Escape the Trunk Challenge! *COPS CALLED*

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she meant to get out the cops just came to my house fulfilled my destruction [Music] [Music] 20 minutes later I used trunk I'm tied up really bright well this is great fantastic I've loved it so right well you don't first I'm gonna try and get my hands on those real blanket fruit well there's two chains there's a cheap watch in there all the escape artists so good luck to them all right somehow I need to flip myself over this lamp is very annoying Oh so I noticed this this note here I'm not crazy stop look at this so I guess it's just a amazing we have to mark the mark it up alright guys this is the maze yes we're just gonna mark it up and see what happens we have the mace here and there's a bunch of numbers and then if you look over here there's chains with locks on them that also have numbers so maybe if I'm seeing this correctly each number we get to is the first number so we have seven let's write that down we're gonna draw up to six here three is not gonna be the right way so we gotta go to five all right so it looks like we can go two ways we can go to nine or anything can go down nope it's gonna be nine we got that so far so now we're just gonna carry on from the nine or sticking feels like he's just driving me around it's our goals let's start from the finish let's go backwards so if we're starting from the finish go all along here too you don't find a clipboard you can at least admit the clipboard so he's easier to write gonna start from Jill we can go to the zero to zero carry on one is also at that end so we go to eight and then eight goes to the the floor yep four alright so we have seven six five nine budget I figure out which one we're selling this one seven six we're getting there baby eight nine no that's the wrong one seven six ow my head hurts you know he couldn't give me a pillow or something some neck support would be nice that wasn't it either my pet go like flipping lost the pen I'm gonna realize this this thing here so we have seven come down to four go up to eight two zero seven eight four zero seven eight point zero eight all right so it's on seven going up to eight four zero well it did climb around and try for the other one seven eight or several what the flip that's not it either we play seven eight four zero nine seven four eight zero that's not the right log whoa boom baby we're doing it look for more clues oh there's a little confirming here oh it's a black light this is our black light no not really seeing much we're looking oh do you guys see that nine six four two all righty here we go Oh will be my seconds this is it it's actually very hot so I'm gonna try to attempt to take off my jacket oh I get it the chains were attached to to the trunk oh so that means once we get the feet off once I get the rope off my feet and for a one hour later [Music] where am i light a trunk oh there's a light here that's great I gotta get out of this tape whoa slow down bro are you taking me I have to pee can you let me pee okay I need to get out of this state there's a GoPro right here all all up Chung's they have a safety lever on the inside to let people get out so people can't kidnap you but someone chained the trunk closed and there's a rope on the other side okay it's just gonna get these Wow do this is pulling my hair I'm almost free oh my hair yes I got one okay we're good I got out of the tape all right so we got a chain here there's the four code combination on this lock on the other side we have a rope so I need to figure out how to cut this or untie it or something okay oh I found something there's a piece of paper okay let's read this here's the note it says hi Dingle Bros hey they misspelled our name I've been planning this for three years after I've completed my plan I will celebrate by eating five whole pizzas what kind of celebration is that in your five bedroom house you're gonna celebrate in my own house I'm not crazy stop calling me crazy I'm not you only have a few minutes left probably about three miles to go have fun muhahaha it sincerely me who's me all right well I better try and get out there I can see this opening Straker don't see anything in there there's another opening right here it looks like this mat opens up Oh what is this a bone you got it phone so let's see if we can call someone you'd call the cops or my mom oh shoot they've disabled calling okay so there's a notepad look at this the background it has Morse code lettering on it there's a voice memos app on here good luck with the this is a Morse code hey whoa slow down we'll be puffing for this road okay so I guess I gotta figure out this Morse code how am I supposed to do this okay let me study this Morse code alphabet real quick all right so there's darts and dashes dude I don't know how to do this doo doo doo doo doo doo doo oh there's five there's five long holds and then five dots okay so I think it's actually zero and then five if any of you guys know Morse code you're probably like wow this guy's dumb but let me know if you know Morse code down in the comment section all right let's go to the next coach I have zero five okay so I think the next one is a one because it goes a quick dot and then four dashes I think we need four numbers oh I see so it kind of repeats the first number and then there's a long pause like it repeats it a couple of times see now there's a pause okay now it's on to the next number it goes do - beep-beep-beep and then it goes bbbbb so I think that's two five so the code is zero five one five two five so I mean this has four numbers and I have six so this these numbers might be for something else okay after I look around for some other stuff okay so we gotta look faster I'm gonna try and look in here or something okay I need it somehow I needed some how to turn around it's working still have to pee can you let me pee let's look in here well do that goes really far down okay there's nothing over there dude I'm too big for this drunk whoa what is that oh we got something I found something okay I got something scissors there's a padlock Oh padlocks have three digit codes so the first code was 515 and then and on 25 oh my gosh I'm gonna cut the rope come on maybe you should just cut once a couple strands at a time oh nice we got it okay we got one side free now we just have to get this other one really gonna cut around here somewhere four-digit code that's what we're looking for see anything else on this paper Oh five whole pizzas oh I figured out I figured out it does I've been planning this for three years okay so first ones three out I'm gonna turn back around first number is three then it says I will celebrate by eating five whole pizzas okay so the next code is five in your five bedroom house okay let's try five here I'm not crazy stop calling me crazy I'm not you only have a few minutes left probably about three minutes so the last numbers three light fell there we go we got it I think now we can open the trunk hope this works let's talk I'm gonna have to get out of a movie car here we go oh no I gotta get out of here well Guys looks like I completed the challenge I escaped the chunk who was that guy the challenge I know you're getting punished mate what are you gonna do to me Chris was able to get away so you guys are nuts I'm not really an evil guy so nice come close gosh are you are you fading into the nether why are you coming and helping me when you just killed me oh yeah am I'm also one of them maybe I should shoot myself anyways Chris did it win this challenge Robert did lose so that hurt a little bit [Music] [Applause] she lets get out hi all right yeah please do cooperate nothing serious [ __ ] my brother I'm sure he's seen much I've seen a lot worse you know you don't know she just said they've got somebody tied in the trunk yeah well it's good that you're checking well we're cancelling the challenge for now we have to go somewhere else because the cops are probably coming shoot we had to adjust something because Rob he dropped the key to where he couldn't get it at all so we open the trunk and a bus comes by and the lady and you guys saw it was like like super size which I understand if I saw some dudes with some dude tied up in the back of a thing I'd be suspicious too and then apparently she was calling the sheriff and took our picture so we're gonna drive it canceled this is we're gonna cancel the shoot for now I don't think it's safe to try it again because they're gonna be looking for this vehicle so they even called what she's saying she was thinking that we were kidnapping someone and she didn't believe me she usually it's really suspicious and so she's like I'm taking your plates and I'm gonna call the sheriff's do I look like your kids effort to you Wow do I look I don't work or neither what do we do or videos ruin we go back at this car we're gonna get pulled over and take into the jail okay so the cops just came to my house I looked down the street two cop cars are coming I walked over to the street I was like I know you got a call about us dude there's two cop cars and there's like three more rollin up and I'm like oh my gosh they were totally cool they asked us what our youtube channel was after I explained what happened and so they're gonna watch our videos stay tuned to the challenge and it's totally gonna happen in about 3 2 1 well we should hope you enjoyed this video click here for the previous video click the other YouTube recommends to you pick the mill subscribe
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,737,673
Rating: 4.914886 out of 5
Keywords: escape the trunk challenge, cops called, cops, police, escape, survive, survival, funny, comedy, dangie bros, car
Id: w5RUYKC_Zqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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