Zoë Kravitz's Guide to Summertime Skin Care and Makeup | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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hi this is zoe kravitz and today we're gonna do some stuff to my face i'm gonna wash my face with this rhonda allison pumpkin cleanser it smells like christmas so i just wet my hands got it nice and frothy i have always been super into skin care because my mother is both my parents are really but um my mom was always like really into products organic products facials taking care of your skin and you know i really think that beauty really starts from within from your health your gut your beauty routine your skin routine being hydrated and then you don't have to use makeup to like cover yourself up you can use it to highlight when it washes off and now my face is nice and clean i'm going to use this retrovey serum really just lovely they i love all their products but in the summer time the serum is just really nice and light okay here we go my parents are both you know they're both in the entertainment industry and want to look and feel good i think they really always wanted me to like take care of myself and take care of my skin and make sure i am aware of like the ingredients that are in the products i'm using and stuff like that and my mom and i are constantly like sending each other things that we like so now i'm gonna use this totally mist it's good to keep your skin hydrated in between serums and stuff and it has like a really nice minty fresh feeling okay it's summer time it's hot outside we're gonna use some spf because it's important to take care of our skin um so this company ison is fantastic and i love this sun butter you can use it on your body and your face i'm really into smells i'm like a really sensitive person to smells and when something smells yummy it makes me like it a lot so this smells kind of like peanut buttery happiness i don't know but it's really really delicious little goes a long way and especially with spf it's like can be hard to blend in light layer i have not always worn spf it's something actually i'm like just becoming strict about i have freckles which i love but um i'm getting more and more and i just want to make sure i'm like not damaging my skin and um you know i live in new york and i walk outside all day and like all of a sudden you realize you've been like basically baking in the sun for like 12 hours but it's important that we protect our skin i really think wellness starts with like diet exercise hydration i try and drink a lot of water it's easy to forget to do that too and i think it's all about balance right i think it's about like joy and happiness and laughter like i really think that affects the way you look and feel i love to steam too i love to like sweat things out i think it's good to like keep the body moving like that so speaking of like internal wellness um me and my mother every year we try and do the dr schultz 30-day cleanse together it's a 30-day cleanse that focuses on all your different organs so your bowel your liver your kidney gallbladder and then bowel again and it's just a nice thing to like kind of reset your body every year and if you don't do that cleanse it's it's fun i just think like taking like a week of eating like raw natural foods is like a great way to just kind of like let your body relax because it's constantly working to process everything that we're putting in it so it's nice to like basically give your guts a vacation so eye cream we love eye cream because we love our eyes and the skin under our eyes it's all thin and delicate so growing up i had acne i had a lot of acne on my forehead and on my cheeks i still break out you know like it happens even if you don't have a lot of makeup on like living in a city like new york it's just there's pollution and in the air so like no matter what time it is and like what my night's been i will wash my face like religiously so in between skin care and makeup i'm gonna put on some deodorant this company milk and honey and i've been on like quite a journey with just natural deodorants in general because a lot of them don't work i don't want to put like aluminum near my lymph nodes and breasts and like really really bad for us so we should be trying to use natural deodorants um and this is one of the first ones that works like truly works lasts all day and smells delicious so i just put a little on my hand and then do this it's gonna rub it on my pits here we go we're gonna start with some fenty primer um shout out to that girl riri because you're just like so cool we don't want to be you especially like after putting lots of serums on and stuff we're nice and dewy which we love there are some slices that we don't want to be doing we have to mat it so i just put a little bit very little especially if you're going to go over it with makeup because it can it can roll now we're going to put on a little concealer i don't um like on a daily basis wear foundation so but it's nice to like balance things out our two chakras i love this stuff because it's light and just kind of brighten things up sometimes a lot comes out just put on your hand [Music] and this is great for like a happy medium of just like covering little spots i started wearing makeup probably when i was 14 15. um my mom always tried to like skip me to not but i i would buy it i also like plucked my eyebrows really really thin when i was 15 and my mom yelled at me god bless her soul and told me if i ever touched my eyebrows again she would she was like i'll be mad and i'm so glad she did because i love my eyebrows and they're nice and thick and they grew back which i'm really lucky i lived in miami for a while and there was like um a very specific trend of like this gel blue liner that all the girls would wear i was like this 15 year old girl with like really tiny eyebrows and like this blue line across my eye and it was it was a look eyebrows we have this ysl couture brow pencil and we're just gonna like fill in the brows i like to start in the middle and not the front um just to like kind of control the shape and you don't want the front to be too heavy i love makeup i love doing it i think it's like a literal art form and like obviously a red lips like people know you're wearing red lips but i just think there's also so many fun little secrets words it's fun that no one can tell you're wearing you know something on your eyes or on your face it's like a little trick i like to trick people so i just think there are different different kinds of makeup and like everyone finds their own style but i do like to try and encourage people and i say this all the time but to enhance the things that you love and not try and like change your face completely or reshape your face completely sometimes it's fun to do that but like everyone is so pretty so now we're gonna do um a little bit of eyeliner i love this eyeliner it's a korean brand i believe it's pronounced chondom and i love it because it's really really thin um so it's just easier to control we're about to embark on a journey together i don't go all the way across i like to start like about here and then i i usually like that's what i do i like literally wipe it with my finger which kind of gives it like a sharper edge so if we're doing like a more cat eye liner i like it kind of fresh but if you're doing like inside the waterline i think that always looks good like the next day oh that looks nice because it's like smudges down a little bit like i like it even when it comes down a little bit i think it feels a little bit more natural when it's not like super pointy and going up too much like i basically want to make my eyes look like bigger and open them up we're going to use this sun kissed nudestix and it's a nice creamy texture i don't know why but i tend to like put everything on my hand first just like just so that you make sure it's not too much you can control it you want to smile you want to smile like this and put a little um on your cheeks you can also pat a little on your eye i actually really like it when the eyelids are the same color as the cheeks because it just feels like a natural consistent like this is the color of my face but it does feel like just kind of like a natural blushy feel um and i also obviously brushes are a thing but i tend to do makeup with my fingers we're gonna do a little highlighter we're gonna use this incredible pat mcgrath i love you pat um highlighter and so we're just gonna put a little on the cheekbone so um and a little extra is i like to put a little bit of the highlighter just in the corners something i love about this is it has like a balm on the other side so it's just nice to like go over the highlighter with the balm like blends it and like it makes it look less dry and actually adds to the highlight effect um i'm also going to put a little more of this fenty mattifier here again and you know i just think like this kind of everyday no makeup makeup is something i do a lot because of my job too like i play a lot of women who don't wear makeup but it's obviously still nice to like feel pretty so like in high fidelity and big little lies my incredible makeup artist she's just so good at um the no makeup makeup which is nice because it feels you know more truthful to the character and yet you can still look like a little something so that's also like the reason why i felt i've fallen in love with this style of makeup honestly sometimes like on the little lies i would get jealous because like reese and nicole and like shay didn't wear her image but laura they all like look so like fabulous all the time so now we're gonna do lips i'm going to start with a lip liner this is a marc jacobs lip liner my technique for liner is just like to go pretty soft and like slowly build as opposed to like lip liner and lipstick i think it's like a better thing to like build because i really like a pouty lip you want to kind of make your lips look a little bigger i would go lower here as opposed to like above here you bring it up a little and do like this inside your lip i and i like to like blurt out a little bit because again i don't like like a harsh lines so we're going to use the slim radical matte lipstick because we're doing again like an everyday thing we're going to go for like a pinky pretty lip again we're just going to kind of like pat i'm pretty good at doing makeup and transit just because i don't know in new york like done makeup like on the stoops and like a lot of dimly lit bathrooms you can go back over with like we're gonna use a little coconut oil and i like to put it in my hair plus black girls should keep our hair hydrated and um i also just use this like literally all over my body so i'm like my hair journey has been like quite the hair journey and i think probably a lot of um brown girls can identify with that around people um because like we're basically taught to hate our hair i used to relax my hair which is really bad and it would break off and like actually i think it ends up looking like a little funny on me or like and then also like it grows out really quickly and so the braids have been just a really great way to like protect my hair and be able to be playful with it but not put any chemicals in it and then lately for films i've been doing wigs which is great i cornrow my hair put on a wig ba-bam so we're going to finish with the scent because smells very important to me and we are going to use today the new black opium extreme yeah um i just sprayed it directly on usually i'll do like this baby you know honestly i like it's on my wrist now i'm just gonna like put it in my hair we look good we feel good we smell good thank you guys so much for watching my face and beauty routine and have a good day bye
Channel: Vogue
Views: 5,082,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beauty, beauty secrets, celebrity skin care, how to, skin care routine, skin care zoë kravitz, skin routine, vogue, vogue beauty secrets, zoe kravitz, zoë kravitz beauty secrets, zoë kravitz gets ready, zoë kravitz getting ready, zoë kravitz interview, zoë kravitz makeup, zoë kravitz makeup routine, zoë kravitz skin, zoë kravitz skin care, zoë kravitz skin care routine, zoë kravitz skin routine, zoë kravitz vogue, zoë kravitz vogue interview
Id: L0tTTU7lwg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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