Sharkboy and Lavagirl 2 is even dumber than the first one

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Tell me about it. When Alex mentioned sharkboy and lavagirl doing the devil's tango I died of laughter

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aestetic_minds 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
now that we millennials are in our mid 20s to 30s the nostalgia market is just exploding everything is like a remake sequel spin-off reimagining spiritual successor whatever you want to call it but if there was ever a franchise that did not need a sequel it's frozen but also that one movie that everyone liked as a kid but no one can explain why sharkboy lava girl now i did a video about sharkboy and lava girl over the summer and it was just the most like bizarrely absurd movie i've ever seen so when i heard netflix was making a sequel you better believe i was there day one but i mean hey it's not like it could be any worse than taylor lautner doing a singing break dance routine for no reason so let's check it out but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surfsharkvpn now it's 2020 and pretty much everyone knows what a vpn is it protects you when you're on the internet it stops your ipads from being hacked and your personal data getting exposed i mean everybody needs 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start off with missy our main character now missy's dad works for a group called the heroics which is kind of like this movie's version of the rescue rangers now her dad is also a former superhero who gave up his exciting life of fighting crime when he became a dad and now he just sits behind a desk refreshing reddit every five minutes like all the rest of us so right from the beginning we see missy getting ready for school it's funny how when you look back on a day like this it always begins so normal i mean look at me i'm actually putting real thought into what i'm gonna wear like any of this was gonna matter in an hour this one says talk to me and this one says leave me alone i mean this one says i'm cute and preppy and trash talk people behind their backs even though i say how much i hate drama and this one says stay away and don't talk to me but like keep trying to talk to me because you know even though i pretend like i'm above it all i actually still want the validation of people trying to talk to me so i can reject them and feel like i'm being all mysterious and stuff after putting on her i'm not like other girls costume missy's dad drops her off at school but when he goes into work that day turns out something big is going on that's gonna change the world forever we're tracking over 100 alien vessels who do you want to send how about blinding fast and crushing well i don't know they haven't been getting long ever since the crisis of edinburgh how about shark boy and lava girl oh hey hey i know them also yeah sounds like a great idea to fight spacey aliens by using a guy whose powers only work underwater and a girl who according to the lore of the first movie is a god now but because there's like a billion hundred aliens approaching the lady in charge realizes she has no choice but to send all the heroes at once including missy's dad now due to this missy's taken from school and put into this underground bunker thing for safekeeping with all the other kids whose parents are currently fighting space aliens so i'm miss granada the director of the heroics program you will be staying in our underground stronghold where the children of superheroes are kept safe while their parents fight enemy forces we can't afford to have even one of you fall into enemy hands do i really have to go in because i won't fit in i just don't belong i mean i'm different from all of them yeah i wear black shirts and combat boots and read goosebumps books and listen to true crime podcasts i'm so unique and different no one could ever understand me but okay so what she actually means here is that missy doesn't have any superpowers that we know of wink wink knows no geometry so she's worried that all the other kids are going to make fun of her and think she's just a normie but all the same she goes into class and meets up with all the other kids and learn about their various superpowers hey i'm wheels yes they call me that on account of the wheelchair it's a little on the nose but i like it because it's cool okay so this is wheels whose power is being smart i guess noodles whose power is being elastigirl from the incredibles and then we have this girl over here oho her power is she's a genius drawer like van gogh mixed with monet with just a sprinkle of salvador dali can i see that a kid standing on top of floating chairs exploding exercise ball all right let's see we got a kid standing on chairs uh someone punching a ball and uh looks like harry potter and draco malfoy doing oh my also i love how she's supposed to be this genius artist or whatever but this just looks like the kind of stuff that every 10 year old who draws song the hedgehog posts on deviantart is that me why did you draw me in front of the classroom oh she won't answer she only speaks through her drawings don't speak i know just what you're saying oh i know not today singing girl you put that stuff up on youtube or tic-tac or whatever and then you leave it at the door anyway so this girl is acapella and her power is manipulating sound waves so she can like make things move and fly and whatever just by singing and then there's slo-mo whose power is moving in slow motion and face maker who can like shape-shift i guess beat that he makes the craziest faces i can even change my face look like you oh no no no no no no trust me you don't want to do that politicians have been trying to get away with that for years then there's these two twins who can time travel which seems way more powerful than like everyone else here and then finally we have guppy guppy how are you making that my mommy is lava girl but my dad is choked boy wait a second did you try to tell me that sharkboy lava girl you mean they were doing the old devil's tango well like how would cause i mean he and she's like i got some questions mr rodriguez so after we meet all the kids they turn on the tv and watch a live broadcast of all their parents fighting the aliens but one by one we see them all get captured and taken hostage by the aliens until there's only one left to defend earth i promised i wouldn't be a hero anymore [Music] but i'm still the leader of the heroics and a good leader [Music] means by example [Music] now right as all the superheroes are getting beat up the principal from lemonade mouth shows up because he's the president now and he's like all right so aliens came and took all superheroes away so like whoops but right then missy has an epiphany realizes that if samus got pregnant and went into her morph ball mode then like that'd be pretty messed up but also she realizes that the aliens are coming for them too cause she figures out the secret behind ojo's drawings and what they actually mean we need to leave this room right now why because the aliens know where we are can i borrow this minute i'll hold you these face makers standing on top of the floating chairs noodles smashing the exercise ball she draws what she sees big deal she drew these five minutes before they happened she can draw the future and so now they have to get out of the compound which is on full lockdown and they have to do it before the aliens come and kidnap them and do whatever they're going to do i just want to get out of here if anybody wants to join me you're free to follow well what's the plan granada said this place is on full lockdown there'll be guards everywhere well i figure this is kind of like making an omelet you always start by waking up feeling like you've wasted the best years of your life going to school and then working too much so you can pay for the school you just went to all the while while fighting off the existential dread that like none of this even matters anyway so why bother you know what i'm saying ah sir could you just pull ahead and grab your food please so they come up with a plan to try and get the guards to give them their access badges by using guppy's superpowers why don't you get back in line [Music] oh no [Music] she's got shark strength [Music] i'm sorry what she's got what now [Music] she's got shark strength [Music] sir what does that mean so they end up using their powers to knock out the guards and take their badges just before the aliens break in and attack and then they just leave the guards there with the alien tentacles coming through the fan now i lived in japan for 12 years okay so i know where this is going anyway after breaking out of the room and being chased by security guards they climb a human staircase and finally make it out of the compound which makes no sense at all by the way like the whole point was they just needed to get out of the room to avoid the aliens and so all they have to do is leave the room and then explain what just happened but somehow after this the aliens become irrelevant and the grown-ups are the bad guys now like what exactly these kids running from anyway they steal a train and fly it over to missy's abuelita's house because turns out she used to train the superheroes back in the day and so surely she must know something about what to do in times like this if anyone is gonna save the world it's you because all of you have super powers aliens are about to invade and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet we're gonna need to do it now we can be superheroes well yeah we can be heroes oh that's that was this said the name of the movie in the movie well excuse me i didn't realize i was watching a masterpiece so after this we get a training montage of missy's grandma training all these kids on how to like fight aliens and stuff which you know just so happens to be right there in the old superhero handbook right next to uh how to make the same movie every year with different characters and get people to pay for it every time so after the training is over the aliens come to the house but the kids managed to escape through a secret tunnel and wouldn't you know they find an alien supply ship just kind of sitting there so they hop on in and fly up into space by pushing a bunch of random buttons and head towards the alien mother ship but now what don't worry any minute now olo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents isn't that right oh oh come on now you must have been drawing something this whole time let me see that [Music] you need jesus so after wandering around the alien ship for a while and barely escaping with their lives when some alien tentacles attack they end up running into a large room where we get a nice little piece of the puzzle about what's really going on here look at that thing what the heck is the president doing here so they're inside this thing all of them that's correct how long before the takeover begins according to the supreme commander less than an hour now right after this wouldn't you know we find out that the president and the lady from the headquarters and just all adults everywhere apparently are actually aliens who capture the kids and throw them into a prison cell that kind of just looks like the set from the show love is blind you kids are just like your parents the same infighting the same bickering putting your own egos ahead of your team you know i thought 13 reasons why i had some really on the nose dialogue but like they're just kind of laying it all out there you know what i mean i bet miss granada's been working there for years they must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president so they could set a trap for the heroics i'm such an idiot president neil and ami spell neolinami backwards and you have i'm an alien was this movie written by jk rowling now their only chance of getting out of here is to have guppy use her shark strength she's got shark strength to open the door somehow but she needs some kind of liquid or else her powers don't work so their master plan is to sit there and make each other cry by talking about stuff like you know how they're only really friends because they just so happened to be in the same place at the same time when they were kids and as they get older they're going to realize that their friendship is mostly circumstantial and doesn't really hold up under the pressures of adult life but anyway guppy takes everyone's tears and turns them into a key so she can open the door which of course opens from the inside you know like a normal prison cell now as they're making their escape through the alien ship they end up getting caught again by the evil aliens with no way out but that's when missy comes up with a foolproof plan guys what do we do now missy why do you seem so calm because we have something that they don't know about a secret weapon we do yeah teamwork so thanks to the power of friendship they beat up all the stupid grown-ups but that's when the movie remembers that they're actually aliens and the kids get captured once again that's also when everyone remembers that these two kids over here can time travel and so they do that and make it so none of this happened in the first place which they could have done at any point in the last 45 minutes can you believe this kid's movie might not be 100 logical after escaping from the adults for like the 12th time today the kids run back to the room with the purple pyramid thing and try to stop it from doing whatever it's going to do but that's when the plot twists just keep on twisting oh did you just talk i could always talk i simply chose to observe and listen instead and what i heard was chaos dysfunction disharmony oh hey you like them too chaos dysfunction disharmony is my favorite metal band yeah i love their smash hit single we're a bunch of dudes in our 30s who pretend to be angsty so teenagers will buy our stuff now long story short turns out o-ho is also an alien but that's when wheels hacks a new motherboard to replace the one that's inside the thing to stop it from launching and releasing a bunch of aliens on earth how's it going wheels great all we have to do is swap out the ignition chambers motherboard with one that'll tell the device that it launched even when it didn't now long now put it into the ignition chamber up there but then that's the moment when we learn the truth about the truth about what's really been going on this whole time because you know i'm sure you're all just completely invested in the story here wait so our parents were in the pyramid all along but i don't understand what's the takeover the takeover of power from your parents that's right everybody turns out it was all just a simulation put on by the government to train the newest class of superheroes and so in the end the kids become the new superheroes and now the world is in the hands of a bunch of 11 year old kids which is kind of how it feels most the time anyway yeah so i mean it's a kids movie you know it's like shark boy lava girl meets spy kids or something which is pretty unavoidable i guess if you think about it but this movie just really hammers home the point it's trying to make friendship teamwork adults are dumb but i mean what did we really even expect well it's 2021 everybody we survived somehow what a what a whack-a-doo year that was you know what i'm saying and you know starting off the year i figure what better way than this like bizarre sequel to the most bizarre movie ever made you know like i mean who who could have predicted there's gonna be a sequel to sharkboy lava girl you know and not only that but it would be even more just bizarre and nonsensical and also netflix apparently announced that they're making a sequel to this one which i mean i'm just over the moon at this point you know me and netflix real tight buddies you know what i'm saying i think back i've watched shows that i used to watch when i was a kid i've looked at old disney channel shows and disney channel movies and cartoons and stuff when i was a kid and it's like i don't know things definitely were not nearly as like heavy-handed as they are recently i feel like back on toonami when they were showing sailor moon episodes they had like sailor moon says at the end where it's like this episode is about friendship and trust and it's kind of like that i guess but like you go back and watch like the old duck tales or gargoyles or um even like lizzie mcguire or like any of these shows it's like even stevens whatever it's like they had messages and sometimes they were a little heavy-handed but like i feel like kid stuff nowadays is just so like in your face about about here's the lesson kids did you learn it let me make sure you learned it let's just tattoo right on your forehead i don't know i feel like things were just not nearly as heavy-handed i've gone back and checked and they definitely were not anyway everybody hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me let me know what movies or tv shows whatever you think i should check out send me an email at um i have a game on the app store check it out it's kind of like candy crush but it's got all my little dudes on it so if you're into that then there you go i have a podcast out it's like a dating story dating advice type of podcast it's called doing the devil's tango link is in the description uh check that out subscribe to that channel if you're interested and above all it's everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time you
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 7,271,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, sharkboy and lavagirl 2, sharkboy and lavagirl, we can be heroes
Id: dXV-xMaMUKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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