Zoom-10 common challenges & their solutions #Zoom #Teachingonline #TeachingWithZoom

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hi this is Russell Stanley from teacher training videos calm I am gonna do a video today where I answer ten of the most common questions that I've been asked about zoom I'm gonna show the questions in a minute to help you to decide whether or not this video is useful to you I've been in inundated with questions and I really hope that going through these questions and making this video is gonna help a lot of you as always if you like what you see please like the video please share it with other teachers I think that's really important at the moment any questions put them in the chat in the in the comment section I'll do my best to answer them I'm really struggling at the moment to keep up with them or I'm dedicating about 2 hours a day to answering questions and of course if you like what you see come and follow me on teacher 20 videos calm you can sign up to the newsletter and you can also subscribe to my youtube channel right let's quickly go through the questions [Music] so this is quickly the list of things that I'm going to cover to be honest with you it's going to deal with more than 10 questions but it should cover most of the things that coming up so how do you record a zoom session how do you actually save that where can you find the file how do you screen share everything what you do if you forgot to set something up and you're in the middle of a zoom and you suddenly want to screen share it but it's not open how'd you save the chat where is the chat saved after to where can you find it can you automatically save the chat how do you find the missing chat window this happens because when you go to fullscreen and I'll show you that how to find the breakout room that's a settings you need to put that in settings first before you actually open up the zoom how to allow students to annotate we can do that again it's a setting how to give students an interactive whiteboard so when students come into the breakout rooms and they're working in breakout rooms sometimes they don't have an interactive whiteboard someone pointed me this out to me the other day and I realize what the problem is is so I've sorted that out how to control the students using screen share you don't want all the students using screen share at the same time there's a way of stopping that how to sort out the audio when the video is a plan I'll keep pointing this out all the time there's a certain button you must click on otherwise the audio will not play when you play a video or player you too video and how to control a session just a few things about the way to work with audio I hope that deals with a lot of the questions that coming in let's get started so the first thing is go on to your account in the Moodle place that when you just log on and come to on the left here click on settings now occasionally you'll see this basic settings and advanced is still is just one big less list if you don't see that don't worry about it okay sometimes that doesn't appear if you've got the screen on a smaller size those two tabs won't appear but all you need to do is click on settings and scroll down and you want to come down actually so quite a long way this is one of the things I don't like about zoom for me personally it's got way too many settings and the setting that you need is this one here don't worry so much about that that's not important this one here that means that when you open up your breakout room the breakout room will appear at the bottom and you will be able to set your breakout rooms up so while I'm on the settings another really important setting is to allow your students to annotate I keep saying a note and someone's told me off and told me I've got to say annotate so here if you scroll up from the advanced because this setting is in the basic settings and you'll notice here a notation allow participants to use annotation tools to add information to shared screens that means any shared screen they can annotate on even a video so the answer to that is yes and that means now your students can annotate on an interactive whiteboard software over your PowerPoint presentations over a video over a document over a PDF file and the reason they can do that is that the way the annotate works is it's basically another layout on the video and they're drawing on it and then you can click and clean it off and then it disappears so that is another really important setting people are getting really confused about how the screenshare works and what they can share on this screen and basically you just need to understand that anything that you've got open on your screen you can share with your students but the important thing is to prepare that beforehand now if I click on the share screen button you can see here it is showing me apart from an interactive whiteboard and this iPhone connection basically all the different windows that I've currently got open on my sis on my screen so I should do that before the lesson starts that's the best way to go even if you have a PDF file and a Word document and a PowerPoint slide everything just have it all open it'll all be listed there and if you can't see it in the screens here you'll see a little one that says more windows and then more more will open if you've got lots and lots of tabs open you can actually do this in the middle of a lesson but that would mean that you would minimize the screen so bring it down to absolute minimum and then get everything prepared that you want it to open so let's just take an example let's imagine that I wanted suddenly to have a document open on the screen so let's say I'm going to go to My Documents and I'm going to go to writing and let's um just as a quick example and then going to open up some kind of activity or document onto the screen and just gonna open up and I've got now got a PowerPoint slide that I also or sorry a word document I want also want to share so I've got everything ready I come back maximize the zoom window click on screen share and now everything is there okay so there's my word file and I'll click on that and I can open that onto the screen and if you've got the students set to a note then they will be able to also a note on the screen don't forget when you want to clear it click on clear to clear it off stop sharing come back again you want to share something else this time the PowerPoint slide so you click on the PowerPoint again click on share opens onto the screen you can do everything that you can normally do so now I can start to actually go through the PowerPoint presentation by clicking on it here and just going through the pages no problem at all click on escape I come out of it I want to stop sharing I come back everything is open in in advanced click on screen share I might jump to the video I've got open click on the video and now I can play the video and again when I finish I'll stop showing it one thing about video for just come back and make really clear make sure that you click on this button because that shares the audio sound of your computer on the computers that you're working with so the thing about screen share is to make sure that everything is open beforehand it just makes it like really easy because then all of the windows that are opened will show up on the screen okay um but when you're in a window so when you click here for example you come into a window you can still do all the normal things that you can do so as I said before you can click here and double click and open up the presentation and go for it doesn't make any difference click on the etc but then when you stop sharing you come back out of the presentation so have everything prepared when you're working with screen share another common problem is is that the students yes they can do screen share but they are not able to share an interactive whiteboard and again that is a setting it's kind of annoying sometimes that zoom has got so many of these settings but if we click on settings and come down again you will notice that if I could come down and quickly show you where it is it's in the basic part if I remember rightly and I think you'll find if we go there it is okay sorry allow participants to share whiteboard during a meeting okay and that is yes okay and that should allow them that when they screen share they've also so if they're in breakout rooms they will also have an interactive whiteboard available to them so when if we quickly jump back to zoom and the point I'm trying to make is here in other words you've got this facility available to you and the students should now have that when they go to the breakout rooms as well okay what I wanna do now is go through how we can record when we set up a zoom session so let's start by doing that and just quickly click on to zoom I click over here on my account can log into my account and then what I'm gonna do is click on meetings I'm gonna schedule a meeting and notice that when I schedule a meeting I can click on this button here and record the meeting on local computer so I'm gonna click on save and now I'm going to do is going to start that meeting as soon as I start the meeting the recording will be it will be recording straight away cuz it's automatically gonna start there I am on the screen I'm not going to leave myself on the screen like that so I'm going to turn the audio the video off you can see it's recording up there I can press on sports or pause or stop it at any time but what I want to point out if I now for example open up my screen and I opened up the interactive whiteboard for example and clicked on share and then I drew on anything then that will come out in the recording and absolutely no problem at all if I click on stop and again I came up to the share window and perhaps I shared something else haven't got many windows open at the moment but let's basically say that I opened up this screen just for a quick second that would suddenly be on to the screen and that will come out in the recording just to demonstrate this it could be a PowerPoint slide I'm showing again I'm gonna stop sharing and come back again and now I'm actually gonna not going to turn off the recording I'm just gonna end the session now automatically when you end the session because you set it to record it's gonna quickly convert those files and now I need to tell them well where do I want to save them so I've already created on my desktop I've already created a place where I'm going to keep those recordings I think I've got it here let me just get it right they are zoom recorders click on there and click on ok and those three files and there are three files it creates the only one we're interested really is this one here which is an mp4 file ok and that is the actual zoom recording so let's have a quick look at that now so that's now on to the screen and it's in a fairly standard so I clicked on the wrong button there zoom recordings fairly standard format so if I was to click on that so then and if we come over to the interactive whiteboard part now so we just scroll there it is you can see that where I'm drawing on the interactive whiteboard that all comes out and if we come a bit further down whatever I share on the screen will come out okay notice all right well that was a PowerPoint whether it's me showing a picture playing a video etc everything will come out in the recording now you need to understand of course that once you've got those recordings that doesn't mean to say you know what you could share that with your students if that's the way you want to do it but there might be a chance that you would want to edit this so the typical thing would be to won't open up some type of editing tool that you could use to edit that video now the problem is to edit a zoom movie you're gonna have to learn to use some software and that I always use something called Camtasia so I'm not really familiar with the free tools that are around you're gonna have to look on YouTube or look in Google and see what suggestions are made but just to give you an idea how easy it would be to do that in theory you would literally just click on a file that you will need to open for example that recording that we just made bring it into a video editing tool like Camtasia the one I'm going to use now and then you can literally just play along the video and you can choose for example a point where you might want to chop something off and you just chop it off and then that part of the video is deleted so you know what is good about zoom is that the output of a zoom recording is an mp4 file which is generally pretty easy to edit and then share but you would have that problem okay so what we're trying to deal with now is the chat window going to show you some things about chat first of all if you're in full-screen you'll notice that you can't see the chat and if you click on the chat it will float and the participants window the same thing if you click on the participants window it'll also float when you're in full-screen the chat window and the participants window kind of disappear and if you click on to open them they don't open up on the side however when you come out of full screen so exit full-screen suddenly they come on the side now if you go to maximize that's different from fullscreen maximize is when you just go to the biggest size but you're not full-screen they also stay there but immediately you click enter fullscreen they disappear okay that's really important that's happened to me I was wondering where are my chat windows secondly if you haven't automatically set it that you want to save your chat when you do your chat so come down here and it's just quickly adding a little bit of chat to make it absolutely clear if you click on this button here you will notice that it says save chat and if you save chat and then click on the folder you will see that your chat is being saved each meeting you have is given a room number and all of your meetings will be there now you just save your chat and it's there now if you want to find it afterwards just go to your documents zoom and then you'll see the date and obviously it'll be the latest one I'll show you in a minute so that's one way to do your chat window in other words you're doing your chat but you've got to remember in that case just click on save chat at the end and of course the chat will be in the folder and it's just it as a text document now there is a setting that means that always your chats will be saved so you might be asking where all your chats are go to your documents a folder is automatically created when you sign up to zoom click on zoom and you should see all your chats there so I've been doing a lot of practice today and this is obviously the last one I can see from the time and the date that's the one that we just created together and that's the chat and it opens up and wasn't a very exciting chat but it's there on the screen so that's the way to save your chats and then obviously to access them and then share them with your students but there is one setting if you always make sure that you change you save your chats there is one thing you can do as usual it's going to be in this famous Settings button come down here scroll down again and if I remember rightly it is in the basic part not in the advanced and I think I can see it here auto-saving chats put that on and that means that even if you forget to click on that chat button all your chats will be saved in your zoom file allowing your students to screen is really important especially if they go into breakout rooms if they can't share anything all they can then do is be on their webcams and speak obviously if you've given them something to speak about okay but much more interesting if they can have interactive whiteboard on the screen or they can for example have you know a PowerPoint slide open or a document open or a picture open so you really need to give them the chance to be able to share their screens the same way that you can but what is important is to try to control that a little bit so come to advanced sharing one participant can share at a time great idea who can share all participants great idea who can start who can start sharing when someone else is sharing so who can intervene when someone else is sharing something on the screen only the host that would be a really good idea this way when the students go into the breakout rooms they should be able to share but remember also to make sure that you've allowed students to have interactive whiteboards when they go into the breakout rooms and I showed you that earlier in the video one thing to keep in mind is that anything that you can open up on the screen of your docket on you of your computer you can therefore share with your students so for example if you have a document scanner and you're scanning something then it comes out on the screen of your computer then you can share that and the same with video I did kind of touch on this earlier but obviously if I click on a video and simply just choose a video to play okay and I'll just stop it there as soon as I come over to screen share click on screen share make sure I choose this computer sound and then click on that video suddenly now I'm screen sharing that video so anything that's on this chit of the screen of your computer you can share you okay last issue I want to try and deal with here is very tricky one how you control the audio I've been speaking to lots of teachers they're suggesting that the students need the audio on at the beginning they need to understand that it's a classroom that they're in there that they can make a noise that they can speak that they can see their colleagues so most people are suggesting that you have the webcam and the audio arm at the beginning the problem is especially the webcam will slow down zoom particularly if you haven't got very fast internet connection webcam always takes up a certain amount of kind of data it uses up quite a lot of data the obvious button to click on is new all if we just turn that off a minute or if I've got it on already but just to click on it and just make a point this button here allowed participants to unmute themselves obviously that's a good idea if you're working perhaps with adults so they can unmute themselves and speak and then you can it and then they can mute themselves again if you're working with young learners you might want to have the control so don't put that on just click on yes and then if you want to unmute anyone you just come up to here click on unmute and then that person is unmuted and then you can mute them again so if you want someone to speak you can say right Tom what you want to say unmute Bank they speak mute again and then move on now no this is very controlled this is the reason we need to get people into breakout rooms and do activities where we're passing over control to the students but often in a presentation with a question answer in session that's something you might want to do okay I really hope that was useful I try to cover low to the questions that keep coming in to me don't forget if you come to teacher training videos calm at the top here lots of different sections but there's one on zoom' that could be really useful one on ed model that could be really useful and one on Snagit that could be really useful if you want to follow my work sign up to the newsletter that way you get updated with all the latest videos and all the latest webinars and the blog posts I write of course you can also subscribe to my youtube channel I think that's done quite well now maybe about 16,000 subscribers and if you do need to contact me you can contact me on teacher 20 videos calm obviously I do a lot of online training if you need help with zoom you need to help with Camtasia all with that model then please contact me and thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 19,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zoom, teaching online classes with zoom, teaching english online with zoom, zoom tutorial for beginners, zoom tutorial for teachers, zoom tutorials, zoom tutorial 2020, zoom tutorial for beginners 2020, Teaching online, Online teaching, Teaching classes with zoom, Learn to use Zoom, Zoom for teaching, Zoom common questions and answers, Learn to Zoom, Learn to teach online
Id: 4JPtzacTACI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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