ZOMBIES 3 doesn't make any sense...

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well here we are once again we've arrived at the end of a big film trilogy i mean i've gone through the to all the boys movies kissing booth movies descendants movies and now we're finally here at the end of all things with zombies three now zombies three was supposed to come out over a year ago but was delayed for a variety of reasons i'm sure but all the same it's here now so what do you say we put on a pair of our best velcro shoes and check out the final movie in the smash hit zombies franchise i mean there's no way this movie could be bad right welcome back to zebra we started off as a perfectly planned community full of cheer then zombies showed up [Music] everything was fine and then just out of nowhere zombies showed up and started dancing it was the weirdest thing so after giving us a very brief recap of the first two movies right away we get to the main idea of like what the whole movie is going to be about but before that really quick this video is sponsored by audible if 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wendy walker it's like a whodunit mystery story about a psychiatrist interviewing the main character and everyone around her and slowly starts to piece together this like murder mystery story sign up with my link audible.com alex myers or text my name alex myers to 500 500 start your audible plus membership and start streaming thousands of audiobooks today okay back to the show but now we've all learned to live together seabrook is becoming a perfect place well almost monsters still have one big barrier to break through like getting into college but if we win the championship football game tonight we're going to have our first zombie recruited to college and the doors to higher ed will be open to all monsters and then they too can get roped into an unpayable student loan scheme and use their master's degree in economics to make 18 an hour so exciting so win tonight's football game and everything in zebra will be perfect so we can't let anything get in our way stay so uh i think something might end up getting in their way but yeah so if zed wins the football game that night then all the socioeconomic issues in the entire town of seabrook will instantly be solved and no one will have any problems of any kind ever again so as per usual we are reintroduced to our main character zed the zombie and of course we have everyone's favorite girl with the longest fake eyelashes i've ever seen addison hi i'm addison and as cheer captain it's my duty to support seabrook but this is personal i'm going to mountain college and i really need zed to win tonight's game and join me so let's share a team to victory so everyone's a senior in high school now and as one final hurrah addison wants to do a national cheer off competition thing and so between that and the football game that night i'm pretty sure there's going to be a whole lot of singing and dancing with this movie i know i wish we could be cheerleaders forever too maybe we should form science so high school never ends um nah we just have too much chemistry we are so gonna win tonight and when we do we'll be together forever yeah okay whatever you say like when you're in high school you know it's like oh this person is so gorgeous 10 out of 10 the most perfect person for me and then you go to college or whatever and you're just like whoops never mind but not the same everything's going wonderful and nothing could possibly show up and ruin everyone's plans [Music] our moonstones are acting weird wyatt something big is happening oh yeah sorry about that i had a little too much extra fiber raisin brand this morning no actually you'll never believe this but aliens of all things just randomly come down right before the football game is supposed to start i'm a recruiter for mountain college and we need we what i could i'll never leave home again wait wait don't go you have to recruit me to mountain college i think you got bigger things to worry about there my dude so watching this giant alien spaceship come down gets everyone so upset and riled up that they sing a song as you do about how they're not sure if the aliens are friendly or not you know while there's like cars blowing up and half the town's on fire and then the aliens themselves come down and uh oh my what this dudes are literally looking like a xenon girl the 21st century right now what what even what is this sorsa scout ship precisely what i was thinking yeah we know ali because we can read each other's minds this is scout commander 15-09 i found utopia the perfect new planet for our people i hid the coordinates in the most precious thing the file is corrupted this is the greatest run i've ever seen this is like me when i've been sitting in the bathroom for way too long and then my legs fall asleep and then the uber eats person rings the doorbell and i'm like oh crap gotta get my cheese curds anyway so as you might imagine the people of seabrook are a little taken aback by this whole alien invasion thing because they're just so close minded don't you know it appears these angry beings may not give us their most precious thing willingly and we'll have to explain our presence without telling them our mission didn't you just say you don't have to talk to each other because you can hear each other's thoughts are we just gonna ignore all that no oh i'm thinking what you're thinking [Music] take us to your leader your cheer leader we accept your invitation to the national cheer up oh oh it's gonna be one of these movies the the aliens are gonna compete in a cheerleading competition oh oh my goodness but just to be safe the police lock up the three main aliens i guess until they can figure out what's going on great idea separating the aliens principal lee they're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force i mean who wouldn't want more of me i mean truth be told i don't even want one of you so not sure what to tell you there bucky now after talking to these aliens for a bit we come to find out that even though the football game was canceled and therefore zed could no longer be recruited into college there still might be a way for him to get accepted and open up the world to monsters everywhere what are they doing mountain college has a separate application for an exceptional student scholarship and it does not specifically prohibit zombies that sounds exactly like me perhaps exceptional means something else in this galaxy believe me i'm impressive okay i mean hey watch me lick my own elbow also like i don't think that should really be your priority right now like literal space aliens have come down to earth and then zed's like yeah whatever that's cool anyway oh boy i sure can't wait to share a dorm room with a guy who has night terrors at three o'clock in the morning every day and only showers like once a month but all the same after some very unnecessary back and forth the aliens are allowed to stay in seabrook until the cheer competition is over we've decided to let you stay until after the cheer competition but not a day later thank you mayor we are honored to join your cheer competition what is cheer heck if i know sounds like a bunch of bologna if you ask me [Applause] but since the aliens are going to be in town for a while i guess that means they'll be working with town leaders the whole time to share their advanced technology with everyone so they can all just oh wait never mind they're they're they're going they're going to high school why are they even teenagers why are they doing this they have until the cheer competition to find this precious thing you know whatever that means to find a map to their new home planet and they spend all their limited time to save their entire race going to high school disney channel now at first that is all for the aliens coming in but he has to achieve like valedictorian status or whatever so that he can hopefully win that exceptional student scholarship thing but of course wouldn't you know the aliens are all like super geniuses and zed's class rank ends up dropping pretty quick the aliens stole all my class rankings [Music] and beat my athletic records what hank who reasons alan just obliterated your best eyes you know i guess i never really noticed this before but like zed's last name is necrodopolous not only is he a zombie but he's greek too man this kid cannot catch a brick but anyway so zed is none too thrilled about what allen the alien's getting after these days but seems like the aliens might need his help for something very important i i am so sorry i'm sorry i really am you know as tough as things have been for zombies we've always had zombie town is there anything i can do you would help us with our luma lenses we probed all the minds of seabrook mind probes how would you do that well nobody was really open to the other kind of probe we had except addison who was really enthusiastic about it for some reason so there is something you can do for us this image appears in many scans what is it that is the moonstone it is the most precious thing in seabrook and so the aliens sneak over and check out the werewolf moonstone to scan it and see if it's what they're looking for but turns out no it's not and this was all just a big old waste of time now in the middle of all this this alien whose name is aspen just kind of randomly out of nowhere starts to develop a crush on zed and decides it's a great idea to tell addison about it oh great leader of cheer i need your help yeah of course i have a feeling i cannot define my palms are sweaty and it feels like space moths are in my stomach oh yeah same thing happened to me after i ate a whole bag of sugarless gummy bears so trust me you're in for a heck of a weekend i think you have a crush aspen it's when you like like someone you know love who's the lucky person said i love said anyway so after the aliens find out that the moonstone is not what they're looking for the werewolves find out about what they were doing with it and wouldn't you know they don't really appreciate the aliens messing with the thing that you know gives them life and stuff [Music] someone's taken down our force field and someone's been eating our froyo and it's all melted the hunt [Applause] it's like when six-year-olds pretend to be like lions and horses or like when i pretend to be a functioning member of society either way it's really hard to watch now to help them escape the werewolf hunt and by hunt of course i mean they're just dancing around the whole time the mothership beams up all the aliens which for some strange inexplicable reason oh my god it also beams up addison [Music] reflexes what are you doing here i got beamed up what are you doing here aspen asked if i could help with my knowledge of seabrook oh they're trying to spend alone time with you alone time why oh oh okay well i do have universal appeal no no do not wink at me sir you take that back right now so since addison just happened to randomly be beamed aboard the spaceship the aliens just decide to tell her everything about everything that's going on with them and how they're looking for a secret map to a new planet that's hidden in the most precious thing in seabrook now i'm telling you right this second okay if if this precious thing turns out to be like friendship or something i'm gonna lose it anyway so we find out that the aliens have not heard the entire message from the scout yet because of some kind of glitch or whatever but hey leave it to zed to do whatever he does years ago our scout crashed in seabrook and hid a map to utopia we came here to find it wait i thought you said you were here for cheer commander do not touch we're repairing the files of our scouts logs with no success i mean have you guys tried banging banging you can't just say oh wow that seems to have worked oh that's what you meant so now that it's all fixed they can finally listen to the entire message and i'm sure it's all just one big coincidence that addison happens to be here this exact moment for centuries we have been without a home but i found utopia the perfect new planet for our people i hid the coordinates in the most precious thing in zebra my scout ship crashed on this planet but with no ship to take me home i was forced to hide my true identity i know how that feels addison my dude your biggest trial in life is having really blonde hair and eyebrows that don't match okay sit this one out not everything's about you and i discovered my passion cheerleading i even created a trophy a zebra cub but no longer in contact with our people my hair grew white and i lost my stardust powers and we named our firstborn amashanta but we always called her missy that's my mom's name that's right everybody would you believe turns out addison is half alien or i guess quarter alien technically which we all should have really seen coming you know i mean her name does start with an a like all the other ones and apparently her mom's real name is like a placenta or something i'm a shanta right yeah sure okay cause that sounds so much better and just like what we've seen over and over in the last two movies once again addison completely changes everything about her personality to match whatever new friend group she's discovered i want to be a cheerleader i'm ready to become a wolf i am an alien but hey it's different this time all right because she totally definitely belongs with these kids for real okay it's not just a face mom and then once you know she sings a song about how she finally found a way she belongs and now suddenly all of her problems have gone away but you know i'm a little confused about the messaging of this movie because like usually with disney's channel movies they make a huge point about like forging your own path standing out no matter what anyone else thinks be true to yourself etc etc but then in these movies with addison it's just like the exact opposite maybe in college one special girl with white hair won't stand out and maybe she'll even find a place where she belongs uh actually i need to find out where i belong and just stay there you know i should only be my unique self with other people who are exactly like me anyway so then it's time for the big cheer off competition one thing leads to another and the werewolves end up finding out that the aliens are actually here to do something other than cheerleading and so now the werewolves are all riled up and ready to use their cool wolf powers to do more dance battles the aliens are liars they come to take what's ours we should have never let addison welcome in those outsiders [Music] step back zed so much passion uh she wants to rip your heart out she can have it okay hold on just a guy start second there aspen first of all get in line second of all weren't you in love with zed like five minutes ago here take this capri sun full of c4 and calm down so somehow addison's team wins the trophy cup thing despite doing like the lamest champion i've ever seen yeah okay mayor's daughter wink wink you know i'm saying but anyway she gives the cup to the aliens who hurry outside to get beamed up by their mothership before the werewolves condensed them to death something's wrong critical systems failure but like why do they even need to do all this in the first place just to get the trophy like they don't actually have to win the cup they just have to scan it for like four seconds and addison knows all this and literally could have just asked her mom the mayor of seabrook to let them have it for one minute and problems off this movie could have been over in five [Music] this to minutes but that's when addison suddenly unlocks all of her new powers and achieves her final form on her never-ending quest to base her entire personality on whatever is happening around her at the time oh addison is one of us [Music] i know sweetie i've always known you lied to me no honey trust me this doesn't even crack the top 10. if you only knew half the things i did in high school and college before i met your father i am so glad we did not have social media back then grandma always called you her most precious thing wait she said i was her what no no the coordinates are not here this is not the map that's because the map isn't a what it's a who [Music] wait hold on a second grandma's precious thing was addison and not like you know her own daughter oh my precious perfect angel the love of my life but not you though honey i mean come on you were conceived at the back of a honda accord okay let's be real here but all the same now that she's an alien she completely throws away her entire life up to now and decides to leave with the aliens because what else are she's supposed to do live her life the way she wants get out of here so they all say their goodbyes and sing a song or two and then addison flies away and then she and all the aliens are standing around and just randomly have this bizarrely existential conversation about the meaning of life or whatever conflict isn't always bad being challenged sometimes pushes us to be better no one spoke up while our planet suffered all because we didn't want to create disharmony unity isn't sameness love is powerful it can handle disagreements i know where my grandma wanted her people to live the most perfectly imperfect place there is cincinnati ohio yes you have found our new home okay but like didn't your grandma risk everything to find the perfect utopia planet for all of you like aren't you just gonna maybe check it out first just just take a little peek real quick but yeah so uh the aliens turn right around and come right back to live in seabrook after we just sang all these songs about the undying love and friendship or whatever well gee thanks for nothing addison it's like when your friend breaks up with the person they're dating i spent all weekend telling them how like you never liked that piece of garbage anyway and they're so much better off now and then they get back together and you have to pretend like you didn't just say all that also just in case you were really invested in the story here uh zed does indeed get into college because back during the whole cheer off part he got that very special phone call everyone hopes to get yes this is he this is i this is that necropolis yeah this is cinnamon i think you might want to get tested and so just like that what do you know every conceivable problem in the town of seabrook has been solved and now they have mermaids and everyone can go to college even redheads and that's pretty much where the movie ends something about these zombies movies that really stands out to me is how short they are but like they try to cram so much into 90 minutes minus the songs and like so much happens off screen that the characters just have to like tell us about later what are you doing here i got beamed up what are you doing here aspen asked if i could help with my knowledge of seabrook oh also addison's character arc is just the funniest thing to me like in the first movie the zombies are a literal lower class of people fighting for their right to live in the same town and addison's like wow this is literally just like my life and then the second movie is the werewolf show up and they're like our home was invaded and our lane was stolen and we've come for revenge and somehow addison's like omg this is actually totally about me right now and finally in the third movie okay aliens have lost their home planet they're searching for a new one and right off the gate first thing addison's like oh boy i can't wait to make this about me again like addison has no personality except whatever the big issue is around her and somehow she just has to make it all about her and her hair but yeah honestly this end of the trilogy was probably the worst one for me like i felt like it was trying to do way too much and too short of time and like everyone's motivations for what they're doing and why just like don't make any sense i mean disney channel movies are always very silly anyway but in this one it's like they established a whole bunch of world logic and then they just decide that none of it actually matters anyway it's a very pretty movie though i mean it looks really nice so there's that i guess so in tandem with this movie and this video coming out i actually did an interview with pierce jose who plays wyatt like one of the main werewolves in the zombies franchise and so i did a little interview podcast with him and uh here's a little snippet of it but the link to it is down below if you're interested as you say it is all it's all just in good fun like like i would never be like this is garbage and if you are in this movie you should be embarrassed you know like but it's just i mean especially with disney channel movies like you of all people being in two of them now i guess at least right maybe i don't know um but like you know like they're very silly right of course yeah they're they're dcoms man they're you know i think honestly i think i'm in a unique kind of a lucky position i i i started with disney um on the show called lab rats um which was you were in lab rats oh my goodness dude i played the fourth brother at the end of the season i i um yeah at the end of the fourth season i was like the surprise like they have they have a fourth brother they have another brother and i i i got that part um i gosh i can't remember i remember i got booked for that part but no nobody told me like my agents and managers like forgot to tell me that like i got the part and so i got a call two hours after i was supposed to be on set for that and they're like where are you uh back on topic zombies three okay important question who is your least favorite cast member no i'm just kidding meg donnelly i'm kidding i knew it because because we're really good friends um you know they're i actually you know you're not even gonna believe me when i say this but um zombies is actually you know sometimes it it is really rare to to have a cast that all gets along and stuff like that you know and especially a cast of i think for 16 16 characters um that's a lot i know yeah it's a it's it's an ensemble movie really it wouldn't work without you know all 16 of us in my opinion um but uh dude i have had some of my best experiences best memories with these people who are my friends now and um i've just been so lucky to work with uh you know and you know i forged really special relationships um and it's it's honestly it's actually been i think um part part of my success comes from you know my friends and the people that i've worked with who push me to be better and push me to be um do the best that i possibly can and um you know succeed i figured you're gonna say baby ariel but you know that makes
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,389,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, alex myer, alex meyer, zombies, zombies 3, disney channel, zombies disney
Id: 60ZfBQiqWV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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