Zoë Kravitz Gets Trippy While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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all right mister just make me want to like okay it's that part of the trip you know yes exactly truly this is the door we are like okay okay I'm in this now hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by zoe kravitz she's an actress model and musician you know from projects like Mad Max fury road in HBO's big little lies she also stars in high fidelity a new series from Hulu which is set to release on Valentine's Day that's February 14th zoe kravitz welcome to the show thank you for having me how are you around spicy food how you feeling going into this I love spice I love spice a lot but I am scared right now [Music] mm-hmm oh okay so as we mentioned you have a new comedy show on Hulu high-fidelity where you play this record shop owner who is preoccupied with past breakups mhm I know that you're a self-described music nerd what is the proper way to sort records is it alphabetical chronological or autobiographical I mean autobiographical is pretty dope it's also like slightly psychotic but probably the most interesting way because you have to remember where they came from where you were in your life I am NOT able to do this by the way but I think it's a really cool thing if you can pull it off have you ever given any thought to that great high fidelity quote what came first the music or the misery have you ever given any thought to whether or not we're miserable so we listen to pop music or we're miserable because we listen to pop music I think it's a chicken or the egg situation man I really don't think there's a proper answer I think it's like a vicious cycle Oh a sweet [Music] got a kick though I'm [ __ ] scared right now bro one of the many amazing videos on your Instagram is one where you're dancing and singing along blasting R&B and eating a burrito yes as someone who actually grew up on a vegan diet are we living in like a golden age of veganism or is it kind of becoming a parody of itself it's a good question so I did grow up vegan I'm not vegan anymore I'm trying to be better for the environment people assume that I'm vegan because I don't know they think I'm like a hippie or something so I think I kind of rebelled against that I mean I do wish there was like a world where vegans didn't have to if you go to Cafe Gratitude or something which has delicious food I don't want to be asked the question of the day I just don't want that I want right it just give me food if you like look at places like by Chloe or whatever there's this whole windfall of like vegan offerings or it could be like sloppy joes or mac and cheese or like there's that impossible burger yeah right so it's like this whole new thing where it's like maybe it's not like a health choice necessarily or an environmental choice necessarily like there's ten thousand different reasons to go there I feel like we should open like like I want to go to like a dirty fast food vegan restaurant like just ugly fluorescent lighting dirty I don't want any [ __ ] wind chimes you know what I mean like I feel like people should be able to just have like the McDonald's experience with vegan food and I think that's right around the corner we could make it happen speaking of right around the corner okay [Music] it's chill what you're scaring me I feel like it's about to become not chill so I suppose the people would feel short-changed if we didn't take a moment to discuss big little lies is the Monterey five group chat still active it is yeah it's so girly but I feel like there's a lot of like I love you guys with lots of hearts whatever happened to that deleted scene in season two where Reese Witherspoon nice name supposed to throw ice cream at a Meryl Streep I don't know I don't know why they cut it it was such a bummer because obviously the world needs to see that right I feel like we should somehow release that to the world I don't know why it was taken out but um just knowing that Reese threw ice cream at Meryl is good enough I think what are the mechanics of all those sunset scenes because it seems like production nothing stresses him out quite like that ticking of natural light it's a good question you know it's funny there never was that feeling of we're running out of light we're freaking out especially in season one and John Mark who really established the natural light look he was just very he would always just figure it out he was always the kind of person that would you know if if there's no light we'll use the light from the car that's in the parking lot in the background he's super creative so yeah there was never that feeling of we're running out of time actually and then finally costume designer Alex Friedberg described your season one style as NorCal bohemian and then your season two look is careless shapeless and depressed clothes are a huge part of getting into character I've had certain characters where I couldn't I didn't really feel like that person and it's like and I put on those clothes I felt like oh okay I feel it now I think that's why I love fashion so much I mean it's it's self-expression right so how does this person walk and talk is it's all connected to clothing in a way [Music] I like this one it's just grand I just like the flavor how do you feel about this I like this one I'm wondering if they were if they were swapped am i right Chris I think it's like this Oh have you tried them you're right cuz this is that color classic hot ones production mix-up I should mention this is our first shoot of season 11 I don't know where it's going in the order but we got it we got to tighten up guys we got to tighten up mmm that's dope that's awesome so as I understand it you've lived in Williamsburg for ten years and over that decade it's had a complete transformation what is one thing that outsiders get wrong about Williamsburg and then what's one stereotype that is absolutely right I guess a lot of people think it's douche Ville USA that's true the thing that people get wrong is that I guess douche Ville USA is actually kind of a nice place to live out of curiosity have you ever been to that hot sauce store Heat nest I wife and they passed it I've passed it and definitely gets my attention and there's something about it that makes me think it's to Williamsburg I can't go inside I can't make myself go inside I'm like of course there's like a [ __ ] hot sauce store here what neighborhood do you think has more influence on style in 2020 Williamsburg or Calabasas huh Calabasas because those people have more followers which is the better city to be a musician LA or New York New York if you could import one la institution to Brooklyn what would it be [Music] sushi Park sushi Park you're heard it here first are you ready to move on down the line yeah zoe kravitz all right so this one is the Loews calientes Rojo [Music] other than who so we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that Graham where we have our guests explain some of the deep dive pictures on their Instagram but I want to start with your bio which is try not to be an [ __ ] since 1988 mm-hmm how's that going for you it's like a day-by-day thing yeah I mean I think like most people I can be kind of an [ __ ] sometimes you know social media people often try to appear perfect and I guess that's me saying I'm not perfect in fact I'm a little bit of an [ __ ] but I'm trying not to be and that's kind of the journey of life and that's what's important all right on to the pictures Zoe here you are with an owl on your head is not one of those owl cafe it is indeed I went to Japan I heard about these al cafes and I was fascinated and shit's crazy man you like sit there and they give you tea and then they they just put the Owls on you in different places and it's it's an owl cafe it's weird I've always understood owls to be like semi dangerous birds of prey they probably could scratch their [ __ ] the claws on that thing I looked pretty chill but I was not chill I was freaking out a little bit in that picture all right this next picture feels like it could use some explanation so when I was a kid I was really Spears fanatic for obvious reasons and my father was really good is really good friends with Mark Seliger the photographer who took this photo and he came into town and surprised me and brought me to the photo shoot to me Brittany and the oops I did it again cover shoot yeah it's [ __ ] iconic and then finally we have one more for you haters will say it's photoshopped okay so when we were shooting season 2 we were in Monterey and we had a Midway party where we went bowling and I went to go get chili nandai more beer and then I guess they took the photo while I was gone and then this photo got posted on Instagram and went totally viral and I was like [ __ ] man you go to the bar for five minutes and they cut you out of the pan the photo so then um yeah I photoshopped myself into the photo cuz I'm I'm a loser who's the best bowler in this group maybe Rhys not Nicole Meryl was pretty good but [ __ ] Matt Merrill's good at everything it's upsetting I think she whenever she got a gutter we were all like yes because it was so nice to see her not like get an award for best bowler or something [Music] who's it creeping for you it's creeping for me I'm scared and how chill I feel right now I feel like I'm gonna die Karma's gonna [ __ ] me up on the second half of him despite you and your family being considered the paradigm of cool across generations I've heard you say that you relate more to being a nerd or like a goofball do you think that it's maybe impossible for anyone to think of their parents as being cool no matter what the outside world thinks of them I think when you're younger yes now I think my parents are very cool for probably different reasons that the rest of the world does but um yeah as a kid there's just there's just no way you cannot win I mean my father would do cool things like bring me to you know see Britney Spears but I was probably like tad take off the netted shirt man like what are you doing you know a lot of times I think people rebelled because their parents are so categorically uncool uh-huh do you think that maybe there's a part of you that would rebel because they were too cool I mean I used to joke about being a lawyer I didn't get tattoos for till I was 19 or 20 that was rebellion right cuz you almost want to go the opposite direction you can't get a tattoo and it won't piss them off it'd be like oh cool would you go to what you get you know it's like there's nowhere to go you know what I think this is like I was looking I was like I have three laughs but there's four sauces it's Dave I feel like this show is like doing drugs with somebody right it's like a psychedelic experience but also in the way where you sit down with someone and you know you're about to go through something together right and you're kind of talking each other through it I'm like a shaman yes you're spicy food trip here all right all right this one stargazer speaking of trippy all right vegan winds are very spongy but they're chewy [ __ ] mm-hmm so we had Shia LaBeouf on the show who he gave us some advice for finding the right kind of vintage tea unpredictably he said that the key is to look for shape that's true like some t-shirts are too boxy it's usually how they fit in the armpit I feel like you want them to be slimming I go to thrift stores it's a really cool place here in LA called um filth mark that's really cool and nowadays you can look on Instagram too and if there's something that I want specifically I'll start looking at eBay and [ __ ] so I'm surrounded by sneaker obsessives quite a bit in my life and all of them seem to really respect the loyalty that you have to Sambas really yeah that's funny so I'm so not a sneaker head so I have like one pair of shoe I think I'm wearing the same thing I think I have one pair and I just continue to wear them but I think super fancy sneakers are too they're just like too much going on Sambas are classic they blend into your outfit and wear a lot of Dickies I feel like they look good with Dickies the fashion sites there's tons of them that are just line dedicated to the style evolution of zoe kravitz so if you'll humor me oh no what I want to do know show you some throwbacks and I'm just wondering how they hit your eyes now in 2020 okay so here you are 1997 MTV Movie Awards literally wearing the jacket I'm wearing right now literally no but could be also maybe it looks like a Ring Pop oh my god is it maybe I don't know oh look at my toes I'm I was cool this is a cool outfit I would wear this outfit right now let me show you another one here you are this looks like 2002 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show like why are you bringing your kid to that um Oh God do you remember that look yeah this is bummer this is a bummer I was a victim to the Kangol hat which is something that only samuel l.jackson should wear no one else except for you heard it here samuel l.jackson just wear this hat oh I'm okay I have a bag made out of candy wrappers or something look man I was confused this is a confusing time but also what's my dad wearing also let's see that could have been a good wing that could have been a good game what is my dad wearing with this one where do you stand on vests now oh no you're bullish who are you what are you doing go home where are your friends why didn't they tell you alright zoe kravitz that's why just can I just sure you can keep them it was totally up to you this next one is to bomb beyond insanity sky my friend's guy right look at her scared happy yes I brought my best friend in the world sky who I've literally known since I was she was there when I was born she was in the room when I was born because her father and my father are old friends and she's six months older than me so she was in the room so we are lifelong friends and she's obsessed with the show she's the reason I wanted to do this show thanks for the referral sky skies loser [ __ ] and she was hyped for da bomb yes she's just like you're gonna try to bomb good so this guy this is this is for you [Music] I just don't like the way this tastes right well this about to [ __ ] me oh I see you I see you alright this is just make me want to like okay it's that part of the trip you know yes exactly truly this is the part we are like okay okay I'm in this now I don't know what specific drug that was well speaking of that's such a poetic segue cuz in your years of going to Burning Man I'm curious what's the craziest thing you've ever seen when we had Cara Delevingne on the show she said that she saw two people having sex what wasn't sure if it was an art user is gnarly [ __ ] just give me a minute I want to make sure like absorb it experience it I am and this is totally be careful around your eyes don't touch your eyes yes this guy told me that she credits this is also the part in the show we're like you guys do that thing to my voice where it's like echoey and [ __ ] there was one time where it was like 7:00 in the morning and we hadn't gone to sleep yet and then all of a sudden a hot-air balloon came down and these people jumped out and I think they handed us like grilled cheese sandwiches or something and Wow joke because we were so hungry and hungover and you're sure about Burning Man is that you get what you need magically give any thoughts on like Mark Zuckerberg helicoptering and a Black Rock City or like Jeff Bezos bring in private chefs and stuff like do Instagram influencers and like tech tycoons and they kind of like threatening the spirit of Burning Man yeah I mean when I first went there was no cell phone service no one had that you know we didn't have iPhones so there was it was a really safe space so you could walk around half naked on acid and it was fine I wouldn't do that now personally because I would be scared someone who's taking a you know a picture or something which is a bummer and then there's also just like this communal feeling you know there's these things called art cars and you can jump on and jump off and anyone can jump on and jump off and I remember going a few years ago and a few friends of mine jumped on a car and some girls were like this is private actually and we were like this that's not how this works [ __ ] like what are you doing you know I'm happy that powerful people with money and influence are choosing to hopefully expand their minds I think that's cool but I think if you're gonna go to something like that you should try and honor what it's about and again if you're gonna bring a five-star chef do it but give food to whoever wants it hey that's what I'm saying all right the Zoe all right onda nobody's running me too you and I both the whale maker can kill her husband's mateship my taste buds are dead from the bump yeah as someone who's met prince open from Miley Cyrus and been in a jay-z video do you have a most cherished musical memory in your life yeah hanging out with Prince was always hanging out with Prince yeah for someone to say yes and then him performing too he would have these parties he performed downstairs and yeah it's a house at his house it's nuts and then they give you pancakes it's true it's like the rumors were true you went to a prince house concert and got pancakes yes and it starts at midnight excuse me it starts at midnight and then Prince performs and then they give you pancakes it's like that is Disneyland that's what Disneyland should really be which is a more intense fan base Harry Potter fans are x-men fans Batman fans you're feeling that already I'm feeling the heat no pun intended yeah have you gotten a chance to try on the Catwoman suit yeah I have it's cool it's really cool the last day this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing right you don't have to if you don't want to dude I haven't even drank water yet I'm me I'm a year I'm ready I am very humbled that's good that's good all right oh you sound concerned for me are you concerned sweet Cheers not uh not not uh not miss no drink no water no milk no beer zoe kravitz I'm not worried about you this is so good a [ __ ] me up after you said that all right zoe kravitz here we are at the summit of Mount Scoville all the way down the hot ones gauntlet and we've touched on a lot of things that are special and important to zoe kravitz but one thing we haven't talked about is your love of friends I know that you spend many a late night binge with friends so now that your brain is on fire hot sauce circulating through your veins I'm gonna hit you with a quick friends quiz you just put together by none other than fellow friends superfan Dominique burrows and hot ones producer over there okay all right what is the Joey special the Joey Jew pizzas ding ding ding ding doesn't even have to give the multiple choice how did Monica and Ross's routine originally end they did this on the New Year's Eve special right yeah Monica holding Ross Monica catching Roger correct okay one more for you what high school did Rachel Ross and Monica attend Lincoln the answer is late and look at you zoe kravitz knocking down friends trivia taken down super spicy vegan wings and not even a drop of milk water or beer to show for it and now zoe kravitz there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you my friend okay this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in you everybody you know I have a show up called high fidelity do I look at all of them you know it's a it's a choose-your-own-adventure okay okay what's up I have a show called height called high fidelity on Hulu it's out February 14th which is Valentine's Day I feel good Cheers here's my friend [Music] alright guys trying alright so I'm joined today at the table with sky who very thankfully referred Zoi to the show without sky perhaps none of this is even possible and you know after she's done such a great thing for us we decided hey we got to return the favor and the way that we did that is by soaking a vegan wing and a bomb and now sky is going to live the show well this is a big all right I'm just gonna don't be scared okay go in you're here alright sky do you remember how you discovered oh you taught me wow this is a kid you can wash and wise [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans and as you know you can catch me every Thursday in this little black box interviewing celebrities but what if I told you that there was a show that actually had a decent set where we fed even hotter wings to civilians while asking them trivia questions well guess what my friend that show exists and it's called hot ones the game show hot ones the game show on truTV check your local listings we'll see you in the peppered Oh [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 4,952,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, hot ones zoe kravitz, zoe kravitz hot sauce, zoe kravitz, zoe kravitz hot wings, zoe kravitz spicy wings, sean evans zoe kravitz, sean evans hot ones, hot ones season 11, the last dab, hot ones hot sauce, zoe kravitz first we feast
Id: qUwOJ5Z1C6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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