tell you all the things i'm in here for almost six years plus i got a daughter who ain't seen me for more than that exactly 10 years old but i want to build with you but i'm going to be able to connection to your daughter because i i don't know if you know you baby what is going on he sound like the type of [ __ ] that'll kill somebody if they stole your porch because that seems to be all right we are not now here i let you that happened i didn't make that a lady got her porch stolen in detroit they stole the steps don't you do that i was talking to my cousins earlier today i feel like a couple years ago they stole a dude's garage on the west side if i'm not talking see imagine imagine backing your pickup truck on somebody's lawn wrapping the porch and chains and then yanking it off the foundation and then figuring out how to put it in the back of sad pickup truck you get to hear this one but i did but you know i told you it's different levels of detroit people i'm not now there are some right like i said the [ __ ] that rob rosa parks like that's when i knew anybody could get five rows of pugs they robbed i was so pissed i never forget i was in middle school they robbed rosa park back in 1994 and i said you got to be a different type this is a different level of savagery the truth is the butthole of the united states i am so sorry introduction they robbed is because detroit does have some good first of all they j dilla they have uh they have a donut shop it's actually called donuts j de la donus um what else uh they got a jail that they just stopped building like it was it was gonna be a magnificent facility but like literally like two two two the way they just was like because crime went down we didn't need it nobody's really out here doing crime like that well look at god they just start building the sales the foundation is there that they're living the actual reason they stopped baltimore's balloon knot baltimore is definitely the balloon knot and detroit is the [ __ ] with the balloon balloon don't you dare say louis that's when your booty hole got an audi like like your neighbor if your booty oh no baltimore ain't that bad now [Music] we need that baby we got baltimore has characters okay it's got character crack is right and they have a lot of character okay so that's destroyed and stuff does detroit we don't use them we selling the people out of state that's why [ __ ] some house music is the club music let me go off real quick give him a little bit oh my goodness when i tell you i laughed so hard when keisha sent me that i was i was out of there i and i'm like yeah it'd be stuff like this all the time it'd be like i'm so shy kisha you so cute you've had a strong set because i'm getting moving next week she's a she's a drug that is heartbroken all the young jesus is fired to get a a hellcat and then a chick like he they like i'm gonna go and get this goddamn challenge before oh raise the kid business is good she got that i ain't gonna snitch type of mentality that's the reason why drug dealers don't come after me they're like she'll be the one oh they'll be like where's the drugs i'ma take he put it in he put it baltimore i just saw one of these comments and she said it's poor and desperate lots of poor desperate people lots of poor desperate people i can't desperate most of my family is in baltimore they're not poor and desperate that's what they say on tv but we listen here's the difference we're doing in in in right we're just we're we're joking on each other capping and [ __ ] and that person took it like oh it's a lot of poor and black and we run there's no reason to make fun of black people who are poor and slave and desperate and hungry and haven't taken baths come on man this ain't just did not we have those conversations on the show but this ain't that conversation we laughing talking about nobody really didn't like that and i mean if y'all come to visit we gonna show you all good times listen you if you really want to make a difference you feel that strongly about it you can go to detroit and buy start buying up some property you can buy 16 blocks toy for 34 dollars just recently fell off like detroit was a thriving city for a long time and listen the reason you'll never hear anything good about detroit is because detroit when we had the riots we literally took the city out of the hands of white people and black people took over like we created the black slate they put black politicians in office and detroit was thriving for a very long time and that's why they hate detroit they're never going to say anything good about detroit and then they idea kind of fall off around 2008 everybody was out of there so but it's turning back around my parents was like yeah we got to get the [ __ ] about here we know what's going to happen uh we may come back a little later on but so listen [Laughter] i read this story about a black principal in tennessee who's under fire for announcing that uh this black history month the theme will be all lives matter this is a black teacher a black principal where she's the principal of the school and she announced that the theme for black history month will be all lives matter she aiming to be superintendent and so she's like how many answers i got to kiss that's guess exactly that's exactly you didn't hit the nail on the head so wait you gonna take the one month that we have that really highlights us and diminish it yeah we share every other month 11 months we don't get no break and you're gonna take the one month oh what's the thing about it [ __ ] helped pull us into slavery they will do that that is not above us where's your friend she's gonna see oh yeah yeah that's not happening i'ma tell you what if it's virtual school i'm gonna be on every single zoom with my kids holding up pictures of lynchings holding up pictures of like uh black lives matter i'm gonna be playing the drums in the background i'm gonna be that annoying mom and if it's in person i'm gonna be there oh yeah there's no way i'll be like okay all lives matter you're gonna get all of this the whole 28 days of the god dang gone month these these kids these white girls are gonna be real scared they're gonna be like is this what really happened they were killing black people yes your great grandfather i'm sure he had played your great grandfather i'm sure it's bernie in hell for what he did to black people grandfather for sure your grandmother yes for sure was that just she's probably she probably got a lot of black men killed for lying because that's what your grandmother i'm sure did look up lineage if you don't play that game of all lives matter imma be that [ __ ] that you hope yo her son gets kicked out of the school and i'm still gonna show up i want to read y'all i want to read y'all because of the outpour of outrage from parents and even teachers the teacher that outed her was a white teacher was like i don't want to be the white person that says a black person is tripping but we ain't gonna see no change unless i do it so the principal's name was chrissy caldwell-drake and then she issued an apology on monday explaining that her inspiration for the thing was a mural in the school which weighs which says where every child matters so she was trying to correlate it to that then she said i want to apologize for not more fully considering the context of that thing man you knew she knew tf you was doing absolutely apology not accepted at all you were trying to be controversial and didn't expect it to blow up like this and now you want to back cuddle [Music] um so ridiculous that's just you have got me messed up like you couldn't come up with nothing better than what you saw in the mural and you ain't here she could have done she could have just said all children matter she decided to do a spin on something that already had a negative complications exactly right also it's black history month how about make the theme black my whole mind go give us our whole mind that's not too difficult um you know i said like black history month is all year i don't give a [ __ ] but you know like for our month of february let us know the grades and i don't know how you guys are dealing with your kids i don't have no kids my boyfriend has a daughter and i realized today i was a little too woke for a four-year-old to teach her black history because i put on a movie and i was like you see what they did to us you wanna you watch rosewood four like in my boyfriend to come down he was like maybe she's four hey but you know what though i don't i think that's there are certain things that you can wait on to explain to them like the detail of it like you can give them a breeze over and then go into detail later on when they get up but i've i've been on my daughter since she was my daughter i'm like listen you're gonna hurt the word you're gonna have to work three times as hard because you're black and you're a female man they and my mom taught me that early on so i've always had that mentality and i've always had like a workhorse mentality and i don't want this for her like the way that i think and the way i move and the way i work because it's ridiculous like i have horrible sleeping patterns i very rarely relax and i don't think she will be that way because she's very chill like very very chill but i do want her to realize that the world ain't gonna you know they're not gonna be rooting for her they're gonna be they're expecting her to fail and i have to let him know you know you got to be you got to be on that [ __ ] so yeah you also got to get your kids i'm not supposed to be no i'm not i'm not scared why are they trying to say i'm so hurt what what i'm here watching people their comments and i said the word and i said wait a minute i'm not sincere you said that bro yeah like i was like it takes a lot for me to get some dessert we are not there [Music] you can only give about a third of what you read in these comments any type of life because then once they see that they got you they got your attention they'll just say anything i saw breacher [ __ ] a dinosaur ass listening to you and looking at dinosaur going what the hey now wayne you can't do like uh we ain't gonna tell the whole story tiffany haddish was on our podcast uh hold on to your address [Music] that me and parisha have together and tiffany we were all drinking on the podcast so by the end of it we were doing it on stream yard so she too could see comments thought that someone said she couldn't sing that's not what it said it said she can't it said she can sing and tiffany proceeds to clean out hold on hold on tim she's like now cause she said i said no no no it says she can sing she was like oh [Laughter] i'm sorry oh man oh he was right he was like gang i said we're gonna cut that from the podcast don't nobody need to hear you cuss folk out that's not you can't be cussing mama's out they just here to relax if that's what you want to call it what was it was that porn yeah i don't see it yeah no i'll have to play songs i'm i'm in my 30s let me show the link listen put it in the presentation i'm not really into playing for no only fans but i like adding a trigger into my monthly budget this is uh it's his silhouette challenge is that what it is no it was i think he probably looked at himself but it's it's a girl giving him hit basically um in the video oh so i see why the neighbors know his name we'll just say that where we all right now is that where we are right now listen wait a minute living fellatio's on online like that's what they do that's what they're doing i'm not doing that i'm not doing no philadelphia challenge i'm doing no busted because first of all i need too bad for the buster challenge not too old i'm comfortable first of all my knees do work these do work my knees work and you know it's just it's just too much like if that's your brain that's your brand but like boo everybody needs to sit down i did i did the silhouette challenge killed it yeah but you know i didn't even know at the time it was a challenge i thought it was just to hear being here and then i started seeing other people do it i was like oh i didn't even know it was a challenge bailey did it i didn't know it was a challenge either i was like this little girl is here to stay you hear me like oh it's a challenge i just don't get it naked i don't want to see your body if i go to the bank and i see you there like i don't like it's not your brand stop yeah if it's not your brain ladies position is just until she can blow up from the silhouette challenge do you understand me you gotta have to make the stallion thighs you got the eyes on the movies but breesha that's easy for you to say because you out here getting checks on checks on checks some people ain't get checks on check so check so they have to be enough they gotta do it right i never got text by tyler perry i ain't got text king i ain't got text but i worked i was on two sheets caesars are insecure i don't have issa ray's phone number i didn't gonna reply i was joking since then i've gotten phone calls i woke up to phone calls from teleporting studios but it wasn't totally fair well i'm looking for this place of him fighting the police officers melissa if you find it send me the text i'm looking at him choking out a police officer like well this thing the neighbors know my name you're trying to tell me you know is you know why you found it on twitter that's why i'm just searching i'm thinking yeah you got to go to the i'm ready i know i don't know i don't know you gonna say this is this really him twitter tattoo supposedly i don't i don't follow anything but supposedly that tattoo he has on his arm he's been real practical i don't want to live i'm going to send it to you melissa don't listen to these people listen melissa's gonna pull it up and kept on coming there kevin gonna come in and sassing in the room and he'll kick her but i'm so old i can't figure out how to send this to you i keep clicking on the dots oh here we go here we go girl i got it i got a nail honey are you accident or i have to be on twitter i'm gonna text it to you and you can just click and it's gonna take you yeah we're running that room kev and knock those doors down again all the while i'm here like um also me me too i'm like hello it's on your phone your phone okay look at cub like more covert yes that angle was like this this was all the chance you see that was enough that was enough i'm good so yeah that was a bit challenge doesn't seem that provocative provocative kids oh angel i'm glad i got you here every time i do a transition oh tears so smooth with the transition him and angel should have a transition off and i am here for it you understand the companies uh yeah are you here are we about to do it live we could do it live we could do it like i'll send angels do it do it we can both do it to the same script angel it don't even matter it's just a smooth transition listen that's so funny that people tell you how good i am about transition no one has told me about you though i'm serious nobody don't let her talk to you like that trying to be mean and hurtful right now and i'm not nobody has told me it i didn't know that um i didn't know but i didn't know that anybody else was doing transitions angel i am smooth as butter with this now i don't doubt it to hear you are a smooth personality you come up with bits better than anyone else i know you do i mean you'd be killing the sage like i mean you didn't i didn't know you tried this right yeah you would you'd be good on stage i'm going i don't i don't i just saw the name we're gonna i'm gonna pull up a real thing um no i wanted you guys to riff i was just giving you the company oh no it's obviously i was gonna do a real one okay yeah i'm gonna do a real one just so we got something let me see where we go i'm listening what okay that's what what's the confidence i mean you have a combination huh have you guys done skillshare nah but i got one right here i'm gonna download it and i'm gonna send it to andrew right now i got i got you shot it i got you we gon we gonna we get we gonna get to the bottom of this listen listen i wasn't trying to flex you the one who felt like your title was being challenged but i didn't challenge you she ain't comfy i didn't know i i did it as a friendly thing at first but then he was like that's crazy nobody told me about you i'm gonna hold on that's the truth i am not even trying to flex that's the truth nobody has the truth okay well you know what angel i'm telling you now i sent it to you so how what are the rules to hear are we just gonna be talking and you guys are going to talk you got it we got to bring it in one way and we're going to do it one at a time you know what i'm saying so angel can go first or whatever time ain't no rush for her and you put it out there she gotta go first that's like i was trying to be a gentleman i was trying to be a gentleman i'll go first ain't nobody oh it doesn't matter i'm fine i'm the i feel i feel fine listen this is not a competition that i have to win but if i do you know you don't who did it you're the one who set this up that's all i'm saying next topic next tactic look melissa is hilarious should call melissa i love you melissa oh though yeah you kind of are [Laughter] oh my god look at that even in the comments right now angela go whoop that ass you know what i don't care how young you are [Applause] is all about wireless earbuds and listening is something great whether you're catching your news or your favorite podcast audiobook whether you're on zooming with the homies what to hear doing an ad challenge raycons is what you imagine this was right ray khan what you mean is there black owned started by ray j also known as brandy's brother okay here's what i want you to do raycons is offering 50 off their products for any listeners and here's what you've got to do to get it go to byraycons.com diys that's it d-i-y-s you'll get 15 off your entire raycon order so if feel free to grab a pair in a spare that's 50 off at byraycon.com d-i-y-s by raycon dot com slash d-i-y-s that's my best friend [Laughter] listen to me listen to me after so long i was like i think this is a setup i think you know this is a setup and as soon as she said raycon i was like this [ __ ] out of here hang it up to him i mean you might have seen it coming michael but listen that's what you do when you don't even know what the attack was even coming i was still knocked out so i mean what difference did it make that was you lost to here would you like me to give you a different one because that is not fair yeah you can't you can't do that you want it i'll see you guys absolutely from my room i'll play by your rules you can send me one why is it about you i'm making it easier for you it's harder to do the same ad okay buddy you want to do the same man that was very big watch-ish i mean the bounce was there you know we were abroad months [Laughter] i'm sorry to hear andre well angel ain't more one either because she's still breastfeeding a 12 year old that little boy will not wean off yeah he's never going to do it he's still water in the daytime and still be latching on at nighttime like boy are you 12 you are 12. he said he know he the last one though you know when they say like when another one's coming the the older one they like move out the way he's like no she's done this these are mine but i care not to keep on breastfeeding you can be upset i dare you to have another kid because he ain't getting in on this but he listened to me the other day i am still like amazed and he listened to me the other day i told him to be nice to his mama he was like who are you talking to oh yeah he was not happy about it he was like okay if that's what you say wow that was incredible [Music] don't egg it on okay it was great it was it was a great transition i thought she was really being old but i ain't going to hold you i was like this is what happened you guys you got people over 30 on the show i know i know she know how to work yeah [Laughter] oh my gosh another topic because people are going to be waiting for it so i don't want yeah okay we got here i'm waiting i to here and i'll text you when i send it so that people are going to know when you got it that works for me send it to the same email that i sent you the uh the invite from got it got it got it i got you someone boy getting out are you are you are you picking them up are you uh huh i don't understand up in here i have nothing to do even she even considered it and she was like he didn't give me enough information did you respond i was like [ __ ] no she was like why i'm like why what i don't want to seem creepy but i saw you in jail and i reached out to my my brother to have him reach out to you and we could be yes it feels that's a lot of avenues to get a message for you that that could ultimately be no and probably it's going to be no like who is the person that said you know what this could be him this could be my this could be my prince that's that's what i want to meet who that actually works on somebody because love after lockout is a whole entire show on the 53rd season all right i want to actually be on there i want to ask y'all who is your celebrity crush that you are embarrassed by oh embarrass like it's a weird crush or like what you mean hey i gotta find his name i don't mind yeah yeah uh man if you want to go first with lil wayne let's go do that he used to be lil wayne and it's not anymore and now i don't even know who it is that i'm embarrassed by wow okay what's mine melissa what's his name quite possibly like johnny depp i feel like i still have a bit of crush on him but i feel bad when i say it out what loud playing uh you you're telling us your celebrity crush that you might be a little bit embarrassed by i see wolf blitzer a lot in the in the comments right now it i seem like i'm like i love him remember on that last um on the last uh what was that uh mission impossible benji had dressed up as wolf blitzer when uh when they um had over in the hospital in the beginning that was yeah cool somebody said bearded david letterman i'm with you okay okay y'all gonna hate mine that's the cooking dude that's the cooking is i have to be honest when he would talk dirty be like get pushed wait how you been breaching it again [Laughter] okay keisha anybody [Music] i told you i'm not slipping freshers i don't know who would be i don't know that would be embarrassing um i got nothing um and then you got nobody oh box you say nice sergey baka boris cujo like i don't know who but they're getting embarrassing folks though cause he's a kid i guess i can feel but i'm a cool girl i'm feeling bears about that mark ruffalo be fine too i used to love joey joey lawrence from blossom oh i did oh yeah yeah yeah that was my guy and he started my hat uh fetish that's yeah all that money [Music] happy i would probably put al pacino before robert de niro though andy garcia and bear yeah all of them but yeah you say he look like a bestie [Laughter] you do let's be my book too i just let from full house and i'm like who didn't love uncle jesse i know it's not embarrassing somebody i just got a text with my just saying music like zach from saved by the bell yeah i worked with him and it was so weird because i had the biggest pressure on him and i was like mj yeah my mom was convinced i was gonna marry a white yeah dude convinced loved nsync i was thoroughly convinced i was going to marry justin timberlake girl you think love her i went on to the ricky lake show trying to meet justin timberlake okay dude wait uh it was if you're a super fan of nsync and you want to meet the members so we me and my best friend were on the show and actually one of my patreon members found shantae my one of my admins my moderators she found the episode and sent it to my christmas gift and i still have yet to watch it because i'm just so embarrassed oh my god we've been on the road here she said she has the video [Music] i was listening to them talk i was like you know what they say we got we won a whole contest we got makeovers we went to a red carpet event oh that's awesome yeah i meant uh jagged edge in black that's when they were a group um was hosting and i got to ask him what he used in his hair because i was sitting beside him i said now what you using your hair is so shiny and he uses liv liv i've been using it ever since because it's new got to introduce me on trl it was a great experience you know you lived my dream like mine too i saw the number one song at the time yeah the number one song was because i got to introduce one of the songs on the countdown and it was um j-lo's my love don't cost a thing because the dance break is banging and keisha real quick um that's fantastic angel has lived you lived my personal dream and i didn't introduce that video i would have done the dance i'm very angry that i still remember this from he's helping an actual question real quick who is um who's fred henley from king high school how are you getting his intent why what is happening here this guy went to high school with somebody said you used to have a crush on fred hindley from king high school somebody just texted me said that unfred no that was my friend's boyfriend and he was trying to everybody in like dude no i'll tell you who i like to what fred henley but no everybody knows who my pressure was in high school i don't remember anything from high school is that bad you don't remember anything were you drinking a lot what happened anything from high school i was a dad already i remember everything from high school because you were traumatized [Laughter] what i was i was i was i was it was not fun it was a great time i did not i did not really i don't i don't really remember a lot about the day to days because i i've worked a real job like i was working at white castles i got to work i mean school i went right to white castles and did like a three to 11. tuesday through pride not after 16 you can you can work a full eight hour shift long as you get your your break your 30 minute break is that your first job to hear with white castle now my first job was at a junkyard called marty's in cahokia i used to pick up cans strip cards of aluminum breakdown carburetors for copper and [ __ ] that was my first job that sounds dangerous hokia is like a giant trailer park it's the worst [Laughter] if you know what you think about eastman is cahokia is a trailer park in east st louis like it's terrible um i take these bricks and this [ __ ] a roll in the middle of the street you keep playing it i hate you [ __ ] roll back with the turtle right in the middle of the street y'all [Music] i mean listen you know it wasn't on purpose you know when i was 18. right oh [ __ ] you writing a book i need to talk to you because when i tell you my story you be like yeah [ __ ] i'm a tall tyler i've been shot stabbed set on fire uh here told the story about going out on a date with this dude that he didn't realize was a date first of all okay it wasn't supposed to be a date it was supposed to be a goodbye gathering for a teacher okay other teachers were supposed to be there no one else showed up now he didn't try to molest me but he tried i mean i felt some type of way after he paid for the drinks that was just because like we ordered he walks you let him pay for this i put money in my meter and we were walking toward the place and two guys were walking toward me and then one of the guys like oh boy i was like he good and i was like yeah don't do that he had to protect his king my god any good look how he saved you dancing here went out on a date with a guy didn't know was the day that's what i did i didn't listen it was not a date because other people would suppose they're supposed to be there but i am hella naive to a lot of [ __ ] but that's why i was like hold on because when like they had a happy hour and it was like you get the the big margaritas for like half off so it was like seven dollars and eight dollars margarita and i'm like yeah i'll take one of these he's like yeah i take one too and so when the dude brought back one glass with two straws i was like no no huh you say what you was out here drinking out of fishbowl with a [ __ ] talking about you ain't no use today i got another we got another drink you realize that he stayed to the end like none of this red date to you i'm comfortable with my masculinity i ain't gonna run away just because he got i don't give a [ __ ] the drinks are half off you deserve your own glass they brought another glass me i think in high school i had a whole girlfriend that didn't even know what i think i had a whole girlfriend and i did not know well you know what i'm concerned well because i didn't know i was in i i am not gay so i did not know that i was with her girlfriend until i literally had already had the twins i'm a grown adult woman now okay no this happened so the thing happened in high school but i'm looking through i keep all the letters people give me and so my friends came out to see me right after i had the twins and i was like look at this letter her name was keisha look at this letter keisha wrote me and we're reading it and i was like not like like is she my [ __ ] is that if her girlfriend in this letter we read another letter and i was like yo and it's in the girl end up coming out of the closet she is she is a full-blown lesbian now and so i read another letter and i was like wait a second before we in a relationship and i didn't know i i don't and it makes sense because she would get mad when i was like trying to like like if a dude was trying to holler at me and i was trying to let it happen she would get really upset with me in like like possessive but i just thought she just thought angel don't be out here being a hoe i thought it was coming from that perspective yeah right we are a holy christian girl right and not angel don't give away my cookies to somebody else but it's not her and i never gave her no cookies so i don't understand listen i didn't wear a relationship class in high school because there's so many people that don't think that this is a full-blown conversation you can't just assume we together did we talk about being again people don't be knowing man that's that's part of it like you just don't you always should know you always you know like with the fda they banned only 12 potential harmful ingredients in skin care products well high fat actually bands 2 000. all of their products are safe effective and use only non-toxic transition okay this is why knowing is so important pipette is is a clean baby and mom care brand on a mission to give every family the best start okay all parents need to get positive [Music] whatever i'm reading one that i've never read before angel think me some sense you know i don't i've never read raycon before we've never gotten a redcon ad i've never got raycon not one i promise you i'll let you search my email we've never had one i don't know how to pronounce it correctly what is it pipey pipe it do you notice that i only think i read off of the recon was the call to action is this about mom stuff i was like you know what well i thought you were going to transition when you talked about having a baby in high school i was like here it comes here i come but nobody else was that was the whole thing i was like okay good he's got a good uh angel you try to trip my babe up uh you tried it you try not to try it he had a tree here had a whole baby in his story listen i don't even know i'm not even sure what it is it's it's it's products for nobody transitioning it's products for new babies when you said i was 14 i had a whole baby at that time we were using uh like dollar store stuff yeah we wouldn't use no populism no but this is how you transition you would be like i'm working why actually giving you a master class right now we were working at white cats we use the dollar store stuff people these days they got all this expensive [ __ ] like pipette and things like that you know the fda first of all angel let me say this i was not i was not confident in how to pronounce it and there was no there was no pronunciation i'm looking at this word i'm like is this but is this is it like i'm like what is this watching this one intentionally to trip me up and i feel some type of way i'm gonna let you have it i'm gonna let you have you won this one we're running it back oh that was great she did you know the fda's right [Laughter] wait a minute is this a transition first of all listen british don't count because that's your best friend she cheated oh my goodness yeah briefly was in on it no gracious ain't never baby do no transitions i was in disbelief with everybody else i couldn't believe it [Music] we don't have transitions when you never so we can talk to each other and she said we yeah we don't have ants on our show because we we're not getting no money we just be talking so she'll never see me transition she's never seen me transition i was like what listen out the box he said and you should know about the ingredients of the fda gonna be approving nothing you got babies and mamas out here washing their asses and you're used to it too you gotta wash your hands look who's ever little got a 24 million dollar diamond put on his forehead he looks like vision all right he got it named the dude that can rap it out who to do to kill books is she said cyclops is it cyclops don't he got a single thing no melissa someone asked what an eye it's all right listen melissa is talking about a cyclops a one-eyed monster not the cyclops from x-men that she was talking about x-men i watched x-men oh well then you're wrong you're wrong you did it i tried to help you you dead as wrong you ordered that's painful yes yes yes that's your face marvel got like you know all the marvel stuff is this x-men in the marvel universe no oh it's it's like a joke i'm gonna be honest i don't know what the hell i thought i was talking about like a playstation and then there's the xbox oh they're completely separate no no i think xbox is marvel uh they just create different worlds though he meant x-men x-men oh my god they're like they're part of the marvel universe but they're in a different world yeah they're they're experts in a different world than the avengers they're not with them but they're marvel characters yeah they are they are we have a universe that has a different world oh like planets it's a different planet universe thank you thank you personally i think i just that thing uzi verse thing looks like a a bedazzled [ __ ] on his forehead it does everybody need to put him on that ige oh look at this [ __ ] that's what it looks like yes i just said this uh but then i want to say you can't wash your face good if you got that on your on your head you can't listen like i said you ain't watching you ain't watching your ass if you ain't watching your face your face is the easiest part to watch so if you ain't watching your face you definitely ain't watching your ass you just what happens when he decides he doesn't want it anymore like what does the scar get implanted into yeah it's empty isn't it was it like a dermal those little cheek things that people be doing i think so what does that scar look like that's what i'd be thinking about like in years because i changed my mind when i don't want this anymore what is this going to look like if you get punched in the right angle just put a tattoo on that [ __ ] gonna come out and it's like so much you've been invested in that since 2017. and i think it's the dumbest thing because if he gets punched at a club or at any like people know like you could just punch and then you like on the ground trying to find your diamond that you've been investing in from 2017 and was like you dating one of these city girls like say something to him to something put that under the mattress that was 12 in the third grade that is concerning because you couldn't have been in class with my little son you twelve who said that one of them city girls i was 12 in the third grade i guess she said finish school i don't know but i know she was still in the third grade when she was 12. josiah and he's in middle school that's what i'm saying you could have been in class with my son you got titties and everybody hello wait let wait now i need to understand this right that's what i'll be doing everybody stop hold on now karisha she got children that's the one that she talking about i don't know miami little miami one of them in jail the one kareesha she stayed in school in the third grade until she was 12. yeah she was 12 in third round see now this is what the facts of the children need to know okay that is one that is now you hold up run that statement back now these are the facts of the children need to know correct that the children need to know right they hopefully going with this [ __ ] like english spanish with this [ __ ] what's happening in english or spanish a [ __ ] got more language than she did by that time of course he was learning and she wasn't that's hello that's all right i want to take out this other story so uh rapper blue face had his entire house wrapped in camo paint it was like a camel wrap it was blue black and gray and then overall white but he got the entire house wrapped in a camo wrap and i made a video about him and little uzi burger and i just said i don't want to i don't want to ever hear that they broke i don't ever want to hear i feel like they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy they should check the 12 13 14 whatever none of them none of sooner they fill out the paperwork somebody like yo you wrapped your house in that chemical pain right yeah now we're not doing this today we're not tear that [ __ ] up all of these rappers and athletes that do [ __ ] like this but don't own no businesses don't let them file bankruptcy to make yeah he don't get along with his mother so i don't even care the one that don't rap on beat that's the one that just remember you did that that post about that okay i don't understand i don't understand what's that song that he did uh dot dot bust down tatiana you a heartbreaker and i don't want to break these hearts busted down tathy it was like is what is wrong with the baby that's somebody that probably didn't make it through school okay and then he's out here just rapping for the kids baby you say what what'd you say i like the thought what song you say you like it i like the song bro baby first of all richard have you seen the video for it yes and i like i have not yes should i look it up i haven't seen it i'm not getting to just take a shot absolutely one hundred percent let me tell you something what's killing me is where did it come from where where did it come from it's um it was sitting nicely on my desk and i said i mean my desk it's fireball whisky that baby gonna be so drunk tonight he don't go right to sleep you know he's gonna get three ounces of the titty and then he gonna go right that's the real reason why he won't he can't be weaned off because alcoholic fireball and red wine he's like oh tap yeah he invited other babies over like y'all like me come over me it is yummy though it would be great yeah it wasn't i mean that was my college drink be careful i was just going to say that's a college drink angel you got to put that down long island's in college oh yeah sweet oh that went down a little a little harsh right now i can't i can't remember that's why i can't remember high school island jager bombs i went to school with white people let's say yeah you were going yeager bombs hennessy they were stringing hennessy i had [ __ ] and but i had white people what was that incredible um hennessy and hypnotic and hypnotic oh that's the um it's a dude and uh the baby just hopped on the remix with the baby like throat really embarrassed that i like i'm really embarrassed my boyfriend he played it the other day he was like isn't this a mess and i was like [Music] though i ain't gonna hold it yeah all the [ __ ] i don't understand like i just don't get like why they calling guns dicks now and all of that like we never did that ain't nothing with this the new i'm behind on a lot of this new music like yeah like i rock with i rock with the baby i rock with a little baby uh huh i like little baby little baby yeah yeah i rock with him i rock with most of the people from quality control music that's that's me goes as little baby all of them uh i like some young thug i'm not a huge fan of young club but i like some young thug but a lot of these they sound the same they dress the same they wear from new york my so i'm behind on a lot of this i mean like stuff that's on like whatever the little hit single is but like other than that i don't know oh that's what i try to stay in there yeah somebody just said that uh dick is old it's not a gun it's the clip cool that's still weird as [ __ ] i've got my own crew error when we call it gun the gun and we call it clip the clip if you got an extended clip you caught an extended clip you don't just call it the dick that's just weird i roll up on you pull the dicks out that's weird bro that sounds highly sexual not like you came for the trouble if you want trouble you just hop out with the trouble but you you know [Applause] this uh throat baby it is i mean the music video it has they go through different like um movie setups like you get a little bit of star wars you get a little bit of like alice in wonderland it's it seems like the answer when did this come out when was this produced a couple months ago because this year cousin is a rapper and so she was like this is the most romantic song i've ever heard oh why wow and i don't like the answer to whop in the music video right very visually interesting when the bee comes he's like putting a sonogram on her throat and there's a baby in there and then wait a baby he's on a snowboard just snoring down a mountain of [ __ ] yeah basically like snowboarding over this these throw babies so that's the whole that's the whole thing it's got a lot of visual a lot of vision it's kind of this 90s vibe right now too with the yeah with the head and the chain and the overalls and i i you know i love a good song about head giving i don't know yeah it's like one of my workouts yeah i love it what's wrong with my knob but it was more of an instructional tool like you never had given hair before you knew after the the song how to do slide on my knob like holding on the car check in with me and do you die so you like go informational words need to take a dish home for that yes it's like you do one thing well i swear all these songs are only good for workout playlists like none of them make sense when you break them down you're right because the minute i'm done working out i'm embarrassed by everything out here of the pulses when he gets to uh yeah i'll tell it like a [ __ ] dick i'm just a bad [ __ ] from the south from the lotto that's my run on the treadmill so yeah i'm sorry i just listened to jesus i like um tapping your mind who knows who sounds good but tap tap-in is a good one too i got that one like that you got to keep yourself up with the with what the children leave behind i'll be listening oh jeezy when i work out like whole playlist they ain't never wrong oh that's funny that's funny that's why he's joke [Music] separate yourself from that i love it man yeah at home making bad decisions [Music] that's hilarious that's great oh my gosh this two hours went by quick man it's already 84. this was funny and fast y'all look funny got a funny group of people that was great what you're not eating food and keisha with your eating food melissa food tony started a lie and it has been perpetuated through the instagram universe and i mean to hear i mean look let me call him no you no this is not well melissa got the six-pack steal and she's no i don't know it's because he don't eat no food angel you gotta repair the whole story melissa will fix a whole plate of food right she'll get everything that's made right and then she will sit that plate in front of her and she will smell it and then she'll sniff again and while she's sniffing and exhaling she's like like food away that's what she do everybody knows someone said i ate them wings that i dropped on the last episode oh that was ribs wasn't it it was ribs you right right british do you like donuts and my head is too small so it's on my dog do you like donuts i like it i like to hear more wait hey do you like angel do you like donuts you'd have to hear more there's five minutes left why do we have to do this at this late in the game teacher do you like donuts is this a transition yes no we should just all stand in solidarity and not i know the story dale i know yeah dad do you like donuts do you like donuts babe oh my gosh i know the story i love donuts especially when somebody goes out and waiting to bring them to my show to thank me for doing a great performance and just bless me with it because they know i love donuts what's crazy is one time melissa took the box of donuts that a fan brought and just gave them to a guy on the street and she was just like to hear fat ass don't need these and i heard the lord's work she was going to lose work she was helping him out and she was awesome i was really just trying to be happier trying to cure homelessness in america correct correct well 12 donuts you will try to cure all of homelessness you have to start somewhere you're right it's one step at a time you how do you eat an elephant how do you end the donut to here won't know [Laughter] go find the corner and and live in it you understand me don't just don't understand it do you live in it for a couple of days oh my gosh this gave them doughnuts away i was traveling ate a whole top tier of my cake that is hilarious had to force angel to make me another cake he's just it's listen it's it's a pattern in this family it's what i'm done i'm so crazy though because from that like three whole cakes came out of cause people felt sorry for him i he ate the smallest layer of this cake and he ended up this [ __ ] gets three whole cakes made because people felt sorry for him it's like that's too scary because it was a birthday had it just been a regular cake it would have been another it was a birthday ate it oh man well let's get let's get to hear some some donuts i have actually looked into it and i've had people email me or like dm me the name of the place but they don't ship because they don't stay fresh [Music] yeah that'll do it that'll do it that's what's up i guess i just i just never know because i ain't got no reason to go back to ohio you know i mean so i guess can i say this really quickly when we were talking about uh uh keisha's family in detroit my family is from toledo and that's only like a 90 minute drive from detroit and my family does a lot of their shenanigans in detroit and they have names like the bicycle bandit oh wow what what are they stealing bicycles are they doing they messing with everything they're stealing they do no they do their stuff but they don't have cars so they'll rob you and then ride off on a bicycle how are they getting from toledo to detroit they ride bikes probably the bus i'm not quite sure how that's happening but i'm just saying that when you said porches are going missing in detroit i was like it's not even us it's not even the detroit people no my family goes now you can't fit no porch on no bicycle though do you know that one i don't this is an organized crime mob what do you what it has been a great show this has been a great show so far uh we got to to the end this is the time when we started doing the sign off so breesy basically we uh we got anything coming up you let people know where they can look out for what they what you want them to check out uh if anybody hits the cash app oh wait you didn't change your name because um but we just thank people for watching and let them know where they can find you at so let's go um let's go farron keisha breacher angel miscav on stage last okay okay great um as always well thanks again for following me at 5 000 followers and um stay tuned more to the story a new episode dropped on tuesday onto here's youtube page available apple podcast and spotify and um cash app thank you young deuces d johnson somebody requested 30 i won't give them any free publicity digitizer cressida taking the stage to leah moore kiara chade and ebony cole thank you so so much that's it thanks again to here for always having me on again um ladies it's been so much fun um thank you to the cash apps for cash young deuces d johnson michael colbert for my hair thanks sir jasmine dixon i don't know she said i'm cutting you off y'all didn't let me speak at some point and jasmine paid me for it thank you shannon desmond um chriscenda taking the stage to leela to leah moore james williams ebony cole xavier for listening to my beat morris lindsay and candice um i actually do oh thank you chapo thanks uh coming up i don't have a release date yet but um i actually have a show that's going to be coming out on kevin state studios app exciting so um i'll post everything on my instagram whenever i have anything that's going on so you can follow me it's keisha.e that's all awesome what you got for the people breisha oh hi i don't know what's next i'm brucia webb you can follow me on instagram and twitter i'll be on instagram more than i'd be on twitter just so you know but i'll tweet you back um i don't i don't even remember my cash app so if you want to give me money just give it to here or one of my friends that's nice i appreciate that because we all need to eat and then on top of that like i got a new series on stars that's coming out called one world and i'm really excited about that it's black girl magic sex in the city and it's really sexy and really great and angel help me she's so stupid it's about to be fire y'all have no idea y'all edges are about to be snatched off it's great and i can't wait for everybody to see it and i hope everybody loves it it's called round the world on star so get your membership bars it's criminal but it's about to be naked when when does it come on when i'm home is naked slaying we don't know naked is naked maybe you might i don't know i don't know what was that but it's fashion and glam and fabulousness and funny and you'll love it how's broken that's going to be on fox is coming out this april um with um a lot of funny people it's a cartoon it's really funny i play a crazy squirrel you'll love her and uh i think that's i think that's all i have to say but you know check me out on netflix and all the places where i'm at and yeah i was about to ask you keisha i was on uh lance gross's page and i saw that there was a pie company um that was in detroit and i knew it wasn't crazy and i went on this page it's called lush yummy pie company have you heard of it it's based out of this it's a hbcu and they're aka it's not that i have any affiliation my mom's a delta and so is angel but i just wanted to shout them out check them out they didn't pay me to say that i really wanted to try their their pie and their who's next uh um it's me uh thank you again to hear for having me on uh per usual you can see me on the 50 million podcast that i do here's the thing is this gonna cause an argument rose pricks mommy confessions and eventually me and breaches hold on to your edges we'll be back we'll be back um you can catch me on the cbs show what is that show be positive and um i'll be back on season four of atypical thank you to young deuces yayo d johnson candace smith what's up girl chile flakes chanel renee brandy i am lolo karen gwen taking the stage to leah moore crescendo shade candid shannon and my sword britney you all are a blessing and thank you all again pleasure spending i had so much money i'm sorry i didn't say that i didn't say that either yes this is great awesome um miss kev on stage what you got for the people um my name is melissa and i have a podcast that i do with my husband called the love hour that you can catch me on we do the baldwin beautiful with angel and marcus we're reviewing meredith first we're married at first sight yeah coming out i edit it um could be sunday could be monday could also be um and that's it girl oh and thank you i forgot thank you to um the book club and all the moves i see your butterflies shout out to you guys for joining today thank you to here for having me and i said yes the first time without hesitation even though i didn't know what i was signing up she's he's letting the devil use him in this moment that's what she's thinking i asked maleficent i'm gonna cut you off i'm gonna not let you talk because everything you're about to say is spewing lies that's what she's saying you heard her she's gonna let you talk oh shout out to the angel wings i want to give i want to give a shout out to uh the more mods they do an amazing job of helping me get everything together uh so shout out to them also shout out to the more mob shout out to the rewatch gang shout out to the scary squad new episode of dammit and that too scary drop some more it's gonna be amazing we got persephone on there we talking about everything um the do's and don'ts of dm sliding she has some ridiculous dms that she lets us read and it's just [ __ ] what are y'all doing uh shout out to the rewatch game like i said uh and i want to give a huge thank you too snap this face thing is ridiculous uh shout out to chapel shout out to uh lebaron shout out to chanel uh shout out to jerelyn shannon xavier xavier and talia kierra chris christina uh taking the stage digitizer d johnson young deuces camille uh appreciate you guys so much for uh the donations tonight thank you all for watching as i said um new episode of damn internet you scary and some more uh wearing this hard air today with ty davis and a new episode of more to the story came out on tuesday you got a lot of content to catch up with man and have a great time with hope we keep you laughing hope you had a great time tonight uh the love more gear is out right now and it's going to be a limited time run um and you got a 15 coupon for the more mob uh and a 10 for the general public so sizes are very limited on teespring too i i have nothing to do with that that's just their availability available uh inventory right now just kind of shot but you can grab that stuff right now and get it shipped to you and with rush and get it before valentine's day uh fair you guys um oh just um lebaron uh popped up with the cash app so thank you lebron just wanted to thank you thank you for the bearing yes the baron popcorn where thank you and today they got a 200 250 flavors of popcorn crab leg jerk crab flamin hot cheetos angel sent you the thing it's called doing the world of flavor.com and they got all the flavors because i'm about to go downstairs eat some pork rinds [Music] um we will see y'all tomorrow on another episode tomorrow we got the uh most of the guys from keep your distance uh the comedy show on friday they're going to be on the show tomorrow night on them with the homies so make sure i pull up this is the show before the show is going to be a great time and i will see y'all tomorrow man y'all be blessed love on each other [Music] you
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 68,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hcCeEtEBr7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 22sec (7342 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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