Zendaya Breaks Down 23 Looks, From Euphoria to Dune | Life in Looks | Vogue

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I still see memes about this particular look with my hat but you know what I stick by it hello Vogue I'm jenda and this is my life and looks all right Shall We Begin okay yeah this is me and Law's early early work together I needed a cute little dress to go to my teen build party was a big deal I'm like what like 15 years old so I think I did all right this was a charity event it was Halloween theme so you were supposed to come dressed as somebody or something and I went dressed as Aaliyah cuz Old Tommy hillfigure was her look and her thing and so this was my interpretation of that I did my little swoop and that was my tribute to the one and only okay this o this is a controversial look I still still see memes about this particular look with my hat but you know what I stick by it me and law we thought it was Chic at the time and I think it's still Chic I will wear it again I think law might have this hat might have to bring it out of the archives one day this is my first Oscar's experience I had stayed up quite late the night before having my hair done I didn't have any kind of credentials or anything kind of snuck onto the red carpet cuz I was like listen I have been up all night getting my hair done we have this amazing Vivian Westwood dress like I'm getting on this red carpet and so I kind of kind of shimmed on there even though I wasn't really supposed to this is my first met I went with F poliy I was 18 I believe in this picture I was very nervous being like how am I going to like call law or call my dad or call someone to pick me up like when I'm done like how am I going to get out of here like how how am I going to get home cuz you weren't supposed to bring your phone in and then I had my phone but I had nowhere to put it so then I had to get F and I was like well if we split up at any point in the night then I can't find my phone but it went really well I'm very proud of the look first met as a young 18-year-old girl this felt very fitting for that moment this is my first vote cover I was 20 I felt very very honored at the time I was still doing my my Disney show and this was happening at the same time and I was kind of like whoa you know what I mean my little niece is are in this as well and laws in this in inside feels very special cuz I got to have family with me the feather look I think it was Prada I believe it looks great I think it was a beautiful texture for the cover my first V she I was just excited to be there I was like put me in whatever you want this is the greatest showman Premiere in Australia one of my all-time favorites was law and I we always find inspiration from films that I'm doing a butterfly isn't the theme per se but it is this idea of being costumey you're the greatest showman everything is drama and so that's what this dress was to me is like being literal being dramatic being entertaining also like that day there was tons of of butterflies I went onto the carpet and there was butterflies everywhere and I was like it's a sign you know okay this one's another memd but I I loved it it was Mar Jacobs I love a suit in any kind of form and it just was fun and I loved how extreme the proportions were it wasn't necessarily a red carpet event it was just kind of like oh yeah I'm casually going to wear this straight off the room we mark Jacob suit you know what I mean it was fun and dramatic one of my all-time favorite met looks you know law had had this idea of doing a Jon ofar inspired thing and we'd seen a lot of sketches and ideas and references the day before going there putting it on I was like wow it was so heavy because of the beating but it was so beautifully constructed and it's for sa and typically like I can handle a night out you know with my heels and everything I've wearing heels for a long time but but I don't know it was something about a mixture of like wearing these platforms and like the heaviness of of of my of my dress I was struggling I was like I need to sit down but it it was all worth it the hair also just completed the character this year I was invited to be a co-chair I have no idea what I'm wearing yet so I can't spoil it for you guys we're still figuring it out this is Miss rub Bennett I'm very grateful and honored to play this character I I mean I have to give most credit to our Masashi designer Heidi who is just incredible at what she does and is so thoughtful it's present in in everything you know from my Chucks that are my personal Chucks that I've worn worn down quite a bit and we've had to replace the lace as many times I have a lot of her stuff that I wear often my second bow cover we shot this with Tyler on the beach I'm very grateful to have a Vogue cover it's a big deal so to do it again was pretty special it was quite simple you know it it was very simple her makeup I've done a lot of finger waves in my life so it was a good go-to it was a fun day on the beach this is the Spider-Man far from home premere this is our M and I wasn't sure about the dress I don't know why I was just overthinking it a little bit and I was like do we have more options do we have more options I was tripping but it ended up being perfect and obviously theme dressing inspired by the Spider-Man suit which was red and black in that film yeah this is the emys the first time I went to the Emy actually be way this is like us being sexy you know like oo this is a sexy look you know what I mean I'm giving the kids sexy yet I used like semi-permanent hair dye to make my hair red for the Spider-Man press tour in general and then it kind of started to like wash off a little bit and so it still was like a little bit red I was really into emerald green at the time I just had gotten like new dining room chairs that were emerald green green and I felt like it would look really beautiful with like the red hair it just felt right that was my emerald green ERA this is the Critics Choice Awards this Tom Ford Breast plate was really special I still have it they weren't my boobs originally and I put it on it didn't quite fit right I was like well I really want to wear this but could we maybe do like my own you know and then they they worked it out I got this scan done it's almost like a hair dryer like they literally come in with this thing and they scan you it uploads to a computer and that's it so it didn't take much time at all like I thought that it would be more a dramatic process but yeah I mean technology people the emies this is the the time that I WN the first time that I won in my head I was like if I freak out right if something bad happens since this is on my computer I could just slam the computer shut you know what I mean like if like oh no it's the Wi-Fi went out you know what I mean like I always can just exit that was nice and then also I had my family all around me I was in my own living room it was a very special night and I wore this Armani dress was like a princess dress the skirt is so luminous I took it off and like it still stands up it holds its structure so it was like literally standing in my closet one that I will not forget this is another Oscar's moment Valentino piure Paulo has always been such a fun collaborator and so generous and thoughtful and we had this share reference because who doesn't want a reference share and P Pao is known for his use of color and bright colors and so we found this really beautiful almost neon yellow the dress was quite simple and the hair was quite simple also to reflect this like share inspiration is really long there was no wind on the carpet but as soon as I went there all of a sudden there was wind law made a joke about like having a leaf blower or something and and everybody's like did you really like did you really were you really on the carpet with a leaf blow like no oh my God no we could be you know dramatic with the looks but I'm not like that you know the wind just wanted to visit us in that moment and it worked out this is Venice my first Venice film festival with Dune another example of theme dressing but this dress I chose years before there was a a bodice thing that had gone down the runway and I was like oh my God gosh like that would be amazing if we could make that add dress it feels very Dune to me it's the landscape of Dune it's the color palette kind of like a shell it looks wet but it's dry there's something that reminded me of the still suit a little bit just in its construction felt Dune this is a Rick Owens number the Dune Premiere in London I was very excited about this one as well I was actually like in the middle of shooting Euphoria during this press Store shooting some really intense scenes I'll just say that the day I left and then shooting some very intense scenes the day I got home because of the like how it's made and the construction and the fabric like it doesn't wrinkle so like I could sit in it I could move in it I wouldn't disrupt its beautiful shape I don't know if it was reminiscent of the sand warm or there's something I think about Rick Owens in general that feels very futuristic or otherworldly this piece that kind of goes on on and around like it it holds its its shape in a really beautiful way and there's something kind of like effortless about it too because it's not perfect there's an imperfectness to the way it kind of Falls and drapes but you know that it's intentional and you know that it's thoughtful this is the cfda fashion Awards another very special look collaboration with be way law had a a very specific reference that literally was this a bando kind of top and then kind of column skirt with this I don't know what you would call it like this kind of shape on top red felt like a very like I don't know it's like a power color I think everyone looks beautiful in the color but I was also very excited because Iman presented me with the award which was like are you joking like she's just she's so kind and beautiful and and warm she did that for me and then after like had like the biggest hug and like the warmest moment and I felt like I I'd known her for like forever so that was really really special the Emy again we're back okay so the first time like I said I got to do it from my living room and this time I was like wait there's a possibility that I would have to get up on that stage in front of like actual people like I can't close the computer I can't blame it on bad Wi-Fi like I have to go there honestly I wish I could have enjoyed it more because I was just so like tense the whole time that I couldn't really enjoy it until it was over and then once it was over I was like H God that's over and this is Valentino yet again it is a reference to an old Valentino dress and it was more fitted at the bottom it went into I think more of like a mermaid shape but it had this this bodice with the the line and the little bow and so we sent that as a reference I think this was my first time wearing like a real gown that was all black this suit everybody knows it and I was like I wonder if I could wear that and so I send it to law and I was like what if we wore this for the premiere he was like are you being serious and I was like yeah he was like don't play with me like don't get me started on something and make me do this and you're going to like chicken out at the last minute and be too scared to wear and I was like I mean if we can do it one of the men who originally made it was with us and he was like you know we can try it but there's also a world where certain parts won't won't fit like our proportions might be very different my elbow is a little bit lower or my whatever than it doesn't it doesn't work because there's certain hinges and and places where your arms and things need to move but we tried it on and I was like guys I think it's fitting it fit like a glove and I was like this is so crazy and everybody was like oh like you know it just felt very like oh it's meant to be whatever immediately I think after wearing it for like 10 minutes or less than that I got like really like lightheaded the metal conducts and holds on to heat very quickly and kind of traps Heat in I'm wearing a complete bodysuit so there's a barrier so you already have a layer of material kind of on your skin as the days were coming up I was like this is a bad idea like why why did I do this but I put it on I went out there and I did it this obviously was the most recent Oscars it fit me really well and I felt beautiful in it and that's it something about like the material that shiny thing and the way it's constructed and it has like it had this really strong like wellmade zipper I think maybe because we'd had all these very heightened looks during the Dune press tour it was like this was us just kind of taking it easy going old old Hollywood and just keeping it simple all right it's my most recent vog cover this was really special because I got to shoot with Annie she was so fun to to shoot with she had these beautiful references for poses and she was hugely inspired by movement and dance and she's so specific she knows when what she wants she knows what works they're all Couture look you know so it's like that was another kind of difficult thing is figuring how to move in these looks some of which hadn't gone down the runway yet and I was like oh like I can't mess up their their garments if they have the show tomorrow but Annie she's just kind of like ah can we you know move this and can we you know I'm like oh careful careful but yeah we just tried to have fun and give these garments a different feeling with movement I made the signature when I was like 13 it's a shooting star and we're just going to be we're going to be okay with that thank you so much Vogue for doing this with me this has been my life and looks and I hope to see you all [Music] [Music] soon
Channel: Vogue
Views: 1,435,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law roach, law roach stylist, oscars, vogue, zendaya, zendaya armor, zendaya dune, zendaya dune 2, zendaya dune part 2, zendaya emmy, zendaya emmys, zendaya euphoria, zendaya law, zendaya law roach, zendaya life in looks, zendaya lil, zendaya looks, zendaya metal armor, zendaya metal outfit, zendaya movie looks, zendaya red carpet looks, zendaya rue, zendaya vogue life in looks
Id: x-ccfWcbht4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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