Extreme Hide And Seek in Minecraft!

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oh wow what is this place what a drop off it's scary I wouldn't want to fall from there Mikey there wouldn't be a trace of you if you fell off this is the sky prank amusement park really Jake what's that there are pranks hidden all over this amusement park see still I won't let myself get caught in any of these pranks what's that what's that oh is this an archery range oh there are bows and arrows in the chest go on let's give it a try hang on Mikey wait huh it says it's too dangerous to miss I'm great with a bow so I won't miss it'll be fine JJ uh really just watch okay three two one ouch that hurt what's up with that are you all right Ah that's harder than I thought well let me give it a try bows and arrows all right man it's dangerous to miss it's super hard lightning strikes if you miss [Music] I'm backing up it'll be fine I'm gonna try it take aim fire go oh Bullseye Mikey today I'm not feeling well apparently yeah oh that's right anyways JJ what are we doing here today hmm well Mikey let's play hide and seek in this amusement park today really seek the rules are you Park as much as you want so that means we can use anything at all all right I want to hide first you'll be the Seeker JJ be careful Mikey careful what for this amusement park is set up with a ton of hidden tricks oh so watch out okay [Music] I'm hidden and someplace so difficult that you'll never ever find me [Applause] you hit already let's see well I'm so high up I certainly wouldn't want to fall from this height nope so you're someplace high up [Music] no I'm not anywhere high right now I'm not sitting on top of a ride that's really tall one of the rides up there you always tell me the opposite thing when you hide um hold on a sec one of the higher rides [Music] hmm huh oh there you are no I'm not what are you saying you're in the yellow part of the ferris wheel huh no wait wait you can't tag me from there if you can't tag me in the next 30 seconds then I win yep that sounds good in the next 30 seconds huh hold on is that hey Mikey that Ferris wheel is a prank huh what do you mean no way it looks like an ordinary Ferris wheel from up here you're joking oh really I'll use my bow and take aim it's just right what and then fired it hits it really was a prank I can't believe I was tricked like that all right you hide next I'm definitely gonna find you there's no way I lose okay I'll hide next and Mikey you can use whatever you want in the park oh I'll go hide all right then I want to find somewhere interesting to hide hmm right here there's a ladder I think I'll hide by hanging off of it over this huge drop-off he won't look there let's try it I think this is gonna work I need to be careful Easy Does It like this yes it's perfect I'll hide here okay Mikey I'm ready oh already yep all right here I come I'm in a tricky spot do you need a hint a hint absolutely not I'll find you right away so wait right wherever you are ready all right [Music] come on I can't find you at all I'll have some cake where are you hiding can you give me a hint please you want to hint after all Mikey your hint is hmm I'm next to the water slide I'm really close actually oh over there I thought you might be around the water slide yo you cake I was just heading over that way really yep I really was uh oh he's here I'm right by the water slide but you're not here did you lie hmm [Music] there's Mikey where are you no hell if the water slide is right there I guess I have to go up uh Mikey huh are you still looking of course I'm searching for you on the water slide I'm definitely not playing around or anything he's totally playing around falling Danger [Music] let's give it a try this looks fun here we go [Music] this is cool this is it I'm Really Gonna Fall let's go oh wow it's JJ JJ no I see you you found me sheesh oh man finally Jay who'da thought you'd hide in a place like that no I'm coming over there to catch you right now JJ yeah [Music] where'd you go no two losses in a row the sign even said falling danger well Mikey that's what you can expect from a prank amusement park I'll be Seeker next you go hide I'm going to hide somewhere you'll never find me yeah JJ I'm done hiding oh okay huh I'm nowhere near the shopping area I'm not hiding there huh but you always say the opposite thing Mikey so you're totally near there no this time I'm definitely not close to it okay I promise oh there's Mikey yeah this is so good I think of this one too he's just eating cake Mikey found you already I guess it's okay hey wait up huh you shut the door on me it isn't this place amazing this door locks from the inside here shut out so there's no way for you to get inside and tag me my plan worked perfectly I win this time JJ hahaha seriously I'm locked out and now JJ this I think I'll make my big escape on this roller coaster [Music] bad I'm off well bye bye wait Mikey yes he left [Music] wow this is oh what's this it's called the inescapable prison cell roller coaster what does that mean [Music] I win this round yay yeah huh what um what is this place I came back around and now I'm locked in hang on JJ Mikey the roller coaster you wrote appears to end in this prison cell it's the end of the ride and it drops you into an inescapable prison [Applause] three losses JJ hmm grab me One Last Wish whoever wins the next round wins the game please when you put it like that okay [Music] JJ only gonna win how about you be the seeker and I'll hide I'm going to find you actually there's a hiding place I found that I've been saving oh hi there all right here we are Hmm this is so nice so cool okay I'm planning on taking this helicopter into the air to get away even if Mikey finds me he can't tag me this is the ultimate hiding spot hmm what's this it is dangerous Beyond this point no open flames [Music] what is it maybe it's for energy production [Music] whatever onto the helicopter all right up up and away we have liftoff okay Mikey I'm ready okay what is that noise huh a helicopter I can't catch you if you're flying with that thing now I have to win this game JJ do you like my hiding spot do I do hmm do you give up Mikey oh huh an archery range huh oh I found something good what booyah [Music] no that's a rocket launcher I better run oh wait though Mikey open Flames are off limits here Bluffs like that won't work on me I'm gonna shoot you down with this and tag you wait run away that feels good JJ take this and that huh where'd he go [Music] thank you wow how could I lose every round the pranks in this amusement park are too much for me yeah they surprise me too hey Mikey huh there are still plenty of rides and fun tricks we haven't seen yet let's hang out for a while what do you say really that's a great idea let's play I know I want to ride the roller coaster again I'll be careful not to get caught in any more traps [Music] oh that was awesome wow [Music] I love it here I think that's all the tricks it's glowing huh I don't want any more pranks Mikey you have bad luck Mikey I know if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 1,588,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 33ucczeco5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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