The One Time I Accidentally Tried Meth | DONNIE DID

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What a fucking story. The fact that his friend just fainted and he didn't notice for hours...lmfao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/3RunRickyRun4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t believe people are out here experiencing life like this while I literally get hungover anxiety if I’m rude to my Uber driver on my drunk ride home...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/snowe99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a recovering tweaker, I agree with his advice.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lennobowski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wonder if more Barstool Gold content be eventually posted publicly?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BSCommenter2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jesus I’m so anxious just hearing this story. Donnie is an absolute wild man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lilj8732 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Donnie is king. Now he’s gotta get the anus boy to do meth in the next rediscovering America.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Timmy2Timezzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Then I woke up, and was surrounded by chickens. Lmao the wonton is a legend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlappinJacks486 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have you really lived if you haven’t tried meth

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superman1251 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey how are you i'm here with john from food fight studios uh it's an animation studio and they take podcasts and stories and turn them into short mini cartoons so i've got some solid stories today that i think could uh lead to some great cartoons which uh he'll be doing for me the best thing about what we do is we bring stories to life there's no better stories than this guy and that's what we really want to work with and we work with a lot of people like gary vaynerchuk uh we've done tony robbins family james altitude i heart radio jesse itzler we've done coolio like all these different types of animations nice i'm looking forward to these freaking stories man they're funny if you have the flow now let's just jump into that story we have a story okay yeah yeah i'm sure a lot of you have heard the smash hit yabba that i've performed with francis a few times headed out the restaurant to take a little stroll i was walking way too [ __ ] fast i mean i was on a roll i asked this aussie bro why do i have a little pep in my step he said because you just took yabba and that's another word for meth crystal meth now yabba yabba yabba yabba yabba it's about my time accidentally trying crystal meth i would i would never do that on purpose today i thought i would give you like the full unabridged version um and it is a doozy it's it's quite a long story so buckle up my first year in china i was working as a teacher and on christmas break i wanted to go down to southeast asia you know thailand cambodia laos this story takes place in laos which is like right in between cambodia and thailand so i had heard great things about this town there called vang bien heard it had a great backpacker scene it had a cool river with all these bars along it that had like rope swings and water slides so i wanted to go there and when we arrived i got off the bus and i realized that someone had stolen my camera now this was back when i didn't have a smartphone i had one of those like crappy nokias that i didn't have a camera so i was pissed that camera was the only way i was going to be able to document my my journey to get my mind off it i was like let's hit up a bar now as it turns out the bars there were selling these things called happy pizzas which were like weed pizzas and they also had shroom pizzas and i was like let's go i don't want to think about the fact i just lost my camera so i crushed like a happy pizza and a shroom pizza and yeah after an hour i was i was on cloud nine i was i was feeling great so i was like let's go to this river i've heard about and it's this river right outside of town and along it there's just all these bars that have like rope swings water slides trampolines i was in heaven it was so much fun so you just rent a tube and you float down the river and you stop at these bars you grab a drink you go off the rope swing the water slide and i was having a blast the shrooms were kicking in we finally come across this bar that has a giant trampoline in front of it which is in the river um and uh around the trampoline they have one of those black safety nets which i'm sure you've seen it's kind of just like this vertical cage thing that that goes up around it and i was jumping up and down having the time of my life and i got the idea i was like oh you know what i should try to free willy it you know i'm gonna pull a free willy so i got a really big bounce and i jumped over the safety net into the water uh i just cleared it and dove straight down turned out the river was only about like three feet deep so i just hammered the rocks on the bottom and i was banged up i was kind of like bleeding a little bit uh from the head and was mainly just like bleeding from the back and i kind of like crawl out and i'm just a mess everyone's like holy [ __ ] i walk up to the bar and i'm like oh do you do you guys have anything that that can help with me i'm kind of in like a tough situation right now they just hand me a glass of whiskey that's that's that's all that's all they did to help so i just like sit down i start to drink the whiskey uh to help with the pain i didn't get like uh concussion or anything it was just that my back was really banged up and i'm looking around the shrooms have have kicked in at that point i i i actually thought to myself did i just die and now i'm in heaven because i looked around and and i was in paradise you're in this tropical paradise surrounded by everybody having the best time of their life and i i like for like a minute there i thought there was actually a chance that i had just died and was now in heaven um that was the last thing i remember i ended up falling asleep i guess at that bar woke up a couple hours later like everybody's gone and i'm surrounded by chickens so it's just like me sitting there and i'm like oh what okay i got i got to get back to town what the hell is going on i hop in like a taxi back to town and link up with my friend and we're just sharing stories of the previous day i'm happy i'm alive and uh while we're sitting at this restaurant a guy comes up and he's like hey do you guys want niyaba you want niyaba and i have a the mentality where like i'm down to try everything once and yabba sounded cool it sounded exotic and i was like yeah okay i'll try some yabba i had no idea what it was guy comes back um we have these two kind of purple pills they look like they were like handmade or homemade and they were wrapped in a napkin so um we both take one and we we carry on with our dinner a couple beers all of a sudden like i start i start getting amped up i start feeling wired i was like let's go out let's go hit the town check out some of the other bars um so i stand up and just like beeline it out of the bar and walk a block down the road i turn around my friend is nowhere to be found as it turns out my friend had stood up at the bar and immediately fainted and so all the staff just like went to him and like helped him back up to the table brought him some water i end up not seeing him for the next 48 hours so i'm just walking around town just crazy wired i don't know if you guys have ever tried adderall but it was like i had taken 50 adderalls and i'm just like just crushing talking to everybody just moving really fast and there was this australian guy bar and i'm like i feel like really jacked up like i'm not sure i'm not sure what happened like i took this pill called yabba and the australian bro is like oh yeah that's just crystal meth mate i can't do the best accent but yeah he was like yeah that's just meth and i was like oh [ __ ] so this is math like i'd always seen it in tv shows and i've seen like the photos of like before and after people who do meth apparently in germany in world war ii uh hitler would give a lot of his troops meth and that's probably why like the first like couple years of the war they just dominated because when you're on that [ __ ] you don't feel pain you don't get tired you're not hungry you don't need to eat or drink you just go go go go go so um i'm just like wandering around the town hitting up bars at some point i lose my flip-flops and like i didn't even notice and you're walking on these like gravel dirt roads where there's a lot of sharp rocks and stuff and my feet were getting all scraped up i didn't even feel it so i'm i'm i'm out and about and then i'm like all right i need to find my friend and i need to find my guest house this is not a huge town it's actually pretty small but i was just like so [ __ ] up i could not find where we had booked a room and so the first night i'm literally i just wandered that whole night like into the next day i hit up some internet cafes but i never find my guest house by the next afternoon it was like all right i need to like lie down or something like that like my heart's still beating a mile a minute so i just book a new room at this place and um i lie down to take a little nap i wake up like 15 minutes later and the room is starting to fill with smoke as it turned out when i lied down in my bed um i had a cigarette that i thought had been put out it it had not been put out it was still lit and it had lit the pillow on fire so i have like wake up with my pillow on fire and i'm like oh [ __ ] so i i take the pillow and i shove it in the toilet just completely submerge it in the toilet bowl for like a minute and then i take it out and i put it in the sink i'm like it's all good i come back into the bathroom five minutes later the pillow is still on fire i just can't can't put it out i don't know what's going on so i like submerge it again this time for five minutes and i think i finally put it out at this point i'm like i gotta get out of here they're gonna make me like pay a deposit or something like that so i just walk out i think i already had paid a deposit and just had to eat that and still wandering around town no sight of my friend no sight of my guest house so they have these bars there that you go in and they have all these couches and mats where you can lie down and like all these old movies so i just go to one of those places i put in batman forever i remember i'm like you know what i'm just gonna chill here and just watch movies until maybe i find my friend sure enough like four hours later my friend just walks into the same bar and finds me watching batman forever and at that point like dude what happened to you where's the guest house and uh he tells me the story about how he had like fainted like right off the bat and then eventually had just gone back to our guest house which somehow he could find probably because he had the the key which had the address on it at that point i'm finally sobering up and it is sobering up from meth this is not it's not a great time because while i was on it i was just like chewing my cheeks just like the whole time because you're so wired you just like need to be doing something with your mouth i have been chewing my cheeks so when i finally sobered up i realized that my cheeks are all cut up and like for the next few days i couldn't even eat solid food i had to just eat smoothies because it hurt so much to to eat solid food and my feet were all sliced up too and i hadn't felt it at all for the whole 48 hours i was on yabba that next week just not eating solid foods and uh having to walk with a very noticeable limp so kids if you're hearing the story just keep in mind don't do yabba don't do crystal meth it is as bad as they make it look in the movies and like that show breaking bad yeah now you kind of see why those guys were so [ __ ] up um shrooms though yeah sure i highly recommend at least trying shrimps once and that my friends is the story of yabba a crazy story about that place in in bang bien a lot of those bars along the river with all of the rope swings and stuff they they uh are now shut down because for a while there was like you know three tourists usually australian uh backpackers because thailand it's a lot closer to australia than the us so that's where a lot of them go on spring break when they graduate high school and like three of them would die each year just because the river in certain places it's it's shallow and you have all these rope swings and slides and there was one day which i think happened like a month after i was there where like three australians died on the same day in like three separate accidents so then the government was finally like no you have you have to shut this down so now if you go there the town's still there the the shroom bars are still there but they they closed most of those bars and probably for the best
Channel: The Wonton Don
Views: 93,634
Rating: 4.9653563 out of 5
Keywords: donnie, donnie did, donnie does, featured, gold, home, yaba
Id: VNkox14hwOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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