Zero to 60 - Part One - The Filling Station

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[Applause] um [Applause] [Music] uh how about that huh yeah give it up for adam bender so thankful he let us use his car this weekend [Applause] i don't care what you say that's nasty you don't even have to be a car fan like that what's up everybody welcome to part one of this brand new series called zero 260 want to take a second to say hello to all of our church family watching online all the correctional facilities come on church would you help me welcome our church family today great to have you with us go ahead and grab something to take some notes with if you haven't already one of the best ways to do that is to download the itown church app if you haven't and then you can click on this weekend's message we have a fill in the blank version of the notes today and as we kick off this series i want to take just a minute to celebrate all that god did here in our easter services by god's grace we had over 7 700 people attend one of our easter services in person in the room praise god for that over 500 people identified themselves as a first-time guest to our church and 174 people made a decision to follow jesus come on somebody give god praise for that isn't that awesome and so now we're going to do our best job that we possibly can to help you over the next several weeks especially if you're new to following jesus to get the best shot at it we're going to help you understand what it means to be a follower of christ and the power that god has given us to live the life he's called us to live and i'm excited about that as we take this spiritual journey over the next several weeks that's the theme of our church to help you move from where you are to where god has called you to be here's the theme verse for our series ephesians chapter 3 and verse 20 it says glory belongs to god whose power is at work in us man i'm thankful for that aren't you thankful for the power of god that continues to work on our lives whether you've followed jesus for a day or for your entire life his power is still working on us growing us shaping us helping us be who he's called us to be but here's the good part because of that power we can do infinitely more say that with me infinitely more come on say it again he can do infinitely more one more time infinitely more than you and i could ever ask or imagine think about that the potential that god sees in your life is infinitely more than anything you could possibly dream and i'm praying over the next several weeks we make the case from god's word of what that life looks like and that we're able to help you take steps towards living a life that's far beyond anything you ever could have imagined for yourself and of course every week we'll be featuring a different supercar so let's take a minute to talk about the car we wanted to start with a lamborghini because you may not know this but lamborghini actually is credited with having the very first production supercar in 1965 lamborghini made the model called the miura it was the first mid engine v12 mid engine just means the engine sits back here behind the seats and that car went from zero to 60 in a blistering 6.3 seconds now let me put that in perspective for you uh the uh minivan from chrysler the chrysler pacifica goes zero to 60 in 6.5 seconds and so lamborghini made the first minivan that sat two people back in 1965. so if you got a chrysler you could put in sport mode on the way home and drive that lambo baby just run it ragged so this is a lamborghini aventador s comes with just a little over 700 horsepower it'll do over 200 miles an hour and it goes zero to 60 in about 2.7 seconds so this is a beast of a car a supercar of supercars it's very well known of course for what we call the scissor door which is just you can't not look cool when you open that door but you will look like a nerd getting out of this car i can promise you that you just kind of if you're my side you just kind of have to fall out of it i've sat in it my head sticks above the roof so i don't know how nba players own these but it's definitely way too small for tall people the aventador lights up on the side super cool and of course this is in matte black this is a finish from lamborghini this is not a wrap this is an actual paint finish from the factory that's uh of course an upgrade praise the lord for upgrades and uh all of us now want our cars in matte black but they won't look as cool as this one i'm just warning you if you really want to geek out these are 20 inch rims in the front it's a 255 30 20. but in the back that's a 355 355 25 20. for those of you that know tires 355 is wider than most tractor tires that's pretty wide and they do that because they're trying to give you the best traction you can with all that v12 horsepower in the back of the car which i'm sure is very exhilarating to drive and so this is a beautiful beautiful machine with great capabilities but the thing that you have to think about that we don't often process is as beautiful as this car is it is completely worthless without the fuel that powers it every great machine requires power and every great person requires power as well and i want to talk to you about that power today because in acts chapter 1 verse 8 the bible says you'll receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you this is jesus and he said then you'll be able to carry out your mission of being a witness for me in your home city and in the region around you and then to the ends of the earth and so as we begin to follow christ i want you to know the bible says that you have been made new the bible says that the old life you used to have is gone that old rusted out toyota tresell they threw that in the junk heap now you are a lamborghini aventador you have unlimited potential you are a supercar for jesus you have been fearfully and wonderfully made you are god's creation but you'll never go anywhere without the power of the holy spirit to fuel the life that god has called you to live now in the early 1900s they had cars exploding on the scene and they realized they had a little bit of a problem because they didn't have anywhere for people to buy fuel and so they sold it along the side of the road or at the general store and there was no way to tell the purity of the gasoline that you were buying and the thing that's crazy about it is that you would actually buy it by the bucket and so we've got a bucket here to kind of illustrate how ridiculous this was back then so you would have to get your bucket of gas and you don't know exactly how nice it is how pure it is and you would take your lamborghini cap off you know that's pretty sweet i'm just geeking out as a car guy that's pretty awesome my car has a black plastic one so then you put your funnel in there and then let's just be honest this is a lamborghini there's no gas in here okay don't be ridiculous but then you would pick up this bucket of heavy gasoline and you would try and dump it into your car and gas would get all over the place it wasn't very efficient and people would buy gas that wasn't all that pure because they needed a source they needed something to help them fill their cars and so thank god for american entrepreneurship in the early 1900s a few people said why don't we have a place that we can streamline people getting gas and so they started what they called filling stations they said we'll have a place where you can pull in and someone else will pump your gas but you'll be able to buy auto fuel and so now we call them gas stations and thank god for that now we have a gas station five minutes apart just about no matter where you go and you realize as you drive your car it's getting low i need to stop at the filling station and yet most of you don't right some of you play that game with the orange light how many days can i last how long can i go it's like it's like rushing roulette with your car you're just trying to figure out how how long until i have to call somebody because i'm stranded stop it already just get gas all right there's gasoline stations everywhere or maybe you're like me and you're on the way to florida in the family vacation and you finally got everybody asleep and you're making great time and you're at that tipping point about a quarter tank of gas you're like man it's a little risky but i'm feeling good the kids are asleep and you see that last gas station it's beautiful there's nobody there you know it's going to be good it's an easy in and out right off the highway but you're like you know what we're gonna make it it's gonna be fine they're all asleep we'll find another gas station and so you pass it up you know inevitably when you do it's like a spiritual principle the moment you pass the last convenient gas station everyone in the car wakes up they all are hungry they immediately have to pee i gotta go to the bathroom please stop now there's nowhere to stop and then you compound all the screaming crying and needing to pee with the fact that you are now running out of gas and your entire family's going to be stranded on the side of the road left for die left for dead and it's like this bad situation right and we do it because we think i can go a little bit farther i can make it it's going to be fine well the bible says in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 18. don't get drunk with wine that leads to debauchery instead be filled with the spirit now that word filled doesn't mean a one-time feeling it doesn't mean a one-time encounter the greek word fulfilled there means to continuously be filled and so what the bible is saying is if you're going to have the power that you need to fuel the christian life you're going to have to stop on a regular basis and be filled you need a filling station to receive the power of the holy spirit on a daily basis to live the life that god's called you to live and yet how many times as believers do we say it'll be fine i'll just keep on coasting we'll just miss church one more weekend we'll just not worship today i'll just skip my devotions i know it's been a couple of days but it's all right we're gonna make it and then we find ourselves in dangerous situations today i want to help you avoid those situations and more than that to live an overcoming life that god has called you to live through the power of the holy spirit i want to show you the need for us to be filled because you could be a lamborghini aventador but with no gas it doesn't make any difference it doesn't help you get to where god's called you to be you won't live the life that god desires for you to have i want to give you two very simple principles today as we take this journey of faith with god what you're buying into is not religion it's not a set of rules and regulations it's a relationship and so in a relationship one of the first things you're going to have to do to have a healthy relationship with god is to be able to talk to him and so one of the main things the holy spirit impacts jot it down if you're take notes number one is how we hear from god it's how we interact with god and his voice and it's so vitally important that we understand this because most of us for many years even myself included messed this up in john 6 and verse 63 the bible says the spirit gives life that word spirit in the new testament means the breath of god the wind of god the essence of god it represents the power of god and anytime you encounter the spirit it should put wind in your sails it should propel you through life it should lift your spirits and that's one of the reasons why we love having the holy spirit be a part of our weekend services because i believe it's why you feel better after you come when you get out of the other side of one of these services you feel like an overcomer you got a little bit more faith for life you got hope for whatever that is that you're believing for you're energized for the weak well that's not because we did anything it's because the holy spirit was here the spirit gives life and the bible goes on to say the words jesus is speaking here that i have spoken to you are spirit and they are life so what he's saying is this word encapsulates the holy spirit and it brings life into your life so we need to have a way to communicate with god and the holy spirit is one of those main ways that we talk to god and how god begins to speak to us but what we have to understand is that god's word was meant to be alive it was meant to be spirit infused and spirit empowered because it was spirit inspired the bible says that the holy spirit spoke to the men who wrote the bible and caused them to write down what they did right and because he was speaking to us and i didn't understand this principle in the holy spirit's role in the bible for a long time in my life in fact i've been a follower of jesus my whole life and as many of you know but my dad in in our family ministry my dad was in charge of the television side of things and my uncles preached my grandfather preached but my side of the family didn't and so i just always assumed i'd go into that side so after college i wanted to live overseas for a while so i went on staff at a church in the philippines that my grandfather had planted over 50 years ago at the time and i worked there with my cousin and my cousin was the pastor at the time of the church still is to this day and i went because i thought i was going to help with the tv program because that's what i knew and when i got there he said hey it's great to have you you're going to help us with the tv program we're excited about that but you're also going to start a young adults ministry i was like no i'm not he was like yes you are and i said i'm not called to be a pastor he's like yes you are and i was like no i'm not you're not telling me what god's will is for my life and you're not telling me what to do he's like you're going to preach every week and i was like no i'm not he said yes you are and we argued back and forth and i lost so we started this weekly meeting for young adults but i didn't know what i was doing and that to this time the bible really had not come to life for me because i didn't understand the holy spirit's role i just knew that scripture was good so i just packed my messages full of scripture and i would read the whole thing i basically was just reading the bible to people with with no revelation at all so i didn't have any practical application no stories and to tell you was boring it was bad now i'm not saying i'm good i'm not saying what i'm doing here is good but i'm telling you is back then you would have all avoided every service it was awful to the point that a few weeks into it the worship team who would lead worship for our little service came up to me after their worship portion i'm getting ready to preach they're like hey do you mind if we take off you're good right you don't need us for anything else like we're going to go home and be with our families like yeah i get it i know it's bad and so then a few weeks later i then i started getting a complex and a few weeks later i had dwindled the service down to about five or six kids that were left and i looked up in the middle of my message and i was just like reading some passage and i go are you bored and they kind of looked up from their bibles like kind of shocked and and i was like no that's a serious question i'm asking you a question there's only a few of us here are you bored and they were like filipino people are so sweet and so gracious and so honoring that i knew that they were bored but they would never tell me and so i said look i'm boring myself with my own message i'm about to fall asleep and i'm preaching be honest with me are you all bored they were like yeah this is pretty bad i was like okay let's just go have pizza and forget about this whole thing so we went and had pizza and it was the best service we had had today it was amazing we had such a great time so much fun so that week following i reached a breaking point and now i had really god had started to mess with my heart and i was like man i'm really bad at this but i kind of i kind of do feel called to it so i said god if i'm called to this you're going to have to fix me like this or you're not to fix the bible because the bible is really boring and then i look for lightning like can you say that maybe i'm going to hell maybe i shouldn't preach at all i was like you're the by this i'll give you credit there's like five or six really good stories i mean there's some really good ones in there but if i'm going to preach 40 or 50 weekends a year for the rest of my life i'm going to have to really stretch those stories people are going to get really tired of like we're back to this one and so i'm going to need you to help me and so i opened my bible and i said holy spirit you have things in this that i'm not seeing and i pray that you would help me through the eyes of the spirit to see what i can't see bring the word to life and i'm telling you a miracle took place that day that's never stopped i read the bible after that and all of a sudden i started seeing life application i started seeing principles i started seeing things come to life i started seeing stories and i started thinking of people that i could minister to and situations or series that i could create or ways i could communicate it and the by i fell in love with god's word and to this day i'm telling you it is the most amazing book that exists on the planet i love it with all of my heart it's one of the most amazing experiences that you can have in this life but if you don't understand the role of the holy spirit it's going to be one of those things that you just have to do it's going to be another religious obligation and you're gonna fall asleep every time you read it and you're gonna think man it's i don't know why anybody gets anything out of this this book is old it's boring it's confusing and i don't want anything to do with it and that's a religious mindset towards god's word when you allow the holy spirit to come something takes place that's a miracle called revelation and maybe you've experienced it before because god is really good so you'll be reading through the bible and from time to time you'll have a moment where you're like oh look at that i've never seen that before or wow that's really good or man i could believe for that promise that's the holy spirit making the word come to life and you need it in your daily life hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12 says the word of god is living and active that it's sharper than a double-edged sword and that it penetrates dividing soul and spirit joints and matter marrow and it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart now check this out a couple things i want you to see here it's amazing what the word of god does because when you read it it begins to help you decipher things in life the bible says that it divides soul and spirit you know that the soul part of you is your part that's your mind your emotions your willpower all of that is found in your soul but then your spirit is what houses the god part of you that communicates with the lord that's where the holy spirit lives and so sometimes when you're trying to make decisions in life you're not really sure which one is the right decision sometimes it's hard to distinguish between is this god or is this dave am i sick about this because i'm sick about this or am i sick about this because the holy spirit's trying to lead me not to do this is this an opportunity for me am i creating my own peace here because it's what i really want or is this god well sometimes you're confused about it and the only way to bring clarity is to get in the word the word will tell you this is yourself this is god this is what's going on in your emotions and what your mind thinks but this is the lord and also i want you to see that it begins to judge the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart that's vital because the bible tells us in proverbs so what you think in your heart is what you become as a man thinketh so is he guards your thoughts the bible says because it's the wellspring it's everything that flows from your mind and from your heart and life your beliefs determine your behavior that's why god changes you romans says into a new person by changing the way you think that's why the devil attacks you in the thoughts the bible says that we take authority over the strongholds of the devil that's arguments and pretensions that exalt themselves against the knowledge of god so what the devil does here's what happens you get in this spiritual journey and the devil comes along and goes you haven't really been changed or that's not really wrong and did god really say all the things we see with adam and eve and all throughout scripture because he's always trying to subtly shift the truth he's a liar jesus said that he's the author of lies the father of lies every time he speaks he lies and so he comes into your life and he interjects all these lying thoughts well your life would be better if you just stepped into that little bit of sin that compromise won't hurt you that perspective is archaic the bible is outdated in that area and he tries to destabilize us in our thought life which is why culture is trying to convince us that the majority believe something that barely a minority in our culture believe why because they're trying to shift truth to get you to believe something that's not true we need to wake up to it because what they're trying to do is convince you that you've already lost so that you'll never fight the battle you'll never stand up for your morals you never stand up for your values never speak out for what you believe because you're already in the minority and your voice is not worth speaking up nothing can be further from the truth but the devil's trying to mess with our thought life to keep us from living the life god's called us to live so in our thought life the devil is telling us you're just a little toyota trusell you're all rusted out you're all used up nobody could ever love a person like you god could never use a person like you and you're actually a lamborghini aventador driving on the shoulder doing 25 miles an hour when you were made for so much more and so the bible comes along and it takes captive those thoughts and makes them obedient to christ which is truth the bible begins to speak to your life and say that's an improper attitude you need to change that perspective of your leaders or of the people in your life or of your spouse or of your children you need to stop speaking death over your situation you need to start speaking life you need to start standing in faith you need to start finding these promises and your life begins to change because when you read the bible with the power of the holy spirit it reads you it starts to deal with wow that is an improper attitude man that might be a little off track and so you get this communication with god now the problem with the bible if it has a problem is that it doesn't speak to the what it speaks to the how and so the bible will tell you how to be married the bible will tell you how to be a good employee how to be a good leader how to be the right follower of christ but you'll never read your bible and say well praise the lord it's sally i was supposed to marry her i read it in matthew today the bible doesn't tell you you're supposed to go into software engineering or you're supposed to be a salesman or you're supposed to be a teacher with your life the bible doesn't have that it tells you how if you go into any of those fields to serve others and to lift others and to work as into the lord not unto man but it doesn't tell you what so now you have to hear the voice of the holy spirit sometimes to determine exactly what you are supposed to do and that is actually found if i grab my bible here it's found in isaiah chapter 30 and verse 21 whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it i want you to know that god has never stopped speaking to your life the problem is that you and i just have too many competing voices that it's hard to hear from him and so what we need to do is train our spirit train our spiritual ears to be able to hear him and not only does god speak through his word but he also speaks through his holy spirit and we talk to our kids kate and i all the time and we talk as a couple all the time and leading our home and leading our staff we talked to the staff about this as well that god wants to speak to you through the voice of the holy spirit sometimes that that's a reoccurring thought that you'll have continually over and over you just you just can't push that thought away or sometimes it's through peace like sometimes you'll be praying about god should i take this job or that job should we buy this house or that house should i be in this relationship or maybe you're in that single season of is this the one is this the person i'm supposed to marry and when you're praying through those things the holy spirit will help you because sometimes you'll think of one scenario and think man i just kind of feel sick about that but this other scenario i kind of have peace i feel i feel more comfortable with that i'm not sure why well that's the holy spirit leading you and sometimes it doesn't make sense you might look at it and think well this opportunity isn't as good and it doesn't make as much money and i don't understand but that one i don't get sick over but this one i do i really want to do this but i feel better about this that's the leading of the holy spirit and i'm telling you every time you push against that you're going to find yourself in pain and in trouble and the voice of the holy spirit will whisper to you and i love how he cares about every detail of life just like the other day i was at the office and i'm kind of a nerd i like to carry everything with me so i've got this little backpack and i carry all my stuff around like i've got my computer and i've got some charging cables and i got a little pocket knife and i've got my legal pad that i have on my to-do's and i always have some tic tacs and a pair of glasses you know just like whatever i might need and i take that everywhere i go on a regular basis in life but i was at the office really late last week and man it was like super late at night and i looked at my stuff and i thought you know what i'm just going to be back in a couple hours i'm going to go home and take a nap and come back to the office it's not a big deal i don't need anything i keep everything including my checkbook in my backpack and i kept hearing this voice take your backpack take your backpack pack up and take your backpack and i kept going no you know how you argue if you've ever done this you argue with that inner voice like nah it's going to be fine i the office is locked everything's safe i don't need my computer i'm not going to work on anything it's i don't have time i'm just not going to take it well i got home and i woke up that next morning and kate goes hey can you write that check for me that you promised all week that you would write today and i was like nope you know why because i don't listen to god how about that for you pastor right and i'm ashamed to say too often times i push against that i don't listen and my life would be so much better if i would just pause and listen to the voice of the holy spirit because he wants to speak to you because he wants to enhance your life it's a spirit empowered life your potential is greater but you don't have enough fuel in the tank to be the believer god's called you to be let's be filled with the spirit number two isn't just how we hear from god but it's also how we live for god how we live for god every day in our lives we represent christ to the world around us and in philippians chapter 2 and verse 13. i love this verse it says again that god is working on the inside of us god is working in us that's a theme throughout scripture and i'm thankful for it and it says he gives you the desire and the power to do what pleases him so not just in my communication with god but in my representation of god the holy spirit wants to give me the power to be the person he's called me to be both in the desire and in the ability to carry it out i'm thankful for that because to be perfectly transparent with you in case you haven't guessed by now i actually didn't want to go into ministry my whole family was kind of involved and i was like you know what i'm just going to go build businesses i'm going to do my own thing and i'll give very generously to the lord but i'm going to live the life i want to live and i'm going to do it my way because i just thought you know i like to make people laugh and i don't know very many funny preachers and i'm pretty inappropriate and i'm sure that get me fired somewhere and and i just i can't wear the pleated khakis i just can't do it and there's nothing wrong with pleated khakis or people who wear them i think they look great on everybody else but my family grew up you had to wear a suit for everything like it was suited up my great uncle was a pastor and that dude mowed his grass in a suit and tie i'm talking i was pretty sure he showered in a suit and tie like that dude was always suited up and i just i think ties are cool but i just never wanted to be choked all day long strangled to death by the weakest man on the planet it's like this is annoying it feels terrible and so i was just like maybe that's not for me well guess what as i began to open my heart to god and say i'll do whatever you've called me to do god began to change my desires in every area of life and now i wouldn't dream of doing anything but what i'm doing i love it with all of my heart i counted an honor to be chosen by god i love preaching and teaching it's so much fun and god too wants to change the desires of your heart so that you desire what he desires for your life and then he never asked you to step out and do something he didn't plan to empower you to do and that wonderful god says i'll give you the gifts that's what romans chapter 12 and verse 6 says each and every one of us we all have different gifts according to the grace given us that word grace is the greek word charis that's where we get the word charismatic god wants to give you a grace gift in fact he already has as you come to christ and the power of the holy spirit comes upon your life you've been given a gift and every one of us have a different gift and god has called each one of us to use our gifts to make a difference in the lives of others in fact it says in first peter chapter 4 each of you should use whatever gift you've received to serve others as faithful stewards of that keras god's grace that he has given us in various forms you see every one of us here are gifted but 80 of the body of christ does not know their spiritual gift so we're not making an impact on the world around us that we're supposed to make because we don't know what the holy spirit has empowered us to do some of you have the gift of encouragement others the gift of faith others have the gift of prayer others have the gift of tongues others have the gift of healing some have the gift of giving everyone has a different gift and god has called each and every one of us to discover those gifts and to be uniquely us to use our gifts in concert with all the other gifts in the body of christ so that we can make a difference in the world around us what would it look like if everybody at i town had discovered their gifts and were actively serving actively ministering actively using the power of the holy spirit to make a difference in the world around us i'm telling you revival would be the result it'd be an empowered church we'd be able to see god move in supernatural ways we'd be full of love full of grace full of truth the blind eyes would be open the captors would be set free those that are sick would become healed god would move in supernatural ways that's why we're passionate about the grow plan if you don't know your gifts right after this service we have step two of the grow plan that's designed to help you take that step to figure out the life that god's called you to live and if you haven't figured it out i can tell you you're living far beneath your potential because every one of you are gifted every one of you are spirit empowered to do something that touches the lives of others so join us today because we want you to make a difference in the lives of others we want life to truly make sense to be on mission to live life on purpose to remember that it's not just for show you are we're fearfully and wonderfully made to be this beautiful lamborghini but not so that people stare at you but so that you can make a difference in the lives of other people your relationship with jesus determines how you spend eternity but your relationship with the holy spirit will determine how you impact humanity god has called us to make an impact and we need to have the power that god's called us to have and it comes from leaning in to the relationship with the holy spirit my prayer for you today is that you would open your heart to all that he has for you don't pass up the filling station do you need on a regular basis to be filled with his power with every head bowed and every eye closed before we go today i want to take a minute to pray that the holy spirit would empower you that he would fill you full to overflowing so that you have something to give to a world that so desperately needs your gifts but first i want to take a moment and pray for those of you who might be far from god today the very first step of living an empowered life is to surrender to jesus you know when we live life our own way we find ourselves in desperate and hopeless situations and maybe you find yourself in that place today you're unable to change yourself all of us are and so we feel hopeless we feel trapped we feel sometimes the devil tells us that we're worthless but nothing could be further from the truth god sees great potential in your life and today he wants to give you a fresh start if you'll just simply surrender to him with every head bowed and every eye closed if that's you i'm not going to make you stand or come to the front i'm not trying to embarrass you i just want to connect you with jesus if that's you would you do me the favor just to simply lift your hand up high all over this place say dave that's me i need jesus today i want you to pray with me come on right now just put your hand up high great job yeah so very proud of you good job all right you can put your hands down all over the room here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna give you the words to pray you can pray them quietly in your heart because this prayer is between you and jesus you just need to mean it just say jesus forgive me today for all of my sin i repent today i surrender to you fill me with your holy spirit [Music] and empower me to live this life for you in jesus name now father i pray for every person here i'm so thankful for the power of the holy spirit as a church collectively we pray for a fresh infilling today god i ask that you had touched us in supernatural ways that we would be transformed this week as we look into your word we thank you that it will come to life speaking to every issue of our lives god we thank you that we can hear the voice of the holy spirit whispering to us which decisions to make god we thank you for the gifts that you have given us and for the representation that we can be to the world around us that he helps us to be holy he helps us to be empowered and gifted he helps us to meet the needs of others god we thank you for boldness in the body of christ we thank you for signs and wonders to follow them that believe god we thank you for the authority that we have over the devil we pray that we would be the spirit empowered church that you have called us to be and god one more time we say thank you for all the beautiful gifts that you have lavished upon us we love you today in jesus name we pray and all god's people said amen amen come on church would you celebrate with those who prayed that prayer today thank you so much for joining i town church online today we would love to have the chance to meet you and your family in person at one of our campuses or of course you can join us streaming live online this weekend now for more details about times and locations and even some of our streaming options you can go to i sure hope to see you soon and god bless you
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 927
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.