How To Look Good on Video Calls | Zoom FaceTime Skype | Blogger Secrets!

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[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to huntin flashy in today's video I'm gonna share my top tips and tricks for looking your best on a video call like a zoom call or on FaceTime as you guys know there is a pandemic happening in the world and so a lot of us are staying home or quarantine or have been asked to work from home and so we're having to connect with people in the outside world whether it's our family and friends or if we're working over a video conference call and I've gotten so many questions about how to look better when doing these things and of course being a full-time youtuber as I am I do have a lot of tips and tricks for how to do that but I'm also on the older side I'm 57 and so it's hard to look really good on camera unless you know these tips and tricks so it'll just take 10 or 15 minutes now once to figure out where the best lighting is what the best camera angle is get your little setup going and then you will be ready to go every time so let's get into it my number one tip is to find the most flattering lighting so generally speaking the best lighting is going to be some nice soft diffused natural light from a window that you're sitting directly in front of any light that's coming from above you from the side from the back is not going to be that flattering because it's gonna cast a lot of shadows or it's going to backlight you and put you all in shadow but if you're going to sit by a window you want to make sure that you're not going to sit in front of a window that gives you full on direct sunlight because then it's just too bright and it will blast you out if it's a business situation the lighting may be more limited because if you've been working from home previously and you have a home office then you may be limited to just what is available in your home office whether you have a window or not and whether you have room to have any other supplemental lights now if it's a FaceTime kind of situation you can take your phone anywhere in your house and go around looking for the best possible lighting so I'm going to show you the blogger's phone trick for finding the best lighting and this will apply both to FaceTime and to zoom business calls with your laptop but instead of dragging your laptop around the house you're going to find the best lighting using your phone to start and then set up your laptop in that area so let me grab my phone and show you how to do that now alright when you're looking for the most flattering light the best way to do it is to walk around your house with your cell phone turn the camera around so it's facing you and just watch your face and the shadows as you move from different lighting situations so right now I'm faced into kind of a dark corner with light behind me and coming from this direction over here so as you can see this side of my face is light but it's casting a lot of harsher shadows on this side of my face which is not necessarily going to be the most flattering so you'll notice as I turn this way towards the window the light becomes much more flattering but I'm still getting some pretty big shadows on this side of my face so this isn't the ideal perfect light but it's definitely better than what I just showed you all right now I'm standing underneath and overhead light and as you can see it casts a lot of shadows down and so again this is not the most flattering light just moving over to here this is a pretty flattering light because it's not casting any harsh shadows now fortunately in my family room has windows on all three sides so it makes it easy to have even lighting all around so ideally this would be the perfect room to do my FaceTime calls or my videoconferencing calls this corner that has windows on both sides that's going to be the perfect lighting situation but sadly the weather doesn't always cooperate and sometimes you need to brighten up your shot in which case you can just grab a lamp from anywhere in your house it can be a task lamp from a desk or I have like a bedroom lamp here you're always going to set that up on the other side of your laptop so that it's shining directly at your face so that you look better in the video so that's one option another option if you're gonna be doing this a lot and you don't have a window is to get a small ring light this is the one that I've had for a couple of years it has a dimmer switch so you can put it on just for a little bit of supplemental light like this or you can really turn it up and bless the whole thing out generally you're going to want to use it pretty low but as a supplemental lighting source it's really nice it comes with a telescoping stand so you don't necessarily need a box behind it that doesn't take up very much space at all if you have a limited space to work with that could be a great option it's small but yet it gives you that nice even front lighting that you're looking for tip number two is to find your most flattering camera angle just like we were looking for the most flattering light you've also got to be looking for the most flattering camera angle now I find that the worst camera angle is always from below anything from below will show all of your Chin's you'll be looking down so it will show even Chin's that you didn't know you had neck wrinkles you didn't know that you had the goal with video is that you want to kind of be looking slightly up into the camera that makes you lift your chin up slightly and it also helps to keep your eyes a little bit more open so let's go out into my little setup again and I'll show you some simple ways that you can set your laptop up or set your phone up a little bit higher so that you look a little bit better all right so here's how I would set up my desk if I was gonna be doing a video conferencing call so I have my laptop set up on top of this little mini filing box and that puts my laptop high enough so that the camera is slightly above my eye level so it's kind of looking down on me a little bit you don't want it to be so high up that you can't reach it you can't see your keyboard or that it's looking so far down at you that you can see all your gray hair and the floor behind you you just want it to be slightly above eye level you don't want to be sitting too close to your laptop because it's got a wide angle lens and so if you get too close it will distort your face but you still want to be within arm's length so that you can reach things to get an idea what you're gonna look like before the meeting starts you can just log in to zoom and select new meeting and there you go now you can see yourself and so I'm a little bit low and off to the right so if I want a better camera angle I would send myself first and then go ahead and tip the screen down so that I just have a little bit of space above my head and then I look good so when I'm facetiming this is the setup that I use I have this little mini tripod of course I'm a blogger I've had that for years but it is one of the best things that I've ever purchased because you can put the legs together and then it's a handle and that's even more comfortable than holding your phone in your hand if you're gonna FaceTime but the solution for those of you who aren't going to spend the money on the little tripod or don't have one already is to just use a mug that you might have already in your house this only works if you have a pop socket on the back of your phone like I have here all you have to do is take a coffee mug set it up on top of a box so that again your lens is a little bit higher than eye level pop your phone on there hang it with the pop socket your phone's looking down at you at a perfect angle so that you look good and now your hands are free alright tip number three if you want to look better on video is to put a little effort into your hair and your makeup I'm not saying you have to go full-on glam and put on a full face of makeup and curl your hair but where people are gonna be basically seeing this part of you I would try to make this part of you look a little bit better but you shouldn't make yourself look like someone unrecognizable if you had been going to the office and now you're Zoom chatting your colleagues they're gonna be wanting to see than normal you so if you never wore makeup to the office before then go ahead and do the same but maybe just put on a little bit of mascara or possibly a neutral lipstick can make a big difference or maybe just a little lip balm but if you want a easy makeup look that you can do at home I just did a video on a stay at home makeup look using a minimum of makeup you can check that video out right up here if your hair is looking a little uncommon it-- before and you didn't shower today you know that's fine I would just maybe spritz the front and reblued rie your bangs or the parts around your face take a hot tool and maybe just curl the parts around your face you know whatever you need to do just to make yourself look a little bit more presentable you don't have to go all out and do a whole huge thing also dry shampoo can be great if you haven't washed your hair in a few days you don't want to go on camera looking dirty particularly and that's where a dry shampoo can come in I'll link a couple of good dry shampoos in the info box below the video tip number four is to keep the distractions to a minimum so you want to keep your background neat and tidy it can be like you saw before a full wide-angle of a room but everything behind you should be tidy if it's a tighter shot like this where you're in your office and there aren't going to be any distractions that's probably the best way to do it is to kind of try to have a dedicated room where you can keep one area tidy so if I just turn the camera around and showed you what I'm looking at it's a mess I really need to do an office cleanup but I keep this one area super tidy because this is my filming area and I know that it always has to be neat so I can sit down any time of day or night and film a video same thing if you get called into a meeting suddenly you don't want have to be scrambling to clean up your filming space so keep your filming space nice and neat another distraction is when people are staring at themselves in the monitor instead of looking at the people that they're supposed to be talking to you know if it's a zoom call there's like six or eight little images and you can see everyone and you're kind of trying to look at everything and look at your computer but it helps if you look into the lens so learn where the camera is and try to look directly into the lens instead of off to the side over there try to keep the distractions of playing with your hair touching your face pitching your nose sticking your finger in your ear to a minimum okay no one wants to see that it can be annoying it can be gross another distraction that you're gonna want to try to minimize our noise distractions from your family from your pets obviously everyone has to be a little bit flexible in these times because people are working from home there is gonna be the occasional cat walking through dog walking through child coming in who needs a hug or something and tip number five is to try to dress business appropriate for your business so I know that it's probably pretty casual everyone knows that everyone else is working from home but you definitely shouldn't be wearing like an oversized hoodie or something like that and since you're only filming from here up whatever you're wearing on the top doesn't have to match what you have going on on the bottom you can still your jammies or your sweats or whatever you want on the bottom just make sure that if you are going to stay in something not business on the bottom make sure that you have all your things assembled in front of you so that you aren't going to have to get up and go get something and expose that you are actually not quite dressed for prime time on the bottom half so that's it for today's video everybody I sure hope you found it helpful and informative if you did go ahead and give it a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always I thank you so much for your time I really appreciate your watching I hope you're staying safe and well and fingers crossed we will get through this pandemic sooner rather than later and be back to our normal lives so take care everybody have a great day and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 4,009,967
Rating: 4.951859 out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, look good, video, conference call, skype, zoom, video meeting, facetime, look better, best lighting
Id: ACNGhPKnmok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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