John Krasinski: The Puppy Interview

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is it usually this violent it is oh okay great hi I'm John krinski and I am here at BuzzFeed and I'm going to attempt to answer your questions with these [Music] puppies I do have a dog of my own her name is be and she's about a year and a half and she's fantastic and I hope she doesn't get usurped today by one of these puppies she won't she's Top Dog feel like I'm going to prom or something it's like all right guys it's it's time oh you can hear the groans in the darkness of the like a oh my god oh it comes in hot oh my God hi hi hi how you doing hi how you doing I know it's busy it's busy oh my gosh how you doing how are you doing when did he arrive she oh my God hi Oh by no that's my hand oh my God just remembered I forgot about puppy teeth that's [Music] fun the idea came for my kids I wanted to always make a movie for my kids and I would just stand in doorways watching my two girls go into this magical world that as parents were not allowed into and I just thought that would make a really good movie and then the pandemic hit and I saw their light went out and they started imagining uh fewer and fewer games and they started to let the real world in and said are we going to be okay and I said you know what I should write a movie about how that magical world that you created you can always go back to what's your what's your name yeah what's that you'd redo the last question so judgy this is an if guys this is not here this is just in my head both my kids Imaginary Friends made it into the movie the pink alligator is one of my daughter's imaginary friends she created it uh to live under the bed to protect her from any bad guys that came it's a it's so logical it's bizarre and then my other daughter created the um flaming marshmallow because she's an unbelievably empathetic person who we were making s'mores one day and her marshmallow burst into flames and she was so upset and destroyed by it that I said oh no no that's just what he does he lights himself on fire and he comes back and she went really and that became her if are you are you are you on I best friends are you coming home are you coming home just tell me what is it oh I will get in trouble oh boy interview over I auditioned for Captain America and I don't know if you know but I didn't get it a friend of mine Chris Evans got it and uh I remember being really really excited and really really nervous and then all my nervous went away when Chris walked by the doorway and he looked the way he looked and I looked the way I looked and I went yep no let's just not do this we should just give it to someone else did you get to try on the suit at all I did I was halfway through the suit when Chris walked by and so it was just upper body versus upper body and we're similar but different and so I just thought you know what do we have to go through with this sherad and we did but it was really exciting to actually do it we did like a scene and there was some spaceship that I was on and it was pretty great I did and it's funny because I I still feel bad about it but when we wrapped the office we all cried a lot I think I blacked out and then the first thing I did was go over to the Dunder Mifflin sign and Pull It Off the Wall immediately threw it in my car so the actual Dunder Mifflin sign I have and then we went to the um rap party and Greg Daniels who's basically all of our dads cuz he created the show he came up in his very sweet way and he said hey can I ask you a question do you know where that sign went cuz it was the only thing I wanted to take from the show and my soul died and I looked him straight in the eyes and I went I have no idea where that fine went and to this day I don't know if he knows and I feel bad about it not bad enough clearly you have it hanging up somewhere yes but I can't tell you cuz then you'll tell him and he'll come and kill me and take [Music] it is this Gizmo by the way this is sort of unfair that she's ripping Gizmo AP I'm having like a childhood crisis but I'm going to let it happen um what was the question it's very hard to do a movie with visual effects and practical but I think ignorance is bliss that's kind of I go about directing I try not to have a too much planned out I just go into it and so I thought it would be really easy to shoot a movie completely practically which I love doing and then add VI effects later but the truth is you basically are making two movies you make a movie with the actors and then you make a whole another movie with these incredible colorful Beautiful Creatures hi hi those are my socks they look like a toy but oh my goodness oh my goodness I did I'm a terrible artist and as I was writing the script I would just jot down sketches of all the ifs that I was creating and then at the end of the script when we were done I just put them all up on a wall and said with my producing partner Alison Seager I said who's our Dream cast we put names under each one and I got every single person to say yes I owe them a whole lot of money that I should have paid them earlier but I I'm not going to uh no they all said yes and I got to say they said yes for a beautiful reason they said they love the idea of the movie and putting good out into the world is important right now so they all said yes for that and then they said who is this on most of their texts [Music] well Emily's one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life she has the greatest sense of humor she's got the greatest timing in delivery so I would do absolutely anything with her except puppy teeth she was always a huge supporter of this movie and then she was one of the first people to say that she would do a voice and she jumped in she is so funny in this movie She's uh uni she's the unicorn and she was [Music] fantastic what did we what did we watch on the flight what are we going to watch on the flight which one leatherheads that's a deep pull uh I have seen people watch the office on the flight and I usually go over to them and do a quick Q&A just right there on the on the flight do you have any questions about it is there anything you need to know going into it just so they know where they're at where they're coming from where they're [Music] going he is one of the greatest human beings ever I wrote the part for him because I just kept having his voice in my head while I was writing and the truth is I wasn't sure he was going to say yes so him saying yes was a big deal and then when he came to record for the first time I just thought hilarity will ensue because we haven't seen each other in a really long time and instead it started with him coming in jent gentlemen gentlemen to bed perfect oh thank you for listening and he came in and he gave me the greatest brother speech he immediately gave me a hug looked me straight in the eyes and said how proud he was of me that he loved the script and that ever since the office um seeing me go on and write and direct has been really moving for him so I wept for a good 30 minutes before we started the ADR session and then hi you want a little there you go that's right looked like I was snapping your neck but it was actually love and then he jumped right into that character so fast it was he is that character we should all get hugs from out blue or Steve honestly with Steve it's like the tiniest things it's the way he Giggles before he says a line or if he breeds in funny it was exactly like the same on the office I think the funniest things Steve does on the office is when he gets emotional and so those like deep breaths and like you it's like joking stuff that is the I could not finish the scene and if you go online there's evidence of that that I was never professional when he was doing those emotional scenes oh yeah okay it's all right I'll protect you I'm just thinking about what to call you so that when I bring you home to the girls and I'll have a story what is it snowballs sort of no we can do better than that these guys love it's complicated that's the demo right here it's complicated was one of the craziest experiences because I got to work with such Heroes of mine the story I definitely remember the most is yep okay okay I'll tell another one one of the ones that the story I remember the most is in the bathroom scene sure those are yours now when Alec Balwin uh he called it shotgunning in my mouth when he blows smoke in my mouth that was not planned that was an improv and so he grabbed me by my head and he is extremely powerful and he pulled me close to him and did the shotgun and you can see that I am breaking I am doing everything I can not to laugh it was one of the funniest improvs of all time and I couldn't I I'm just glad I didn't ruin the take this is my favorite behind the scenes memory maybe snowflake no I'm kidding that's even worse God oh excuse me excuse me okay hey hey hey he's just trying to no he's not actually I can't defend him he's making mistakes she's embarrassed by all of you by the way she is like please just take me away from them they're so dramatic yeah I've been a big vanan of Ryan forever I remember seeing not only him but the way he was funny I'd never seen anything like it he's got a huge heart and in this movie you'll see that and Kaye is I think from another planet she is so special the second she walked in the room I knew she was the part and the scariest thing about writing a movie like this is It's ambitious and it can go wrong 150 different ways but the number one way it can go wrong is if you don't find a girl who can deliver like that and she it's not even a performance it's a magic trick she brings you into this movie and she's the reason the movie works so she's Magic free guy I think I recorded into an iPhone so it was probably my best work and then getting to work with him on set yeah I mean again it's that thing of when you have when you wow you're going to be enormous by the way you're going to be huge um so getting to work with them in real life you get to see listen he's a creative Force so you can see why free guy was so special because it all comes from his brain and on this one he was nice enough to come into my brain let me in on this if we're going to do it let's do it is it usually this violent it is oh yeah okay great the only two people in my house that turns everything upside down is if Santa's coming or kayle's coming those are the two most important things that can come pause the you mean that no you're going to want to zoom in on that can we get a two [Music] shot if I would have told you I was the worst person to direct a genre movie because I I didn't know that much about horror movies ooh and there's eating everybody look guys don't get frustrated that's what they do this is I had never seen a lot of horror movies before I directed and then I watched a lot of horror movies to prepare for it and I think probably iTunes thought I was in a dark place in my life cuz it was just like 150 super dark movies on this one too I think I you just do what you love and the story you fall in love with it's hard to make a kids movie but you just go into it and it's that thing if you have the right people and everybody believes in it you can kind of do anything so I try not to think about pre-plan you know what I mean you just you hear hear a story or create a story and fall in love with and that's it oh man um so many I guess it's not technically on the air but peeky blinders I would wow that show blew me away the lead actor is pretty decent so I like working with people like that no py blinders is so good and they got to do so many fun things and twists and turns with those characters I would totally do that yes I called him Tommy when we had our first meeting and he was like what I was like totally kidding totally [Music] kidding those interview scenes where Kaye and Ryan are interviewing all the ifs to place them with other kids the best part was they were laughing so hard Ryan would was just amazing and so funny and Kaylee kept saying she's sorry and I said not only should you not be sorry but I'm going to put that in the movie and so there's a lot of scenes in the movie where she's just flat out laughing at Ryan which is great listen the whole movie is about Joy so might as well show it off jent jent okay ready go yes that one already knows fetch that one already knows [Music] eat listen the character of Jim I think no matter what I do with my career I'll always be most known for that and that's the greatest honor it was a special moment that show gave me absolutely every opportunity so it's more than a show that's my family so I would go visit that character that family any day good was that a good answer that's a button can you say button what's the actual date of Mother's Day cuz in the UK they have a different one it's very confusing so I was like us Mother's Day let's not get this wrong that was the last thing thank you BuzzFeed and thank you puppies well if you want to visit the puppies they are all adoptable at Northshore Animal League America I'm John krinski and you can go see my new movie if which is out right now how did we do good we did good [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 270,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CXU7jscnA14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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