Zombie Fortress VS VIETNAM INFANTRY Battle! | Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

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the trees are speaking vietnamese tell me the secrets of your forest oh that's why the forest is speaking vietnamese it's the vietnam war but like not the regular vietnam war because we gotta ask the question as we do with any war what would happen if zombies invaded during the vietnam war because you got to remember something zombies don't care about your political affiliations man if you die you get bit by a zombie well guess what happens the zombie virus takes over and you join the army of the living dead undead living why is it so complicated how can you be living and dead how can you be undead i i don't understand now while the zombies got like a pretty potent weapon called the zombie virus i mean these american troops from vietnam have a world war ii era uh german grenade is totally accurate some uh great looking m16s this is our machine gunners sergeant sniper radio man yeah i guess what he does with the radio artillery we got shotguns and we got bazookas and since bazookas are so big we're gonna wear welding helmets what why now this special unit has a little compact kalashnikov and a big old knife these guys are the runners i i i'm expecting them to do a little bit of running and warm the americans up for dealing with like the zombies right okay guys you're supposed to be running why are you like all coordinated dancing and firing guns behind you this i don't think you learned this in your training did you look at this guy okay the runners may be the least effective soldiers i've ever seen because this unified front of american vibe power seems to be more than enough to dispatch the uh vietnamese breakdancing team i remember reading about like an american sniper during vietnam and he had a rival in i think it was the nba or the viet cong and they would have these just like epic kind of cat and mouse games where they were both trying to get each other so like you got to think that like the vietnamese were fighting in their lands they probably had really really good snipers right they might do really good against zombies because right now it seems that the americans are able to kind of deal with these ambushes but let's set up a proper ambush scenario billy bob charlie's in the trees i see him bobby bill but i think they are literally in the trees so this is a bit of an ambush situation and it looks like the americans got their butts kicked wait a minute why is it snowing in this area vietnam i thought they were jungles and i thought everybody had regular sized heads but there were a lot of various war reports within the u.s intelligence reports from the nba intercepted messages of what the vietnamese called baby baba yagas [Laughter] baby baba yagas yeah like people dying coming back to life and biting other humans so the americans sent their green berets special forces units in to investigate a local village where apparently a breakout had taken place they found the village completely abandoned or so they thought because out of the rice fields came the green hordes the zombies running in unison like a great conga line at your aunt's wedding and all you want is the cake but you have to do the dance the macarena dance the surviving spec ops members set up a meet they met with the leaders of the nba and they realized to survive the zombie apocalypse they'd have to work together they would need to build a fortress to hold out but many would die but finally our heroes decided on a spot to make their valiant last stand where they would have to survive against endless waves of the undead it was a natural defensive point a bridge a narrow choke point that was easily defended both on the high ground the low ground and the two surrounding ramps creating um a middle ground but the biggest issue was that not all of the soldiers had arrived yet only a small platoon of americans in north vietnamese were there fortunately they were supported by some heavy artillery in their bazookas and an elite sniper from both nations but the bridge had to be held so a brave vietnamese soldier stepped up he was known as the runner he liked to run and against them was 150 zombies now obviously these soldiers are given the order to hold their ground oh my goodness bazookas are very effective against against masses of zombies this is gonna be interesting can the bazookas fire from the high ground down to the low ground if they can well then i mean i think oh yeah i think this is going to be easily defended and these guys not really listening to their orders are deciding to hold the middle ground i wonder how many zombies it would take to take this bill soldier you done messed up oh god these guys are reloading at the wrong time now they will fall but i think there's enough soldiers left blocking both sides that they should survive right oh yeah look at that they have some incredible firepower so that was 250 zombies now we're gonna double it to just over 300 oh my god in slow motion totally i can battle simulator in its ragdoll physics are absolutely incredible that is a brave maneuver i don't think it's very smart but he decided to try to dodge zombies by going through them kind of like a combat slide slow motion zombie apocalypse the great defense this is a situation where you kind of wish tabs had better first person or in third person control what a shot right through that guy's heart which normally you think you gotta hit the zombies and brain stems right but if tabs had better unit control when shooting this would be so much fun it is awesome to watch it's really going to come down to these firing lines on the side oh no that is not how you defend you do not defend by jumping off he was too scared he was very frightened by the zombies and it looks like the zombies are picking the vietnamese side oh oh no that's not the way to do it folks how many zombies are left uh yeah that's what you'd call a lot of zombies this map is an amazing one gentlemen you need to reload much faster the zombies are right there and they're gonna bite you oh shots at point blank range seems to be just enough but these guys just keep i don't know maybe it's monsoon season that would be cool you could have like modifiers where you could have like tsunamis storms wind oh yeah we've lost so many soldiers and it was mostly just because they jumped off um we've got one bazooka man and one sniper up here and [Music] what a shot this guy's like yolo and he just jumped off and bazook at them he took a lot out buddy that was an amazing play and that's highlight reel worthy but if you would have just stayed alive you probably could have killed more oh man what a shot how many is that 20 that was incredible incredibly dumb but also incredible oh and look these guys are like you know what maybe only one of us needs to hold this side you guys are you know what here we go i've got a way to solve this excuse me band director yeah that's me yeah if you could just take a little walk this way thank you now these guys have the authority in orders to move freely oh my god maybe i shouldn't have done that because now you guys are going to start walking on what is the matter with these soldiers they're totally accurate vietnam era soldiers look at that band director over there oh oh i was gonna say there's not too many left but look at this mob oh my god oh my god that's incredible okay so what we need here is actually to take this guy i can't move even even when i'm taking control this you know what i kind of want to bazook him in the head all right bud oh big bazooka shot okay uh i don't know how quickly the bazooka reloads but i think oh and the sniper is kind of like a one hit kill but it's a very slow fire rate and against massive oh yeah a little friendly fire never hurt anybody except your friends which is why it's called friendly fire and then you just broke your back okay we've got a problem where what we need is i'm thinking what we want to do is fortify the low ground with some heavy machine guns and shotguns and bazookas but you gotta admit this is definitely one of the coolest levels and it's probably one that i haven't played in quite a bit so some machine gunners and bazookas on the low ground uh unfortunately they must have emptied their magazines and they need to reload i was expecting them to hold but because of the uniqueness of dabs oh big sniper shot oh okay you guys we should have given you guys parachutes i don't think they're gonna survive oh my god they both survived and then one guy fired his bazooka hit the ground did some friendly fire and now we have one of the coolest looking explosions and the sniper's like you know what they're gonna make a movie about me oh my god one of your feet is not the same size as the other no wonder you lost your footing because you kind of lost your foot oh dude seeing sniper shots in slow motion is extremely extremely satisfying these guys are doing really good keeping these guys well alive for at least a decent amount of time until they oh my gosh commit sudoku these bazooka guys cannot be trusted dude just look at all of the eyeballs it's a pretty terrifying sight what if you could like have a toggleable switch where you make smart ai where like the air is like you know what maybe i'm not gonna run off the side of uh the buildings and i'm not gonna just fall into the great abyss to my own death that would be pretty cool i would really like it for situations like this my goodness you think we're ever gonna get a tabs too or is it if if land falls like you know we've developed tabs for like five or six years we're getting tired of it just like this guy who's getting tired of this map he's like see you later nerds bro i don't know if you get a respawn man oh oh this is bad there's not too many defenders these guys are getting flanked on both sides i think it's safe to say that we need something a little bit different to survive this and i think i think i've got an idea all right we're gonna go to the dynasty faction and we are gonna get some serious firepower in the form of watches one thing that's annoying is like you can't just like see behind this very easily you gotta scroll in here and like oh yeah there you go there's a whole watcher there gregory my name's not gregory who watches in slow motion against mass units tell me if there's something more interesting to see in slow motion now if you could make these watches like multiple bazookas oh there we go they all fired in unison look at this and the rockets red glare zombies flying in air gave proof through the people that tabs was pretty dang cool there you go that's my that's my song uh i'm putting up on spotify so if you could like and subscribe to my myspace page that'd be really sweet all right um i think we've wiped out more what it's holding on for dear life like hey man i got it oh wait wait wait wait why are you firing straight up oh because you're dumb too what is with these tabs units cannot hang with this level man what was supposed to be a savior of humanity is just turning out to be an absolute chamachery that's a sham and a mockery right now the watches are kind of creating like obstacles in a way the sound effects are absolutely silly whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa these guys just teleported out of nowhere this is the point where we've played tabs for long enough in the episode to where like we start to break the game now we only have one hija left and one sniper but the sniper's gonna have you're gonna oh my gosh you're getting ready to finally fire this alright what we need to do is this guy needs to go this way it's called a tactic oh we have a few soldiers alive on this right side and one's like i don't want to get bit i'm giving up and this guy just died okay i don't know how but he did watches you guys are you guys might be the worst duo ever it's like when you're playing a game and like your friends like and you're both trying to score a goal or get a kill and you just stumble over each other and you end up losing that's what just happened here this has been tabs zombies versus the vietnam era factions and honestly i need like a nuclear weapon of some kind this is not gonna work out well but we're doing it anyway shotgunners we haven't tried them really and we just added a ton of bazookas in this front line so let's see what happens here oh my gosh collateral shots oh there we go epic explosions people from both factions factions firing and flying all over the place it's getting crazy you can't even see anything there's so much smoke so can this many bazookas survive against the zombie apocalypse i i the answer has to be yes right but they all fired at the same time what just happened the entire formation collapsed i swear to god if you guys can't win this actually there's there's not a whole lot on this side what about the other side oh yeah there's a big army over there oh and here come the shotgunners man firing like multiple bullets at once it doesn't look like it's enough to kill them but it does kind of stun them and push them back and eventually it does kill him and that stalls them long enough for the bazookas to make some pretty big impacts oh okay yeah a little bit of a friendly fire bumps there but they were able to pull it out again i don't know i don't know it without mass numbers they were not able to defeat the zombies so pull the trigger like button if you did enjoy this episode of tabs and leave your ideas for the next video below and i will see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,023,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, TABS, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate, battle, simulator, funny, new, zombies, vs, giant battle, huge battle, war, war battle, battle line, zombie vs soldiers, vietnam soldiers, vietnam zombies
Id: ZVbLxb0WDJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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