In God We Trust - Part Two - Hiding Can't Save You

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome to part two of this series called in god we trust want to say hello to all of our campuses all of you who are watching live online through or the app and then of course all the correctional facilities across the state come on church let's put our hands together welcome one another today go ahead and grab something to take some notes with today as we study god's word and as you do that i want to echo that we had the opportunity just this weekend to celebrate five years of john and karen's amazing company and the incredible things god's done through them and their entire company and it's just amazing the faithfulness of god when you trust him in your finances and i want to thank them for sharing their story and i want to highlight a new ministry that we have here at the church before we jump into the message today because today is national orphan sunday and kate and i started our journey of understanding this need and the biblical mandate to be involved with caring for the orphans a little over a year ago when we began our foster care journey because the lord spoke specifically to my wife and no one else and then the rest of us got on board and followed what the lord was leading our family to do and it truly has been an amazing journey and i believe that all of us have a role to play in caring for the orphans amongst us but i have hung out with some of you and most of you should never foster a child ever it would be detrimental for you and the child but there are ways for all of us to participate and we want to make sure that we're able to make as many on-ramps uh for that ministry as possible and so my wife had a brilliant idea and our team came up with this brand new team that you can serve on one of the things you can do today is you can go to foster care and they've curated an amazon car and if the lord leads you you can jump on there and you can actually buy some things from this amazon cart let me tell you why that's important when you buy those things they're the needs that we've identified that foster families need really in the first 24 hours when they take a placement you see the way foster care works is that you say yes you set your parameters for the age and demographic of the child that you're willing to open your home for and then when a children that fits that profile is unfortunately removed from their home they call you and they say hey we've got this child are you willing to take them and when you say yes within a couple of hours someone shows up at your home with a child who is now a ward of the state coming out of some type of traumatic situation and leaves them on your doorstep with almost no information because they don't have it no back story very little clothes if no clothes and now you're in charge of this child that's not yours and it's a daunting task and typically you don't have any of the supplies that you need like when our current placement was brought to our home it was about midnight and i'm at walmart trying to find clothes and bottles and formula and all the different things that you would need to care for the child so kate got to thinking how can we solve this problem for everybody in our community so what we're going to do is when you go on that amazon website you're going to buy the back stock of the things that families in the entire indianapolis area would need if they were to take a placement and we have coordinated with dcs and some of the other placement agencies and when a child is taken to a home they will tell the family about our website foster care and there's a place there that families who have received a placement can click and they can put in the list of things that they need for the child that they have just taken into care and then we're starting a brand new team called the foster care go team we have an orientation today at 4 30 if you'd like to be a part of that team and as soon as somebody fills out that request somebody on that team will get notified they'll drive to the church in the middle of the night instead of the family having to go to walmart and they'll pull from the supplies that you purchased and within two hours they'll arrive at that family's home with all the things that they need in order to care for that foster child isn't that awesome yeah so if you enjoy waking up in the middle of the night and driving to the church to get things to take them to a random stranger's home we have a fantastic team for you i believe it's going to be an incredible way because because everybody in the database will have the opportunity it's not just families for our church and it'll be a wonderful way to tangibly share god's love with people who are doing some very difficult work for those that are uh really hurting some of the most vulnerable in our culture and it's an honor to be able to be a part of it well last week we started this series called in god we trust we looked at the fact that this nation was founded on godly principles by godly men and women no matter how much we try and rewrite history it's all there and we saw in the 1800s how they were so full of conviction about this that they wanted to place it on our money in god we trust then in the 1950s they actually adopted it as the national motto and now we've seen our country jif drift so far from that place our theme verse was psalm chapter 20 and verse 7. some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the lord our god and i just want to remind you of that in the midst of the chaos in our world today our trust does not rely on people or on a political system or a process or even on the economy our trust has to rest in the person of jesus christ and anytime you get your eyes off of that i promise that your life will become a full of anxiety and fear and you'll begin to sink and i know there's a great temptation to do that and a lot of people the news media works really hard to kind of keep you in that place and if you're struggling with that i just want you to know my wife delivered one of the best messages i've ever heard on peace and how to practically maintain peace in the midst of trials and adversity and so that was at first wednesday we don't normally make first wednesday messages available but we're going to post that one to our website and if you're struggling to maintain peace i want you to jump online and check it out share it with your friends and family because i know it'll be a blessing to them but last week we talked about the fact that it doesn't matter who's in power the government cannot save us because the government only deals in laws and the bible is very clear that because we all have this thing called the sinful nature laws can't save us because laws can't change us laws simply give the sinful nature something to rebel against and if you missed last week i want you to jump online and check that out the government cannot save you no matter who's in charge now i want to pick up on that next thought because obviously we're still living in insane times and i just want to bring you a little hope and kind of reframe your perspective about this earth and life because again it doesn't matter if it's democrat or republican it doesn't matter if it's laws you agree with or laws you disagree with the reality is laws don't change things it's the hearts of people that have to change in romans chapter 6 and verse 19 paul teaches us a principle he says previously you let yourselves be slaves to impurity and lawlessness which led to even deeper sin so what he's doing is he's trying here in romans 6 to teach people how to live a righteous and holy life but there's a point that he's making here that when you let the sin nature control your life like we talked about last week and how the sin nature controls everyone apart from god you become a slave to sin well that makes you a slave to impurity and lawlessness and the bible says that that leads you ever deeper into sin so that should help make sense of what's happening in our world today our country is growing increasingly wicked you know why because we have stepped away from god and from his principles we have eradicated him from public life and from our schools we don't want to pray and we don't want biblical principles and so what we have is a culture that's led ever deeper into sin and so we need to just be aware of that situation and that condition and understand it doesn't matter who controls the house and it doesn't matter who controls the senate and it really doesn't matter who's in the white house at the end of the day our nation doesn't need republican or democrat it needs jesus our nation needs a heart change it's a sin condition not a not a political condition and so the bible says this is where he left off last week matthew chapter 5 you are the light of the world we are the hope because we're the embodiment of christ so let your light shine before others that they can see the life that you're living and glorify your father in heaven they can see when you drop off these supplies to families that don't believe like you in the middle of the night to just love on them because they're doing something good for a child who's in need that's the way that we really make a difference and it's the hope for america i want to remind you ephesians chapter 6 says it this way our struggle is not against the democrats or the republicans it's not white versus black it's not rich versus poor our battle is against is not against flesh and blood it's against rulers and against authorities and against the powers of this dark world against spiritual forces of evil and heavenly realms i just want to reframe your perspective today that it's not about people very easy to demonize people and there are people all over the spectrum in our church with your perspectives of what happened in the world around us and what continues to unfold as believers we need to remember that we are not citizens of earth we participate as americans in the political process but i hope you know that jesus is not an american god is the lord of the universe he is the king of all kings he is the lord of all lords he is ruling and reigning on high and he still is on the throne and it's his goal to allow his kingdom to come and his will to be done and that's what we have to stay focused on so i'm going to take you to the book of judges chapter six and seven is what we're going to study today and i pray that the lord gives you some boldness and some hope to continue living the life that god's called you to live no matter how happy or disappointed you are with what is currently unfolding in the political climate or even with the pandemic in the world around us so the nation of israel is a beautiful picture of a spiritual community and america in so many ways follows some of the things that we see in the pattern of the nation of israel they were blessed and god brought them to the promised land but they would wander from the lord they would worship other gods and when they did there would be fallout from it because sin has consequences and so we find them here in judges chapter 6 in a season where they're far from god and this other nation called the midianites was burning their crops and killing all their cattle and really oppressing people in fact it says in verse six israel was reduced to starvation by the midianites and then the israelites cried out to the lord for help and i'm saddened by this but the reality is things are going to have to get a lot worse before our nation turns it's always in crisis that people cry out to god and i don't know how many things are going to have to starve before america wakes up but the truth is we are going to be headed for some difficult times if our nation doesn't turn around because this is just the pattern of the principles that govern the entire universe kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall while god remains on the throne because his principles last forever and so we just have to remember that and understand that we are going to head in at some level to a season of starvation if our nation continues in a godless direction sometimes i also then wonder what has to starve in my own life before i become spiritually desperate what things have to be hurting in my life for me to cry out to god and become dependent upon him and so here's the nation of israel they're in a bad place and so the angel of the lord comes and begins to speak to the hero of the story gideon and we're going to study him for a couple of chapters because there's some reactions that he's having to god's call of it's time for you to step up in a godless culture and make a difference i think they're common to all of us some emotions that you might be experiencing and then some things that god does for all of us to prepare us to be a light and to make a difference verse 11 the angel of the lord came and sat beneath the tree in oprah she's in the bible everybody which belonged to joash it's actually opera okay gideon son of joash was threshing wheat at the bottom of the wine press and he was hiding the grain from the midi midianites the first thing is that our reaction is to hide and we dealt with this a little bit in our series called how to start a fire great series that i would encourage you to to watch if you have if you missed that series of messages because i believe this should be the church's finest hour i believe we should have a voice in the midst of all the brokenness chaos and darkness in our world but the reaction that many of us have is you know what i'm out i'm just going to hide i'm just going to stay silent i'm just kind of frustrated with all of it i'm not going to be a part of public life and you can't find that anywhere in scripture never does god take his people and hide them in fact the verse we just read is exactly opposite you would never hide it under a basket you would always put it at the center of the room the church should always be in the center of life we should always have a voice in the center of culture we should always be working and striving to make a difference in the world around us i'm just going to tell you i'm preaching 78 better than you're responding but i'm going to keep yelling because i'm very passionate so so don't give in to the peer pressure of the world to hey just stop posting that stuff stop saying those things stop being active in your faith we're tired of you because you're getting a message from the world that the people that accept everything is the tolerant loving group and the people that are actually trying to help people are the ones who don't love people look now is not the time for you to hide now is the time for you to speak up and that's why that last series is important because we teach you how to do it in love we're not trying to make a point but we are trying to make a difference and if somebody's hair is on fire it's not love to let them burn well praise the lord i guess they just like a hot head just love just whatever you want do whatever you want however you want that's love no that's not love when people are actively doing things that are contrary to god's word that will send them to hell as scripture says it's love to warn them and to say hey i care enough about you to risk this relationship to say something to you i'm not going to hide i am going to speak up because i think you need the hope that's found in jesus it's not judgment and condemnation it's called conviction and it brings people to life it helps people so here's gideon he's hiding and the angel says to him hey mighty hero the lord is with you and gideon replies in verse 13. if the lord is with us then why has all this happened where are all the miracles that our ancestors told us about they said that god brought us up out of egypt but now now today what has the lord done for me today he's abandoned us and handed us over to the medianites some of us are stuck in this place and we're just questioning everything that's happening i just don't understand i don't understand if god was all loving why are there murderers in the world if god was all loving then why do people go hungry if god really loved the world if god really cared about people why are there natural disasters if god really loved the world then why in the world would president trump ever have a twitter and if god really loved the world then how could president biden never get elected and if god really loved our country then how could all of this be happening everybody's confused and frustrated check this out god has not called us to understanding god has called us to obedience because god's god again he's not an american he's not a republican he's not a democrat he's god you know many things god's got going right now all over the world do you think the election is like his biggest concern i just don't know what we're going to do about this this is really stressing me out i'm just telling you when we get to heaven we're all going to go oh my word i am so dumb are you kidding me that is it's like you were god the whole time so smart god knows what he's doing sometimes we are totally confused and guess what that's okay it's okay that you might not understand what's happening in the world around us god is up to something i just don't want to get so mad at everyone and everything that i don't get to be a part of it we just have to take a step back from it and remember that heaven and hell hangs in the balance our battle is not against people or political parties our battle is against the devil who is working hard to divide all of us on every issue he possibly can and god hasn't called me to understand everything he just called me to obey whatever it is he's called me to do and gideon's wrestling with hey what about all those miracles in the past and what about the revivals of the past and what about the way god moves in the past and look at what god hasn't done for me today i don't appreciate the way my life has turned out because it failed my expectations god so now i'm not sure if i want to serve you god hasn't called us to understand it all he just called us to obey verse 14. then the lord turned to him and said go with the strength you have and rescue israel from the midianites because i am sending you but lord gideon said how can i rescue israel my clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of manasseh and i'm the least in my entire family the last thing we do is we get full of doubt god maybe you really do want to make a difference in the world but maybe there's just no hope for america what difference could my serving make what difference could my giving make what difference could my vote make what difference could my voice make i don't understand i'm just i don't have any followers i don't have any influence i've i come from a a group of people that just have generationally struggled and maybe i feel like i've made mistakes in my past that disqualify me from ministry or from serving or from having a voice i doubt that i could really be a part of the solution gideon's wrestling god's calling him hey now is the time for you to make a difference in this nation now is a time for you to step up and lead and gideon's all in his head god i don't get it i'd rather hide i don't understand why you're doing the things that you're doing and i doubt that i could really be a part of the solution i don't think i'm strong enough i don't think i'm important enough i don't think i'm holy enough i don't i don't think i could be a part of the solution and it amazing how we always have reasons to doubt ourselves so i probably couldn't minister to anybody because i'm single well i probably couldn't minister anybody because i just got married well i probably couldn't minister anybody because i am married and the lord knows it ain't going great i probably couldn't make a difference because i can't relate i don't have kids and well now is the season where i just had kids so we're definitely not able to be involved i don't have to wait until they get a little bit older but then they get a little bit older it's like well now i'm never at church because we're always at sports and i probably can't make a difference now we always find excuses of why god would disqualify us from making a difference and yet i believe god is empowering and calling every single one of us because our country needs jesus now more than ever and that's what you offer that's who we are you are the light of the world and we have to help this country return to this place that we could say and god we trust verse 16 he says to him i will be with you you'll destroy the midianites as if you are fighting against just one man look i am going to give you the ability to conquer for those of you that feel dismayed and discouraged about the future of our nation i want you to back up and remember that our battle is a spiritual battle and in luke chapter 10 and verse 19 jesus said i have given you authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you there is nothing to fear the power that lives on the inside of you is greater than everything that you'll face in this life no weapon formed against you will prosper you will be victorious in everything god put your hand to do [Applause] and so we have to come to the realization that god will make a difference through us when god makes a difference in us god has to do something in us so that we can make a difference in the world and that's the journey i want to take you on for the last few minutes we have together what needs to happen in us what needs to change in us so that we can help save our nation gideon had to take a journey verse 25 of judges chapter 6 back to our story that night the lord said to him i want you to take the second bull from your father's herd the one that is seven years old that's pretty specific right couldn't mess that up pull down your father's altar to baal and cut down the ashara pole standing beside it and then build an altar to the lord your god here on this hilltop sanctuary and laying the stones very carefully sacrifice the burnt the bull has a burnt offering on the altar and use the fuel to as fuel the wood from the shearer pole that you cut down the first thing that's going to have to happen if you and i are going to make a difference is god is going to have to purify us notice i didn't say the world god has to purify us first because the nation of israel was wrestling with some stuff that wasn't previously a temptation see it's amazing how blessings get us into a dangerous place they always say new levels new devils all of a sudden you start getting blessed and you start facing some temptation that wasn't available to you before and the nation of israel were just wandering herdsmen before they came to the promised land they didn't have a lot of temptation of foreign gods because they weren't around any of those relationships but now they're in the land flowing with milk and honey and their lives are unbelievably blessed and guess what they did it's called syncretism they didn't walk away from god they just included other gods that they worshipped so they said yahweh is the one true god and we appreciate him he's the god of war and the god of the desert the god of deliverance that brought us out of egypt but now here we are in the promised land and we need to worship the god of baal who is the god of seasons and the god of asherah who's the god of fertility to make sure that our crops grow because now we're farmers we used to be herdsmen but now we have this new investment and we need to prostitute ourselves to these other gods so that we can be successful in this other way and we'll just include it all together we'll just spiritualize it together i think the same things happened in the american church i think as you look broad and wide and i'm painting with a broad stroke brush here there are sections of the body of christ that are no longer calling sin sin and we just want to explain away certain parts of the scripture and say hey you can do that and worship god we can satisfy public opinion and we can act like it's love and just justify sin and i'm just telling you before we can can before we can confront the enemy in america we have to confront the idolatry in the church and that's about the response i expected [Applause] because listen we can't justify killing unborn children we can't redefine marriage we can't decide who we're going to sleep with we can't violate the principles of god's word and expect to have the power of god it's idolatry and he is he the lord of all or he is not lord at all and it doesn't matter what our opinion is it doesn't matter what my personal opinion is about these topics because god has an opinion it is clear in scripture and by definition he is god i must submit whether i agree or not do you know that that's what submission is submission isn't submission until you have to submit sure it's easy to agree that god wants to bless me that god wants to prosper me because that's what you want for yourself but it's hard to die to the things that i want to live for the things that he wants it becomes hard when my opinion is not god's opinion and in the body of christ we have to get back to the tested tried and true unchanging word of god it is the same yesterday today and forever its principles have always been true and always will be true god is not an angry and mean god but he cannot condone sin a price must be paid for it and praise god for the good news of the gospel that jesus paid the price for sin but we must repent of our sins and allow him to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and i don't care if that's a popular message in america if we want to make a difference in america we have to stop glossing over sin in the church going to call it what it is and it doesn't mean any of us are perfect we're all in a journey that just says yes i messed up and that is sin but what we can't say is that's okay for me i'm just going to ignore that part of scripture deuteronomy chapter 31 when i have brought them into the land flowing with milk and honey the land i promise on oath to their forefathers they will eat their fill and thrive then they will turn and worship other gods rejecting me breaking my covenant that is america god has brought us to a place of prosperity and we have elevated ourselves and our thinking beyond god we think we no longer need him if we're going to see revival in the country we have to see revival in the church we've got to call it what it is and ask god to touch us and cleanse us and change us so that he can use us to change our world verse 33 soon afterward the army is a midian amalek and the people of the east formed an alliance against israel and crossed over the jordan camping in the valley of jezreel and then the spirit of the lord clothed gideon with power and he blew the ramshorn as a call to arms and the men of the clan of ebiazar came to him number two this journey that we take once god purifies us then he needs to empower us there's power that you and i need over the enemy verse 34 we see it in the old testament it's the reality that all of us live with in the new testament it's a beautiful picture it happened in very isolated cases in the old testament where the holy spirit would come upon somebody in the old testament to empower them for a specific job well the bible says in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 that's available to you now that you'll receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you it's called the baptism in the holy spirit and we will not make a difference in our world if you don't have it because you won't have the boldness that you need to live the life god's called you to live gideon goes from hiding to leading all because of the being clothed with the power of the holy spirit i'm just telling you there is some messed up junk in the world and you're gonna have to have some power to deal with it just like last weekend uh there was a lady that showed up didn't even come to church just showed up at the 11 o'clock 11 30 service about halfway through the service and just came to the cafe and said i'm possessed by devils and i hear that this church can help me somebody on our staff prayed for in the cafe and she passed out like passed out passed out so they picked her up in like weekend at bernie's like drug her through the lobby to the prayer room like nothing to see here it's actually like she was fine she's just uh totally passed out they took her to the prayer room laid hands on her for about two hours and cast about six devils out of that woman and she lit left here sane surrendered to jesus with her whole life changed why because we need the power of god there is a real devil and he is plaguing our country and if you don't have the power of god clothing you i'm just telling you you're going to be in trouble you're not going to have the boldness and the authority that you need to walk in we're not intimidated by the devil because at the name of jesus he has to flee we have authority over him as scripture says but you're going to have to have that in this process of making a difference there's a boldness that the church needs it's time for the body of christ to grow up backbone come on somebody we got to be able to stand up and say what the bible says live out what the bible says not be intimidated verse two so the lord said to gideon look you know that army that you just assembled you got too many dudes you got too many people i'm gonna if i let you fight these guys then you're gonna boast that you saved yourself and i'm not about that god doesn't want other people taking the credits so tell the people anybody timid or afraid can leave the mountain and go home which gideon probably thought that's a safe bet i mean it's an army for crying out loud hey guys if anybody's scared go home 22 000 people in the army went home i mean it was a bad day 22 000 left 22 000 still not enough to fight like three nations but still so they went home 10 000 were left and god said look there's still too many so the lord gave him this drink test verse six if you drop down it says only 300 guys passed that test the rest of them drank the wrong way so verse 7 the lord told gideon with the 300 i will rescue you and give you victory over the midnight send everybody else home number three and i promise this will help you for those of you that have been walking through it if you're going to make a difference god will prune you there are some people god is intentionally removing from your life so that you can be the person god's called you to be and some of y'all have taken a stand for what's right and taking a stand for the gospel taking a stand for jesus in this season of chaos and people have gotten sideways with you maybe unfriended you or walked out of your life but listen significant betrayal often precedes significant breakthrough in fact in every season that kate and i have stepped into a greater degree of anointing it's always preceded by somebody close leaving our lives joseph never would have gotten to the palace had his family not thrown him into a pit jesus never could have gotten to the cross had his friend judas not betrayed him sometimes god intentionally has people leave your life and for some of you i want you to ask yourself this question who should be leaving my life before i can lead what voice needs to be silenced what group of people do i no longer need to be influenced by what what person do i need to step away from in order to truly step into my calling god said you got too many people you're going to be trusted in the wrong thing we got to prune your life it's okay when people leave your life it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you just means god's working his plan get ready because influence is coming so gideon takes his 300 guys he breaks them into three different groups and the bible says in verse 20 the three groups had these horns and jars it's crazy how they fought this fight they had blazing torches in the left hand underneath that jar that they broke and then they had this horn in the right hand and they all shouted a sword for the lord and for gideon and each man stood at his position around the camp and they watched as the midianites rushed around in panic shouting as they ran to escape and when these 300 israelites blew their ram's horns the lord caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords check it out they didn't even bring a weapon to the fight you know why because at the end of the day if you do what god's called you to do god will fight for you the battle is the lord's it's not up to you all god's called you to do is to obey to take your stand to walk with confidence listen church our nation is in trouble but it's not because of who controls the house the senate or the white house our nation is in trouble because sin has crippled and blinded the minds of people and our nation is growing increasingly wicked farther and farther and farther away from god and jesus is the hope some trust in chariots others trusting horses you can put your faith in the stock market and you can put your faith in the government but i'm telling you you will be disappointed i will trust in the name of the lord my god and god we trust with every head bowed in every eye closed lord jesus we need you desperately in our country i pray that you and encourage those who feel pressured into hiding today those who are being intimidated by culture god that say i don't understand what's happening i've got all these questions god why why would this happen for those who are doubting that they could ever be a part of the solution god i pray that you would help us to take the journey as we repent as we turn to you we need the power of the holy spirit god i pray that you would remove the wrong people from our lives and let us stand in boldness and watch as god fights the battle [Music] but i thank you that revival will come because we chose to stand with every head bowed and every eye closed at every campus today maybe you're here and you're far from god i want you to know that there's no such thing as an accident in god's kingdom everything is strategic you're here on purpose today and it's so you could hear that god loves you he's not trying to judge you and neither are we he's not pointing his finger at you look all of us were in the same boat we are all sinners and we need god's grace don't let the devil tell you today that you're too weak you're too broken your damaged goods will never be enough no it's never too late to become who you might have been that's why jesus came to give people just like us a second chance if you need that chance today and you know you can't save yourself you need jesus let's fix it before you leave with every head bowed and every eye closed am i going to make you stand or come to the front we're not trying to embarrass you man it'd be our honor just to help you to take that first step in this amazing spiritual journey all i'm asking you to do is lift your hand up high wherever you're seated at every campus just as a point of faith and as a step to say you know what i'm going to open my life to jesus christ i need him today come on right now put your hand up high all over this place he's the hope of the world he's the only source of peace he's the one that came to rescue you today great job great job that's amazing i'm so proud of you all over the room and all of our campuses you can put your hands down here's what we're going to do i'm going to lead you in a very simple prayer you can pray it quietly in your heart you just need to mean it it's between you and god just say lord jesus rescue me today i surrender to you forgive me for all of my sin i repent fill me with your holy spirit give me the power to live the bold life you've called me to live in jesus name i pray god i pray for our church today that we'd be able to step back from the hot button issues that surround our culture and remember that we are not fighting against flesh and blood we're engaged in a spiritual battle and now more than ever it's vital that we see it for that and that we engage in spiritual warfare that we allow the holy spirit to fill us and to cover us so that we can live the life you've called us to live help us to go from this place this week and to be salt and light to a world who so desperately needs it god help us to be unifiers bringing the message of love and the message of hope that's found in jesus christ god we thank you that there is hope for america but it's not found in republican or democrat it's found in jesus today we place our trust in you and in you alone we love you today with all of our hearts in jesus name we pray and all god's people said amen amen would you take a minute to celebrate with those who prayed that prayer today [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for joining i town church online today we would love to have the chance to meet you and your family in person at one of our campuses or of course you can join us streaming live online this weekend now for more details about times and locations and even some of our streaming options you can go to i sure hope to see you soon and god [Music] bless
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 772
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: LwwgGBg9pqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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