Every Minecraft Mob's Weakness

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every mob in minecraft has a weakness yes even chickens so today we'll be covering every mob's weakness in minecraft so first off let's start out with us the player and all minecraft players have only one official weakness in the game and that is the creeper because funny enough the creeper is the only mob that only attacks us this guy attacks not pigs not cows not zombies only players and as you can see it's a pretty common occurrence number two we are talking about zombies now obviously their main weakness is the sun they burn in daylight but zombies also ironically have a weakness of water if you can get a zombie underwater they are really slow under here so most likely they will drown and turn into a drowned mob just like this guy right here number three is the skeleton and his ugly cousin the stray as you can see a big weakness for them is also the sun hence why they're in shade right now but even in shade they are also afraid of wolves wolves like bones skeletons are bones wolves like skeletons the circle of life as you can see it didn't end well for the skeleton number four is a funny one we're talking about the big deadly ravanger now this guy looks unstoppable he has no weakness right wrong this guy hates sweet berry bushes now when i say hey he's not gonna run away from me he's not like afraid of it but if he gets stuck in this thing he takes damage and he will not get out of it look at this guy so silly oh he got out of it okay the idea is to surround him and bury bushes because if you make a box like this he is not getting out he will do everything he can to avoid the berries but he will eventually die in here hence why this guy's weakness is fruit that's kind of funny number five as we fly into the jungle we are talking about the precious panda bear not you you're ugly but panda bears actually have a really unique weakness that's kind of sad but it's also pretty cool some pandas like this guy right here will be afraid of thunderstorms and they'll be so afraid that they can actually take damage their anxiety is so crippling that they will hide their face and rock like a baby now for lucky we'll see him take damage that sounds morbid i feel so bad for this guy okay it hasn't happened yet so i assume it's a rare recurrence i actually haven't seen it myself but the minecraft wiki does say that it happened so i believe minecraft for number six let's stay in the jungle and find some parrots excellent timing parrots weakness are cookies if you didn't know if you feed a pear at a cookie he will get murdered i thought it'd take more time than that that was so fast wait are they all that fast oh my god it's a one hit if you want to pvp some parrots i got a trick for you for number seven we're talking about drowned and i'll make it quick obviously drowned is like the water version of a zombie so the inverse of water is air drown don't like air especially babies babies hate air new parents don't listen to me real babies love air number eight creepers are afraid of cats this is a pretty common thing to know because you can actually make creeper farm using cats if you kind of funnel the creepers into like a kill chamber so very useful thing to know but yes creepers and cats do not mix number nine endermen hate water if i push this guy into water he will freak out oh oh oh oh oh oh what a move you're still gonna get wet dude there we go he hates water he teleports out also if it rains that will also affect him now for number 10 we're talking about turtles but not just the big boys like this the baby turtles the big guys are totally safe no weakness very well-rounded mob but the babies are a great snack for cats foxes and ocelots i hate to show this off on video but you're going to see it if i get to see it you got to see it guys i'm so sorry go dude go run away yes freedom number 11 is fairly obvious and that is that villagers are afraid of zombies zombies will try and eat them and turn them into a zombie villager and following suit number 12 is about the zombie villager his weakness is ironically a weakness potion and a golden apple if you beat him those two things you will then get cured into a normal villager once again number 13 iron golems normally they just go and fight mobs and they're totally strong and amazing but if that golem goes underwater he cannot swim he'll be stuck he'll sink and bye bye gollum he's going for the 360 no scope and if you want to see this live in action here's my own survival world i swim down here to the bottom of my ocean and there's golems down here because once they get down here they're not getting back up for number 14 we're talking about slimes now slimes are normally found in caves with lava in it so i would say lava is the slime's weakness you could argue iron golems might attack these guys which they can but more than likely slimes will die on their own if they fall into lava as you can see these guys aren't really smart they really aren't that smart number 15 is the blaze and the blaze are extremely allergic to snowballs they don't like these things at all they also hate water in another you can't really get water in here so snowballs is my choice number 16 piglens are afraid of soul fire campfires lamps and torches i don't know why but it freaks them out and they run away number 17 hogland's hate warped fungi as you can see they book it out of there next up wither skeletons really hate healthy potions like regen or strength for them it gives them damage at least it should let's try instant health there we go okay they don't like instant health potions and number 19 striders don't like water if they're in water they will take damage and die but it's hard to show that in the nether but take my word for it i've never been wrong before number 20 is a really helpful one and that is phantoms and their weakness are cats so kind of like creepers cats really scare off phantoms this guy is just freaking out going in circles for some reason an odd way to cope for sure but it works number 21 is interesting we're talking about spiders during night time they're very aggressive but in the daytime even in survival mode they will not attack you so their strange weakness is the sun but not in like a burning way in just a cool way number 22 i don't actually believe it so i'm gonna test it right now apparently wolves are arch enemies of llamas so oh he's afraid okay wolves weakness is llamas that is news to me oh he hates them oh my god that's so mean they're gonna actually attack them too i don't like that minecraft i don't like this at all number 23 the weakness of a cat is a player players will run away from you and avoid you at all costs and even go near cacti so if you try to tame a cat you'll probably know this paint all too well they run away from you so much it's a similar story for rabbits as well but in addition to players it's also cats and dogs the dog will chase the rabbit oh he's mad but yeah these rabbits they uh they are in danger they are definitely in a lot of danger and i'm sure me spawning dog is not helping his cause and for number 25 very similar story chickens have a weakness of cats and dogs they will both try and murder the chicken this one is super well known but the weakness of a sheep is a wolf as stated right here number 27 is about bees and it's really dumb bees will try and pollinate wither roses which will in turn kill them look at him he wants to flower he wants it oh you're so dumb and he'll do it over and over and over and over number 28 we're talking about bats now bats are just like slimes in the sense that they will just go into lava because they're dumb they're getting pretty close right now there's no mob that actively tries to kill them but they just kill themselves the enemy of the fox is the wolf wolves hate a lot of things it's kind of funny but yeah they'll actively try and kill foxes but they never catch them because they're so fast now for the next four i'll save you the trouble they're all fish or mammals things in the water that don't like air so fish hate air dolphins hate air squid hate air even guardians hate air but let's spice it up for number 34. shulkers actually hate water if they go in water they teleport i don't believe they actually take damage in water i haven't seen it yet i guess we'll find out not nothing they're just they're just great at what they do very efficient good job boys number 35 is very unique endermites this is news to me but they actually die if they stand on soul sand for too long so if they somehow get trapped in a little box of soul sand they will die i will wait and prove it this is taking a while well as i wait for him i'll go do my last one for number 36 snow golems will always die in hot climates like the desert so guys those are all the known mob weaknesses in minecraft i hope you enjoyed i hope you learned something new but most importantly did the guy die yet he didn't i am confused but impatient so i'm gonna leave hopefully i'm right on that that one might be incorrect i don't know if you want to see more content like this make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and i'll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Farzy
Views: 14,700,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mine, Craft, Minecraft, Farzy, survival, 1.17, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft survival ideas, farzy minecraft, minecraft survival guide, minecraft ideas, minecraft building ideas, minecraft inspiration, minecraft survival, minecraft java, Farzi, minecraft funny, farze, minecraft how to, minecraft every mob weakness, minecraft all mobs, minecraft mobs, minecraft what mobs are scared of, minecraft mob facts, minecraft cool facts
Id: 0rnx47hbK24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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