Microsoft Teams Tutorial for Beginners: Microsoft Teams Demo - Teams Crash Course

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hello everyone I hope you're having a wonderful day from wherever you're joining us in the world today my name is Deb and I'm Microsoft IT trainer and I am very excited to be hosting and guiding you through this training course on Microsoft teams now I've been using Microsoft products for about 25 years now and over that time I've really got to see how each application has evolved from around the mid 90s until the present day and in comparison to other applications teams is a fairly new addition to the Microsoft suite of applications but are very welcome one at that with the introduction of office 365 came Skype a communications tool that allowed you to chat and make calls with colleagues and really the evolution of Skype is what brings us now to teams teams integrates all of the functionality you loved in Skype and adds a whole host of collaboration features and utilities to really supercharge teamwork and collaboration now if you've never used Skype teams or maybe even office 365 before I'm going to start out by just giving you some information about teams and why it might be useful for you Microsoft teams as a chat based collaboration tool available from Microsoft it's a hub for teamwork that fuses group chat video and audio meetings file sharing and other collaboration utilities to really bring people together no matter where they are located as part of office 365 teams is fully integrated with all of the Microsoft Office suite of applications making it really simple to do things like share files folders content and really supercharge how you're working with all of your colleagues around the world Microsoft teams is available to office 365 commercial customers with one of the following plans of three six five business premium business essentials and enterprise versions II one III and II five Microsoft teens is a great way to stay connected to colleagues within your organization and it also enables you to work in collaboration with team members who work remotely or in different locations so with that said let's look at some of the main features of Microsoft teams teams is predominantly known for chats it provides a modern conversation experience using persistent and threaded chats to keep everyone engaged in the conversation you can do things like reply to comments like comments share files and videos you can add mention others and also send private messages you can also add a fun element into your conversations using the inbuilt emojis stickers gifts and custom means you can also participate in voice and video conferences taking your meetings completely online you can share your desktop and your applications with meeting participants and collaborate on documents teams is essentially a hub for teamwork it pulls through the full capabilities of office 365 so applications like Word Excel PowerPoint share points one notes planner delve and power bi are all integrated into teams so everyone has all of the information and tools they need when they need them for example you can create a document in Word you can save it to your onedrive cloud storage and then you can share it easily with others in teams everything is fully integrated making teams a true hub for seamless teamwork you can also customize your team not all teams are created equal and not all teams are the same you can customize your team to suit your particular needs for example you may wish to taps to access frequently used documents and cloud services finally Microsoft teens is secure data is encrypted in transit and at rest and Microsoft team supports all major compliance standards and is hosted out of Microsoft's network of data centers automatically provisioned within office 365 and managed centrally so sit back relax grab that cup of coffee and join me to explore the wonderful world of teams so if you're ready let's get started hello everyone and welcome back to my course on Microsoft teens section one is done it is out the way we are now kicking off with section two and in this section we're really going to explore all of the elements of creating a team and starting conversations so creating a team is really the fundamental first step when it comes to working in teams now you'll see that currently in that left-hand menu bar I'm clicked on the teams icon now this is where it will display any teams that you've either created yourself or teams that you've joined so currently I just have one team it's called trained IT now I created this team and I also created three separate channels underneath my team now we're going to talk more about channels in other modules but in this module I really just want to focus on how you create a new team and also how you can add members to that team where they are internal within your organization or external members so let's start out with creating a team from scratch if you jump onto this page what you'll see is at the bottom you have a little link here that says join or create a team so this seems like a good place to start let's click it and here we go we now have two different options we can create a team or we can join a team using a code now in this particular module we're all about creating a team so I'm going to select create team now again we're going through this sort of wizard style dialog box we have two options we can build a team from scratch or we can create a team from an existing Microsoft or office 365 group now if you've never come across office 365 groups before there's sort of similar two teams in a way it's a group that you can set up and you can do it from within your Outlook you can add people to that group you can share things amongst those people so what it's saying here is if you already have a group in office 365 you could use that as the basis for your new team so when I might use that is if I have a group that I've created in my Outlook and maybe I've added 10 different people to it 10 people who are working on a specific project instead of starting or creating a new team from scratch if I want a very similar team I could build off of that office 365 group that I already have it's going to cut down on the amount of work I need to do now in this case I'm going to build a team from scratch you then need to specify what kind of team this is going to be and if you remember in a previous module I did briefly talk about this the team that I already have created so my trained IT now team I created that as an org wide team and you'll see the org-wide is one of the options that we have here so what that basically means is that everyone in the organization automatically joins so nobody has to be invited I don't have to add members it's a team that everyone is automatically a part of if they are within my organization so essentially if they share the the same domain now we do have two other options we have private and we have public now with a private team people need permission to join so private teams can only be joined if the team owner adds them to that particular team private teams also can't be searched for unless you've made that team discoverable so if you want somebody to be able to find the team within teams but then request permission to join then you need to make sure the private team is discoverable otherwise it won't even appear in the search results public teams on the other hand are visible to everyone and they can be joined without getting the approval from the team owner so again which one of these you select is really determined by the kind of team that you're creating and the kind of work you're going to be doing within those team channels now in this example we're gonna select public and I now need to give my team a name so I'm gonna call this team Northwind traders and you can always add a description once you're happy with it click on the create button it now goes away and it creates the team and you can just see in the screen behind it has actually created that team and added it to my team's list but I'm now being asked to add members to Northwind traders and it says start typing a name distribution list on mail enabled security group to add to your team so I'm gonna add two of my team members to this team so first of us I'm gonna add is Adam and you can see that because he's part of my organization he automatically pops up in my list I'm also going to add Ben and those are the only two people that I'm gonna add at this stage and I'm gonna click the Add button so now I have both of those listed as members and you can see you do get the option to bump up the privileges for one or both of these people so I could make them both owners if I wanted to which means they have full access to execute tasks admin tasks on this particular team now at the moment I'm happy with keeping them both as members and I'm gonna say close and there we go I very quickly created a new team and I can now see that in my team's list what you'll also notice is that teams has automatically created a channel for me so general is a channel that will be created every single time you create the team now you don't have to keep this channel you can go in you can delete it you can rename it something more useful if you want to but it is quite a nice starting point now just you have an idea as to what happens on the other side both Adam and Ben will receive an alert in their activity area which will let them know that I've added them to this new team and they will also both see that Northwind traders team appear in their team's list just like it is in mine so they can then jump in start having conversations meetings sharing files so very very straightforward another thing to note is that now I've set up this particular team if you look up in the right-hand corner you can see there it's telling me that this is an organization channel content is accessible to everyone in your organization and that's because I set this up as a public team now with each team you create you have these three dots next to your team which will give you some more options in a drop-down list and there's lots of really really useful things in here and we're going to go through a lot of these in the following modules but for now I just want to show you again very quickly how to create a different type of team we're going to create a private team this time so I'm going to create another team but this one's going to be slightly different it's going to be a private team I'm going to show you how you can again add internal members but also how you can add guests or external members outside of your organization so let's jump back down to join or create a team we're gonna say create team I'm gonna build a team from scratch and it's gonna be a private team I'm going to call it leadership team and I'm not going to add a description at this point and I'm gonna say create you can see that team's been created just behind and it's now asking me to add members to leadership team so again I'm gonna add Adam who is within my organization and also Ben who is also within my organization but now what happens if I want to add someone outside of my organization so I'm just going to use an old email address of mine I'm gonna say add but you can see here it hasn't really appeared to work it hasn't added it into the list and my add button is also greyed out so I can't click to try and add that again now this is something really important if you are struggling to add guests to your team's it might be that the setting in the background hasn't been enabled so if you are the owner of a team what I would suggest you do is jump into the admin area so I'm going to show you very quickly let's close this down let's go up to our application launcher I'm going to go to office 365 and I'm going to select the admin option now there's a whole load of stuff in here it's a little bit difficult to navigate if you're not sure what you're looking for but I'm going to expand users and I'm gonna say guest users and the first thing you'll see at the top here is allow everyone to collaborate remotely by giving your guests access in teams guest access in teams may take up to 24 hours so you need to click on this link to allow guest access so currently it's telling me that I'm not allowing guest access which is why I'm struggling to add someone outside of my organization so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna toggle this button to on I'm gonna scroll down and I'm going say save now she can see there it can take 2 to 24 hours for these changes to take effect so if I jump back to my leadership team if I want to go in and try and add that member again what I can do is click on these three dots and select add member and that's going to take me back to that screen that we're pretty familiar with now it's only been a few seconds so I'm pretty sure that it's not going to have updated in order for me to add this person in but what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back to this later when we're doing something else and just add this person into the leadership team but I really wanted to highlight they're just that little option that you need to turn on in the admin area now the final thing I want to show you here in relation to creating teams is the final option that we haven't discussed yet and that is creating a Microsoft team based off of an office 365 group so quickly going to jump across to my Outlook and if we scroll all the way to the bottom of our inbox you can see here I have something called groups and as I said if you've never used this before you can create various different groups add people to those groups have conversations so on and so forth and you can see I have a group set up in here called the Friday drinks crew now it might be that I want to essentially convert this into a Microsoft team and you can see here I have five members of this particular group there's myself Adam Ben Ryan and Vicki so a really quick and easy way of me being able to create this team is to utilize this group as a template kind of so let's jump back to Microsoft teams and click on create team so this time we're going to say create from an existing office 365 group or team I'm going to select office 365 group and it's gonna pull through all of the groups that I have set up I only have one it's the Friday drinks crew and I'm gonna say create and there we go it hasn't asked me to add any members because I already have members in this team and if I want to view those members if I click on those three dots I can say manage team and it's going to show me all of those people who are part of that office 365 groups so it's a very efficient way of creating a team that you already have set up as a group you'll also see in this screen we have an add member button in the top corner which makes it super quick to go in and add any additional members whew so that is it on creating teams we've seen how to create a private team a public team and also how to convert an office 365 group to a team and add members in the next module in section 2 I'm going to show you how you can join an existing team that you didn't create so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to my course on Microsoft teams we're down in section 2 where we're looking at how to create and manage teams and in the previous module we saw how you can create a team in three different ways in this module I want to show you how you can join an existing team that you didn't create and also how join requests are handled so if somebody requests to join a team that you've created where you go to see those requests and how you accept them now if you recall we created this Friday drinks crew team and this was based off of an office 365 group and the members of this team are all people who were members of the office 365 group and this is a private group so anybody who wants to join this group is going to need to request access so it might be that I want to invite Adam to the Friday drinks crew private group so what I essentially did was I clicked the three dots and I selected the get link to team option so this gives me a direct link to this team I copied it and then I pasted it into an email my sent it to Adam so as soon as I done received that email he clicks on the link it asks him to join the group and then it tells him that his request is pending because I need to go and approve this request because it is a private group so where do all of these pending requests live well again if we click on the three dots and jump to manage team you'll see running across the top you have a section for pending requests and you can see there is Adam waiting patiently for me to either accept or deny his request so I'm going to say accept and he's now been added as a team member into this particular team so pretty simple to accept requests now another way that you can get people to join your team is by generating a team code now we're going to stay in this screen I'm gonna jump across two settings and you'll see that there is an option here 14 code and it says share this code so people can join the team directly and you won't get any join requests so whoever you send the team code to they can join the team using the code and it just means you're not getting loads and loads of requests come into pending which you then have to go in and check and approve or deny so in order to generate the code for any of your teams if you click on settings expand team code and click the generate button and you can see there there we go I could then copy that to my clipboard jump across to my mail and compose the new message with the team code and then essentially they can use that code to join the group so now let's look at this in Reverse I'm back in my Outlook email and I can see that Adam has sent me a code to join the customer service group that he's created so I'm going to double click and copy that code ctrl C I'm gonna go back to teams and I'm gonna click on the join or create a team link and you can see here the first thing we have is join a team with a code I'm gonna click I'm gonna paste that code in and I'm gonna say join team and there we go you can now see that the customer service team has been added to my team's list now remember if the group is public then you won't need a code or to request to join and if it's organization-wide then you will automatically be a member of that group so it's only really private groups that you need to request to join hopefully that's cleared that up that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone this is deb and welcome back to my course on Microsoft teams in the previous two modules we've seen how to create a team and add internal and external members and we've also seen how you can join a team as well now in this module I just want to expand a little bit on the team's idea and just show you some options that you have when it comes to managing your teams and team members now before we do that I'm going to jump back to something that we started in a previous module but didn't quite finish if you recall when I was walking you through the process of adding external guests as members we had to change a setting in the admin area and that setting takes between 2 and 24 hours to update so what I'm gonna do now that a few hours has passed is that I'm going to go back in and I'm going to add that external member into my Northwind traders team so I'm gonna click the three dots I'm gonna say add member I'm gonna type in the email address of the external member and you can see now this already looks slightly different to before it's recognizing the email address and if I select it the add button is now active and you can see in brackets it says that this person is a guest so I can say add and that person is now added in to this particular team and if I just want to double check that I can click on the 3 dots again I can say manage team I can expand members and guests and you can see there she is sitting at the top but her role is slightly different to the other two so both Adam and Ben and members whereas Dasha is a guest so now that's done let's take a look at some of these other options you have in this screen for managing your teams now as we're on this members page you can see here at the top it's telling me that this team has external guests I have a search option so this isn't too helpful for me at the moment because I have so few members but if you had lots and lots of members in a team it can be quite helpful just to be able to search for somebody by typing in their name you can see all members are split down by their roles so as I'm the owner I'm at the top here and then we have the rest of the members and guests and for both Adam and Ben I can bump up their access to owner if I want to which is exactly what I'm going to do for Adam and give him a few more privileges and you can see as soon as I do that Adam has now moved up into that owners area I could also choose to add another member from this screen by clicking on the add member button and I'm going to invite Vicky along and I'm going to keep her as a regular member and click close so some very useful but simple member administration on this page the next tab along is the channels tab and we haven't really spoken about channels yet we're actually gonna do that in the next module we're going to create some channels and we'll come back to this area then next we have settings so this is where you can customize some of the settings relating to your team now the first one here team picture let's expand that I'm going to actually change this to a different picture so I'm going to say change picture I'm going to upload a picture and I'm going to select the Northwind logo and I'm gonna say save and there we go so it's quite nice to be able to customize your team's give them a logo give them a picture it all helps with the personalization of your team's application underneath that I have member permissions so this is what I will allow anybody who has the role of member in a team these are the things they're allowed to do now I will say is worth going through each one of these and reviewing it and either enabling or disabling whichever ones you want to allow or deny now I'm fairly happy with members being able to do all of these things I'm going to leave all of those selected and you have a very similar thing here for guest permissions but obviously not quite as many options so in this one I could allow guests to create an update channels I don't want them to be able to do that and I can allow guests to delete channels and I definitely won't don't want them to be able to do that so I'm going to leave both of those unchecked let's expand app mentions now again app mentions isn't something we've discussed yet so I'm going to come back to this section a little bit later on in the course team code we saw in the previous module this is where we can generate a code which we can then send to colleagues which will enable them to join whichever team this code has been generated for without us needing to approve their request we have a fun stuff section so here we're just really saying if we want to enable things like gif is stickers memes custom memes in add conversations and you'll see how we can utilize these when we start having a conversation back and forth you can also choose what to filter out so currently assess filter out inappropriate content using one of the settings below now mine set to moderate I'm actually going to change that to strict and then finally we have tags at the bottom and again tags I haven't spoken to you much about but what I'm going to say here is that all members can add tags so I've changed a few things there in my settings you'll also notice that there is no Save button but all these changes you've made will save despite there being no Save button we then have an analytics tab so this just gives me really a summary of this team tells me how many users how many messages how many I have so on and so forth and obviously as we start using this team this section is going to get more and more populated and then finally we have an app's area so this is just showing me the apps that I currently have installed for this particular team so I have forms one no planner power bi praise and SharePoint and again there's a whole load of apps that you can add into teams to really expand its capabilities so that's pretty much what you have lurking underneath this manage team area now some other things when it comes to the management of your teams you do have a hide option as well so if I wanted to hide Northwind traders I could say hide and it essentially removes it from my list so if I maybe no longer needed to update that particular team I can hide it and it moves it down into this hidden teams area which I could collapse up and nobody would know it was there if I want to pull that back I can click the three dots again and just say show you also have the option to leave a team so if maybe you've been part of the Northwind traders project and then all the tasks that you need to complete for this project have been completed and you're not really needed on this project anymore you could choose to leave this team so essentially you'll no longer see any updates or any files that are shared for this particular team and finally you can also edit your team as well so if I wanted to go in and maybe change the name change the description or even change the privacy settings then I can definitely jump into here and modify those as well now another quick little tip here which is really how you organize your teams in this team's list if you don't particularly like the way it's organized you can move your teams around so to do this I'm just going to collapse up all of my teams just to make it a bit easier and it might be that Northwind traders is the one that I work on the most so I want that one to be at the top all to do is click drag and drop so very very simple to organize your teams by dragging and dropping now one other thing you may notice is that if you're the one who created the team so if you're a team owner you'll have a couple more options in that menu then if you're not the team owner so for example this customer service team this isn't what I created this was created by Adam when I click the three dots you can see I have a few different options but something I don't have are things like delete the team whereas I do have that for teams that I've created where I'm the owner I can go in and I'm the only one who can delete that team so just be aware of that as well your options will be slightly different depending on if you're the owner of the team or not and finally right at the top here we have a filter icon and you can see the keyboard shortcut for that is ctrl shift + F and this will just allow you to filter by team or channel so again if you find yourself with a lot of teams in your list it can be useful to just filter for the particular thing that you're looking for so I've typed in customer and it's pulled back just that customer service team and you can also use this to filter on channels as well once you've added them so again if I expand this one I have a channel called marketing so I could choose to search by marketing and it's going to pull that channel back so that's it those are the different options that you have when it comes to managing different elements of your team and also the members from within your team that's it for this module please join me in the next hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams in this section we've been taking a look so far at how to create teams in numerous different ways and how to manage members of those teams in this module I want to speak to you very quickly about channels now channels are essentially kind of like subfolders within your team so if you can kind of relate it back to something like Outlook you have your team as your inbox and then you can have your channels as similar to your sub folders and channels are a great way of housing conversations related to a specific topic so for example with this Northwind traders team that I have at the top here I have one channel so far that's called general and that's the one that's automatically created when I create the team but I can add additional channels so for example I might want to add a channel related to sales pitches I might want to add a channel related to marketing or maybe a channel related to budget and it just means that you have separate channels for each of those conversations so you don't have everybody just in the team itself talking about lots and lots of different topics so it keeps it targeted so in this module I really just want to show you how you can add channels and some of the options you have for managing your channels as well so let's go with this Northwind traders team at the top here as I've mentioned we have a general channel now you'll see that when you click on more options you don't actually have the option to delete that channel so because this is a default one that's been created by teams it's always going to be there and it's always going to be at the top of your list however you can add to it and you can have your own channels so to add a channel if you go up to your team click on the three dots and you'll see you have an option there for add channel we now need to give our channel a name we can add a description and then we can set a level of privacy so in general I tend to keep mine on standard which means that this channel is accessible to everyone on the team however you do have a private option in there as well which means it's only accessible to a specific group of people that you specify from within that team and you also have a checkbox at the bottom which says automatically show this channel in everyone's channel lists so whoever has access to this Northwind traders team when I add this new channel as long as I've got that box ticked this new channel is going to appear for everybody so let's click on add and there we go I have my new sales pitch channel I'm going to add one more so the same process three dots add Channel and there we go and you'll see within each channel you have at the bottom an area where you can start chatting or start a new conversation and we are going to move on to that in the following modules and you also have your links at the top for your posts files wiki's so on and so forth as I said all of that we can discuss in the following modules so very quick and easy to add channels to your teams let's just very briefly explore some of the other options that you have related to your channels I'm going to click on the three dots again now the top one here channel notifications so this really allows you to customize if you want to be told if there are new posts posted to this specific channel so in this case marketing so the option at the top there is notify me every time there is a new post in this channel now I'm going to turn that on and I'm gonna say only show in my feed now if I want to see any replies that have come into that new post I would select include all replies as well and I can also specify if I want to be mentioned each time this channel is mentioned and I'm going to leave that as banner and feed and click on save so you have a few different settings that you can change in there you have an option to pin channels as well so if I click on pin you'll see I now get a new group at the top here called pinned and it's pinned that specific marketing channel in the Northwind traders team now you might want to do this if you have specific channels within other teams that you utilize most frequently so maybe I'm always chatting in the train IT now sales channel I might choose to also pin that one at the top of my list it just makes it super easy for me to access those frequently use channels and of course as with everything if you want to remove them you can just very simply unpin those channels you can choose to hide your channel and you'll see by doing that it doesn't actually hide it it just puts it in this italic font so it's more like a notification you that you've hidden that channel you have a managed channel option as well and there's just a few things that you can change in here you can change some of the permissions so you can set channel moderation preferences so if you want to be able to moderate your channel then you could if you wanted to turn this setting on and adjust some of these settings now I'm fairly happy to have channel moderation turned off I can also specify who can start a new post so I'm going to say that everyone in the channel can start a new post or I have a second option there everyone except guests so more external people can start a new post so again set that to whatever suits you and then we have an analytics tab again not much action in this channel so far it's just telling me that I have five users and six apps within this channel so some basic information now another thing that's very interesting is this get email address option so what you need to be aware of is that each channel has its own email address essentially so what somebody could do effectively is send an email to the channel email address and it will appear in the feed as a conversation which people can then reply to so this is essentially the email address of this channel I can choose to copy it and I can then paste that into an email and send it to someone else so as you can see here if I click back on the marketing channel somebody has utilized that email address that I've sent them they've sent an email from their gmail account and it's posted into the marketing channel conversation feed so now everyone can see that email and you have an option to download the original email as well now one thing that's worth noting here is you can't reply to the email essentially from here this is now a conversation so you can reply to the post from within teams but it won't send an email back to that person you so have an option to get a link to this channels this is very similar if you want to very quickly link somebody directly to this channel you can copy that link and you can send it to them in an email and then you have an edit this channel option so this is where you can come if you need to make any changes to the channel name or if you want to update the description and then a final couple of options we have in this little menu connectors is something we're going to discuss a little bit later on so I'm gonna leave that there for now and you also have a delete this channel option now it's worth noting that the general channels you do not have that option you can't delete those general channels as they're generated automatically but any that you create then you can delete the channel if then no longer need it so that's it pretty much very simple to create new channels and manage your channels through that pop out menu so that's pretty much it very very simple to add new channels to your teams and also manage the information within those channels that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams in the previous module I showed you how you can create new channels within your teams and now in this module we're actually gonna start to have a conversation finally after all of these modules we get around to actually typing something to someone and really one of the big features of teams is the chat area or the conversation area as it's more commonly known now I'm currently clicked on the general channel in the Northwind traders team and you can see that there on the left and what you're looking at in the main part of the screen is you can see that I've added some people to this team then underneath that underneath the today heading it's showing me that email that came in via that email address into this team Channel and right at the bottom you can see I have a little area that says start a new conversation type at to mention someone now we're not going to talk about mentions in this particular module all I want to do here is make sure that you're comfortable with sending messages responding to messages so on and so forth now I'm sure we've all used systems like this previously so this isn't going to be rocket science but just to make sure that we are all on the same page one thing I need to point out to you is that each channel has its own chat so you can start a conversation at the bottom here whichever channel you are in so let's jump back to general and you can see there I'm getting a little pop-up message which is saying to me I can reply to the message above or start a new conversation below and that is exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to click in the box at the bottom and I'm just going to post a message to the general channel in the Northwind traders team so I've typed out my message if I want to send this message to the other people who are in this channel I can either hit the enter key or I can click on this little paper plane button to send and it's going to post that message to the channel so I can see there that Ben has just responded to the message that I've put in there and you can see underneath I have a reply button as well so I'm going to click on reply and again I can hit enter just to send that reply back and I can see now that Adam has joined the conversation as well and once again I have a reply button underneath and I can carry on replying and you'll see this is almost like a threaded conversation because all of these replies coming in are related to my initial post so I have a collapse all button if I want to collapse them up just to save on some space or I can expand those replies out again now if I carry on replying to this conversation it's going to carry on being a threaded conversation of this original post if I want to start a completely new conversation that isn't related to this I would just go back to my box at the bottom and start a new conversation so as you can see really simple just to post messages and also reply to messages over the next few modules we're going to expand on this idea and I'm going to show you how you can utilize some of those icons at the bottom so you can start formatting your messages adding attachments and fun things like gifts emojis custom memes so on and so forth so please join me in the next module and we'll get onto that hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams in the previous module we started to discuss conversations within channels in teams and you've seen how simple it is to post messages and also reply to messages you also seen how teams uses threaded conversations to keep all the replies with the original message in this module I just want to talk to you a little bit about at mentions now app mentions might be something that you're already familiar with but maybe don't realize in other applications so the two that spring to mind would be if you are somebody who uses Twitter or maybe if you're somebody who uses Instagram you're probably very familiar with using the app symbol and then someone's name in order to direct a message or a conversation towards that person and you can use it in exactly the same way in teams they just called app mentions in teams as opposed to at replies so let's just very briefly take a look at how app mentions work so I'm down in the general channel in the Northwind traders team and I've got a couple of different conversations going on here with Ben and Adam and you can see his conversation at the bottom here I've basically asked the members of my channel if they have a copy of the trade report from last month and you can see that Adam has replied he says no I think Ryan has it and Ben's also dropped in a reply they're saying nope denied and then a little bit of a laughy emoji and you can see that Adam is also asking if Ryan is a member of this channel and he's actually not so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add Ryan to this channel and there's a couple of ways I could do this I could go up to my Northwind traders team I can click the three dots and I can add a member alternatively I can scroll up to the top and you can see here it says add more people and I'm gonna add Ryan there he is I'm gonna select him and click on add so Ryan will now get a notification let me know that I've added in to this channel and now anything I direct his way he can reply to so I'm gonna click the reply button at the bottom here and I'm going to direct this next comment towards Ryan and you can see there I've got a helpful little pop-up that says notify someone about your message by typing at before their name which is exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna say at I'm gonna start to type in Ryan there he is and I can say hi Ryan do you have a copy of the trade report and I can hit enter to send that now what happens when you add mentioned someone is that they will get a notification in their activity stream just to let them know that a comments been directed towards them and you'll see that now that Ryan has also up mentioned me it's showing him red and I have the little app symbol just next to the message also if I jump across to activity it tells me at the top Ryan has mentioned me so really nice and simple to direct things to other people you can also direct things to multiple people so I'm I want to direct something to Adam and also to Ben and both Adam and Ben will now receive a notification that they've been at mentioned in this conversation so app mentions super simple to direct conversations to a specific person that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone this is Deb and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams in this section so far we've been looking at posting at mesogens you've seen how to post messages respond to messages and in the last module we looked at utilizing app mentions in order to target our messages to a specific person in this module I just want to show you how to edit any messages that you've sent and also if you've sent something in error how you can delete that message so we're still in our Northwind traders team within that general channel and we're following a couple of conversations in here so I'm just going to expand all of the replies to this topic down here and this is the conversation where I asked for the trade reports Adam said that he thinks Ryan has it I added Ryan to the channel and then I replied to him to ask him for a copy of the reports now he replied to me and said yes that he does he's gonna send it to me and what I've done is I've sent a thanks back to Ryan but I've accidentally selected the wrong emoji I've cited the kissing emoji and you know as much as I like Ryan probably not the most professional thing for me to send so I might want to edit this message and just reselect the emoji that I want to select initially so very simple to edit a message hover your mouse over the message and what you'll see if you cast your eyes over to the right hand side is you'll see a whole bunch of icons and then you'll see three dots on the end so let's click on the three dots and you have an edit option in here so this is going to take you back into your message I can now delete out that emoji and I'm just gonna do a smiley face to be on the safe side once you're happy with the edit that you've made you have a cross to cancel or you have a tick to accept so I'm gonna say done and there we go and I now give a little message there letting me know that I've edited that message now it's worth noting that you can't edit messages that other people have sent even if you are the owner of this team so for example here the message that Ryan is sent if I click the three dots I don't have an edit option in my menu so you can only edit your own messages you can also delete your own messages as well so if I just scroll up to this one just here once again if I click on the three dots next to the message you can see I have a delete option so if I click delete that message is now deleted now I can see that little message there that says this message has been deleted in my team's but just know that once you delete one of your own messages there's no indication of that deletion to any of the other channel members so as far as they're concerned there was no message there you'll also see that if you change your mind you do have an undo option as well which is going to put that back and repost that message to everyone's Channel so very simple to edit and delete your messages that's it for this module please join me in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to that course on Microsoft teams this is still Deb and we have been looking at conversations in channels within teams and I've got quite a nice little conversation going on between me and my other team members now we've seen how to post messages respond to messages at mention people and also edit and delete messages what I want to talk about in this module is liking messages and also bookmarking or saving messages of importance that you want to refer to later so what we currently have on the screen is the conversation that I've been involved in and you can see where we left off in the last module I'd asked Ryan for the trade report for last month and it looks like he has now sent that through in the form of a Word document know what you might also notice which is slightly different to the previous module is on the right-hand side you can see that I have some little emojis appearing so there's a little laughy face emoji with a number two next to it and then we have two thumbs up as we move further down the conversation so these are likes or reactions to posts and it just lets you know that people either like what you've posted or they find something particularly funny adds a bit of interest into your general conversations so it's super easy to like a post all you need to do is hover over the posting question and if you glance your eyes across to the right-hand side of the screen you'll see you have a series of emojis that you can use so we have a little like just here we have a heart we have a laugh a surprised or shocked face a sad face and also an angry face as well so in this case I'm going to give this post from Adam alike by clicking the thumbs up icon and you can see that that registers next to the post now if you're interested in seeing who has reacted to a particular post if you have your mouse over the emoji you will see a of all of the people who sent a reaction so super simple to like posts the other thing you might want to do here is you might want to save certain messages so for example Ryan sent through this trade report I can see that it's a Word document and you also see as I hover over I get three dots which gives me various different options when it comes to managing that attachment so if I wanted to I could download it I can open it so on and so forth however at the moment I just want to save this because I want to read the trade report later I am far too busy to read the trade report right at this moment but I don't want the conversation to continue and then at the end of the day have to scroll through lots and lots of chat in order to find that trade reports so I can get around that very simply by just bookmarking it or saving it so again hover over the message that you want to bookmark click on the three dots and you have an option to save this message now once you do save this message there is no obvious indicator in the conversation that you've done that but if you want to access all of the messages that you've saved all you need to do is jump up to where your profile picture is in the top right-hand corner click on it and you'll see you have a saved option in here now if we jump to saved there we go it's going to show you all of those posts that you've saved in all of those conversations and it doesn't just save that one post it saves the conversation but it would jump you down to the point in that conversation where that post is so it makes it super easy for you to come back and read this report later on so don't forget that saved items you can find underneath your profile picture in this saved section now it's worth noting that you can do the reverse you can unsaved messages so maybe once I've finished reading the trade report I no longer need that post bookmarked so I can do is go back in I can select the three dots and I can say unsaved this message and now if I jump back up to my saved items you'll see that it's no longer there so that's it very straightforward I will see you in the next module hello everyone walked back to our course on Microsoft teams we're now getting down to the end of section 2 and in this module I really just want to expand on that idea of posting messages and just show you some of the formatting options you have when you're composing your messages so if you click in the conversation box at the bottom in order to see the full formatting options that you have because currently there's nothing there if you click the first icon underneath that says format is gonna open this much larger window and you have a whole host of options for formatting your messages so I'm just going to put a quick message into this box and I'm going to add a quick subject into the top here so sales report feedback now I'm going to go through and apply some formatting options to this message so it says firstly great job on this report and I'm actually going to add mention Ryan in there I say I know how much time this took to put together and I really want to emphasize that point so I'm going to highlight my text and I'm going to put it in bold and again keyboard shortcuts work control-b I then got underneath I have some feedback for next month's reports and I'm going to add some text in here that says at Ben and at Adam please feel free to contribute also and maybe I want to make this really stand out in my message so I'm going to highlight it and I'm going to use the text highlight color and I'm gonna say yellow and then underneath I have three points that I want them to think about changing before next month's sales report is put together and these are going to be a lot easier to read if I put them into some kind of list so again I'm gonna highlight my text I'm going to go up to my formatting options and I have a few different things I could do here I a decrease or increase the indent I could make them into a bulleted list or a numbered list so I'm gonna say bulleted list just to make those points a little bit easier now you can also see that because I've had spaces in there I now have some bullet points where I don't need them so I could just backspace to remove those alternatively I could just click on the bullet icon again like so now for me I find it a lot easier just to backspace just to remove them so some of these other formatting options you're probably reasonably familiar with from other applications such as word we have italics control I underlined control u and we also have a strikethrough there as well we've utilized highlight we can change our font color in here by selecting from the palette and we also have a font size option so if we want to make it large medium or small we can adjusted just there and then essentially we also have some styles available in here so if this was quite a long message and I wanted to make headings really stand out I could choose to utilize these styles you have a clear all formatting button so again I can clear all formatting on the entire message or just make a selection and clear the formatting our alignment utilities just there and bullets and our numbering we have quote marks if you want to quote somebody you might want to put it in quote marks and we can do things like insert links as well so here I could say link to Northwind for example and let's just type in like so and I could say insert and that's actually inserted wherever my cursor was clicked so you might find that you want to cut and then ctrl V to paste that link down there okay so very very simple to put links in if you want to add some code or a code snippet to your message you can do that from here and you also have the option of inserting a horizontal rule so let's see where my cursor is clicked which is just above that link to Northwind if I click insert horizontal rule it's just going to separate that link from the main bulk of the email and as you could see just there if I press my backspace key that's going to delete out that horizontal line and then the final couple of options you have the option of inserting a table into your message and again this is very similar to Word or Excel you just select how many rows or columns and if this message is of importance I can choose to mark it as important and you'll see it's just going to tag it as important at the top there and it stands out because it's in red and then finally on the end I have an undo and a redo option as well so lots of different options for adding some formatting into your messages now before we finish up with this module you'll see at the top here I have new conversations selected and if I hover over it says select a post type so I could choose new conversation or announcements so I'm going to cover announcements in the next module for this one I just want a new conversation I'm going to say that everybody can reply to this message and I now get the option to post in multiple channels so currently when I click send this is just going to post in the Northwind traders general channel but this is related to the sales report which is essentially related to the sales pitch as well so I might want to make sure I posted in the sales pitch channel also so I'm going to click post in multiple channels it's telling me I'm posting it to general and I'm going to jump over here and I'm going to select a channel and I'm gonna say sales pitch update and you can now see it's got both of those channels listed in the to field if I decide after all this work I no longer need this message there's also a delete button in the top right hand corner but I'm not going to do that I want to post this so I'm click on send and there we go we have a really nicely formatted message I have my link which looks like it's working in there and if you have a look over in my team's list you can see next to general I now have that little exclamation points that's showing me there's a new important message in this channel and if I jump across to sales pitch you'll see that that message is also shown in there because I sent it to multiple channels so lots of options there for formatting and that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams we're still down in Section two and we've been discussing everything related to conversations in teams and we've done numerous different things in our conversation thread in the general channel in the Northwind traders team now something we haven't covered yet is a fairly new feature to Microsoft teams when I say new it did come out last year they started to roll it out but I would say it's one of the the newer features to be added and that is announcements know essentially what you can do is you can make an announcement in a channel and announcements help you to make the conversations stand out in the channel so the best way to show you this is really just to demonstrate it so let's jump into creating a new announcement now it's not very obvious where you create a new announcement from but the eagle-eyed amongst you may remember in the previous module I actually did touch on it very briefly so let's click our mouse down here in the start new conversation box and I'm gonna jump straight into the formatting icon because that will open up this larger box with all of my formatting options now if you remember up here we could select a post type and in the previous module when we were looking at formatting we just did a new conversation but if I click this drop down you'll see we also have an option for an announcement and we get something very different here so we get a little background we get a big heading or a headline that we can utilize and I'm gonna type a very quick headline so this is gonna be an announcement related to the trade awards 2020 what you'll also see is if you go on over to the right hand side you can change the color scheme of the background so you can choose any of these solid fill type colors or alternatively what you could do is you can upload your own background image so I'm very quickly going to do that I'm going to click upload an image I'm just going to select an image that I have saved off to my local drives and it's quite thin box that you have to put it in so I'm just gonna do the top of the glasses like so click on done and there we go I can now add a subheading so I very quickly filled out my announcement just there and I'm gonna utilize these formatting options I'm gonna apply some formatting to this particular announcement so I'm going to highlight the date and the location just here and I'm just going to make that italic and you can see at the bottom I put voting opens tomorrow look out for the poll so we're gonna get on to polls a bit later on in this course so we will add one to this channel related to the trade Awards when we get to that section but for now I'm fairly happy with how this looks you could go through and change some of these options so again you have everyone can reply or just you and moderators and you can also post in multiple channels if you want to so I'm actually gonna put this in all of the channels that I have for north wind and I'm gonna click on the send button so you can see that that announcement has now been posted to the general channel it's also posted to the marketing channel and the sales pitch channel and you'll see it's denoted as an announcement because it does look different from the other posts and messages and it also has this little announcements icon next to it this little loud hailer or speaker in a red circle so essentially anything important that you want to stand out from the other conversations you can turn it into an announcement that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone this is Deb and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams in this module I'm going to talk to you about the use of tags within your conversations now tags let you quickly reach a group of people all at once so there are really good efficiency tip so with text you can categorize people based on various different attributes of your choosing so it might be you want to categorize people by their role or maybe a specific project they work on maybe a location something along those lines and you can assign tags to people so that if you want to reach a specific group of people all you need to do is use the app mention fired by the tag so let me show you what I mean by that and there's a couple of different ways that you can look at your tags so I'm going to go up to my Northwind traders team I'm gonna click the three dots and I'm going to jump across into manage team I'm going to expand members and guests as well so we can see the full team now you'll see here that we have a column for tags and if I hover over it says notify a group of people all at once by app mentioning a tag and you'll see that I've already assigned some tags to the members and the guests so I have three people that belong to the leadership tag I have two people that belong to the sales team tag and one person that belonged to the admin tag and you'll see as I hover over each person I can just click on the tag and it will allow me to select another tag to add that person to or create a brand new tag so if I wanted to I could create a tag called marketing I can say create marketing tab and it automatically assigns that tag to myself and I can go down and I can also assign that tag to somebody else so let's assign it to our guest I'm going to click select marketing apply and they're now also part of that marketing tag alternatively what I could do is if I click the three dots next to Northwind traders I have a manage tags option in here as well so again this just shows me all of the taxes I currently have and I can go in and I can create a new tag from here as well so very simple to create tags and also assign them to other people so now if I'm in my general Channel maybe I just want to send a message to all of the members of the leadership tag all I need to do is clicking my new conversation box at symbol because we're doing an @ mention and as I start to type the tag it's going to find it so you can see here it says leadership 3 people have this tag I can select it and I can then type my message like so send that through and then only the people who belong to that tag will be notified that they've been at mentioned so it really is a great way of increasing your efficiency if you need to send messages to one particular group of people so it's worth taking a look at the members of your team maybe creating some tags and assigning those tags to different people as I said again it could be do you create tags which denote people's roles or which projects they're part of or particular task teams things like that now also remember here that if we jump into Northwind traders again go to manage team and jump across to that settings tab you'll see at the bottom there is a setting for tags and we did come into here previously but you can here specify who can add tags so I've got mine set to all members so anybody can oh you could set it to owners only so if you want to have some control as to who can create tags so they don't get out of control and you end up having 50 different tags you could set it to owners only in there which is exactly what I'm going to do so that's it that's how tags work fairly straightforward I will see you in the next module hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Microsoft teams we're still in Section two taking a look at all of the elements of having conversations in chat in teams and what we haven't yet looked at is something fairly fundamental something you're probably going to want to do a reasonable amount and that is attaching files and pictures and sending those through in a chat conversation now again this is a very very simple process and I'm going to show you a couple of different examples and I'm also going to show you how you can access any files that have been shared in your conversation quickly and easily so again we're staying in this general channel in the Northwind traders team and I'm going to click in my start new conversation box and I'm just very simply going to share a file with the team and I'm very simply just going to share a file with the other members of this channel so you'll see underneath we have the second icon along which is the paperclip icon it says attach when I hover over so let's click that button and we get a few different options so you have the option of selecting a file from directly within onedrive and you also have an option to upload a file from your computer so we're going to do both of these options so first of all let's jump to onedrive I can see all of the files that I have sitting in there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to send to the channel the trade report feedback documents so I've collected all of the feedback from the different team members I've added it into a Word document which I'm now going to send back to Ryan so I'm going to select the trade report and I'm going to say upload a copy that's now uploaded I want to direct this to Ryan so we're going to add mention Ryan I'm going to add a message once i'm happy i'm gonna click send and a way that goes really really simple to do now as i mentioned before when you do receive an attachment in chat you will get these three little buttons on the end which will allow you to do various different things so if you want to make any edits you can open in the desktop version of word if you have that installed on your pc or you can open it in word online from within microsoft 365 you can also download the dot print to your pc get a link to it so on and so forth so a few different options for you in there so i can see that ryan's they're applied to my message knees ask me do i have the trade chart now the trigger is something that I have saved off as a picture onto my local drives so I'm going to reply to Ryan I'm gonna say yes let me just grab it for you I'm going to click on the attach button and this time I'm gonna say upload from my computer I can see my graphic just there I'm gonna select it and click on open and there we go that charts now been sent through to Ryan and if you wants to see a bigger copy of it if you just click on the charts it's going to give you a much larger size so super easy to send files back and forth and it's not only just Word documents and images that we can send through I can jump back in to attach go to onedrive and this time I'm going to select this Excel document sales figures I'm going to upload a copy and I'm going to use those tags that I've set up to direct this towards the sales team so again at I'm going to start to type in sales and team should recognize it which it does so sales team [Music] enter to send so very straightforward very simple now it might be that during the course of a conversation particularly a very long ongoing conversation or conversations I should say within a channel it might be that you just want to see all of the files that have been shared back and forth between the members of your channel so instead of having to scroll up through tens or maybe even hundreds of messages trying to pick out the files that you want you will find at the top here we currently have posts selected but you also have a files tab so if you click on files that's going to show you all of the files documents items that you've shared within this channel and what you'll see when you come into files is this is kind of set up very much like onedrive if you utilize onedrive so from here I could start to do things like I create Word documents Excel workbooks powerpoints so on and so forth from directly within this files area so if I was to select Word document it's going to ask me for a new name I'm gonna say shortlist for trade awards create and it's going to essentially jump me across to word online but I'm still contained within the team's browser so I can really work on a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet PowerPoint presentation from directly within teams now I'm not going to type anything too extraordinary in here I'm going to put in some random text just so that we have something in here and as with all of the online applications you'll notice if you click on the file there is no Save button we've already saved the document and because we're working online in Microsoft 365 your document is automatically saved hence why there is no dedicated Save button now if I click on close to close this down it's gonna take me back to Microsoft teams into my files list and you can see that it's added that document their shortlist for trade awards so don't forget that you can create documents from directly within this files area you can also upload any documents that you have saved off locally you can synchronize with onedrive you can select copy link you can download any documents just by selecting them and then choosing your option and you can also add additional cloud storage so it might be the you're not necessarily using onedrive maybe you're using something like Dropbox or Google Drive for your cloud storage you have the opportunity to add your cloud storage from this point so all you need to do is select whichever one is relevant to you and it allows you to log in and just follow through the wizard and the prompts in order to make those files accessible from within teams it's also worth noting that when you click on any of the documents that you have in here so let's just click the tick next to shortlist for trade awards you get some slightly different options in this top menu bar so again you can choose to open this particular document in Word online as we just saw before you can choose to open it in Word the desktop version or you can choose to just edit it from within teams you can delete from here as well and you can also pin specific documents to the top so you can see here I've just pinned that document there and it's at the top so if you have anything particularly important or a document that you access all the time you might want to think about doing that now I don't want that pinned I'm just going to select it again I'm going to go to edit pin and say unpin so lots of different options that you have for each of your documents in here as well now this one here make this a tab we haven't covered tabs yet and I've been purposely leaving this out because we are going to cover that in a later section so hopefully that gives you an idea of how to attach and send files in a conversation and also where you can go in order to access all of those files and some of the options that you have that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone welcome back to my course on Microsoft teens in this section we've been talking about conversations and conversation so far has mainly been confined to within a team and within a channel and I've been chatting with the various different members of that channel I've been using app mentions to target some of my replies and in other cases I've just been putting messages out there for the entire team to respond to so that moves us on nicely to private messaging so at the moment in this team's channel the general channel I'm talking with all the members of my team now it might be that I want to just have a one-on-one conversation with someone or maybe I want to just have a small group conversation outside of these team channels so if you want to start private messages you need to jump across to the dedicated chat tab so if you look in this left-hand menu you'll see the second option down is chat and you can see here I already have one private chat going with Adam and this is from a few days ago and you can see I sent him the sales presentation which might have been a confidential document which is why I didn't want to put it into the channel now as we saw previously at the top here we have chat which is currently highlighted and we also have a files tab so any documents files presentations that have been shared in your private chat will be listed underneath here and you can see that there is that sales presentation really nice and easy for me to access but let's jump back to chat for the time being so if I want to start a new private chats all I need to do is jump up to this new chat icon that you'll see to the left of the search or the command box and click on new chats so it opens a new chat window and it's asking me to type in the name of the person or the group of people that I want to chat with so I'm gonna chat with Ryan and I'm gonna type him a message so as you can see I'm now into my private conversation with Ryan and I'm just checking to make sure that the feedback that I gave him on something that he'd taken a while to put together didn't come across as overly critical so this might be something that I didn't want to put in the regular chat channel that I wanted to discuss with him in private so it's worth noting the private conversations are not just one-to-one conversations you can add up to nine people into a private chat conversation it's just more for things that you don't necessarily want to discuss in the open in your team channels now if I start a new chat conversation here you'll see here that it opens up the new chat and if I then decide that I no longer want this chat I have my three dots and I can just say discard which will get rid of that chats and the same thing with more established chats if I click the three dots I have a few different options in here so I could choose to pin this chat to the top if it's an important chat conversation I could also add to my favorite contacts if I wanted to and you'll see next to where we have recent chats we have a contacts tap so this is where I have my favorite contacts and I can click the three dots and I can add a contact to this group as well so let's add in Vicky's like so you also have a link at the bottom to create a new contact group so again I could click that and I could maybe call this leadership so I now might want to add some people into my leadership group I can click the three dots add contact to this group I'm gonna add Adam and also going to add been like so so not dissimilar to Outlook in many ways so let's jump back to recent and I'm actually going to come in and I'm just gonna unpin that conversation now one interesting little option that you have within here is this notify when available option so essentially what I could do is I can see from his status symbol here that Adam is currently away but if I have something really important to talk to him about I might want to be notified as soon as he comes available so really straightforward to have private conversations and something that leads all quite nicely from this is what we'll be discussing in the next section when we take a look at video and audio calling if you look in the top right hand corner you can see that we have a video call button and an audio call button as well so if I'm in the middle of a conversation with Adam and then we decide that this might be easier if we just quickly do a video call we can very easily convert our typed chat conversation into a video call by clicking this button I'm not going to do that now we're going to save that for section 3 but the final thing that I will show you that you can do here is that you have an ad people button so if I want to now pull Vicky into this conversation I can very quickly add Vicky like so and it will create a new conversation for myself Adam and Vicky so super simple to navigate around the chat area that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to my course on Microsoft teams we're down into the last module of section 2 this has been a very long section but we've made it all the way to the end now and really the final thing to discuss in this section is something called messaging extensions now that might not mean anything to you but basically what it means is that there are lots of different apps that you can add into teams which really extend the capabilities of teams and adding additional apps really kind of boosts the power of the types of things that you can do within teams it makes it a really powerful useful application now I'm going to show you a couple of examples now just to let you know we are going to kind of touch back on this in one of the later sections when we talk about things like BOTS and connectors it's all kind of related but I really want this to just kind of introduce to you the idea of integrating apps into teams so we're in our general channel in the Northwind traders team I'm going to click in my start a new conversation box and in my icons underneath if I click the three dots or hover over the three dots I should say you can see I get a little screen tip there that says messaging extensions and if I click it it's asking me to find an app or I can view all the apps and it's suggesting some useful things for me now if you remember further up in this conversation when we were talking about the trade awards that are coming up I asked all the members of this channel to start nominating people so maybe I now have a short list of all the people nominated from each department and I want to send out a poll to the rest of this channel and get people to vote on that final shortlist so what I can do is I can utilize a message extension unfortunately one of the apps within Microsoft that allows you to create polls is being suggested to me and that is Microsoft Forms so let's click on forms so you can see now essentially I'm in a window that's utilizing Microsoft forms it's asking me to create a new poll and first of all I need to start out with my question that I want to pose to my audience so there's my question I can now fill out my options now you can add more than two options you just click on the add option button and let's add one more like so now if you want people to be able to select more than one you can utilize this multiple answers slider now in this case I only want people to be able to vote for one person so I'm gonna keep that turned off and I'm gonna say next so we know gives me a preview of the poll that I'm creating I'm gonna submit my vote like so and I'm gonna say send to send that poll out to the channel and there it is so it's now posted in that channel and people can go in and they can vote for whoever it is that they want to vote for now if I scroll down you'll also be able to see the current tally so I can see that two people are voted for Ben and one person has voted for Ryan so it's a really nice way of being able to gather responses in forms by using that little message extension now we have a whole host of other extensions that you can add in and you can see here that Adams actually put a message in that he's struggling a bit with the pivot table in the sales report and he says does anyone have a video I can watch a tutorial video so what I might want to do is if I click on my three dots for my messaging extensions I could go straight to YouTube and you can see here that I haven't actually added this app to my teams so this is what it's going to look like if you haven't already added it so I'm going to click on add and it now lets me browse for YouTube videos so I'm going to go to a great company that I know Simon Says it I'm going to say pivottables and there we go XL crash-course learn pivottables in one hour so that sounds like it's going to be perfect for Adam I'm gonna send that video straight through and you can now see that because I've actually added that app in I now have the little YouTube icon as one of my icons listed across the bottom so it makes it super simple for me to add any further videos in let's click the three dots again maybe I want to take a look at these stocks and once again I need to add this app in so I can enter in a stock symbol so I'm gonna say I AG and I'm gonna select it and it's gonna send that information through and once again you can see that because I've added that I know have that icon added to my little row of icons at the bottom so you can go through and as I said we've got some suggestions just here which might be useful to you I also have a weather option I might want to add in here so I'm gonna add that one as well I'm going to type in the weather for Toronto I'm gonna select it and that immediately goes through as well so these apps really just add a richness to your conversation experience and if we click on the three dots again these aren't the only ones you have access to if you click on more apps you'll see there are so many of them in here so it really depends what you're gonna find useful what your team is going to find useful and you'll find lots of apps in here that you've probably used separately so things like zoom you can add that into your team's or even WebEx if you utilize that you have things like Evernote if you take notes in Evernote SurveyMonkey you have Adobe Creative Cloud there are so many for you to have a little browse through so I definitely advise you to have a little look through all of things and they are divided down in two different categories so for example if we click on productivity you'll have all of the apps that are related to productivity so really is just a simple case of clicking them and adding them insert teams now I said there is a little bit more to it than that which we're going to get onto when we discuss BOTS and setting up tabs and things like that in one of the later sections but hopefully that just gives you a nice introduction as to the types of messaging extensions that you can add into teams and why you might find those useful that's it for this module and for this section we are now moving into section 3 where we're going to talk all about video and audio meetings so please join me for that if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload to get four free courses in Excel QuickBooks Microsoft Project and Photoshop click over there and click over there to see 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Channel: Simon Sez IT
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Keywords: microsoft teams, microsoft teams tutorial, microsoft teams tutorial for beginners, microsoft teams tutorial 2020, microsoft teams tutorial for teachers, how to use microsoft teams, microsoft teams best practices, microsoft teams demo, learn microsoft teams, ms teams, teams, microsoft teams overview, microsoft teams tips and tricks, microsoft teams office 365, microsoft teams adoption, features of microsoft teams, microsoft teams basic tutorial
Id: fqVizuCxYgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 25sec (5905 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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