How to Host a Zoom Meeting (The Complete Guide to Scheduling a Zoom Meeting From Anywhere)

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hey what's going on it's mike and i'm here with another episode of smart simple digital and today i'm going to show you how to create or should i say how to host your very own zoom meeting now if you're still relatively new to zoom and the concept of participating in a virtual meeting then i highly recommend you go back and take a look at my previous episode where i walk through all the steps of joining a zoom meeting for the first time and where i'll also cover some basic tips that are important for you to know if you're just getting started with zoom however if you're all set with the basics and you're ready to host your first zoom meeting i was born ready and this episode is for you there are three main points that i'm going to cover today uh first up i want to give you an overview of creating a zoom account which is absolutely essential for scheduling and hosting meetings next i'm going to show you how to how to schedule a zoom meeting and there are a couple different ways that you can do that through the zoom website the desktop app and the mobile app you want to go through all three and then last i want to share a few tips and some other things that are good to know that you should be aware of whenever you are scheduling a zoom meeting or when you're going to be the host of one now just a quick reminder if you haven't done it already go ahead and consider subscribing to my channel especially if you are a returning viewer or if you just dig the content that i put out you should go ahead and subscribe and if you do that every time that i put out a new video you will get a notification so just go ahead and click down below on that subscribe button so with that said let's get started let's do this so creating a zoom account is actually pretty simple now the first thing that you want to do is to head over to the zoom website and then click on the sign up button and once you do that you're just going to follow all of the on on-screen instructions now during the sign up process you can also choose a subscription plan now there are a couple different plans available for you to choose including one that is absolutely free however keep in mind with the free plan meetings that will include more than three participants are limited to 40 minutes so if you need to host a large meeting you know with a group of three people or more and the duration needs to extend for more than 40 minutes then you should probably consider signing up for one of the premium plans that zoom offers now once you've decided on a plan and you've created your zoom account you're really all done with one of the most important steps it's necessary for you to begin hosting and scheduling zoom meetings of your own it's gonna be a piece of cake so there are several different ways that you can schedule a zoom meeting but today i'm just gonna cover three of them so scheduling a meeting through the zoom website through the zoom desktop app on your computer and then through the zoom a mobile app on your smartphone or your tablet so i'm going to run through all three options and as you'll see as i go through each the process is really similar they're all really similar to each other and then going forward you can decide to use whichever method works best for you so first up is scheduling a meeting through the zoom website so the first thing that you'll want to do here is head over to the zoom site and sign in to your account now in order to do that you'll just click on the sign in link at the top of the page and then you'll be prompted to enter your username and a password now once you've done that once you've logged into your account you should be automatically directed to the meetings page now if that doesn't happen just go ahead and click on the link in the sidebar that says meetings and you'll be taken to the right page now once you're here you want to click on the button that says schedule a new meeting now alternatively you can click on the link near the top of the screen that says schedule a meeting both of these will take you to the right place now at this point you'll be taken to a screen where you can enter in all the details about the meeting that you want to schedule the meeting that you're going to be hosting so just to go down the list here first up there is topic now this is the name of the meeting you can enter anything that you want to here but just keep in mind that whatever name you enter here this is the name that is also going to appear on the invite that you send out to your meeting guest now next up is description now this field is optional uh but if you like you can enter a brief summary that will explain to your guests what this meeting is all about now next up is when so this is where you'll enter the date and time that you want your meeting to occur next is duration this is where you'll enter the length of time that your meeting is planned to take place now keep in mind if you have a free account and your meeting is going to include more than three guests then this meeting your meeting can only last a total of 40 minutes time's up now if you need your meeting to extend uh for longer than that then you want to consider upgrading to one of zoom's premium plans next up here is time zone now this one is pretty self-explanatory i just want to select the time zone that corresponds to where you are in the world or the local time that your meeting should follow now you can also choose here if you want this to be a recurring meeting you're going to do that you just want to click on the corresponding check box and and then you'll be prompted to make all the necessary selections so for instance you can set how often the meeting should occur uh and if there's an end date but if this if this is just a one-time meeting then you can just leave this box unchecked next up is meeting id now this controls the unique numerical identifier that will be applied to your meeting now you can you can think of this as a let's say a room number or an access code every zoom account is assigned its own personal meeting id number it's a good idea to leave this option set to generate automatically i like to do that and what happens is every time that you create a meeting it's going to be assigned its own unique number now this just helps to make your meetings a little bit more secure and it can also help to keep out any unwanted guests how did you get in here otherwise if you just choose a personal meeting id what's going to happen is all your meetings will have the same id number and let's say you have a meeting today and um you also may have had a meeting last week or you have one the week of the week ahead and they all have the same personal meeting id number but maybe they have all different uh people they have all different people are invited if somebody from the meeting from the week before or the previous week just happened to go back into that invite and they click on the link to join that meeting they're going to be taken into your current meeting because it shares the same personal id as the past meeting or the the future meeting i hope that makes sense but either way again i just always think it's just a good practice just to assign a unique id to every meeting that you create next is security now this option is set by default and what it does is it applies a unique passcode the guest will have to enter to join your meeting now this passcode is also going to be included in the invite that you send out to your guest and you can also choose here if you want your meeting to include a waiting room and with the waiting room when people join your meeting they won't automatically uh enter into the the meeting in progress um and so it doesn't it doesn't actually hurt to enable this option i like to sometimes enable it if i want to just have an additional layer of security on the meetings and it also just helps to avoid any meeting disruptions as well but one thing to keep in mind though is that if you do have the waiting room enabled you as the meeting host will just have to keep an eye out for alerts during the meeting so every time that somebody wants to join wants to join as your meet as your meeting is getting started i mean even when the meeting is in progress there's new jets new guests join uh you'll get a notification you'll have to allow them in each time so there's just one thing to keep in mind there if you don't want to have a waiting room you don't have to it's totally optional you just want to uncheck this box here now next up is video now this controls whether or not your webcam or your guest webcams are turned on or turned off automatically as they enter into your meeting so just as a courtesy i like to keep this option set to off um and i do that because many times when you're on a on a video call as soon as you join a lot of us you're still maybe trying to get your volume correct still maybe trying to position your webcam in the right place and so is it you know it's a way to not catch people off guard look away i just like to keep their camera set to off so that way they are able to get themselves situated and everything straightened out and then they can turn their camera on when they're ready next up is meeting options and the first one here is enable join before host now this is a good option to check if you are okay with the meeting starting before you as the host actually enter into the meeting this might be good if you you know have a discussion a group discussion where everybody's taking part in you it's not important for you as a host to be there to kick things off however if this box is not checked the meeting will only start when you as the host join and before you get there your guests are just going to be waiting they're just going to be in the waiting room waiting for that meeting to start when you get there we're waiting next is mute participants upon entry now this is this is a good one to use i like i like to keep this one checked um because it just helps to avoid meetings being disrupted by any background noises what is that noise in the background as guests are joining the meetings and so what it does is it will make sure that everyone's microphones are on mute from the very beginning when they enter into the meeting however when people want to speak you know they also have the option to unmute themselves but again just as people are getting started as they're coming into the room their mics are going to be muted just to avoid any background noise just throwing things off and next is record the meeting automatically on the local computer i generally keep this one unchecked but you can check it if you want this meeting to automatically record from the second that it starts if you do check this option though i i highly suggest that you you know you give your guest some advance warning that the meeting will be recorded so maybe include that in your invite you are being recorded but one thing to keep in mind though is if you don't select this option and you do want to record your meeting you can always do that from from any meeting that's in progress you'll have that option but again it's just always good practice just to give your guests some type of advance warning about the the possibility of your meeting being recorded now once you've entered all these meeting details you just want to click on the save button and doing this will officially book your meeting schedule your meeting and you'll also be directed to a page where you can review all the details that you've entered and this just gives you another opportunity just to look over everything and then make sure that all the details and all the settings are correct now from this details page you will also have a couple options that you can use to invite people to join your meeting now the first option here gives you the ability to add your meeting to a calendar now this step is optional but it is pretty handy especially if you use an online calendar such as google outlook or yahoo so if you do you can go ahead and just click on the button that corresponds to the the calendar service that you use and when you do this it will create an appointment on that calendar and from that step you can also add guests to your meeting invite so if you already use a calendar like google or outlook and you're familiar already with how to create a meeting invite how to add guests this option may be good for you to use and and invite other people to join your zoom meeting and there's one other option that you have on the meetings details page that you can use to invite people to join your meeting and that option is the invite link now you can copy this link and then paste it into an email and send it out to your guest and with that your guests will have everything that they need in order to join the meeting that you've scheduled on the day and time uh when it's set to take place you know they'll they'll have access to the the link the access code the date time etc all that information will be included in the invite that gets sent out so the second way that you can schedule a zoom meeting is through the zoom app on your mac or windows computer now the first thing that you need to do if you haven't done that already is to download the zoom app now in order to do that you want to go to the zoom website and then you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen you want to look for a section labeled download when you see that go ahead and click on meetings client you can also just go ahead and go to the the download directly to the download page and i will include a link below and you'll just locate the item labeled zoom client for meetings then you're gonna you're gonna click on the download button and this is going to save a file to your computer i'm not going to walk through the whole process here but you then just want to locate where that file has been saved in your computer click it and it's going to run you through a whole installation process now once you have that app installed on your computer you want to go ahead and open it up now if you are prompted to log in just enter the username and password that you created when you first created your zoom account and then you'll be taken to the app's home screen now once you're on the home screen go ahead and click on the schedule button now on the screen that appears you want to enter in all the details about the meeting that you want to schedule just as we did in the previous section so you're going to enter a name for your meeting the date time etc and then when you're all done just go ahead and click on the schedule button now depending on how your computer is scheduled when you click on the schedule button this might actually cause uh the calendar app that's installed on your computer or the one that you you may use this may call cause it to open up so for instance uh if you have outlook installed um or if you're signed into google calendar those things may open up if that happens then you'll be prompted to to go through the steps of creating a meeting invite and the details for your zoom meeting will already be populated in that invite and you can also go ahead and add in the guest as well if you want to another way that you can create an invite a meeting invite from within the zone desktop app is by clicking on the meetings button now when you do this this is going to take you to a list where you can see all the meetings that you've scheduled so far or just this one meeting if this is the first one that you've scheduled and then from there you can select the meeting that you want to invite people to and then you want to then click where it says copy invitation now after you do this you can then paste the details you can paste those invite details into an email or whatever communications channel you that it is that you want to use to share the invite with your meeting guest now the third way that you can schedule a zoom meeting is through the zoom app on your mobile phone or tablet now the first thing that you want to do here if you haven't done it already is to download the zoom app now for iphone or ipad users you can find the app in the app store and for android users you can find an app in the google play store now you may notice several other apps available from zoom or that appear to be available from zoom but you want to get the one that's labeled zoom cloud meetings now once you have that app installed on your mobile phone or your tablet go ahead and open it if you're prompted to to log in just go ahead and enter the username and password that you created when you first set up your zoom account and then you'll be taken to the app's home screen now if you've been following along up to this point in this video you'll notice many of the same options here in the mobile app that were also included in the web and desktop versions of the app that i covered earlier in the episode oh i see and so the overall process of scheduling a meeting is the same here as well to get started you just want to click on the schedule button and on the page that appears go ahead and fill in all the details about the meeting that you want to create that you want to schedule so you're going to enter in the name for your meeting the day time etc and when you're done you're going to click on the save button and that is it your meeting is scheduled it is created now the next thing that you want to do in order to invite people uh you'll want to click on the meetings button this is going to take you to an area where you can see that meeting that you just created and then we're going to just tap on the meeting that you want to add if you want to add people to this you want to invite people to and then you want to select where it says add invitees now from this point you can choose to send the invitation as a text or you can go ahead and click on copy to clipboard and then you can open up your email or any other app that you want to that you use to communicate with people with and then you can paste in the meeting details and share them with all of your guests so that is it that is everything that you need to know in order to schedule and host your first zoom meeting so again you can you can schedule a meeting through the zoom website through the zoom desktop app and also through the mobile app on your smartphone or your tablet if you have any questions as you are trying to create trying to schedule trying to host your first zoom meeting go ahead and drop them down below in the comments and i will definitely get back to you if you like this video if you found it helpful go ahead and like it and also share it you know share it with someone else or another group of people who might be able to benefit from this information as always thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time take care
Channel: Smart Simple Digital
Views: 106,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to host a zoom meeting, how to schedule a zoom meeting, the complete guide to scheduling a zoom meeting, zoom desktop app, zoom mobile app, smart simple digital
Id: iwSo4GlFBck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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